tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN April 21, 2017 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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hernandez not guilty of killing odin lloyd. daniel deya and furtado, three men murdered, tragic endings. good evening, thank you for joining us. tonight of another story that you will see here on cnn. cnn learned investigators believed that russia tried to use trump a's advisers to work into the campaign. >> pamela brown is joining us right now. >> this is according to multiple u.s. officials we spoken with.
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the prominent moscow university is part of what raised concerns in the bureau that he may have been compromised of russian intelligence. this new information we are learning as to this emerging picture how the russians tried to influence the 2016 elections through e-mails and propaganda and sometimes referred to fake news. they tried to infiltrate the trump's orbit. intelligence that was gathered last year led to the broader fbi investigation. these officials made it clear that they don't know whether page or the other advisers were awared th aware that the russians have been using them. >> so what does paige think about all of this? >> he disputed the idea that he ever collected intelligence for the russians and saying that he actually helped the u.s.
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intelligence community. this is what he told us today. my assumption throughout the last 26 years, i have been going there. russia has always been of any russian person might share information with the russian government as i similarly done with the cia and fbi and other government agencies in the past. u.s. officials saying this, russia tried to infiltrate and influence trump campaign by using back door channels to communicate people they believed were in the trump orbit. people like carter paige, it is important to know that carter paige is viewed as someone who had little or no influence. he's one of several trump's advisers detected in contact of russi russians investigation. >> it is still going on with the fbi and investigators continue
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to analyze human sources and financial records. they found suggestions of possible collusions between trump campaign associates and russian officials. we are told that there is not enough evidence to show or prove that crimes were committed according to our sources. the problem here, anderson, for investigators is that they lost the opportunity to conduct this investigation. after those reports were told, those people that the u.s. was monitoring then changed their behaviors and that made it more difficult for the fbi to monitor them. anderson. >> the only name right now that you have learned from being believed is carter paige. you said there may be other advisers. carter paige was a big concern starting last summer when he made that speech in moscow and the concerns is that the russians could be trying to cozy
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up with him. we have previously reported andan anderson that there were other communications of other trump advisers including manafort and michael flynn. we have not named the people in t the story. we have been told there were other advisers the russians trying to cultivate their relationships with. pamela brown, stay with us. i want to go down with the time line of volinvolvement in russi. >> exactly what level he was at that is urn dispute. people actually worked there said he was not high up in the organization and how important he was in some of these deals. several years later, he's a
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witness under the russian spy. he's been reported talking about page calling him "an idiot." he's part of an fbi case with three other russian spies. then in 2016 while he was a trump adviser or named trump adviser paid a trip to moscow. that prompted the fbi to monitor him. that same month, he met with the russian ambassadors at the rnc convention which brings us of his time to the campaign and the spotlig spotlight. phil, knowing everything we know about carter page and everything from the fbi from having worked from both organizations. what do you make of this? does it surprise you that the russians would be interested in somebody like carter page, exact, you know power of the
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trump's orbit is questionable at best? >> i don't think that's the question here. it does not surprise him at all. his role is the only significant element that gets him in the russian orbit. can he advise who the players are. can he advise us who's responsible for setting policies on sanctions of russia. >> can he advise where those people are and what clubs they go to. there is a whole range of information that he can advise down to something that's day-to-day. when does somebody in the trump campaign is going to make statement ws ts with the sancti. a lot of information he's got access regardless of his seniority. >> those are interesting details that phil was talking about. what kind of things would the
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russians had been trying to extract from carter page and what kind of tactics would they have employed. >> yeah, those guys are right. what the russians referred to that type of operation would be access operation. >> the russians have some access. the russian would have the greatest access themselves, not sitting down on a regular basis with donald trump and other folks as it is alleged by the trump's team. somebody like that is still incredibly useful. yes, you can say okay, maybe i don't have the type of access that you guys were looking for but i can put you in touch with somebody who does or i can tell you where that person hangs out or their vulnerabilities will be. we have seen the russians before used people like that accessing into other people who they have greater hopes for later on becoming a much better penetration and better spies for the russian intelligence
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services in a later date. they would use any types of motivation they could find if they are financial motivations. there is ideology motivations. and it looks like they assessed his personality as something that could be manipulated. all of those things could be brought into place. we don't know whether he cooperated. the financial of carter page is interested of business possibilities and russia and elsewhere and that was something he had been working on very hard. >> it is interesting, he was not important of the trump organization within a month or so making that speech in moscow and folks in the trump campaign starts to distance himself. he was never really part of the organization. but, the russians at the stage he was in moscow, he was playing
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up, he was you noel known know known of the candidate on anything. he had been attending meetings with donald trump and been in meetings which again is not really true. he'd been to rallies. >> you can advise campaigns in different ways. advisers sitting down with trump everyday and talk to him. other writers writing memos or influence campaigns. just because he never hung out with trump all day does not tell you what his influence is in the campaign was. we do know the trump campaign's view towards russia was dramatically different than previous republican president. one of the major breaks that the trump campaign had in last year's campaign was they wanted new relationship with russia.
