tv Inside Politics CNN March 10, 2017 9:00am-10:01am PST
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you to the first cnn hero of 2017. first, here's least year's hero. [ speaking foreign language ] >> learn more at "cnn heroes".com. we're over time already and we have to say good-bye to our senior producer, katie baritone. she is leaving us today. we are so excited for you, and we will miss you dearly. inside politics starts right now. >> this is cnn breaking news. >> welcome to "inside politics." thanks for joining us. i'm dana bash, john king is off. we begin with breaking news. as we speak, president trump is
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meeting with key house committee about the issue dividing his party, the gop plan to replace obamacare. healthcare is a first fascina fascinating look how president trump will operate when it comes to thorny complicated legislation. will he be a deal-maker or arm twister? successful presidents have to be a bit of both. what is tricky is on healthcare many conservatives who represent the reddest districts with the most trump voters are asking him to slow down the process and change the bill to answer conservative concerns. >> if we can't agree on this, let's do what we agreed on last year. after all, all the republicans voted for it just 15 months ago, we were able to put it on president obama's desk and he vetoed it. we know president trump won't do that. >> as mentioned we know the president is meeting with republicans from the house. we just got some tape of that
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meeting. let's listen. >> hello, everybody. mr. vice president. >> mr. president. >> i want to thank each of the thousand committee leaders for being with us today, your devotion and leadership has been amazing. i want to applaud you, and the diligent work of your committees to advance the obamacare repeal and replacement legislation that we've been talking about for a long time and that we've been running with and i ran with it. i can tell you, that's what people want. they want repeal and replace. the bill passed just now throughways and means and it will, i think the committee just
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voted recently, right? your other committee? >> energy and commerce. >> energy and commerce. it was a very good vote. congratulations. it was a good job. amazing. we must act now to save americans from the imploding obamacare disaster. premiums have skyrocketed by double digits and triple digits in some cases, as an example arizona i talk about all the time, 116% increase and going up a lot higher. 17 would be a disaster for obamacare, that's the year it was meant to explode because obama won't be here. that was when it was supposed to be even worse. as bad as it is now it will get even worse. choices are disappearing as one insurer drops out after another. today, one-third of all counties now have only one insurer on the obamacare exchanges and the exchanges themselves are a disaster. the house repeal and replace plan ends the obamacare tax h e
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hikes, cutting taxes by hundreds of billions of dollars. it eliminates the obamacare mandate that forces americans to buy government approved plans. we all know that one. it provides states with flexibility over how medicaid diluted shares are spent, gi giving -- medicaid dollars are spent giving power to washington and we want to give it back to the americans. and they want to buy the health insurance right for them, not the plan forced on them by government. you remember the you can keep your doctor you can keep your plan, i know, greg, you never heard that, right? it was said many many times and turned out not to be true. this is the time we will get it done. we're working together. we have great results and tremendous spirit and it is something that will happen very shortly. thank you all very much and we will get to work. thank you. >> that's president trump spe speaking to cameras in the white
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house, as he actually is beginning a meeting with key republican house committee chairman. you saw congressman brady there as well as congressman walden, two of the key people that are architects of the bill the house republican leadership is trying to push through. with us to share their reporting an insights, ryan of "the new yorker," lee and reporter from the "washington post" and "new york times". what did you think of that? >> first, the president who ran mocking his opponent for reading from a teleprompter is basically reading from a script entirely, which is striking to see. also, it's a reflection of just how little this president knows about congress 101, right? he wants to make deals and get stuff done. he is 20,000 feet. when he's talking off-the-cuff, he doesn't even know how this bill is moving through congress. he mentioned the ways and means
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committee and turns to kevin brady but doesn't mention the energy and commerce committee and has to be prompted by the chairman of that committee what the committee's name is and the fact it passed the bill yesterday out of committee. that's what we're dealing with right now. me, it doesn't matter, all that matters is he will be persuasive and twist arms when all is said and done. it's extraordinary in the white house. >> i think it matters. when you look at the history of this issue which has shipwrecked several presidents who tried it. the key to the ones who came close to passing something or did pass something, look at lyndon johnson with medicare and bill clinton made some progress and eventually completely failed and obama actually got it across the finish line, it required intense presidential engagement in the issue, deep knowledge in the issue, not a superficial deal striking person but someone who understood districts and
