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tv   New Day  CNN  March 10, 2017 4:00am-5:01am PST

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continues right now. >> james comey meeting with a gang of 8. >> investigators continue to examine if there was a connection between the trump organization and russian bank. >> was there solution between the trump campaign and russians. >> well on our way to a future. >> this is a once in a lifetime community. >> this bill is not that. >> explicit photos of their female counter parts. >> it could lead to service members being court martialed. >> it's embarrassing to our core. >> good morning, up first jim comey meeting behind closed
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doors with 8 powerful law makers known as the gang of 8 because they have access to the nation's most sensitive data. that information dealing with russia's alleged meddling in the u.s. election is expected to be shard soon with the entire senate intel committee. >> and the server connection between a trump organization and russian bank. one u.s. official and health care battle on capitol hill you have shifts into high gear so we're entering day 15 of donald trump's presidency and cnn has every angle covered live at the white house. >> good morning, law makers clearly picked up the pace in their investigation into russia's interference in the last election. questionable contact with the trump campaign and of course leaks but the question is the extent to which the fbi director
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is willing to tell them all he knows. >> heading to capitol hill as tension builds between the justice department and lawmakers over president trump's unsubstantiated wiretapping claims. under pressure to deny or provide evidence of the president's allegation. meeting with a gang of 8, the bipartisan group of lawmakers clear to receive access to the nation's most highly classified intelligence. >> now to be extended to all 15 members of the senate intelligence committee. prior to the meeting the house intelligence chairman and committee's top democrat both taking issue with comey saying he hasn't been forth coming with intelligence regarding russia's interference in the election. >> we have questions about whether or not last year we were read into everything we should have been read into. >> there's no way we can discharge our responsibility ifs
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the fbi isn't willing to cooperate with us and tell us about any counter intelligence investigation that is going on. >> congressman accusing comey of stone walling in a briefing last week. >> large areas were walled off and those wall versus to come down if we're going to do our job. >> they continue to decline comment on whether president trump is or is not the subject of an investigation. leaving his press secretary spinning. >> the justice department is saying they never gave you the assurances that you gave us. >> okay. no, what the insurance i gave you was that i'm not aware and that's 100% accurate. >> when you say no reason to believe it's that i'm not aware. >> i don't know that they're not interchangeable. i'm not aware. i don't believe. i don't know that there's a distinction there journalists
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could van opportunity to toss a couple of questions to the president. we'll see him for the first time this week at a pair of photo ops. >> thank you for that. cnn is reporting some new information this is about a possible link between computer servers belonging to a bank and the trump organization so let's go first to pamela. what have you learned? >> the fbi probe remains open into a possible computer connection between the trump organization and a russian bank called alpha bank. now this is the same server mentioned in a brietbart article that sparked tweets last saturday accusing investigators of tapping his phone and we were told there was no warrant on this particular server.
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we have learned that the fbi counter intelligence team is still looking into it. one official i spoke with said the server relationship seems odd and investigators are not ignoring it but the fbi still has a lot more work to do to determine what was behind the unusual activity and whether there's any significance to it the white house did not respond to our request for come men. >> the relationship seems odd. what was particularly odd? >> this is technicality. what is odd is that they were looking up the address of a particular server in the u.s. and this server was being used by the trump organization. it's equivalent to look up someone's phone number. you keep looking it up over and
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over again so why there isn't evidence of a phone call it indicates an intention to communicate now one group that obtained these records were puss ld as to why a russian bank would be doing this. their guess was maybe it was trying to send an e-mail to the trump organization but they couldn't tell. now last summer, during the presidential campaign, the russian bank looked up the address of this trump corporate server 2,800 times. that's more than from any other source. the only other entity for this server was spectrum health. and lead by the husband of betsy devos that was appointed by president trump.
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and the trump organization by e-mail and they have different explanations for this. and for example and they look and e-mail that explains that. and those e-mails from the trump organization and wasn't doing that at the time. and it's a mystery. >> just questions and no answers. >> >> we're very glad that you're on top of it. thank you for sharing your reporting with us this morning. >> so we have very heavy political questions about contact with russia and very
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heavy policy questions going on right now. sources tell cnn the white house is privately backing an earlier roll back of medicaid expansion. that would be a major win for the most conservative members of con let's bring in gym jordan from ohio opposed to the health care bill as is. he met with the president yesterday. always a pleasure to have you on the show. >> good to be with you. >> let me give you a refresher on sound from the speaker of the house about where he sees this moment. >> this is the closest we will ever get to repealing and replacing balm care. the time is here. the time is now this is the moment and closest it will ever happen. it comes down to a choice.
