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tv   New Day Sunday  CNN  April 23, 2017 4:00am-5:01am PDT

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health care is coming along well. government is chg along really well. a lot of good things are happening.chg along really well. a lot of good things are happening.ochg along really well. a lot of good things are happening.mchg along really well. a lot of good things are happening.ichg along really well. a lot of good things are happening.nchg along really well. a lot of good things are happening.gchg along really well. a lot of good things are happening. along really well. a lot of good things are happening.
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good morning to you. on a sunday morning, we are always glad that we have your company. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. good morning. let's talk about the  deadlines and the deal making because lawmakers are facing both when they return to washington this week. the deadline, first. avoiding a government shutdown by midnight on friday. that is when congress needs to get a spending bill to president trump's desk. >> the question is will the president insist that bill include funding for his wall on the southern border? a new interview this morning. and in it, homeland security secretary john kelly tells our dana bash the wall is a priority for the president. >> reporter: let's start with the border wall with mexico and how it relates to keeping the government over. if congress doesn't send president trump a government funding bill by midnight on friday, the government will run out of money and a shutdown would begin. so will the president go to the mat and insist on funding his border wall as part of the stopgap government funding measure? >> dana, i think it goes without saying the president has been
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pretty straightforward about his desire and the need for a border wall. so i would suspect he'll do the right thing for sure but i suspect he will be insistent on the funding. >> all of this is setting up what could be a dramatic 100th day in office for president trump. also new this morning. a new polling on his approval rating. we will have much more on that in a moment. cnn political commenter errol lewis and paul baranko joining us now. we heard president kelly saying that president trump is insistent the money for the border wall be included in this funding bill. at the same time, the democrats say this is a nonstarter. tom, i'm wondering ho house republicans willing to risk a government shutdown over this? >> it's interesting about that is paul ryan and his leadership
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held a call yesterday with house republicans talking on this issue, what is going to happen with the shutdown. they held their card close according to people that we talked with who are on the call. look. you got -- if you want to do the border wall you have to get to 60 votes in the senate is the way it works. you got to find eight democrats to agree with it. that doesn't look like the type of thing that will ever happen. then you got to think, all right, do you want to risk a government shutdown? do you want to risk all of the political ramifications that come out of that? do you want to risk other issues that will fall out from this? the answer kind of looks like no at this point. there is just so much to be done. that is not even getting into the big priorities they want to do like whether they can revive health care. >> so paul ryan, as you mentioned, he actually said the number one priority this week is to keep the government running. errol, paul ryan is not president trump for one thing.
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secondly, if a shutdown is eventuated, what political ramifications might there be for the president? >> there is difference between the president and the white house. as tom said, they have very little time to accomplish this and no particular reason to think they can. members of congress i've spoken to have indicated that the most likely or one likely outcome is a continuing resolution to sort of kick the can down the road and keep the government going, add existing levels for maybe 90 days, perhaps through the end of the summer to give them more time to do what they have to do. because the reality is while getting the wall built, getting it funded, being able to claim some sort of victory in the first hundred days is a top priority for the president. it is none of those things for the members of congress who would end up looking horrible if they let the government shutdown begin even commence while republicans have control of all three branches of government. >> so, tom, if congress fund the
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government without that wall provision, what does the president celebrate in this rally that he is planning for the 100 days in pennsylvania this weekend -- the next weekend, i should say. >> as you point out in your question there, there is not the big items like health care that he is point to. he got neil gorsuch. that is a big deal. probably should bring senate majority leader mitch mcconnell out on the stage for that one because his nominee as more than anyone. he got some big wins but nothing like what he promised during the campaign. you know this talk about bringing out tax reform as well next week or this week, rather, is kind of surprising. i kind of wonder whether or not he has some advisers over there cautioning him to hold back some of this stuff because as errol
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mentioned and we talked about here there is not a lot of time to do this stuff. you start making these promises and making new promises and not being able to look to deliver on them. it doesn't look very good. >> let's look at this recent interview with the associated press in which the president said, quote, my base definitely wants the border wall. here is the thing. a new poll from "the washington post" showing that the president has a record low 42% rating you compare it with presidents in past in their term. he has the lowest approval rating since dwight eisenhower. he still has strong support, though, from his base. they are solidly against him here. does he risk losing that base if he can't follow through on his promise of the border wall or are they willing to hang out -- i should give this to errol. are they willing to hang on to his base until they see what he does with tax reform?
