tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN April 3, 2017 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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from donald trump, he says, you'll deal with north korea with or without china's help. how that statement might go over when he neemeets the chinese president later this week. jared kushner is in iraq right now, it's not clear why he's there. >> and in columbia, a town in grief after more than 200 people die in mud slides, while the search continues for dozens still missing. live for cnn world headquarters in atlanta. welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the
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world. >> this is "cnn newsroom." >> donald trump says the u.s. is ready to deal with north korea's nuclear threats with or without china's help. just days before mr. trump is set to meet in florida with china's president. >> in a new interview, president trump told the financial times, said they'll either decide to help us or they won't. if they don't that will be for china. if they don't it won't be good for anyone. >> earlier cnn spoke with one of the journalist who interviewed mr. trump. >> it's difficult to tell with donald trump, he's certain he has some of thiz stancontrovers stances on china. north korea, after president
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br barack obama told him. i think he wants to do something about it. you know, he would like to have chinese help, if that's at all possible. >> as we heard, it's important to remember mr. trump campaigned aggressively against china. here are some of the statements he made during the campaign trail. >> we can't continue to allow china to rape our country and that's what they're doing. it's the greatest theft in the history of the world, the greatest abuser in the history of this country. they can't imagine. they can't believe that they can get away with what's happening. china is responsible for nearly half of our entire trade deficit. they break the rules in every way imaginable. >> our senior international correspondence ivan watson is following the story live for us in seoul south korea. ivan, good to have you. u.s. allies from south korea to
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japan will be watching to see how this meeting goes with the president of china in there florida with the u.s. president donald trump. here is the question, though, will this new pressure play well with china. how will they be inclined to help, just given the past, sound bites we just heard a moment ago the president's toned towards china. >> hey, yeah, that's right. in this financial times interview, i do think that donald trump is far more measured and make -- takes care to respect in a way that he didn't when he was out on the campaign trail, as you heard there. but he did very clearly send this kind of warning message, which was deliberately ambiguous, that hey, the u.s. can go at it alone when it comes to north korea. among the issues and points of tension between the u.s. and china, the biggest foreign policy challenge, for the moment, does seem to be north korea with a great deal of speculation among north korea
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watchers about whether or not the regime will try to carry out a sixth nuclear test sometimes in the near future. and here donald trump does seem to be issuing a challenge saying, hey, if you don't get on board, china, we'll go at it alone. what that policy could be, that's the big question here because previous administrations have been wrestling with north korea trying to figure out how to try to deal with it, many of them, all of them have said, the path runs through beijing, that beijing has the most leverage when it comes to north korea, but china has been willing to go so far in isolating north korea, even when it breaks united nations security counsel resolutions with its nuclear tasks, as well. so a big conone drum here, and we don't know what measures the trump administration may take would the trump administration
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seek to punish with sanctions, chinese companies that do business with north korea and that could be one measure, which is certainly would do damage to the bilateral u.s. chinese relationship. >> that senior international correspondent ivan watson live for us. thank you for the report. >> well, in a matter of hours, president trump will meet with the president of egypt after lcc at the white house. human rights activists accused mr. lcc of being a ruthless dictator. trump's predecessor, barack obama, never hosted mr. lcc and criticized his human rights report. the trump administration says a strong relationship with egypt will help fight isis. the two leaders actually did meet in new york last september before mr. trump took office. and mr. trump prays the egyptian leader as, in his words, a fantastic guy. scott lucas is a professor at
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international politics at the university of birmingham. he's the founder of ea world view and he joins us now. great to talk with you, as always. so let's start with what we're seeing here with president trump hosting egypt's president and what impact this change and approach could have. >> i'll be pragmatic. before the egyptian revolution of 2011, egypt had been a key talks and egypt, of course, has, you know, was in the league and has change and relationships with the number of countries, including syria. attacks on his own people. so there's a pragmatic reason for these talks. i think the wider message here, the trump administration, we don't care about human rights and the recent weeks they have renewed shipments to despite
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long-standing claims that they had suppressed as it had for a long time. it said just days ago. it excepts the continued stay in power, how problematic, that is. it really -- it's downgraded mentioning of human rights in the state department's report that came out recently. i think it's very much, we don't care how you are if you think you can satisfy our interest in the middle east or get us back into the game in that region, then we'll talk to you. >> then we're similar ship, aren't we, with the approach to north korea saying the u.s. could go at it alone if china doesn't step up or restrain north korea. what do you think he'll say by he'll go at it alone. he's showing strength before he meets with china's leader, and if so, will that work. >> this was tougher to read, i don't think donald trump was worth talking about.
