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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  April 17, 2017 12:00am-1:01am PDT

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there about china, the critical role that it should play. we will talk about that, and also the early deployment of the defense system. let's bring in paula hancocks now with more from seoul. paula, there were a lot of headlines coming out of that, but the big one, of course is how much they're relying on china. >> reporter: that's right, rosemary, there were certainly some sign of hardening responses from china, we heard from vice president pence saying, after that meeting between president and president trump, that they were seen in a positive light what was happening, they pointed out about china's economic retaliation against south korea buzz of the u.s. missile defense system thaad which is being deployed. china has not officially acknowledged but south korea and the united states have called for them to stop it.
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but we did hear from both the acting presidents of south korea and vice president pence that thaad will deployed as soon as possible. it's already started to come in over recent months and it certainly said it will be operational as soon as possible as it is needed for the defense of thaad. ewe did pick up on the most interesting thing i thought, that was referring to the -- the attack on syria, the air base in syria and also that -- the mother of all bombs that was dropped in afghanistan. vice president made a direct link from those two to north korea. there have been lots of speculation as to whether or not that was a message. he made that direct link saying north korea will do well not to test his resolve. that's a strong statement from vice president pence. >> it was interesting to hear the vice president point out that the era of strategic
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patience is over, pointing out, paula, that strategic patience has been the strategy of past administrations and also seeing the trump administration has taken action in other countries, has taken action in syria, has taken action in afghanistan, pointing to those actions to show that the united states means business. >> that's right. and this was -- this was certainly the headline that i took from it. now, he did say once again yes strategic patience is over as the u.s. secretary of state had said here in korea where he was here just a matter of weeks ago. he said, again, four options are on the table. we're hearing this more and more from not just pence, but also other trump administration officials saying that obviously, the preferred method of sorting at the north korean crisis is peaceful means. we also heard from pence earlier when he was up at the dnc this morning he talked about any gosh
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ya -- negotiations as well. they specify that all options are on the table. when vice president the most powerful country of the world make a connection between the missile attack on syria an air base there and missile attack or obama attack on afghanistan and then it's really availed warning, a thinly availed not to push president trump too far. i think that's something that north korea would have noticed and potentially something they'll have a response to in the next few days. >> the message is certainly very clear, isn't it. and then that call from vice president mike pence two regional powers to reunit against north korea as well. very powerful messages coming out of that short statement there. >> yes. he did seem fairly optimistic by what china has been doing at this point. this is what we've heard from other officials, that they believe there may have been some kind of a turning point with china.
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we heard from the national security adviser, as well, in an interview with abc this week saying that many in the region, including china, believe that this has come to a head, that this is necessary to be dealt with now and not pushed further, you know, kick the cattle on the road as many claim strategic patience has been claimed. there is a sense that they feel they are getting more from china. they are clear that they need to get more. pence saying many times that he wants more from the regional powers and it's important for those powers to be doing more and then clearly he's meaning china, in that respect. but we are seeing more positive response and reaction towards china that we certainly have seen before that meeting between them and president trump. >> in these statements from the acting president of south korea and from vice president pence, we know that, you know, vice president pence that the
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commitment is strong, that it is ironclad. let's listen here to just a clip here from what we heard of the vice president of the podium just a moment ago. >> on behalf of the president of the united states, my message to the people of south korea is this, we are with you 100%. even in these troubled times, we stand with you for a free and secure future. the united states of america, stand shoulder to shoulder with the republic of korea and the service and vigilants of some 37,500 soldiers airmen and marines on this frontier of freedom stands as a testament to the enduring partnership between our people. the alliance between south korea and the united states is the lynch pen of peace and security in the korean peninsula and throughout the asia pacific. the united states commitment to south korea is ironclad and
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immutable. >> vice president there, mike pence standing beside -- the acting president of south korea. keep in mind, he pointed out may 9th, there will be a change transition happening in south korea, but nonetheless, whoever comes to power, vice president saying that the relationship between the south koreans and the united states will not change. >> well, that's right. it's an interesting time to actually come to a country when you're just a few weeks away from presidential election. but that really indicates that the u.s. felt that this could not wait any longer. you have the secretary of state, the defense secretary, now the vice president coming to a country that effectively has no president, the former president has been impeached and imprisoned at this point on corruption, allegations and an acting president is going to be out of power within a few weeks. it's an interesting time to come and shows that the u.s. believes
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that this simply could not wait, one thing that the vice president did say was he talked with the most urgent and dangerous threat to peace was talking about north korea. and in that sound bite that you just played, it was interesting he mentioned a number of u.s. military here, 37,000, 500 usually on the korean in south korea, you have 28,000, he's alluding there's an awful lot more military here right now. you have the uss carl vincent which is off the coast somewhere at this point, we know that attack -- that air tack carrier strike group. we understand that these military assets have been beefed up, so he's really specifying that there is a lot more of a u.s. military presence here, right now, than they usually is. >> paula, let's just listen, again, to what the vice president mike pence had to say about strategic patience being a thing of the past.
