tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN April 14, 2017 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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on google, the first scorpion, which was like a wheat brown and of course it was poisonous, so here we are in the air not kn knowing if things go sideways, what's going to happen. so we were pretty scare. thank you for joining us, "a.c. 360" is next. kbeeng good evening, jim sciuto. it is now founders day and the world is watching, waiting for a possible nuclear test there, or other military provocation, if one happens, it will cap a week that has already seen a nuclear threat from kim jong-un, cold war words from russia and the dropping of a truly massive bomb on afghanistan. president trump through all this was on vacation. more on that shortly, suzanne
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malveaux, matthew chance and jim acosta. suzanne, for president trump, sort of a working, golfing weekend for the president? >> reporter: well, you could call it that, certainly, they say they are ready for anything, they are prepared, chief of staff reince priebus was there but did not accompany him here in florida. so he does not have his top level stop here in florida. that's very intentional, this is supposed to be a light foot print, allowing the president to have time with his wife and children. it is a break in protocol, having covered presidents obama and george w. bush, there's usually the national security advisor, even on vacation with the president, but trump is doing things differently, but he does have some members of his national security staff, junior members, they're keeping an eye
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on what's happening in north korea, whether there's any kind of provocation. we did see the president playing golf, jim got those exclusive pictures, that would make it his 7th time to be in mar-a-lago since he's been president. >> reporter: they do have a secure area where he is able to get briefings, he is able to get classified information, this is where he received information about the strike in syria recently, so they feel pretty confident about that, that they do have the team and the mechanisms in place, they do have the trump hotel where some staffers are staying, all of us reporters are going to be waiting to see what happens in
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north korea, if there will be a u.s. response overnight, or whether it's via email or twitter. but we're all on high alert about that. and the president is getting information on the whereabouts of mike pence, he's expected to arrive in south korea on sunday. >> these holidays a time that north korea often takes advantage of. cnn's alexandra field, she is in the capital of seoul, no one closer to the north korean threat than south koreans, what is the mood there as they await for a possible provocation? >> reporter: they're waiting with the rest of the world to see what happens in the next few hours, and perhaps more importantly than what happens in north korea, is the question of how the u.s. will react to any kind of provocation, this is the most important day on the north korean calendar, the celebration
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of the founder's birthday, we expect to see images pumped out to the rest of the world showing their military might. some analysts have speculated that this could be a holiday around which north korea plans to carry out it's sixth nuclear test. analysts say the nuclear site there is primed, it's prepped, it's ready and could happen at any moment. china is calling for calm, for cool heads to prevail, particularly as mike pence makes his way to the region, he'll be stopping in seoul over the weekend, where we know he'll be talking to his allies here about all the options that are on the table about how to counter this north korea nuclear threat. >> we know the north korean government, they had some choice words for both the u.s. and president trump today, what did they say?
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>> reporter: choice words is a polite way of saying that, always threatening a severe response, saying they wouldn't hold back in terms of any provocation or any hostile action from the u.s., that's the kind of rhetoric that you do often hear, but it's directly being said, as a result, that you've got mike pence heading over here, and you've got these u.s. warships that have been redeployed to these waters, off the peninsula. and according to the state news, which comes out of north korea, they see the moves of these u.s. nuclear assets as a threat to global security, he says it brings the region to the brink of nuclear war. that's what they're taking from the presence of his warships, washington is saying that these warships are meant to be there as a deterrent to further provocation, but the word from washington, when it comes to another missile test or a nuclear test it isn't a question
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of if, but when. >> those are shocking, worrisome words. now syria and russia, and possibly more u.s. military action still to come, the kremlin has issued a warning against it, using two words, grave consequences that would bring a cold war chill. let's go to cnn's matthew chance. he's in moscow with the latest from there. what can you tell us that russia was meeting with iranian and syrian officials, what was the meeting about today? >> reporter: well, i think first and foremost, it was a show of unity between these syrian allies, but it was also a show of defiance towards the united states as well, because you have these foreign ministers from russia, iran and syria, criticizing the u.s. strikes last week on that syrian air base, calling on the united states to respect the sovereignty of syria and to respect international law as
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well. and warning that any further attempts at regime change, which is how they characterize these missile strikes would fail. this is what sergey lavrov had to say, we confirmed that position, it's a united position, and it consists of our condemnation of the attack on a sovereign state and avoid such actions to threaten the current world order. and all this coming less than 24 hours since rex tillerson left moscow having delivered a strong message to the kremlin that now is the time to turn their backs, put some distance between themselves and al assad. >> do you see any daylight there between russia and assad, an?
