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tv   New Day Sunday  CNN  March 26, 2017 4:00am-5:01am PDT

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in season, and then the winner moves on to face gonzaga. and kentucky and north carolina, and that's at 5:00, and victor, you are the only one sitting here clapping because you have gonzaga to win it all. >> let's go. >> thank you, andy. >> thank you. we have breaking news to talk to you about. >> we start at the top of the hour right now. breaking news this morning, here is the scene of the cameo nightclub in ohio where police are actively searching for at least two people after 15 were shot at a nightclub. they confirm one person is dead, and authorities say some of the folks who were injured were able to drive themselves to area hospitals. >> here's the update.
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the shooting happened overnight near that club you saw there, c cameo, and this was near cincinnati. officers were on scene acting as security as it happened, and they responded very quickly. authorities describe the scene as chaotic, and listen to officials. >> as far as what it looks like inside at this time, by the time individuals were -- the shots were fired, individuals ran outside so there's not a lot of people inside the club. i do believe it was a large crowd earlier this evening when it started. just a lot of chaos, obviously, when the shots went off and people were just trying to get out harm's way. we are sure there was more than one but not sure if there was more than two at this point. >> we are in the middle of a horrific situation of what
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occurred at the nightclub with multiple victims and it's going to be a long night for homicide units to investigate this incident, but right now things are stable and we are in the investigative phase while the hospitals continue to stabilize the victims. >> the assistant chief there said this is one of the largest shooting cases he has worked in in his 27 plus years as well. we are just getting word that they have now confirmed there's only one shooter, just one shooter now that they are looking for, and cnn, regarding the victims being told they are all being treated, and we have some in serious condition, and one with critical injuries. it looks like the scene is quiet now, but police are searching for at least one shooter. they say one of the problems they have had is that because everybody ran away, they are
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urging people, if you were a witness to anything, please call them, because they need some more details and they need more information, and they do not at this time have a description of that shooter. we will keep you posted throughout the morning as we get more developments, and again, just learning one shooter is who they are looking for now. >> let's turn to politics now. president trump ready to put health care in the rear view mirror, at least the failure, and the administration says it will get back to it. and next on the agenda, tax reform. >> this morning we are learning new details from inside the white house and on capitol hill about what president trump learned from this chaos, and that handed the administration a new setback. >> and he acknowledged a few of the republicans that caused the gop bill to be pulled bwithout
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vote. >> the president and i are grateful for speaker ryan and all the house republicans that stood with us to begin the effort to end obamacare, but congress was just not ready. you saw it. with 100% of house democrats, every single one and a handful of republicans standing in the way of president trump's plan to repeal and replace obamacare. >> let's go to cnn's ryan nobles in washington. there are some fascinating details coming out about how the president handled this first big negotiation of his administration. >> yeah, we are getting information about pushing through the reform to the affordable care act, and we pieced together the moments that gave president trump his first real glimpse about what
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governing is like in washington members of the house conservative freedom caucus were hoping to iron out a deal allowing the freedom caucus to support that bill, and that meeting only featured men, and south carolina congressman mark sanford stood up, and said, i am here to tell you sometimes that testosterone can get you in trouble. and this health care reform effort was unlikely to pass. yesterday in a tweet, president trump said he is prepared to build a great health care plan for the people. >> thank you so much. let's talk now with cnn political communicator, arrow
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lewis, and tom pwae onco-. the repeal and replacement of obamacare was supposed to be the first thing they did, and it was to set the stage for tax reform and infrastructure. if the president didn't get it repealed, and he is waiting for obamacare to explode, how, then, do you set a budget and tax reform? how do you move forward? >> it's a great question, because if you can't do repeal and replace, which is roughly one-sixth of the economy, and then you are going to move to tax reform, and that's 100% of the economy, and that's every interest group, and so he certainly has got his work cut out for him. in a way that may be a little more straightforward than with health care reform, what the administration promised during the campaign is very specific to
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have basically three tax brackets down from seven, to cut the business tax rate down to 15%, and he really made some very specific promises that presumably congress can act on, and time, of course, is short and it will be every tough for every line of code in the complex tax code there's a interest group behind it, so he has his work cut out for him. health care has to be something they don't want to repeat. we will if they can do better next time. >> let's listen to how vice president pence khaoeurcharacte handling of the fiasco. >> we know the truth about this health care law, every day obamacare survives is another day -- you saw him calling
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whoever he needed to call to get our plan across the finish line kprbg , and i have to tell you, i was ip spired by president trump's determination and commitment to keep his promise to the american people. >> we did see him just days before going to talk to house members himself personally. there were a lot of closed-door meetings. how might he deal now though with tax reform in a different way? what has he learned, let's say, from the way he negotiated obamacare and -- or the aca, i should say, and how he will negotiate tax reform? will he be more hands on and less delegation? >> sounds like right now he's still licking his wounds a little bit based on our white house teams reporting yesterday, and looks like he might have been out on the golf course a little bit.
