tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN March 7, 2017 4:00pm-5:01pm PST
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north korea remains the number one national security threat facing the united states right now. all right. barbara. thanks. that's it for me. thanks very much for watching. i'm wolf blitzer in the situation room. erin burnett out front starts now. leaders find no evidence to back trump's claim about wiretapping by president obama. one-way ticket to mexico. being separated from family. is she one of the bad hombres trump was talking about. why was hillary clinton watching over donald trump today. let's go out front. >> out front tonight, the breaking news breaking with the president. three top republicans at this hour telling cnn that have seen no evidence that former president obama had trump's phones wiretapped. here's the house intelligence committee chairman, devin
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eunice. i have not seen that evidence. as you know, i think a lot of that was maybe a little bit the multiple tweets were perhaps a little bit strung together. >> echoed by the top republican and senate intelligence committee, richard burr. >> we don't have anything today that would send us in that direction. that's not to say we might not find something. >> senate majority leader mitch mcconnell when pressed said he saw no proof either. >> we have an existing committee, the intelligence committee looking at all aspects of what may have been done last year related to the russians and the campaigns and we'll leave it there. no. i haven't. >> no, i haven't. that comes as the first public hearing in the house on russia's metaling in the u.s. election is put on fast track.
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among those though testify the fbi director james comey in the center of this storm. it's pretty amazing. the top republicans we see again, and, again. they are not coming to the president's defense on this issue. the white house today very clearly not backing down. >> not backing down at all. erin, you're right. those are just republicans. never mind the democratics in this town. all of them questioning what is the president talking about. if the white house briefing today, the press secretary sean spicer said simply he would not refute the evidence. he was asked again, and, again, to show the evidence, show some sign of something that's happened over the last three days. and this is what he said again, and, again, under questioning from jim acosta and others. >> where is the evidence, where is the proof that president obama bugged president trump? >> well, i answered this question yesterday on camera on your air. just so we're clear. this is going to be twice. i think i made it clear
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yesterday. >> since yesterday, since yesterday is there anything improved. >> nothing has changed. it's not a question of new proof or less proofer or whatever. the answer is the same. i think which is that i think there is a concern about what happened in 2016 election. >> why would the president want congress to investigate for information he already has. >> i think there's a separation of powers aspect here. i mentioned to jonathan that we think. >> resources of time. why waist that. >> it's not a question of waste it. it's a question of appropriate -- >> you see there, sean spicer trying to respond, but deaf notally answer these questions. there simply has been no evidence provided. this is something is something the president should talk with the fbi director. rather than have house and senate explore this now. republicans in this town wonder if the president has stepped into something more than he thought on saturday morning when he was sending out mistweets so
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accuse tory. now three days in. no evidence. hill committees to look into this. see what they find. if they don't find anything t white house of course will then have more answering to do. >> thank you very much. jeff, this comes after a very heated day on capitol hill. man picked to be attorney general, jeff sessions deputy. in the justice department. very big decision there for the president. pamela brown out front. >> reporter: tonight the white house not offering evidence to the claim that president obama wiretapped trump's phones during the campaign. it did reiterate its desire to investigate leaks to the press. we believe that investigation as well as the investigation of other classified leaks and other important information that threatens national security looked into by the senate health committees. >> plenty of fresh confusion for members of congress over the accusation. >> i think the president of the
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united states who has stated categorically that trump tower was wiretapped should come forward with the information that led him to that conclusion. >> reporter: telling cnn they will look at the wiretapping claim. >> do you believe the president when he says that. >> like i said. we need an investigation to find out what the facts are. follow the facts. >> largely, was it appropriate for him to say that, to accuse president obama of that. >> i don't know what the basis of his statement is. >> reporter: today the attorney general refused to comment on the president's wiretapping accusati accusation. democrats are demanding more answers after jeff sessions originally failed to disclose two meetings he had with the russian ambassador to the u.s. leading to hisrecusal.