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he was pro-putin and anti-nato. he goes down the line of issues that trump took with respect to u.s. relations. they were favorable to putin. one of the puzzles we have and we have not figured out all that, why was that? was that something donald trump came up on his own. we do know there was a fight over how to deal with yukraine and whether republicans should call for u.s. army, the ukrainians who were fighting against the separatists in eastern ukraine. we know that debate was settle in a way that broke with the republican establishment.
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the russians successfully infiltrated that campaign and affected policies. >> even if he did not have influence, he can give information even unknowingly about who did have influence and who the players were on russia policies and all the inner wo workings or knew the information is of value to him >> exactly. >> what's so significant about carter page is he is swimming in a sea of sharks, russian sharks and trump's sharks. he was used by both and both were chasing after him. what has become so important in terms of the investigation by the fbi is that by following him and having electronics surveillance of him, they have been able to open up this conspiracy of the trump's campaign and colluding with russians to help the trump's
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campaign against hillary clinton. that's what's the fbi is looking at and trying to establish. there is now a greatly expanded fbi investigation even though they are not yet indictments or definitive evidence of criminal activities. they are looking at the fbi at travel records of those closest to donald trump, closest to his campaign apparatus at the top and closest to his business organization, trying to understand why there are all these dealings and back and forth between russians in russia and eastern europe as well with tru trump campaign officials. carter page is a key way following this as he swims around with these sharks chasing after him on both sides. >> we are going to talk more about this of this fast development pam brown is
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reporting. my recent interview with the man of the hour, this hour at least, cart carter page. the president calls it ridiculous. a new contract with america. his promise to get a list of things done in his first 100 days. we'll ta i canke a look at that and now with the whole idea of marking his 100 days. arm of y. abracadabra. the stage is yours. step two: choose la quinta. the only hotel where you can redeem loyalty points for a free night-instantly and win at business. bp engineered a fleet of 32 brand new ships with advanced technology, so we can make sure oil and gas get where they need to go safely. because safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better.
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said early on that you were an adviser to the campaign of the foreign policy adviser, did you brief donald trump as a candidate or a president-elect trump? >> president trump said it absolutely, 110 fae10% accurate. >> i never briefed him >> did you ever meet him? >> i have never shook his hands. i have been in many rallies with him. >> let me ask you about that. you have said remepeatedly that you were in meetings with the president. you had a press conference at headquarters and you denied claims that you never met donald trump during your time as adviser and you said i have been in a number of meetings with him. that implies i am in the meeting of the conference room around the table. you are saying the meetings were actually routed.