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>> tonight is the night. we'll fight until it's over. so we put our hands up. the ceiling line not as relevant from that song to this current situation but he's trying to make you guys feel like you can blow this. get on board with this plan. it's better than what is there now and if not you're with pelosi and obama. do you accept that? >> no, we're with the american people. we just got this bill 72 hours ago. the american people first saw this bill 72 hours ago and to say that we can amend it, change it and make it right. that's not how the legislative process works. i represent three quarters of a million people in the 4th district of ohio. they want me to weigh in. i'm not on the ways and means committee or the budget committee so we want to influence this bill, change this bill, make this bill consistent with what we told the voters we're going to do. i bet there's a lot of members
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that don't want this bibinary choice. >> the other thing ryan is saying is you had your chance. we have been looking at this for a year. everybody was asked to lay in. we took everybody's ideas. this is what we agreed on and how you're not on the team. >> nowhere does this say we're going to repeal obamacare but we're going to take the medicaid expansion and extend it. nowhere does it say that. why don't we do what we said we were going to do and what we voted on. clean repeal. the exact same legislation we put on president obama's desk let's put it on president trump's desk. we know we can do that. this idea -- we're doing what we did before. that's what we introduced and then we can get to the other issues that are critically important that are going to bring down the cost of health
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insurance for the working families and middle class families in this country. that's our plan. >> they're going to yell at me about time but we're going to talk about the substance of whether they're right or not but i don't understand what is happening here. it seems like you were supposed to be on the same page i. was supposed to go out as here's what the gop wants and then this happened where i heard from other guys saying i never signed up for any of this. this wasn't supposed to be in here. president trump didn't say this is what he was going to do. he said he was going to repeal this our way. where's the disconnect? >> let's just do what we told the voters we were going to do when they sen us here. >> but ryan says that's what this is and president trump says that's what this is. >> no, this keeps too much of the structure of obamacare. this keeps some of the taxes, this has a 30% penalty for people that don't have insurance
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and go get insurance. >> if the speaker of the house is saying this is us and the white house is saying this is us what happened with you guys. >> if we can't agree on this let's do what we agreed on last year. all the republicans voted for it 15 months ago. we were able to put it on president obama's desk. so we want to help do what we all campaigned on and most of all bring down the premium costs and the cost of insurance and bring back affordable insurance. our goal should not be to sign more people up for health care but put it in place that's what i promised the voters and that's why i'm fighting hard to accomplish that. >> let's talk about that as a pair premise in terms of the
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substance of the matter. health care costs are going up. that was true before obamacare. that was true after obamacare but it was less true after obamacare and you can cherry pick different income levels and dispositions and families and find data on both sides but health care costs are a problem period. the premiums are not going up as much as they were before obamacare so is it misleading to say obamacare is the problem? >> yes it is the problem and it wasn't perfect before. but the premiums aren't going up as much as they were before it. >> if you can afford the premium you can't afford the deductibles you have fewer choices all driving it up so never forget what obamacare did. it said we'll have all the mandates, taxes, regulations and
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mandated you had to get it and if you didn't you got penalized. sure there were problems before so let's fix that too but we think the answer is a marketplace and not more government intervention. >> but you can't forget how it was done and lead to 20 more people being covered. >> you cherry pick arizona. that's because that state didn't put the law into effect so it shrunk it's own pool. it made it uncompetitive. >> this is the fundamental difference. you're viewing success as signing more people up for government health care. i view success as bringing down the cost of insurance. i'd much rather have families be able to go in the private market and say that policy fit misneeds verses this one size fits all medicaid or one size fits all of the few and limited choices people have in the obamacare exchange. i'd much rather say this is the
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plan that fits our needs. i want to buy that clean and we need to bring costs down so they can afford that plan. that is choice and freedom and what's going to help families so let's make sure we can accomplish that. >> you use government as if it's a bad word in this context but there is no place that you'll find that has this kind of marketplace when it comes to health insurance. >> that's what we have to create. >> you're saying it like it's something that should be understood. it never existed anywhere else that you can point to and remember you have to be okay with less people having health insurance for some people to have it cheaper. >> but they will lose coverage. >> paying $5,000 a month in premiums for a 6 or 7,000 deductible policy and i don't think that is acceptable and i talked to those families and they don't believe it's
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acceptable either. >> but millions of people may lose their coverage. you need to own that. >> no, look when we repeal this, even the bill we put on president obama's desk there was a two year wind down. we understand this can't happen overnight. >> but that doesn't change the fact that they will lose coverage. >> when that day happens there's going to be policy in place where he they can go by that policy and meet their family needs. but the devil is in the details. >> as in every other industry. >> but this industry is different. you're always welcome on to discuss what is going to happen next. i appreciate it. >> let's talk about what the democrats are doing because after 27 hours of debate, a second house committee okayed the gop obamacare replacement bill. well, she was part of that
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marathon session. she tells us what happened in there and what is next. arc lithium battery technology, it delivers the cutting-torque of gas. the ego mower's durable construction makes mowing in difficult conditions easy. the self-propelled model makes it effortless. and it folds flat in seconds for easy storage. the ego power+ mower. exclusively at the home depot and ego authorized dealers.