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members' concerns and nitty-gritty of healthcare policy. that's what's worrying, as you just pointed out. >> the whole concept as jonathan s saying, the president not knowing she committee chairman, his voters don't care about that. they don't want someone to say my friend from this state and colleague from this state who talks washington and knows these people. having said that, it usually does require presidential leadership and he is relying a lot on these republican leaders in congress who never even liked him much. how much does he trust what they're telling him. >> that video was extraordinary. that was the most robotic i have ever seen donald trump. what he kept repeating over and over again, this is not obamacare, this is not obamacare, we said we'd get rid of obamacare. he does not seem 0 have any sensor feeling any need to be making the case for what this
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bill is and what it would do. this is a very very dangerous vote for these house republicans. their feeling is it's too much like obamacare. >> if only we could get a full transcript of the back and fo h forths between the president and these committee chairmen, keep in mind how this debate has progressed only in a couple days. when the bill was first released we actually didn't really know if president trump was behind this bill. because he was getting pressure he finally put out a tweet s saying, this is a wonderful bill. then he goes and meets with house conservatives and he seems to have sort of given them the leverage that they want and promises to hold back on when the medicaid expansion would go away, saying that could happen at an earlier day, i'm open to that, at least that's the indication we've gotten from white house officials. is this going to be another day when he meets with these folks
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face-to-face and another -- >> undercutting paul ryan. >> who says this bill cannot change. >> pass it. >> that's kind of the point about whether or not donald trump is going to figure out a way to get a deal just to get a deal or whether or not that kind of -- the art of the deal -- will work in a situation like this, big pieces of legislation we have seen, when they actually do pass, they're carefully cr t crafted, if you kind of anything out, the whole thing unravels, that's what republican leaders are trying to explain to the president. >> hard liners in the house believe if donald trump is open to compromise on this bill they have a free vote. if they believe donald trump will come down on them, fly to their districts and say, if you're not with me on this, you are voting against the trump agenda, that is what will drive their votes. if they come out of the white house, trump is open to a deal on medicaid for example, they
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won't feel any pressure to vote the right way on that. >> what they want has been dr e driving the media, who do we think understands the freedom caucus and far right and the house better? paul ryan, whose job it is to understand that conference or donald trump who is a newcomer to town. paul ryan put together this very delicate political balance, this bill that really doesn't please anyone. conservatives cried and screamed and came running to trump and he said, okay, i'll aecccommodate some of your concerns. >> this is a dangerous vote. they they vote in the house and changes in the senate, they're on record as voting for something a primary opponent in two years because the house has to run every two years, can come and hit them over the head with. >> since somebody mentioned "art of the deal," i think it is true clearly trump is trying to do negotiating and clearly is swa
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swayed when he meets with a different kind of stake holder, however i don't think we have seen trump do the full trump yet. we know what trump looks like when he's passionate about an issue like the wall. he can go out there and do rallies after rallies and talk about an issue to no end. this is an issue, the obamacare bill we have not seen trump get really passionate about this issue, i wonder if on the policy details he's not exactly sure what he wants. >> let's be honest. of course he talked about repealing obamacare during the entire campaign because you had to. >> that's right. >> this is not one of the things that really drives him, like trade. you know with presidents and politicians in general, what they care the most about. >> it was never his thing. >> don't forget, at one point he supported single payer government healthcare. >> yes, we don't forget that. hold onto these thoughts, we want to talk next about another
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issue congress is dealing with and what the top democrat on the house intelligence committee y says about evidence or no evidence of president trump being wiretapped by president obama. stay with us. firsts? but sht it be about and seconds? how about adding a third? we think there's a bajillion ways to measure success. like making your toddler giggle like this. yep that's a success! can teaching kids in another country how to say "pony" make you a success? the correct answer is yeah. what about taking pride in everything you do? finding the courage to do something you've never done? or doing something no one's ever done? we sure think so. this is what we call... the new success story and while success isn't just about money, no matter how much you have, we think you deserve the financial freedom to sleep like this at night. we are t-i-a-a, and we're with you.
