tv CNN Newsroom CNN March 5, 2017 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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to investigate. his press secretary saying in a statement, reports congress potentially politically motivated investigations, immediately ahead of the 2016 election are very troubling. president donald j. trump is requesting that the congressional intelligence committee exercise their oversight authority to determine whether executive branch investigative powers were abused in between. neither the white house nor the president will comment further. president trump spent the weekend incredibly frustrated. we're covering all angles of this story. athena jones is live near the president's mar-a-lago estate. also live with us, shimone. athena, the white house calls the reports about politically motivated investigations troubling saying that congress
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needs to investigate. what reports are they referring to? >> that's a very good question, the question everybody is asking. what was the president talking about when he made these unsubstantiated allegations. what was he basing the allegations on. we've asked the white house repeatedly. i can tell you that a senior white house official suggested that the president might have been referring to a breitbart news story that has been circulating around the west wing and claimed that president obama was trying to somehow undermine the president or the then candidate trump's campaign and knew his administration. but otherwise it's not career what other reports they may have been referring to. the minority leader, democratic minority leader nancy pelosi talked about this that morning on 'state of the union." take a listen. >> it is ridiculous for the president, president trump to say that president obama would ever order any wiretap of an american citizen. any president. that's just not -- we don't do
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that. and so this is -- it's called a smear. you make up something and then you have the press white about it and thn you say everybody is writing about this charge. it's tool of an authoritarian. >> and that's of course another question here. are they somehow referring to the reports about the unsubstantiated allegations? it all gets to be a little confusing. but the point of the matter is that a lot of folks, not just democrats but also republicans are asking what the president is talking about and asking for him to present the evidence if he has any. >> so shimone, what are you learning about president trump's wiretap plans? >> so as you know, pamela, yesterday we reported that senior -- former senior u.s. officials within the department of justice told us basically knocked down these reports, these allegations from donald trump claiming that there was some wiretap on his phone.
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today we've also learned that not only was there no intelligence sort of fisa warrant issued to eavesdrop on his phone, there was also no criminal investigation that allowed donald trump's phones to be tapped. so this morning we got our first on the record comment from the former head of the dni. he sort of stunned chuck todd in his basic flat denial of trump's claims. >> i will say that for the part of the national security apparatus that i oversaw as dni, there was no such wiretap activity mounted against the president-elect at the time or as a candidate or against his campaign. i can't speak for other title 3 authorized entities in the government or a state or local entity. >> i was just going to say, if
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the fib, for instance, had a fisa court order of some sort for surveillance, would that be information you would or would not know. >> yes. >> you would be told this. >> i would know that. >> if there was a fisa order on something like that. >> something like this absolutely. >> and at this point you can't confirm or deny if something like that exists. >> i can deny? >> there is no fisa order. >> not to me knowledge. >> of anything at trump tower. >> no. >> so there you go. it was really our first on the record denial from an obama administration official saying to really the world, like, we really don't know what trump is talking about because we never did this. clapper was the head of the national -- dni. he was the director of the national intelligence agency overseeing this investigation, gathering intelligence sort of into the hacking of the election by the russians and the dnc to see, you know, was there any collusion. did people from the trump
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organization, did someone who was working for trump or any of trump's associates try to meddle in the election. he also said this morning that there was no evidence of that based from what he saw at the time, they didn't find any evidence of that. >> yeah. i mean, he certainly didn't mince words there. what are you hearing about the conversations that trump is having with friends at mar-a-lago? >> reporter: we've been reporting that the president is angry with much of his team. he's angry that the good reviews after his speech upon tuesday night before the joint session of congress and the good headlines that came out of that speech have been overwhelmed about this news of his aides talking to russian officials and the fact that jeff sessions has recused himself because he had that previously undisclosed meeting with russian ambassador
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sergey kislyak. reporting that his angry mood -- he was angry before he left on friday followed him down to mar-a-lago. and people who have kwfrgss with him over the last several days are saying he's continued to express frustration that the well-received address to congress has been 0 lost in the world about the reports of other matters. he also angrily raised the wire issue unprompted in conversations. he did not specify where the information that he was basing his accusations came from, he did say that he expected an investigation to prove him right. we know that the president continues to be upset about the fact that the focus is not on his speech. it's on the russian ties. >> and the tweets, now the focus is on what he tweeted yesterday
