tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN April 17, 2017 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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cleveland. the victim a 74-year-old father of ten who had just finished easter meal with his family. tonight, members of his family speak out. we just finished the interview. their strength is remarkable. here's a bit of it. sfleerl police been keeping you up to date? have they been letting you know about everything that's going on? >> yes, we've been contacted by the mayor and officials from his office and everybody has been really nice keeping us up to date. the only thing is that we really desire to see our father. some of us. >> that's a hard decision to make. >> just to let him know we're here. >> we haven't been able to see him yet like since they took him away yesterday evening. we haven't been able to look at our father at all.
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and last we heard, they had not even finished the autopsy. >> and it's just heart wrenching. i just want to just rub his hair or something. >> yeah. >> but we can't right now. we understand that it's a. >> they're doing a job. >> it's an investigation. but the thing that would take away the most from my father is he taught us about god, how to fear god. how to love god and how to forgive. >> yes. >> each one of us forgive the killer, the murderer. >> you do? >> we want to wrap our arms around him. >> yes. >> we absolutely do. i honestly can say right now that i hold no animosity in my heart against this man. >> also a message for the killer and there's a manhunt on for the person. we'll bring you more of the
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conversation shortly and the latest on the manhunt. we want to turn to the global showdown that one expert likens to the cuban missile crisis. north korea's gym kim jong-un confronting a new president, the president telling him he has got behave. a failed missile launch and reported preparations for another nuclear test. the president of the united states saying this to fox news. >> i don't want to telegraph what i'm doing or thinking. i'm not like other administrations where they say we're going to do this in four weeks and that doesn't work that way. we'll see what happens. i hope things work out well. i hope there's going to be peace, but you know, they've been talking with this gentleman for a long time. >> north korea's ambassador to the u.n. warning that the united states has created a dangerous situation in which a thermonuclear war may break out at any minute. hyperbole or not, that and a variety of statements from the administration coupled with a limited number of options available, all of it focuses the
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mind. we begin at the white house with jim acosta. >> mr. president, how does it feel to have the whole trump family with you today, sir? >> great. >> president trump is hardly walking on eggshells when it comes to handling north korea with his family by his side at the white house easter egg roll, he all but told kim jong-un to cut it out. any message for north korea, sir, kim jong-un? >> got to behave. >> reporter: even though the white house has been flex package its muscles lately with high profile military strikes in syria and afghanistan, the president told us he hopes north korea will choose the path of peace. >> mr. president, do you think north korea can be resolved peacefully sir? what are your thoughts on kim jong-un? >> hopefully it can. >> reporter: white house press secretary sean spicer told us the president is counting on china's help. over the weekend, the president defended his decision not to label china a currency manipulator asking why would he do that when they're working with us on the north korean
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problem. we'll see what happens. he sort of let china off the hook. >> i wouldn't say that. he understands they can play a very important role in making our world safer. we're going to utilize the relationships that he's built with president xi. >> reporter: but democrats worry the president's rhetoric is getting too overheated arguing there's no military solution with an unstable regime boasting nuclear ambitions. >> because of the unevenness of his statements and positions which he has taken thus far, it is highly unclear as to whether or not he has the ability to be able to think thing through in a way that avoids an actual military showdown between the united states and north korea. >> reporter: one thing the white house says it won't do is draw a red line for north korea to define just how far the communist country can go in its provocations. spicer noted red lines didn't work in the obama administration's efforts to stop atrocities in syria. >> does the president have a red
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line when it comes to north korea that if they cross it, they will bring about some kind you have military response from the u.s.? >> i think what we talked about, you know, the use of red lines in the past with respect to syria, the president's -- drawing red lines hasn't really worked in the past. he holds his cards close to the vest and i think you're not going to see him telegraphing how he's going to respond to any military or other situation going forth. >> jim joins us now. the president saying north korea has to behave. has the white house given a sense of what the next move is if they don't? >> not really. the white house talked about ending this policy of what they call strategic patience they say was practiced by the previous administration. but when asked how their policy would be different, they're not offering a lot of details. while you hear sean spicer saying they're not going to draw red lines, they're warning of military consequences basically when they say look what we did in afghanistan and syria but not
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saying what would draw those consequences forward. so at this point, it's anybody's guess as to how they're going to curtail north korea and what they're doing right now. a lot of the tough talk coming out of this white house, just not side effect tough talk. >> jim, thanks very much. dana bash is with the vice president who has been at the dmz at the border between north and south korea. more now on the diplomatic military choices open to the president. army lieutenant mark hertling joins us, kimberly dozier with a new piece entitled "new power center in trump land, the access of adults." and mick shah no. general, i know you've worked a lot in the south korea. you know very well the military capabilities the u.s. has and the difficulties on the battlefield, the difficult fight it would be. in terms of what the u.s. can do, what are the military options exactly? >> anderson, if we had about an hour, i could go down the list