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let's listen in. >> for more than two decades the united states and our allies have worked peacefully to dismantle the nuclear program and alleviate the suffering of their people. but every step of the way, north korea answered our overtures with willful deception, broken promises and nuclear and missile tests. over the past 18 months north korea has conducted two unlawful nuclear test in an unprecedented number of ballistic test. conducting a failed missile launch as i traveled here for this visit. the era of strategic patience is over. >> very clear message there, paula, a message, perhaps not only for north korea, but also for china. >> well, that's right. this is a message that we are hearing time and time again, now, from the trump administration, rex tillerson, the secretary of state gave that
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exact quote just a matter of weeks ago when he was here in south korea. it's a very clear signal that the policy of the obama administration has changed, that this strategic patience, which did have many critics towards the end is over, of course, eight years of strategic patients were among probably not that long in the beginning they did try to engage with north korea, but within that time, north korea has increased its nuclear and missile program significantly, especially since he took power just five years ago, the intensity of the testing of those programs has been unprecedented in north korea's history. so, certainly, many believed -- many experts believe that there needed to be a change, attack is certain amount of options you have when you're trying to deal with north korea. this is the message that trump administration was trying to hammer home, that there was going to be a change, that something different was going to happen. we haven't had exact details of
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what this policy would be, again, saying all options are on the table, which coincidentally is exactly what the obama administration had said as well, they are trying to give the impression that something is changing and something is moving forward. >> all right. with that live report from seoul in south korea, 4:10 in the afternoon. many thanks to you. for more on the tensions between the u.s. and north korea, we're joined now from rome by silivia. she's a reporter for politico, thank you so much for talking with us. no doubt you had the opportunity to watch that joint statement there with mike pence, the vice president of the united states and indeed the acts president there in south korea, a very firm stance that we're united here. the u.s. saying, we're with you 100% and a clear message to north korea and, indeed, to china, don't test us. >> exactly, rosemary.
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pence did once show, once again, the u.s.'s resolve in this situation with north korea. he wanted to reiterate that the u.s. is going to back south korea and, of course, there was a subtle message there to china because, of course, china here is key. what we've been seeing in the past few days is also a shift in president trump's attitude towards china, which in this situation is probably the only way and the only country and the only government that somehow has leeway on north korea because of north korea's economic dependence on china. and so probably a clear shift in the attitudes towards china, at the same time the strong message of u.s.'s resolve. although at this stage, it looks like the u.s. is trying to find a diplomatic solution, political
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solution, and not trying to es ska la ka la -- escalate the tensions too far. >> i wanted to ask you this, too, we all know, the leader is unpredictable. but there's the fear, too, that u.s. president donald trump is, as well. this is what worries people, there's the brink man ship and for many watching across the globe, they don't know what's going to happen, next. and they are worried that the u.s. will strike. >> right. and as you said, both leaders are unpredictable in different ways. on one side, trump is very vocal. he uses twitter. on the other side kim jong-unhe's very quiet, we don't know what's in his head but we do know that north korea wants to have little recognition on
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its nuclear power. here in europe, i have heard analyst and i have been hearing comments of people that are actually worried about this sudden shift in u.s. policy because, of course, we've seen the intervention in syria and yemen that didn't go down that well. there are people, especially here that are quite concerned in, you know, this escalation of the u.s. being very vocal about having to somehow curtail this north korean problem. but at the same time, we've heard south koreans and the japanese, as well, backing the u.s. in this effort to, you know, force him to stop this nuclear and somehow cut back on its new arsenal. of course, here, china is key and the only way to find some sort of political solution to
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this is by having china on the u.s.' side and having china collaborate. but at the same time, of course, china also has its own political interest. we'll have to see until what point china is going to want to defend the u.s.' request and abandon north korea altogether given their long economic ties which i think have been going on since the 1960s. so it's a quite tangled situation. it doesn't have an easy solution. and so we're going to have to see from here what happens and hopefully president trump isn't going to go too far. >> there was a lot of nervousness in the region and, indeed, across the globe. the ball appears to be in china's court right now. thank you so much for talking with us, we appreciate it. great deal happening on the korean peninsula. the vice president reassuring that the u.s. is committed to its position there.
