tv Inside Politics CNN March 12, 2017 5:00am-6:01am PDT
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but the cleverness continues. >> a surprise every week. >> uh-huh. well, we are going to be watching what is happening tomorrow. a lot of things on the agenda for monday. will there be any proof of -- >> the president wiretap is building. thank you for watching." inside politics with john king is next. a big test for the deal maker president. appealing obamacare is a republican mission, but the replacement is messy. >> members have to pick a side. nancy pelosi or president trump. and halfway to 100 days. the economy is on the upswing. still no proof of a stunny
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charge. >> the scandal of the u.s. sitting president saying his predecessor took part in up lawful conduct. that's also a scandal if the allegations prove to be false. >> "inside politics," the inside stories sourced by the best reporters now. welcome to "inside politics." if you are expect iing the othe, you forgot to set your clock ahead. settling a republican feud. >> we are going to repeal the mandates and taxes and penalties of of obamacare. we are going to give americans more choices. we'll expand health savings accounts. we'll give americans a tax credit that will help people buy plans they need at a price they can afford. most significantly, my view,
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will jif states like kentucky the freedom to meet your most vulnerable. >> vice president pence on the road yesterday. this fight is not just on policy details but the debate over whether the house should back the gop plan as is or be open to deals as he hunts for support. >> we do not act to save americans from this wreckage. it will take our health care system all the way down with it. >> at halfway to 100 days, several other big debates are brewing. how much, if any credit, does the new president get for the recent economic news. that's one. here's another debate, what price should the president make when he accused president obama of a wiretapping scheme. >> he needs to know he'll be exposed and high-ranking people within the u.s. government like the director of our intelligence agencies and the fbi will be forced to say the president wasn't telling the truth.
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>> very busy hour ahead, margaret teller, mana raju and nia malik henderson. >> members have a buy in their choice. nancy pelosi will be voting no. president trump asked we pass this bill to put it on members of the defb of the house. >> many think the house republican bill is not better than obamacare. this is very real. and the next few weeks the giant party for the parents. the vice president goes out on the road this weekend. watch for the president to do so soon. they are in a big debate over
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policy. conservatives think it is like obamacare with big tax credits. it's ngoing to reduce money to the states and you won't help people. where are you today before we get this to the floor? do the republicans have the. >> they are still very much opposed to this bill. i talked to one of the members on friday who is opposed to the house there a house. what is interesting is he told me he was going directly to the white house to negotiate changes. hope to change the medicaid restrictions.
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even if moderates think as to too tough, the conservatives think it is too weak and want to move up the time frame. the question is, what changes will paul ryan make or kevin mccarthy make to this bill to. >> you mentioned kevin mccarthy, he's the number two, majority leader, and he was asked about this because the president earlier in the week tweeted out, let the negotiations begin. the house republican leadership ran down to the white house and said, no, no, no, no, no. no changing this bill as is. we have to get to the first step and pass it as is. we are not out of the loop, we are in touch with the president, we'll be fine. >> i don't see how we are down
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at the loop to speak with the president as well. as we work through it, they took a look at a number of -- >> they have a bill they feel they can just sweep -- your job is to say, i'm the republican president, vote for the bill as is. >> there were signs, at some point, he seemed to be open to this idea of making the medicaid expansion something in 2018 or rather than 2020. and then signals from the white house, no, no, no, he's sticking with the 2020. very difficult position. there was one columnist, conservative columnist, who essentially said the republicans have to get something done.