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no evidence what so ever anyone tapped candidate donald trump's phones last year that he's claiming. that's from a top democrat on the house intelligence committee. you'll hear this only on cnn. >> is there any evidence to substantiate what he's been s saying about president obama y spying on him? >> i haven't seen any evidence what so turnover substantiate that. when sean spicer isn't even willing to talk about it, you know there's a real problem. >> do you think on march 20, at that hearing, comey will be prepared to talk about that issue? >> he's certainly prepared for the question and i don't see any
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reason he can't answer it. he may even welcome the opportunity. >> congressman schiff was one of only eight lawmakers in a closed door classified meeting yesterday with the director of the fbi. james comey they were talking about. the congressman would not say anything more about what was said in that classified meeting. first of all, karen, i'll start with you on this. the idea the fbi director goes up to the hill and makes pretty clear, it sounds like, very clear, that what the president said about obama wiretapping him is just not true. that he wants to say it publicly. is that going to be like the most epic hearing we're going to see in recent history when he goes up to the hill and potentially says that? >> this is the biggest squi squirmish. the larger truth here is we seem to have an entire executive branch that is at war with itself and at war with the white house. this is just -- that the president could make this sort
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of extraordinary claim and not be called on it, you know, just wouldn't happen. >> imagine the pressure on comey when he goes up there after his testimony in the benghazi -- excuse me, in the e-mail situation with hillary clinton where he really did not pull any pun punches. he criticized her and told members when she was telling the truth and wasn't and it had an enormous effect on the campaign. he has to go and testify and be as brutally frank about president trump as he was against hillary clinton or he's going to hear about it from democrats. >> he's not entering this environment as a neutral figure. this is frustration that has been building among democrats for months. you speak to democratic lawmakers and professional democrats and now they still mention what comey did talking about the clinton e-mail servers so close to the election and did that tip the scales? when he goes to meet with
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republican and democrats, that is always back there. >> it's now march of '17, bill clinton is still raging about comey. >> sure. i don't think that's ever going to stop. >> still raging about comey, still, furious about the intervention, in his mind. >> the whole question, you talked about the executive branch at war with itself. one member was gone, at least an aide, barely before he could do his job, mike flynn. there was a report today during his time with the campaign he worked as a foreign agent and lobbied on behalf of turkey. the vice president has a complicated relationship with mike flynn, to stay the best, was not happy to hear this but says he didn't know. take a listen. >> well, let me say, hearing that story today was the first i heard of it.
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i fully support the decision that president trump made to ask for general flynn's resignation. >> reporter: you're disappointed by the story? >> the first i heard of it. i think it is an affirmation of the president's decision to ask general flynn to resign. >> so, hold on, general flynn, i will just back the bus up one more time over you. also, by the way, the president asked him to resign, back to my point about the executive branch because the executive branch was leaking all over him. >> the only reason it happened. >> this was not something donald trump was doing because he had any first hand reservations or doubts about general flynn, in fact, he was defending him right up until the point -- >> after, too, right? >> right. >> this situation with turkey, seems to me, even more troubling than having some conversations with the russian ambassador, right? he's incoming national security
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advisor, talking to the russian ambassador is not the end of the world, depending what they said, he lied about it to his boss, that's what got him fired. he was lobbying for a foreign agent and wrote an op-ed. >> that is unreal. it also suggests he probably wasn't that confident trump was going to win because on the day of the election he had an article about his clients in the hill newspaper. >> he wouldn't have been the only trump advisor who didn't think their candidate would win. >> donald trump himself, probably. >> and this russian advisor is one of those you're pulling the yarn, forever i keep pulling is it the entire sweater that unravels or a part of it. i think the biggest red flag for the trump administration as we saw with vice president pence, they don't have a good sense how many other problematic issues are out there.
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when an administration is faced with a potential controversy they try to do the prep work and be prepared. with this, they're not entirely sure how much to be prepared for. >> i want to turn topics for a quick second, to the new epa administrator, scott pruitt, talking about human activity and global change, global client change. >> double th you believe that in proven co2 is the primary control snob for climate, do -- control knob is for climate? >> no,i do not. it's the degree of impact, no, i would not agree it's a primary contributor to the global warming that we see. we don't know that yet. we need to continue to review and analysis. >> you were shaking your head,
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karen. >> this is not a close question. science has weighed in on this. the evidence is there. human activity is contributing to climate change. that is a simple fact. politician process can continue to debate this. it is no longer a debate among scienti scientists. >> i think this is interesting, your second point about politicians debating. a lot of republicans have moved on from the debate, a lot of conservatives have moved on and had their peace with the fact co2 is contributing to climate change, the real debate is how do we deal with that in a way that doses not harm our economy. pruitt is going back 10, 15 years where conservatives were and outright denial on a major scientific consensus. there are a lot of things in the scientific community you can debate. this is not one of them. it would have been hard for trump to find someone who was a true climate change denialist and he has one running the epa.
