tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN April 24, 2017 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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and thanks to all for joining us, you can see outfront any time on cnn go. we begin tonight keeping them honest, with the white house pushing back on the 100th day coming up in office. friday is the last day for congress to fund a budget before a government shutdown. white house press secretary sean spicer was asked about the 100-day benchmark and here's what he said. >> i think we feel very proud of what we have been able to accomplish and fulfill some of the promises to the american people. but that 100-day number is an artificial number that gets
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thrown out. >> as a candidate in october, trump released his contract with the american voter, a 100-day action plan. and he talked about it a lot on the cam pain trail. >> on november 8, voter will be voting to restore prosper by to our country. yesterday i outlined with the american voter, the steps i will take my first 100 days in office. it's a set of promises for what i will do in my first 100 days. just think about what we can accomplish in the first 100 days of a trump administration. >> when asked about that in an interview with the ap over the weekend, president trump seemed to suggest that he mad nothing to do with that whole 100-day plan, he said, yes, somebody came up with the idea of a 100-day plan. but it was candidate trump who
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unveiled it and promoted it as you just saw. when spicer was pushed today he said that the only reason the white house is talking about is because the press is talking about it. >> we're proud of what he's been able to accomplish over the first 100 days. >> the president is also very proud of what he accomplished in the first 100 days and the fact that he has had the most successful days in history. what has the president actually accomplished from that 100 -- day action plan? not a lot that was on that list. and there are new developments on one of the central promises that donald trump campaigned on, building a wall and making mexico pay for it which is compromising negotiations which could shut down the government. the simplicity of mexico paying for the wall has now morphed into this sentence, eventually but at a later day so we can get started, mexico will be paying in some form for the badly needed border wall.
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the president is sending mixed signals about how far he would go to get funding for the wall, would he shut down the government over it? here's what reince priebus said about it over the weekend. >> the president has been pretty straight forward in his desire for the need of a border wall, so i suspect he'll do something for sure, but he'll be insistent on the funding. >> i think the president's plans are adequately represented in the cr and to get moving with an increase in the military spending, as he promise in the one of your bullet points and there's enough as far as building a wall and boarder security, i think we'll be okay with that. but we're still negotiating this weekend with appropriators in the house and the senate. >> we are now learning there is potentially a new timeline for the funding of the wall laid out by the president himself. jim acosta joins us now with
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that, what are you learning, jim? >> reporter: some cracks in the wall of trying to get funding for the border wall. we heard from a white house official who said that the president is not going to insist at this point that the funding for a wall on the southern border in order to keep the government open and not shut down at the end of this week, this official said that the president would be open to some sort of border security funding in this bill that might involve border patrol agents, perhaps more monitoring along the u.s.-mexico border, that might take the place of border wall funding in this piece of legislation and that border wam negotiations could resume later on this fall. that appears to be where the white house stands on this talking point, and that's going to come as a big relief to republicans on capitol hill who were getting very nervous that the white house was willing to take all of this to the brink on
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a campaign promise. it just might be the biggest thing standing in the way of a deal to prevent government shutdown, president trump's request for funding to pay for a wall on the u.s.-mexico border, the president ramping up the tweeting, saying that the wall is very important for stopping drugs from pouring into our country. and the wall is not built, which it will be. >> we need that wall, it will help us complete the promise that the president has made to the american people, that's what they want, the american people have a right to expect it. and i believe congress will eventually deliver. >> but that flies in the face of what's perhaps the president's biggest campaign promise that mexico would pay for the wall. >> we're going to build that wall, don't even think about it. and who's going to pay for the wall? >> mexico! >> who? >> mexico! >> we feel very confident the
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government's not going to shut down. >> reporter: sean spicer insists that the president isn't going to go back on his word. >> why is there discussion about shutting down the government for funding to pay for the wall. isn't mexico going pay for the wall. >> i think initially we need to get the funding going, and there's several mechanisms to get that happening. >> in his campaign's contract with american voters, the president vowed to introduce a bill in his first 100 days in office that will force mexico to pay for the wall. now the white house is releasing its own 100-day highlights, high lyinging the strike son syria, his supreme court pick, nearly all stemming from executive actions. the white house is also looking to make a big splash on wednesday when the president is expected to reveal his tax reform plan, a cut in the