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>> he should come back and explain himself, mr. chairman. >> chairman republican chuck grassley coming to sessions defense. >> if i asked you got you question, i was going to tell you about it ahead of time. i consider what senator franken asked sessions at that moment that has come out as question. questions about russian sbeerns with the election swirled. rod rosenstein man nominated to be attorney general who will take over the investigation is at the center of the storm. >> want to make sure we're all clear on this. i don't know if there is an investigation. i don't know anything, but what i read in the newspaper at this point. >> i actually found it very disturbing that you did not read the declassified report on russia's activities during the election. i find that very, very disturbing. >> and tonight democratic
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congressman adam ship says the intelligence committee will review president trump's wiretap allegation saying, quote, it is also a scandal of those allegations prove to be false. meantime, we learn today the first public hearing on the russian investigation will be on march 20 on the hill. you imagine all eyes on that. >> oh, yes. thank you. out front now, chief political analyst. washington post national political. thanks to all. how much longer with white house do this, defend trump as sean spicer did today without any evidence. >> until they no longer decide they want to talk about it. this is something we have seen from donald trump. seen this from his aides through the campaign now through the administration. coming up on 45 days he's been in office. what i think is going to happen, stop talking about it and go onto next issue. really incumbent upon us. what he has done is really incredibly damaging to the
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united states government. to barack obama and his reputation. >> absolutely. gloria, here's the thing. what we just saw that. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell says he's seen no evidence yet to back this up. many other republicans have made similar comments. i shared with you the head of the intelligence committee. here are some others. >> the president could declassify that without endangering national security, i would encourage him to do that. >> no evidence of the allegations we've seen in the media. >> i'm not sure what it is he is talking about. if it's true. we're going to find out quickly. if it isn't, looel have to explain what he meant by it. >> are they deserting him on this. >> yes, they are. only the president knows. he has access to this classified information. he can release it any time he wants. you're asking republicans if you're the president to support him on something they don't know anything about at this point. they can't do it. kind of reminds me of the voter
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fraud issue in many ways. republicans said look, we don't see any evidence of voter fraud. what the white house did was say okay, have congress investigate it. what are they doing this time? they're saying, let's have congress investigate this. make this part of their investigation. it's a very convenient way for the white house to have to kinds of push this to the side. just to put up with voter fraud issue. >> senator sessions. now franken came on cnn earlier today. and senator sessions committed perjury at that time. here he is. >> listen, identify been cutting him a lot of slack. i've been refusing to say that he lied. i wanted to wait for this letter
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to come out. it's hard to come to any other conclusion that he just purged himself. do you expect using that word. they have been a little bit low to do so. cutting him slack. now not so much. >> this is sort of the democrats leaving for a future date unknown. when this will come back, but you see al franken essentially setting up for jeff sessionss and other folks in this administration so at some point in the future, they can turn back to some of these things and say here's the evidence. and i think this is the motto for this interestingly enough. i think is what republicans did throughout the benghazi hearings with hillary clinton. they -- the whole process of sort of questioning her for hours and hours and hours was to create a public record that could then be referenced when more information came out. that's part of the strategy here
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with some of these hearings. i think democrats particularly a.m. al franken appears to be plague a lo playing a longer game with this. there may come a time when democrats have control of the senate again and control of that committee and can do whatever they wish with that information, including prosecuting a perjury case against jeff sessions. >> what is the goal here. first they had been all about recusal. they got what they wanted. there weren't so many calls for resignation. now we're hearing more. now you have al franken coming out. using the purger word. >> they have to appease base. i know that our viewers out there are saying why is it always about politics. it's always about politics. there is part of this. what we're hearing from democrats recusing their base. having said that, donald trump in several of people in his administration are making it easy for them. making it easy certainly the president is making it easy by
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going out and making these outlandish accusations, you know, using information that is not truthful. some would call it lying. i would call it lying in some respects. and they feel like this is their opportunity right now to try to pin republicans against wall. that's why we haven't heard a lot from republicans. the response we saw just a few hours ago. fairly muted from republican. >> fairly muted. and they all look sad. >> next, war within the gop over obamacare repeal and replace. is the bill dead on arrival. plus, following the story of an undocumented immigrant leaving in fear of deportation. today the mother of four who wrote the law nearly 20 years ago was told to leave the country. is it fair. you're going to see her as she goes in and meets with those officials. she thinks she gets one piece of news. turns out to be a very different directive. on a lighter note. how this photo op has people asking whether clinton is spying on trump.
