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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  March 19, 2017 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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>> i believe in the religion of love and the religion of the future. ♪ in just hours, this man will take center stage as u.s. lawmakers ask the fbi director about possible ties between russia and the president. what's at stake? we'll have a preview ahead for you. and north korea's showing no sign of being cowed by the u.s. administration. instead, claiming a great leap forward in its weapons program. plus, she lived through the holocaust and is concerned about the world today. what this survivor has to say about the rise of anti-semitism happening now. hello, and welcome to our viewers in the united states and of course all around the world. i'm rosemary church. >> and i'm george howell from
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cnn headquarters in atlanta. newsroom starts right now. -- captions by vitac -- monday is set to be a critical moment for the new president, and it comes down to the questions that won't go away, about ties to russia, possible ties to russia. the public hearing is just hours away. the february director, james comey, set to testify about mr. trump's -- russia's involvement, i should say in the election and that his claims that the former u.s. president obama ordered his phones to be tapped. >> a report concluded russian president putin ordered an influence campaign. the report said russia's goals were to quote, undermine public faith in the u.s. democratic
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process. denigrate secretary clinton and harm her potential presidency. mr. putin had a clear preference for trump. >> monday is set to be a very important day. the allegations got their start back in june of last year. >> yeah, that is when the server at the democratic national committee was hacked. cnn's ryan nobles takes it from there. >> reporter: the initial hack was soon connected to the russian government. and clinton's campaign manager linked it to donald trump. >> they possessed those e-mails that russian actors were feeding to hackers for the purpose of helping donald trump. >> reporter: then, just as the democratic national convention was about to start, wikileaks unloaded a trove of dnc e-mail, among them, damaging private conversations. it did not take long for the
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republican mom thrnominee, dona trump, to embrace the hack. >> russia, if you're listening, i hope you are able to find the 30,000 e-mails that are missing. >> reporter: as the clinton campaign worked to contain the political damage, trump refused to back down from kind words about russia and putin. >> he is really very much of a leader, far more than our president has been a leader. >> reporter: days before the second presidential debate in october, two major bombshells, first, the director of homeland security issued a statement, blaming russia for the hack and second, wikileaks unloaded another batch of e-mail. at that debate, once again, trump attempted to take the focus off russia. >> she doesn't know if it's the russians doing the hacking. >> reporter: wikileaks wasn't done. more e-mails were released on november 7. >> i pledge to every citizen of
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our land that i will be president for all americans. >> reporter: as he started to build his new administration, trump still resisted blaming russia. >> it could be somebody sitting in a bed someplace. they have no idea. >> reporter: president obama ordered a full review of how russia meddled in the election which concluded it was working to help trump. >> based on uniform intelligence assessments, the russians were responsible for hacking the dnc. >> reporter: just 22 days before president trump took office, president obama imposed new sanctions on the russian government. on that same day, michael flynn spoke on the phone with sergei kislyak. it was also revealed he texted the ambassador and met with him in person at trump tower. trump associates called the meetings introductory. >> they did not discuss anything to do with the united states'
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decision to expel diplomats or impose censure against russia. >> reporter: but that turned out not to be true. flynn specifically spoke about the sanctions. but flynn wasn't the only one. some trump associates also held meetings with the ambassador at the republican national convention but insists they were only introductory gatherings. then senator jeff sessions was one of them. but before a senate hearing on his confirmation, he said this about possible contacts between the trump campaign and russian officials. >> i did not have communications request th with the russians, and i'm unable to comment on it. >> reporter: but after taking office, he admitted that he too met with kislyak during the campaign but it was in his capacity as an is that righ sen member of the campaign. he decided to recuse himself
