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tv   New Day  CNN  March 7, 2017 3:00am-4:01am PST

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explain what is in the proposal and what it means. >> and all this as president trump continues the claims that former president obama illegally wiretapped him during fbi chief james comey is reportedly, quote, incredulous over president trump's allegations. it is day 47 of the trump administration. let's begin with sunlen serfaty on capitol hill. >> reporter: repeal and replace obamacare but already major fault lines are emerging within the republican party. within hours, there was criticism and concern coming from many republicans and even the white house isn't yet fully endorsing this bill, only calling it an important step forward. >> it is obamacare gone. >> house republicans unveiling their long-awaited replacement
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of obamacare. >> when we repeal and replace obamacare, it will amount to the biggest entitlement reform in the last ten years. >> reporter: central to their bill, american health care act, individual and employer mandate, tax penalty for people without insurance. the replacement, a continuous coverage incentive, a 30% surcharge on premiums for consumers for one year who let their coverage lapse, levied by insurers. the plan phases out obamacare's expansion of medicaid, eventually capping federal funds to the program for each state in 2020. obamacare subsidies replaced by refundable tax credits determined by age and income. what will stay? obamacare's protections of those with pre-existing conditions and adult children can remain on their parents' plan until the age of 26. some republicans are already divided, calling the bill obamacare 2.0. >> i've already heard from some
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constituents upset about you're creating another entitlement program? we're calling it tax credits that we actually send people checks. >> reporter: the house republicans proposing the bill did not offer any estimate of how much their plan would cost or how many people would lose coverage. >> the biggest concern i have, will it lower health care costs and premiums to those people that i serve? >> the plans will be much less expensive than obamacare, they'll be far better than obamacare. it will be unbelievable. >> reporter: the white house calling the bill an important step toward restoring health care choices in affordability. democrats are now gearing up for a fight, rallying against the bill's provision to strip all federal funding to planned parenthood, arguing millions of poor and working class individuals will lose or be unable to afford health insurance under the plan. democratic leader nancy pelosi calling it the make america sick again bill. and the wheels on all this will
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formally start turning up here on capitol hill on wednesday, when two house committees will start marking up the bill. all eyes certainly will be on the hearing for deputy attorney general today. this is something that typically would be a nonevent but the person in line for this nomination would oversee the russian investigation and, allison and chris, this has many democrats threatening to stall his nomination if he does not appoint a special prosecutor in the russian investigation. >> sunlen, appreciate it. we'll be dealing with all that but this health care bill, we've been waiting to see what the proposed bill. we have it, we read in. we have experts. cnn analyst jeffrey toobin. alex burns, washington bureau chief for the daily beast, jackie gusenic and david
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drucker. those introductions no less complicated than the plan in front of us for the aca. let's put up a punch list for what the main things are. we have a graphic so we can focus on the highlights. the mandates that everybody get covered. upside is that it would create a bigger pool, lower cost basis. it's gone. tax credits are going to replace the income-based subsidies. the criticism of that is that it's going to mean less for people and families. ends medicaid expansion in 2020. that has a lot of implications for states. and states get fixed amount of money per enrollee. part of the social security act, they've been repealed in this. we'll tell you what that means. children can remain on the parents' plan until 26.
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lifts the tax burdens on wealthy insurers and prescription drug manufacturers. that means that employers don't have to cover you the way they did under the aca. what does that mean? we'll discuss. insurers can levy a 30% surcharge on premiums if coverage lapses. this is a trade on the mandate. if you go a certain period without coverage you'll get a penalty and that replace the mandate that is economically politically debatable. we'll get into it. david drucker, those on the hill from the gop, they were happy because -- >> they got a bill finally and can start to move on something and stop talking about something that doesn't exist. one of the reasons the affordable care act numbers look a lot better is that the unknown is always worse than what you know. let's not forget why we're here. affordable care act, obamacare, has never really been that popular. it's been unpopular with republicans, certainly, but the
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rest of the country really never caught on with this thing, never thought it really worked. there's high deductibles, depending where you live. there's care you want that you feel like you can't get. there's a political opening here. notice why president trump never talks about doing anything with medicare. because people like medicare, even though there are a lot of problems. why do they talk about repealing and replacing obamacare? people wanted something done. can republicans in the house and senate come together? trump will play an integral role in forging consensus here. if he doesn't do it, it won't happen. >> that is the key challenge, right? already you're hearing republicans in the house, swrim jord -- jim jordan saying i don't see any significant changes here. it's significantly the same thing to me as obamacare. my guess is that this bill looks like the last one and we didn't like the last one. >> every bill will count, particularly in the senate.