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let me be honest with you. this was typical trump style, as the businessman, i'm going to go on top. i'm going to tell you i'm going to win. i'm going to make the other side listen to me. he might have been able to do that in the republican primary. it's much more difficult to bully the chinese or to intimidate them. he's not doing this about north korea. he's doing this on trade as well. we all stand up for american business. we'll make sure doesn't rape our country. on north korea specifically, he's asked what are you going to do. he said all i have to do is keep that a secret. he says, when we had areas in middle east, we don't tell people in advance. is he honestly saying the u.s. considering military action or cyber war fair. i don't think he is, but i think that's because he actually doesn't have any options. he's going to put up the strong line of the chinese and i suspect next week we'll see very little change in the u.s. policy. >> what do you expect to come out of president trump's meeting with -- on thursday.
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we already know, of course, that president trump campaigned aggressively against china. he knows this is going to be a very tough meeting, how do you think it will play out. >> well, i think. >> -- i can never predict with trump. i think it will play out at least publicly, both sides will play nice with each other, there will be ceremonies and dinners at the mar-a-lago resort. the question is what trump does around them. if he hits twitter the next day and says, look, i told them exactly what we're going to do. we won't be bullied. nobody can make us do it. that will undo everything he does. i think this is going to be a tricky visit in part, remember, the state department has been cited. we know that rex tillerson went out to asia and talked to regional countries. and they're really at sea right now as to what they're doing with their asian policy. so lots of public, you know, style with what happens in terms
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of substance. >> all right. scott lucas, thanks so much for joining us from birmingham england where it's just after 8:00 in the morning. >> the u.s. president donald trump's son-in-law and senior adviser have traveled to iraq. jared kushner exact i titinerar. continues to push on. the news agency reports iraqi forces put fighting there on hold sunday to insure passage of civilia civilians. following the story he's live in instanbul turkey with us this hour. what more do we know about jared kushner and why he is in iraq. >> what we do know a few key details, but the overall is shrouded in a fair degree of secrecy, a senior administration that jared kushner did travel to
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iraq over the weekend. we know that kushner is the son-in-law and senior white house adviser son-in-law to president trump. we know that this visit is the chairman of joint chiefs of staff. we though that he was with him this weekend. what we don't know is that, for example, where was kushner in iraq specifically, who was he visiting with and the most important question in all of this, why did jared kushner travel in the first place. you have to remember what's going is not primarily a diplomatic issue. it's over all a military operation that's happening to dislodge isis and defeat isis in iraq. of course, kushner has no diplomatic experience, no foreign policy experience and new administration. and certainly has no military experience. so the question is what role could he play in iraq, especially, by the surprise visit this weekend. that's something that a lot of people are still scratching their heads over. >> all the while the fighting continues the efforts in mosul
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to retake that city. tell us more about these strong reaction, though, when you're in russia about the u.s. account for civilian deaths there. >> well, it's a really interesting story. there was a war of words over the weekend where the russian government put out a very harsh statement criticizing the united states response to the death of civilians and a number of air strikes towards the middle part of march. now the pentagon did come out and confirm that the air strikes did take place and that at least in some ways those air strikes led to the deaths as many of 140 or 150 civilians and russia was very critical of that because in its defense, the pentagon came out and said that they were aware that isis had been using human shields, for example, that they had some sort of video evidence that isis was taking civilians from their homes and putting them into areas where isis had snipers on roof top, effectively, hoping they wouldn't be hit by air strikes.
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if they were -- well, russia over the weekend in their statement, very very critical of that united states position saying, look if the united states had video surveillance of isis taking civilians to places to use them as human shields, then it's up to the united states to release that video footage for the rest of the world to prove those claims are true and more than that, russia criticize the u.s. and saying look the united states knew that was the case, why would they target buildings in the first place when they knew they were civilians. interesting twist on this, george, what russia said this weekend accusing america of targeting civilians is the exact same thing that america has been accusing russia of for the last year or so in syria. remember that america has been very critical, russian air strikes in syria, saying the russian air strikes has been causing civilian casualties. well, in this case, it looks like getting and accusing the united states of the same thing in iraq. >> that is some important context. live for us following the story
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in instanbul turkey. entire neighborhoods are buried after deadly mud slides hit the nation of columbia. details on the search efforts for survivors. >> while the u.s. is rolling back measures, china is stepping up as a leader on china claim. that story, more to come, stay with us. you won't see these folks they have businesses to run.