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from the investigation. the president himself took to twitter making this shocking claim, quote, how low has president obama gone to tap my phones during the very sacred election process. this is nixon watergate. this wrinkle was added to the broad investigation into russia's role in the election. even republicans contend the evidence just isn't there. >> i don't think there was an actual tap of trump tower. >> reporter: monday congressional leaders will attempt to unpack the many layers of this controversy, with the goal of making the situation clear for the american people. the white house continues to insist there was no collusion between the russian government. setting the stage for comey and mike rogers to testify. ryan nobles, cnn, washington. joining me now to talk more
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about this is larry sabato, the director of the center for politics at the university of virginia. thanks so much for being with us. >> thank you, rosemary. >> so larry, fbi director james comey will testify monday before the house committee on alleged russian involvement in the presidential election. what do you think he's likely to say, and just how far will he go, do you think? >> director comey's normal instinct is to say as little as possible especially at a public hearing. he would be expected to say more privately, although, there have been reports from members of congress that they're very unhappy, because even in the private briefings he doesn't reveal very much. he will be pressed hard. there are members on both sides, but particularly democrats, who are going to insist that he be more forthcoming. >> yeah, you mentioned that. so members of both parties have accused the fbi director of not
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being forthcoming about the russia-related probes. is that fair, though, given the delicate nature of this investigation? he does have to be very careful, doesn't he? >> yes, he does. and i think you can justify his reluctance to tell the committee much of anything or tell the public much of anything until the investigation is completed. his problem is that he's compromised, because of what he did during the 2016 election. democrats will tell you, particularly campaign staffers, that they consider director comey to be one of the top two or three reasons why hillary clinton lost and why donald trump scored his shocking upset. he commented on an ongoing investigation. there's no question about that. and did so just days before the election. suddenly, he doesn't comment on ongoing investigations. >> yeah, could be a case of overcorrection here. now we're also expecting to hear what the fbi director has to say
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about president trump's unsubstantiated claim that former president obama ordered a tap on heis phones at trump tower. what are you expecting director comey to say about this? and could it put it to bed? >> the only logical thing for director comey to say is that there's absolutely nothing to the outrageous charge that president trump made in accusing his predecessor, essentially, of a felony criminal offense. he can't ask the president to apologize. i think some members of congress, maybe on both sides, will do that. now whether he does so is up to him. i think it would help him and help his image with both sides of the aisle if he actually said something conclusive. >> yeah, that's what people are looking for. of course it is hard to find anyone outside of the white house who thinks the president's claims about wire tapping have any credibility, given that, how
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damaging is it for mr. trump to make such claims about a former president? and at what point would you expect the american people and indeed some republicans to say enough is enough on these sorts of distractions? >> i think already the public has said enough is enough. there clearly is not support for what trump has said. and in the gallup pole just released, donald trump has actually fallen further to 37% favorability, which is extraordinarily low for a new president. so that's one of the damaging consequences. i think the most damaging consequence real slay about some future event we can't define right now, rosemary. there will be a crisis. there will be something the american public needs to hear from the president and the president alone, and the public will need to believe the president before military action is taken or as military action is taken. will people believe him, given the number of times, including
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this one, when he has either exaggerated or outright lied. >> interesting points there, larry sabato. we appreciate it. >> thank you, rosemary. the kremlin regents the allegations that russia interfered in the election. just last week, the government told cnn they won't be watching monday's hearings at all. neck payton walsh is live in moscow following this story. a great deal of anticipation here over what the fbi director may or hmay not say about the possible links to russia. they say they won't watch, but will they watch? >> reporter: i'm pretty sure someone will have the tv on, although they claim they're too busy doing other things. i think the comments about them not watching is designed to maintain the distance and scorn they have on these allegations repeated against russia that it did somehow interfere in the