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it took 27 hour to get them to pass the house republican plan to repeal and replace obamacare. it moves the bill now to the house floor. one of the people that sat through that marathon session is democratic congresswoman and she joins us now. good morning. what were you doing for 27 hours? >> paying attention. it was an intense mark up. a bill we only got on monday night so by the time we started considering it we hadn't had it for 48 hours and now we have it in the public domain for 72 hours and it was really important to try to bring transparency to what was in that bill. i'm not sure many people were watching us at 3:00 or 4:00 a.m. but we're asking a lot of questions and making sure that we're putting a microphone on what the consequences were going to be to the american people. >> okay so that's great and beyond disecting it, what can
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democrats do? what are democrats doing this is the fast frak to the house and democrats don't want to repeal obamacare. so what is your plan. >> i want to make sure that every american has access to affordable health care. we offered a number of amendments that the republicans were never going to support democratic amendment and let's say it doesn't go into effect if seniors are effected and don't have access to learn term care. nobody was going to support that and i don't think it was a consequence that speaker ryan arrived as the vote began on the republican side. we have to make sure that over the weekend you're seeing a very diverse group all coming out and
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s saying this bill is going to impact those they care about. they have to dig in and find out what is going to impact them and why it's bad and communicate that to their members so when this bill hits the floor they know how their constituents feel and if they're worried, if they're worried that if you're a senior they're going to get a double whammy and pay five times what somebody young haerz to pay and not have access they'll pay more and get less and that's what the next ten days is going to be really important about. >> when you're haggling with your republican colleagues over this and telling them this is going to hurt seniors, what is the response? >> i get an exchange with a republican colleague that's a good friend and just asking him, i don't get the math here and talking about the math.
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one thing is what is going to happen to medicaid expansion. they're going to move it up more and people are claiming it protects people. well, our plan reduced our uninsured by michigan by 50%. almost 700,000 people that didn't have insurance have it now so we'll protect them. if they go out of the plan and get a job they can't go back into the plan. what are we going to do about seniors that are 10,000 a day turning 65 that need to access that care. how are we going to make sure when they need long-term care which people do as they get older? the math isn't adding up and some of the republicans are just -- they can't answer the math questions quite frankly. >> let's talk about new reporting in terms of the alleged mettling or ties to the trump organization.
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yesterday the gang of 8, that's the lawmakers that have access to the most highly classified or sensitive information. they had a meeting with james comey. what have you heard and what questions do you have that you want answered about this. >> i think it's very important that they not share what they learned we need to respect those rules but i am concerned about what we keep hearing on what the ties are to russia. it's very clear that we were hacked by russia last summer. nothing since then has given me any comfort. we need an independent investigation. i'm happy to hear they are working very closely together. they said they're going to finish getting the research part of this done by the 17th and start open hearings on the 20th.
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the most recent accusation is deeply disturbing although nobody is willing -- president obama flat out denied it. you have two presidents, i deeply respect president obama but we need the facts and we are a third branch of the government and we need the facts. >> thank you. always nice to talk to you. >> good talking to you. >> some drama within the government. the new epa chief is causing a up roar saying carbon dioxide is not a primary contributor to climate change. what does this mean for the future of america's environmental policies. we'll look into the science, next. te. ego's patented, 56 volt, arc lithium battery technology is the industry's most advanced.
