tv New Day CNN April 20, 2017 3:00am-4:01am PDT
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celebrity. president trump silent so far on the man he recently defended as a good person. trump said he didn't think o'reilly did anything wrong. all this as the new administration talks tough on iran and looks for new ways to pressure north korea. we have it all covered four. let's start with dave briggs on bill o'reilly's demise. we should mention, dave, of course, worked at fox news. >> with the lady you are sitting next to. >> i'm sandwiched by you. >> guys, it is a stunning turn of events for the king of cable news. these events started with a "new york times" piece three weeks ago. here are the facts which led to the departure of the man that changed our industry. bill o'reilly's two decade reign as the king of fox news coming to abrupt end. >> bill o'reilly, the biggest star in the history of the
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network leaving amid sexual harassment. >> his show cancelled among the sexual hars asment allegations from women associated with the network. removing the anchoanchor's name rupert murdoch announcing the decision. after a thorough and careful review of the allegations, the company and bill o'reilly have agreed that bill o'reilly will not be returning to the fox news channel. this decision follows review done in collaboration with outside counsel. bill o'reilly has been on vacation for a week overseas dismissed in a statement. it is tremendously disheartening we part ways due to completely unfounded claims. that is the unfortunate reality many of us in the public eye must live with today. that statements is a sharp contrast to the times investigation. this month, it revealed o'reilly and 20th century fox paid out
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$13 million in settlements to women lodging sexual harassment claims against o'reilly. >> this is a disgusting human being. these women stood up for their rights, but they were driven out of fox news and driven out of the television industry entirely. >> it was only nine months ago that roger ailes was ousted by the murdochs after his sexual harassment claims. president trump stood by bill o'reilly. a friend of 30 years. >> he is a good person. i think he shouldn't have settled, personally. i don't think bill would do anything wrong. >> critics wondering if this latest firing goes far enough in addressing what they see as a systemic problem at the network. >> let me say this.
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the day will come when rich persons with rich men won't be able to buy their way out of the criminal activity. they will go to jail and they should go to jail. >> this comes in the aftermath of more than 50 advertisers withdrawing from o'reilly's show. more than half in one week. breaking it down this morning saying 15 plus minutes of paid ads. a month ago, 6 minutes. a stunning departure for the king of cable news. >> dave, thank you very much for all that background. let's bring in our panel. senior media correspondent brian stelter and bill carter and new york times correspondent maggie haberman. when this house of cards starts to fall, it is shocking to me. ever since roger ailes was ousted from fox.
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it was unthinkable that bill o'reilly would be gone. explain how the momentum picked up? >> this is a chain reaction. gretchen carlson suing last justi july wasseri series. it is because roger ailes resigned and then looking into o'reilly's past. the advertising pressure and business concerns. the public spotlight. a ckoconfluence of events. bill o'reilly thought he would come back to his show. he moved up his trip flying back from italy. when he boarded the plane, he was canceled. >> the intrigue is about o'reilly and what this means and him being the big shot and going down. it could be a distraction, maggie. it seems like a big motivation. the metric was money. people have been banging on ailes and o'reilly for years. he had to settle earlier cases.
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the money seemed to change the dynamic. we have not seen the move on o'reilly or ailes with the parallel construction of culture at fox news. people brought in on hr side and systems in place to engender the confidence this culture change should show. >> i think that is true. it is amazing in 2017 bringing in an hr person to deal with this as a dramatic shift. the reality is rupert murdoch sons are recoiled. just the way that fox plays to the raw instincts of the republican base. this shift has been coming over time before we knew the specifics. you talked about money. i would not separate this. this has not gotten enough attention. rupert murdoch is looking to takeover sky news. you cannot separate this out in terms of how this was threatening to imperil that bid.