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>> reporter: the thing is, assad, for the kremlin, he's a guarantor of russian interests, they have economic, political and military interests in sere y'al syria, if there was anyone else in that -- he could well turn his back on the kremlin and move more towards the western powers and the russians don't want to risk that. they like assad now, because he has nowhere else to go. he has to protect russia's interests because no one else is willing to be an ally of his. >> russia vetoes the u.n. security council resolution which would have called for an investigation? >> reporter: yeah, it's contradict try, but what the russians say, is they didn't just conduct an investigation
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into the chemical attack, they released a resolution that it was biassed, that it had prejudged who was guilty. so they called for an international body, to come into syria and to do a proper, impartial study. of course around the world, to russia's critics in particular, that just looks like another excuse to extend the matter and to shield it's syrian ally once again. >> the opcw had guaranteed that in effect that the chemical weapons were out of syria, but it turns out syria was able to hide some. as we have been reporting, it's been quite a week in the world. jim acosta is at the white house, a lot of talk about the 1 1 180s from the president, from where you're sitting, are those permanent changes in trump's
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foreign policy? >> reporter: i don't think president trump has done this much flipping since he was in real estate, but no doubt about it, there's a lot of changes from this president on very important policy positions. we heard today the treasury department saying that china will not be listed as a currency manipulator, that is a turn around from a statement he made during the campaign about labeling china a chemical manipulator. so you see the president shifting in these positions, they do seem to serve a purpose when it comes to russia, the president said in the campaign he wanted to have a great relationship with russia and vladimir putin, but now he sees russia as an impediment to come to a resolution in syria. he is a flexible thinker, he's not fixed in these positions, something we learned during the campaign, something we're
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learning now that he's president. >> reporter: one of the most striking reversals on nato, after he had the meeting with the nato secretary general in washington this week, does that increase the division with russia going forward? >> reporter: i think it does. i think it puts russia on notice, i also think, jim, if the president is looking to bring, you know, the wrath of the u.s. government to isis, as we saw this week with the detonation of that mother of all bombs in afghanistan, he is going to need nato support. and so going after nato, calling it obsolete, the way he used to criticize nato during the campaign, that kind of rhetoric was not going to serve him well as president. and as president, donald trump is finding that the world is a little more interconnected than the policy he advocated during the campaign. at the same time, senior administration officials, i don't want to describe them as giddy, but they're feeling very
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good these last couple of weeks, they feel like the president projected strength, not only in the military operation in afghanistan, but those missile strikes that were intended to punish al assad in syria. and i was just talking to administration officials just moments ago, who said watch out, we're going to have a strong finish, heading into the 100-day mark, as we head into the next few weeks, the gallup tracking poll shows the president at 40%, a lot of people are scratching their heads got these policy flip-flops, there's no shortage of confidence here at the white house. >> the panel is going to weigh in next, and later, more on the president's habit of doing exactly what he said he wouldn't do, taking time away from the white house.
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this week on the program, the president said he thought he was facing more global flash points than any president has since 1944. james clapper said the president hasn't faced such a die versus array of problems in decades. we now go to our panel. general, if i could begin with you, you have commanded troops in combat, in iraq, there is
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always tension between the u.s. and north korea, there's always the exchange of hyper bollic rhetoric, particularly in north korea, right now are you concerned that this has reached a particularly tense level? is there something different about it right now that concerns you? >> there is, jim, and i have commanded in iraq and germany and also in korea. and i have never seen the tension in korea the way it is right now. and has it to do twofold with kim jong-il who is more p provocative than many of the watchers of that part of the world have seen in a long time. he is close to seeing his goals and he's being pushed on several sides. north korea is a racist society, they see themselves as pure, and they see south korea and china as unpure and being influenced by the united states.
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it's not that they're irrational actors, it's just that they have a different rationale than we do and i think you have to understand that before you push the leader and the north koreans to the brink because they will go there if that's the only choice they see they have. >> mike, i want to draw on your experience, you have been to korea a number of times, met with north korean officials, it's been heard that the as brutal as it is, the strategy is rational, if survival is the only goal really, do you agree with that? >> i think you put your finger on it, there is this kind of conventional stereotype of north korea as crazy and i rational. i think nikki haley the ambassador to the u.n. described kim jong-un that way.