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do you believe that it's been proven that co2 is the primary control knob for climate. do you believe that? >> no, i they measuring
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precision of human activity on the climate is challenging to do and there's tremendous disagreement about the degree of impact so no i would not agree that it's a primary to the global warming that we see. >> okay. >> we need to continue to debate and review the analysis. >> you have left, you have right and then you have science. what is the impact of this statement? >> in fact when you say about the majority, that is even understated. they repeatedly reaffirmed that linkage. it's a very broad effort to roll back what has been done people focus on the clean power plan
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which was the efforts to deal with carbon pollution and there also going to be an effort to roll back the second round of gains that the administration had achieved in agreement with the auto industry on improving fuel economy and mileage efficiency from cars. this is going to be one of the biggest domestic fights and international fights because whether or not the administration formally with draws from the paris agreement which was again an extraordinary coming together of the world around this challenge, whether or not it formally with draws from that it is undermining the mechanisms and what we learned is that may be the most critical force that can slow down what the trump administration is trying to do. >> there's a consensus among scientists yes but not americans. so when you talk about politics,
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48% of americans believe that global warming is connected to human activity and caused by human activity. 51% believe it is not. so in terms of him being at the epa half of the country think that he is just fine with that philosophy. >> that number is higher than i have seen elsewhere but the basic idea is correct in this sense allison which is that climate and the environment is functionally a cultural issue. it divides americans along the same lines. there's enormous skepticism
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thing. the states that tend to produce the most carbon also tend to be republican. donald trump dominated the states because their resource extraction states or a lot of manufacturing jobs and the post industrial states that have moved away from coal generated power tend to be democratic states. both president obama and hillary clinton dominated those states so like so many other things this reinforces our divide and we have sorted politically along the economic and vierenvironmen lines. he as a private citizen put in for relief because of global warming effects and he has gone with a hoax so he has played with it both ways but the idea of while the american people believe this take a look at the numbers online of how many people in america don't believe in evolution. i don't know if that's the best basis. >> what is is politics. there's policy, there's science and there's politics and in
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terms of the politics you don't know if there will be a huge backlash. >> no, but you worry about what the impact of this misinformation on policy but now the latest is that the white house wasn't aware of him being registered as a foreign lobbyiest. is that difficult for you to believe given the fact that -- they didn't show any of his paperwork that he filled out with them so we don't know if he left it off but there was activity with his consultant. do you believe they could have not known? >> the entire process has been more than we have seen. think about the level of the amendment of the testimonies that we have seen from several, obviously attorney general
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sessions is the most prominent but with steve and his financial assets and what was put back in after the fact. i think it is plausible that they did not know in this case. now, you know, it's when you have writing an oped piece right before or right after the election directly effecting this but not disclosing this relationship but there has been kind of a hurried process around many of these and we are way behind in the nominating process so i do think it's plausible. >> we have a few seconds left and if he was acting as what they call a foreign agent, what does that mean? >> that means he was lobbying and can be construed as benefitting a foreign government and shows a disregard here for what had been traditional boundaries and again disclosure.
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this is not the only episode we have seen where a senior administration official has shall we say omitted relevant facts to assessment of their fitness for the job. >> ron brownstein, thank you. >> it all started with the marines but now the investigation into online groups posting nude photos of their female colleagues, well it has spread to all branches of the military. so next a former secretary of the navy on how this hurts the military. patients they ask me at whitening all of the time. i tell them the thickness of your enamel determines essentially how white your teeth are going to be. the strength of your teeth needs to be there in order for that whiteness to last. i would definitely recommend the new pronamel strong and bright to my patients to keep their enamel strong, help to keep stains away, and polish the enamel. they're going to get whiter, brighter teeth. this is going to be a really great product for my patients. ♪
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new information for you this morning.
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it's now all four branches of the military that are looking into this issue. posting nude photos of people that appear to be family service members on various websites. this comes as leaders deal with this bombshell report of a secret online facebook group of more than 30,000 active duty marines and veterans and yes fair criticism is how much of a secret was it if it had 30,000 members but they were sharing thousands of potentially explicit photos of current and former marine corps women without these women's knowledge or consent. joining us is the former secretary of the u.s. navy. thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> have you ever heard of this. >> no, not until it broke. >> the idea of 30,000 members being involved in this and supposedly it was just marines that's hard to believe because i don't think you have enough marines to have 30,000 involved in an activity and nobody know about it but how do you explain
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that? the unknown nature of such a big group doing something that is so obvious? >> well, there's no good excuse. the marine motto, is always faithful. and what these marines did was to be unfaithful to their fellow marines. i mean, marines look after each other. marines have each others back and look at what the very heart of what it means to be a marine. goes to the very heart of that sacred oath, always faithful. they weren't faithful to their fellow marines. >> now you were an activist on this issue of women of empowerment within the military. you wanted to see them grow even
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within combat rolls and you were on effort and also despite taking these strong positions. and do you think that this investigation and we know what they were doing. we know it's wrong. we know you can catch people who are members of the group and punish them. we can discuss how they should be punished but that issue of who knew is just as important as all the other questions so it shows a tolerant. >> it's serious punishment for people that did this and you need to know the scope of it. you need to know where it goes and who was involved. but the reason i was so strong about this, the reason i needed this so much is a more diverse force is a stronger force.