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this is something, so it is hard to figure out who the constituency is. they seem to be alienating everyone on the hill in terms of republicans. the challenge is, how do you get louis gomer to apreesappreciate preesht /* dmkt -- the votes. >> they didn't have a good track record under john boehner. they tried to get a lot of things through. the votes are important. you're seeing donald trump try to help out with the charm offensive where he's bringing a lot of folks from the hill over to the white house. on tuesday mark meadows will be at the white house for another boulg all -- even though we
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talked about the freedom caucus members being against the spending within this bill, the reason that they have to take did really well in their trump- districts. so he does have that lever. we'll see how tough he wants to use it. >> but there is the cbo score coming out. that will be tomorrow. >> a big test tomorrow. the cbo score, if watching at home, this is the congressional budget office. the republicans are saying they are not so great of referees thchl. this is a paul ryan office that says how many people are losing their jobs and this is going to lead to, am i going to lose my insurance? is it going to cost me less or ultimately cost me more? he's going to want to distance
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himself from it and say let's work anything out and make a deal. you say how do you get it versus do they want this as a group now? they have to know that. >> exactly. what strikes me is that the republicans took the wrong lessons from how the democrats bundled the obamacare legislative process in 2009. at that time, they went through the republicans and the debate over the public option, whether or not to do that, and it created a democratic civil war for months and months that americans exploit it. they released this bill in march before is a cost estimate and they are having their own
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problems moving through when a -- >> hospital associations, not only conservative groups are against it as well. republicans keep saying, well, democrats jammed it through. keep using that pelosi. the idea that they are going to use talking points to get voters on board, the idea of competition, the idea of empowerment, the idea of states having it, being able to up no v vat innovate. when peel see the figures of $2,000 to $4,000, regardless of what the tax is, they have to
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deal with the reality. it is visceral for trump voters. >> republicans look at the 2010 mid terms, 2014 midterms, 2016 presidential election. we used this against the democrats pretty successfully. what will happen to us? mitch mcconnell said 60% of my members weren't here when we had the republican president and don't understand the obligation as presidents do. >> you can have press conference, you guys show up with a ten-point plan, do this, do that. but now we have an actual chance to change the country. we have somebody who will sign legislation that we pass. we need to get into a governing mode and start thinking about actually achieving something
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rather than just sparring. >> can he sell that? that you have an obligation to this republican president? or is all politics local? >> he can sell it to a lot of his members, but maybe not enough to get the votes. >> he's got 52-48. he can't lose anything in the senate. >> but on the obamacare repeal, he can do it with 52 senators because of reconciliation to the filibuster. but as you know, the president of the united states is ill malleable on his psychological issues. paul ryan is sticking to a better ajen da. this is what we campaigned on, but a lot of the folks when you
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don't like legislation, it is different than signing on top a brochure. now you are in the details and that is where the details become real now. we'll take a quick break. next, the robust jobs report with it and an equally robust debate. thank s obama or thanks trump? and there's an alien takeover for president trump. >> now here's the deal, we are going to beat these aliens because we have the most robust republicans, but the aliens are laughing at us. >> mr. president, what about the aliens? they just van rised the entire state of california. >> did i win the popular rote? >> humans, resistance is futile.
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modern politics. >> but that was then. this is now. the first jobs report of a full month of the trump presidency showed the economy added 235,000 jobs in february. the unemployment rate dropped to 4.7%. not so phony a number if you're president trump and a president now in the white house. how much credit do you give president trump for a strong february? or does president obama deserve credit? if you look at job growth out of 2010 after coming out of the fiscal crisis, job growth, 200,000 plus a lot of months in the obama administration. that's the big debate. how much credit goes to the former president, one thing, since election day, wall street has had a great run. if you have a 401(k), you're happy with this. but the hoax the president called that number during the campaign, listen to the press secretary now. they like it. >> obviously, we're very pleased to see the jobs report that came
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out this morning. it's great news for american workers. i he says, they may have been phony in the past, but it is very real now. >> i guess it is kind of funny. it's a reminder on this issue and many others where candidate trump and sometimes president trump takes issue with government statistics and government agencies and tries to undermine the credibility of public institutions. on this economy, look at the bricks put in place over the years. politically, he's the president. so if people are happy about the economy, guess what? the incumbent president is a continued map fenifestation und president obama. six months from now if the numbers look good, president
