tv New Day CNN April 24, 2017 4:00am-5:01am PDT
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timeframe. we know donald trump will make something important one day when it suits him and unimportant the next day when its doesn't suit him. i suspect that will happen here. a lot of his voters are looking at this in a longer time frame. the thing that folks do well to remember, a lot of the marginal trum trump voters in ohio and pennsylvania and wisconsin, they be were obama voters in 2012. they gave him the opportunity. i think they will give trump the same opportunity. he may not meet the standard. if he doesn't, the republicans will pay for it. >> important to remember, he departme didn't win because he turned democrat. he won because hillary clinton did not get the democrats she needed to. >> great to talk to you. >> because it is time to measure the president. we will hear from some of the diehard trump supporters. how do they feel he is doing so
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far? what is the relevant measure to them? thank you, international viewers, for watching. "cnn newsroom" is next for you. for the u.s. viewers, let's get after it. >> one way we cannot let the government shutdown. >> the president is straight forward about the need for a border wall. i suspect he will be insistent. >> he would not want that to define his first 100 days sgrch. >> we want our priorities funded. >> i would like to have a vote this week. on monday, we will be here. it's a marathon. not a sprint. >> dealing with the most unpopular president after a three-month period in american history. >> he tried to sell it to the american people. it did not represent what he campaigned on. >> this is what you called the swamp. >> this is "new day" with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota. >> good morning. welcome to "new day."
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up first, this is a big week for president trump. this will mark the 100th day of his presidency. it will be on saturday. congress facing several battles. a spending bill. will they keep the government open? imagine a shutdown early in the presidency. unlikely. we will go through why. the president's big task was a vote on health care and a border wall. >> this comes as the push on health care and the tax cut plan unveiling. all of this as the approval rating hitting historic lows. can mr. trump have a win during the major week? it is day 95 of the presidency. let's begin our coverage with cnn's joe johns live at the white house. >> reporter: good morning, alisyn. five days to go. reality now setting in here at the white house as well as on capitol hill about the slim likelihood of getting a do-over on health care through the house
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of representatives before the end of the week. the white house and congressional republicans now apparently settling on a strategy to do what it takes to avoid shutting down the government. even though the president's desire to get funding for his border wall seems to be getting in the way of the message. >> the president has been pretty straight forward about his desire and need for a border wall. he'll do the right thing for sure. i will suspect he will be insistent on funding. >> reporter: the white house setting up a showdown with congress five days before a potential government shutdown. demanding a $1.4 billion payment for president trump's border wall included in the must-pass spending bill. >> the democrats do not support the wall. the burden to keep it open is on the republicans. the wall is in my view immoral and expensive and unwise.
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>> reporter: democrats scoffing at the demand as hill republicans decide if the fight is worth the political capital. >> that is a debate worth having for 2018. >> once the government is up and running and stays up and running, we have to fight this out over the next year. >> reporter: president trump insisting that taxpayers need to foot the bill for the womall no but at a later date, mexico will pay. a different message than the campaign bluster. >> the american people will not pay for the wall. >> mexico will pay for the wall. 100%. >> reporter: vice president mike pence ending his overseas trip a day early to help out on capitol hill. despite the 100-day mark, the schedule proving the administration thinks the milestone is significant. officials telling cnn that expe
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flurry of executive orders this week culminating with a rally in pennsylvania on saturday marking the 100th day ins office. >> he is fulfilling promises. >> reporter: white house officials are trying to prove the president is takings action. >> historic accomplishments by the administration in the first 100 days. >> reporter: despite the touted efforts to repeal obamacare, officials now say there is no expectation of a vote before friday. >> it's a marathon, not a sprint. we're hopeful for this week. again, it's not something that has to happen in order to define our success. >> reporter: trump's budget director downplaying expectations for wednesday's announcement on tax reform. >> what you see on wednesday for the first time is here is where the plicrinciples are and ideas like and don't like. >> reporter: today, diplomacy is back on the menu at the white
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house. the president expected to have dinner with the dozen diplomats with the united nations security council. including the u.s. ambassador nikki haley. >> joe, i appreciate it. ever since fdr said let's look at the first 100 days, the measure mattered. in two national polls, president trump's approval rating is historic lows. abc news poll shows 42% of americans approve of what trump has done in office. nbc news poll shows 40% approval. those would be at the lowest levels of any president at the 100-day mark in decades. that is not the whole story. let's discuss. cnn political analyst is ron brownstein and jackie kucinich and david sanger. nobody loves the numbers like you. what are the headlines and what