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the last time he had to walk away because of the hacking scandal. now the judge napolitano issue in the uk and ths issue. i think there is something broader than advertisers pulling out. this is a bigger thing. this is a crown jewel. >> rupert was the one standing behind bill o'reilly. more than his sons. he could not just stand up. he hates the notion that gave in to the feminists and leftists and media. fox doesn't do that. >> look. i was there for a long time as you all know. i know a lot about the culture and my friends there. there is a feeling that there is more to come. this isn't the end. just bill o'reilly leaving. there is more to come. we know there is still an investigation. a justice department criminal
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investigation. where do we think that might lead? >> this is pursuing how payments happen to accusers and whether investors were not informed appropriately. the company happens to have a board meeting today. presumably this is on the agenda. i had people say this is fundamentally from the top down, a toxic culture. is that a fair word? a toxicity because of the harassment by o'reilly or ailes. >> i would not call it a toxic culture, but i would say it was pervasive. there was a feeling when i was there that roger was the boss. it was roger ailes kingdom. there was no higher authority you could go to and there was harassment. i tried in my own way to raise the flag and talk to people about it. i went to my superiorss s i went to my superiorss s to t about it. >> they talked about the
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hotline. >> there was no hotline. i can't under score this enough. if a hotline is a secret, it doesn't work. it is not hot. when you have a real hotline, you put up posters. if you see anything. that did not exist. things, i guess, are slowly changing. certainly with bill o'reilly and roger ailes out. >> in light of this, i asked every professional woman in media, if they had an experience where somebody said something. almost every one of them said yes in some context or another. what is true of fox, it was so pervasive and at the boss's level. that is what made it different from anywhere else. >> i worked at another news c corporation at the new york post. that was not the culture of the post at all. i don't know what that says that the post is a long established media holding and it did not come from the ground up.
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rupert murdoch could walk in and layout the paper any moment. that was not the way things were. when i was at the post, murdoch has a history. having all of his media children fighting. fox news and post were not in sync. the post was a different entity. to be fair, i don't think this was a fox problem. i don't know this was necessarily a news corporation problem. >> i agree with that. >> the proof is in the change. don't just remove ailes. if you are around any corporate restructuring, it is not just about removing people at the top. this is what you put in place. we have to see how it plays out. there are lots of branches of implications. o'reilly is gone. one leads to the white house. not only was the president openly supportive of him. although admittedly with no
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knowledge of the facts of the situation. he was supportive of o'reilly. o'reilly was very supportive of him. he was a real maker of him. it reminded me when ailes put the glasses back on geraldo. ailes said you are a lawyer. not the guy on the stage with the nazis and chairs. it changed him. o'reilly did that for trump. he brought him on and talked about serious things. making a case to his people. it wound up helping him. what does it mean? >> when trump decided to skip the fox news debate before the iowa caucuses, he went on o'reilly's show. that is how he explained his view. o'reilly to your point said wouldn't it make more sense for you to come on. he was speaking to him like a friend/counselor/priest/therapy. it is not what you see. trump genuinely liked o'reilly. it was obvious to us two weeks
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ago when the president defended bill o'reilly. he brought up him in the off the record comment. i asked if he thought o'reilly was treated unfairly. what he said is it is not just a good person typical defense. trump defended ailes when he helped during the debate. he was gone shortly after. the president said at the time, he said i don't think he should have settled. i said why not. he said because you go all the way. or i might be paraphrasing. i think the o'reilly issue touched a nerve for the president in how he views legal issues from his own business past. it was such a knee jerk impulsive. >> you think it is legal issues or also about sexual harassment? >> the same specific issues. >> i think it was both. i think that is the president's view. something you were saying
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earlier. don't give in. >> this is o'reilly's point. o'reilly says the same thing. he should never have settled that first case back however many years it was. it is now open season. this is him talking. people who are opportunists and he is an open target. at the end of the day, fox decided it was not true and there were real cases here. >> there are other issues with o'reilly. you would know more than i do about this. there were issues with his ex-wife. not like this stemmed from the women who worked at fox. it became one thing after another. >> he had an ugly divorce. >> right. it wasn't until the link of logos put up on television that all this momentum started. we will talk about this for a while. there are a lot of roots that will lead places after this big decision of bill o'reilly being out at fox news. there are other political stories to discuss as well.