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but the north koreans have a cold and ruthless, but the name of the became for the north koreans is survival. they look at the example of iraq where saddam hussein was toppled and eventually executed after the u.s. invasion and he didn't have nukes. they look at libya's moammar gadhafi, who voluntarily gave up his nukes and was overthrown. they look at syria being a u.s. target last week, none of these companies had nuclear weapons, and the north korean view is, we are a small country, our primary goal is to seep our system and our regime and our dynasty in power. and their military does that. i don't see any circumstances where they will give that up. >> you have kim jong-un, who is capable, as his father and grandfather before him, as hyperbole and threats and very scary threats. but president trump has tweeted about u.s. action, and said if
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china doesn't take care of it, we'll take care of it ourselves, when you have that combination does north korea read him with trepidation, are you concerned that if not conflict, a misunderstanding that could lead to conflict? >> i think that's what we were just talking about, he's there to make sure hiss regime continues to exist. and anyone who threatens him overtly will cause him to dig in more. i'm concerned about this and the bluntness and brashness of mr. trump without a strategy and the things he has said about what he's going to do without options. jim, i'm give you an example. if north koreans, if the leader actually does execute a test of a nuclear weapon tonight or tomorrow, and/or fires missiles, multiple missiles? what are we going to do? that's the question, there's not an option.
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you can't just conduct a strike like we did in syria or drop a bomb like mike mickelson did in afghanistan and solve the problem because there are second and third effects of striking north korea. they can strike seoul and kill tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people with artillery. >> kimberly, you've been speaking to military officials about u.s. military options here. is one of those options a pre-emptive strike? >> that is just one of a number of options that they keep on a shelf to be ready at any time if the commander in chief asks them, tell me all the things you can do. >> is it a realistic option? recommend? >> no, it is not the one they want to use, and when a report came out this week on another network that it was a possibility, i heard from lots of administration officials trying to tamp it down because they don't want it to trigger or
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provoke north korea. their preferred option is to ratchet everything back and get in a position where china can use its influence on north korea and solve this through a mixture of threatened economic sanctions and the carrot of loosening some of these sanctions and the food aid that north korea desperately needs. >> what was just described to me there, ryan, sounds a lot like the north korean policy and the -- >> first of all, what would-epr? this will be the sixth test, the time to pre-empt is on the first test. he's back in the same place on syria, he's back with assad has to go, and we'll use a deterrent capability to stop him from using chemical weapons but we don't want to intervene any
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further than that. on north korea, he was left with the same options, i think it was very telling this week when he said he talked to the president of chi who explained to him, that he was wrong that said that the chinese could solve this problem in a second. and the chinese president said that's not exactly true. >> i wonder who briefed him for that meeting because you would expect diplomats to north korea to know. >> mike, you've been going to north korea for a long time, and the concern had always been, what if we were to have a nuclear north korea, that was the nightmare scenario, and here we are, a nuclear north korea, in effect, is that the new reality? and is there sort of a grudging acceptance of that fact now? >> well, officially the u.s. and many other countries say they won't accept north korea as a
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nuclear state, but the reality is north korea is a nuclear state and i think the odds of the north giving up its nuclear capability are very, very minimal, which raises an interesting question, if you get back to diplomacy, what would be the goal, and there are people who believe that it is not impossible if the u.s. and north korea started talking to try to achieve a deal in which the north would freeze its current capabilities in return for american economic and security concessions, but we're nowhere near to talking and to me what's most dangerous is that you have this sort of mixed messages from washington, threats on the one hand, but not backed up by enough force to really do anything. the north koreans don't take the threat very seriously, because we haven't seen any mobilization of the north korean military, but the north could be spooked by the threats from trump and may lash out, so that's worrying. >> we're going to have to leave
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it there, unfortunately, general, i appreciate it but we are going to have a chance to talk about it later in the program. critics say when the going gets tough, the president goes golfing. do they have a point? we're keeping them honest, next. working on my feet all day gave me pain here. in my knees. so i stepped on this machine and got my number, which matched my dr. scholl's custom fit orthotic inserts. so i get immediate relief from my foot pain. my knee pain. find a machine at if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis like me, and you're talking to your rheumatologist about a medication... ...this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain... ...and protect my joints from further damage. humira has been clinically studied for over 18 years. humira works by targeting and helping to...