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2016 elections. they've called the allegations a broken record with a futuristic song suggesting that it doesn't correspond to the present-day reality they're dealing with. but you will be looking at what detail james comey might come up with. he's under great pressure to yield something that these allegations have something, a lot of this may be concealed behind the veil of classified information. but bear in mind the larger picture, here, george. if you were believing that moscow was hoping donald trump, a man conspicuous in his absence of criticism of vladimir putin. strange for republican candidate for presidency, the candidate might possibly more aligned to moscow's world view,'s going to find it difficult in the white house now to come up with anything that remotely resembles a pro-russian atmosphere without this scrutiny again being
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revived. that may well make it tough in his administration to get closer towards moscow. previous presidents have wanted perhaps to reset relations with russia, but it's always been very tough, because frankly, they are geopolitical rivals. the most polar opposite, and maybe moscow can enjoy the sure spectacle of the beltway tearing itself up. that's moscow's major benefit from this. but we're unlikely to see washington suddenly deciding that they see the world closer to the kremlin's view. >> nick, thank you so much for the reporting. well, britain will most likely have some interest in the intelligence committee hearing. last week the white house press secretary cited an unconfirmed media report that barack obama used british intelligence to spy on will trump. cnn's max foster joins us now
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from london. so max, the initial reaction of course from britain was anger and frustration. what more is being said about their unsubstantiated claim from the white house that british spy agency gchq was liemd an attempt to wiretap trump tower? >> i think the anger is only growing really. largely the relationship is underpinned by this intelligence sharing. uk is america's biggest intelligence-sharing partner. there's a real frustration here that that is being affected by what donald trump said. so last week you had gchq, the spy agency and downing street both saying these claims are utterly ridiculous. now this from, until recently, the u.s. ambassador or the uk ambassador to the u.s., he's written in "the guardian" saying this. this is a dangerous game. the intelligence relationship between britain and america is unique and precious and critical
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to our shared efforts to counter terrorism. gratuitously peddling falsehoods and doing nothing to set the record straight would be a gift to our enemies. a very strong word from someone out of public position but still in public life and well-connected. there's a sense that an apology needs to be forthcoming from the white house, at least officially. something needs to come out this week. >> and when these hearings get under way in just a matter of hours now, and fbi director comey starts to testify, what would britain be rookilooking f here apart from some indication of an apology, not coming from his lips though. >> this one has clearly said there's no way gchq would have hacked into president-elect's systems. you'd need the signoff on the foreign secretary to do that. and they wouldn't do that even
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if they had the capability. and the sense is that's the truth from everyone in the private sector. we have boris johnson visiting washington for a meeting later this week. he's going to meet trump officials. a lot of pressure on him to clarify what happened here and make it clear that these allegations against british intelligence really aren't true. they want to hear something clear from the trump administration, actually. >> indeed, our max foster watching that story very closely from london, where it is 6:16 in the morning. many thanks. and of course, stay with cnn for live coverage of the house hearing on russia. it all begins at 9:00 a.m. eastern team here in the united states. that's 1:00 p.m. in london and t and 9:00 p.m. in hong kong. u.s. president trump is reacting to north korea's test
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of a powerful rocket engine. >> next, how the north is also testing the relationship between the u.s. and china. or is it you? break through your allergies. introducing flonase sensimist. more complete allergy relief in a gentle mist you may not even notice. using unique mistpro technology, new flonase sensimist delivers a gentle mist to help block six key inflammatory substances that cause your symptoms. most allergy pills only block one. and six is greater than one. break through your allergies. new flonase sensimist. ♪ (bin einstein since he startede eating beneful. the number one ingredient in it is beef. (einstein) the beef is fantastic! (becky) he has enough energy to believe that he can jump high enough to catch a bird. (vo) try beneful originals with beef. with real beef as the number one ingredient. i love how usaa gives me the and the security just like the marines did. at one point, i did change to a different company with car insurance, and i was not happy with the customer service.