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corporate tax rite from 35 to 15%. >> the tax plan will pay for itself with economic growth. >> jim, how did the white house reconcile the president's criticism of the 100-day benchmark with their own use of it to highlight their accomplishments. >> reporter: at this point you heart white house secretary sean spicer say earlier today to reporters that they're now focussed on the next 100 days. yes, that list that the president put out as a candidate last october, talking about 10 different items that he planned to get passed, or introduced to the congress in his first 100 days, those things are just not going to happen, that's why you have seen the president resort to using his executive powers, executive orders to do some of the things he's been wanting to do since coming into office. but keep in mind, just the tax reform proposal, this idea that they're going to cut the
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corporate tax rate from 35% to 15% for companies. that is going over like a lead balloon on capitol hill. as you heard from the treasure i secretary in the briefing room earlier today is not something they're proposing, this is where the president is trying to run into these problems. to this point, anderson, it's a lesson he hasn't learned yet. >> charles i wanted to say something you said about reince priebus, you said he oversold, he told you what he wanted to hear so he could get what he wanted to have. he played supporters for fools. >> first of all, i think you can never underestimate the impulse of the people not to take the
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blame for making a mistake, basically. to say that you voted for this guy and he's the wrong guy, he made a mistake, means that the alternative would have been they definitely didn't want to support hillary and they have to take the blame for what's happening here. i think we have to just agree, this man is a horrible deal maker. in the private sector when there's a profit motive, that's a different kind of deal. in the public sector, when the motive is to protect human beings, the general welfare, that's a different motivation, many times those people have nothing to give back to you, they can't pay you back for it, many times your constituents are not even people who voted for you, who don't even like you, you still have to take care of them. he doesn't understand that, he's operating from a kind of profit making deal making.
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>> he did say it's a lot more difficult than he anticipated, he had said that previously about health care, but he said that about the entire presidency. >> lots of presidents say that, there is a difference, whether you're obama or reagan. >> there are those on the campaign trail who said that very thing, making business deals is completely different from making deals in washington. >> i'm looking at a story from the paper called the "new york times" which talks about how the president was so concerned he didn't have much accomplished that he put out a pamphlet called season of american renewal. that was reagan who put that out. today democrats look fondly back on bill clinton as a can-do president.
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>> can the president have it both ways, running on what he's going to do the first 100 days, and then saying the whole thing is ridiculous. >> anderson, i have been afternoon the block, and they're going to take it on the chin, they have lots of examples of things they think they accomplished. we just saw on the show here, jeff sessions is sitting in the justice department and not loretta lynch, that is a big deal, that is a big accomplishment. if you are a conservative. >> can sean spicer have it both ways. >> first of all, that was from another administration from another party, so that wasn't going to happen, so we have to knock that one down already, i'm sorry, jeffrey, but sean can't have it both ways, the white house wants to present this winning picture, it's all about the win, going into the 100 days that the president will celebrate on saturday the night of the white house correspondents association
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dinner. sean wants to say we accomplished this, we accomplished this, yes, you've written about 25 executive orders, you've signed other bills, but when it comes to dealing with congress and dealing with your own party, there within is a problem, for them to campaign on this party for this president to campaign on repeal and replace and not to be able to do it on the seventh anniversary of that, that was a huge failure for him. for this issue with the travel ban, which was in many instances, and the courts really side with the fact that it was a muslim ban. that was a loss. the winning picture is what they want to craft, but the reality is something different. >> ryan, obviously this is not the way they wanted their 100 days -- as he said, this is the greatest 90 or 100 days in history. >> two points, one on jeffrey's point of the first year of the clinton era, i don't think
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that's an analogy you have to make. clinton's health care bill went down in flames, just like trump's did. and he moved way to the right by signing legislation. by that model he'll have a democratic model and he seal have trump signing democratic legislation by 2018. >> we're going to continue the conversation. i also want to get a handle on the claim what he still beat hillary in the popular vote. i should point out, the popular vote, anyway, you know didn't beat hillary clinton. and that country now has several u.s. citizens in custody. we'll be right back.