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are the caveats? >> look, i think these poll results are showing a consistent and distinctive party for president trump. not only in the poll results, but going through the election results last november and into the primaries. they tell you the same story one after the other. president trumps has a powerful even visceral hold on his coalition. primarily older, non urban, religious and blue collar whites. many feel left behind by culture demographic and economic change. those voters are strongly with him. 96% of those voters would vote for him again. that was 46% of the country. what these polls tell you he faces a lot of resistance yobeyd the coalition. it is hard for him to get to 50% support. the only newly elected president in the history of gallop polling who never reached 50% support in his job approval. it basically says democrats are
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asking the wrong question. the key question is not how do you peel away voters attached to trump. the question for 2018 and 2020 is can you mobile the support about the unease for him as president and that is something that hillary clintons was not able to do. >> jackie, let's talk about this week. we'll shorten the calendar expectation. given the poll numbers, but given the extremely high poll numbers, with republicans, and republicans who voted for him, he is at 96% approval rating. what does that mean forgetti ge health care done and tax reform done? >> just because they support him doesn't mean they support what congress is trying to put through. the health care bill had 17% approval. now they may blame congress for
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that. the interesting thing about the poll numbers that i think we will see bear out is if he is still so low members of congress are not scared of him. he tries to apply pressure to them, they don't have any reason to follow him if their constituents are looking at the things he pushed and saying, you know, i'm not on board with that. the fact if he doesn't have the country behind him, he will have a harder time getting through the agenda that might be resistant to the details. >> david, we know the limitations of the numbers and focus groups and panels and you wind up looking at specifics for something that is multivarient. we come down with the same message at the end of the day. did you make my life better? did you raise my wages? did you deal with opioids up in new hampshire or whatever?
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that is the test. >> it is. that is why the 100 days is why the president himself is clearly some doubts about. you can't accomplish that much in 100 days. the stock market has been up, but doesn't benefit many people who voted for trump. the economy looks good, but people wonder if we are in a bubble. what i find fascinating, chris, the things he accomplished most easily in the first 100 days were the things where he actually ran by the old playbook instead of by the trump playbook. he got neil gorsuch through. that was very well done. the rollout was perfect. he got that done just right. they handled the syrian bombing pretty well. that was done by a pretty experienced national security team that basically said step aside and let us go do this. same for the summit they had with president xi. it is when he has gone outside
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of the normal rules and tried to push through something where he paid no attention to the diet s with the health care bill where he ran into trouble. the question for the next 100 days, does that tell you there are reasons that the swamp developed all of the strange procedures? >> ron, you heard reince priebus in joe john's set up piece for us. look, this president is achieving things at a breakneck speed. is he talking about executive action? president trump has signed more executive actions. >> only to a point. he is right. there are two continuums you have to look at what president trump has accomplished and has not accomplished. the first is executive action
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and legislative. they are struggling with health care and tax reform with an uncertain future that will evolve into a tax cut. tax reform is revenue neutral. they have been able to get more done through executive action. legislative action is more lasting. and to david's point from a moment ago, the conventional republican agenda less regulation and spending and less taxes where they have been able to consolidate and support and move forward on the executive side and regulatory. then the distinctive trump items. the reconsidering nato and immigration. of those big agenda items, only immigration is moving forward in the way he said. china is a currency manipulator. they backed off on nato and eu and striking a different tone to more conventional positions. >> jackie, i'll give you a
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dollar if you can figure out who told the president to push for a vote on health care this week. >> just a dollar? that is worth more. >> times are tough. you will get 20 answer. he set himself up between i have a 100-day plan and then setting the kpek peculiar takexpectatio. that person has to be in grave trouble with the president. >> it is. it was an interesting strategy for sure. particularly, maybe this is somebody who wasn't familiar with the congressional schedule and they can't do more than one thing, big thing, at a time. they have to worry about the government shutting down. that is not easy. especially with the white house pushing for border spending. that complicates the process. that is already rife with complications. the health care bill and threw out the amendment and said they had agreement with the freedom caucus and tuesday group.