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because the economy was the big thing for him. >> what you point to he is not getting the honeymoon that prior presidents have received. because there hasn't been a marriage. he doesn't seem to be interested in going very far outside of his base. he won't negotiate with democrats in congress. he hasn't done any extensive outreach to people outside of his base so he will try to rely on them. i think that means that he can expect to be carried along by that base. it's just that there is certain things you get by simply playing to your base and then there is certain things you don't get. what you do get is a lot of enthusiastic rallies like the one we will see next week. you got followers not desert you even though you can't accomplish key parts of the agenda including tax reform and health care repeal and the border wall at least right now. what you don't get is actual action on a lot of those points and he'll pay a political price somewhere down the road for that. >> errol louis and tom, your
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thoughts are always appreciated here. thank you. >> thank you. sure. speaking of homeland security department john kelley who talked about at the beginning here you can watch the full interview later this morning at 9:00 a.m. eastern on "state of the union" with jake tapper. breaking overnight. a u.s. citizen has been arrested in north korea. cnn senior international correspondent ivan watson is joining us now. what do we know about this u.s. citizen and the -- why he was arrested? >> reporter: good morning. i have to preface saying we haven't independently concerned with at cnn. it's being reported by a new agency out of south korea. according to that news agency the detention took place on friday night at pyongyang international report and the man with the sir nim kim which is common here in korea was detained. we don't know the reason why. according to this report, he is
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an academic. a former professor at a university in china that is a university of science and technology. have not been able to confirm neither with the u.s. state department or with south korean intelligence. there are two others that are currently being held that we know of. one of them is otto warmbeard, a student from the university of virginia he was detained in 2016 at the airport and held since then and sentenced to 15 years of hard labor after he confessed to trying to take down a political sign out of his hotel. another man named kim dong khu was detained in october of 2015 and charged with espionage and received a sentence of at least ten years in prison.
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there have been several other americans who have been detained. mostly from that airport as they are on their way out of the country and those who have been released, there have been at least two others, they have tended to be held for at least several weeks to several months. often they have to do a televised confession before they are ultimately released from north korea. >> to what degree could this complicate the already contentious relationship between u.s. and north korea? this is not the first u.s. citizen to be arrested in north korea but at this time with this new administration what we have seen the past several months this could offer some greater difficulties. >> reporter: it sure could. if and when this story is confirmed, it would be important to watch how the trump administration might deal with this. of course, it's coming against a backdrop of north korean missile tests which are banned under
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united nations security council resolutions and one last week that failed shortly after takeoff. the threat of further nuclear tests which will alarm not just the u.s., but most every other country here in the region. and part of the problem is the u.s. doesn't have an embassy in north korea in pyongyang. we don't have direct diplomatic relations with pyongyang. in the previous case of the detained american citizens, we rely on the swedish embassy in pyongyang to handle the diplomacy. the u.s. does not have a lot of leverage once the north koreans get their hands on a u.s. citizen and accuse them of some kind of a crime. >> i expect we will learn more throughout the day. ivan watson in seoul, thank you. "the new york times" reporting president trump is seeking counsel outside the white house that might be more powerful than the people inside the white house.
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fox news sean hannity is riled up on that. details on that next. there are several french candidates in the mix and several with strong, strong views. what could this mean for the u.s.? take a look at the pictures we are getting in here. firefighters in florida really struggling to get more than 150 wildfires under control now. they could be getting some help. we will talk about that. stay close. ♪ hey, bud. you need some help? no, i'm good. come on, moe. i have to go. (vo) we always trusted our subaru impreza would be there for him someday. ok. that's it. (vo) we just didn't think someday would come so fast. see ya later, moe. (vo) introducing the all-new subaru impreza. the longest-lasting vehicle in its class. more than a car, it's a subaru. want to remind you that no one's the same without the game.
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cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz xr, and monitor certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. needles. fine for some. but for you, one pill a day may provide symptom relief. ask your doctor about xeljanz xr. an "unjection™". according to "the new york times" president trump is seeking some powerful counsel not within the white house walls, but outside. reportedly advisers include fox news host sean hannity and billionaire carl icahn just to name a few. >> they refer to him as part of trump's council and calling fake news speculation. who does president trump talk to before making decisions?