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of all the options both from a diplomatic, military, something that's called left of launch where you conduct perhaps cyber operations, sabotage operation wiz have been on going. that's all i'm going to say about that. there's all sorts of other things, potential for open negotiationing with north korea, pressing china more effectively, more economic sanctions that could hurt north korea, but all of those bear a price. from a defensive standpoint, you know, this hasn't started from ground zero as we've just heard many say that nothing was going on. there was a bevy of activities going on, everything from the placement of the thaad missiles in south korea to increased patriot coverage to the potential for nukes to south korea, preemptive war plans, all of this stuff is going on. and whenever the defense department and the other whole of government gives the president an opportunity to make choices they're going to give him that litany of things that
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he can choose from. and that's what's been going on. and mr. trump is beginning to see there is a lot more than just kinetic strikes against an enemy. >> kimberly, the president's message for kim jong-un he has to behave. the tension keeps ratcheting up here. >> at least the rhetoric keeps ratcheting up. trump's national security team seems to have made the calculation that the only way to get pyongyang topping think about letting go of its nuclear weapons and getting back to internationally led negotiations is to convince them that the u.s. is serious about using military force. and if not to convince pong dwroong convince beijing so they'll put more pressure on north korea. when they talk about though the last administration was exercising strategic patience but they can't do that now, they're right in that the obama administration had the luxury of time. north korea hadn't yet gone so far down the road in developing a missile that could possibly reach the continental united
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states if not this year win the next couple years and shrinking its nuclear weapons payload and getting those weapons more sophisticated. >> mike, how crucial is china? the trump administration says it looks like china is doing a little bit but they still have to go farther. >> the chinese very an important role to play, but you're right. successive american administrations have all said it's up to the chinese to lean on north korea to bring sufficient pressure to get the north koreans to change their tune. but the fact of the matter remains i think even now with the more intense muscle flexing on the part of the united states the chinese calculation is still they are worried about dplaeps north korea, they're worried about north korean refugees pouring across the border into china. they're worried about the potential for an eventual unified korea under a south
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korean government with a security treaty with the united states. while beijing is increasing pressure on pyongyang, it's not going to bring the kind you have pressure that's going to force the north koreans to change their policy. moreover, there are signs that the north koreans are holding the chinese at arm's length. there were reports the chinese had been trying to send an envoy in the past several days and the north koreans haven't responded to the requests to send that envoy. >> general hertling in, terms -- obviously, the nuclear, the idea of a nuclear strike by the north against the south is obviously a worst case scenario in terms of the potential for loss of life. even ground warfare, artillery, troops, all of that short of nuclear weapons still is a very difficult fight. i mean the train is very difficult. it's a -- i know you've trained for this. >> it is a horrible terrain. it's one of the worst possible conditions to fight in. there's a reason some people in the past, military people in the
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past have said never get in a land war on the asian continent. it is horrendous hillside. the estuary would be difficult to cross, about twice as wide as the hudson river. all of the ra vetments within north korea where they're hiding artillery mes and rockets. as we showed the videos saturday of the parade in pyongyang, you saw every single piece of equipment was either on a track vehicle or wheeled vehicle. that means they're mobile. and kim jong-un over the last few years has continued to revet his equipment in hidden locations. even if there is a preemptive strike against nuclear weapons or some of these missile systems being launched from the north, the north koreans could roll out almost 10,000 guns to fire on seoul, korea which is 35 miles away with 10 million people. it would be devastating. this young leader would do
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something like that. just to protect his regime. >> kimberly, you wrote a piece for the daily beast". you talk about access of the adults in the trump administration, secretary tillerson, secretary kelly had, mcmaster, pompeo. how much is their world view influencing the president right now? >> according to staffers close to them and close to donald trump, they've really seen his attitude change. you can see that reflected through his decision to strike in syria after the suspected sarin attack and his decision to review the war in afghanistan with an eye to escalating it. they say that he is gleaning this information often through informal dinners sometimes up to three times a week with members of his cabinet. that's how he learns. there is one caveat to this, however. they still haven't managed to broach the subject with him that when he goes off on a tweet storm, he can upset the policies that they are painstakingly working on behind the scenes. i can tell you some of the
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staffers that i've spoken to really wish the bosses would have a heart to heart with him and say hey, you've got a great weapon here in pur tweets. let's coordinate the message that we're sending to a leader like kim jong-un. >> appreciate it. we're following this minute by minute over the next two hours, we'll bring you developments. more on north korea ahead. also with tax day tomorrow it, the white house is asked, will the president ever, ever release the turns, the tax returns he has not? we'll bring you their answer and more. and family members talk about the father whose life was taken them from easter by a gunman on facebook live. their message tonight for the killer still out there. an update on the manhunt, all of that when we continue.
