tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN April 19, 2017 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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topping this hour of 360, the firing of bill o'reilly. for years he was the biggest brand on cable television. he was one of the loudest voices in the cultural wars and conservative politics. he was also a sexual harasser who tried to coerce them into having sex with them or punish them for refusing. so important was bill o'reilly
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to fox's bottom line, they sacrifices the president before letting o'reilly go. today, however, they did. we are talking about it tonight with a lot of people. starting again this hour with cnn correspondent brian stelter. what's the latest? >> reporter: he is flying home from italy tonight. the end to his vacation. also the end to his fox news career. a sudden and embarrassing end for o'reilly who thought he would be back on the anchor desk on monday, resuming his conservative talk show. he was viewed as invincible. the men who run 21st century fox, they are trying to send a message. they are dragging this channel, fox news, into the 21st century. trying to improve the culture at the conservative cable news channel. this is not over, not by a long shot. there are other lawsuits against others at fox pending, other women have accused others at fox of harassment and retaliation. not the end. we're in the middle of this. not the end. >> bill o'reilly's statement
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that he released earlier today, what did he say? >> he is continuing to deny the charges against him. here is part of the statement that he released as he was boarding his flight home. he said over the past 20 years at fox news, i've been proud to launch and lead one of the most successful news programs in history. he went on to say, it's tremendously disheartening that we part ways due to completely unfounded claims. but that is the unfortunate reality many of us in the public eye must live with today. he concluded by saying i will always look back on my time at fox with a great pride and the success we achieved with my deepest gratitude to all my dedicated viewers. we don't know how o'reilly's fans will react to this sudden split. whether the hot tempered o'reilly might set up shop somewhere else and compete against fox. >> brian, thanks. bill o'reilly, a long time friend of the president who tweeted in his defense. here to talk about is david gergen and carl bernstein.
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carl, what do you think the political impact of o'reilly will be? fox news was bill o'reilly. he and roger ailes were the architects of the conservative media movement. >> even more than that, bill o'reilly, roger ailes and rupert murdoch changed american culture, changed our politics in the post-reagan era as probably no other individuals did. they had enormous power. now they no longer have the same place to exercise that power in the same way. we don't know where it's going to go. what we do know is that fox has seen that they had to make a very hard business decision about whether to keep him or whether to let him go. in the end, they saw they had to change their culture in such a way that this spokesperson for a point of view that had virtually nothing to do with real news and had to do with counter factual advocacy of a kind and significantly that donald trump
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also practices, they're both great showmen. let's not forget, o'reilly is a great tv performer. don't take that away from him any more than you would take away from donald trump what a great performer he is in terms of bringing along an audience and getting that audience into believing in him and his belief system. >> david, bill o'reilly was sometimes unpredictable in what his opinion was going to be. he was obviously advancing a conservative agenda. it wasn't in the same way that sean hannity does. that's one of the things viewers like is that he could take counterintuitive positions sometimes. >> that's absolutely right, anderson. he is a very smart fellow. like roger ailes. both were canny people. they really understood television. bill o'reilly is a serious student of the past. he writes books that have done very, very well.
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i think that he sort of figured out as long as i am free to be unpredictable, i'm going -- i will have a better hold on my audience. people tune in for that. it earns his credibility. i have to tell you, i think fox would have been a lot worse off had they kept him. i think that was the real issue, if they kept him. after the charges that have been made, he continues to say he didn't do it. why then $13 million in settlements? a lot of people say, if you have -- you pay $13 million, there must be something there. one more thing, anderson. his lawyers say this is all -- the left wing ganged up on him. they have evidence to prove there's been a conspiracy to bring him down. let's see the evidence. if he wants to believe that, let's see the evidence. >> gloria, it's interesting to see is how people view this, whether they just view it through the lens of politics. things are so polarized that when i read that lawyer's statement i thought, that's an appeal to viewers of bill
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o'reilly who can just say, look, this is all just politics, this is a left wing agenda trying to bring this guy down. >> right. don't forget, while all of this was going on and the story in the "new york times" came out i believe april 1, bill o'reilly didn't lose his audience. >> it grew. >> it grew. o'reilly still has his fans. i think that that's what made it so difficult for fox. as we were talking about in the last hour, anderson, you know, fox decided to do this because of business. it's a business decision for them. but they kept him because they needed him and they renewed him even though they knew this was going on and they knew the $13 million in settlements, because that was good for business, too. so this was really difficult for them. but also, i would add, that this is a publically traded company which is trying to make a
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purchase of the rest of sky tv in britain, and this kind of a cloud hanging over your head of sexual harassment at your company is not a good thing. >> there's another element of this. that is that o'reilly and fox news has been about the demonization of liberalism and the so-called left. nobody has been more seminal in the cultural wars in doing that than bill o'reilly. he has done it with great success. as gloria said, we have to look at the size of his audience, fox's audience. it's the dominant cable news channel in terms of viewership because he and others at fox and murdoch and ailes' vision of an alternative universe that was previously not mainstream -- >> carl makes some interesting points here. there's a strong argument to be made that in the end the public -- the consumers brought him down.