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cnn media correspondent brian stelter is with us. break down, brian, this reported list of outside counsel. twenty names here. >> reporter: yes, indeed. hannity is whining and get to him in a second. this front page store talks about who outside the white house is giving the president advice and counsel. who is he talking with? how are those people shaping the president's views? some of the faces, no surprise. rupert murdoch or carl icahn. trump liked to mention him on the campaign trail. owners are patriots owner bob kraft and chris christie the governor of new jersey. then eric and donald jr., his sons. and the story says that fox news host sean hanity behind the scenes gives the president advice and suggest he stay
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focused on what got him to the white house, not with stray and distracting tweets. the story also says rupert murdoch who runs fox news and owns 21st century fox, has also been on the phone with the president on a weekly basis giving advice and ideas. at one point murdoch called up sean spicer after that hitler incident and gave him encouragement and told him to buck up. that is unusual. you don't have a ceo of a news agency calling of a press secretary and giving them sport. hannity here is one his tweets at the "the new york times" last night when the story came out. ed you don't know who i was talking to. here is what he wrote. hannity, i don't know what hannity is thinking here. obviously, the president does talk to "the new york times" and has given a bunch of interviews to "the new york times." hannity, himself, talks to "the
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new york times" reporters also. i know that because i used to work there and he used to talk to me. i saw hannity a week or two ago. he is enjoying i think his newfound spotlight as the new pro trump hort host on fox news. this story was important because it speaks to the idea the president has many outside voices who give him advice. he is oftentimes on the phone in the morning or really at the end of the day getting advice from people outside the white house. >> so since we are kind of talking about the fox news arena, let's say, bill o'reilly. a lot of people were shocked that he was let go. not for the reasons necessarily. a lot of people may have agreed with the reason, but they didn't necessarily think fox would shut it down. >> right. >> and actually fire him. so -- or let him go. so i understand that you're
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hearing o'reilly is hitting the air waves again? >> yes. he is trying to figure out way to reach his audience and fans tomorrow. three week ago, unthinkable that o'reilly would lose his job over the sexual harassment allegations, allegations he continues to say are unfounded. now that fox has pulled his show, cancelled his show, replacing him tomorrow, he is going back online on to his own website bill o' which has a big new ad saying monday, the no spin news returns. interestingly he is not doing it at 8:00 his old time slot and moving it up to 7:00. what he is doing is reviving a podcast does he for his subscribers. maybe trying to make that into a bigger part of his brand, trying to reach people online. straight to them as opposed through fox news. look. he is not going to reach as many people that way but it goes to show o'reilly not staying quiet. he is not just going to quietly retire now that he has been taken off the fox news air waves. looks like he is trying to mount some sort of comeback. there has been speculation maybe he'll go to some smaller
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channel, some conservative oriented channel that wants to challenge fox. we will see about that down the line. we know as of monday, we will at least hear from him in some fashion. he is taking home about $25 million for the next year. that's money fox owes him in his contract. even though won't be back on the air at fox. >> brian, thanks so much. >> thank you, brian. >> catch brian stelter on "reliable sources" later this morning as two big guests from "the new york times" who will unveil details on the reporting that started the ball rolling toward bill o'reilly's departure. more on trump's other advisers. that is at 11:00 a.m. eastern on cnn. lots of rain in the forecast. it could be a good thing, though, particularly for the folks fighting those fires in florida. 100,000 acres are burning. 150 wildfires are active in that state. more than a dozen homes have already been destroyed. and there are many others who are facing some pretty close calls.
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>> four boats and about nine vehicles, but the house was still there. all of our animals was safe and we were safe. >> evacuation are continuing today for thousands of homes. federal grants will help fund recovery efforts there in at least two counties we know. france is voting for its next president today and voter turnout seems to be up as people get out to cast their ballot. the outcome could have far reaching repercussion globally. we will take a look at why. also, the secretary of defense is in africa. why his visit is highlighting a rivalry between two world powers.
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good morning.