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so, this is something they're going to have to work -- i don't think what we're looking at right now will end up being the last bill. >> you think this is the first offering? >> the first draft. >> the cornhusker is a good example about mythology around obamacare. it was never part of the bill but sort of around this sinister idea of obamacare that it was some terrible thing. >> backroom deals. >> backroom deals but it wasn't -- right, a deal that was actually made. the problem here is that, as chris' extremely good summary illustrates, this is really complicated. and this is a good example of, you broke it, you own it. >> they're betting on it being complicated. >> yeah. >> the way this is worded, alex burns, very interesting when you look at it. it's worded to sell. it talks about hey, there's going to be a penalty if you don't have care. that will make up for getting
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rid of the mandate. two big problems in terms of selling t one, you have this division of people who say it didn't go far enough and those who say it went too far. is it easy to criticize this because the numbers don't work? it will be more expensive and less people will be covered? a big problem it's not cbo scored. what does that mean? why should anybody care? >> as the debate -- >> what does that even mean, cbo scored? >> congressional budget office that is responsible for telling the government what proposals will cost long term and what effect, economically, it will have. we don't have that information right now. as the house begins marking up this legislation tomorrow and thursday, you're going to potentially have people voting on key provisions of the bill without actually knowing -- >> the cbo has said they will not be able to score this before people start voting. >> it means they'll be beginning this debate with this fuse
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beginning in the background. however far they get before that number comes out the debate completely changes once that happens. >> right. >> we also know -- it's very difficult to predict exactly how this would play out. one thing you know for sure, this is a big tax cut for wealthy people. period. there's no doubt about that. the coverage issues are a lot more complicated to predict how they will play out. but the tax cut is beyond dispute. >> so rich people will like it. >> there you go. >> everybody else may not like it. chris and i talk about this all the time. the density of things, we call that the broccoli. we've gone through the broccoli. now there's also the emotions around it. i mean, there's also -- you know, get beyond the wonkiness of it. you see those town halls where people are coming in and out droves to either say i've always hated obamacare or saying i like my coverage. don't touch this. >> those aren't going to stop. it will just get more intense. this summer will be filled with -- it wouldn't surprise me
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if it's like the summer of 2010 where you saw massive rallies, a lot of emotions and stories. >> people have to read this stuff for themselves. >> of course they do. >> one concern for the citizen is listen to the hype, sales pitches and critics. you won't know what's true unless you do your homework. >> in terms of satisfaction with your health care new cnn/orc poll shows quality of care, 78% people feel satisfied with. that's down from 2009 which was 82%. insurance coverage, are you satisfied? 68%, down from 736789 out-of-pocket costs only 46% are satisfied, down from 52. cost of u.s. health care only 14% satisfied down from 23. whats to that tell us? >> if republicans are going to make a successful sales pitch, they would focus on the overall cost of the u.s. health care system and out-of-pocket expenses. those are the parts of the current law people feel aren't
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working for them. chris was saying the concerns people are going to listen to the hype from one side or the other and not learn facts on their own, it's pretty remarkable that they put out this legislation without any major fanfare and sales pitch. you had a tepid statement from the president. it will ultimately come down how far they can move this will come down to whether the president really does use the power of his office and pulpit to bring in that hype to compensate for a lot of the substantive issues. >> give us one last point. >> tom price, secretary of st e health and human services, is already using his authority to unwind the offeredable care act. this legislation is coming in to try to clean up everything else. it will come down to the politics of this, whether people feel they'll personally be better off than they were when
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this started. one of the failings is that too many people lost their plans they liked and doctor they liked even though they said health care itself needs to be reformed. president trump rolling out his revised travel ban with also very little fanfare. he and top aides are doubling down on their claim that trump tower was wiretapped. fbi director james comey is said to be, quote, incredulous. joe johns is at the white house. good morning, joe. >> reporter: good morning, allison. the president's aides have been working hard to defend it. the focus is really on the justice department, which has remained silent in the face of pressure to speak out. fbi director james comey was, quote, incredulous, after president trump's weekend twitter tirade, accusing former president obama of wiretapping his phones during the 2016 election.