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it's not unlike what has happened to trump in some ways. his base has been very strong. but his overall approval ratings have been falling. that's because there are -- i think there are a lot of people out there that fox knew were going to put pressure on the advertisers. >> his advertisers pulled out a lot since that "new york times" article. it was an escalating -- a cascade of advertisers pulling out. >> when they pulled out, fox is in a situation where a lot of consumers will turn against the advertisers if they came back. that's why they in the end for a variety of reasons, but one was the business reasons that gloria cited. i think they felt the consumers -- even though they kept their base of viewers, that the tide was turning against him with advertisers and consumers pushing that. >> gloria, just in terms of internally -- i think david is right about the pressure that it was a money decision. but also just for the internal
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relationships, the culture within the company, and the parent company. what sort of a message would it have sent if bill o'reilly was allowed to stay and after all the payouts had been made? >> right. once the story became public, i think there was -- they couldn't put the genie back in the bottle. i think that they would have been happy to let it continue and renew bill o'reilly and let it go on so long as nobody knew about those settlements to those women. once that became public and more women started coming forward, i think it became very difficult for them to control. no matter what the size of o'reilly's audience, because even though o'reilly makes so much money for them, there were larger corporate stakes here. as you point out, internally at the news organization -- i haven't done reporting inside fox news at all. but i would assume that this was an issue for women there and for men, quite honestly, that what kind of a working environment
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would it be if you are going to succeed? >> david, i cannot fathom what it was like to work in fox news with all -- with roger ailes, with the allegations against him and with the allegations against bill o'reilly. i mean, i have never heard of a workplace like that except for -- >> it sounds like a lot of towel snapping, 19th hole locker room kind of stuff. >> i wouldn't know. >> all of us are having a hard time relating to it. i think we can remember when we were young there might be environments like that. thankfully, a lot of it disappeared. for women though, there are a lot of women out there who feel like it hasn't disappeared as much as you think it has. it has a long way to go. >> o'reilly portrayed himself as a victim here. that's what is partly extraordinary -- >> continues to. >> which also is a little bit
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like listening to the president of the united states. there's a straight line here about victimization and yet these are enormously powerful people who somehow managed to see themselves as being had by others. >> it's about power. i listened to the story telling you anderson just earlier on in the show about this sense that no matter who she went to about an affront, everybody said, it's just bill o'reilly. and he is so powerful. so this not only goes on in television, of course, it goes on in corporate america all the time. it's about power. you know, i can only imagine working in an environment where i couldn't walk into a colleague or a boss and close the door and say, look, i have a real problem and have some expectation that it would be taken seriously and not be dismissed. >> to me, it's the hypocrisy of -- in working in this business in which you are not only reporting facts but
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certainly bill o'reilly made a lot of moral judgments on television about other people to be making those moral judgments and then have these accusations against you. it does raise questions of hypocrisy. it does raise questions. thank you. we will bring you the story, what gloria was referencing. we heard that for the first time just moments ago. bill o'reilly, more on his relationship with president trump a congresswoman who o'reilly tried to mock, that congresswoman joins us. an update on the trump and russia hearings and the witnesses the two parties intend to call. are you done yet?
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asked her to react to today's news. >> i think it's stunning because bill o'reilly was fox news. he had so much power there. it was sort of unthinkable that he would leave there except on his own terms. i did his show regularly for a long time. i was thinking about an incident that happened early on in my career there where i was on air with margaret hoover who is on cnn now. on a regular segment. we were on every monday. margaret said, get my name right. he said, i'm sorry, there's a lot of blondes in this operation. i can't keep you all straight. then at the end of the segment says, thank you for your blondeness to both of us. i went to his executive producer. i said, he needs to apologize and he needs to never do that again or i'm not doing his show anymore. i was told basically, you know, bill, there's nothing we can do about it. he's a flow throwback.