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that is not legislative form as we saw. once it gets in legislative form, that is when the process begins. trying to force this through the house, not even through the senate, doesn't seem like it has a place in this week's reality. >> david sanger, our world is linked to what happens in europe. let's talk about what we saw over the weekend with the french election. le pen and macron. they are now in a run-off which is two weeks away. how do you explain the choice in france and how it reflects what is happening here? >> first of all, steve bannon, the president's adviser, had a concept coming in that what you saw happened with the brexit vote and through mr. trump's election and now in france would be a continuum. we don't know if that is right. le pen is obviously not only the
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trump candidate, but anti-europe candidate. the candidate for france goes alone and goes back to a more nationalist kind of view. the same kind of immigration views you heard from president trump during the campaign. mr. macron is very much the vote for staying integrated with the rest of europe even if britain is moving away. the future of france cannot be in isolation. what you always seen happen in the past is there's always been a coalescing around the macron view. the question is can that hold now given rather impressive showing that ms. le pen has. this is the first time we have seen any one regarded as a fringe group in french politics al actually do as well as she did. >> panel, stick around. investigators are looking
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into what caused the deadliest house fire in new york city in years. the fire killed five people. including three children. it broke out sunday afternoon. the youngest victim was 2 years old. the fire took hours to get under control. >> burning so hot and they don't know why. an urgent search going on in los angeles. a missing 5-year-old boy. you looking at the screen? the police say the child's mother reported the child missing saturday morning. the father failed to drop him off. the father was passed out in a local park saturday afternoon. he has been booked on suspicion of child evndangerment and abduction. we have video that is tough to watch. a 4-year-old girl fell out of the church bus. an emt at the right place at the
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right time. he jumped in action as the dash cam shows and captured the whole thing. he said he picked the girl up to get her out of harm's way and worked to keep her conscious. she has a broken jaw. that emt will join us live in our next hour to tell us what happened next. oh, my goodness. >> she is okay. the story you have to hear. also, up next, a pivotal week for president trump. what can get done this week to make the 100-day mark even more bright and shiney. what do trump diehard supporters think of his first 100 days in office? >> he used his power against people. that is wrong. it has been a disaster in the first 100 days. >> we will see if the others agree. my discussion with those who helped donald trump win the presidency. coming up. you do all this research
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on a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. your insurance company raises your rates. maybe you should've done more research on them. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. switch and you could save $509 on auto insurance. call for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance.
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so there is a deadline looming to avoid a government shutdown. congress must pass the spending bill this friday to continue to fund the government. there are a couple of key issues that could harm that. let's bring back ron brownstein and david sanger and jackie kucinich. jackie, president trump wants congress to pay $1.4 billion for the border wall. how will that work? >> not well. congress have been negotiating the spending bill for quite a bit. democrats and republicans trying to get to a deal to keep the government funded. this throws a wrench into that. back in march, senate sent republicans a letter this is a non starter. you heard nancy pelosi that includes funding for a border wall. you heard nancy pelosi say the
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same thing. you heard republicans d s say, should not be part of the spending bill. you may see a coalition of democrats and republicans that don't want to fund something that funds the border wall to keep the government funded. >> somebody did a little enterprise reporter and they could not find anything along the border who wanted that. it is not a one-time payment. this is the first installment. what do you see down the road? every expectation of not a government shutdown, but short-term solution. that means it could come back to haunt in the next phase of health care or next phase if they get far enough for tax policy. what do you see here? >> the walla as jackie said, if they want to go over the wall, they will get the democrats. they need the democrats to keep the government open. it is hard to imagine there are
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ever eight democratic votes for the wall. particularly because it faces resistance in public opinion. in quinnipiac polling, 31% support the wall. 64% oppose the wall. when "the wall street journal" surveyed both border state and representatives from both parties, they could not find anyone who supported the funding here. this does matter to the president. it did matter to the base. it is indicative of the larger problem. many elements of the agenda, the defining economic and racially tinged nationalism. it appeals to the public, but the larger portion of the public feels it violates what they consider their vision of america and it puts an upward ceiling or limit on the president's ability to grow the coalition. >> david sanger, another issue was repeal and replace