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as we said at the top of the show, the world seems to be coming a little unglued right now. the president himself called it a nasty place, a mess. when he said that just a couple of days ago, he had the look of a man that knows there's a lot of work to be done and he's the one to do it. he promised during the campaign to stay home and buckle down. >> i just want to stay in the white house and work my ass off, and make great deals, right? who's going to leave? who's going to leave? >> well, in fact he's leaving. departing yesterday for mar-a-lago, leaving a week ago, march 17 leaving for mar-a-lago, in a week of serious foreign and domestic policy 180s from the
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president, this might rank with saying nato is not obsolete. you can argue that the world had simply changed and he is merely changing with it. on this, the only difference seems to be is that was then and this is now. a reminder, here's then. >> i wouldn't leave the white house very much, because, you know, like little things, like these little trips where they -- they cost you a fortune. >> i love working, i'm not a vacation. i'm not like obama where he takes air force one to hawaii. i promise you, i will not be taking very long vacations, if i take them at all, there's no time for vacations. there's people that go away for weeks and weeks, i don't like taking vacations, obama likes going on vacation, i like working. if i get elected president, i'm going to be in the white house a lot, i'm not leaving, we have deals to make, who the hell wants to leave, right? >> just not a vacation guy, he said, so keeping them honest. take a look, by the end of the
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weekend, president trump is will have spent 24 days at mar-a-lago since taking office. and by some estimates he's on track to spend as much on travel in his first year as president obama did in eight years. and then there's golf. >> obama, it was reported today played 250 rounds of golf. everything's executive order, because he doesn't have enough time, because he's playing so much golf. obama ought to get off the golf course and get down there. i'm going to be working for you, i'm not going to have time to go play golf. this guy plays more golf than tiger woods, this guy plays more golf than people in the pga tour. if i were in the white house, i don't see i would ever see turnbury again, i don't think i would see doral again, by i'm not going to be playing much golf, if i win this, i'm not going to be playing much golf. >> we don't know how much golf
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the president's playing, because they won't tell us. he played today at his own golf course, his 17th visit to a golf course. in fairness, he certainly does do official business at what's been called the southern white house, you'll remember, he hosted foreign leaders there, including china's president. and some of his golf outings include foreign leaders as well. ceos, other dignitaries, so it's not entirely just play and no work. still, he might at least take a lesson from another former president, who never looked like heft out of the office, even when he was at his own vacation home on the beach. welcome to our panel now, we got jack kingston, matt lewis and by satellite we have steve day. jack, i got to start with you, how do you defend that? >> number one, the american people always have the right to
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request the work habits and the work venues of anybody who's elected to office. but i don't think you can ever say that he's not out there working, because nobody from hollywood will play with them, unlike obama who went out there and played golf. >> he's been given a lot of opportunities, 17 times. >> the only people who are going to play trump with golf are out there talking about business, or how to handle world affairs. >> he said during the campaign, i'm not going to do this. he brought it up. >> you know what? he's still getting it done and i think that's what the important thing is. >> if you worked at a company and your boss gave you grief for playing golf on the weekend or set a rule or something and then went out every weekend to play golf? >> i understand that and i hear that, but i don't think anybody would say that this is a 30-hour a week guy, this is a guy who works seven days a week, and he works in mar-a-lago, he works on the plane, he works on trips,
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he's a workaholic, to me, criticizing obama for too much golf, maybe that's campaign rhetoric, maybe it's not. >> frequent campaign rhetoric. >> but if you think about how busy he's been, since the day he got in the white house, putting together his -- >> donald trump is a lying hypocritical flip-flopper, it's not news. i think the impact here, and i don't begrudge presidents for taking trips, because i agree with you, i think he is working. $3 million it costs taxpayer money every time he goes to mar-a-la mar-a-lago, it's not just the hypocrisy that he said he wasn't going to do it, but he is going and he's doing it on taxpayer dime. every time he goes, it's like the most expensive taxpayer
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funded commercial for his own properties that he and his family is getting rich off of. that's something that a taxpayer should be concerned about. >> how does president trump defend that to his base? this is a lot of money we're talking about here. >> i think you got to define, you know, what his base is. i think we have to first of all come to grips with the fact that the old binary choice world of right and left doesn't exist anymore. >> i'm not talking about right and left, i'm talking about dollars spent. it's a straight up mathematical issue that in the first year he's going to spend more money traveling than obama did in eight. >> let's face it, when obama did this, kind of a left-right issue. and i'll explain. when obama did this, a bunch of people who do what i do for a living did whole shows on how he's leaving the american people behind and now they don't seem
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to care that he's leaving the american people behind. on the other side, they're saying presidents need a break, and then say he needs to be in the white house more, and then saying everything he does in the white house is bad. if it's his cult, i have never seen a politician have a stronger cult in my life, i think he can say and do whatever he wants, they just want the show, but if you're talking about people who voted for him because they didn't want hillary clinton, i think they're disappointed by what they have seen so far. >> nothing penetrates that rock solid connection. >> they don't care about this. >> does it resonate with anyone? >> i mean, it's a pattern of hypocrisy here, when you're able to show the setup that you showed, just, look, i went to a lot of those rallies. this was a standard joke, this was a standard part of the trump talking points and hits on obama that he equated playing golf with obama somehow being checked out, right? i'm just a little bit surprised
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about how audacious he is about it. there's just no effort here, there's no apology, it's just too bad. >> there's a subtle reversal on that point. >> do democrats want him in the white house working? >> and marie, you got to remember, the white house has leaks, maybe it also has mice, they want to get out of there. obama never spent a christmas there. >> you got to put that putting green back like eisenhower. coming up, a closer look at the wall street milliona aramillion now ensconced in the trump administration.