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>> that is, if you look up the definition in russian in a russian context -- >> do you speak russian? >> yes, i get by. >> you are saying -- using the russian definition of meetings so hundreds of thousands of people who have been -- >> no, i have been in smaller, can they say they have been in meetings with donald trump? been in smaller ones as well. >> have you been in a meeting where policies were discussed? >> anderson, they were often discussed in rallies and etc. >> i know, if i go to rally donald trump, it does not mean i am an adviser with donald trump. i happen to be at a rally. you went to a bunch of donald
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trump's rally. >> donald trump names you as part of the foreign policy team, that was in march and august. they say you're an informal adviser. a month later, jason says, you are not an adviser, you have been sending policy papers to the campaign far back as in march. . i think he joined mid summer. >> do you write policy papers? >> i don't like talking about specifics of -- you told them of your time of march 25th. >> that's fair enough. >> can you say who you sent policy papers to? >> i don't talk about internal matters. but they are talking about internal matters that you are not apart of the campaign at all. >> i am not surprised because he was there and he came over from ted cruz. >> nobody came out after jason
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miller said this oh, that's not true. the beauty of it and part of the reason why i stepped back is i wanted to prevent and continuing to be a distraction and -- >> jason does not know. >> he was on ted cruz's campa n campaign. >> what were you put on notice for? what does it mean? >> i don't know. i have not met mr. spicer either. >> you heard carter page there and i mentioned jason miller with us. his reactions of all this in
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the fbi gather intelligence last summer suggesting -- i spoke to carter page last month. jason miller is here to respond, the senior adviser for the trump's campaign. >> that was in march and august, they say you're an informal adviser and jason miller says you are not an adviser and no contribution to the campaign. you have been saying that you have been sending policy papers to the campaign as far back as march. >> i never met jason miller. >> back to the panel and joining the conversation, jason paris and jason miller. >> you never met carter page. >> trump did name him as one of the five advisers at the time as
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a candidate, donald trump is under pressure to name advisers and he named carter page phd. did he have any role or put in policy papers, do you know? >> here is the deal. so carter page never met president trump and never spoke with president trump. he sat in some article that he wants to launch it. the city of new york makes it open to the public to come in. i want to a yankee's game two years ago. >> he went to meetings with donald trump. he's talking about rallies. >> it is completely ridiculous. tl this seems every time that trump starting to put back a good week or day. we have great news of the egyptian -- and one of these stories popping up of allegations of anonymous source.
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take a look at this story, this story has four reporters in the by line. there is not one single quoted source in that entire story identifies them by name to backup these allegations. it is ridiculous. this culture of -- >> do you think the reporters are doing that or officials are leaking the information? >> i think it is the bi product of pushing back. these are folks and bottom line is whoever it is, there are people who are upset that trump is trying to change the swamp and change washington. >> there is an fbi investigation going on. it is not out of the realm of possibility. you know and it seems pretty clear that he did not have an actual real world in the campaign as far as we can tell. would the russians have known
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that. >> this guy seems to be going for putin's policies and speak in moscow, would that -- >> folks in the media cannot have it both ways. >> effectively, determined that he was too stupid. >> they called him an idiot. >> it is compromised by intelligence services all the time. >> they're useful idiots. >> he's not a useful idiot. he's a plain idiot. he had no role and never contributed to the campaign. you no e this 15 minutes he's getting right now is the most he's ever going to get. he has no role in our campaign. >> does that matter whether or not he had a role? phil made a point earlier that russians maybe interested in knew who had a role in campaign or who was affecting russian policies. little details >> again.
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there is great evidence this was pursued by the sharks of the trump's campaign and the russian sharks. i want to go to something jason miller have said four reporters and moanonymous sources. in water gate, in the twor years of stories we did it to washington post and new york times did, there was not a single quoted source. it was all reporting based on anonymous sources. mr. miller, tell me if i am correct that you had often been anonymous source. am i correct with that? >> i have been sourced with that. here is the difference -- >> just answer that question. >> after eight months of them looking at this and including today's story, there is still nothing at the end of it. there is not one shred of evidence that says the campaign and any foreign entity.