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in southwestern columbia, rescue workers are struggling to find survivors after deadly mud slides. heavy rains trigger the disaster over the week echbend. thousands of people lost their home. in columbia president is offering help. >> translator: to those who lost their homes, we will build new ones in a safer place. in the meantime, we will give them a monthly rent stipend of $87. i have asked the housing minister to begin this initiative today. >> officials say more than 200 people have been killed rafael has more on this story. we need to warn you, some of the
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images in his report are disturbing. >> they thick -- they're searching desperately for survivors. >> up in the mountain and when it came down they didn't have time to react and they're washed away. >> mud slides have killed over 200 people in the southern columbia town. and as people line up waiting to identify the bodies of their loved ones, rescuers are left scrambling, searching to find the 100 plus people still unaccounted for. >> there are many families telling us, my son is missing, my father is missing, my mother is missing. and we're trying to do a list, we still don't have it. the number of dead people has risen in an incredible way in the last hours. it breaks my heart.
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>> translator: i am looking for my three daughters and tiny granddaughter. they disappeared when it happened. i asked the whole world, the whole society to help me. i need help whether they're dead or alive. i want to see them. i ask all my friends and neighbors to help me. i won't see the end. i will not rest. >> the deadly triggered, the river surrounding started to over flow, unleashing a surge of mud through the city. now, displaced residents are recovering whatever they can carry. with nowhere to go, they take shelter wherever they can. some hold out hopes were missing loved ones. >> i hope somebody has her somewhere out there. if you ask her daddy's name, she might say it. >> while others contend with a mounting death toll, rafael, cnn, atlanta.
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>> on the forecast for that region, what cause this disaster. >> and george and rosemary. we had a combination of a lot of events took place here. take a look at this. the water vapor imagery, where you see those brighter colored areas. we will go through friday, then into saturday morning. and we put a circle around this huge storm complex. it encompasses it. and it is that department of right along the border with equidor and into columbia. a massive system. it may not have lasted long. but it produced enough rain fall that the couple nation of events. the topography. people were asleep friday night going into saturday morning once the rain started coming down and they saw very heavy rain fall through the month of march. an amazing amount of
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precipitation. now, the president of the company -- country said about 500 millimeters of rain fall fell. we won't get a lot of reports in in some of these more isolated areas. needless to say, this is the time of the year where we see that uptick in moisture. march and april are rainy months. we see secondary rainy season that comes at the end of the year. the other factor is, this is part of the inner tropical convergent zone. it is wrapped around the globe. pretty much follows where the equator is but depending on the season. it could be slightly south of the equator or slightly north of the equator. this is moving. we saw the very heavy rain fall in peru about a week to a week and a half ago. and now it looks like that concentration of moisture is tricking further towards the north. so as we see the movement of the intertropical convergent zone, that's where we see these bigger clusters of storms.
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so the top og gra fography. we had three rivers. we had the high mountain peaks. some of that moisture coming off, bumps into the mountain and just rings out across the region. so in the southern hemisphere, it still lingers towards the equator gradually moves towards the north. that kicks off the tropical season into the northern hemisphere. so there really is a cluster of events that took place here and i'll show you kind of the topography. if you go about 500 kilometers south and there's this region. it's isolated and now devastated by this severe storm, back to you. >> thank you. >> we know president trump plans to talk about trade issues and job losses when he sits down with china's president this week. but, we'll wait and see if president tackles the u.s. and
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china's dramatic role reversal on climate change. >> mr. trump is rolling back some regulation. china's president is touting the virtues of environmental protection. cnn blue riply reports this would have been unthinkable, just a few years ago. >> two dramatically different photo ops just hours apart. planting trees in beijing, talking about protecting nature, president trump signing an executive order in washington, dismantling president obama's climate change policies. the leaders of the world's two biggest polluters switching sides, china ready to take the lead on going green. i'm a bit shocked says this beijing resident, that's okay. the national leaders are paying much more attention than before. we're not seeing the results. >> it's true there are still many smoggy days in chinese cities like beijing.