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made, quote, meaningful progress by testing a powerful rocket engine. that technology could help north korea develop a long-range missile. china is urging the united states to take a cool-headed approach with leader kim jong un. on sunday, u.s. president trump did not give details on how he plans to deal with north korea. >> have meetings on north korea. he's acting very, very badly. i will tell you he's acting badly. >> cnn's alexandra field joins us from seoul in south korea. what's south korea saying about what this powerful rocket engine might be used for and ha what i means by its reference to pyongyang's progress. >> reporter: they're saying that this is significant or meaningful progress because of the fact that they look at this as a development of a new engine all together, a main engine that has four auxiliary engines and that further analysis is needed
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to determine the thrust of its engine and determine what this could be used for. but military analysts are weighing in a bit more quickly than that saying that it seems that these kinds of developments to the rocket system could bring north korea closer to its objectives of launching an intercontinental ballistic missile, something that kim jong un has been threatening he is ready to test this year. this test of the engine seems timed for maximum provocation, it coincided with rex tillerson's visit to the rejoan. weig he was in beijing at the time. it draws attention to missile launches this month. satellite imagery is showing signs that north korea could be preparing for yet another nuclear test. and that it is preparing, potentially, for yet more missile tests. we've seen them ratchet up their progress with their missile program. they've advanced their test. they've now tested some 24
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ballistic missiles. signs that prompted secretary tillerson to say that north korea is no longer just a regional security concern but a global concern. >> i want to ask you how concerned is south korea about this change in tone coming from the trump administration? and where do they think this might be going? >> reporter: look, there's a lot of discussion on the ground here about what the right approach to north korea is right now. because you've had sent tillerson coming out and saying that 20 years of diplomat i have failed and it's time to craft a new approach and even going so far as to say that the military option would remain on the table if north korea provoked the u.s. to the extent that they thought there was no other option. of course military action is the last thing anyone wants to see. but you have this new administration that has been taking this tough line against north korea. you heard those words from president trump saying kim jong un is behaving very, very badly.
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at the same time, you've got the backdrop of a political crisis here in south korea, a president who was impeached and then ousted from office, an election that's going to take place in the next two months, and what you could see, rosemary in that election is a transfer from conservative to democratic party. it is a more open approach to advocate for discussion and negotiation, whereas the conservative party has take and much harder stance. we know the trump administration will have to work with whom ever takes office here in seoul but that won't be decided until may. >> all right, alexandra field joining us from seoul in south korea with reaction from the region. it is 3:24. thousands of people are homeless in peru as it deals
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with the worst flooding in decades. the rain has gone on for weeks and probably won't end anytime soon. emergency officials are trying to rescue people stranded by the flooding and mudslides. at least 72 people have died. in colorado, a wildfire is raging on there, threatening several homes near the city of boulder. at this point, the flames are near the edge of the city. some people there are leaving the area. they snapped these pictures that you see there. pictures of heavy smoke. the state's governor called on the national guard to help contain that fire. let's get the very latest on that situation in colorado, the fire there. >> our meteorologist pedram javaheri joins us. this isn't good at all. and how is the weather playing into this? >> i think we're having an issue there with pedram's audio. we'll get back to pedram in just
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a moment. but the news continues here. all eyes are on the upcoming hearing on russia. and a look at the roots of the allegations. we're back in a moment. can i get some help. watch his head. ♪ i'm so happy. ♪ whatever they went through, they went through together. welcome guys. life well planned. see what a raymond james financial advisor can do for you. that had built his house once thout of straw.tle pig one day a big bad wolf huffed and he puffed and blew the house down. luckily the geico insurance agency had helped the pig with homeowners insurance. he had replacement cost coverage, so his house was rebuilt, good as new. the big bad wolf now has a job on a wind farm.
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and a warm welcome back to our viewers all across the world. you are watching "cnn newsroom." i'm rosemary church. >> and i'm goreorge howell. the swearing in of a hard-line hindu priest has many questioning. he has made hateful comments about muslims in the past and will now be responsible for running a state where muslims are a large majority.
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u.s. president donald trump says north korea's leader is acting very, very badly after the country's latest provocation. on sunday, state media announced the successful test of a powerful rocket engine. north korea says the world will soon witness that the test was a great victory. in malaysia, authorities want to arrest more people, including some north koreans in connection with the murder of kim jong nam. he was the estranged half brother of the leader of north korea. investigators say he was poisoned last month with a nerve agent considered a weapon of mass destruction. tests showed drugs and alcohol in the blood of the man who attacked a french soldier in orall orly, paris. he yelled that he wanted to die in the name of allah. the incident is still being vetted by anti-terror units.