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he's an archie bunker. i said, if you mean he is a neanderthal, we are on the same page. i went to my -- i was called into my boss' office. i was told, what can we do, it's bill? there's nothing we can do. we're sorry this happened to you but there's nothing we can do. i complained to roger ailes. i was told the same thing, there's nothing we can do. it's bill. he's a jerk. nobody likes him. then roger said, he likes to put up dirty pictures and ask pretty girls to talk about them. the whole thing -- then he said, what am i going to do? i don't like him but he makes so much money. there's nothing i can do. >> who said that? >> roger ailes. so this was the culture which was bill was too big. so there was nothing you could do about it. i did quit his show. i didn't do it for two or three years. it was an election year. it was the biggest show at fox. about three years later i went back and said, i'm willing to give this another try. he said sure. i came on the show. i never had another problem. we ended up having a good relationship.
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but it just spoke volumes that i had to completely handle it on my own. there was nobody that was willing to even say anything to him just to basically say you can't treat one of our political analysts this way. >> a look at the culture inside fox news at the time. maxine waters had a more recent brush with bill o'reilly. she joins us. congressman waters, thanks for being with us. do you think fox made the right decision to fire him today? >> absolutely. i'm very proud of what i understand took place, the sons of murdoch are the ones that i'm told insisted that he had to go. they're trying to take this station into a new era. so i'm very pleased that they did that. i'm pleased with the advertisers who decided that they were going to pull their ads from his show. i'm so pleased with the women who came forward, who were victims and decided that they were going to expose what had happened to them.
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bill o'reilly is not going to be recorded favorably in history. unfortunately, he was a man who made tremendous sums of money, had a huge show and really there's something wrong with him psychologically. he obviously could not sustain relationships. the stories about him talking to women on the telephone with this kind of sex talk, it is really just unconscionable that he would allow himself to end up like this. it's all his fault. i hope he seeks help. and i hope that the women who have come forward feel good about the justice they are receiving. this is an era of women who are fed up with being taken advantage of, particularly in the workplace. we have been hearing about this for years. remember the old stories about the casting couch? what women in the entertainment
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industry had to do? these stories are legendary. all over this country. perhaps all over this world women have been taken advantage of. >> what does it say to you that this went on -- the first accusation that was made publically was back in 2004. apparently, it was settled for $9 million, according to "the new york times." over the years, these allegations, these accusations continued. it's only now that fox news took action. what does that say about the culture? >> well, i consider that it was a sexual harassment enterprise there at fox. the men there and roger ailes -- this was a way of life for them. powerful men with a lot of money who would proposition women, take advantage of them. they thought that was normal. the way that life should be. it has only been in recent years that women have felt strong enough to come forward and to talk about what has happened to
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them. think how many women depended on their jobs and didn't want to lose their jobs and was afraid to say anything. but things have changed. life is changing for women. women are feeling stronger, coming forward, standing up for themselves. i know that it went on for a long time. but thank god it's stopped now with bill o'reilly at fox. >> you said before that you think o'reilly should go to jail. do you still believe that? the president says he doesn't believe o'reilly did anything wrong. >> well, i can't -- you can't pay any attention to what the president says. they are cut from the same cloth. they are two of a kind. for the president of the united states of america to stand up for a man who has spent $13 million in settlement, even though he claims he hasn't done anything wrong, certainly he didn't spend all of that money and make these settlements because he was innocent. this president knew that. but this is the way the president himself has been
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accused of acting with women. i don't pay attention to that. let me just say this. the day will come when rich persons, rich men won't be able to buy their way out of this criminal activity. and they will go to jail and they should go to jail. >> congresswoman maxine waters, i appreciate your time tonight. thank you. >> thank you. we will talk about the long history to all this, including the case of andrea makaris who i spoke with in 2004. >> he tried and tried. i said, you are my boss, no. >> tried to talk to you in person on the phone? >> on the phone, in person, yes. (de♪p breath) (phone ringing) they'll call back. no one knows your ford better than ford and ford service. right now, during the big tire event, get a $140 rebate by mail,
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bill o'reilly of sexual harassment over the years. one was an associate producer at fox news during two different stints. she sued him 13 years ago reportedly that he said lewd things to her. i spoke with her back in 2004. >> he had tried to talk -- as it says in the complaint, he tried and tried. i said, you are any boss, no. >> to talk to you in person, on