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this is "cnn newsroom." we'll be right back after the break.
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turkey's president is
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promising a new era declared victory in sunday's historic referendum. >> the opposition, however, disputes the ballot count. they claim possible voter fraud. >> we'll have to cover here, following all live in instanbul turkey. mr. erdogan wanted victory at larger volume, it is vikctory. does the opposition have recourse given this vote? >> reporter: the opposition has ten days to appeal what they say are the violations they believe took place. they want a recount of 37% of the vote from yesterday's referendum. they point to things like the supreme electoral board announcing that ballots didn't need the official stamp on them to be counted. there are a lot of discrepancies they want looked at. whatever way you look at it, yesterday's referendum was
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histor historic. >> mark this the day that turkey changed forever. thousands celebrate a new constitution, preliminary results give this man, president erdogan more power. regardless of what people voted for, i would like to thank every single member of our nation who attended the battle box to indicate their choice. turkey, in respect of supporting its democracy and respecting people's choices, turkey will be able to over come all sorts of difficulties, cry sees and issues. >> and no vote who has led the country for over a decade. that's why millions of turks young and old descended on the ballots to cast their vote in this narrow referendum. this father of three voted yes, telling me it's better me for my country. my children's future that he has more power.
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saying of course she voted yes. we've benefited greatly by the president's leadership and the bad times would return. with celebration comes sorrow. no come paampaign says they fac intimidation. state media and progovernment outlets slanted coverage in favor and that's what had no voters despairing. >> it's really sad that we have to do this. 15 years that we saw that radical islam come to power. >> this father had voted for his daughter's future also, telling me it's courageous to talk about this democracy is important. multi party system, separation of powers, checks and balances, that's why i voted no. security concerns also dominated the lead up to this referendum. threat of a terror attack loomed
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large. security has been tight at polling stations like this one here in instanbul. hundreds of thousands of members have been deployed across the country to secure the referendum. polls close without a major incident. with such a narrow victory, they'll -- and the president calling no voters traders. the question now, can erdogan heel the wounds of this deeply divisive and polarizing referendum. >> so, george, even though the president last night was declaring victory, it really isn't over until those -- if those votes are recounted that the opposition party go -- getting a bit of their wind saying they are going to fight this. >> let's take a look here at the map that shows who voted yes and
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who voted no in that country. you see there in the southeast, no, in the central part of the nation, yes, in the predominant vote, the conclusion of this vote ended positively for president erdogan, help our voters understand who voted yes and who voted no. >> you know, there's a trend here that we've seen also in the united states and the uk where you have a real despairty between those people living in the city and those people living in the country side, george. those people here in instanbul, the three largest cities voted no in this referendum. when you look in the heart land where the president gets a lot of his support because people believe that he speaks to them, he speaks their language. he can relate to them. that's why he's been so popular there. and that popularity remained. as you can see, on the map, that's where he really swept the
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area. there's the kurdish part down in the southeast where the president also suffered and that's because the kurds and the government here have been going at each other. the government cracking down heavily on them. complaint of discrimination, marginalization. kurdish politicians have also been arrested since last july's coup attempt. the kurds say they are being repressed. so you do have the real, how you can say, right now, a contentious atmosphere in turkey and the aftermath of this referendum, clearly, not a strong mandate for the president going forward. >> cnn international corresponde correspondent, following the story live for us. thank you for the reporting. >> police in cleveland, ohio, believe the man responsible for a deadly shooting posted on facebook may have left the state. >> they issued an aggravated murder warrant for the man that you see here, steve stevens.