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we're going to have something that's going to be much more understood and much more popular than people can even imagine. house speaker paul ryan guaranteed he would have the votes needed to get the bill passed in the house. bill mattingly out front beginning coverage on capitol hill. this is obamacare gone. less than 24 hours after the house gop obamacare repeal bill finally saw the light of day, this is the first and most important step to giving relief to americans from this terrible law. >> house and senate conservatives are already threatening it's very existence. >> now, i think the bill as it stand really is dead on arrival. i don't think it's going to ever arrive in the senate. i think it's dead on arrival in
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the house. >> bolstered by pressure outside conservative groups including this round. coke brothers backed americans for prosperity. just a football field away from the capital building. >> you're going to have the shortest lived majority in the modern era if they fail to fully repeat obamacare. >> creating a real math problems for republicans. given the unified opposition among denying in five vacant seepts right now allows leaders to lose 21 votes or in the senate. republicans can only afford to lose two of 52 members. moderates have long been wearing of looming attacks on how many people the bill will actually cover. sources tell cnn the congressional budgets office tells gop leader will fall far short of obamacare's projections. >> given people access to affordable health care plans. the government will always win the war.
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the fwoft will always estimate they'll buy it. i just think that's bogus. >> conservatives remain increasingly skeptical with the refundable tax credits that would replace obamacare subsidies in providing aide for individuals without provider insurance to purchase plans. then restructuring of medicaid. hot button issue across the country given the expansion many same vp states took under obamacare. four senators said they will oppose any bill that doesn't protect enrollment lees in their state. >> this tells cnn is the moment when white house muscle will be needed. president trump today meeting with top house vote counters and urging support for the house plan. >> i really believe we're going to have tremendous support. already seeing the support not only in this room, but from everybody. got elected to a certain extent. i would say pretty good little chunk based on the fact repeal and replace obamacare and many of you people are in the same
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boat. >> and will i can tell you based on conversations i've had with house leadership lawmakers and top aides, the last couple of hours, they feel confident they can give this bill to the right place. there's no question they're going to need help. that's exactly where president trump, vice president pence health and human services secretary tom price come in to play. all of them working on the hill over the course of if last 24 hours to try to move the bill forward. one house leadership aide i spoke to said look, tell me these conservatives will turn down the president not just by phone, but to his face when they tell him to get on board. when that happens, then they'll think they're in trouble. the reality is they don't have a clear path to that majority yet. still a lot of work to do. >> thank you, phil. up front tonight. republican senator rand paul introduced own health care bill. senator i appreciate your time. we just heard you say gop leadership bill is dead on arrival. rival supports it.