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s as we approach president trump's first 100 days, there's a new poll that those that supported him remain strong. new polls out today are very good considering that much of the media is fake and almost always negative would still lose the popular vote. we're going to take a closer look at what that poll actually said later this hour. but let's just focus on the claim that he would still beat hillary in the popular vote. keeping them honest, he did not beat hillary in the popular vote. this may sound like sour grapes among democrats. it isn't something we should be desensitized to, he didn't win the popular vote, and there is
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no proof of illegals voting. president trump's inaugural crowd was not the biggest, it doesn't even matter but it wasn't and his victory was not the largest margin in victory, in fact he's down at the bottom. it was a historic win, he doesn't need to make up fake facts. back with the panel. as someone who's covered a lot of white houses, do you get desensitized to hearing these kind of claims over and over again? because at a certain point, it's almost like you have to pick and choose which ones you respond to or ask about. >> your ears perk up, actually, when you hear something that doesn't sound quite right, you write what he says or you report what he says, but you also have to dig deeper to make sure you have the truth there. we have had to do a lot of fact checking with this administration, it's almost a daily issue, be it the president, be it the press
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secretary, or be it some people within the administration and some principles. but your ears perk up. if you have been there, there's a thing called institutional knowledge, and i have been there enough years to kind of know the lay of the land. so when they say something, my ears perk up. but at the same time there are people who are out there watching who can see who's the truth and what it's not the truth. this president's ride or dyers, they'll support him, but understanding, they know what the real truth is. >> it seems like there's a lot of folks who support the president, who don't believe that he's saying something that's not true. >> the depressing things is when these lies get repeated, you poll it and they start to believe these things. >> it's like president trump, repeats things, even though they're not true. >> and most public statements that we considered false were
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more legalistic, this was just a blunt or wellian lie, like he won the popular vote, that's just an alternate reality. i agree with the desensitized. >> easy for you to say. >> i mean when you consider this stuff day in and day out, eventually you're just covering another tweet that skews the facts. >> this is only the first 100 days so it's still fresh. >> does it matter that the president says things that are not true but don't matter. >> it's just like i did not have sex with monica lew win sky. >> i'm asking you does it matter? >> sure over time if people perceive them. >> does it matter that the president says stuff that's not true. >> if people perceive that that's not the case.
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>> that it's not true? i don't understand what you're saying. >> i'm trying to say it. right on the screen there, it says the quote was that he would still beat hillary in the popular vote, quote unquote, the way i read that in context, he's saying with all the negativity in the polls, he could still beat her in the popular vote in spite of those. and in fact -- no, no, no. today, i believe there are polls showing that he would beat her in the polls. >> what polls? >> so you're saying he wasn't claiming that he beat her in the popular vote. >> i did not read it that way. >> what about that there were millions of illegals who voted? >> i don't know, but there are plenty of experts out there -- >> there's actually not plenty and the ones who are are being misquoted. >> there are people who understand what he's saying and know what he's doing and shading the facts and trying to support the falsehood. you know clear well that this
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president won by the electoral college, not by the popular vote. >> right. >> and with his numbers, the poll numbers today, he probably would not win again. he has the worst -- >> that's not true. >> -- approval rating in history, right now within the first 100 days. >> again, among his supporters who voted for him, he's holding his base, it's an arguable point. but i guess you can interpret that quote. but there's plenty of things that he says repeatedly, you agree the truth matters, don't you? >> yeah, sure, like your doctor -- >> of course. >> and if president obama knew wasn't true, then that's a lie, then. >> it was a pretty big one. >> this is how you don't become desensitized to this issue. you have to accept and absorb this truth. our president is a pathological
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liar, he is lying for sport. people like jeffrey who come on television and make excuses for those lies -- one second and i'll let you talk -- and pretend that it not a lie to our faces, look at that camera and pretend that that's not a lie does a disservice to the truth. when you look at that camera and say i read this differently -- i do not believe you anymore than i believe him. i do not believe -- i'm telling you said you did not believe that statement the way it's being said. >> am i to say that -- >> i'm telling the truth. this is the truth about how -- >> that's how i feel. >> about what you just said. that i believe that you know not being honest. and i do not believe this man is
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almost ever being honest, he's a pathological liar, and once we accept that fact, then we can put all the rest of what's happening in context. when we keep trying to search for him to tell the truth, we want to give him the benefit of the doubt, maybe he did mean that, no, actually, he's just doing this on purpose for sport. >> we're going to have to leave it there. more saber rattling from kim jong-un, will there be another missile test tonight? and an american who was detained as he was leaving pyongyang. plus it supports bone health with calcium and vitamin d. one a day women's in gummies and tablets.