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there somewhere tonight. authorities say he's armed, dangerous a killer who murdered amman named robert godwin yesterday in cleveland and posted video of it on facebook live. facebook has taken it down. cnn has not broadcast any of that video. we don't want to give behavior like this a platform on the network. the alleged killer is steve stephens, 6'1", 244 pounds believed to be driving a white ford fusion. take a look. there's now a $50,000 reward for information leading to his arrest. if you see this man, police say keep a safe distance and call 911. in a moment, you'll hear my conversation with members of his family. first the story from gary tuchman. >> reporter: robert go godwin was the family patriarch, a father of ten and grandfather. visiting family on easter. and while walking home in the middle of the afternoon, a video of him was taken by this man who was holding a cell phone camera and a gun. robert godwin was shot in gold
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blood. his killing posted on facebook. this woman lives on the street where the 74-year-old man was gunned down. aldella doesn't want her last name used for her safety. >> just getting ready for easter. sat at the table listening to gospel songs. that's what i was doing. at that moment, i heard a gunshot. >> reporter: she ran to the front door and saw what she believes to be is the murder suspect steve stephens holding up a cell phone and walking to his car. then she looked toward the fence. >> i saw a man laying there against the fence was blood coming out of him. and i say, i know he didn't shoot that man. and i say, he not moving. i said, oh, my god, oh, my god, oh, my god. >> she called 911. at around the same time, stevens was seen and heard on facebook saying he snapped. and that he had killed many others. robert godwin senior is the son
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of the victim. melissa godwin a daughter-in-law. >> this man right here was a good man. and i hate he's gone. you know what i mean? i don't know what i'm going to do. it's not real. >> feel like my heart is going to stop. i feel like it. it feel like it's going to stop. >> you'll be all right. >> it feel like it's going to stop. >> reporter: police are saying they consider stevens extremely dangerous. >> we know steve is still out there someplace. we don't know his condition. right now, we don't know his location. we're asking the public to remain vigilant. we're asking you to go about your day but to be careful. >> reporter: this is now officially a national search about, you there is no solid he has left ohio. there are a considerable number of abandoned homes in this neighborhood and police started searching buildings such as this one after the killing in an attempt to find the suspect. however, there is no sign of him. meanwhile near the site of the attack, ardella has painted over
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her address on her front steps because she's afraid the killer might come back. she says her slois is on his facebook recording. you could hear me in the background screaming they said. i had paniced but i didn't open that door. i was screaming from the screen door. he heard me. they said it was on his cell phone, my screaming. i didn't know that. >> reporter: a $50,000 reward is being offered for information leading to steve stephens arrest. >> we're still asking steve to turn himself in. but if he doesn't, we'll find hi him. >> gary, i understand there were early reports. >> seconds before. >> go ahead, gary. >> sorry, let me tell you this. seconds before the shooting, we have found out this, that stephens blurted to mr. godwin, he said save the name of the
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woman that i had been having a relationship with. the reason he said that was he added this to it. she's the reason this is going to happen to you. that woman tonight is said to be devastated by what has happened and will is also said to be cooperating with the authorities. >> gary, there were early reports of pinks from the suspect's he cell phone. what's the latest on that? >> reporter: earlier in the day today, authorities in the state of pennsylvania said they had received a ping or a signal from his cell phone. and the city of erie, pennsylvania, about 100 miles east of here. later the police department in erie said it had no knowledge whatsoever of any such ping. so as of now, there is no solid efd that he has even left the state, left the city. he might be very close to us right now. >> gary, thanks very much. two of mr. godwin's daughters have a message for the killer if he is out there tonight. they'll join me shortly. we recorded that interview right