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are you worried about taking away the one change you may have to get rid of obamacare by refusing to vote for that leadership bill? >> well, actually think there's much more unity than people think. one of the things that's united republicans since 2010 is repeal. so i think we're very, very united stated on repeal. not so much on replace. so i think the real problem is adding replacement to the repeal bill. we voted about a year ago on repeal and it was nearly unanimous. i think we could do that again. on replacement, we have different ideas. my idea of replacement is really not a new government program. it's allowing the marketplace to work. the new house plan is a little bit more obamacare alike than i would like. we can vote on various replacements, even let the democrats have a vote. we should have a variety of replacement bills. i think the repeal bill probably won't pass unless retake replacement off from it. >> what i don't understand here is that you said you want to repeal and replace at the same
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time. that's crucial to do. so sure, you can all agree on repeal. check that box. can't agree on replace, what's the point. why not just put it all in one bill and fight it out until you get it right. can't repeal without replacing. >> i want to do it on the same day. i do want to repeal. that unites us. not as united stated on replacement. might be some bipartisan shifting back and forth and the democratic coalitions on replace. i think that we all want the same thing. we want less expensive insurance and more people to be insured and more people to get health care. we have different approaches to how we get there. i don't think it's impossible to find some agreement and ideally we would be as a country coming from just one part. >> the president has said he supports the gop leadership bill. here's what he said about it. >> this will be a plan where you can choose your doctor, this will be a plan where you can choose your plan. and you know what the plan is. this is the plan. and we're going to have a
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tremendous -- i think we're going to have tremendous success. it's a complicated process, but actually it's very simple. for the gop leadership bill. sit the bill out there. better than obamacare. >> the president this week and i don't think we're that far off really. he's for repeal of obamacare and so am i and so is every republican. i did express with the republican. separating repeal from replacement will get it done. that's maybe the only vehicle for getting it done. the reason i say that, there is some disagreement on the specifics of the replace. . give you three or four different ones really quickly. the house leadership is promoting keeps subsidies. tax credit. keeps obamacare taxes, but i don't think that is for republicans. also keeps subsidies to insurance companies and keeps form of the individual mandate.
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you have to pay the mandate to the insurance companies. those four items do separate us and so i think we can kind of come together, but it will be on repeal bill probably with the replacement bill as separate vote. >> thank you so much. i appreciate your time. >> thank you. >> out front now. republican congressman. chairman of the house committee that oversees. thank you for being with me. congressman. senator paul not the only critic of your plan. several members of the house have spoken out against it today. are you sure you have the votes in the house right now to pass it. >> you know i am. i think we're in very good shape. especially as members have a chance to read the bill, you can do that read the bill. everybody in america can read it. it's not that long. struck the right balance. getting positive feedback as well. i'm confident as we go into our markup and committee tomorrow and ways and means committee tomorrow. we will move forward in a positive direction for the country and keep promise to repeal, replace obamacare with
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real meaningful modernization of medicaid. >> i spoke to the director. he is analyzing your plan there. he says overall, your plan will result in 2-4 million people losing coverage on the individual market. all over the age of 45. another 6-10 million who will lose under medicaid expansion. these are older, poor and sicker people. do you worry about the morality of this. >> let's go back to the facts of this. that is that takes an isolation our bill as if nothing else was going to happen. under the affordable care act, some 1400 different authorities were delegated secretary of health and human services to affect this market in a positive way. second, what we do know is projections when obamacare passed were off a i by about a two to one ratio. >> don't have any projections for your bill. >> let me finish. said there would be twice as many people taking obamacare
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insurance as there actually was. 54% who paid the penalty or got a waiver under the age of 35 which is part of contributing to desk viral. reform this market in a way it works for all americans and giving them choices. last year 225 counties that had only one option for people. this year is 1022. one out of every three counties in america, if you're a consumer looking for insurance on the exchange, you have one choice before humana pulled out and aetna ceo said this market is in a viral. we're trying to save the market. get it back to where it works for the american people. >> i know look, some people don't agree with you on the spiral. aetna is a for-profit company. so there are other things there. people are going to lose coverage. especially in medicaid expansion. what are you going to do about those people. >> first of all, we have several support mechanisms for them.
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ways and means committee coming forward. tax advance. refundable tax credits. get a tax support payment to help them cover the cost of insurance agreement. patient stability and state stability fund. put 100 billion dollars into the next ten years allows states to come in and help the very people you identified. we don't want to pull the rug out from under them. bottom line is there's not going to be a market for anybody to buy insurance on the exchanges if we don't come in and fix it. you can say if one company is profitable or not. nonprofits and profit seeking companies are all pulling out of the exchange. that is an undenialable truth. something we've got to fix before it collapses. >> thank you very much. i appreciate your time. >> your welcome. thank you. next, u.s. deploying anti-missile system against north korea. how it works and the daughter of an undocumented immigrant speaks out. mother is told today she must leave the country.