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they're asking people in various states, in pennsylvania, new york, indiana, and michigan to stay on alert. paula sandoval has this report for us. >> reporter: the city of cleveland and also much of the u.s. is still in shock and in disbelief after the senseless crime was captured on camera and eventually uploaded on to facebook. authorities say that steve stevens, is a man who appears to go on this rant in his car and sets his sights on an innocent man. authorities with the latest information in this case. >> we want him to turn hims in, if that doesn't happen, again, we have all of our partners in on this and we'll look until we find him. currently, the division of police is, of course, the lead on this, but of course our partners from the fbi are county partners are also working with us diligently to make sure that we get this person off the streets. >> we're now learning more about the victim in this case,
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74-year-old man who was simply walking on the side of the road. by all accounts randomly targeted to authorities, the family reacted to their loss. >> he's a good guy. i mean, he'll give you the shirt off of his back. i'm not just saying that, people i'm telling the truth. this man right here was a good man. >> cnn spoke to stevens' mom, a woman maggie gray who tells cnn the last time she saw her son on saturday. he told her it would be the last time that she would see him. polo sandoval, cnn, atlanta. >> we'll take a short break here. still to come stand off in north korea over military ambitions has washington and allies considering their options. the continuing impact on u.s. foreign policy, take a look at that. >> more on turkey's historic
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vote. we look at the wider implications from poised to gain more power. stay with us.
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welcome back to viewers here in the united states and around the world, you're watching "cnn newsroom" and it is good to have you with us. i'm george howell. >> and i'm rosemary church, here are some of the stories we're following this hour. rescue teams are trying to save hundreds of migrants trapped off the libyan coast. the relief agency say at least seven people were found dead sunday, including an
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eight-year-old boy. poor weather conditions have impeded the operation. >> in northern iraq, christians celebrated easter mass for the first time since 2014. iraqi forces pushed isis militants out in october. many of the iraqi christians have fled when isis took control. ve nnezuelvenezuela, violen demonstrations erupted when they tried to dissolve a parliament and opposition leader from politics earlier this month. more protest are planned for wednesday. >> let's recap breaking news we're following this hour, out of the south korea, mike pence gave a statement just a short time ago, also a stair into north korea at the demilitarized zone, he delivered this joint statement with south korea's acting president.
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>> both leaders under scored the strength of their reliance, a day after failed missile test by north korea. pence praised south korea for its democracy despite political turmoil. take a listen. >> i'm here to express the unwaivering support of the united states for our long-standing alliance with south korea. president trump and i are grateful for your strong partnership with the united states. we commend you personally for your steady hand in this time of transition in south korea. the president and our entire administration admire the people's commitment to the rule of law and the democratic process and we look forward to the upcoming election with great anticipation. >> based on president trump's campaign rhetoric, china would seem to be unlikely diplomatic partner. >> that's changed with the tensions, matt rivers explains.
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>> reporter: well this latest missile test only serves to strengthen the notion that both china and united states continue to have a major problem on their hand when it comes to the regime. we've seen signs of increasing cooperation between the united states and china when it comes to trying to work together to figure out a solution to this on going crisis. many people will point to the relationship between the chinese president and u.s. president as the reason why. >> china, which has been ripping us off, the greatest abuser in the history of this country. >> that was candidate trump. there's been a start about face from president trump in just the last week on one of his favorite campaign targets. remember he would label them a currency manipulator on day one of his presidency, didn't happen and now he said they're not manipulating. and then there's north korea, trump consistently blasted china for failing to stop the nuclear
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weapons' program, now this. >> we have a very big problem in north korea. as i said, i really think that china is going to try very hard and has already started. >> so what changed? >> i have really gotten to like and respect, as you know, president chi is terrific person, spent a lot of time together in florida and he's a very special man. >> reporter: the new daytime has appeared to started in the confines of mar-a-lago at the first in person meeting between trump and the chinese president. he said talking with him helped change his mind on china's ability to handle north korea. after listening for ten minutes, i realize it's not so easy. trump went on to praise china for banning north korea coal imports, a move china made back in february. >> the vast amount of coal that comes out of north korea going to china, they've turned back
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the boats. >> reporter: the apparent ability to connect with donald trump is unexpected if not remarkable given that both men appear to be polar opposites. one is the new york seeking, another scripted leader who has never given a face to face interview as president, someone who steadily rose through china's communist party ranks consolidating power in a way not seen here. speeches like this one at the world economic forum helps give him the hair of international statesman, the economic forced many a world leader to pay h-- there are signs it won't last. trump's strike against syria and threats of military action have alarmed china. he called trump this week asking