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the fbi director, right there, scheduled to testify at a public hearing of the u.s. house intelligence committee in just a matter of hours. james comey will face questions about president trump's unsubstantiated claim of wiretapping and alleged russian involvement in the presidential election. in fact, multiple allegation of russian ties to trump officials have dogged this new administration. >> it started last august when the "new york times" reported on a $12.7 million secret cash payment earmarked for campaign manager paul manafort. it came from a pro-russian political party in ukraine. manafort denied the story but resigned a few days later. in december, investigators intercepted communications between trump's pick for national security adviser, michael flynn, and the russian ambassador. they included calls on the same day the obama administration imposed sanctions on moscow for
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interference with the 2016 campaign. >> flynn, the white house, and the kremlin initially said sanctions were not discussed in the calls, but on february 13th, michael flynn resigned after admitting to giving incorrect information. jeff sessions recused himself from the russian investigation because of previously undisclosed contacts with the russian ambassador. >> currently, russia says it's not paying attention to the hearing. but top officials will likely be keeping an eye out for new allegations and facts. >> fred pleitgen went to the streets of moscow where some people just want the discussion to go away. >> reporter: does president trump really have any ties to the russian government? did russia really meddle in the u.s. election? questions that persist in the u.s. but that many russians wish would just go away. we got reactions on the streets
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of moscow. no, of course we're not interfering in any elections, this woman says. in russia we have an old saying, a bad dancer always has an excuse. the americans blame russia for everything. it's not true. >> translator: i like americans, he says. they're normal people. but this is just crazy. if they say all this, it means russia is more powerful than the u.s. >> reporter: russian mostly state-run media has been lashing out about coverage of the trump/russia relationship. vladimir putin's spokesman lamenting what he calls hysteria. >> and the fact that russia is demonized in that sense comes strange to us. and weep a are really sorry abo that. >> reporter: after trump and putin discussed mutual admiration. >> he's getting an a.
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>> reporter: russian officials were pleased when donald trump beat hillary clinton in the election, but they also expected results, better relations and possibly an easing of sanctions slapped on russia over the ukraine crisis. now that hope is fading, one expert says. >> they were giving him a chance. they still are giving him a chance, but they're becoming more realistic about trump, about the united states more generally, and i think that basically they're not looking for a major break through. >> reporter: some russian officials compare the current mood to the days of mccarthyism. and many russians say they think their country is being demonized when they hoped relations would improve. st. petersburg, russia. joining us is mark preston in washington. good to have you with us. talking about what is to come on monday, this will be very
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telling, whatever the fbi director has to say. >> no doubt about that. not only will we see james comey come up to capitol hill, he's been there several times already, as we know, he's been up there behind closed doors, but this is the first time we'll see the fbi director testify in be lick, a public, and specifically, he's going to be asked the question, was there any connection between the fbi or any other intelligence agency in the united states doing some kind of surveillance of trump tower in addition to that, we're likely to get the question about whether there was any ties between the trump campaign and the russian government or russian operatives. >> talking about the trump administration, talking about important will this be for how - officials to determine whether there were indeed ties to russia? >> you know, i'd like to say that this is going to be, the book will be closed at some point tomorrow afternoon, but i don't think that's necessarily the case. we don't actually know
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what comey's going to say. we've been led to believe that he's going to say that there's no wiretapping of trump tower, but there is an ongoing investigation, not only within the justice department of any ties between associates of donald trump on the campaign and the russian government, but also on capitol hill. there is these ongoing investigations, not only in the house but also the united states senate. so i don't think there will be any finality to it, but there's certainly to be a lot of headlines tomorrow. >> from paul manafort to michael flynn, we've been covering this story to see if there are any ties between the trump administration and russia. this is a story that won't really go away. so tomorrow a very crucial day fo for the trump administration. have we heard anything from officials there on the eve of this very important moment of the fbi director speaking publicly? >> they haven't said anything publicly, but i did speak to an