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new tonight. trump administration about to ask congress for a billion dollars for the border wall. source telling cnn down payment. now of course the price tag has been put on this anywhere from $15-25 billion. that is indeed a mere down payment. comes as immigration officials continue to round up immigrants here illegally. tonight see our reporter spent the day with an undocumented program. we've been following. a mother who has been in this country 18 years is being ordered as of the tonight to buy a one-way ticket back to mexico. >> she is physically ill hours before she checks in with her immigration officer fighting back tears as breakfast. >> she says that her biggest fear is that her daughter is going to get sick if she gets deported. >> the mother of four u.s. born children has been showing up for
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regular check ins with ice for 12 years. this is the first since donald trump has been in office. >> i'm feeling a little anxious. and confident. >> she says she has faith. >> while her entire family is in the u.s. legally. she is not. francesca says she tried to use a fake visa nearly 20 years ago to enter the united states when she later applied for green card and previous use of phony document was discovered, she was detained. >> memories of the moment cripple her mother-in-law. francesca was released after 28 days under the condition that she check in with ice regularly. a requirement for some low risk immigrants. as she and her family make the 90 minute drive to downtown chicago t tension is rising. her pastor waiting with a warning. >> they're acting very aggressive and out of character. >> security guards ask us to
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turn off or camera. francesca walks inside with her attorney. about an hour later, she emerges with a glowing smile after being told she can stay one more year, but moments later, they're calling her back in. why. confusion, then fear as ice calls her back inside. >> has this ever happened before. >> no, never, but we'll see. i think it will be fine. >> fighting back tears. francesca walks into the federal building again. >> i couldn't breathe. i was choked up. i couldn't talk at all. >> in a stunning turn, ice tells her she is in fact being deported in july and must return to the ice office with a ticket back to mexico. >> they call us back up and say no, you have a few months or something. it's not fair. >> francesca's attorney says this is why undocumented immigrants are living in fear of president trump's policies.
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>> under obama, this wouldn't have happened. we would have -- this was the whole point of obama's policy was discretion. you know, she's clearly not a danger to the community. >> cnn reached out to ice and the agency say s it's looking into her case. francesca says she came out to shadows to show her face to share her name to show the world she is indeed not a threat to this community and far from it erin, she's a monowm who is at s point hoping a miracle will keep her family intact. erin. >> rosa, thank you. now jeff dewit. arizona state treasurer and senate leader and democratic. thanks to you both. kevin, francesca is here illegally. obviously she's been allowed to stay. checking in with ice agent for 12 years. saw the moment today. she thought she could check in and say come back in a year as
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they have all the other years. they called her back. no, she has to return in july with a one-way ticket to mexico and leave her four children behind. what's your reaction. >> well, erin, tell you it's astoni astonishing. it's shocking. here you have a mother of four american born children been in this nation part of the nation for more than 18 years. who was part of work force. she has checking in with ice. asking the country. i mean within a few months in july. past year. he's hardened criminals. violent criminal felons. i doubt highly francesca is a hardened criminal. she's part of work force.