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>> he found him. stand by, guys. we will take a quick break and after we come back, we will talk about a new jobs report out today making the financial markets happy and comes on a day when president trump is marking 50 days in office. up next, we look at what he's accomplished so far and what's left to be done. bought every day earned you miles to get to the places you really want to go. with the united mileageplus explorer card, you'll get a free checked bag, 2 united club passes... priority boarding... and 50,000 bonus miles. everything you need for an unforgettable vacation. the united mileageplus explorer card. imagine where it will take you.
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today, a new jobs report detailing the state of employment in the u.s. for the first full month of the trump administration. and it's good news. 235,000 new jobs created in february. and the unemployment rate ticked down to 4.7%. last year, the u.s. economy a added an average of 190,000 jobs per month. the unemployment rate is now back to where it was in 2007, right before the economic collapse. white house chief of staff
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reince priebus was eager to trumpet the good report tweeting this morning @potus, trump delivers. 235,000 new jobs and unemployment down to 4.7%, great news for american workers. is this something the president can take credit for? >> will he or can he? >> do you think it's legitimate? >> to be fair to president trump and reince priebus, every president claims credit for good economic news whether it happened on their watch or the last president. in some ways, they're acting like conventional politicians. this is one of them, claiming credit for good economic news when it happens. the details might be complicated and perhaps not totally thanks to them. that's not going to stop them. yeah. this is standard operating procedure for a politician. >> they're going to get it whether they claim it or not. when you're the president you get the credit when the news is good and you get the blame when it's bad. ride it.
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>> it's certainly good data. i think at some point trump will have to put more on his scoreboard to effectively say here are the actions i've taken along with my colleagues in congress to make improvements for the country. at some point, you can only go so far with executive orders. i think that's why the obamacare battle again, the fact it's taking so much longer than people thought initially will be problematic if it drives on and prevents other legislative actions to be taken. >> before we talk about this, you mentioned a data point. the good news for the president is the numbers are good today. bad news is we all have sound bites from what candidate trump said about the credibility of these very numbers he's touting. >> wow. >> right now, we have a false 5.4, 5.3, 5.6, every month it's different. it is such a phony number.
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i hear 5.3% unemployment. that is the biggest joke there is in this country. that number is so false. the 5% figure is one of the biggest hoaxes in american modern politics. >> i was going to say, since you heckled me, i'm going to ryan first. >> go negative. >> look, i was going to say -- you took the words out of my mouth before you showed those clips. he ginned up a conspiracy theory about how the bureau of labor statistics arrives at those numbers. >> by the way -- >> i wish to give him due here. there is this argument about the labor participation rate and how many people have dropped out.
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there is a press secretary conference today or when ever the briefing is, does he still believe the bureau of labor statistics is faking these numbers. >> like so much for president trump you can go to the twitter feed or archives you just pulled from and find literally contradictory information on pretty much every policy issue under the sun. it's possible to find something that contradicts what he's s saying in the presence he said five years ago or 10 years ago. >> not that he gets flustered in his own past words. >> he moves on. >> he's made the bureau of labor statistics great again. >> let's turn to another very important campaign rhetoric issue for president trump. that was immigration. he talked a lot about building a wall, he talked a lot about tightening the border. he hasn't been able to do. he did through executive order but obviously no legislation has come through and certainly that
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wall is not being built. i want you guys to look at these statistics from the department of homeland security on border crossings. it's kind of hard to see but you get the gist of the line going down. down. i believe it's about 40% in the last couple months, since president trump has been in office. so the question is, whether or not it's just his rhetoric that has scared people off -- but it is a remarkable turn in these statistics. >> usually this is tied to economic factors, how strong the pull of jobs is on this side of the border and how well the economy is doing on the other. it is hard to imagine the kind of rhetoric and the kind of developments we have seen over the past month wouldn't be pl playing -- >> absolutely. >> some kind of role in depre depressing people's desire to try to come over here.
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>> it was already low. net migration from mexico was basically zero last year why it was so ironic trump made the big issue. it was already low. there's no question this is chilling immigration. by the way the bannon wing of the administration is very excited about that chart. >> i'm sure. >> jeff sessions, the ag, was trumping it yesterday, very very thrilled about this development. >> doesn't have any pressure to build the wall and get the fu funding through congress. does it change their view in any way -- >> it's already working. >> it's working, that's what they're saying. before we go to break, i want to show everybody the latest "time" magazine cover, your former employer and very important publication for the president. he probably is very happy with this cover. you can see there it is trump's war on washington with the broken washington monument, of course, him holding his phone tweeting in his hands.