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trump can try to take credit. what matters for him right now, especially in the first 100 days and the unrelated missteps and the dilemma over health care, any economic news, the stock market is good, that helped him, indisputebly. >> and it keeps the republicans happy. on the question of the economy, the feds like to take that. there are a couple land mines out there. >> the republicans get far too much blame for this. president trump hasn't had much of an impact on this and he's talking about the very minor, small deals that he's trying to make to keep a few hundred jobs
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here and 1,000 jobs there. we'll see over time where this goes. and wall street can be one of the -- >> corporations think they are going to get regulatory relief that the executive branch can do. and they think they will get tax reform, which we'll see. the president himself talked about this yesterday, he continues to insist, even if you show the old jump rope, was getting good at the presidency to say, i inherited a mess. >> the economy is doing very well. and generally speak we are doing well. we had a mess. it is getting straightened out fast. >> straightened out so fast we now accept the unemployment
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rate. >> yeah. one of the things in his inaugural address, he talked about the american carnage, but said the american carnage ends now. right? right on january 24th. he was inaugurated and all the bad old days were and he's changing every day, ceos are hope f hopeful about the tax return. but a lot of people are nervous if this doesn't get soon within the timetable after obamacare. then you will see a decline in the market. >> the psychology could change, yeah. >> if you saw where the president was yesterday, we played that "i inherited a mess"
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comment. but he was at one of his golf course courses,. i think our brand is the hottest it has ever been. nothing like a president to boost business. however, it is good. for the knicks week in a row, he visits a trump property. he's been to the one in west palm beach. the one in jupiter, florida. he's been at the trump hotel for dinner here in. >> who is going to hold him accountable for it? and whether republicans, particularly in congress, are going to investigate, have any
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hearings looking at potential conflicts of interest. or if this is criticism from the media. and if it is criticism from the media, he'll discount the -- >> thank you, mr. trump. >> he will raise the conflicts of interest, particularly if he pushes on policies that will help the businesses. >> but he's marketing this brilliantly in some ways. i mean, the whole idea that mar-a-lago is the winter white house. it looks like they changed the name to the southern white house. that is part of the reason why the rain has gone up there, the membership, $200,000 or something. >> isn't mar-a-lago in the part of florida where -- nevermind, election night. the numbers for republicans
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november 9. i want to use my old friend here to make a point about president trump as he's halfway to the 100-day mark. some numbers of the president are not so great. 45% of americans approve of the job president trump is doing as president. 52% disapprove. under water, the biggest debate right now before the congress and on the president's desk? dealing with repealing and replacing obamacare. what are people thinking of the health care law? 46% favor, 49% oppose. so a died country, a delicate precedent to a repeal and replacement plan. the president is under water, divided country on health care, they think, a hha! a weakness here for president trump. if you look at mccomb county from eighth, obama. they went there to conduct famous focus groups.
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are the trump voters ready to turn on trump? 35 trump voters in the focus groups who have not had any buyer's remorse. they are clear why they voted for him and pray he keeps his challenges. the president has a lot of channels ahead, but all the evidence is his base in america is still with him. which is why republicans say full speed ahead. listen to speaker ryan here. we talk about 100 days and he says double that. >> and we have a 200-day plan and we're right on schedule with it. the real why is because how long it takes to pass things through the senate. so we typically do a 100-day plan as you have heard these 100 days, i sat down with mitch mcconnell and we looked at the cabinet secretaries and assistant secretaries and made a 200-day plan because we know the democrats are doing everything to string out the clock, to delay and stall. >> so the republicans are clear there. the political environment is interesting.
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the president has tough challenges there. but from the calendar standpoint, check back in with us in june, not april. >> it is a lot harder done than said. and ryan is operating on an ambitious schedule right now. he's trying to push through the health care law by the end of this month, or legislation to the house. and he also wants to get tax reform done by the august recess. mitch mcconnell, the senate majority leader, not so certain about that schedule because of the rules of the senate and because of the fact that it will be very difficult to get consensus. you mentioned the tax reform, it's very possible he could be unsuccessful because of congress, even with the one party rule. >> last year president trump laid out 28 different points of