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>> let me tell mr. miller something about what is going on. >> there is so far, as far as i know from fbi sources and sources on capitol hill of no definitive activities resulted in indictment. there is serious belief of the fbi and the house and the senate, there is an active cover up going on involving, trying to keep investigators fiepding out what happens in terms of the trump campaign and trump associates and near the top of the campaign and what happened in their associations with russian? if there is an active cover up going on, does not mean an obstruction of justice. mr. miller, you cannot go that nothing occurred and nothing seriously is being investigated. one of the things the congressional committee are concerned about and they don't have the resources to conduct the proper investigation and the
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white house is taking advantage of it. there is only seven investigators and many of them part time of the congressional senate in the house. there is a reason why the white house does not want a special prosecutor or a select committee of the house and senate and why increasing it. >> okay, phil, with your experience of the fbi and cia, would it matter that carter page was once called an idiot back in 2013 by the russians or he was not in meetings with donald trump if russian aids did not know that. >> you have to understand him as a repository of information. >> i almost had somebody down in
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the it department who can intercept e-mails carter page is a repository potentially, i don't know if he did anything wrong of information that would be value of regardless if he's an idiot or a genius. he can tell me who maybe responsible for things like conversations of foreign policies. regardless of whether he's involved in the conversation. that's really important to russians who want to approach those people and potentially influence them. >> he would not know that. he was not in the organization. he was outside. i want to go back to what you said a moment ago of what i feel that are outlandish allegation. i think that's really loaded and quite frankly dangerous to say this. that's the center of the fbi
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investigation. what i am saying is they're trying to find out what occurred. it is possible mr. miller that they'll find that nothing occurred. nothing on tour occurred. though they seem that's going to be their findings because we already see what mr. flynn have done and we know some of mr. manafort's activities. whatever the case, there is an investigation going on and one would hope the president of the united states, yourself, and those who advise him would say hey, we want to cooperate and see everything known that can possibly be turned over including the financial records of jared kushner and ivanka trump and donald trump and the trump's family. one of the things investigators are having trouble getting on are the trump's conflicts. there are people in the investigation who thinks it is not -- they're trying to find
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the truth and they are having trouble because people are putting impediments in the way. >> i don't see what impediments are being put out? heck, i want to see susan rice brought up and to testify at the bottom of this. >> good. i did not see her on the list from congressman today. >> i think republicans have a different list. democrats have a list. >> good, i will look forward to it. even though there are 1200 or so of why she requested this dozens of time. again, allegations that people are trying to stone wall and trying to interfere with something. i think, look, i think it is ridiculous and i think when you read a story like today where you have four reporters on the by line and zero on the record sources who make these accusations that something happened with the campaign, i think that's just completely out of bound.
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>> our reporting is that republicans and democrats who seen the same information that n nunes says that susan rice did not do anything right. we'll take a quick break. the subject president trump's tweet of 100 day mark. featuring ego's patented, 56 the #1 rated,volt,power+ mower. arc lithium battery technology, it delivers the cutting-torque of gas. the ego mower's durable construction makes mowing in difficult conditions easy. the self-propelled model makes it effortless. and it folds flat in seconds for easy storage. the ego power+ mower. exclusively at the home depot and ego authorized dealers. [heroine] happy to be here. [ceo] so when you take the job, all these benefits are yours.