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money matters to infrastructure. >> we have to build roads and highways. >> reporter: one name is rising rapidly. gary cohen who sold $240,000 worth of stock so he could be trump's chief counsel. he's the point man on what is expected to be a massive tax overhaul. >> i would say it's probably my number one agenda item right now is taxes. we are committed to getting it done this calendar year, so this calendar year is very important to us. >> reporter: he's talking about other issues too, including health care, even as the obama care repeal has floundered. >> it's not just about coverage, it's about access to care, it's about access to be able to see your doctors. >> reporter: and he's expected to help write new federal ban
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regulations, even though his old firm was dead center in the recession. >> we'll ask gary cohn how his dealings might have contributed to the financial crisis. >> i worked really hard through high school and i worked really hard to get introcollege. >> reporter: that work ethic paid off at a 26-year hugely lucrative career at goldman. >> i never hesitated to get on a plane, i never hesitated to go somewhere. i never hesitated to deliver the tough message when it needed to be deliveried. >> reporter: now his pragmatic approach to policy seems to be surging. >> his team led by kairgary coh. >> reporter: he would clearly be like one of those rare souls who
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can talk to both sides and make deals anyway and right now the president seems invested in giving him that chance. >> back to the panel now, but cory, gary cohn, as a democrat, does this give you comfort to have someone like this close to the president? >> as a democrat, we're willing for for examples of comfort throughout the administration and i think that's as much comfort as you're going to get. he went to all of these people who come in and are just shown the door, we see steve bannon, with one foot in and one foot out. the only people who stay in his inner circle are his children. there really is no loyalty within this donald trump inner circle. but i do like the fact that donald trump is one of the largest cons in the history of the united states actually got someone from goldman sachss to
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sell populism to the american people and to cut taxes for the american people. but garry cohn has a problem, they just had a jobs report that had 494,000 jobs. that number is small. >> gary cohn wasn't on board as long as some of the other advise sorries. >> donald trump started out trying to be a nationalist and a pop list, and it didn't work, he got off to a horrible start when he was listening to steve bannon, when he was giving speeches probably written by stephen miller and donald trump doesn't have a core ideological world view and when the bannon philosophy didn't work, when it was an embarrassment, he decided, let's go a different direction. and this is the different direction. i think it seems to be working.
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my sense is that donald trump has turned a corner in the last several weeks. it feels like this isn't a left versus right thing as much as it's sort of an incompetence versus competence thing. >> you brought up in the previous block about donald trump's base being impenetrable, a cult following, but when you see him taking shots during the campaign, here's a banker, does his base say, wait a minute, i thought he was a man of the people, why is he hanging out with those guys? does it penetrate in that report? >> one thing that came to mind was coined by trump's cult, is making globalists great again. i'm reminded of the last primary where trump stood out and began chanting goldman sachss and said
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cruz and hide heidi cruise -- it's a little bit like cawing to that crazy jehovah's witness at your door that bothers you on saturday morning and you point out that you believe it's a scam and they go through their talking points. as you watch this thing unravel, he sort of becomes chris christie style republican, moderate republican, which is what he probably is to begin with, you really wonder, writing off of his exhaust, you do won't where this is going to end. >> and you're starting to see some criticism for the first time of the administration from those corners. there's still much for us to discuss tonight and coming up, the white house announces it will keep it's visit for logs secret, why it made the decision as well as the reaction, that's next. and adapting them to work for you.