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>> have here an anxiety. >> separated or removed to the country. again, we are a nation of laws. here the federal government waited so long to enforce the laws on the book. making it so much. president is in the executive branch. change laws. something to be done. to ask an ice or the president or anyone else not to enforce
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the law. they can obviously go and change the laws. >> to enforce for some not for others. here's the thing. she did commit a crime in the sense she came in this country illegally. used a fake visa. hasn't become a citizen in the 18 years she's here. the point she's making. why is that okay for anyone. when you use the word discretion. that by definition means some people are going to get the good end of the stick. reality is francesca has been a part of this nation for 18 years. she is part of our work force. for the last 18 years of congress have yet to do their job by securing a couple immigration form package with supposedly francesca would have benefitted from. the fact we have millions of
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hard workers who are part of work force law-abiding tax paying residents of the united states who have yet to normalize situation. now, if you want to remove individuals for violent criminals, we all agree with that. go ahead and do it. sooner rather than later. we have individuals part of our fabric of this great nation. this is un-american. i can tell you this. i asked a question where did conservative compassion go. i don't know if it came and went with george w. bush. this is not the america i know. >> from your side of this. she did the right thing. she came and showed up. despite the political climate she's in. she showed up meeting for her ice agent. annual meeting. i know it may sound bizarre these things happen and even though you're here illegal le. everything is broken and conf e confusing. then gave her this news. turned routine visits into deportation meetings means more people don't show up for them and more people go into shadow. >> well, let's remember she had submitted a financial crime
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previously. and so when the legislation is there to prioritize those who committed crimes, she fell under that. as much as you may call that an unfortunate situation, illegal immigration are stealing identities of u.s. taxpayers and causing enormous financial burr dons. for everything situation like that. i think about kate who died in father's arms with last words being help me dad. dad of three daughters, those are the situations i think of when she was killed by an illegal immigrant in a sanctuary city that so should have been deported and wasn't because those federal laws weren't enforced. i'm happy with have a president who is standing up to enforce the laws on the book. >> we'll have you back as we do again, and, again, as this issue continues. next, the u.s. deploys missile defense system against a threat for north korea. shoot down a missile. hillary clinton speaking out today about her brutal loss. ens
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tonights decision to launch a powerful missile system. designed to intercept missiles coming from briefed on the north korean situation. with four missile tests in the past day and a half. tom foreman out front. tochl, this is going to be krurnl. a lot of attention. they ship this in the middle of the night. 50 miles from north korean border. what can you tell us about it. >> this is a state of the art array of tools here. normally, this missile defense system consists of nine vehicles. most of them missile launchers. also a couple of demand vehicles and advanced radar system which both acquires the targets which the incoming missiles and guides these missile killing missiles out to strike them. so what do these things look like. eechl one would be about 20 feet long. weigh about 2,000 pounds. this would be the booster down here. this gets it into flight and
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then it breaks off as it gets closer to the target. leaving you with this part of it. the front end has advanced electronics in it. break off in flight as well. exposing seeker here to help guide it to target. control system helps push it into the final impact. up there. they call all of this the kill vehicle. it's range is pretty impressive. it can go down range and 16 miles high to engage target. >> tom, all that sounds good from a perspective. do they actually know how well it works. doesn't have a war head. >> does not have a war head. they do know how well it works. this is how it works. look at video from military over here. when this thing takes off. goes and you happen simpup and collide at a high speed incoming missile traveling close to 4,000 miles an hour. when they hit, that's what happens. tears it apart.
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military analyst say while this doesn't really work so well against a great big icbm against short range or intermediate range missiles like south korea might be worried about from north korea. yeah, it's got a good record. out front now, retired u.s. general. spent a lot of time in korea. krorea korea. it's a big concern. we need the pay attention to it. over the course of many years, the one thing that we had that allowed us to -- the united states coalition partners to feel safe on in south korea is the element of time was to or advantage. north korea couldn't develop soon enough. couldn't get it sweared away. we are running out of time. the only thing standing between nuclear north korea and
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antibiotic to launch a nuclear weapon is something a matter of time. the national intelligence estimates are that by the year 2020 north korea will have 100, i didn't stutter. 100 nuclear tip missiles. two and a half years away. we must do something. we have an array of options. >> you think they would use them. >> absolutely. why would they not. this regime gains -- every minute that regime gains and expands power in terms of attention we pay to it. not enough money in the world to buy them off from continuing to advance. there have to be methods and processes that we put in place. they get them off this path. >> we shall see. preemptive strike comes back on the table as a possibility. >> out front next. why more women running for a political office tonight. clinton's white house photo op. we have the story.