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the phone? >> yes, both. at dinners and on the phone. i said, no, no, no. when we were discussing and coming back i said it on the phone and at a dinner, eyeball to eyeball, this will not happen. you will not have the saucy talk anymore. he said, right, right, i would be your employer. that would never happen. of course not. i took that as a promise. i took that as a boundary that was explicit. he immediately within three and a half weeks bulldozed that boundary. he didn't just overstep it. he continued that. he did it the night before he spoke to the first lady. he did it a night during the republican convention. the night before he spoke to president bush. >> on the telephone him calling you up? >> correct. >> were these prearranged phone calls? >> no. >> joining me are jeffrey toobin and lisa bloom who represents some of o'reilly's more recent accusers. lisa, how are your clients reacting to today's news? are they satisfied that bill
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o'reilly will not be returning to fox? >> this is a day of victory for us. i told them weeks ago that if you come out and speak your truth, he is going to be gone. he is going to be fired. they didn't believe me. i said, we are not going to give up. we are going to keep this story in all of the headlines. we are going to give the evidence and the witnesses that we have collected, my law firm has been working on this a long time, to the fox news attorneys. we will call it in to the hotline. we did that and we brought him down. i knew this was going to happen. my clients didn't believe me. but they're pretty happy today. >> last night you said there are other people out there, you believe there are other people out there. i understand you actually now say you have a third person that's called the hotline today? >> yes. i have that on my speed dial. today my third accuser client called in with me and reported her claim of sex discrimination and retaliation against bill o'reilly. of course, we didn't know that today was going to be the day he would be terminated. we were intending to keep the
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pressure on. she made the decision to come out with her name and tell her story and she did that. >> is she somebody who -- who is new that's come forward or -- >> yes. >> what is she alleging? >> she was a frequent unpaid contributor on mr. o'reilly's show from 2008 to 2011. there she is. she's feisty and she would get into debates with him as people do on cable news. at one point in one of the pretaped interviews, he accused her of being hysterical. she said to him she thought that was a sexist comment to call a woman hysterical. she said, you have to understand gendered origins of that term. she's a professor. she explained it to him. that part of the segment was cut. she never appeared on the show again. she was completely frozen out. that's consistent with dr. wendy walsh's claim that once somebody really rebuffs o'reilly or stands up to o'reilly, that's
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it. it's over for them. >> this isn't a claim of sexual harassment? this is just of -- >> gender discrimination and retaliation. >> bill o'reilly is gone. it doesn't mean the women who have come forward or others can't still sue fox news, correct? >> it depends on mostly it seems on the statute of limitations. the statute of limitations bars older claims. the precise years vary depending on what you are alleging. usually in the range of five years. many of these goes back well beyond five years. you can be sure that one of the issues that was dealt with in the severance between bill o'reilly and fox news was that fox news would continue to indemnify, continue to pay any further damage judgments that might come down the pipe. >> lisa, you said two of your clients are not looking for damages. is that -- has anything on that changed now that fox has decided to get rid of bill o'reilly?
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>> none of my clients are seeking a penny. all of the work has been at no charge to them. i knew andrea back in 2004. i know that it was alleged that she had tapes of mr. o'reilly calling her while he was masturbating. another one of his accusers similarly has tapes like that according to the "new york times." this is a disgusting human being. anderson, these women not only stood up for their rights not to be sexually harassed, but they were driven out of fox news and driven out of the television industry entirely. none of them are currently working in the television industry. that's what really gets me. this is about women's rights to keep our jobs, not to be propositioned by our bosses, not to have the threat of a job hanging over us in that situation. >> if i could just make one point about that. the andrea case was 2004. from your interview. if fox news had done the right thing then, which was fire him, how many women would not have
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been sexually harassed in the subsequent decade and decade plus? it's not just that they didn't fire him. they effectively sentenced other women to suffer this kind of discrimination because o'reilly knew fox would write a check, it would go away, and he could continue doing it. and that i think is -- before anyone gives fox any credit for finally firing bill o'reilly, they ought to remember all the women who suffered because they didn't fire him whether they already knew how he behaved. >> lisa, what message do you think today sends? not only to your clients but just in general? >> yeah. i spent a lot of the last couple of weeks behind the scenes talking to women like my anonymous client who is a clerical worker who was absolutely terrified to come out. ultimately, she did. i held her hand. she cried on my shoulder.