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every time we have opened up the marines and it's diversity of thought and experience and background. a military force begins to think too much alike. begins to look too much alike. begins to come from the same place and be the same people. becomes preduictable and a predictable force is a defeatable force. this sort of thing undermines our fighting ability. that's what is at stake here. that's what is the bottom line here. it makes marines less able to fight. and i revere the marines. we all ought to be thankful we've got marines out there because they do things that not many people in this country are willing to do to protect this
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country but these marines, these veterans that have participated in this, have undermines, have attacked fellow marines. and that is inexcusable in a fighting force and particularly the marines that are so special. >> to be fair to the marines they were the first ones on this but now we're hearing that all four branches of the military at least are looking into this and we don't know if that's with cause although there is reporting out there that suggests that they do have cause to be looking. that this isn't just about the marines or just about the department of the navy but that makes this first question even more pressing, who knew. how could nobody in the chain of command be aware of something that spread through every branch of the service in at least the tens of thousands. >> you talk about it spreading
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but marines hold themselves out as being special and they are. we expect more out of marines. they expect more out of themselves. they should expect more in this case and i think one of the parts of the investigation is how did it spread. where did it go? who knew and did any of the chain of command know? but you look at how strong the statements are coming from the top uniform marine. you look at the ones coming from the acting secretary of the navy. you cannot put up with this and have an effected military force. you can't do it. every marine has to know that every other marine has their back. that is the basis of the marine cor corps. >> understood. thank you for your perspective on this. one of the reasons i'm pressing about who knew is just informed by this open defiance by some of these members also, they're
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acting as if yeah, come and find us as if they have confidence in their ability to stay undetected but we don't know everything yet and when we do know more we'll come back to you. thank you for your perspective and your service. >> well, the office of government ethics thinks that trump adviser kellyanne conway should be held accountable. for what? we'll tell you next. ree. your insurance company raises your rates. maybe you should've done more research on them. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. and if you do have an accident, our claims centers are available to assist you 24/7. call for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance.
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all seems beautiful to me. to take advantage of this offer on a volvo s90, visit your local dealer. the first officer to respond to the 2012 sikh temple massacre is sharing his story. a gunman killed six people in that shooting. somehow lieutenant brian murphy survived being shot 15 times at close range. he spoke with our sara sidner in this edition of "beyond the call of duty." >> by all accounts, brian murphy should be dead. >> first shot was in the face,
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second in the thumb, shot in the back of the head, right hand, one in the right arm, three in the left hand, three in the left bicep. one in each leg, one in the chest, one in the side and one in the back. >> reporter: his dash cam rolling, murphy was the first officer on the scene as calls poured in from the sikh temple of wisconsin. >> they are shooting. >> we heard fighting outside. i brought both kids in. >> reporter: she was among 15 women and children huddled in this pantry fearing death. her husband, the president of the temple rushed out to warn people. he was killed. the shooter, wade page, army veteran on a mission of hate and white supremacist was still at it when lieutenant murphy rolled up. that's murphy there and that is page gun raised. >> we both shoot at exactly the same time.
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>> what happens? >> i missed. >> murphy was hit in the face. that's him ducking for cover. it gets worse. >> about halfway through i just get mad, and i'm thinking when are you going to be done shooting me. >> how are you not dead? >> god kept me around. >> another officer drives up. >> page shoots, hitting the windshield, a gun battle ensues and page kills himself. by then, murphy's vest and body are riddled with 15 bullets. a year later a survive or approached him. >> how many times did you get shot? i said 15. there was one bullet for every one of us inside. >> reporter: without murphy's sacrifice, the massacre would have been so much worse. >> i know brian murphy is a hero, a hero to our community but a much larger community, in the sikh community in america.