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26 minutes past of the hour and glad to have you on board bus. this hour, folks in france voting for their next president. close to 30% of french voters have already cast their ballot. a crowded field and talking about 11 candidates to choose from. by there are five major contenders and only the top two after today's voting ends will face-off on may 7th for the final round of voting. this election is of particular interest to the u.s. because two of the candidates are on opposite side of the spectrum. >> far right national front leader marine le pen is anti-immigration and pro russia. far left wildcard jean-luc melenchon. then emmanuel macron. a bitter fight and might have far reaching global repercussions. russian president vladimir putin unveiling his plans to dominate the arctic with a visit to a new
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massive military base there. cnn's correspondent brian todd reports on putin's future and intention for the region and what that means for the u.s. >> reporter: on a frozen wind-swept expanse in the arctic, vladimir putin military ambition is on grand display and painted like a russian flag is known for its three-cornered structure and can house 150 troops and war planes. >> this is a lot about the projection of the russia status. right? russia status is a great power. first and foremost. second, the fact that russia is an arctic power. >> reporter: sweeping in on a massive military transport the russian president recent visited the base and hammering at the ice. russian troops will be living you said the harshest of conditions. 18-month deployments where the temperatures can dip well below zero. >> this is a base set up and perhaps the most inhospitable, if not the most inhospitable places on earth and so cool short of living on another
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planet with no oxygen, this is one of the most dangerous areas to operate. >> reporter: russians forces pride themselves in able to operate in the most bitter cold conditions, even training with reindeer. much of the base is top secret but the russian military does boast a tour of some parts of the interior. this is part of putin's plan to dominate the arctic. the oil and gas reserves he has his eye on in the arctic are massive and experts say worth possibly ten of trillions of dollars and expected to be become more accessible if global warming continues. >> they believe a contest for powers who gets access to them. a lot of economic commercial competition. and the russian view is this is a very difficult area to operate. it's going to take a long time for them to establish themselves there, so they want to get theirs first. >> reporter: putin is navigating the region even having a russian flag planted on the ocean floor. russian has more arctic military bases than the u.s. and more ice breaking ships perhaps as many as 40. >> how many ice breakers do we have available?
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>> i believe it's one. >> one and a half. >> okay, 1.5. >> reporter: russia's race ahead of the u.s. in cornering the arctic, analysts say, is a sobering illustration of putin's ambitions. for vladimir putin the arctic is a prestige project and represents russian history and its greatness. russia can conquering anything. it can plant a flag on the north pole. it can build overcome nature. >> reporter: the trump administration is pressured by analysts to close that gap with vladimir putin and beef up america's presence in the arctic opinion will they? we pressed officials at the white house, at the pentagon, northern command and the coast guard for any specific plans to place more resources in the arctic. we have gotten no response. brian todd, cnn, washington. as we have been reporting, people in france are voting for their next president. melissa bell is outside of a
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polling station in paris. we are getting some numbers in showing relatively strong turnout today. >> that's right. the only official figure we have so far is the mid-day turnout rate and it is very slightly above what fs it was in 2012. a good sign. a sign of voters of which high numbers in this particular stage or the run-up the last feud, whether they might just decide to stay at home and bewildered by the vast array of political choice on offer here today. in fact, that appears not to be the case and everyone we have spoken to outside this polling station, the 18th district of paris this morning, have spoken of their determination to come and mark their vote. france is really at a crossroads. you have 11 candidates but you can pretty well put them in two categories. those include the populace and many on the left who want a huge change with all that has gone before and retreat within
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france's border and want a certain dose of economic protection and those who represent more continuitity and not bring in question of the european union and see france continue along the political lines it has. this is really a test what we have been following for many months now. that populace wave that has swept across the united kingdom and the u.s., whether it understand here in this first round of voting today in france or whether it continues. >> melissa bell for us in paris, thank you. this is an important election worldwide. a lot of people are watching it. three of the candidates opposing western sanctions against russia. two would extract france from nato military command and one increase the military cooperation to lessen dependence what he is says is unreliable united states. we have the former french ambassador to the u.s. with us next to talk about what all of this means for the united states. stay close. [ceo] welcome.