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before broadcast. right now though, cnn tlaurmtd analyst seed alexander. commander fernandez, you've been talking to your colleagues at the atf. give us a sense where the manhunt stands right now and how a manhunt like this what it would look like? >> well, right now, it's a complicated affair. you're trying to find out anything you can about there individual's background. will he no criminal history that i know of. he had a permit to car a concealed weapon. he's not the typical criminal that we're used to going after. we have a lot of people in our northern ohio violent offenders task force working this case that have been working it all night. and they will not stop until he's found. >> cedric, in a certainly like this i assume time is of the essence. the longer it takes, the wider net has to be cast, right? >> certainly it is, but i think under this particular case, we
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can never lose hope here. they certainly have extended their search outside of the state of ohio to a number of contiguous states there to ohio. i think it's important to be mindful of this case is really going to be brought to bear by citizens or family members or someone who is going to see him and identify him and notify the authorities and here again, making sure they keep a safe distance. but this is somewhat complicated because of the fact here's an individual who don't have a criminal history. he certainly would not have been in be that job as a counselor had he. but obviously, he's someone who will some type you have experience himself, maybe, his girlfriend. we don't know. it could be a number of other variables involved that caused him to go off the deep end. but he's a very dangerous individual and one that is highly unpredictable at this point. >> commander fernandez, i understand you take issue with the fact this has been called a
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five-state manhunt. >> right now, there's no evidence to think that he's only limited to five states. think about it. if this occurred at 2:00 in the afternoon, he's had what, 27, 28-hour head start. he could be anywhere in the country. and it's a detriment to law enforcement to say oh, okay, it's a five-state investigation. he might have people in florida or texas or somewhere who might see him going into a motel and say well, he's not supposed to be here. i'm not in one of these five states. if you see him, if you see his vehicle, don't be afraid. call 911 or they can call our tip line. it's 1-866-4-wanted. the number four and then wanted. we also have an anonymous text tip line. it's tip 411. then you just text in the first word as wanted and then the rest of your message. both of those are anonymous. you can give your number if you want. you don't have to. we need the public's help on this one. >> and commander in, terms of an
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investigation like this, at this point, how important is something like motive? or does that matter at this stage of the manhunt? >> it matters a lot. basically, for someone to have such a an attitude to do such a brazen wickedly evil act like this, it really shows that maybe he's predetermined the outcome. whether he's going to commit suicide, have a shoot-out with the police, it makes him extremely dangerous and you know, hopefully if he's watching this, the best thing would be turn yourself in. nobody else has to get hurt. we don't officers to get hurt. we don't want accessorieses to get hurt and don't want him to get hurt. so we want a safe conclusion to this. if you're working at a bus station, train station, motels, hotels it, campsites, keep an eye out. if you see someone that looks
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like this individual, 6'1", 244 pounds, he's bald. he could have shaved his beard by now but he's not going to have much hair growth at all in one day. if you see someone and you're not sure, just call. it's okay. we've been handling a lot of tips. we've been going out. we had one in akron where it was the exactly same car with a temp tag. it wasn't the right car but ware appreciative that the public is calling in. we want them to keep them motivated because the safety of our community, it's not just the responsibility of law enforcement. it's the responsibility of everybody. and we need citizens' eyes and ears on this one. call our tip line. call 911 if you see him. we're going to need someone's help to capture him. >> commander fernandez did, we appreciate your time. just before air, i spoke with three members of robert godwin's family you. hear how they want him to be remembered. >> they don't make men like him anymore. he is definitely -- he was
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in cleveland. the suspect posted video of the killing on facebook. that is how robert godwin's life ended. that's not what we want to fwooks on right now. we want to focus on how he lived his life. he was a father, father, grandfather. great grandfather. i spoke with two of his daughters and his son-in-law tommy banes. >> debbie, let me say how truly sorry i am for your loss. what kind of man was your dad? >> if i could describe my dad in one word, it would be that he was peaceable. he was a peaceable man. avenues a kind man. he was a giving man. he was a loving man. he loved his family. he loved his children. he would give you the shirt off of his back, literally. he was just a giving type of man. >> debbie, i heard you say at some point he had no shame in