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the white house calling for a comprehensive review of the iran nuclear deal. what will that mean? so far, we heard secretary of state rex tillerson warning the iranians that they could soon pose the same nuclear threat to the u.s. as north korea. what will that mean in terms of the policy shift? cnn's joe johns live at the white house. >> reporter: chris, the latest example of the trump administration essentially appearing to move in two different directions at the same time on an important foreign policy issue. this time it's the iran nuclear deal which donald trump railed begi begi against on the campaign trail. >> fails to achieve the objective of the non-nuclear iran. it delays their goal of becoming a nuclear state. >> reporter: secretary of state rex tillerson declaring the iranian nuclear deal a failure. one day after the state
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department said exactly the opposi opposite. affirming that iran has been compliant with the commitment to the deal. despite, tillerson raftcheting p the rhetoric. >> iran has the potential to travel the same path as north korea and take the world along with it. >> reporter: announcing the deal is under review, but stopping short of issuing sanctions. >> my number one priority is to dismantle the deal with iran. >> reporter: tillerson's attempt to clarify the administration position, the latest in a string of mixed messages on foreign policy. earlier this week, trump called the turkish president to congratulate him. just hours after the state department noted reports of irregularity in the vote.
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the white house struggling to get the story straight about why the administration said in april that an aircraft carrier was racing toward the korean peninsula in response to the north korean provocation. >> we are sending an armada. >> reporter: in reality, the fleet was headed in the opposite direction. >> the president said we have armada going to the peninsula. it is a fact. it is happening. the statement put out the "carl vinson" group is heading to the korean peninsula. it will arrive there. >> it is headed there now. it wasn't headed there last week. >> that's not what we ever said. >> reporter: meanwhile, house speaker paul ryan talking about allies with another international power. russia. >> russia interfered in our elections. they are interfering in elections here in europe as we speak. >> reporter: as the top democrat on the house intelligence committee says the russia investigation is back on track.
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>> i think we're very close to agreement on our initial witness list and process going forward. >> reporter: today, president trump will play host to the prime minister of italy here at the white house in advance of the g7 summit held in the country late next month. then both leaders will take questions from journalists here. back to you, alisyn and chris. >> joe, thank you. mixed messages and contradict n contradictions are a trademark of the trump administration. now we get to the bigger questions from how they handle the politics to policy. what is our foreign policy? should it be articulated to you the american people by the man on your screen? the president of the united states? a closer look next. whoa, this thing is crazy.
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it's fun and easy to promote your company and build your brand with customink. ♪ your designs, quality products, free shipping. get started today at first it was the tough talk for north korea. now it is iran. secretary of state rex tillerson says iran could soon pose the same nuclear threat as north korea. so what does the u.s. do about it? let's bring in the panel. analyst maggie haberman.
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ron brownstein and errol louis. they feel it is a projection of strength. it has a different feel abroad than at home against the democrats or freedom caucus. what do you see behind this move? >> behind this patchy frost, to your point, i don't know how much strategy there is here as opposed to grappling with reality. with the iran deal, it is never something you can come in and rip up. this is not just a deal with the united states and iran. it was never explained that way in any political speech that anyone has given. it is always slipped down and boiled down to an easy package. you are seeing the difference between the president's rhetoric on the campaign trail was so extreme on so many topics. i mean it was very, very out sized compared to the reality of governing. you are seeing now essentially
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his aides have to grapple with that and deal with the reality. the problem is where they could have bought themes selves a little more help is the complaints i heard were from conservatives and allies who just said how can this be happening and why weren't we notified of this in advance and no head's up from the white house? no heads up from the state department so his conservative supporters understand. >> is this going from north korea? what is the this? >> in terms of iran. in terms of north korea, that is a whole different ball of wax. at the end of the day, not to clarify what is happening. if you backtrack with trump, you end up looking weak. with the secretary of state saying iran is in compliance and
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we are certifying this. we are doing review. this is under very viis under r. this is where the white house by circling the wagons and keeping the circle tight and not letting other people in the way we are used to is hurting itself. >> errol, it ends up with a muddled message. it is hard to know. secretary of state rex tillerson says they are complying with the deal. they are saying we don't know they will be forever. >> he says they are still a state sponsor of terror. >> that is right. it leaves us in a much more peril situation than most people realize. maggie is right. the leaders of foreign policy debate on the hill are right to say we got no head's up. members of the conservative movement. political supporters have a right to say that. there is public diplomacy. an undersecretary of state for