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>> reporter: a community murphy still worries about, knowing they are targets simply because of their appearance. sara sidner, cnn, milwaukee. >> what an incredible story and hero there. moving on to this update, the white house being criticized by the office of government ethics for not punishing counselor kellyanne conway for the time she plugged ivanka trump's products during a live television interview. meanwhile, the poll numbers show the popularity of the president's wife, melania trump, rising sharply. joining us to talk about all this is kate bennett, cnn white house reporter. good morning, kate. >> reporter: good morning. >> so let's start with kellyanne conway. the office of government ethics does not think the white house has gone far enough in chastising her or punishing her for when she talked about ivanka trump's fashion brand on live tv which, of course, was an endorsement. kellyanne conway says she was
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joking and she had a serious conversation, one-on-one with the president, and they sort of made it right. the office of government ethics doesn't think that went far enough. what is kellyanne conway's status nowadays in the white house? we haven't heard as much from her. >> i think she's definitely -- she has a lower profile the past couple weeks than right out of the gate, right after inauguration. those comments, certainly the white house viewed them as offhand. although she didn't say go out and buy her clothes, i'm going to. it was a pretty stark endorsement there. she has not been as visible. of course, last week there was the mini scandal, the memes popped up with her kneeling on the couch in the oval office to get that photograph. in general she's played a lower profile of late, and that might be due to this. it might be just letting this gloss over and fade and let the story die down. >> i don't know if it was kellyanne conway's endorsement or if it's just ivanka's sort of
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shining star, but have the sales for her brand -- they're skyrocketing. let me read you some numbers. the best performing weeks in the history of her brand according to the president. according to e-commerce aggregator, from january to february, her sales increased 346%. so what's that about? >> while kellyanne is sort of out there being very vocal, ivanka is quietly branding herself. she's been wearing her own line for most of her appearances over the past couple weeks, from shoes to apparel. she'll pick up a bag that's an ivanka trump bag. if you break down her outfits, she's wearing her own line and in her own way a very marketable advertisement for her products.
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i think trump supporters rally around, if you hit trump, he hits back twice as hard. i think when she was attacked over nordstrom dropping her and the boy cots of retail, there was a rallying cry to support her and that might be reflected in these numbers. certainly it's not just her shoes that are up, also her dress, apparel. perfume was number one on amazon last month. in many ways the ivanka trump brand, and brand is business, is doing well. >> oh, my gosh, going gangbusters. also, melania trump's poll numbers. on inauguration day she was at 36% favorability, and now 52% favorability. what's behind that spike? >> i think a lot of it has to do with this melania mystique. we don't see a lot of her. we haven't met her or heard her. when she did come on the scene,
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there was a large group of people polled who didn't have an opinion or didn't even know who she was. now that she came out in that baby blue jackie kennedy-esque outfit, she made remarks introducing the president at his rally in florida, hosted the governor's ball, visited two children's hospitals last week. here she is, international women's day. she gave a speech at the white house, so we're really seeing a lot more and what the poll numbers reflect is people are liking what they say. we have to remember coming off eight years of michelle obama who was a prolific speaker and adept at getting her message across with let girls learn, reach higher, let's move, melania has yet to outline what her platform will be, yet to give a series of definitive speeches. s i think the poll numbers really
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reflect what might be a burgeoning popularity with her. a year ago she was only at 23% popularity or 24% which is a pretty low number of favorability. to see her numbers grow this quickly is an indicator that people really want to know more about her. >> definitely. it seems as though she's easing into her roll as first lady. kate bennett, thank you. you can join us for the cnn special report "melania trump, the making of a first lady" tonight at 9:00 p.m. eastern. >> we're following a lot of news. let's get right to it. >> we haven't had entirely forthcoming answers from the director of the fbi. >> jim comey meeting with eight powerful lawmakers. >> those walls are going to have to come down if we're going to do our job. >> we're confident the bipartisan congressional committees will arrive at the right conclusion. >> fbi investigators continue to examine whether there was a computer connection between the trump organization and a russian bank. >> during the presidential
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campaign, the russian bank looked up to the trump corporate server some 2800 times. >> the current health care system is a monstrosity. >> we meade to get health care reform right, we don't have to get it fast. >> this is the closest we will ever get to repealing and replacing obamacare. >> this is "new day" with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota. >> good morning, welcome to your "new day." it's friday, march 10th, 8:00 in the east. up first, fbi director james comey's meeting with eight powerful lawmakers who have access to the nation's most sensitive data. that information about russia's alleged meddling in the u.s. election is also expected to be shared soon with the entire senate intelligence committee. >> cnn has its own reports, learning that federal investigators are continuing to examine whether there was a computer server connection between a server of the trump organization and one of a russian bank. one u.s. official


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