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morning. athena, shimone, thank you very much. i want to bring in my panel now, kimberly doizer and the former republican lieutenant governor of south carolina and bakari. kim kimberly, what did you make of clapper's answer there with chuck todd? >> that is a definitive answer letting us know that there was no court order ordering surveillance of anyone in the trump campaign. we don't know if there was a fisa order for surveillance of russian individuals who would be talking to the trump campaign. clapper didn't go into that. but it's pretty clear that it's going to be tough to find evidence that trump is alleging exists. the amazing thing to me is that
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the president hasn't condemned m moscow after the evidence was presented that they tried to hack the election. but now based on a breitbart news report or some report out there he's making the allegations against the last president. >> and even fellow republicans weren't sure what to make of president trump's wiretapping claims. take a listen to florida senator marco rubio. >> i have no -- i'm not sure what it is he is talking about. perhaps the president has information that is not yet available to us or to the public. and if it's true, obviously we're going to find out very quickly. and if it isn't, obviously he'll have to explain what he meant by it. i don't -- i'm not sure what the genesis of that statement was but while u i imagine we're going to learn more about it over the next few days one way or the other. >> is this a case of shoot first ask questions later? did the president throw out the charge yesterday and now wants
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to see if there's proof of one of the most stunning allegations of the free world of his predecessor? >> this is exact lly why the people of america are becoming less trusting of media. we've had accusations from the "the new york times" saying there were definitely unnamed sources that said the trump campaign had close tie to russia. we've had no proof and nothing to back it up. now we know who's making the accusation as far as wire tapping. the president of the united states has made that allegation. he's willing to put his name out there. i think it's great that jeff sessions recused himself with the russia issue so he can full court do a special investigation on this. i guarantee you president trump does know something and there's more out there that we don't know about. for too long we've under estimated this president and time and time again he's been right when he's been under estimated when people said it would never happen and he was
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abs sclolutely incorrect. >> one thing this administration does not have is trust and credibility. the president, the vice president, sean spicer, the chief of staff, kelly and conway have gone out of their way to say there were no conversations with russia. we found that they have lied about that. there have been contacts. but to come back to what the president said in regards to this outlandish comment about the 44th president of the united states, barack obama, this isn't the first time he's made outlandish comments. he said that 3 million people illegally voted. he said that the unemployment rate of african-americans were 50% plus. saying we had 96 million americans who are unemployed. this president makes these statements all of the time and these statements are just flatly lies. now we have to go back and prove a lie to be a lie which is a little bit illogical. but the media has to do its job and do that.
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this is not something that is going to take us away from our eye being on the ball, which is the fact that apparently there are issues with donald trump, his campaign, his presidency and the russian government. >> and andre, didn't the fact that the president is now saying, well this needs to be investigated and i'll be proven right, insinuate that he doesn't have proof to back up the accusation he made about the former president? >> well, i think whatever proof he gives you're not going to believe it any way. >> well that's not fair. look, we're all waiting for proof. and let me just ask you this. >> i remember the press saying look, donald trump is never going to run, he es never going to win the primary, the markets will tank, all of those things, exactly the opposite happens. the media loves to push a narrative. again with no named sources they've continued to push this nair tiff of russia without any proof whatsoever.
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called for special investings ga -- investigations. he's willing to put his presidency on the line. we know that who is making the accusation. the last couple of months we've heard no proof whatsoever as far as how the russians affected the outcome of a presidential election. >> you're giving him credit for putting his name out there with this allegation. doesn't that lead to two nair jos. either he is wrong, he made this up, there's nothing to it or a court approved wiretapping of his phone which means there was probable cause to think there could be collusion. aren't those the two nair jos here, andre? >> yes. and they're very very strong. if he feels strongly enough to put that out in a tweet and now he's going to have to at some point in time answer that wa, i think that speaks volumes. >> president trump has had a complicated history with former president obama.