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. breaking news tonight, a short time ago president trump met with a group of conservative news media members and told them he's not so sure that kim jong-un is as strong as he says he is. north korea often marks state holidays with a show of force. today is the 84th anniversary of the korean people's army. earlier today president trump called on the u.n. security council to impose new sanctions on the rogue country calling the
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status quo unacceptable. the white house also said that all 100 u.s. senators are to attend a briefing on north korea this week. with all of that, will ripley joins us from pyongyang with the latest. what are the indications in terms of how or when north korea might take some provocative action? >> reporter: we can see a missile launch really at any time, we know they can roll out these solid fuel missiles without much notice. so watch for that possibility. if there was going to be a sixth nuclear test, it would probably happen within hours. indications are that the site has been primed and ready for a test for quite some time now. although the most recent pictures are showing people playing volleyball there. there's also word of this american citizen that was just
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detained in north korea, what do we know about him? >> his name is tony kim and he was a viz sitting professor here for several weeks on an assignment out of a university that also has foreign visiting professors. he was pulled aside as he was about to board his flight and taken to an unknown location, right now north korea is keeping quiet, we don't know what charges he's facing and how long he's going to be held. that university of virginia student who's serving 15 years hard labor for taking a sign off the wall in his hotel. and another american accused of spying is serving 10 years. that's why americans should think twice before coming to north korea because there's a chance they could be taken into kansas did. michael hayden and fareed
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zakaria. general hayden, when you hear that president trump is now saying he doesn't believe that kim jong-un is as strong as he claims to be, is it possible that he's trying to call north korea's bluff? >> he does have inherent weaknesses, i think the president's right, he's not as strong as he claims to be, he is however as dangerous as we fear he is. and he's pretty much acting on script right now. we knew the north koreans would provoke the new administration, so i would not be surprised that the report of their will was correct, a missile launch or a nuclear test in the very near future by the north koreans, what's not on script is the american response, and here i think president trump and the administration has decided that within our current definition of acceptable risk, that north koreans would inevitably be able to get to the northwest part of
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the united states with a missile. we are now calibrating our definition of acceptable risks. the audience there is not the north koreans, the audience there is the chinese. >> the trump administration has pointed to some movement by china that they feel has been constructive. obviously there's more china could do that the administration would like. >> the key here is that the united states does not have that many sticks it can use against north korea. the north would retaliate against south korea, seoul, in south korea, most of its population is within 35 mimes of the north korean border, you essentially would ignite the second korean war and this is a regime that would be able to do it. also we don't trade with them.
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so china provides 90% of the energy, 50% of the food that north korea survives on. so what the trump administration has to do is to say to the chinese, this is really, really important to us. and here's what, you know, we would like you to do, really push hard. i think there are some conversations about essentially a kind of decapitation of the north korean regime. not a regime change, but the idea would be change the leader, i don't know if that would work, but that's one possibility. but certainly, enormous chinese pressure, i would argue that if the trump administration wants to think this through seriously, it has to think about what it can give china in return, because what the chinese worry about is what if the regime collapses, what if the koreas unify. then they face a nightmare, a unified korea on its border, with a treaty with the united states and eight nuclear bombs.
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>> it changes the balance of power in the region. >> imagine it the united states had to deal with mexico, that was allied with china and had u.s. troops. the united states would have to have a conversation with china about what would happen in the eventuality of a unified north korea. maybe that means no american troops. >> general hayden, just militarily, beyond just the capabilities that north korea has for a nuclear strike in south korea, even if it was a nonnuclear conflict, i mean the sheer volume of their artillery, firing into south korea, the difficulty of the terrain, it's a tough fight for any forces fighting between north and south. >> no, it's a very tough fight and the collateral damage would be catastrophic, anderson. we would win that fight. the south koreans would win that fight, but you don't want it to happen because of the population of south korea.