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there were a lot of hugs. i told her we would protect her as best we could. you could not imagine the fear of somebody like that going up against bill o'reilly. the message this sends to women is, be bold. be brave. stand up for your rights. we can do this. get another strong woman to stand with you. do not allow people to trample on your rights. it's so important to report sexual harassment. my anonymous accuser from yesterday is now texting me, i wish i had done this years ago. i wish that women would do that. i think it's terribly important. >> jeff, lisa, thank you. just ahead, ties between trump associates and russia are the focus of multiple investigations. i will talk to the ranking member on the house intelligence committee about the latest. ♪ you might not ever just stand there, looking at it. you may never even sit in the back seat.
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carter page. that's according to officials briefed on the probe. james comey has cited the dossier in some of his briefings as some of the sources of information the bureau used. joining me is adam schiff. congressman, schiff, i appreciate you being with us. you probably can't comment on it but i have to ask. the reporting that we have that the fbi relied in part on the dossier to secure a fisa warrant and that director comey cited it, can you confirm any of that? >> no, anderson. you are right at the outset, i can't comment on this. i can tell you in terms of an update on our investigation that on a very positive note, i think the new republican lead is very serious about undertaking a thorough and non-partisan investigation. we had a number of good conversations since he took over. i think we're close to agreement on our initial witness list and the process going forward. happily, i think the house
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investigation is very much back on track. >> can you say at this point -- talking about your witness list. republicans have been working on putting that together. obviously, democrats as well. have you finalized the list yet? can you tell us who is on it? >> we certainly haven't finalized the length and breadth of the witnesses we will want to hear from. they fall roughly into three categories. you have the analysts that produced the raw intelligence or the raw analysis of the intelligence that went into the unclassified assessment that the public read about the russian interference in our election. we want to make sure that the conclusions that the analysts reach are supported by that raw data. we also have witnesses that we would consider witnesses that would testify about different issues in terms of what the russians did with the dnc or whether there was any coordination with the u.s.
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persons. we have agency heads and others as other kind of witnesses. obviously, we need to sequence this so we get the documents from people first, we interview certain witnesses that will lead us to other witnesses. in terms of the first group of witnesses, we're largely in agreement on those. we're also i think largely in agreement on the logistics of getting the information we need prior to their testimony. >> in the open hearing that you had the first hearing where director comey testified, obviously, there clearly was a division between the focus the republicans on your committee who are focused on leaks, which is something the trump white house wants and democrats and your focus in the witness list, are you still seeing those divisions? are the people -- the republicans want a list focussed on leaks and democrats on russia's involvement? >> you know, i think that we all want to hear from the witnesses that both sides are selecting and i don't want to go into characterizing who is on what list.
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the most important point is that we're in agreement at least on the initial witnesses we want to bring in. you certainly saw a different focus in the first open hearing. one of the things that i said at the outset, the reason we chose to focus in the first hearing on that issue of collusion or coordination, it's among the least understood at that point by the public. we didn't know that during the course of the hearing that director comey was going to disclose the fbi was doing its own investigation. i thought it was important that the public understand why we were concerned about the issue. obviously, a lot of my republican colleagues thought it was important for the public to understand why they were concerned about the issue of leaks. but i think it's safe to say that we want to cover all of this ground. we want to cover whether the intelligence community got their assessment right. we want to cover how the u.s. government responded to this, what accounted for what looks like a very lethargic reaction. the issue of collusion, the issue of leaks.
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all of these things we intend to explore. >> congressman schiff, i appreciate your time. >> thanks. >> an exclusive interview with health and human services secretary tom price. dr. sanjay gupta asked him what he thought when his boss said this about health care. >> i have to tell you, it's an unbelievably complex subject. nobody knew health care could be so complicated. this is the schmidt's yard. and, oh schmidt, that's a lot of dirt. but there's plenty of time for scotts outdoor cleaner plus oxiclean to work it's magic. all while being safe to use around plants and grass. guaranteed. this is a scotts yard. if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis like me, and you're talking to your rheumatologist about a medication... ...this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain... ...and protect my joints from further damage. humira has been clinically studied for over 18 years. humira works by targeting and helping to... ...block a specific source... ...of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. it's proven to help relieve pain and...
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day 100 of the trump presidency is ten days away. the white house is sending signals that is may take one more swing at replacing obamacare when pence gets back from recess. vice-president pence talked about it. >> the president said the administration is going to have a big win soon on health care. you have been working it, even though you are thousands of miles away to try to take health care reform, obamacare repeal over the finish line. how is it going? >> president trump made it clear that the first priority of this congress should be to repeal and replace obamacare. while it was clear that a little more than a month ago congress wasn't ready to do it, we have never relented in our commitment to keep that promise to the american people.