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official yesterday and they seemed very at ease on what's going to happen monday. that's in part because they are sticking by the line that donald trump believes there was some kind of surveillance, which is a term he decided to use, as we all know, after he initially accused president obama of wiretapping trump tower, of personally deciding that trump tower needed to be wiretapped. he's moved on to the word surveillance. when he decided to do that, he said in the next few weeks we'll see some shoes drop, some information that will open our eyes. so in many ways, what you're seeing from the administration is that they're just parroting what their boss is telling them. so there's not much more they can do than to see what happens in tomorrow's hearings and then to see if there is any truth. if there is anything to what president donald trump says about surveillance of his campaign. but there is one thing to keep in mind. even if there is nothing, no smoke or fire there between
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immediate advisers to donald trump, were there folks tangentially connected to his campaign that were working with the russian government or at least having discussions with them. i mean, that in itself would still be pretty damning. >> all eyes will certainly be on what mr. comey has to say. mr. preston, thank you so much for the insight. >> thanks, george. we were talking earlier about a huge fire in the u.s. state of colorado. >> yeah, our meteorologist pedram javaheri joins us again. we've fixed some audio issues there. talk to us about those raging fires getting a little too close to homes in boulder. >> their is a plais is a place well-known. often known at happiest city in the united states, outdoor activities, the healthiest city. the dry conditions north of denver, there's the severe
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drought locked in over boulder. 60 acres, and 1,000 homes evacuated. west of denver, about 4,000 notice calls have been made. in denver, 77 fahrenheit, 56 is what is normal. these temperatures running over 20 degrees for what is normal for over a week. and you work your way into phoenix, and they're touching 100 degrees. so you see this excessive heat in place. humidity's extremely low. and anytime you get fires in places like colorado, the elevated terrain doesn't help a situation out. the fire speed will double with each ten-degree slope add. take a20-degree slope up a hill slide and have a fire moving at around20 miles per hour. if you increase that up to 30 slope. it's a 10-degree increase, that doubles your fire speed. so now you have a 40-mile-per-hour fire. lighting a match, watching it
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burn slowly toward your finger, but if you give it a slope, it burns rapidly toward your hand. same sort of scenario that makes it challenging for firefighters to put out these flames across colorado. when you look at the recent decades where we've had an increase in wildfire number and size. going back to the 1980s, we had upwards of 140. in the 2000s, over 250 wildfires per year that are considered large across the western ouu.s. and those seasons are expanding. a story worth noting, and you notice the forecast, a little better. perhaps cool off a few degrees, on monday, officially, a little after 6:00 in the morning eastern time we begin to see the first day of autumn get under way. first day of spring get under way here in the northern hemisphere. autumn in the southern hemisphere. seasons are changing, but it feels like summer for a lot of
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people in texas, dallas getting up to 90 degrees. we should be somewhere closer to the upper 60s, guys. >> getting warmer. >> thank you so much, pedram, appreciate it. next on "cnn newsroom," celebrating 100 years is a milestone for anyone, but imagine what it means when you've lived through auschwitz. coming up, how a holocaust survivor fosters empathy one student at a time. plus, the leaders of iraq and egypt prepare to meet the u.s. president donald trump, what this could mean for isis and the israeli palestinian conflict as newsroom continues. red lobster's lobsterfest is back with 9 lobster dishes. try succulent new lobster mix & match or see how sweet a lobster lover's dream can be. there's something for everyone and everyone's invited. so come in soon. [waitress] more coffee? [student] yeah, thanks.
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welcome back to newsroom. israel's defense menster iniste threatening to destroy syria's air defense systems. the warning comes after they
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fired missiles at israeli jets last week. >> syria says it opened fire after the israelis struck a military site near palmyra. israel claims it was targeting a weapons shipment headed to hezbollah. in the united states, a holocaust survivor has been asking a very important question. the question, simply, why do people hate? she asked students exactly that question at the u.s. holocaust memorial museum recently. >> it comes against a new wave of anti-semitism. barbara starr reports from washington. >> we were scared to death. >> reporter: an auditorium of teenagers, listening to 100 year old fannie eisenberg, a survivor of the nazi holocaust tell of unimaginable fear. >> nine minutes on the clock.