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no matter how much i accomplished during this ridiculous standards of the first 100-day and s and it has a lot. this standard is absurd. who would make such a promise? >> on november 8th, americans will be voting for this 100 days plan of prosperity to our country and security of the communities and honesty to our government. this is my pledge to you and if
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we follow these steps, we'll have a government of by and for the people and importantly we'll make america great again. believe me. [ applause ] >> he put that with great details and sounded like equivocal -- he laid it all out. the final days of the campaign speaking at gettisburg. and now he's calling it ridiculous. >> the contract offered 13 executive actions and ten mayor pieces of legislation with candidate trump fighting to get all of it done. he has been fairly successful on the executive actions no doubt
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about it. on his ten items of legislation, he has not accomplished anything from that list, even though republicans control both chambers of control and congress. >> real change begins immediately with the repealing and replacing of the disaster known as obamacare. >> you get rid of obamacare, it is going to be gone and become terminated. >> obamacare is a disaster, repeal and replace. >> repeal and replace. obamacare, we are going to repeal and replace it and get something good. [ cheers ] >> obviously, no legislation on that. that was his big accomplishments. moments after signing executive actions. those are by the way, 5-1
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respectively of his contract of the first 100 days. >> how are you going to accomplish all that? it . >> it is going to be great? >> you are going to do healthcare and tax reform? >> we'll see what happens, healthcare is coming along well. government is coming along really well. a lot of good things are happeni happening. >> thank you, folks. >> you are going to get it within 100 days? >> next week or does not matter. the two legislative item of the president's 100 days pledge. his own standard is the president's words ridiculous. >> his communication staff is grappling how to spin these first 100 days and they have seem to settling on this line. >> we have done great things including nominate and confirmations of supreme court
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justic justice, roll back on obama air on coal and natural gas. oddly enough that's not the point tonight. whatever the truth of it is, it is a -- if he's trying to close the deal there, you have to wonder if he's doing something el else. he's accused of re-negotiating the terms. >> there is a valid argument that we made of the whole 100 days thing is an artificial time line that's by the media and politicians and goes back a long time. it is an arbitrary deadline. can the president have it both
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ways to have made a big deal of it during the campaign and this 100 days is what he's going to accomplish and it is the big time line. >> not long ago that he had the best 90 days. it is something he has embraced and made promises about. i think he did not have the best 100 days and we know that. we can see him walking it aback and making this turning to an a a arbitrary deadline. he came into the white house or somebody who did not have washington experiencing a lot of surprises and did not have the institution spirit to do this so it got off to a rocky start and it got bad on the travel ban. he just has not really been able to do some of the major things
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he wanted to do. signing executives order have been easy and he did that. >> the president has been tripped up now in two cases by things he said in the campaign trail which probably were not true of the time and not have been and now, you know, carter page and clearly he was not a national security adviser. he was a name that donald trump put out there. now, he's being tripped up by that because people are saying wait a minute, carter page, you said -- in this case, he's talking about this is 100 days pledge and now he's saying is ridiculous. >> it was not that he does not look at the 100 days marker as something important. he does. he refers to it as kirsten pointed out that he had the best 90 days. what his tweets is getting at is
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the standards being set for his 100 days. he's done a lot. i looked at the contract he looked forward. keystone, ttp, supreme court justice, his proposals have not gone through yet but when you look at the language of the pledge, i will immediately pursue these matters. immediately pursue, he has immediately pursued healthcare. supreme court caucus has not walked towards him. he has immediately pursued he put everything on that contract. >> he tried, right? >> yes, as you point out, this is something that we have seen carried over from his commercial practice of a number of years well documented that if you are his creditor or customers or supplier that did business with him, when the bill came due, you got a compelling story. you did not get the money that you owe. you did not get the education that he said he was selling you at trump's university. you got a refund if you were
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lucky or had to go into court to fight for it. that's what we'll see here as well. >> it goes back to fdr and the 100 days of what was a national emergency. things were so urgent that fdr swarm the entire cabinet of one ceremony and got to work the very first day. that was sort of a true national emergency and subsequent president including donald trump went on the campaign trial trying to hype up their importance. we are going to do something similar and fdr, i got to get elected, that turns out to be true. >> anderson, take a step back here where i think is a bigger picture of a fundamental disconnect of what we are seeing of 24/7 and washington new york corridor and the rest of the country. around the rest of the country, we are seeing consumer conference of the 17 year high, unemployment is way down and ceo