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obamacare. reince priebus was out on the sunday shows yesterday giving a very optimistic timeline for when we will see the next plan. let me play this for you. >> i would like to have a vote this week. i think the leadership knows we like to have a vote this week. it is not -- on monday we will be here working for the american people. whether health care repeal and replace comes on friday or saturday or monday -- in the grand scheme of things, it's a marathon, not a sprint. we are hopeful for this week. it is not something that has to happen to define our success. >> david, this messaging is confusing. you hear members of congress say we are not close. then reince priebus saying by monday or saturday. why are they setting that expectation? >> they are setting it because it is critical to the 100-day measure. i think they are discovering the
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lesson of the first 100 days is if you go into something as complex as health care and the president said who knew this was so complicated. i think almost anybody who looked at it knew it was this complicated. they are almost setting themselves up to repeat the same mistake if you think it will get less complicated by saturday or monday. there is a reason it took the obama administration a year and a half before they got the first bill through. it is incredibly complicatecomp. the lesson of the first 100 days is no one wants to throw out the old system until they see the new system. one point on the border wall quickly. this is a president who got elected on the national security agenda. what he hasn't managed to do is explain why this $1.4 billion and the billions that would follow fit at the top of that national security agenda.
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he has never actually really made that case. it is more about the nationalism. more about the politics of the campaign. i think that almost everybody on his staff who has looked at this recognizes there are other fights in national security that would be pursuing. >> that seems to be a little bit of the tale of the tape. you have the people who support the wall and now calling it an analogy. they are putting dollars toward analogy? jackie, do you think the tale of the tape is he wasn't able to find a big deal to get consensus? we look at obama. he came in during a bad time economically. in the first 100 days, they got the stimulus done. something needed to be done. everybody was on the same page. we haven't seen that here. >> because a lot of it was false urgency. you know, the one thing he has done with national security, border crossings are down.
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partially because of his rhetoric. daily beast has done a lot of reporting on that issue in particular. i don't think his people will punish him for this. you will hear them say, it is the swamp. that said, as we have seen with several measures he tried to push. it is easier said than done. >> david sanger, quickly, we are getting word that president trump is hosting a lunch today. ambassadors of the united nations security council nati s nations. what do you know? >> this is going to be interesting because the u.n. and particularly the security council were not at the high list of favorites during the campaign. he is about to come up by the end of the week on a significant move to try to tighten things down on north korea. he is sending rex tillerson up to the u.n. to personally chair that security council meeting. i think he has to show the
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security council members two things. first, he is not about to go do something that's out of the ordinary with north korea. not interested in preemptive attack and so forth. secondly, he respects and willing to work within opinions and rulings. my guess is this is a lunch you will not hear a lot of details from the white house. you will hear a lot from the participants. >> fellows, i appreciate it. jackie, i appreciate it. fellows, too. i took care of it. pushing the mainstream political parties to the side. this could be a unique situation. it already is. we're live in paris with the expectations of change. we're out of ink! ink, not ink. printing doesn't have to be painful. now, during "hp savings month" at staples, get up to $180 off hp printers.
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paris. certainly will be blood sport over there. intensity on the table. how do you see it? >> reporter: well, these are two diametrically opposed candidates. marine le pen, and t anti-i amm and emmanuel macron is a eu flag behind him. emmanuel macron on all those fronts, the exact opposite. the results as you mentioned, very, very significant, chris. why? because marine le pen came in second in the first round. they face-off in the runoff. yesterday in the vote on sunday. it is emmanuel macron, an unknown centrist. a man who a year ago was largely
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essentially not known to the french public. he has come from nowhere. he is a 39-year-old. his supporters say he reminds us of barack obama. some of the same campaigning techniques were used in the campaign in france for emmanuel macron. this is decisive. not just for the country, but decisive for europe and the world because if emmanuel macron wins in the second round and he is widely expected to do so, this means the eu stays in tact after brex brexit. markets in this part of the world have rallied today. chris. >> hala, how deep is the skepticism of those precepts? we have seen a little bit of a quieting of the wave of nationalism of pop youiulism.