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a person familiar with the matter told cnn. comey, concerned that the president's unfounded allegation would make the fbi look bad, directed staff members to reach out to the justice department, asking them to publicly knock down the president's story. the justice department's silence on the matter now frustrating to comey. >> we've only heard unsubstantiated sources make those comments. i don't think director comey has commented. >> reporter: sean spicer doubling down the president's statement but he, like the president, offering no proof. >> there's no question something happened. the question is, is it surveillance, a wiretap or whatever, but there's been enough reporting that strongly suggests that something occurred. >> reporter: as for the fate of president trump's relationship with the fbi director -- >> i haven't even asked him that yet. today he's focused, first and foremost, on this effort to keep the country safe.
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>> reporter: john kelly says he doesn't know anything about the president's charge but he, too, is backing trump's explosive claims. >> if the president of the united states said it, he has his reasons to say it. he's got some convincing evidence that that took place. >> reporter: meanwhile, the president is circumventing cameras for the rollout of travel ban 2.0. >> this will bolster the security of the united states. >> reporter: signing his executive order behind closed doors, the white house releasing one photo. the revised 90-day ban includes six instead of seven muslim-majority countries. iraq, a crucial partner in the fight against isis, is now off the list, after the president's advisers urged him to remove it. the order now clearly stating that current visa holders and those with a green card from the six countries can travel to the u.s. and syrian refugees are no longer banned indefinitely. >> this executive order responsibly provides a needed pause so we can carefully review
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how we scrutinize people coming here from these countries of concern. >> reporter: the government says other countries could be targeted by the revised travel ban in the future. the drafters also got rid of language that would have given a religious preference to christians, but there's still a lot of opposition to it. this new travel ban is expected to start being enforced march 16th. we'll be watching that. chris and allison? >> joe, appreciate it. trump's homeland security secretary said the president must have convincing evidence for his wiretap claims. that's not what the fbi is saying. that's one of the topics next. with the travelocity customer first guarantee... your only worry... will be that one... rogue... cloud.
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if the president of the united states said that, he has his reasons to say that. he has some convincing evidence that that took place. >> what possibly could that convincing evidence be? >> i don't pretend to even guess as to what the motivation might have been for a previous administration to do something like that. >> that was john kelly, saying that president trump must have convincing evidence to make those claims of illegal
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wiretapping. let's discuss this with our political panel. we want to bring back alex burns, david drucker. none of his spokespeople could explain where president trump was getting his information that president obama illegally wiretapped him. where does that leave us? >> with the fact that there was no evidence. everyone that was in position to know if such an order or such wiretapping existed during the obama administration said it doesn't exist. so, the the most logical interference is that president trump was just making this up. >> look, we have to figure out what the right lens of analysis is on this. you heard from former officials. they say it's not there. clapper said he's unaware of
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anything like that. you would assume he would be. citizen trump, candidate trump, okay. you want to talk to your news sources, do that. president of the united states, you worked at the doj. if he wants to know whether there was a fisa warrant involving him or his organization, or his people, can he just pick up the phone and find out that answer? shouldn't john kelly know what the answer to that question is? >> not only could he pick up the phone and get the answer, he could declassify it on his own. the president has absolute power to declassify any information he chooses. >> why do you have to listen to somebody on the radio if you have the ability to find out yourself? >> have you been following donald trump? >> he's the president now. >> he said the evidence is going to come out, chris. >> a 70-year-old man. i don't know about you but most 70-year-old men i know don't change. this is who he is. this is who we elected and this is how he behaves. >> i was reading conservative