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here's a quick reminder of that. >> i think that president obama is behind it because his people are certainly behind it. and we are grateful to president obama and first lady michelle obama for their gracious aid throughout this transition. he is the founder of isis. he's the founder of isis. i have great respect. the meeting lasted for almost an hour and a half and it could have gone on for a lot longer. our president greatest divider i've ever seen. >> so we've had a statement from the former president spokesperson denying the ware tapping story. but is it time for mr. obama to come out and shut this down himself, bakari? >> not at all. the president served this country admirably for eight years. he doesn't owe us or donald
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trump anything. there's a new "the new york times" story coming out -- >> we have not confirmed that, just to put that out there. >> that's fine. the point being is that this president lies and he lies often. my good friend andre was going town a litany of things that donald trump actually quote unquote disproved media and everybody else about. let me tell you what he's never come out and apologized for and disproved. when he came out and said barack obama was of muslim dissent or kenyan. the pact fact that 3 million pe voted in an election and that barack obama founded isis. now he's saying that barack obama wire tapped his phones. none of those things are true, will be proven to be true. donald trump lies and there's nothing to hold him accountable for those lies. next week there will be a new lie that he will tweet or rest
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his case on. >> one of the things that all of this back and forth is having the effect on is his support among the national security community, law enforcement, intelligence. there were a lot of people who were very much behind his presidency who was speaking to in the fall, who i'm in touch with now and their reaction is dismay. some say maybe these tweet storms that seem to change the channel on what we're talking about and get the media look in some other direction are sort of a dre zi like a fox strategy. but others i'm speaking to say every time we think this presidency starts going in the right direction and has some stability, he himself knocks it off course and they're losing confidence. >> what do you have to say to that, andre? >> well, again, they are unnamed people. nobody is sticking their name out there. you can always find -- the media has a great knack of finding unnamed people who make these accusations. i would like to see that person
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come forward saying i did support donald trump and now i don't. you don't ever see that. >> this is just taking the mood of how the people feel who are trump supporters. they're concerned. >> and i have to say, i mean -- >> again, we don't know who that trump supporter is. >> james clapper, the former leader of the dni came out and said that donald trump's accusations were wrong. that was on the record this morning. >> he was on the record saying he didn't know about it. >> he said he did not know -- and he would not if there was a fisa warrant to tap donald trump's phone. and he left in january. so he would have known if during the campaign if this accusation that donald trump tweeted was in fact true. and then you have sara huckabee sanders, she was asked this morning if a breitbart article was the source of the president's claims. let's take a listen to what she said. >> i think the bigger thing is, you guys are always telling us to take the media seriously.
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we are today. we're taking the reports that places like the "the new york times," fox news, bbc, multiple outlets have reported this. >> okay. so andre, what is your reaction to that, basically she's saying this was based on the media reports without any sort of hard proof to back up what the president has tweeted. >> well, you know, i don't know where he came from with this. but i feel like if he was willing to put this out there, he must have some information that i don't have and maybe my friend sara huckabee doesn't have as well. >> what if it ends up it really was based on these articles. how would you feel about that? >> i think that is more than a fair question. and if it is in fact, e has no way to back it up, it doesn't help him when he tries to convince the american public of something else. it's a credibility issue. he's got to be able to back this up and substantiate it. >> we got to wrap it up. i'm sorry so much. you know you're on all of the
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time. you'll have another chance to say what you want to say. thank you for that really interesting and important discussion. >> have a blessed weekend. >> you too. coming up on this sunday, mexico now offering legal aid to immigrants has president trump pushing tougher deportation standards. plus a texas rancher says he's give up part of the land that's been in his family for centuries 0 so that the government can build a border wall. >> i'm not sure that a ball will stop all of this. i l would like to see it stopped. and a border wall is just one big ticket item on the president's budget wish list. he wants billions for defense and a trillion for infrastructure. but is his spending plan realistic. a former trump adviser joins us live in the cnn newsroom. and seconds... how about adding a third?