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>> a long time. >> a long time. as we talk more about the halfway mark of his first 100 days in office, that is true, he is certainly scrambling things in this town more than we've ever seen, at least in modern times. >> he has to love that image, because so much of what how he judges himself and looks at the way in which others are perce e perceiving him is about image, right? that image of him being so tall and so big and so ground he's literally standing next to the monument, that's a cover he's definitely going to like. >> i have to say, this is the kind of cover that drives democrats on the left crazy. they see this as the media framing trump as this disrdisru. this is a week when the president of the united states a accused the former president of illegally tapping his phone and that's the cover on "time" magazine. this is the kind of thing --
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>> branding him in the way he wants to be framed despite some of the outrageous things. >> quickly, before we go to break, what's his obsession with "time" magazine? do you think it was the publication of '80s and '60s, when he was younger? >> '40s, too. >> they're making a comeback. >> now, they are. >> score keeping. he has boasted he's had more covers than anybody else in history. he is way behind a lot of other people including richard nixon, but it's the way he keeps score. >> by the way, i'm not trying to dis"time" magazine, we love "time" magazine, keep buying them, folks. up next, did his lawyers fix the glitches? the president's new travel ban is set to take effect next week but already facing court battles. ta... t-mobile one save you hundreds a year.
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you're looking at live pictures of the white house briefing room. we are waiting for sean spicer to give his daily press bri briefing. that will happen live on cnn. don't go away. when that starts we will bring it to you. its march 10th, meaning we're halfway through the benchmark period of every modern president, the first 100 days. for president trump, the first 50 days have been a bit bumpy in his transition from firing his national security advisor to sending controversial tweets to having to redo his executive order banning immigration from six countries. here's how one of his white house advisors, one of the key
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authors of that travel ban described travel ban part two. >> fundamentally, wu will still have the same policy outcome for the country, there were technical issues brought up by the court but those will be addressed. in terms of protecting the country, those basic policies are still in effect. >> change, what change? there's no change. >> you talk about the first travel ban in the scope of the first 50 days, obviously that travel ban was one of the most missteps and problematic areas for this administration. i think it showed two things, a fundamental lack of understanding how washington wo works, the need to be in touch with congress with different agencies and clearly with the second one, trying to remedy that and do it in a better way. secondly, i think the first travel ban clearly showed trump and his top officials were eager to make a mark as quickly as
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possible and why they moved so quickly on something a lot of people including republicans said was not going to work. >> it's not just technical changes from one travel ban to this. the court knocked them back on two major constitutional issues, right? one was the trump administration said it's not reviewable. federal courts can't look at this. they laughed at that. the more important one, the other one was this establishment clause issue. this started as a muslim ban and turned into a travel ban from seven countries. but they had language in the first one that said christian minorities would take precedence. the court looked at that, there's a serious establishment clause issue, they didn't decide on the merits, clearly, they were concerned that was left over when this was described as a muslim ban. they took that out. that's not in the current one why a lot of legal scholars think this one is more bullet-proof when they go to court. by getting on tv and saying this
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one is no different, the lawyers that are challenging this will go to court and say, wait a second, they're doing it again. >> they are. >> you mentioned maybe it's different enough on the policy but the optics and the way they rolled this out was very very different starting with the way he had his national security team at least the top tier in place including secretary of state, rex tillerson. jonathan martin is not exactly the visible, former ceo taking the ceo by storm secretary of state maybe we thought he was going to be. he's actually about to go on an asian trip and he's not even in t -- bringing the press corps. >> not the henry kissinger model. trump clearly wants a small circle of folks around him running all facets of government. i think foreign leaders, read the clips, they read the stories ta talking about just that. if you are the foreign minister
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of mexico and say in this white house, jared kushner, the president's son-in-law, he has the real power and real juice, what are you going to do? you will go to what you perceive is the real authority not the ostensibly bureaucratic titled figure is, you will go to the person who has the ear of the leader. this is what countries do, try to figure out who is in charge and take their case to the power center. that's why you see tillerson being bypassed in this case by the mexican foreign minister. i think it's because tillerson himself is not comfortable with the press. how many times have we seen candidates for government or senate millionaires in private life get into politics and suddenly the scrutiny is overwhe overwhelming. in busy, yiness, you don't have press coming into your sweet. this is a whole new experience for him. into your suite. >> i want to play a clip of what