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visitors. the decision is a reversal from the obama administration and a reversal from mr. trump's own prior stance on the issue of transparency. nearly five years ago, then-citizen trump posted this accusation on twitter. why is barack obama spending millions to try and hide his records? he is is least-transparent president ever, and he ran on transparency. i'm back with my panel. jack kingston, help explain that turnaround. >> as i understand it's not that different from the obama administration. the obama administration, 2011, the center for public integrity, accused them of moving the logs from the secret service to the white house. and then a lot of those logs disappeared. they actually ended up in court before the obama administration won and defended the position that they needed to keep some of it secret unless there was a foia request -- >> what happened, to be fair, the court ordered -- they won in court but the obama administration then released
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most or many logs and redacted ones that they considered national security issues. the question is why can't the trump administration do the same? if it's a national security risk, those won't be public, but the rest, open book. >> my suspicion is, in time, they will get to something that's closer to the obama administration. but for right now, i frankly think they ought to keep these records secret, which is what -- at least undisclosed, which is what the obama administration -- >> all white house -- >> this is not a partisan issue, though. >> no. >> that's why i'm kind of troubled by jack's sentiment. i mean, i understand we put on partisan hats, we talk about this all the time. but this is just an american responsibility, transparency issue. that's not donald trump's house. that's the taxpayers' house. and he works for the taxpayers of in the country. and the taxpayers deserve to see who's going in and out. we're not asking -- if it's a national security risk or a privacy concern? then redact it. but this isn't partisan at all. >> but they are following the
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obama court -- >> no, they're not. >> the position of releasing it -- >> but that just shows you -- that doesn't make it right but that also shows you the level of transparency. after the president won, he still released the records. >> to be clear, that is a fact. the court -- the obama administration did redact some for national security concerns. but they released a whole host voluntarily, in effect. that is a fact. >> they did release them on a regular basis. you could go to the website. the website since the obama administration left has been a blank page. so this is another area where there was -- back sliding in terms of government transparency and ethics. >> ethics standards for all the people he's hired, a five-year lobbying ban -- >> he does not. >> what tumdo you mean? he absolutely does. >> focus on the records. explain to viewers at home, wait a second, why did we need to
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know this, what's the vialue? >> president obama released 6 million names of the people that came in and out of the white house. right? >> a lot of it disappeared, though -- >> this is the people's house, this is not donald trump's house. and so much of what gets done -- >> donald trump met -- >> hang on jack. i didn't interrupt you. hang on. this is the people's house. the people's business gets done there. american taxpayers deserve to know who has gone in, who is coming out -- they don't want to say anything. >> would we all agree with that? >> there's no law that says this is the people's house and that they have a right, we have to be transparent. as a journalist, i'd like to know this, then i canada know -- it certainly came in handy who know who was meeting with hillary clinton and different things like that. but there's no law that says this has to be done this way. before barack obama, bill clinton -- >> there's no law that requires you release your taxes but there's argument for it.
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>> transparency. >> did bill clinton do that? [ cross talk ] >> guys, we're running out of time. >> a lot of the our viewers -- i don't see this as a partisan issue. >> it shouldn't be. >> the clinton white house was wrong i could say for not releasing these records, just as wrong as donald trump is for not doing so. transparency evolves. >> final word to you, steve. >> first of all, i agree with tom, judicial watch was critical of the trump white house for doing this today. but i live in iowa, not washington. a lot of americans frankly are sick and tired of, well, obama did it so it's okay now, now it's not okay that trump's doing it, vice versa. what is the right cotton-picking thing to do for the american people? and just do it. and stop making excuses. [ cross talk ] >> that's what children say. this is not how to govern a country. this is how children communicate. even now when you're yelling at me, if i was making my point,
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that's how children talk. [ cross talk ] >> why does the press constantly say, undisclosed sources? if we want to be fully transparent -- >> we're going to have to leave it. >> your voice being loud doesn't mean you're right. democracy dies in darkness. this is part of the darkness. >> we're going to have to leave it there, powerful quote. quote of the conversation goes to maria. >> hold that thought. much more to discuss the next hour of "360" including the possibility of another nuclear provocation from north korea's kim jong-un. not to mention its latest warning if the u.s. takes action against it. the latest on what could be an escalating standoff right after the break.
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