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things he wanted to get done in his first 100 days. i went through them. and maybe 11 of them does he have any work even started on some of those things. and legislatively, there were some really specific items he laid out. that they are not even close to introducing half to three quarters of those things. so he's very possibly going to get these things done. if the supreme court nominee goes through, those two things would be giant for the president's 100 days. he has laid out an aggressive agenda. he probably won't get to most of the items. >> during the campaign, he would talk about the muslim ban. they didn't take him literally. now the mexico wall will pay for it. yeah, we are going to get tougher but -- >> there are some places along
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the border where that is probably not the best way to secure a border. but i think general kelly knows what he's doing. and i think the president picked an outstanding person to be in charge of homeland security. and my suspicion is we will take his advice. >> reporter: do you believe that mexico will pay for it? >> uh, no. >> uh, no. >> so mitch mcconnell is trying to help president trump redefine what it means to build a wall. i think the focus group numbers are fascinating because they go to the substantial fact that the core group of american voters, is willing to give them a longer honeymoon program and more at rhetorical value than face. but as long as things are kind of in this ridge, the
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republicans in congress and the president can hold hands. until we get to the point where midterms become a factor. six months from now, it's a different equation. >> have you delivered and the attorney from new york who said the president can stay in his job, preet bharara. he wouldn't take the need to leave, shall we say. the president won the election. they have every right, every reason to do this. he's a political appointee. however, the tradition is you leave when you're confirmed. when the next person is confirmed, you step in. they are doing this in a rush now, why? >> obviously, his administration doesn't like tradition. this is an administration that seems to believe in the idea that there is a whole group of
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people plotting against donald trump. one congressman said that's the reason he is in d.c. to run away from the shed. i think the trump supporters will look at this and say, good for donald trump. he should be cleaning house. they should bring their own folks in. and obviously -- >> but there are hundreds, hundreds of senior jobs in the agency they have not named anybody for. that's the bigger problem. before you jump in, people say why the timing? they are creating to criticism out in the conservative world they have not done to yet. >> the democrats are hell-bent
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on making sure the president fails. >> they have -- should they be calling themselves, they used to get up and -- >> they use pseudonyms. it shouldn't be hard when you tell them in quote that people are going to them. apparently there's paranoia and a definite attempt to try to make government smaller.
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but, at the same time, i mean, you can't do that with a hatchet. especially with someone like ferrara who trump decided to fire. coming up, democrats want a public airing for one late add to this investigation. also, his name is sous. no. sloppy joseph. a middle-aged man who's trying to get his life together, but he can't - he's to sloppy. huhhh - no! here you go. i got this. i get cash back so it's like everything's on sale. with the blue cash everyday card from american express you get cash back on purchases with no annual fee. everything's on sale! a home shopping show takes place on a sailboat. that's the one! banana boat dessert on me. look at you being all lactose tolerant. it's more than cash back. it's backed by the service and security of american express.
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politics, he's been doing this over a year, and a lot of the things he says, you guys sometimes take literally. sometimes he doesn't have 27 lawyers and staff looking at what he does. which is, i think at times, refreshing and at times can also lead us to have to be sitting in a press conference like this answering questions you guys are asking. >> democrats, though, say that trump being trump excuse won't fly this time. >> we're going to air this very publicly. and if the president is going to make outlandish claims like this in the future, he needs to know he'll be exposed. and high-ranking people in the u.s. government like the directors of the intelligence agencies and the fbi will be forced to say the president wasn't setelling the truth. >> the committee asked the white house, if you have any evidence, we would like it by tomorrow. do we expect to see some folder heading up to the house intelligence committee?
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>> great question. they dead askid ask a letter be brought. he will hold a press briefing on thursday, or he did, and this is one of the questions they discussed with the larger russia investigation. the house and intelligence committees are also conducting these investigations. on friday i talked to give and nunez that the question was, have you seen any evidence that president trump was wiretapped by president obama? this was after they met with james comey who would know if president obama ordered spying surveillance on the trump administration. >> or if the intelligence court with no involvement to the president -- >> exactly. what we have heard from sources is that comey was not happy with trump's claim of being
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wiretapped. and what schiff said is he thinks they could discuss this at 2020. that's when comey could embarrass the president of the united states. >> if the president was winning last saturday because he was mad about something else, there's no sanction besides public embarrassment. >> trump doesn't have the sense to then they came out and said, if you're not clear, you saw him say i saying, what's the scandal if you can't be scandalized? >> president trump should go on the record and say, i was wrong, i misspoke.