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it's hard to say exactly what he would do differently at this point. you know, one thing that he did, which was very different than what barack obama did was the personal lobbying, and the problem is everything we heard coming out of the meetings is he did not understand the details, and he had a take it or leave it approach, and he was not involved in the nitty gritty of this. that's not how you build the long-term relationships that get you to places on big items like tax reform and health care reform. those are both monster bites. these are not small items we are talking about here. the other thing that you have to consider, too, is you have to get all your stakeholders around. this is basic legislating. you can't have the heritage foundation, and you can't have the koch brothers coming out against you and lining up and threatening to throw money at opponents in primaries, because you have to remember the people
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that you are working with are facing re-election for their jobs in a year and a half from now, and their campaigns are happening as we speak. there's a lot -- you have to readjust. you have to recalibrate and just go back to the drawing board as pence said and overhaul the way you did things before. >> always grateful to have you onboard. thank you. after president trump's health care loss, senator bernie sanders gives his take on the bombshell from the russia revelations. you can watch "state of the union" this morning at 9:00 eastern. that's where he will be. the u.s. military, by the way, investigating whether coalition strikes killed hundreds of iraqi civilians in mosul, and details on that ahead. and breaking news this morning out of cincinnati. a deadly nightclub shooting there. one person killed, 14 people injured. a massive hunt right now for the
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shooter, and we just learned in the last few moments that they believe there is one shooter responsible for this. as we get more, you'll learn more. knows how it feels to seees your numbers go up, despite your best efforts. but what if you could turn things around? what if you could love your numbers? discover once-daily invokana®. it's the #1 prescribed sglt2 inhibitor that works to lower a1c. invokana® is a pill used along with diet and exercise
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to significantly lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. and in most clinical trials, the majority reached an a1c goal of 7 percent or lower. invokana® works around the clock by sending some sugar out of your body through the process of urination. it's not for lowering systolic blood pressure or weight, but it may help with both. invokana® can cause important side effects, including dehydration, which may cause you to feel dizzy, faint,lightheaded,or weak, upon standing. other side effects may include kidney problems, genital yeast infections,changes in urination, high potassium, increases in cholesterol, risk of bone fracture, or urinary tract infections, possibly serious. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis, which can be life threatening. stop taking and call your doctor right away if you experience symptoms or if you experience symptoms of allergic reaction such as rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing or swallowing. do not take invokana® if you have severe liver or kidney problems or are on dialysis.
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tell your doctor about any medical conditions and medications you take. using invokana® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. it's time to turn things around. lower your blood sugar with invokana®. imagine loving your numbers. there's only one invokana®. ask your doctor about it by name. come close, come close. i like that. [ all sounds come to a crashing halt ] ah. when your pain reliever stops working,
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we wanted to share new details we are getting involving iraq this morning. >> officials say at least 200 civilians may have been killed as a result of the air raids there, and the los angeles times reporter who visit the later described the scene to cnn. >> there are some areas where homes were completely destroyed in rubble and we had to pick our way through, and we could see parts of people still stuck under the rubble, hands, feet, and there were some remains wrapped in blankets, most of
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them they retrieved they put in blue body bags, and they unzipped some of those because they wanted to show us that some of the victims were women, including at least one pregnant woman, and children, and there were some babies as well. >> let's bring in cnn international correspondent, nic payton walsh. >> you have to bear in mind the civilians are caught in the cross fire by heavy firepower from both sides, and an air strike did occur in an area corresponding in their words to civilian casualties. and there's a lot of
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conversational discussion, and they say the pentagon, they are looking at a total potentially of 300 civilian casualties that occurred between the period of the 16th and 23rd of march, and that was a week in which violence was occurring in syria, and the iraqi military, to add to some of the confusion here says in the place in which this alleged air strike occurred, they send a team to the area, and they have seen 61 bodies have been pulled from the rubble, but see no evidence of an air strike, and they say isis put civilians, including women and children into this building, and isis fighters were there, too, and the building was bob kwrby trapped, and a car bomb went off and not sure how that is related to this and they lay the blame here squarely at isis' feet, and
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some say the bodies brought in from the rubble may be as i as 80, and there are other explosions or air strikes in the last few days or so, and this kind of awful events turns civilian populations against the anti-isis campaign potentially, and lots of loss of life and maybe loss of a psychological fight here, too. and retired lieutenant with us right here, and what is your reaction to what we are hearing? >> anytime there's an incident like this in any combat, it's investigated, and as you know, any coalition force would have