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diplomacy. there is another super power called public opinion. you have to talk to political allies. you have to talk to them too. you have to talk to the world and try to convey what you are going to do and why you are going to do it and when you are going to do it. to the extent this administration and this is wht s happens when you elect somebody with no political experience. they come in and circle the wag i don't know ons. they are missing the bigger picture and the picture is millions of people. includes dissidents in iran who need to know the values are and how others can support them. they are potentially throwing away allies. eventual eventually, they will figure it out. >> ron brownstein, maggie haberman slipped in the line. a clear decision not to clarify
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when she discussed the messaging going on right now. isn't that a beautiful way to describe what we are seeing with the armada and "the vinson" and destroyers and spicer's explanation. >> the statement that was put out was the "carl vinson" group is heading to the korean peninsula. it is heading to the korean peninsula. >> it is headed there now. it wasn't last week. >> that's not what we said. we said it was heading there. it is heading there. so that remains -- >> allies have? >> if there is an impression then that's not -- there should have been clarification from people seeking it. a release talking about the destination. >> he wonders why the media keeps chasing him for trying to play them. now he says if you wanted to know when i said we're sending
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an armada. i'm sending them right now, you should have followed up about the timing. you buy that? >> it's a little like saying when the president visited wisconsin this week, snow is forecast for wisconsin. it will snow this winter. it's not going to snow this week. look, the challenge they face is obviously the original story. if you are completely honest, the best you could look is incompetent. the problem is this explanation is so transparently i am pl lly. the problems with polling and his rating is lower than any president at this point is more than policy. the health care bill. the executive order on muslim majority nations unpopular. by and large, what he is facing are questions about whether he
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is up to the job. whether he is competent and temperament ally stable enough. all of the numbers are going in the wrong direction. this is a good example of why. >> panel. thank you very much. north korea is vowing to reduce america to quote ashes. they are angered by the military drills conducted by the u.s. and south korea. we will take you inside the air base where the drills are in full swing and get reaction next.
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all right. right now, the u.s. and south korea are holding joint military flight drills which will escalate tension with north korea. cnn's paula hancocks is at an air base where the drills are taking place. >> reporter: this is max thunder. massive air exercise with the u.s. and south korea. about 80 aircraft involved in this and more than 1500
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personnel. the lieutenant colonel said it was planned for months. they don't have a expect enemy carrying out the exercise. now on the korean peninsula means this is in the spotlight. we know north korea blamed the united states for pushing to almost the brink of war. rhetoric on both sides very strong. from this point of view, people involved in the particular exercise say it is important to know how to work with each other in case of a war. this is as close of a simulation to a possible war situation. north korea does not like the military options. they see this as a practice for invading north korea. the u.s. says they are defensive. china doesn't like them either. they suggested to the u.s. and south korea that if they hold these drills, north korea may suspend nuclear and missile program. it is not a new suggestion and
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still in recess. let's discuss with errol louis and ron brownstein. the president said he was not done in trying to repeal obamacare. he wants it done by next week. how is it looking? >> i don't think that will happen. i don't think there will be repeal or replacement or rebranding of it. he is out of time. that goal will elude him. >> they cannot unveil a new plan? >> i would be surprised. they can try. if you think about the complexity of this which kept the plan from being done in the first place. you have 13 states that trump carried that have a medicaid expansion. will you unravel that? that is 13 conversations with governors. are you going to take on the fight with the pharmaceutical industry? will you start those discussions? this is a battleship. this is 1/6 of the economy. you will not get a snap answer to it. if there is a very light rebranding of it where they sort
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of call it something new or announce a plan to do something over the next year or two and call that having sort of redone obamacare. that's is about as far as you can get in nine days. >> ron, the conventional thinking is the white house is not big on strategy, but heavy on tactics. that's what this seems like. this seems like a mechanism to shift responsibility which seems to be a big instinct of the white house on health care. we gave you until next week. you would not come back. congress stinks. >> yeah. right. look, it is possible that before 2018 and certainly before 2020 that president trump ends up running against both parties and failures in washington. in many ways he was an independent candidate who ran as republican. errol said they have structure problems. there is probably a way to move the bill far enough to the right to get it narrowly through the house to bring back the freedom caucus members.