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the south korean's president is called the blue house, the blue house is closer to north american -- that a city of 14 million people would be under should this thing spin out of control. i don't know what a pre-emptive american strike would look like, i don't know what military leverage we have on the north koreans that would be worth the candle of risking that kind . >> again, to fareed's point, a unified korea with u.s. troops is not necessarily in their interest. >> we would have to be creative with our diplomacy, i think fareed has already suggested one thing. we have got nearly 30,000 troops in south korea because they are
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threatened by north korea. if that goes away, the kl -- creative diplomacy might be able to suggest to the chinese that a successor unified korea need not be a korea with american forces in it. >> fareed, obviously for, you know, we have seen north south korea fake american citizens before who are visiting there, we have seen them being taken off planes, it's a bargaining chip down the road. >> the whole nature of the south korean regime is a shakedown. >> north korea. >> everything they do is an attempt to extract concessions, bribes, hush money, so everything they're doing is this attempt to say we can be crazier, more evil, more malicious than you ever imagined, now what are you going to do about it. the changes, when you have a crazy hostage taker, is what exactly do you do. there's some people who kneel
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like you play chicken. well, it's very dangerous to play chicken with somebody who has very little to lose, and the north koreans have very limb to lose, that's why i think, somethi something that involves the chinese, maybe even the russians. you have to pressure north korea on all sides and hope there's an exit. there's a way to get to a military north korean dictatorship, but not this crazy blackmailing regime that's trying to go nuclear and scare the world. one final point, north korea is not an ex -- it doesn't have the ability to get them to the united states. let's keep it in perspective. in that sense, donald trump was right, this is a regime marked more by weakness than strength. >> just ahead, new polling shows president trump's supporters are
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not losing faith. we talked about this at the top of the broadcast, despite in general low approval ritings. i'll talk to glenn beck about why he thinks president trump's base is so low pressure systyal will give him time to make good on his promises. before you begin an aspirin regimen. ♪ ♪ i'm dr. kelsey mcneely and some day you might be calling me an energy farmer. ♪ energy lives here.
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as we have said on saturday the trump presidency will be 100 days old. historically the first 100 days is a president's honeymoon. but in a new poll, president trump's approval rating is jus 42%. 53% disapprove of his job. just 2% of trump supporters say they regret supporting him. 96% of trump supporters overall have no regret and 1% have no opinion. does it surprise you to the extent that those who voted for donald trump are standing by him and what do you think it says about the kind of by fur indication of those poll
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numbers? . >> i saw the way it appeared tobacto be phrased and it was cdo you reget your vote. and i think the way people look at that question is no, i wouldn't have voted for hillary. just like hillary voters would say, do you regret your vote? that's kind of a misleading moll in some regard, because i don't think people feel they had -- if they had to take it all over again, i think they would do the same thing because they don't feel like they have a choice on either side. >> but you're saying there are things that people might be dissatisfied with but not enough to have regretted their vote given the choice they had? >> i think donald trump is doing a really good job of misdirection in some cases. i think he has kept the fight up with the brass, with a lot of
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his supporters are pleased with, that's really who he defeated during the election, was the press. he has also kept this poll idea of nationalism and patriotism alive, and i think that he's done a good job of still appearing to be the guy who's fighting for the little guy. i think when some of these things catch up with him, you know, his tax reform, just even his health care, he promised everything to everybody. so he promised that he was going to return us to a free market, but he also said it was going to be a single payer system. so once that is no longer in people's heads, which its everything for everybody, it becomes a reality. and that's when his base, i think, starts to shake apart. >> it is interesting to hear, i
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don't know if you saw the associated press interview he gave where he said that the job was a lot harder than he thought. just like what he said about health care, who knew it was so difficult? i think people when he was running knew it was difficult. i think he's surprised at the difficulty he was facing. he kind of thought, i read an interview recently, he thought once he won, suddenly the press coverage would be much better because he had won. >> i found the quote of him talking to the ap about why he said that nato was obsolete and no good was because nobody had everybody asked him about that so he hadn't thought of it. i found thats a stouchbding. so i can't really piece together hiss -- i think the people who voted for him really want him to
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succeed, and so they're willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. and, you know, once -- it's kind of like an unnamed democrat running against ronald reagan, unnamed democrat's great, once you put a walter mondale in, you're like, oh, not that guy. the unnamed democratic republican usually beats the president because they're everything to everybody. he's done a really good job of being everything to everybody for his base, and once his policies are actually put into place, then you see oh, wait a minute, mexico didn't pay for the wall, or you're not really building the wall 35 feet tall or whatever the specifics are, he's actually, i think he's actually lucking out a little bit that he hasn't pushed some of these things through. >> what do you make of this whole 100-day benchmark, because on the one hand, it is an