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their gut churning at the implication of civilian deaths, and it's terrible but part of combat, and it could be part of propaganda by isis as well. they have been known to do these kinds of things as other terrorists groups have been in the past as well, and the investigation will show, and the military will have location of bombing targets, because all of the weapons -- or all of the ordina ordinance dropped, they will know where they went and they will have gun camera film to show the bomb dropping and they will show what they were targeting at the time, and any kind of decision to hit a building with a bomb is taken off the chain of command and determined with an analysis of what is the implication for the ground force, and what kind of civilian collateral damage might be nearby. so this, unlike anything isis
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does, will be investigated by the u.s. military. there may be several reasons for a bomb to be dropped in that area, but as nick mentioned just now, it could certainly be a house formed ied. >> and that's where i wanted to get to. you have a unique perspective here. you know the area here in what we are talking about in western mosul very well, and help us understand what the people are dealing with there. >> as the fight transpired in mosul, you have seen eastern mosul was an easier fight than what was happening in western mosul. i considered the western part of mosul to have the propensity for the most difficult and most challenging fight for security air forces. it's an area that can be defended by isis with very few forces, and there's a lot of people there so they will use
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the iraqi civilians, they will be used as human shields. the iraqi security forces already reported that the fighting in mosul is some of the toughest fighting they have had in the recent years to date, and to say look at all these civilian bodies showing up, it does turn the local population against the coalition force. but this is unfortunately the kind of action that you have to have in an urban environment, where there is precision air strikes and tough going by the infantry men on the ground. >> always appreciate kwroerb perfe your perspective. in with tax reform and a budget fight ahead, how does speaker ryan unite the factions within the gop and claim the first win of this
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administration. we are following breaking news out of ohio. one person died and 14 injured after a shooting at a cincinnati nightclub and there's a manhunt under way at this hour for the lone shooter. we will take you live to the scene. stay close. i had some severe fatigue, some funny rashes. finally, listening to my wife, went to a doctor. and i became diagnosed with hodgkin's lymphoma ...that diagnosis was tough. i had to put my trust in somebody. when i first met steve, we recommended chemotherapy, and then we did high dose therapy and then autologous stem cell transplant. unfortunately, he went on to have progressive disease i thought that he would be a good candidate for immune therapy. it's an intravenous medicine that is going to make his immune system evade the tumor. with chemotherapy, i felt rough, fatigue, nauseous. and with immune therapy we've had such a positive result. i'm back to working hard.
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back to politics now and the civil war within the republican party. president trump's plan to repeal obamacare was blocked by a consco conservative house of republicans, and the president lost some of the moderates. they didn't budge despite a full-court press from the president and his staff, and how will the president use these lessons on washington deal making going forward. and let's bring in jack kingston, and jack i want to get to the president in a moment but don't want to run out of time
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before we talk about house speaker, paul ryan. you were in the house, and when the grand bargain fell apart between then president obama and then speaker boehner, there's some factions, and you will remember these, who are not going to budge. is there a deal to be made with some of the members. are they willing to compromise at all? >> i think some of them aren't because vote purity has become such a proud thing, a trophy for members to have. you are always going to have five to ten people who are just not going to go along with the program. the unfortunate part is they are not governors or in the executive branch, and when you are in the legislator branch, you just don't have the identity that you can go out and be independent about it. i thought you were a vegetable soup. it was not like you were out
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there on your own. paul ryan has to bring people on and try to fit into the big goal of everybody, and it's very difficult. >> some of the republicans snatched the legs right out from under the speaker then early in his speakership. how much has this loss damaged paul ryan potentially? >> he can come back from it. the thing they have to be convinced of is the weaker they make the speaker, the worst deal he has to come up with, and a weak speaker is not going to be as conservative as these guys would like to see him. they need to back him and realize that they get 51% or 70% of what they want, and it's a win. and so what paul ryan really has to do right now is continue to push pressure on moderates and
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conservatives in his party to work together, and realize that we can't have another setback like this. you are going into half-time without any points on the board, and it doesn't mean the game is over but doesn't look good for the home team >> they have a lot of big aswre agenda items coming up. we learned from the former campaign chairman, paul manafort, when they were searching for a running mate, he said this about trump's approach to the job, he needs the experienced person to do the part of the job he doesn't want to do, and he sees himself as the chairman of the board, and can the president get these meaty and gritty issues, and these agenda items accomplished, like tax reform without getting into the weeds.