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websites last night. they keep coming back to the notion that we do know that president obama's doj did surveil some of its perceived political enemies, such as cbs reporter sharyl attkisson, whose e-mails she says were read. they hang on to this and say stuff like this was happening. >> i don't think that anybody questions that the obama administration conducted extensive surveillance, including people who were involved in sweeping investigations that involved their political enemies, right? there's a huge leap between saying that and saying that the president himself ordered the wiretapping of trump tower. >> forget the president part. if it was the obama doj and they went to a fisa court, got a fisa warrant and did tap, wiretap the servers in trump tower, is that so outrageous to imagine? >> i guess it depends on what the information was that they would have submitted to the fisa court to get that application
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approved. if i'm donald trump and have reason to believe there was probable cause grant bid a court for surveillance of me and my associates, i'm not sure i would be eager to get that out there. the important thing to keep coming back is we're talking about hypotheticals within hypotheticals. there's no evidence for this proposition. it's possible we may get it at some point. there is this dynamic when president trump goes out and makes one of these outlandish or unsupported claims, the whole world tries to figure out what is the set of facts or circumstances that could justify that claim. >> right, but this one is different than 5 million people voted illegally or they were really celebrating after 9/11. he could justify this one, david. that's my point in this. i don't know why this is a fight about whether alex's newspaper is the reason for this, because the new york times is another thing they're circulating, saying you said this. even though it never said fisa
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warrants but surveillance going on. this is the same game run by certain aspects of the political right with flynn. they said flynn was wiretapped. no he wasn't. the russian was wiretapped and he got picked up on that. it's a meaningful distinction when you talk about what the facts are versus what you want them to be. >> i spoke to a number of republicans and said what is the president doing? is it anything different than he has always done? they couldn't really give me an answer. they said number one, the president needs an enemy. he needs to fight with somebody because that keeps his base loyal to him. and, number two, he doesn't really want to find out whether or not this happened, in their point of view. what he wants to do is inject into the discussion exactly what we're doing, which is talking now because of the president's so far baseless charge. >> to the cost of his own
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credibility and his relationship with the intelligence community, he may have to rely on them for a life or death situation. >> he measures his relationship with everybody and his political credibility differently than we do. and he is not -- what he wanted was a discussion of whether or not obama or the obama administration wire tapped people, whether it could have happened and he's getting it. he's happy. >> very revealing during the briefing yesterday, donald trump has called for the intelligence communities to make this part of the investigation. that said, when asked about this yesterday, sean spicer said he wouldn't necessarily accept the findings of those intelligence committees if they come to find something that might not reconfirm his world view. that's very telling. >> yeah. the byproduct is that the intelligence community feels insulted and shunned and how is that going to work, moving forward? >> one thing to keep in mind -- last time this happened a dossier came out. >> there's going to be a crisis in this administration, a
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military matter, terrorist matter and the president is going to go on television and say these missiles were fired and these many troops were involved and his credibility is going to be damaged on things that really matter. >> the new travel ban, revised travel ban, is it constitutional? will it pass legal muster? >> it has a much better chance, much more professionally drafted document t gets rid of some of the problems that the courts found with the other one, special privileges for christians, explanation for why these countries, these six now instead of seven countries were targeted, because they don't have functioning systems so that we can trust the people who are coming from there. i think they are on much more solid ground. you saw the attorneys general, who challenged the first travel ban taking much more cautious, we'll wait and see. we're going to evaluate it. it's a very different legal situation than the first travel ban. >> there you go.
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panel, thank you very much. up next, growing tensions between north korea and malaysia because of this murder of kim jong-un's half brother. and were u.s. military bases in japan, what the north koreans were trying to reach with that missile launch? new details next. call us or your advisor. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. oh, it's actually...s your sfx: (short balloon squeal) it's ver... sfx: (balloon squeals) ok can we... sfx: (balloon squeals) i'm being so serious right now... i really want to know how your coffee is. it's... sfx: (balloon squeals) hahahaha, i had a 2nd balloon goodbye! oof, that milk in your coffee was messing with you, wasn't it? yeah. happens to more people than you think. try lactaid, it's real milk, without that annoying lactose. mmm. good right? yeah. lactaid. it's the milk that doesn't mess with you.