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for a peaceful solution to the crisis. china's total trade volume with north korea is up nearly 40% in 2017, figures sure not to sit well with the trump administration. but a nuclear north korea appears to have bridged the divide for now, two different leaders with butting cooperation over a common threat. but the ability of this newfound cooperation to continue, i think, largely depends on how the united states under the trump administration are going to react to north korea moving forward. i think you can depend on the chinese to remain consistent in their position. if the trump administration decides to launch some sort of military strike, that could put a serious dent in the ability of the yiet aunited states and the chinese to cooperate. back to you. now to turkey, the nation's president has claimed a narrow victory in sunday's bitterly fought referendum. it gives him new sweeping power
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that already caused upset about, the results mr. erdogan is promising a new era. >> from tomorrow onwards, instead of losing time with unnecessary the discussions. it's -- it will be beneficial to focus on the new era and changes and i invite everyone to respect our nations' decisions. the other countries, especially, those we consider as our allies should respect our sensitivities, especially, in respect of our approach against fighting with terror. >> the opposition party, chp says, it will contest at least a third of the ballots because of suspected voter tampering. joins us now from instanbul. he is the middle east correspondent. it's good to have you with us this hour, sir.
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let's talk more about what this means for the president in the coming years, essentially, more power that he says will bring stability to the nation. what's your feeling on that? >> well, i think that it could bring stability to the country, at least some version of stability. but the narrowness of his victory is really not a good sign for stability. it would have been almost better if he had won much more decisively than the opposition could at least assure themselves that a huge majority of the country agrees with these new changes, but the narrowness of the victory creates formula for strife and resentment and real opposition to these changes in the coming months and years. >> essentially, you're saying that it makes a more divided turkey, yes. >> absolutely. i mean, turkey is already been very very polarized in recent
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years between supporters of erdogan and his opponents and this exacerbates those difficulties and tensions and one former u.s. official i spoke to said that it would likely increase the possibility of some kind of political violence yet another mention is putting it off and the threat of isis. >> help to put this both into context for us. just over a year ago there was the failed coup attempt and then following that claims that president erdogan jailed many of his opponents following what happened. did this help to pave the way to where we are right now? >> reporter: well, it's tough to say. rerks erdogan and the justice development, the party have been opining for these changes for some time. in many ways some of the proposals and amendments that have been put into place are rather uncontroversial they've been floating around for
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decades, really. the context that you mentioned, the arrest, the purges after the coup, what they have done is actually tarnished those -- some would call -- regular or ordinary possible reform that any country would consider and sort of put them in a context of this repressive climate, what many criticize as an overly exuberant police state arresting people for various reason putting journalists in the prison and putting party leaders, and in a way would could be home drone changes to the system have been tarnished with these sort of allegations of political repression. >> finally, help our viewers to understand who are the voters, who are the people who chose yes on this referendum and contrast them to the people who chose, no. what are the differences.
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>> well, i mean, in general because of the way that this referendum was presented, it was highly divided between supporters and opponents of erdogan. he and the party made referendum on them and their rule in recent times. if you look at the demographics of how people voted, in general, kurds those living in the cities, including cities that they have won in the past were against these proposals and people in the turkish heart land, the newly elevated middle class, many of them very bias, muslims who were kind of set aside and marginalized from many decades in turkey, they're the ones who supported. >> it is good context to understand how this vote went. we appreciate your insight, today, live from instanbul turkey, thank you so much. still ahead here on "cnn
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newsroom." the presidential candidate focusing on the little time left, the concerns are growing and what russia could be up to this time. >> plus it has been almost 20 years since princess diana's death now her son is opening up about the lossf. we'll hear what prince harry says about the tragedy. if you have medicare
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prince harry is getting a personal look of how he dealt with his mother's death. he was 12 years old when princess diana died in a car crash. >> harry explained how he first ignored the situation for a while before he sought professional help. >> my dealing with it was refusing to ever think about my mom because why would that help. it's only going to make you sad and not going to bring her back.