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they said the same thing before brexit. where do the french people feel in the wave of change? >> reporter: that is an excellent point. that is, of course, something many observers have brought up. don't assume the centrist politician will win. wy? marine le pen got 22% of the vote. there is a left wing populism in the election. also a euro keskeptic. he got 45% of the vote. back to you. >> hala, thank you very much. >> i sounded so good there for a second. president trump is just days away from the 100-day mark. i sat down with diehard trump voters. are they happy today?
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a new abc news washington post poll shows 96% of republicans would vote for president trump all over again today. only 2% regret their vote. we sat down with a spirited group of trump voters. they came from south carolina, upstate new york, new hampshire and pennsylvania, here to new york to tell us how they are feeling as we approach 100 days. what do they love? what do they hate? here is part one of our panel. >> so, show of hands. who here is very, very happy as we approach 100 days? three people very, very happy
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with how president trump is doing. who here now has maybe some reservation? who here regrets their vote for president trump? eileen, you did not raise your hand. >> i didn't think any of the answers reflected how i feel. >> how are you feeling? >> i'm basically happy and taking a wait-and-see attitude because it san pedis only 100 d >> scott, you regret your vote. why? >> i'm disappointed. i don't know how else to put it. if he has enough time to get on twitter and rant and rave and on top of that, lie on twitter. i voted for the man to make america great again. i'm willing to give him a chance. he is not doing what i thought he promised on the rallies i went to. >> such as? what do you feel is a broken promise? >> health care. >> what did you expect with
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health care? >> i expected him to work harder. little more reasonable. instead of threatening people. congress people. that's unpresidential. i voted to send him to washington strictly because i thought he would make change. nobody would push him around. he's used his power against people. i think that is wrong. it has been a disaster in the first 100 days. if i would vote again tomorrow, i would not vote for him. >> craig, how do you feel? >> what got my attention on january 15th in urban dale, iowa, he would make more rehab pr programs available. >> you lost a son? >> i had a son who died of a heroin overdose. >> the candidate trump promised he would do something? >> he did. it was a question and answer period. i asked if he becomes president
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what he will do to combat the heroin epidemic. >> what did he say? >> he said he would help get the kids off. he said it is hard to get off and he would creator make detox centers and rehab programs more available and accessible to the kids and young adults to help them get off this drug. >> did you think that would happen in the first 100 days? >> well, i didn't know when it would happen. the fact of the matter, he tried to push through a health care plan that would do the opposite. he said he would create a lower deductible and lower cost and increase coverage. the fact it would cut services and eliminate medicaid. eliminate $5 million of services to opioid service substance abuse. the hardest thing is he said we will go to tax reform and put health care off to the side and
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go ahead and wait until obamacare explodes and see how they like this bill. that did not sound like the words of the man who had the best interests of the american people at hand. >> susan, you are quite happy with what he has done so far. what do you think when you hear your fellow republicans who have some regret? >> i think he tried. it's a very ugly thing seeing the sausage made when you are dealing with legislation. it really is horrendous. i don't think he had probably as much of an idea as we hoped. >> he did campaign as a dealmaker. he campaigned as the ultimate dealmaker. pau paula, he said he would bring waring factions together. >> i blame a lot on paul ryan. i call him rino ryan. they pulled the wool over trump's eyes.