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all right. president trump reaching out to reassure the leaders of south korea and japan, following the latest provocation from north korea. north korea is banning malaysian residents from leaving. why? malaysia is preventing north korean residents from leaving. in response, this is going both ways, all over the death of kim jong-un's half brother. president trump proposing to
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stop funds to planned parenthood unless they agree to stop abortions. severe storms over the country's midsection. meteorologist chad myers has the forecast. what do you see? >> more storms today, chris, but not as many. 400 reports of damage yesterday and some of these tornadoes had major damage. today's forecast is brought to you by purina, your pet, our passion. severe weather today this afternoon but southeast of where those storms were yet. we still have rain showers and even a tornado watch in effect. severe thunderstorm watch in effect a little bit ago. now things are calming down. they will fire back up. there's the severe thunderstorm watch issued. the weather gets into atlanta, nashville, all the way up toward the northeast for later this afternoon. if you're flying through the southeast, make sure you keep your seat belt on. it will be a bumpy ride across the area. if you have to fly over those. the winds are still blowing. we've had many, many reports of
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wildfires in the plains. they'll try to get those out later this afternoon. allison? >> chad, thanks for keeping an eye on that for us. fbi director james comey clashing with president trump over the wiretapping claims. what's comey's next move? (vo) a lifetime of your dog's nutritional needs... all in one. purina one. healthy energy, all in one. strong muscles, all in one. highly digestible, and a taste he loves, all in one. purina one smartblend is expertly blended... with 100% nutrition, 0% fillers, always real meat #1. lifelong smart nutrition. it's all in one. purina one.
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fiche director jim comey butting heads with president trump, kind of. comey hasn't said anything in public but it was reported that he was, quote, incredulous over the president's claim that he was wiretapped by the obama white house. where does this fight go? let's discuss. former cia counterterrorism official and tom fuentes, cnn senior law enforcement analyst and former fbi director. last time we saw this dust-up, not long after that, the dossier came out from leaked sources.
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obviously, nobody wants to see this game being played. let me give you two pieces of sound and get your reactions to them in terms of what the state of play is. here is michael hayden, former intel chief. >> my first instinct is i want to get angry and i try to discipline myself not to do that. i focus on this as a great sadness. this is a community that exists to serve the president of the united states. and he has done things over the past more than 45 days, even as president-elect, that seems to put him at odds with the intelligence community again that exists only to serve him. >> now, philip, you said in the past, so what? these people are professionals. these men and women will do their job. but like i say, you have this dossier come out. what do you make of this state of play? >> we're missing one question here. we talk about this state of play, what jim comey does, what
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the attorney general does. one question we haven't answered, particularly in light of what sean spicer is talking about in terms of the president wanting to protect the united states. i watched president obama and president bush meet regularly with the attorney general and fbi director at least once a week. those meetings are typically focused on conversations about terrorism investigations in the united states so the president knows the most significant investigati investigations and can ask a simple question. what can i do to help? if the president wants to know what happened at the fbi and doj, we're talking about this public posturing. is he ever meeting with the attorney general and fbi director if he's so interested in our security to discuss ongoing investigations against terrorists? that's a yes or no question. if he isn't, why is he so different from bush, obama? if he does, doesn't he ask him what is happening with this? this is the matador in chief, who is throwing a red cape in
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front of the american people, this ridiculous claim that trump tower was wiretapped because he doesn't want russia talked about. that's what's going on, chris. >> philip mudd says it's a ridiculous claim. we just had john kelly, secretary of homeland security, tom, say i'm sure if the president says this, he has got convincing evidence. >> that's exactly, chris, what you would expect members of his cabinet to say. he he must know something we don't know. he must have some evidence or he wouldn't make the statement. because if there's no evidence and it didn't occur, as phil said, it's outrageous. >> but it also doesn't make any sense. to philip's point -- he actually has one this time -- you could pick up the phone as president of the united states -- tom, you were at the fbi forever, and say was there a fisa warrant out on me? was it my organization? what's going on here? couldn't that phone call take
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pla place, tom? >> it could. and, you know, we could argue that all these calls should have been made or saturday morning when he decided that he believed this to have occurred, could have called a meeting with those top security people and gone into this rather than a public tweet before any other evidence is offered. we're trying to get into his head and figure out why didn't he call this person, declassify the information, why he didn't do it differently. >> the political speculation is that he's doing this because he wants us to talk about it. that's fine. he's getting what he wants. our whole lens of analysis has been this is crushing his credibility because this isn't like his other wacky theories about who was celebrating after 9/11 and 5 million illegal voters. those, he couldn't prove.