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so i was typical sort of 20, 25, you know, 28-year-old running around going, you know, life is, you know, life is great. life is, you know, life is fine. that was exactly it. and then had a few conversations and actually all of a sudden all of this grief like to come to the forefront. it was actually a lot of stuff i need to deal with. >> he's encouraging people to be more open about their struggles. france is days away from deciding its political future. many are concerned about russia meddling with the election and the spread of fake news information. melissa bell takes a closer look at that. >> the choice facing french voters is stark. 11 candidates with radically different visions of what the future should be. of them, the two frontrunners have almost die met trick cli
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proposed and on the other, a referendum on leaving the eu and closer relationship with moscow. it's le pen has started working on with a visit to moscow. vladimir putin took the opportunity to state russia's position. >> we do not want to influence in any way. >> but aside, the fear is that moscow has been trying to help le pen, his campaign manager says, they are being tarted by cyber attacks and fake news. >> he wants a strong european union and we know that the strategy of those countries that don't want a strong europe, means making him lose the election. >> so is russia interfering in france's presidential campaign as it is alleged to have done in the american poll, france's internet watchdog has warned of the danger of cyber interference. we asked an expert on french
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cyber security whether he thought russia was involved. >> yeah, probably, just like the united states has been interfering in many elections around the world for the past, i don't know, 50 years at least, just like france has been interfering in almost every african presidential election since 60, 70 years. it's the way democracy works around the world. >> the trouble says that it is impossible, given the sophistication of the technology, to determine whether a particular hack originated. cnn reached out to the kremlin to get their response, as spokesman said we strongly disagree with the accusations. moscow was not involved in any cyber attacks and can't be involved. so what about fake news and the french daily reminder special unit was set up in which 12 journalists worked to identify. they tell us that the french presidential campaign has seen parties own news from russian media, but not fake news, that
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is news stories that are entirely made up. they have tended to come from inside france. >> we've won under the -- where mostly being made up by far web sites or web pages and mostly targeted migrants or media. >> for those inside the campaign headquarters, fake news stories targeting their candidate are all the more worrying. it is untested he's never stood before and the polls suggest much more volatile than le pen. he has many more people to convince than some may be all too easily put off. melissa bell, cnn, in paris. we'll take a short break here. still to come, united airlines is trying to end its pr
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nightmare. >> the company is making changes after a man was dragged off the flight, but a lawsuit, what might be coming next. watching "cnn newsroom."
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welcome back, the united airlines said it will require crew members to book their flights at least an hour before departure. >> the new policy comes after last week's video, which showed a passenger being violently dragged off the united plane. here is the latest now. >>. >> reporter: attorneys for david dou a man dragged fired a warning shot saying they'll probably sue. >> if you're going to eject a passenger under no circumstances can it be done with unreasonable force or violence. >> dou was released from the hospital but suffers a long list of injuries, including concussion, broken nose, he lost two front teeth and he's set to undergo reconstructive surgery. after the incident, he appeared dazed as he rambled just kill me. just kill me.
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>> his attorney explained. >> he said that he left vietnam in 1975 when saigon fell. he was on a boat and he said he was terrified. he said that being dragged down the aisle was more horrifying than terrible than what he experienced in leaving vietnam. >> dou's daughter watching the video made her family even more outraged. >> what happened to my dad should have never happened to any human being, regardless of the circumstance. we were horrified. >> while a lawsuit has not been filed yet, they've signaled it's the direction they're going in, asking a court to order the airline and chicago airport
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police to preserve evidence, passengers boarding the flight, and personnel files. >> this happened in the absolute worst city. it's famous for being a good place to sue a corporation and it's the last place on earth that united airlines would want to defend the case. >> cnn has attained an e-mail an airline sent to passengers. it says customers are eligible towards vouchers if they release the airline from lawsuit. well, after cnn reported this, united spokesperson later told us that it didn't mean to send passengers e-mails with that language and then told us that no person on board that flight would have to agree to such terms. renee marsh, cnn wa. >> thank you. thank you for being with us early start is next. >> and for everyone stay tuned for more news. have a good day.
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1:00 am
>> the era of strategic patience is over. >> strong words from vice president mike pence, declaring a strategic shift. what does that mean as united states stares down. the search beyond ohio. we'll tell you


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