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get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. if it's severe stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. other side effects include gas, stomach-area pain and swelling. talk to your doctor about managing your symptoms proactively with linzess. well mexico is moving to
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protect its citizens in light of tougher deportation standards mere in the u.s. the direct request of the president, more than 300 workers will be hired to staff immigrant defense centers inside mexico's embassy and the consulates across the 50 states. we're in mexico city. mexico is spending $50 million on this op how will the centers operate? >> reporter: it's a pretty penny for what their goal is t, whichs to protect mexicans in the united states. this is an exclusive center for legal aid and con sue lar services. think of this as the mexican government rallies all immigrant advocates that will be able to help their people in the u.s. and putting it in one place to help mexicans in the united states that may have fears, may have concerns, may need extra
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legal aid given some of the changes between the two governments. now i did check in with a few of the biggest consulates in the u.s. and they're telling me that there's quite a need for this, that these concerns over deportation, these fears over what could happen with a new administration really driving the traffic to the consulate. and it really should be of new surprise that this is how the government is responded. because over and over again the president and the foreign minister have been said human rights is a big topic for them, a big priority. something they discussed when secretary tillerson and kelly were here visiting. at the u.n. the foreign minister said hey, look, if there any human rights violation on our immigrants in the u.s., we will not hesitate to seek justice. this is something that's always been important and talked about. but just in the last few weeks,
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actually after the visit from the u.s. dip mates helomates ha for it. but now taking action, putting the defense centers in the 50 mexican consulates in the u.s. and included in their mobile consulates as well. >> already. interesting development there. leyla santiago bringing us the latest. thank you. turning now to impact your world. many refugees from various nations have settled in the u.s. one charity is helping mothers with young children adjust to their new life in america. >> these women share a common experience of being displaced from their home countries with young children. refugee family literacy program is a two-generation program provide education for refugee mothers and their young child n
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children. children come to our school and participate in an early childhood development program so they start school some day they'll hit the ground running. mothers are upstairs learning english. our students are from 20 different countries. >> i'm from burma, 2007. and the government is not good. it's not safe. >> they didn't want to leave their home country. they leave because they did not have any choice. that common experience transcends language. these women are able to support each other sometimes in ways that even i can't. >> we're going to look at the front page. >> i think a misconception is that most refugees were uneducated and impoverished. many refugees have strong education, strong skill sets and so much to offer us in the united states.
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well as undocumented migrants make their way across the southern border, a texas border rancher who lives on land his family has owned for centuries is fed. and he told the cnn crew that he'll gladly give up part of hi family's land to make room for donald trump's border wall. >> i was born in february 26, 1944. >> reporter: where? >> about 100 yards from here in that direction. >> reporter: roberto escobar's roots run deep into his acres of south texas soil. >> my ancestors lived here as
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well. >> reporter: like six generations before him -- >> that is the rio grand right there zblsh the 73-year-old farms and ranches this property in star county, texas. >> through the years we've worked the grande. took off the brush and leveled it out. >> reporter: this rugged and dusty land has carried the name of the escobar family for centuries long before he was made a part of the republic of texas. this teacher, farmer and rancher is as american as it gets. >> that property has been in our family since around 1767. >> reporter: escobar says as long as there's been a border there have been smugglers determined to cross it illegally. his father saw bootleg tequila sneak over the rio grand. these days it's people and
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drugs. >> i'm not sure that a wall will ever stop all of this. i would like to see it stopped. >> reporter: you won't find many neighbors who share escobar's views in that pofrt texas. he is a conservative in a predominantly blue region of a red state. >> our president in his own party beat 16 other candidates. what does that tell him. that the american people were listening to him. so at some point i started listening to him as well. the tires of course are right there. >> reporter: escobar says he's seen first hand the face of immigration from his store step. >> we've been moved be many of these cases, absolutely. and so many of them come and tell us their stories about their hunger pains over there. about the corruption, about the illegal activities going on in their country. it breaks our heart.