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i'm very confident that in the days ahead we're going to see congress come together. we're going to take that person first step to repeal and replace obamacare with the kind of health care reform that president trump envisioned. we're very encouraged at the discussions that are taking place among members of congress. and the president remains personally and directly engaged in these discussions. >> mr. pence did not say how many votes they have locked down. last month, the house health care bill was pulled before a final vote for lack of support. the botched effort was quite a contrast to promises candidate trump made on the campaign trail. >> real change begins immediately with the repealing and replacing of the disaster known as obamacare. get rid of obamacare. it's going to be gone. it's going to be terminated. obamacare is a disaster. repeal it and replace it. repeal and replace.
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repeal and replace obamacare. we're going to repeal it, we're going to replace it, we're going to get something good. repeal it, replace it, get something great. we're going to repeal i will repeal obamacare. >> we are going to kill it. let it die. we'll come up with something much, much better. you are going to have such great health ka healthcare of a tiny fashion of the cost and it is going to be so easy. >> it is not so easy. >> our chief medical correspondent talks in an exclusive interview. >> now, i have to tell you, some unbelievably complex subject. nobody knew that healthcare can
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be so complicated >> i want to hear what you thought. who knew it can be so complicated >> he also says we'll have shushs for everyone. when asked who's going to pay, he says the government is going to pay. you cannot strip away a trillion dollars and say the government is still providing healthcare. it does not define common sense. >> we have amed kad system o me now -- >> that means two out of three doctors do see -- drgrady memorl he want where -- numbers tom
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price disagreed with. >> one or three people are coming through the door to have medica medicaid. they are the ones that are most worried. what gives? >> i would ask what gives with the current system? >> well, there is more people ensured. >> the concern that they expressed about what's coming are appropriate and understandable. it is new and something different. >> you have been at this for a long time as a doctor but also releasing your own version of the plan. there were differences in what you talk about in terms of patience versing the american healthcare act. did you agree with that bill? >> i agree firmly of the bill that's discussed and put before congress is a significantly better program than the one that we currently have. didn't you want the best possible bill after seven years saying that we are going to repeal and replace obamacare.
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>> the process is 535 individuals of the congress of the united states and the president believe it is the most appropriate thing and best thing moving forward. >> one of the more contentious part of the debate resovolves around the sales of plans. >> what do you think of so-called skinny plans. i find it extraordinary. if you are a young person and suddenly, you are diagnosed with a disease or getting some sort of traumatic accident, you are going to need patient's care. >> you don't know what you are going to need until you need it. >> you got 20 million people in this country who have said nonsense. i am not going to be forced to do what you want me to do because i don't believe it is
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necessary. >> people get into accidents though. you and i and everybody in this room should pick up the bill. >> that's right. have a system that nobody falls through the cracks. >> i don't know what it means. >> what if they don't have coverage now. >> that's the concern. people would go to the hospital and find out they did not have things covered, it was part of the reason. so would we as a compassionate society step back and say okay, that's a real problem, we need to address it. that's what we are trying to do. >> is there a plan b? >> there is plan a and plan a. we are going to get it done. >> you need to make sure you got a plan b and c and e and f as
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well. you got able to pivot. >> he seems unwilling or unable to answer your very fair questions which is we are all going to be paying for somebody that does not want to get insurance. >> yeah, that is one of the big stumbling blocks of this last bill is essential beth fnefits. ir going to get caribe but the cost is transmitted to everybody. i don't know how that bill is planned on dealing that. the healthcare plan, yeah, it is cheap. those costs are going to go on everybody else. >> we said on the way, the white house is indicating they're going to take another shot of healthcare soon. do you get a sense what that take to actually may look like?
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>> this idea that they take away the essential health benefits. you had a certain guarantee of what your health plan covers now. that may not exist. that's something of his preview and rolling back the mandates so that people would not have the mandate to buy healthcare insurance. they say this bill in many ways was being attacked from the left and right. based on my conversation with secretary price whether pivoting, it seems to be the right and not to the left. he said this was just the beginning of a phase, he thinks they're going to get it done and he thinks this is still in that phase and it can happen within the short amount of time. >> we'll be watching. thank you very much, we'll be right back.
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more news ahead. don lemon is joining us tonight, >> talk about your nose spin zone. bill o'reilly is dumped by fox news. and more and more women voicing sexually assault harassment. have we seen the last of the factor host? >> what does this all mean for the republican party in the age of donald trump? >> plus, super bowl champs honored at the white house but it looks loo i can the feeling is not entirely mutual.
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