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as the u.s. seems to be reversi reversing, china is changing its approach. even the hard line state and urging americans to stop its climate policies. >> for years the chinese government misled the public on pollution and impressed the environmentalist factories. now they're working together to create this app showing real time pollution data, pressuring violators to clean up their act. >> now, finally, there's a real political well to try to control them. >> times have definitely changed. as the u.s. rolls back environmental regulations. china's investigating hundreds of billions of dollars in clean energy, like this wind turbine factory. chinese tech firm into buying u.s. car maker tesla. many chinese are fed up, believed to kill more than 2
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million people in china each year, the smog. other countries have experienced pollutions says this man, so we had examples of how to deal with it. the world's biggest polluter hopes to put bad air in the past, as the second biggest now faces an uncertain environmental future. will riply, cnn beijing. >> we'll take a very short break here, but still to come on "cnn newsroom." the honeymoon for the u.s. administration and you shall sha looks like it could be over. moscow is pointing a very angry thing at the pentagon. >> and did russia spread big news in the u.s., using internet troll factories. we have a look at "cnn newsroom."
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and very warm welcome back to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world i'm rosemary church. >> i'm george howell with the headlines we're following for you. the u.s. president donald trump is telling china help solve the north korea nuclear threat or the u.s. will go at it alone. the president did not offer more details. he'll bring up the topic of the north korean threat when he meets with the president of china on thursday at his resort in florida. ek kwi dthe candidate has a lead of his conservative rival
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were more than 96% of the votes counted. alleging voter fraud. >> rescue workers are searching for survivors in southern columbia. after heavy rains triggered deadly mud slides. more than 200 people are killed, many others are still missing. power and water supplies to many areas had been cut off because of the disaster. columbia's president is promising to build new homes and provide financial help, the many people who have been there. >> pakistan and police are investigating a horrifying a shrine over the weekend. knives and clubs we use to kill 20 people. police have arrested the custodian who they describe as mentally unstable four other suspects were also taken into custody. the u.s. president is looking for a win after not being able to accomplish, so far two of his
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main campaign promises. >> mr. trump will not get enough support to replace obama care and his second attempt on a travel ban, that's on hold. more now on the week ahead for donald trump. >> this after an interview in the financial times where trump calls out china, telling them that they need to be part of the solution on the korean peninsula. it could also be one of the first big wins for the trump administration, his nominee for the supreme court, kneel gorsuch is expected to be confirmed. not sure yet if that confirmation is going to come with the customary 60 votes. the republicans have assured the white house that they'll come if they have to invoke the nuclear option. this though as a cloud of russia
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continues to hang over this white house and news that the former national security adviser, michael flynn, has said that he's willing to testify if he's granted immunity. ranking democrat on the house intel committee, said they may not be that interested in that type of offer, take a listen. >> we don't want to do anything that will interfere in any case that the justice department may decide to bring. we also have to determine whether you can add value to our investigation whether we need him to learn information we can't learn from other sources, so it's very early, i think to be considering this. >> meanwhile the president himself is still talking about the investigation, trying to argue that there is really nothing to see here. he tweeted on sunday morning "the real story turns out to be surveillance and leaking, find the leakers" this as the president kicks off a very important week here in washington. ryan, cnn at the white house. >> thanks. russia has a serious objection
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to the pentagon's description of its actions in iraq. >> they're stepping up the u.s. military causing casualties absurd. matthew chance is in mas cow os joins us now live. is this a case of pay back now that russia is condemning the pentagon over civilian deaths in mosul. >> i think that's certainly a part of it, the united states and its various ambassadors, the cover for the united states has been severely critical of russia and its actions in syria, accusing moscow of war crimes and with regard to the humanitarian situation there and the civilian casualties caused by its campaign. i think it's a sense they're responding in kind, by criticizing the civilian debts and the reasons for them. they were caused by the u.s. led
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coalition in mosul and in iraq, particularly, the suggestion last week by a coalition spokesperson, the u.s. coalition spokesperson, basically, isis is using buildings in which civilians are housed as she wants to prevent them from being attacked. why, then, said the russian defense ministry, why does the u.s. coalition having this information make strikes with their buildings civilians dooming them. so it's this idea of double standards that's been quite prepr prevasive throughout. it's been caused by the united states are accidental. when they're caused by russia, they're human rights abuses and war crimes. this is a reference to the hi pock kra si was that. >> he didn't want to start a new relationship with russia, reset,
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if you would like. is that a thing of the past. does this mean's trump's honeymoon with russia is over? >> i'm not sure that runny moon really took off, did it? i mean there was no real contact in the post inauguration period of donald trump with the russians that could be seen as policy in any way, but certainly. the expectation when donald trump came into power, came into office in the white house was that he was going to turn around the relationship with moscow. he promised to do that during his came pain saying he -- campaign saying he would look again. he was annexed from ukraine by russia in 2014 and he criticized nato. he said he would work with russia and the conflict in syria. none of that has come to pass. and so, you know, this latest spat, as well, with the russian defense ministry criticizing u.s. military action in iraq.