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a tom delay always about that. you then leave the bill in position where it becomes more implausible to get through the senate. the core problem remains. errol touched on it. the affordable care act were not all democrats. in many of the states that president trump carried, a large portion of the people getting coverage were the blue collar non urban whites. it is difficult for governors in arkansas, ohio, nevada, that is just a structure problem. >> president trump is a lot more optimistic than you two debbie
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downers. here is what president trump said this week. >> we are going to have a big win soon because we're going have health care and i believe that's going to happen. you know, there was no like loss with health care. this is a constant negotiation. the plan is getting better and better all the time. >> there's a lot to unpack there, errol. that is an ongoing negotiation. that is how donald trump sees things. he has tenacity. one loss doesn't stop him. he says he is getting better and better all the time. do we know what is happening behind the scenes of who is leading the charge? >> other than that statement, i have not been aware if there is any conversation. the questions about what do you do and try to revive high risk pools? that is a big and broad serious conversation. that is not something done soto voce. this is going to be a public
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discussion. this is a big public campaign that the president wages. emphasis on the word public. they will not quietly cut a deal to change 1/6 of the economy. >> ron, what we are seeing here is another example of the president running something down to his advantage and now having to own it. obamacare is a disaster. obamacare dying on the vine. now you fix it. you deal with it. you get nothing done because it was never as simple as that. what is simple is the need for him to figure out how to work with congress. you could have a shutdown deadline in your face as an operative political principle when they get back from recess. how could that play out? >> the same dynamic in health care. the first step is when you decide you are not going to make any serious policy or effort to involve the democrats. that gives a veto to each
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faction of the republican caucus. the majority is not big enough to withstand a defection from the center or the right. that is where they are to keep the government open at the end of april. on health care, it is worth noting. before the bill did not come to a vote 17% of the public said they supported it. faced significant opposition in particular from older voters. 50 to 65 who were the big losers. the republicans had such a near miss in the georgia sixth district represented by tom price. i don't think it will make them more enthusiastic about wading back into the swamp. >> ron and errol, thank you very much. serena williams. dominant. now making announcement about a new phase of her life on snapchat. there is more than one reason fans are going to go wild. what is it? details in the bleacher report. [ceo] welcome.
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other than a fashion statement. westbrook with 51 points. he took 43 shots. he was ice cold in the fourth when harden and the rockets took the game. afterwards, westbrook did not care to hear how many points he scored. >> when you look at your line on the box score, how do you grade the line? >> i don't give a [ bleep ] about the line. we lost. >> they are down 0-2. they need a win tomorrow night if they want to get back into the series. serena williams. sending the sports world in a frenzy yesterday after posting this picture to snapchat with the caption 20 weeks. she caused speculation she is pregnant. her agent confirmed the news she is expecting. if she is 20 beweeks, that mean while pregnant.tralian open - she is engaged to reddit's
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co-founder. she is done for the 2017 season, but expected to return to the tour in 2018. congrats to the couple. >> good for her. that is awesome. both of us look like that, but that is from a burrito. >> she could beat me in tennis holding her child and next three children. >> me, too, chris. thank you. the white house is attempting to clarify its statements on just where the aircraft carrier "carl vinson" is heading and where it was heading. why it is all confusing next. ngi c in everything thatrs? introducing the all-new 2017 ford super duty. the only high-strength, military grade, aluminum alloy body heavy duty pick-up. it takes first place in every measure of tough: best-in-class towing. best-in-class payload. and best-in-class torque. winner, winner, chicken dinner. this is the all-new ford super duty. 2017 motor trend truck of the year.
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these make cleaning between myi love gum brand for healthy gums. soft picks, proxabrush cleaners, flossers. gum brand. the "uss carl vinson" the massive ship we were told headed to north korea. we got word it is extending deployment by 30 days as it does head to the korean peninsula. that is not where it was headed originally. the extension comes as conflicting statements from the trump administration about that path are causing more confusion.