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if he was going to do that, it would have happened last week. and it is more about giving republican lawmakers the ability to distance themselves from him and creating a potential scenario for comey -- >> how much of this is an issue in the country? every progressive has been smart getting to town hall to raise this issue repeatedly. this was just yesterday. >> are we going to investigate russia to the very enth degree in interfering in our election? yes. by must be lick statements are clearly out of steps with many other republicans. that's okay. that happens. i will continue to push my colleagues one by one, publicly and privately, to realize that this is an extenistential vote
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leadership. >> if you have guys going home saying, i'm getting kicked about this. >> there are those in his district where that can be a pressure. unfortunately, for democrats, there weren't a lot of those districts. donald trump is not chainable. most politicians, if you say something is false, they moderate the tone or figure this is -- what this potentially does to undermine his presidency, when you need to sell the country on war or doing something major and people don't believe his evidence and think they have to independent check everything, that's a big problem for the leader. >> there's a big difference between the crowd size and accusing your predecessor of a
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crime. coming up, the presidential promise there appears to be no effort to keep. he network it's on. and verizon has been ranked number one for the 7th time in a row by rootmetrics. (man) hey, uh, what's rootmetrics? it's the nation's largest independent study and it ranked verizon #1 in call, text, data, speed and reliability. (woman) do they get a trophy? not that i know of. but you get unlimited done right. (man 2) why don't they get a trophy? (man 3) they should get something. (woman 2) how about a plaque? i have to drop this. my arm's getting really tired. unlimited on verizon. 4 lines, just $45 per line. th...oh, baked-on alfredo?e. ...gotta rinse that. nope. no way. nada. really? dish issues? throw it all in. cascade platinum powers through... your toughest stuck-on food. nice. cascade. ♪ don't just eat.
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we will ask our great reporters for a piece from their notebook. margaret? >> if there's one event to watch next week, for the most one-stop shopping as possible, it will be the visit by angela merkel, to visit with the president on tuesday. look for potential news on the paris global climate talks. and on trade. but more importantly, this is going to be a news conference. so i would be shocked if president trump is not going to question now about wiretapping and president obama finally after more than a week of waiting for this. >> after more than a week of avoiding the media, a test of the old theory, do opposites attract? we'll watch that one.
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john, republicans have an incredible favorable map to keat the senate majority in 2018. far more democratic incumbents are up than senate incumbents, but the republicans are not confident to hold the majority because of one big reason, donald trump. not just of the problems he'll have in moving through his office in the agenda, but his or thingly different for a party in power to keep the majority in the first midterms of their presidency. see barack obama in 2010 and bill clinton in 1994. sena senator mitch mcconnell is trying to scare them to open their wallets, but the real concern for trump is the senate majority looks tenuous. the harder it will be to get his agenda through. so watch for that dynamic to play out. >> the next election already upon us.
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politico? president trump talked about the potential conspiracy about wiretapping in president obama. but we're looking at voter fraud. remember, that was another one of the conspiracies he called for an investigation into. the white house said that vice president mike pence is conducting an investigation. but there is very little evidence that is taking place in a state so far. they are the ones who know how to count the votes. heritage, for example, this raises the question on whether or not this is a bluff. and i talked to progressive groups. they are eyeing about a dozen town halls next week, particularly joni ernst with two town halls in iowa.
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that's a medicaid expansion site. it will be interesting who shows up. we don't know a lot about trump voters and how they feel about the gop plans in terms of our repealing and replace on obamacare. we'll have the cbo score by then. it will be interesting to hear from those folks. and to see whether or not the progressive movement is able to kind of reach out to those folks and make them a part of the messaging going forwards. >> iowa is a fun state for democracy, shall we say? the sessions were conducted by a democratic group called democracy corps that included 35 sh members. none of them used the words repeal in the two nights of focus groups, but most of them
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complained about the costs saying they are a giant strain on family budgets. they are counting on president trump to change the health care system. and their big change? to bring their personal health care coverage down for the 2018 and 2020 elections. thank you for sharing your sunday morning. that's it for "inside politics." up next is "state of the union with" jake tapper. radingols, ri, you have access to in-depth analysis, level 2 data, and a team of experienced traders ready to help you if you need it. ♪ ♪ it's like having the power of a trading floor, wherever you are. it's your trade. ♪ ♪ e*trade. ♪ ♪ start trading today at ♪ ♪ whattwo servings of veggies? v8 or a powdered drink? ready, go.
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the investigation into donald trump's possible ties to russia intensifies as congress summons the fbi director to answer president trump's evidence-free claim that former president obama tapped his phones. while the president remains silent, what will congress learn? >> it's a very serious charge against the previous president of the united states. it needs to be some corroboration. >> senator john mccain joins us live for an exclusive interview. and
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