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live pictures for you out of paris this hour. you see the voters lining up to elect their next president. a lot at stake here. pierre is a former french ambassador to the u.s. is with us now. pierre, thank you for taking the time to be with us. let's talk about what all of this means. marine le pen is somebody that a lot of people are watching. she has an anti-immigrant message and we have seen these recent terror attacks there. how much is there any indication how much that may be weighing on people as they make this decision today? >> of course, always very difficult to say. but the impression is that voters have decided in the last week for whom they were going to
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vote and, therefore, i think this last terrorist attack in paris on thursday will not change people's mind all that much. but it's true that during the whole campaign, the whole issue of terrorism, of squecurity has been very much there in the forefront. it is a major challenge and all of the candidates had to put up their position very clearly on that issue. >> there have been reports of russian meddling in the french elections just as there were in the u.s. election. what's at stake for russia in this particular election? >> russia is not particularly popular in france. there is no -- not a lot of pull for pro-russian vote. i think the french voters, in general, are looking for dialogue with russia, are looking for a way to stabilize
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europe at the moment and to have an improved european security. but for those candidates who have been advocating a better relations with russia, to accept russian intervention in crimea and ukraine. i'm not sure this has gone done well with french electors. this is not the kind of topic at the forefront of the french elector's mind. i think they are looking for much more internal issue and domestic issue and security and employment and personal income and these are the main issues discussed in france the last two months. >> we know two of the candidates believe france should exit nato and president trump, as a
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candidate, had said it was obsolete. he has now changed his mind on that. how, if that would happen, would that impact the u.s.? >> here again, this position has been taken by the two most radical candidates, le pen and fillon. the other main contenders melenchon and another one on the main issue. they want france remain a strong ally to america and you know that during the last five years under president hollande chairmanship, france has been active military support to u.s. and to nato in general. we are pretty much present with our forces in africa and present
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in the coalition against dash in syria and in iraq. therefore, this active role for the main contender is something that we want to keep on and we want to continue and to extend. so here again, if you look at opinion polls and the way the french voters have reacted so far, with regard to nato, there is still a very strong support for remaining a partner inside nato. something around 70% of opinion polls. of course, one has always has to be cautious with opinion polls nowadays. but i think that still support for nato is still very strong in this country. >> pierre vimont, thank you for your perspective. thanks for time.
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>> thank you for inviting me. bye. we don't have the clock up just yet but you know one is coming. counting down to the president's 100th day in office. the white house and in congress hope to not mark was that with a government shutdown. >> the deadline is midnight on friday and when congress needs a spending bill to president trump's desk. will that include funding for his wall on the southern border? >> i think it goes without saying the president has been pretty straightforward about his desire and the need for a border wall. so i would suspect he'll do the right thing for sure but i suspect he will be insistent on the funding. house speaker paul ryan told members on a conference call yesterday, keeping the government running will be priority number one this week. >> lawmaker on the call say they are still looking for details of this plan. and the white house is working
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in the shadow of this reality. a "the washington post"/abc news poll shows president trump is the least popular president in modern time. a look at the approval ratings and the 11 presidents prior. vice president mike pence is in australia meeting with leaders about security, immigration, trade. he is also taking a little time to see the sights with his family. this morning, he and his family visited a zoo in sydney where any got to get up close and personal with native australian animals. the vice president joked he hoped to take them home. >> which one is -- >> all of them! >> they later headed to one of sydney's most iconic landmarks , the opera house. >> james mattis, secretary of defense, is visiting a camp in jabudi.
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the only military installation on the entire conteinent of africa. next hour, the secretary will be having a bilateral meeting with the country's president and happening as china is building up its base not far from the u.s. base. straight ahead, president trump threatens to cut federal fund for nine cities if they don't imply with immigration laws. how the mayor of new orleans is firing back. plus, one of the fan favorites on "happy days" has passed away. now erin moran's costars are sharing their memories of the late actress.
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experience a shift in the natural order. experience amazing.
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i am so tired of doing everything they tell me to do. >> i know. i thought they outlawed slavery in this country. not for teenagers.
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>> actress erin moran there best known as joni from "happy days" has died at the age of 56. she was found unresponsive in an indiana home yesterday. her co-stars were sharing their sadness on twitter. >> henry winkler posted oh, erin, now you will have a peace you wanted so badly on earth. rest in it serenely now. too soon. ron howard, such sad, sad news. rest in peace, erin. she also starred in the spin-off "joni loves chachi." one of the new targets of president trump's crackdown on sanctuary cities, new orleans. the department of justice issuing a staunch warning to new orleans in eight cities around the country. if they don't imply with federal immigration laws, they could lose millions in federal funding. >> now new orleans mayor mitch landrieu is fighting back saying