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>> reporter: something else that will break his heart, when he has to part with something he holds dear. >> if my county needs part of my property, i would be willing to give it up to we can continue to be the land of the brave and the home of the free like it always has been for immigrants from all over the world that come here seeking to be a part of this country in a legal way. >> reporter: this man gave trump his vote, now he's prepared to give trump his land. cnn, star county, texas. coming up right here on this sunday in the newsroom. from a wall to a trillion dollar infrastructure plan to more money for defense. president trump has a lot of spending on his to-do list and he wants to do it all without adding to the deficit. is that feasible? we'll do the math, up next. (becky) i've seen such a change
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well president trump reaffirmed his pledge to increase defense spending this week. but that's not all. the president said in his congressional address that he wants to boost law enforcement and infrastructure spending as well. then there's the matter of building the wall. how much would all of this cost, as in taxpayers. what would it cost for us. cnn's tom foreman breaks down the numbers. >> even for a billionaire president, the budget proposal is a whopper. >> thank you very much. >> starting with a trillion dollars for infrastructure, new bridges, roads, dams, power lines. >> financed through public and private capital creating
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millions of new jobs. >> also on the wish list, a $54 billion or 10% increase for the military, which already accounts for more than half of all discretionary spending. and of course -- >> we will soon begin the construction of a great, great wall along our southern border. >> the president has said mexico will pay for it. mexico says no. but for now that's at least another $10 billion in the budget. but this may be the boldest claim about the plan. >> all of that without adding to the currently projected fy-2018 deficit. >> that's right. the administration says it can offset all of those costs with savings and spending cuts. for example, up to 25% of the money for the environmental protection agency could go away, eliminating 3,000 jobs. the new administrator -- >> we're going to roll back the regulations that have been in
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overreach in the past. that's going to be the focus in the near term and the budgeting process will play out. >> the irs, the department of education and foreign aid are also on the chopping block. that aid is just a tiny fraction of overall spending but -- >> with $20 million in debt, can you imagine that, the government must learn to tighten its belt. >> what's off limits? entitlements, including medicare, medicare, social security, programs for unemployment and welfare, these are roughly 65% of the budget but for now the white house is refusing to touch most of them. and congress may hesitate to touch the president's budget at all. republican senator lindsey graham suggested it's so loaded with political and real risks it's dead on arrival. tom foreman cnn washington. >> and our thanks to tom foreman there. let's discuss this further with stephen moore, a former economics adviser for the trump
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campaign. great to have you on. >> great to be with you. >> good to have you. president trump is pushing for tax cuts but also big spend ppg how do these numbers add up? wreck it down for us. >> i cringed when i heard some of the spending increases that he talked about in the state of the union. i'm an old style fiscal conse e conservative and you're going to have to make cutbacks in spending. this deficit if we do nothing is headed to a trillion dollars over the next few years. so the outlook is bleak if we do nothing. we need to do a couple of things. first of all, we need to get the economic growth rate up, from 2% to 4%, you substantially ib crease the amount of revenues that come into the government and that does a lot to bringing down the deficit. but then you have to look at the other areas of the budget that need to be cut. now that report that you just showed mentioned a lot of them. by the way, there are a couple
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minor details i would take issue with. medicaid is not off the table. obamacare and medicaid are intertwined and there are going to be substantial reductions in medica medicaid, turning a lot of the programs back to the states. and then the welfare programs, i think we can save a lot of money in welfare. my goodness, this is supposed to be the 8th year of an economic recovery and we have 44 million people maon food stamps. we can get a lot of those people into the workforce and paying taxes. >> correct me if i'm wrong, steven. the president has been more reluctant than others in his party to make cuts to entitlement programs such as medicare and social security, right? >> that is true. but just to be precise about what he said on the campaign and what he's saying now, is we shouldn't deal with med tear and social security until we really get this economy moving again. by the way, i think that's pretty good advice. you know, job number one is put
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people back into jobs. and then we we get a robust economy, then i think we can turn to doing things like raising the retirement age and other reforms that will save money. but for the short term president trump said no cuts to social security and medicare. >> and there are certain gop leaders like senators john mccain and lindsey graham who have pushed back on president trump's budget. in fact graham is taking issue with the president's cuts to the state department. listen to what he said at a town hall on this issue. >> this budget being proposed by president trump, who i want to help, cuts the state department by 30%. here what i will tell you. if you want this war to go on forever, bomb them and leave. if you're safe by dropping a bomb and coming back home, you'll never be safe. >> so what do you think, stephen? do you think the president may amend his propoemss as he hears more of these types of criticisms? >> well i disagree with lindsey