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can he say he will expect the administration, his aides to carry the shift there? >> i think he has to lean on the vice president and has to lean on his top aides. i think the vice president is excellent and knows state politics, and he knows the issues and he's very good friends with great policy wants. and these are guys that like to read and they like to write bills, so the talent is there. i think the question is, how are we going to break this town so the president can focus on international relations, and he can work on isis and work on national security issues, whereas mike pence will focus more on the domestic issues and has to have a strong partner with mitch mcconnell and paul ryan to do it. >> why didn't that happen this time? we knew governor pence was brought in and he had 18 years
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in the house, and that was going to be his role, and right out of the gate they didn't use his strength at least to the degree that it would have brought success, and he talked to some of the members and had meetings, but why didn't that happen? >> i think they underestimated it. frankly, i think what the house and the senate should have done immediately after the election in november, they should have started working on this, and they should have started having special committee meetings, and in november and december, and had a bill ready by the first day of the session in january, and then had a lot of hearings and a lot of input and vetted a lot of things. when you are dealing with one-sixth of the economy, can you have lots of hearings and get input and still get something done, and it was really a beginners mistake and everybody has an had in it. >> we will see if the strategy changes. you can't gloss over the tax code if that's where they are
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going next. >> thank you. we are getting more on the breaking story in cincinnati, ohio. an active manhunt under way for one gunman that shot 15 people in a nightclub, and we have more on the screen so stay close. onaf delivers more complete relief. flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances that cause all your symptoms, including nasal congestion and itchy, watery eyes. flonase is an allergy nasal spray that works even beyond the nose. so you can enjoy every beautiful moment to the fullest. flonase. 6>1 changes everything. knows how it feels to seeetes your numbers go up, despite your best efforts. but what if you could turn things around? what if you could love your numbers? discover once-daily invokana®. it's the #1 prescribed
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sglt2 inhibitor that works to lower a1c. invokana® is a pill used along with diet and exercise to significantly lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. and in most clinical trials, the majority reached an a1c goal of 7 percent or lower. invokana® works around the clock by sending some sugar out of your body through the process of urination. it's not for lowering systolic blood pressure or weight, but it may help with both. invokana® can cause important side effects, including dehydration, which may cause you to feel dizzy, faint,lightheaded,or weak, upon standing. other side effects may include kidney problems, genital yeast infections,changes in urination, high potassium, increases in cholesterol, risk of bone fracture, or urinary tract infections, possibly serious. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis, which can be life threatening. stop taking and call your doctor right away if you experience symptoms or if you experience symptoms of allergic reaction such as rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing or swallowing.
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do not take invokana® if you have severe liver or kidney problems or are on dialysis. tell your doctor about any medical conditions and medications you take. using invokana® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. it's time to turn things around. lower your blood sugar with invokana®. imagine loving your numbers. there's only one invokana®. ask your doctor about it by name. various: (shouting) heigh! ho! ( ♪ ) it's off to work we go! woman: on the gulf coast, new exxonmobil projects are expected to create over 45,000 jobs. and each job created by the energy industry supports two others in the community.