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when i was in the house and sat at local levels. you want everything perfect. you sometimes have to compromise to get it done. >> the senate is currently republican majority. and the house is republican majority. if you can't get a bill passed -- why are you nodding, scott? >> i'm nodding because he is not willing to sit down at the table and negotiate. it's his way or the highway. >> i disagree with that. i will tell you why. >> why did he get pulled off the table? >> he walked into the lion's den. this is what you call the swamp. when you are dealing with the house and senate,they are their own live clique. you have an outsider who is not a swampy people. he is a fresh person. it is an unfortunate thing we allowed congress to get this far to the swampy level that we
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cannot get up and make them represent us. i see you shaking your head. tell me the last time congress represented you and done something that was right for you. they would never have given you obamacare if they represented you probably. >> scott. >> you know, it is not true. it's not true. the bottom line is, you know, as she said, he has both houses. he gets on twitter. he rants and raves and says constantly get on board or lose your seat. plain and simple. he threatens people. it is wrong. >> he did lose their seats. >> you are wrong. you are wrong. >> alex. >> i'm not going to put the blame on speaker ryan or on trump. i think it is because of the lack of bipartisan work. i think there is gridlock within congress. >> on the larger issue did you expect donald trump the ultimate dealmaker to make more head way with these things? >> not necessarily within the
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first 100 days. i did not. yes, i expected him working with the executive branch to get things done as he has been doing with executive orders. >> and the health care bill and tried to sell it to the american people. knowing it did not represent what he campaigned on. >> that's because he was expected -- >> it doesn't matter if it was given to him and -- it doesn't matter if it was by ryan. i guess ryan put the thing together. take the time and know what you are trying to give the american people rather than take it and say okay. regardless of whether he knew or didn't know. shame on him. >> i agree. remember he is a man. he makes mistakes. >> he represents the people of the united states. >> scott. >> as soon as he had the microphone or campaigned, he said i'll repeal and replace obamacare. that don't include the first week it gets lifted off the table. get on the plane and go to florida and play golf at mar-a-lago. you go back to the table.
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you work on it. you don't play golf. you work for the american people. it's ridiculous. >> okay. that was just a little taste of how they feel. how are they feeling about the president's accomplishments thus far? part two of the voter panel is next. o serv f ve or a fancy juice? ready, go! hi, juice universe? one large rutabaga, with eggplant... done! that's not fair. glad i had a v8. the original way to fuel your day. whoa,i just had to push one button to join. it's like i'm in the office with you, even though i'm here. it's almost like the virtual reality of business communications. no, it's reality. intuitive one touch video conferencing is a reality. and now it's included at no additional cost with vonage business. call now and see why 3,000 companies a month are switching to vonage. business grade. people friendly.
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we have more now our trump voters panel, ahead of the 100-day mark. is the president living up to his campaign promises? here's how they feel today. let's look at objectively what he has accomplished thus far and some things that he has not yet. you can see them up here on the screen. we would nominate a conservative judge to the supreme court. success. >> yes. >> you're all happy with that? >> yes. >> said he'd with draw from the transpacific partnership, success. >> excellent. bernie loved that, actually. >> he has tried twice at a travel ban. >> i don't think it's a ban. it's a travel ban, that's a very -- >> it's a label, that's what he called it. >> but i don't think that's truly what the intentions are. >> but either way it has failed. >> right. >> or is incomplete. he said we would build the wall with mexico. >> we already have contracts.
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i don't think it's absurd. i think the wall will be built. he's already getting contractors and things like that. >> you thought when he promised it on the campaign trail -- >> to build the wall? >> yes. >> i thought that was absurd. i didn't think he'd do it. i didn't take it as a serious promise. euphemistically to say build a wall keeping people down but not a physical wall. >> metaphorically what did you think? >> i thought he meant a physical wall. plenty of people would take mortar and bricks and help build that wall. >> kupg it's sti >> do you think it's still going to happen? >> i think it's in the works. he's a doer. he has a list of things. >> he'll pull it off and build an actual physical ball? >> i think he will. >> against mexico? >> i think he will. >> yes. >> you know, i see all the stuff that you put up here, and his first 100 days. first 100 days, is he working down the list of what he has to
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accomplish. he is accomplishing things, and some things aren't going to be the first 100 days but you know what? and a lot of people out there who have never been in politics who have never been elected don't get it. they think that oh, 100 days, i'm going to have everything, checklist, everything is going to be done but it doesn't get done in 100 days. >> there's a learning curve. >> let me ask those of you who are still quite happy with what you're seeing with president trump. paula, what have you liked best? >> i like the fact he does talk to the people. i don't care about the being on twitter. i don't read twitter anyway. i like the fact that he's communicating with us. i like the fact that -- >> communicating with you through twitter. >> no, when i watch tv. or when i see hem on tv. >> he lies on twitter. >> what has he lied about? >> everything. i can give two examples. >> hold on. >> he said they wiretapped his building in new york city. who on this panel, who on this panel actually believes that the government went into trump tower
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and wiretapped his building? >> go ahead. >> they already had -- >> susan, i want to hear that. susan you believe him? >> i do. >> what's your evidence? >> and i have no evidence, but i know what they're doing, i know what's happening on the federal level and i know it's possible. i know there may never be evidence. >> and he got on twitter and he said they're still wiretapping my building after his own security staff told him in a closed door meeting that it didn't happen and he still the next day got up and wrote on twitter, they wiretapped my building. it's a bunch -- >> what i believe is happening is they had taps on people he was communicating with on a daily basis, so he was the collateral damage as it were. >> you believe that the federal government was wiretapping president, candidate trump's campaign aides when they were talking to him, not when they were talking to foreign agents? >> i think they monitored their phone calls.