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his game. can you explain what you meant? >> well, what i meant by that, my dad, his grandsons, his grandchildren, the male children, what was the name they called him? they called him og. so that was for those who know what og means, everybody would know what he that means. but he was just cool. >> he was just a cool guy. his grandsons loved him. they admired him. you know, and not for any bad reasons but he was just a down to earth type of person. >> and i heard a story you told about that he would shop with the daughters, he would shop for things that maybe a dad might feel uncomfortable about but will he no shame about it. >> he didn't because he had five girls, five girls at the time when we were growing up, there was five of us. so my dad would go and buy the things that most men would be ashamed to go buy but will he no
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shame in that. he would say, it's a part of life. what is there to be ashamed about? that's how my dad was. >> i understand he was out that day collecting cans because he kind of liked to do that just to get out and make a little extra money. is that right? >> that's it. not because he needed it at all. it was something he did. as a matter of fact, the day i was at his house, i looked on the front porch and said, oh, dad, you got about four bags full of these things. he says i got to get a little bit more and then i'll take them and cash them in. it was something that he did. i understand from him going around that it was something he did regularly. people almost mistook my dad for being somebody that was poor and destitute. he was far from that. >> that probably allowed him to interact with people and you know, make friends and get about. >> he was definitely a people person. there's nobody that didn't love my dad, like you know, since my
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dad has passed away, a lot of our friends that grew up with us, they called him mr. godwin. they remembered our dad. and my dad was the type of person like he could run and he could swim very well. and when we were younger, he would telluous, i can beat you running. we were like maybe between 12 and 14. and he would say, i can beat you running with brogan. he would put on boots and we would race my dad and he would beat us every time. he would. he was probably in his 40s, somewhere like that. so he was just an extraordinary guy. >> have police been keeping you up to date? have they let you know about everything that's going on? >> yes. we've been contacted by the mayor and officials from his office and everybody has been really nice keeping us up to date. the only thing is that we really desire to see our father.
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some of us. >> that's a hard decision to make. >> just to let him know we're here. >> we haven't been able to see him yet like since had he took him away yesterday evening. we haven't been able to look at our father at all. and last we heard, they had not finished the autopsy. >> and it's just heart wrenching. i just want to just rub his hair or something. >> yeah. but we can't right now. and we understand that it's an investigation. investigation, but the thing that i would take away the most from my father is he taught us about god, how to fear god. how to love god. and how to fib.
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and each one of us forgive the killer. the murderer. >> you do? >> we do. >> we want to wrap our arms around him. >> we absolutely do. we don't -- i honestly can say right now that i hold no animosity in my heart against this man because i know that he's a sick individual. i know that you know, because of his sickness, whatever evil overtook him that caused him to do this to my dad is not him. it wouldn't be something he would typically do. and i promise you, i could not do that if i did not know god, if i didn't know him as my god and savior. i could not forgive that man. i feel no animosity against him at all. i feel sadness in my heart for this man. i do. i feel real sad. >> all of us. and we want to, you know, we lost our dad but this mother lost her son. lost her children.
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his children lost their dad. >> that's incredible, tonya you're thinking about that in your time of grief, that you're thinking about them. >> it's just what our parents taught us. >> it wasn't that they just taught us. they didn't talk it. they did it. they lived. like people would do things to us and we would say, dad, are you going to really forgive them? and he would say yes. we have to. so my dade would be really proud of us and he would want this from us. >> he would. >> and he would say, tanya, forgive him because they know not what them do. >> debbie, you talked about houghtonia, you talked about how your friends growing up said that they wished they were godwins. i think a lot of people watching tonight and certainly i speak for myself, i wish i was a godwin right now. you all represent your dad very well. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> i wish you peace and strength in the days ahead. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> god bless you.