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arbitrary number, it's something fdr pushed and presidents have talked about it ever since, but it is truly an arbitrary number, but the president did run on what he was going to do not only on day one, but the first 100 days, all the things he is going to accomplish. now he's saying this is a ridiculous number and at the same time saying he's had the most successful 100 days in history. can he have it both ways? >> he can't have it both ways. anybody on the left knows the 100-day benchmark is all it is, and it's totally arbitrary, but anybody who's honest, he did say in the first 100 days i will introduce and pass things, and he's na ee's failed his plan, n some arbitrary number that the press picked out, it's his plan, but that doesn't necessarily
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spell what the rest of his -- what the rest of his tenure is going to be, he needs to buckle down and get serious and start laying things out that are consistent with whatever his principles are. i'll tell you, anderson, i am more concerned -- i wish the press would spend more time this week and understand what's happening in north korea and particularly in france is very important. what's happening in france is our future. and anyone in the media or on the left that didn't understand why hillary clinton wdidn't win and why donald trump did win. all you have to do is look at france. in 2008, when i was on fox, i talked about the coming insurrection, a little book put out by communists, and it spelled out this very problem,
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this is what's coming and i was mocked for pointing this out at the time, because people like le pen had no support. but you saw this weekend, 40% of the french population voted for either a hardcore ---the guy who's going to be the next president, is a globalist, is going to do the status quo and i think that's going to spell, not that i want le pen, but it's going to spell trouble down the line, because things in france are just going to get worse. and this idea of globalism, the way the elites interpret it, is only leading to more nationalism and somebody has got to start listening and understanding the press, what the people in france and really what the people in the center of the country are feeling. >> and marine le pen has actually done a very good job of
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appealing to people in parts of france that formerly socialists have >> thank you very much. a programming note, join us at 10:00 p.m. for a town hall with john kasich. the senate intelligence committee over its white house russian investigation. details ahead. pop up everywhere.em like s luckily there's powerful, 24-hour, non-drowsy claritin. it provides relief of symptoms that can be triggered by over 200 different allergens. live claritin clear. when this bell rings... starts a chain reaction... ...that's heard throughout the connected business world. at&t network security helps protect business, from the largest financial markets to the smallest transactions, by sensing cyber-attacks in near real time and automatically deploying countermeasures.
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time for tonight's russia/white house watch. there's new pressure on the intelligence committee to speed up. this investigation was supposed to take part in a bipartisan manner. what are democrats saying today? >> these are the first sign of partisan tensions on this committee that was running in a bipartisan fashion. democrats believing that this committee is not moving fast enough in scheduling witnesses, issuing subpoenas and getting to the bottom of the alleged trump campaign ties with russian officials. one of the senior democrats on the committee today telling me earlier that it's not moving
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fast enough. it's not moving transparently enough today. even chuck schumer, the top democratic leader in the senate adding his voice to the criticisms as well. democrats are saying whether or not they have full confidence in rich burr. republicans are supporting burr. republicans say that they believe that this investigation needs to be thorough and it could take time. >> has the senate committee had issues getting intelligence? >> indeed they have. there have been negotiations that took place for nearly two months, i am told, between richard burr and the top democrat on the committee with the intelligence community to get access to the top secret classified data. they have been going through that data over the last couple of weeks when they reached an agreement to actually look through that information. but there are concerns there's not enough staff members to go through the information. today they announced it hired two new staff members, a
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republican and a democrat, to go through -- help go through the information. the question is when do the trump associates come before the committee? we don't know that yet. look closely. there's a little girl in the middle of the road. she fell out of a moving bus. thankfully, she's alive. what we know about her frightening fall and who saved her in a moment. h probiotic caps daily with three types of good bacteria. 400 likes? wow! try phillips' colon health.
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incredible story from arkansas. look at this. watch the back of a bus. it's hard to see. a 4-year-old girl fell out of the bus. this is dash cam video from the vehicle of an emt who was right behind the bus. the emt did what he is trained to do, helped save the girl's life. >> when i walked over and knelt down to her, i started talking to her. she finally she lifted her arm up at me when she heard my voice. when first walked up, she was completely unconscious.
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>> the little girl suffered a broken jaw. has to have surgery. it's unclear if she opened the door or if it wasn't locked. but she's going to be okay. thanks for watching 360. time to hand it over to jake tapper for "the lead." thanks, anderson. i thought this time slot came with better parking. "the lead" starts right now. a big development on the big, beautiful wall tonight. president trump could be backing down from a standoff against democrats and his previous position of pushing funding for the border wall. maybe he will put it in september. one of his biggest correritics be here live to weigh in. military might. it's morning in pyongyang. a u.s.-guided missile submarine is heading to the korean peninsula and president trump tonight tells a conservative garageri eri gathering he is not kim jong-un is as strong as he says he is. shaken and surprised. bill o'rei
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