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>> you think they monitored their phone calls, not foreign agents phone calls and that's how they caught up. >> i believe that it's come out that they were wiretapping people that were speaking to trump, and therefore he was recorded. >> who, which people? >> i don't clearly remember what i had heard but i did hear through the news media that some of the people he was communicating with -- >> americans or foreign -- >> maybe it was foreign, but i do say that he was in conversation with people and while his phones may -- zsh like general flynn for example, ma in a fort. >> he was the other party on the phone. >> you believe his campaign, paul manafort, carter page, michael flynn were themselves being wiretapped by the obama government, is that what you believe? >> i believe that. i'm not going to say those particular names, but i am going to say people that were in communication and conversation with him were being wiretapped and therefore his part of the conversation was being recorded
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and picked. >> mr. trump's? >> yes. >> where you getting your information? >> from the news media. >> because the news media that i know of, cnn, has reported that the federal government does listen in on foreign countries communications such as russia. >> that's correct. >> when they hear an american on those calls, that's called incidental collection. >> um-hum. >> sometimes americans are caught up in incidental collection. >> that's what i'm referencing, yes. >> go ahead, scott. >> i'll guarantee of any panelist sitting here right now i was a true democrat blue and blue until i when to mr. trump's rallies and i heard the word. >> what did he say to thaw changed you? >> just everything in general. health care, things where he was going to change, not washington push him around. i thought he could go to washington and make changes. i didn't vote for him to go to washington and threaten judges, threaten people, threaten congress. i didn't vote to are that rhetoric. i didn't vote for him to go to
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twitter and lie on twitter. >> he used twitter throughout the campaign. >> i didn't get on twitter and follow mr. trump until i actually believed what he was actually saying. >> okay, so a little bit of context, scott there, in the red shirt, he was a registered democrat. he was so inspired by mr. trump that he went to his rallies, he was excited about donald trump as a candidate. so he is the one now who is having voter's remorse. >> right and again that voter, as a species, is a rare voter. democrats who went for trump. there are some, but i don't think you can find an analysis that says that's why he won. never ceases to amaze me how, look and it's not just trump voters. he is uniquely fortunate that he has the kind of connection with his base at this point that he still has, but when someone believes -- >> totally. >> -- in politics the hardest
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thing to do withet voer ee evot make a decision to vote for you it's hard to get somebody to make me say i made a mistake. >> absolutely, that's human nature. tomorrow we have more for you. we ask you about trump's changing positions on syria, china, or russia. >> and remember, for them, trump is a rejection of the status quo. and to say well maybe it was wrong, does it mean the status quo is okay? good tv always. this is a huge week for the president for this country. >> health care is coming along well. government is coming along really well. lot of good things are happening. >> the democrats wouldnot support the wall. the wall is in my view immoral, expensive, unwise. >> we're going to pay for it one way or the other. >> it's a political stunt and obsession for the president that should not shut down our
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government. >> health care may happen next week. it may not. it's not something that has to happen in order to define our success. >> it's 100 days and he's never held public office. there is a big learning curve. >> we're talking about historic accomplishments by this administration, but all anybody wants to talk about is health care. >> the last thing we can afford is to send a message to the world that the united states government is only partially functioning. >> this is "new day" with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota. >> good morning, everyone. welcome to your "new day." it is monday, april 24th, 8:00 in the east. up first, president trump begins a crucial week with his 100th day milestone now in sight. congress faces several battles with major deadlines. first they have to pass a spending bill by friday night to keep the government running, and the president insists it must include more than $1 billion to start on his promise to build the border wall. >> for some reason the white house decided to push health care for this week to make it an
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