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this, he could. then we had sean spicer say this yesterday. >> what's the president's view of james comey right now? does he he have the president's full faith and confidence to stay on as the fbi director? >> i'm not -- i don't think -- we only heard unsubstantiated claims. i don't think that director comey has commented. i think the director is more than capable of speaking for himself. >> what about the president's confidence in the fbi director? >> i haven't asked him that yet. i think he is focused on keeping america safe. >> very interesting what sean spicer's head was. she didn't ask what she thought jim comey said. but that's where sean spicer went. do you think that jim comey can stay on in this environment,
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softball there to validate his existence wasn't swung on by the white house? >> i think he can but it's getting questionable. jim comey is asking the new attorney general to come out and make a statement. after the clinton e-mail scandal, that controversy, he doesn't want to comment on an investigation himself. he doesn't want his boss, appointed by the president, nominated by the president. obviously, comey wasn't, to take the heat on this one. i think it's fascinating. weeks in, the new attorney general, jefferson beauregard sessions, has got to figure out do i say something or not. the president has forced his senior officials, whether it's conversations with nato, at the u.n. and conversations about this absurd claim of wire taping. he has repeatedly gotten side ways with senior officials where
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they are out in public saying things that are 180 degrees different from what the president says. i've never seen anything like this in my life. it's crazy. >> tom, phil, thank you very much. we're talking about this in the context of what happens when the president's credibility matters, when he needs the intel community to back him up and give the american people faith in something that will affect all of us and our safety? we'll see. gentlemen, appreciate it. alison? mr. trump's top aides are publicly defending the president's latest accusations even though they say they've not seen any evidence. so we're going to take a closer look at what they're saying and how they're saying it. don't fret, my friend. i masterpassed it! you can use it online and on your phone i masterpassed it. you got the tickets? onward! playing the hero: priceless masterpass, the secure way to pay from your bank
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dale! oh, hey, rob. what's with the minivan? it's not mine. i don't -- dale, honey, is your tummy still hurting, or are you feeling better to ride in the front seat? oh! is this one of your motorcycling friends? hey, chin up there, dale. lots of bikers also drive cars. in fact, you can save big if you bundle them both with progressive. i'd like that. great. whoo. you've got soft hands. he uses my moisturizer. see you, dale. bye, rob.
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jooirksz. tough break, literally and figuratively for the cavs. >> just signed andrew bogut, hoping he can give them the size they need to get back to the
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championship. but only 50 seconds into the game, he collides with a heat player and hobbles to the ground. check it out. oh, that looks painful. he had to be helped to the locker room and was diagnosed with a fractured left tibia. terrible news for the cleveland cavs because bogut could be out for the entire season. after the game, lebron james said he witnessed the injury up close and personal. >> i heard it break as soon as the collision happened. i heard it break. i went over to him and he said i already knew, i heard it. i heard it crack. >> huge blow for the defending champions. we'll see how the cavs handle the rest of the season there. >> i heard it break. never a good witness testimony in terms of your ability to come back. that's why they play the game, my friend. thank you very much. so, president trump, aides deafening in his wiretap
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investigation, silence. that was a really bad tease. i kind of messed it up. someone's got to own something at some point. why is there no proof of something that some say is so obvious, next. >> you fixed it. >> i saved it. >> nailed it. you're either ready or you're not. what's wrong? i got ten new guys starting tomorrow. ten? paul, pauline... is pauline a guy? sorry. mike, mike, mike and mike. michelle. okay, you need uniforms, work gloves, goggles, hard hats, all the safety gear. i'm on it. well that's good, 'cuz i got 15 more new guys starting tuesday. i'm ready. you're ready? ♪ oh, i'm ready...