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and small business confidence are going up. industrial of 11%. we also have seen the president stepping up. these things would have been described of the contact -- we saw him go, i think do a fantastic job of stopping assad from using chemical weapons and have seen him standing up to kim jong-un and sent a message. we are talking about this couple ling of security and economic issues. the fantastic jobs that gary code and ross are doing. they're setting the stage for longer terms and this message of economic popularism that the president is talking about in 20
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years. we we are talking about arbitrary numbers. the rest of the country are saying it is safer. >> i think most people are happy with here where things are righ >> where they are right now are largely who voted for him in the previous election. >> republicans are supported. campaigns, there are always a difference when you are the president by yourself or a chose of two different candidates. nothing fundamentally has changed or a lot of ways, we are still a dedivided country and the one thing, i have seen data points on this. when we are talking about investor confidence, people agreed it is improving under president trump. >> if donald trump is feeling the way jason feels, i think he
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would say that. that suggests that that was a great spin and you are focusing on a lot of things that he had nothing to do with so i don't think he thinks unemployment rate had anything to >> but i think it has sort of objectively not been a great hundred days. and again i go back to the fact he doesn't want to talk about the evidence that it's not true. this is our job, to talk about what's happening with government and the people in power. and he is somebody who made a promise about the first hundred days. i don't think because you're saying but the average person doesn't care about this, that's not true. i don't think it makes it not important. >> we've got to take a break. i thank every body on am panel. a teacher is in federal custody. how they ended up in this california cabin.
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her 1900 miles away from her hometown of nashville has been arrested finally. 50-year-old tad cummins is expected to be arraigned monday. the two were found in a cabin on monday ending a search that's gone on for a month. sara sidner has details. >> reporter: 39 days. that's how long law enforcement, family and friends have been looking for tad cummins and his kidnap victim. it started when he was seen by another student kissing the 15-year-old girl. the student reported that and cummins was suspended. soon disappeared with his victim. there were sightings in oklahoma and leads. after more than a month, no arrest. that is until cummins and the girl met this man in remote cecilville, california. >> he came looking for work. >> so cummins bunked down for a night. the area is so remote that the loudest sound is the rushing water from a mountain stream
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outside. there is no cell service, no wi-fi, no electricity in the cabin which was still being built. what did he say to you? what were the conversations that you had? >> the first time he was like, we're from colorado. we had a house fire and lost everything. >> reporter: did he tell you the relationship between he and himself? >> he said it was his wife. but she was in the car. >> reporter: two other residents thought something didn't seem right when they noticed the vehicle didn't have license plates. he said cummins and the girl found a commune that let them stay for five days but he made himself unwelcome and left. >> he did suspect that he would be safer here. just about as far away as you can get from memphis, tennessee. >> i had a picture of the amber
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alert in tennessee. i was like, that's the guy. >> reporter: hair color different? >> yeah. it was vague just the way he was going about it. keeping her in the shadows. >> sara sidner joins me. did they find anything in the cabin? >> they did. i'm going to take you into the cabin. we have permission from the owner of the cabin. we found out some of the things they got because they left behind a search warrant and a few items. they were going to be cooking and they were ready to stay here for a bit. there was bedding. there was also ky jelly and coconut oil. those things important because investigators are trying to prove that he intended to have sex with the 15-year-old girl. they also that he filled two prescription for an erectile dysfunction medication. he took her almost 2,000 miles here to this remote area in california.
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if you look out the window there, anderson, you can see it really is remote. we are in the mountains. there's just a mountain stream and a bunch of trees. you are surrounded by high mountains here. they intended to be here, because this is a place there's no cell phone, no electricity, nothing out here to help people communicate. very easy to try to allude, evade police. but because of this gentleman, the caretaker here and a friend, these guys got caught. >> sara sidner, thanks very much. appreciate it. another hour of 360, including breaking news tonight. sources telling cnn, the fbi gathered intelligence that suggests russian operatives tried to use trump advisers. spring is on, so it's time to get started. but first things first - call trugreen, america's #1 professional lawn care company. millions of homeowners like you trust us to give them a lawn they can live on. and tailored care plans ensure their lawns get exactly what they need to thrive. guaranteed. that means you can do more of this, this, and this. okay, maybe not this.
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