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100 people were dead. >> reporter: the students crowd around, wanting to say hello at washington's holocaust memorial museum. but now at 100, anti-semitism is back in fannie's life. >> you know that happened. and now today you see things like the jcc. >> yeah. >> what do you think about that? >> reporter: more than 80 jewish community centers have received threats. >> they got two warnings about a bomb. that's next door to where i live. >> reporter: explain to people what you think about all of this. >> i'm afraid to, because i'm too honest. >> reporter: tell me. >> no, it hurts me. of all the places in the world. >> reporter: for elderly
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holocaust survivors, a struggle once again to understand why. >> so why doesnn't you stop it? if you don't have the authority today, america is the second-biggest power in the world, why don't we do anything about it? >> reporter: diane works with survivors at the museum. the reaction you're seeing is refusing to give up. >> determination and even some defiance that they're not going to stop. their message is really important. >> reporter: and fannie eisenburg's life is testimony to that. when the nazis invaded belgium in 1940, she had to send her daughter into hiding. she wouldn't see her for years, even now, fannie says the decision to separate was unbearably hard. >> how do you put the child away? that's the only thing i had. >> reporter: she joined the
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resistance, hiding jews and working as a courier before she was exposed to the nazis and sent to auschwitz, surviving medical torture, the family eventually reunited and coming to america. today she and other survivors struggle to understand a simple question. why do people hate? >> i try to make people understand, you cannot love each other, but you can understand. you don't have to hate anybody. >> reporter: barbara starr, cnn, washington. >> the question, why do people hate? iraq's leader is set to meet shortly in the u.s. his troops were in the final stages of yes eliminati-- elimi isis in iraq.
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the ypg kplander sacommander sa assault will start in april and his forces will take part, despite fierce opposition from turkey which considers the ypg terrorists. rebels launched a surprise attack in damascus. it began in the east with rebels pushing close to the old city. government troops responded with intense bombardments on rebel-held areas. state media says an attack by fighters was repelled. the clashes were the most violent in months, perhaps in years. the u.s. president set to hold talks with another major middle eastern leader, the egypt president assisi is scheduled to hold talks to discuss the israeli/palestinian conflict. they met during the u.n. general
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assembly. he praised el sisi as a quote, fantastic guy and touted their chemistry. a beloved fairy tale is back in the theaters. >> and we'll tell you if fans were happy with the new live action remake of "beauty and the beast." announcer: get on your feet for the nastiest bull in the state of texas. ♪ ♪ as after a dvt blood clot,ital i sure had a lot to think about. what about the people i care about? ...including this little girl. and what if this happened again? i was given warfarin in the hospital, but wondered, was this the best treatment for me?
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welcome back everyone. disney's live action remake of "beauty and the beast" is breaking box office records. it made an estimated 350 million globally. it has all the classic songs, few brand new surprises, too. our david daniel has a closer look. ♪ ♪ em ema watson and dan steven start in "beauty and the beast" why a remake of a loved classic? >> it was a great and classic fairy tale, they to be telling by each generation.
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>> it was definitely a yeah to me. i was completely obsessed with the original when i was growing up. >> something sweet and. ♪ he was mean and course and unrefined ♪ >> i was like, what is going to make remaking it worth doing? >> look, you can talk. >> well, of course they want to try and reimagine it because they know -- now have the technology to do it in live action form. >> for such musical theater veterans, it was a special joy. >> it was a gift for both of us. i think we both -- coming from musical theater and loving it as much as we do, we were 10 and 12 when this movie came out. we saw it in the theater. we were the generation that was inspired by this, you know, renaissance, this disney renaissance. ♪
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♪ >> in hollywood, i'm david daniel. ♪ beauty and the beast >> it looks fantastic. i'll be taking the kids to that. i'm rosemary church. >> and i'm george howell. stay with us, we'll be back from the break with more news. this is "cnn newsroom."
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u.s. lawmakers are looking the to this man for some answers monday on the fbi's investigation of russian meddling in the u.s. election. we will have a preview of what's at stake. north korea showing no signs of being cowed by the u.s. administration, instead claiming greatly forward. she lived through the holocaust, what this survivor has to say about the rise of antecementism happening today. >> live, welcome to our viewers here from united states and around the world i'm george howell. >> i'm rosemary church, thanks for joining us. this is


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