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president's wiretapping claims. what are they based on? well, when pressed for evidence, mr. trump's aides do not present any. >> i haven't had the chance to have the conversation directly with the president and he's at a much higher classification than i am. so, he may have access to documents that i don't know about. what the president firmly believes that the obama administration may have tapped into the phones at trump tower. >> he has said what he said. you saw his tweets very clearly. further clarification of that, that he wants an investigation. he wants this investigated so we can get to the bottom of it. >> cnn senior media correspondent and host of "reliable sources" brian steltzer. as far back as the mind can go in previous administrations, when you're the president's
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spokesperson you've done your homework and know what the president is talking about and what he's basing his accusations on. that's not this white house's style. they go out and say, i don't know. the president believes it for whatever reason. >> i'll try not to dodge your questions sometimes we see conway, sanders and others dodge questions in these interviews. that's the way we would like it. we would like when a spokesperson is speaking for the president to actually have spoken to the president himself and know where the president's mind is at. we're not getting that in this case. this decreases the value of these interviews with white house spokespeople and surrogates. if they don't know what the president is thinking, if they don't know the president's sourcing, it's less interesting to hear from these people. >> good point. you can't get information, what's the point? >> it creates opportunities for the anchors to show the white house is not providing those answers. the theater aspect is actually useful, but the value of access becomes diminished when the people who are speaking for the president can't really speak for
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the president. >> can't be expected, bill, to be able to answer your questions about what they're saying to him when they're too busy scurrying around, trying to find something that would qualify as proof to back up what he said. brian got caught up with this, being battled and targeted by the right. >> yes. >> the president has given a big gift to these fringe elements on the right. good for them. they've gotten their moment in the sun. enjoy it. but he knows the answer to the questions being asked. he doesn't have to listen to a radio show. he could pick up the phone. >> you don't know that he hasn't done that. >> we don't know that he hasn't done it. we don't know that he has done it. >> if he has done it, he has not gotten told what he wanted to be told. otherwise, he would be -- it doesn't make any sense for him not to reveal it. >> twitter feed to make those announcements. >> he made the twitter feed to make the charges and use the twitter feed to explain them.
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then he leaves these people out to dry. he he he doesn't care that they don't know what they're doing or talking about. when they don't do it effectively, he blames them. they're sort of in a terrible position. >> people apologize and say i feel bad for him. why? they have a choice. this is a high-profile thing they'll sl on their pedigrees and each one of us makes a choice every day about how you do your job. >> you're being tough today, chris. i'm a little sympathetic to the sanders and the conways. >> why? >> they don't have answers to questions and they're being told to get out there and represent this white house. they like to talk about, i suppose, executive orders that the president is signing. we are more interested, in understandable reasons, in evidence. >> if they had to attacktake a , which they don't, but then what is the point of taking a job? so i can stay a friend of the administration or -- >> that really is what a spokesperson generally does.
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they're usually working for the president, not the united states and does serve his bidding. he usually has a path and understanding of what's going on. these people don't have that pat path. >> kellyanne could have made a ton of money staying on the outside. she went inside because she said she believed in what's doing right. >> they're paid by the taxpayers. >> the president's aswrenda. they think they'll get to the president's agenda somehow through all of this. one thing we want to point out right now, these photographs have just been released by the national parks service. >> right. >> remember the dispute about the inaugural crowds. president trump claimed that his were the biggest. in fact, these are the official dozens of photographs from the national parks service that was not going to release these, by the way, had it not been for the freedom of information act request by various media outlets. they have complied, released these photographs now and you do see large, open spaces. you could chalk this up to who
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cares. >> right. >> or chalk this up to we want the president to tell the truth and when he doesn't, it's the press' job to have to do that. >> doesn't it underscore again that many, many things this president says do not -- they are not backed up then by evidence. so now we have a case where he has made another charge and has not got evidence. why are we surprised? >> i'm surprised because he's the president of the united states and could get the answer to this question. it's not 9/11 celebrations or birtherism. >> he clearly doesn't have the answer. it doesn't fit his narrative. >> i think the narrative was to distract, have us talking about president obama and all these things added to the investigation. we haven't said the name jeff sessions once this week on this show in the context of the questions about him or the russian allegations. and the only high ground they have there, which is good high ground that they don't use enough is, hey, you keep saying there's all these questions. nobody has tied anybody in the trump administration to collusion efforts with russia.
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>> should be hearings on t obviously that's what should happen. >> got it. gentlemen, thank you. brian, bill, thank you very much. thanks to our international viewers. for you, cnn "newsroom" is next. for our u.s. viewers, "new day" continues now. >> obamacare would amount to the biggest reform in the last 20 years. >> the biggest concern i have, will it lower health care costs and premiums? >> i'm confident we're going to pass this. >> this executive order responsibly provides a needed pause. >> it's not a muslim ban. probably other countries we will look at. >> the president firmly believes that the obama administration may have tapped into the phone. >> fbi chief james comey is reportedly incredulous over president trump's allegation. >> he is trying to distract us. >> the president must have his


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