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>> bless you. incredible family. i mean just the strength in the worst moment of their life to be able to speak with grace and strength and courage. there is other news to cover meantime. up next, what can happen if you're a senator and you mentiontachs and president trump in the same sentence. >> the president says he's still under audit and says he's -- [ booing ] to sit idly by, or watch from the stands. we are here...for one reason. to leave...a mark. lexus high performance. with 5.0-liter v8s and sport direct-shift transmissions. experience a shift in the natural order. experience amazing.
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. a little reminder, the irs tax deadline isomorrow. tuesday, the topic of taxes came up today at the white house press briefing. take a look. >> you've been asked about there obviously 1,000 times. >> thank you. >> you always talk under audit. is it time to say once and for all the president is never going to release his tax returns? >> we'll have to get back to you on that. >> i mean, really. >> really. >> i said i'd have to get back to you on that. i think he is stillened audit. the statement still stands. >> president trump's taxes came up today at senator tom cotton's
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town hall. look what happened when the arkansas republican defended the president's decision not to release his tax returns. >> as far as i'm aware, the president says he's still under aught audit. [ booing ] >> and a lot to discuss with former secretary of labor robert reisch, author of "saving capitalism for the many, not the few." also with us, jeffrey lord, a supporter of president trump who worked in the reagan white house. jeff, why not be up front about it and say the president's not going to release his tax returns, end of story? >> well, to be perfectly candid, i think they should do that. this is now all about politics. this has been going on for 40 years. it has increasingly got to be more about politics. >> what does that mean? after 40 years, people have been releasing their tax returns for all that time. >> right, and it's all use ford political purposes. if i can, anderson, i'd like to
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ask secretary reisch, you were the united states secretary of labor for four years. did you release your tax returns to cnn and "the new york times" and the wider world? >> i released my tax returns, of course. in fact, i released my tax returns, everybody member of the cabinet and every president and vice president is not only required to release their tax returns but they're also required to have audit. this is important. they're required to have an audit. they choose to release the tax returns even though they have an audit. and that's what's so the weird about donald trump. i mean. >> he's asking if you released them in public or released them publicly. >> frankly, i don't remember. but why i wasn't president. >> my point. my point. what you did, mr. secretary, i'm taking a wild guess is release them to a senate committee. they were not released to the public. right? >> i don't understand what you're talking about. we have a president. >> you're a member of the president's cabinet. >> for 40 years, presidentses
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have released their tax returns to the public. particularly one of the main purposes here, it's not political. one of the main purposes is to reassure the public that a president is actually not only obeying the law but at a time when the public is paying a lot in taxes, the public wants to make sure that their president is basically doing it right. and here we have donald trump who comes into office with all kinds of clouds hanging over his head having to do with conflicts of interest and possible debt to russian oligarchs and everything else and he doesn't release his tax returns for the first time in 40 years. he says it's because he's having an audit? >> i don't understand why the president would lie about it because he's always, initially he said i really want to release them and then he suddenly came up with the audit story. he said it complicated at first. then he came up with the audit story. then his own lawyers released a document in which they pointed out like his tax returns, i can't remember if it was 2003 or 2004 before that time, up till 2003, 2004 are no longer under
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audit. so he could release that. now you're just saying he should just admit he's never going to do it. wouldn't that be acknowledging he was making up the audit stuff or lying using that as an excuse? >> i think he probably did feel that way. >> again, why not release it. >> why not release the tax returns not under audit. >> as we saw with governor romney, there stood the majority leader on the floor of the senate making up stories about his tax returns. this has become highly politicized. for somebody like donald trump who has an extensive tax return with billions of dollars at stake, this is just a fishing exaddition. i think this -- >> i don't understand the argument. you're saying that romney -- romney released his tax returns during an election. and they were discussed during an election. but we're talking now after an election. donald trump is already president. he keeps on saying to everybody,