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the nopd will not be a part of the trump deportation force, no matter how many times he asks. here is cnn's nick >> reporter: here's cnn's nick valencia. >> reporter: today is the day he finds out if he'll be deported back to honduras. he hasn't committed any crimes, but he is here illegally. it's undocumented families like his now at risk of being deported. if president trump was here what would you tell him? >> translator: i would ask what he would do in our situation. we can't take the crime in our countries. >> you know what you broke the law. as a penalty for breaking that law -- >> reporter: louisiana state attorney general jeff landry agrees with president trump and thinks cities like new orleans should stop protecting people and start complying with federal immigration law. >> when you talk to people who come into this country the right
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way, and utilizing the rule of law and the process, that it is basically a slap in their face. >> reporter: landry has been the state's loudest critic of so-called sanctuary cities, places like new orleans, he says, one of over 200 jurisdictions that refuse to honor federal detention and deportation requests. >> unfortunately, sanctuary city policies undermine our justice system. >> reporter: last year landry testified in front of congress about a fatal bus crash outside of new orleans that killed a fireman. the driver? undocumented. he says the new orleans mayor hasn't been tough enough on people on city had thisily illegally. >> we're not become the federal government's deportation force. >> reporter: the mayor says he honored the consent decree which does not require an? er to ask someone's immigration status during an arrest. because of that he's not scared of losing millions in federal funds. if the president really wants to secure american streets,
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landrieu says -- >> make sure i.c.e. and police are at one and not at odds andily' see a safer america in a short period of time. >> reporter: president trump is sitting right here, ma ior landri landrieu, you are a'a sanctuary city, we'll cut federal funding. >> that's why we have courts. mr. president i respectfully disafree with you and see you in court. >> reporter: hours after his i.c.e. check-in, jose was allowed to stay in the u.s. for now. they told him to return in three months so his future is still uncertain and to those who believe they should be sent back to honduras they say they've worked in manual labor and wife argue argues she is already home. >> translator: this is my country. this is my country. i came here and i helped rebuild it. >> reporter: jose and his family are still very worried about being deported. i.c.e. agents are given an incredible amount of discretion with immigration cases. because he was let go this time doesn't mean he'll be let go
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next time. nick valencia, cnn, new orleans. >> we'll keep you posted on that story as we get developments. if you went to bed early last night, woo, you missed a thri thriller. he didn't though. >> the spurs and grizzlies coming down to the final seconds in overtime. we'll have the exciting finish coming up. night. she said the future freaks her out. how come no one likes me, jim? intel does! just think of everything intel's doing right now with artificial intelligence. and pretty soon ai is going to help executives like her see trends to stay ahead of her competition. no more sleepless nights. - we're going to be friends! - i'm sorry about this. don't be embarrassed of me, jim. i'm getting excited about this! we know the future. we're going to be friends! because we're building it. ♪
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all right, we have the most exciting finish so far to the nba playoffs last night in memphis. spurs and grizzlies playing a thriller, the final second, the game tied in overtime. seven seconds left on the clock, the grizzlies get the ball to superstar mark gasol, the span yord coming through in the clutch making the shot with less than a second left on the clock. grizz win 110-108. tie the game as two games apiece with the spurs. the warriors erase a 17-point deficit to defeat the pacers and take a 3-0 lead. steph curry leading with 34 points. he grabbed the game ball to give to steve kerr. he missed the game due to
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unknown illness. he battled complications from back injuries and when he returns to the bench? up in the air. >> i'm going through a lot physically and he told us this morning this is a situation we need to rally and win a game for him but we felt like the way the game had gone on we had to fight and do it for him and the way he said it was, we had to win bun f one for the gipper, shot out to coach kerr. >> wishing hmm a speedy recov y recovery. back to you. serious support for a little boy, 6-year-old devin sewell suffers from a rare condition. >> be careful. to not get eaten about i a bear. >> has opinion made honorary police commissioner by the boston police department. they are doing what they can to embrace this little boy and lift him up as he suffers with an inoperable brain tumor, this is
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called defuse intrinsic pontine glyoma, dipg for short. doctors say he just has to years to live. >> when we hear of any fight of any kid facing a challenge of a debilitating disease, we step forward, so you have to take care of the future and you have to show parents that are going through this that they're not alone. >> um-hum. in fact his mom, christine, says devin always loved heroes so it meant so much to see real life heroes backing him. he got to see the st. patrick's day parade. they are hoping for a cure, between 200 and 400 children between the ages of 4 and 11 are diagnosed with this every year. kudos to the police department and thoughts to devin and prayers for his family. >> we didn't mention it but i'm sure you saw the video he was kissed by the pope. >> yes. look at that little guy.
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oh. he had me at the smile. he had me at the smile. >> our best to devin and his family. >> no doubt about it. thank you so muchappreciate it . >> "inside politics" with john king starts right now. one week to 100 days and the president wants action. >> a lot of people liking it a lot. we have a good chance of getting it soon. >> another obamacare repeal effort. tax reform details and a looming deadline to keep the government open. plus iran draws the president's eyre, while china gets a request. >> get rid of this menace or do something about the menace of north korea. >> reporter: with president obama poised to end his silence, a little advice from the democrat who thought this would be her big week. >> even when it feels tempting to pull the covers over your


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