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let's push forward on the breaking news out of cincinnati. there's an active manhunt for one shooter after 15 people shot at a nightclub there. at least one person has died. >> it happened about six hours overnight, and a police captain d described the scene as very chaotic. and what are you learning this morning at this hour? >> reporter: like you guys said, 14 surviving victims at this point and one person confirmed dead, and those 14 people taken
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to five separate area hospitals. while we have had large-scale shootings, nothing like this in this area, and we had a fire truck and tow trucks. we are being kept pretty far back at this point because that investigation is still very much going on. right now they are trying to lock down potential witnesses, and some of the witnesses are also possible victims. so they are getting them treated in that emergency capacity at this point and trying to get information out of them over whether or not -- we do know there's one one firmed shooter, and this could be more. at this point we do know the assistant police chief out there in cincinnati tweeted out, they don't have any reason to believe it's terrorism motivated, so still a lot of unanswered questions. >> have they been able to give you a description of a shooter,
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who they might be looking for? >> reporter: a lot of the people, again, 15 people that were hit and one person of those died, and there really is not an opportunity to see any sort of other witnesses around. police at this point don't have a suspect description to pass it out to help the public out, and that's what is scary is we don't know who we are looking for and exactly how many people we are looking for, and we believe there is one suspect but not known if there was more than one gun used, and like i said, many witnesses are in emergency care at this hour. >> do we know if there was surveillance cameras inside the nightclub that could help? >> reporter: i asked the district captain about that, about cameras both even side and outside potentially, and they
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are looking to see if those were present. i did not see any requests. we are not sure on that. we do know there were four security officers immediately in front of the club that rushed in immediately, and so hopefully early eyewitness from them, and they will be able to go from that. but no exact word on any security cameras at this point. >> thank you for the update. still could come, republicans threatening to go nuclear if they don't get onboard if the democrats won't get onboard. more after this.
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administration. let's bring in paige payton and tom. i want you to hear what the vice president said yesterday in west virginia. >> let me be clear, president trump and i are confident, the united states state senate will confirm neil gorsuch one way or the other. >> the one way would be with the 60-feet threshold to break a filibuster, and then the other is the nuclear option. and the democratic leader in the senate, are we headed likely toward that nuclear option? >> there are a couple things to consider, and first of all, if you want to do that, all right, first of all, before now republicans have been saying they were confident they could get the votes to confirm
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gorsuch, and that implied you would get eight democrats, moderate to conservative democrats, most likely vulnerable democrats in the 2018 election to cross sides. it appears increasingly that is unlikely, and now you have firmer markers now, and you have schumer making it formal now they are going to filibuster here, and it's a big question for mitch mcconnell in particular, and do they blow up the filibuster on court nominees. it goes to the core of the institution of the senate and what makes the senate different than the house, what makes the moderating influence. it's not certain yet. it's a big question mark right now. >> you mention the 2013, when the democrats used the nuclear option short of the supreme
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court. and i want you to listen to chuck schumer, the democratic leader there in the senate. >> i say if this nominee cannot earn 60 votes, a bar met by each of president obama's nominees and george bush's last two nominees, the answer is not to change the rules. it's to change the nominee. >> when you lower that threshold from 60 members to 51 members, what is your assessment of the type of nominees we will see after that change comes along? >> i don't know the nominees will be different. it's obvious going forward we are going to have a republican president that is going to choose the most conservative youngest possible person to put on the supreme court so his legacy can continue election after election and term after term, and i don't think if we go down to 51 that's going to change. we saw with garland more of a consensus nominee, and obama
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chose somebody not the most liberal and hoping to pick up 60 votes in the senate, and he never got a vote. if they choose the nuclear option, we will see more partisan nominees instead of less. >> and merrick garland waited months and months for a hearing that never came. and how much opposition is about merrick garland and not so much about this jurist? what do you know about gorsuch? is his history and rulings, are they worth all of this? >> i don't think we learned anything at all really during the confirmation hearings, and he was saying things very scripted and did not tell us anything about his judicial philosophy, so i know the senate democrats going into the hearing was upset about what did or
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didn't happen with judge garland so they feel there's a need to preserve the supreme court seat, so preserve it for what? president trump is not going to pull the nominee thinking he doesn't want to pursue the nuclear option, and i don't know that you are going to get a better nominee for the democrats out of this president. >> let's hear schumer once more. >> you can bet if the shoe were on the other foot and a democratic president was under investigation by the fbi, the republicans would be howling at the moon about filling a supreme court seat in such circumstances. >> so the investigation continues, tom. does this also extend to policy? i mean, are the democrats going to be the obstructionists that we saw the republicans, the role they played during much of the obama administration? >> well, the dynamic here is that you have sort of a -- i don't know if you want to call it a tea party of the left that's grown up but an
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emboldened liberal base among democrats. i mean, look at the women's march a day after the inauguration, fired up and look at the town halls and they are really pushing democrats to fight on this, and a lot of democrats out there that don't want to potentially fight on the first supreme court pick. they think maybe we should keep our powder dry for a second supreme court pick who, as page pointed out earlier, another nominee could be more conservative, could be more -- further to the right than gorsuch so that's a big calculation. those are the two things that are squeezing the senate democrats right now. >> yeah. there's no coincidence that the vice president was in west virginia yesterday trying to put some pressure on the senator there, joe manchin of west virginia, who said, you know, he's in a state that donald trump won by pretty wide margin there, pretty conservative state and to be a democrat there, he has to watch his seat the next time around.