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i'm already president. i'm president. i don't have to do there or that. but we're talking about public trust. this is very basic. why doesn't he release his tax returns? every other president has had an audit and has done that. >> probably for the same reason you didn't release yours to the public. >> but jeffrey, it's not that every secretary, every member of a cabinet has released theirs. we're talking about the president of the united states. there is a tradition. >> the responsibility officers of the government. >> you're trying to change the conversation. i know it's a cute argument. we're talking about the president and why he's lying or said one thing during the election and is now you know, i mean, the audit excuse doesn't hold water. >> can i just say -- >> i'm trying to illustrate this is all about politics and secretary reisch's response proves this exactly. >> i don't think it does. but go ahead. >> i have no idea what you're talking about. this is very clear. in january of 2016, donald trump
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said he would release his tax returns. soon thereafter, he said he couldn't because of an audit. and then the irs said anybody can release their tax returns even if they have an audit and now he's president, every president and vice president have had their tax returns audited automatically and every president and vice president have released their tax returns. so what is the problem here. >> that's not true. >> how can we come to any conclusion he's trying to hide something? isn't he trying to hide something? >> every president since woodrow wilson has not released their taxes. >> jeff, come on. stop. you know you know from richard nixon on, yes, george washington. >> so what? so from woodrow wilson to richard nixon it wasn't done. >> in modern times. thank you guys. >> i don't get it. i seriously don't get it. >> i don't either. >> i think it would be in donald trump's interest to release his
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tax returns for the simple reason there is so much doubt, so much distrust. if he has nothing to hide, let it out there. >> among liberals. >> why not. >> robert reisch, thank you, jeffrey lord, as well. coming up, the former president and first lady keep a low profile as much as you can on a famous person's yacht. from kite surfing to island vacations, the post white house looks pretty good. that's a picture of former president obama and his wife on a very nice boat. what is next? the obamas coming up. if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, isn't it time to let the real you shine through? introducing otezla, apremilast. otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. some people who took otezla saw 75% clearer skin after 4 months. and otezla's prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't take otezla if you are allergic
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well, the current president may spend a lot of time in his resort in florida. look at some pictures from the former president's life after the white house. >> reporter: spotted, president obama on a yacht in the south pacific taking a photo of his wife michelle. with an ipad. and with that, the internet went nuts. one observer labeling him an instagram husband, imagining a conversation where he asks michelle, why do you want the photo taken in square mode and she replies, just do it. aside from this visit while
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vacationing with bruce springsteen, tom hanks and oprah, post white house life has been really well, fun for the obamas. after leaving office with an enviable approval rating, it was straight to california for some mid winter golf. obama then popped up in the british virgin islands kite surfing with virgin ceo richard bransen, staying on the billionaire's private island. he visited new york city, taking in "the price" on broadway. back in d.c. where the obamas are staying until younger daughter sasha finishes high school, michelle obama made a surprise visit to a local school last month. >> we're celebrating international women's day with amazing young women. >> reporter: both she and the former president have signed book deals with penguin-random house. >> when it comes to politics
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obama has stayed low. he doesn't see himself as the point of the spear when it comes to opposing donald trump and the leading the democratic party. he is keeping a low profile politically hoping that it allows new leadership to develop. >> thanks very much. we learned former president obama will attend funeral services tomorrow for dan rooney, the late owner of the pittsburgh steelers, the ambassador to ireland, a beloved figure throughout the energy and in pittsburgh. coming up, president trump says north korea has to behave. the ambassador to the u.n. says the united states created, quote, a dangerous situation that could lead to nuclear war. the latest next. ♪ ♪i'ma wade, i'ma wave through the waters♪ ♪tell the tide, "don't move" ♪freedom! freedom! i can't move ♪freedom, cut me loose! ♪freedom! freedom! where are you?♪ ♪cause i need freedom too!
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top of this hour of 360 the nation wide-man-hunt for the man police say murdered an elderly man. the killer posted video on facebook. he is now on the run out there somewhere. the latest on the manhunt as we show you a picture of the suspect. steve stephens. throughout our reporting you should know there's a $50,000 reward for information leading to this man's arrest. police consider him armed, dangerous. do not approach him. gary tuchman is in cleveland where the killing happened. joins us now with the latest on the man hospital. what do we know, gathery? >> reporter: anderson, cleveland is mourning the loss of 74-year-old robert godwin, now the city, the state, and nation are searching for his killer. the suspect is steve stephens. this is a national manhunt. we thought there was evidence he was in pennsylvania. authorities in pennsylvania said a cellphone ping or a
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