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their future. let us hope there is a wave of young women running for office in america. let's be sure we support them in every way we can. let's help them shatter stereotypes and lift each other up. >> some women are taking her advice. out front. >> reporter: this is super small rural wisconsin, but quaint and cute. >> this this district that help swing wisconsin red lives mrs. daniels. married mom of four. juggling children and a career. no longer contend as citizen now moving to candidate. >> what office do you aspire to. >> mayor would be my highest dream. >> did election night make you want to run for office. >> absolutely. yes. i felt devastated.
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>> how many of you are here today because of the election? >> everybody. almost everybody. hearing from everybody else makes me think we're really on the fence. >> channelling the energy of the nationwide women's marchings training to run for the first time for office for fund raising. >> how we're getting the money and where it's coming from. >> to drills. >> running for mayor of watertown. >> learning how to campaign in the red state. >> i'm a member of the democratic party. >> okay. >> after election day, immediately, the applications started spiking. >> exponentially says a nonprofit operating in 18 states from deep blue california to red wisconsin. the class size here doubled. democratic women hoping to flip the state back to blue. >> was it personal? >> deeply personal. it hurts the american people decided that something or some combination of things were more important than us.
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than women. we live in a representative democracy, right. women are more than half of the population and a quarter of elected officials. that's a problem. >> i never imagined that i would be a state legislator. >> wisconsin state representative melissa sergeant and graduate dove into public life after scat walker's election. now she's watching women nationally react to president. >> did you need that push? >> i would say i did. i think that oftentimes women will second guess themselves. and women will question whether they can balance running for office with being a parent. >> my name is jenna jacobson. >> marks the day after trump's inauguration. >> was that march enough. >> no. >> taking her next step, now running for local office in the town of oregon wisconsin. >> if you're in office, will you have president trump to thank? in some part? >> sure. i mean, i don't know that i
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would have gotten involved if he hasn't been elected. maybe i'll write him a thank you note. probably not. i'm really bad at those. >> it's pretty fascinating. you went to a trump state. is this something happening in other states maybe not wisconsin where it was a close race. >> it's happening in all the states that emerge is operating in. this year the numbers are much higher. approximately 500 women just this year who are going through training classes who they hope will eventually run for office. emerge is just one of the many agencies they spoke with. others doing it. if it works. emerge approximately 60% of women who go through training to run for office win. >> amazing. >> thank you very much. >> next, picture this, hillary clinton's role on today's special tour.
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hillary clinton looking over president trump's shoulder today. literally. here's genie. >> when you go on a white house tour, it's always possible you'll run into the guy who lives there. a group of mostly kids went nuts when the president popped out from behind a partition, but you know who you wouldn't expect to meet, hillary clinton, but there she was, the twitter verse noticed hillary photo bombed potus. hilarious. this one is for your "snl." it was more than a dozen years ago that hillary unveiled her portrait that joined those of
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other first ladies. now hillary haunting president trump. someone changed the cable news banner no read, trump claims clinton is spying on him. shhh that's where obama's bug is hidden. meanwhile the real hillary getting an award from a girl's organization in new york city. >> i've had ups and downs. >> she's up all right. on the wall and president trump was gesturing for ten-year-old jack kor niccornish from a chri school in alabama to compose with him. jack didn't just smile for the camera. he made a circle with his fingers. prompting the question, what sign is the kid throwing up. maybe he was imitating one of the president's favorite hand gestures or perhaps it was just an old fashioned okay. through it all. hillary smiled. the moral of the story, you never know who is lurking over your shoulder. at least hillary didn't give the
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president the cold shoulder. or worse yet, leap off the wall. cnn. all right. thank you so much for joining us. good evening. thanks for joining us tonight. no regrets. no proof. potentially repercussions. why sean spicer had the chance to walk back the tweets claiming he ordered wiretaps on the phone during the campaign. instead told reporters the president had no regrets for leveling the allegation. what he did not do is offer any evidence to back it up. meantime the chairman of the house committee that's going to be investigating it even though the president could clear it up with a few phone calls sugges d ed people shouldn't take presidential tweets literally. >> now a question that won't go away. where is president trump's proof that
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