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let's discuss with barbara starr and military analyst lieutenant general mark hertling. general, unless there is clever manifestation of we don't like to tell people what we're doing, does this make any sense to you that we were told an armada is headed that way and it was going in the opposite direction? >> i won't put it in the clever category, chris. i think maggie haberman said it best. a clear decision not to clarify. that to me relates to a word called quibble. it is an evasion of the truth. integrity is a big deal on the international scene and friends and foes alike. to me, this was not a good move and showed confusion within the administration. >> barbara starr, you have been reporting it out. what are the facts? was there any suggestion by
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anyone that these ships were on the way in any period other than imminently? >> let me take you behind the scenes. it began with a press release written by the navy in the pacific which was poorly worded that left the implication it was headed directly for the korean peninsula. reporters within hours came to understand that it would stop first and do exercises off australia. so, sort of known if you followed in detail. mark's point is critical. no matter what the real answer is or no matter the technicalities, it added to the confusion with the allies in the region. perhaps at a time when it wasn't a useful way to proceed. >> tactical, the first show of strength but delayed action. to remind people, here is what the president of the united states said. >> we are sending an armada.
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very powerful. we have submarines. very powerful. far more powerful than the aircraft carrier. that i can tell you. >> now, there was no illusion to in two weeks there. that is the timing. now something else, barbara starr. we are told time and again by the united states president these politicians screw up all the time. they tell you what they want to do. that is bad military strategy. that is why trump said he knew better than the generals. what did he do in that statement? >> i think it is huge. it has not been noticed as much as it should be. the president of the united states talking about sending powerful submarines more powerful than aircraft carriers. submarines are the most critical covert of the u.s. military. they lurk under the ocean off north korea. they are capable not just firing tomahawk missiles if ordered to
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attack north korean targets, but these are covert spy ships. they can listen, they can monitor, they can intercept north korean communications. they can conduct electronic warfare which could jam north korean missiles upon launch. they can put navy s.e.a.l.s ashore. this is all open press. i'm not giving away secrets. this is something the navy does not like to talk about publicly. i don't know i can recall a president articulating powerful submarines, more powerful than aircraft carrier. it is a greats message of deterrent in the region. a message to north korea. it's a message to china. it's a heck of a thing for the president to talk openly about what is a covert capability. >> what do you make of that, general? did he let politics get in front
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of the strategy? >> i think it is a lack of understanding of the capability. to barbara's point. each ship in the navy arsenal has a different mission. one is not more powerful than the other. they are all equally powerful. they can all do certain specific jobs. in this case, you are talking about submarines all over the world. no one reeltally knows where th are acceexcept the navy. >> they do now. >> no, they don't. off the sea of japan or korea. that's a big bathtub. >> it is a better sense of i don't know. >> when you talk about the carrier battle group or strike group, you are talking about a ship and component ships that are 3,500 miles away. the president said they are going on the way now. it will take a while to get there. they don't magically appear off the coast. if they knew the commander's
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intent, the commander being the president, they should have started moving right away. let us finish the exercise first and we'll get there. that's not what happened in a national security crisis. i think the messaging or marketing campaign status was really off base on this one. >> general, thank you for the analysis. barbara starr, thank you for advancing the reporting as always. thanks to the international viewers for watching. "cnn newsroom" is next. for u.s. viewers, we have authors of the new book that takes the deepest look yet why hillary clinton lost. let's get after it. iran has the potential to travel the same path as north korea and take the world along with it. >> the president is directing an interagency review of the deal. >> we are sending an armada. very powerful. >> sailing in the other direction. >> they have a big credibility
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problem. the cable news king who seemed untouchable is off the air for good. >> bill o'reilly is not going to be recorded favor bring ably in history. >> if you make too much trouble, your career is in trouble. >> you are watching american culture. >> this is "new day" with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota. >> it is fair to say as of this morning, the face of cable news has changed. >> big change at fox news. the question is now what is next. we are covering the o'reilly story. >> more developments this morning. >> absolutely. good morning. welcome to "new day." we begin with the trump administration tangling with another dangerous adversary and leading the way with tough talk. secretary of state rex tillerson warning iran could be heading down the same nuclear path as north korea. america's top diplomat calling for a comprehensive review of the iran nuclear deal. >> with so
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