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graham that these agencies can't take 15% or 20% cuts. i've worked for the government. i'm in the swamp as donald trump would talk about it. and look, there's huge amounts of waste in the federal bureaucracy and the department of energy and commerce and department of education that spends 50, $60 billion a years, very little money gets back to the kids that need the help. and by the way, i think the american people agree there's substantial waste in the way that the government spends money. but i would agree with your contention here. it's very difficult to cut the budget. pamela, i go back to the early 1980s when ronald reagan tried it. i remember when we tried to do it when newt gingrich took congress and we did get some cuts with the cooperation of bill clinton. it's a very difficult thing to do because congress like to play santa claus. they like to hand out favors, they don't like to take them back. >> we'll have to wait and see how this all plays out under the
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trump administration. stephen moore, thank you so much for coming on. >> thank you. northern exposure, president trump's sons face protesters at the opening of their new vancouver hotel, but is there a conflict of interest lurking. that story next live in the cnn newsroom. that help them save on their car insurance. any questions? -yeah. -how do you go to the bathroom? great. any insurance-related questions? -mm-hmm. -do you have a girlfriend? uh, i'm actually focusing on my career right now, saving people nearly $600 when they switch, so... where's your belly button? [ sighs ] i've got to start booking better gigs. [ sighs ] and the wolf huffed like you do sometimes, grandpa? well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. it can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. so i talked to my doctor. she said...
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the big question, is he putting himself at risk for conflicts of interest. christina has the report. >> a glittering new building in vancouver bears the president's name. his children on hand to celebrate the opening. >> i'd like to thank the press, just kidding. >> the $360 million project was built by malaysia's group. >> you can't have a great partnership if you're not on the same page. >> it owns the building and pays to name. >> president trump was not here. thank you for entrusting me with your family's coveted brand. >> reporter: the project has been controversial. >> everything that this man stands for is everything we are against as canadians. >> reporter: but could this gleaming tower house a potential constitutional violation. >> the trump vancouver property is an a apollments magment.
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. >> it bars the president from receiving gifts or payments tr foreign governments could be tested. details of the contract are private. but real estate experts say the trump's licensing fee is usually around 3 to 4% of each condo sold in the building. and that money comes from foreigners. lots of them. >> when you have somebody who is a foreign national and has foreign government associations making purchases, it's fair to ask who is actually paying for that unit. >> reporter: for example, a buyer here is a senior executive at the national bank of abu dhabi, a state-owned bank. the bank stays he bought a condo in 2014 using his own money, but he's just one of 214 buyers listed on the title search document reviewed by cnn. >> it is an opportunity for foreign governments or those who are the agents of foreign
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governments to purchase units in the property and by so doing to transfer foreign government cash to mr. trump. >> just before the president took office, his attorney sketched out a plan to avoid u amoll ewement. >> made to his hotels to the united states treasury. >> reporter: but the plan only included hotel profits from foreign countries. not condo or golf courses. >> surely there's just as much you might say even more risk in a a property like this one where the purchase price is much more than just that of a hotel room. >> you're look at live pictures right here of air force one landing at joint base andrews. president trump returning from a
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weekend at his florida estate. a weekend that included the president accusing former president obama without any proof of wire. tapping his phones. we'll tell you how lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are responding to than we'll be right back. stay with us. i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo is specifically designed to open up airways to improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid.
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3:00 pm
those are the words from president trump according to a a media outlet. you are looking at pictures of the president arriving after a weekend in florida. . a weekend that included him accusing president obama of wiretapping his phones during the campaign, an allegation president trump provided no evidence to support. his predecessor and former director of national intelligence say it's simply not true. but the white house wants an investigation. press secretary sean spicer saying this morning, quote, reports concerning potentially politically motivated investigations immediately awe head of the 2016 election are very troubling. president donald trump is requesting that as part of their investigation into russian activity, the congressional intelligence committee exercise their u authority to determine whether executive branch powers were abused in 2016. neither the white house or president will comment further until such oversight is is conducted. all of this amid-new reports of rising
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