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bill clinton said in a speech yesterday. listen to what he says and we'll figure it out afterwards. >> this is a global deal, like we're all having an identity crisis at once. what happens 20 years ago is a microcosm of what is coming full bloom across the world today. these things are going to have to be worked out. >> so he was also talking about the idea of bringing simple personal decency and trust back to our politics. i don't know, i just think bill clinton talking about the need to bring personal decency back to politics is interesting. >> he's also talking about a world that is very different than the world looked when he was president. >> that's true. >> you do have countries around the world pulling back within their borders. bill clinton was president at a time of expanding trade, you
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know, globalism. it is a very very different climate. >> is it chaycened globalist, right? -- this isaiis a chasened globa. this is someone who looked at brexit, a one off. looked at trump and said he can't thrive in the american politics. nobody was defeated more than clinton. you would guess he's spent a lot of time thinking about this, watching what's going on in europe and this wave has not crested yet. >> we have to take a break. as we do, do you guys remember that movie "sliding doors" gwyneth paltrow, this is what the world would look like if i went this way. we just learned what the world would look like on capitol hill if hillary clinton had won. nancy pell osi said she would he retired had clinton won. a lot of democrats in the house thi below her think it would have
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been my chance to move up. and she felt it was good to leave if there was a woman in the white house, that didn't happen, she's still there. the republican healthcare could end up costing them big in 2018. reporters will empty their notebooks next. powerful you'll think they are. it's time to see what power really looks like. new neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair with accelerated retinol sa. clinically proven to reduce wrinkles in just one week. wrinkles? your time is up! rapid wrinkle repair. and for dark spots. rapid tone repair. neutrogena® see what's possible.
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provide quote insurance for everybody. he laid down a challenge to the conservative movement and said there were some people in the movement that thought if you can't pay for it we won't help you. that's not the kind of system he wanted. one, we never saw that plan. two, the plan he did back doesn't cover everybody. and he hasn't endorsed a plan sort of in the mainstream of the conservative movement. i think going forward, the question about donald trump, how he interjekcts himself in this healthcare debate does he resort back to any of those instincts he had previously when he was for single payer and a more generous policy. does it weigh in or does he stick with the policy this week? >> the republican obamacare is not on the house floor yet, democrats are starting to figure out looking at the map, how to use that bill to win over seats in the house. there are about a dozen
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republicans in the committees that actually voted this week during the mark-ups, the energy and commerce committee and ways and means they view as possible pickups or at the very least competitive. i want to point out what ron is s saying, this house bill could end up actually not getting through the senate meaning it could be watered down, some controversial provisions could be taken out. that means there were a bunch of house republicans that took votes this week on provisions that actually may not even end up in the final bill. >> cakaren. >> i am wondering, what happened to the deficit? the holy grail of issues for the republicans. in president trump's last speech last week, he didn't even say the word, deficit. he mentioned the federal debt only once. that was to complain obama had exploded it. we saw the healthcare bill go into committee without even preliminary estimates from the congressional budget office this
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week. as congress now moves into tax reform, i'm wondering if there's going to be any chance this does anything but explode the deficit. >> you're not the only one. talk to the conservatives of the freedom caucus. >> paul ryan has his share of gop critics, as we all know. they were coming out this week talking to folks. they say ryan has not adapted to the job. it points the rollout of this healthcare bill. by having two committee chairman fairly obscure to most americans go on fox news and the next day do an op-ed in the "wall street journal" was more reminiscent how ryan used to do his budget print rollouts when president obama was president. these critics say where was the east wing ceremony? where was president trump from day one making it his bill and owning this thing. if it does pass it will be because trump himself comes in and says to the conservatives, you're with me or against me.
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that's not how this thing was launched this week. to borrow a phrase, it was not done very big league. >> jonathan martin. karen tumulty and mnlg and thanks for a great discussion and have a great weekend. wolf blitzer is up next. lots of wrinkle creams believe the more mysterious they sound, the more... powerful you'll think they are. it's time to see what power really looks like. new neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair with accelerated retinol sa. clinically proven to reduce wrinkles in just one week. wrinkles? your time is up! rapid wrinkle repair. and for dark spots. rapid tone repair. neutrogena® see what's possible.
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hello. i'm wolf blitzer. it's 1:00 p.m. here in washington. wherever you're watching around the world, thanks for joining us. up first, halfway through the first 100 days, we're following several major stories on day 50 from healthcare to wiretap claims to russia. that means a lot to cover in today's white house press bri briefing this hour. look at the pictures coming in from
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