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it's all part of the deterioration and the vanishing of those hopes of a better relationship and the deterioration in the relationship between the two countries. >> all right. bringing us up to date on the situation from moscow in russia, just after 10:30 in the morning. >> in the meantime, the u.s. house and senate committees are investigating alleged meddling by russia in the u.s. presidential election. >> last week experts told the u.s. senate intelligence committee that the russian government had an army of internet trolls active during the campaign. as brian reports, they aimed to push fake news in the run up to november's vote. >> it started with several tweets alleging a terrorist attack at the air base in turkey last summer. russian state media outlets posted variations of the story. soon even donald trump's campaign manager apparently thought it was true, repeating it on cnn. >> there's plenty of news to
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cover this week. i haven't seen covered. you had nato base turkey being under attack. >> no attack had, in fact, occurred at the base. researchers say it's an example of fake reports spread online on purpose with the help of prorussian users which supported by vladimir putin, all designed to influence elections and so decent and confusion in the west. >> they haven't coordinated information campaign and delivered strategy. so they picked their objectives and the information space. >> in another case, a leaked e-mail from hillary clinton's campaign in which she asked a question about a treatment for pa -- triggering allegations and chatter about the democratic candidate had the disease. researchers say the story was shared and reposted by prorussian sites and read 8 million times. evidence experts say of how russia was trying to throw last year's election. >> how easy for it to spread. >> once they build an audience with their accounts, it's very
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easy to do that just through amplification. any time you had the ability to promote story, hundreds or thousands of times, then that puts it into trending feeds. once it's in a trending feed, it takes on a life for its own. >> experts who research testify before the senate intelligence committee, explaining how putin's government uses an army of trolls. online critics who push their agendas to confuse and frighten audiences in the west. an idea that played out dramatically on the show time series homeland, a trolled factory where hundreds of employees ploy away. >> iraq bob. >> that's me. >> navy wife. >> that's me, too. >> post phony stories and tweets and spread them as widely as possible. >> new set of talking points in your folder, get outraged. >> experts say the real time trolled factories may not look as slick as the tv version, but they are real. they say, trolls who spread fake
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reports can amplify their impact. thousands of other people's computers hardest to do their bidding. putin's goal is to create distrust among americans and their allies. >> they didn't just want to discredit u.s. elections, they wanted to discredit hillary clinton, so within the division, these are all things that are part of the russian agenda. >> when asked about accusations about interference, vladimir putin said "read my lips, no" experts who testified said we can expect putin's government to continue to support fake news campaign. they say for putin, it's easy. it's effective. best of all for him, it often can't be traced directly by to him. brian todd, cnn, washington. >> we turn to ekuador, but the electoral counsel won't declare a winner for days.
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left this candidate is declaring victory. he has a narrow leads over his conservative to get more than 95% of the votes counted. but the religious voter fraud took place and he wants a recount. the out come of this election could determine the fate of wiki leaks founder. he vows to remove him in london if he wins. >> the presidential race is tightening with less than a month to go until election day. polls show emanuel and far right leader le pen as frontrunners. french ambassador to the u.s. explained how it would be the end of the euro zone. listen. >> if i were asked before, you know, whether or not would be elected in france, i would have answered never. but after what happened in this country on november 8th, you
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know, i'm obliged to say, actually she may be elected. she may win the elections and she has said very clearly she wants france out of eu. frankly it's not right. france is out of the eu is the end of the eu and end of the euro zone. a lot of things will depend on the french elections. >> and in serbia, the nation has a new president, conservative prime minister won sunday's election by a wide margin. he said the country had voted for his policy joining the eu without turning away for his traditional allies, russia and giant. supporters say he represents stability. critics say he's become increasingly authoritarian. >> we'll take a short break here. still to come, landmarks around the world turn blue to mark world. >> and radio host the scene red over the stereo types connected with condition. that's all ahead, stay with us.