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we've got the 13 senators who have already said they will be voting against this nominee, but, page, do you see there's any bloc, anything that stops gorsuch from getting on to the bench? >> there's a possibility that mitch mcconnell will not be willing to go nuclear. i know they are threatening that but at end of the day he may not be allowing to get rid of the rule that allows the filibuster. right now there's a republican president but there will eventually be another democratic president so i don't know if push comes to shove he'll actually pull that nuclear trigger. that's a possibility. >> majorities change and their majority isn't that broad. thank you both. >> thanks. >> let's talk some college basketball. final four tournament. andy scholes has a preview. >> hey, andy. you don't think of the pacific northwest as a hotbed for basketball, but that's the center of the hoops university this morning. all the details coming up in today's bleacher report. for lower back pain sufferers,
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don't stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. if you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily ...and it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots. plus had less major bleeding. both made eliquis the right treatment for me. ask your doctor if switching to eliquis is right for you.
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oregon won the very first ncaa tournament in 1939. >> did they, now? >> i'm just reading it. let's just be clear. they have got a shot at their second national title. >> andy scholes with more in this morning's bleacher report. >> we're all learning and educating everyone that oregon won the first ncaa tournament. they hadn't been back to the final four since that time that they won the very first time, so i call that quite the drought and a lot of things have changed in the past 78 years, way back when they won the last championship they weren't called the ducks. they were known as the web foots. i think the ducks sound a lot better. oregon pulling off the 74-60
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over the one seed kansas. the players pretty excited to be headed to the final four. the duck was out there. he was celebrating by making duck angels in the confetti, as we see right there. the team having a blast cutting down the nets. they even let nike ceo and alum phil knight have a turn. he's, of course, oregon's biggest donor. for the first time ever gonzaga is heading to the final four. the zags have been the darling of the tournaments for nearly two decades now but they have never gotten past the elite eight and there was a real funny moment in this game late in the second half. gonzaga was running away with it. the only thing that could slow them down the ball girl that was mopping the girl. check this out. josh perkins has to slow down or else he might have dunked on her, zags easily beat xavier 83-59. mark phew has had the zags in the tournament for five years and finally happy to have his teams cutting down the nets. >> it's been a long hard journey to get this program here.
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we've had a great ride all the way through it, and i'm just so happy for these guys up here. everybody in the locker room and all the former players that put the zag jersey on, and just couldn't be happier. >> all right. two more final four bertsch on the line this afternoon. got some day games. familiar foe south carolina and florida will battle it out for the third time this season. they tip off at 12 tock eastern and the winner moves on to face gonzaga and two of basketball's most storied programs, kentucky taking on north carolina. the winner that have game most of the on to face oregon and you've the one at table that still has a lose interest in terms of your bracket. >> i just have to have the bracket up right now. >> oh, of course you do. >> how convenient. >> i'm in 13th place though. >> lucky number 13. >> yeah. >> hanging in there. >> so christi, are you -- >> 25th. >> keep controlling. >> you're ahead of me though. >> i did have oregon in the
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final four. that's my claim to fame for this tournament. >> you're 15. >> all right. >> but i had arizona winning it all. >> congratulations to both of you. >> thank you very much. >> and congratulations to you. thank you, andy. your bracket is still intact. thank you so much for spending your time with us. >> "inside politics" with john king starts right now. >> a stunning republican failure. >> i will not sugar coat this. this is a disappointing day for us. >> the speaker mans up, but the president passes the buck and the blame. >> the losers are nancy pelosi and chuck schumer because now they own obamacare. they have own it. >> plus, more trouble with the truth and the fbi has a giant cloud. >> investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the trump campaign and the russian government. >> just ten weeks on the job and giant questions about the president's political sway and the gop's


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