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iconic landmarks around the world were bathed in blue to mark world autism awareness day on sunday from iceland to india and across the persian gulf to minority america, the aim is to support autism research efforts in the u.s. alone autism rates are now one in 68 children. >> in the gulf region. the united em rats have some of the best autism treatment centers to be found. >> so much so that one host picked up his whole life to move to the uae just so his son could have access to them. this is his story ri. >> my name -- better known as big husk. i host the first hip-hop radio show. >> we have other issues,
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community, issues, social issues and yes, political issues. i started really getting into hip-hop in 2008 when i started from syria. i'm like, whoa. and these rappers were my news source. you know, i would listen to them and educate them about what's going on in the region. 2010 we were blessed with a baby boy. three, four years down the line. we found out he's autistic. he's the best thing ever. and, of course, shout out to this woman and say it live on tv. she's doing really great. seeing dubai is a bit different place than a bit more open, of course. and we moved in here exactly a year ago and now we're stating to speak. he has -- he's starting to be much more aware about his
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surrounding. very hip-hop. when i say on the air that my son is autistic and i'm not shamed of it. when i take a picture of my son, for example. i will always use the autism parent. again, like some people are very bit rude. they're saying why are you so proud like he's disabled. i engage in the discussion i think that's what we want. as a radio host, that's what i'll try to do. >> the number one difference is awareness people have. the they've done a great job. a lot of events happen. that's what autism is like, you know. and my son being autistic has just opened another dimension for me. so it's support local and it's talking about my son. talking about how he changed me and how he made me more patient. i want -- i met my son to be the
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person he's destined to be. to become a man that's dependent on himself which is very challenging when it comes to autism. i will definitely fight for that to happen. >> very inspiration. >> indeed. still ahead here, president turns down a chance to throw out the first pitch to celebrate the start of major league baseball here in the united states. why he's saying no thanks the presidential tradition. >> plus donald trump he use to drive this car -- his old ferari sold for a record amount of cash. we'll tell you just how much it was.
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including postage and a digital scale. go to and never go to the post office again. welcome back everyone. the major league season has begun and fans, celebrities and politicians are packing stadiums to celebrate. >> the u.s. president won't be taking part in what's been long american past time. >> take me out to the ball game. >> not this year. president trump declined the washington nationals invitation to throw out the ceremonial first pitch on opening day. he cited, scheduling conflicts.
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a surprising decision from the new commander in chief who discovered pass time long before he discovered the board room. >> did you know you were going to go into this business. >> no, i wanted to be a baseball player. >> he was a star player at the new york military academy. his coach told rolling stone, he was once even scouted by the phillies. >> i was captain of the baseball team. i was suppose to be a professional baseball player, fortunately i decide today go into real estate instead. >> he's stepped up to the mound for the cubs, the red sox and his beloved yankees. even the leader of the free world gets nervous when he goes into his wind up. george h.w. bush, a college baseball star at yale was visibly upset after a wide pitch at orioles opening day in 1992. bill clinton took note and tried to avoid the same fate in 1996. >> i practiced for a week before it. i went out and i paced off the distance in the backyard of the
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white house. >> most of my practice -- i think i was a little nervous. >> one of george w. bush's most unforgettable moments came as the 2001 world series just weeks after the attack on america. >> the gravity never really hit me until the first step coming out of that dug outstanding on the mound at yankee's stadium was by far the most nervous moment. >> so in this long history of presidential pitches, started by taft, how will trump stack up. well, perhaps we'll find out next season. [ applause ] >> it's such a cool thing to do. >> i don't understand it. i mean, especially since he could play baseball, what's the problem? >> so a car that use to belong to the president just sold for a record amount of money.
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donald trump hasn't driven this 2007 ferari in years. it left an auction in florida for record 27$270,000. >> they're saying that's the highest price that one sold like this for. it's fairly new, too. it's over 10,000 kilometers on it. it comes with proof of its famous owner. copy of the paperwork with the president's signature. >> thanks for being with us "cnn newsroom." early start is next. >> and for everyone stay tuned for more news in london and have yourselves a great day.
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. a critical week for president trump starts today and the president is already putting china on notice to stop north korea or the u.s. will. and breaking other night jared kushner president trump's son-in-law and senior advisors made a surprise trip to iraq. a crucial vote in the senate on neil gorsuch. how was your weekend? >> it was good, beautiful weather. >> a busy, busy week ahead.
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