tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN May 2, 2017 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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welcome back. we begin with the russia white house watch. investigations into russia's meddling in the election. next week, sally yates will testify in an open hearing before the senate judiciary committee. we are learning what she will say is opposed to what the trump administration will say about michael flynn. jim sciutto has details. >> reporter: former acting attorney general sally yates is prepared to testify before a senate panel next week that she gave a forceful warning to the white house regarding then national security adviser michael flynn. this nearly three weeks before he was fired. contradicting the administration's version of
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events. sources familiar with her account tell cnn. on february 14th, the day after flynn's firing, white house spokesman sean spicer described the yates meeting in far less serious terms. >> wanted to give a heads up to us on comments that may have seemed in conflict with what he had sent the vice-president. >> reporter: yates will explain in a private meeting january 26, she told white house counsel that flynn was lying when he denied in public and private that he had discussed u.s. sanctions on russia in conversations with russia's ambassador to the u.s. his misleading comments yates explained made him potentially vulnerable to being compromised by russia. flynn was fired 18 days later, only after news reporting that flynn had lied to vice-president mike pence about his conversations with the russian ambassador. yates' testify will book end a week's worth of appearances, starting with fbi director james comey before the senate
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judiciary committee on wednesday. committee members will press comey for answers on how the fbi worked with christopher steele, the former british spy who compiled the dossier that included allegations there was an exchange of information between trump campaign surrogates and the russian government. democrats will push the fbi director on what has been learned about the trump campaign's contact with russian officials and other russians known to u.s. intelligence. >> more than anything i want to hear the fbi isn't being blocked or impeded in their investigation. and i want to know we're going to get to the bottom of this. >> reporter: democrats will also seek answers on why comey spoke publically about the fbi's investigation into hillary clinton's e-mail is server but the appropriate into trump. the former british spy behind the dossier insists his search was urgent enough to share with top u.s. and british officials, but admits some of his work was
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not fully verified, this according to court documents filed last month in london. in the new legal filing obtained by cnn, lawyers for former british spy christopher steele argue that his investigation into possible collusion between the trump campaign and russia funded by political opponents of trump served a vital national security interest. jim sciutto, cnn, washington. >> it sounds like there's a difference in interpretation between what sally yates is going to say about what she presented to the white house and the urgency with which she presented it and how the white house characterized it. join us is david, ryan and mike. it's interesting, david, how big a problem what it be for the white house given sean spicer has said, she kind of was raising a general warning whereas celie yates is going to say it was a very urgent warning? >> it's a serious problem for white house. i think viewers will find it obvious that there's a big difference between a forceful warning as it was described by
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jim sciutto as to what she's going to say versus a heads up as described by the white house. that's a big, big difference. it's one of the first times that's been a direct contradiction that will be under oath about houw the white house characterized this. it will raise additional questions, not only were you softening us about flynn, but why have you been soft in trying to keep him close all the way through this? >> david, in a meeting like that at the white house, would somebody be taking notes? do you know? >> i would imagine she went with notes. whether the lawyer or general counsel took notes, usually you do. i've been in a situation where the attorney general came to the white house, years ago, it scared the hell out of us. you have an attorney general showing up? that's very highered stuff. you pay attention. >> close attention. >> you get a lot of notice. what's surprising is how many days it took before he was dismissed. >> that's the incredible thing. you have 18 days.
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it seems like -- maybe it's a coincidence. after it seems like "the washington post" is going to break the story, then there's action. >> it's very clear that story triggered trump to fire him. i think one of the interesting things when yates finally publically testifies -- so much of the drama about what she told white house has been the result of sources close to this person or that person. it's all shrouded in mystery. she will have a clahance to explain why would someone like sally yates be concerned that there was a contradiction between what flynn said publically or had told his superiors and what the russians knew that they said? with this issue of blackmail has been raised. hopefully she will walk the american people why that's a serious concern. then it will put the question back to the white house in a more serious, direct way once she has on the record testimony. why didn't you do fwhanything at this? >> it's unclear how much she will be able to say. she may have to say, it's
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classified information. i can't go into the details of what flynn said to the russians. >> we believe he's part of the fbi investigation. she has to be careful what she can say. >> there's no hard evidence that the white house did something terribly wrong like a coverup. when coverups happen, you get something that comes out, it's the first time you get a contradiction, stories unravel very quickly. >> you have a former cia director, said earlier that it seems like general flynn was fired not because of what he had done but because what he had done was going to be made public. do you think if the story never became public that flynn might still be national security adviser or wouldn't have been fired when he was? >> this is one -- this is the craziest thing about this, ander s anderson, the public hearings are what i want is a fair hearing and a good hanging. we have to be careful about this. they made an accusation. and we shouldn't i think confuse conspiracy with incompetence.
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i think it took 18 days because they circled the wagons to figure out what was going on. i think he would have been dismissed because of the investigation at some point. you can't allow that to go on and have someone in a serious and senior position in national security with the fbi poking around going into his background, having a lot of smoke in the investigation. i don't know. i assume because it was becoming public it was an easier way to make the decision. you do have to let this thing play out. what i worry about the public hearings is i think we're going to be equally confused after the public hearings as we are when we went in. you will have one team saying he is guilty, let's hang him. the other team saying, maybe not so much. this is why we should let the fbi do their investigation and then once they get that out, then let the committees go to work on their versions of what happened. >> there's something to be said, david, about airing things in public. i come back to the washington post reports. had this not leaked out -- as
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much as this white house criticizes leaks -- it's very possible michael flynn would not have been fired when he was, certainly, and that somebody who, if it's true he was susceptible to -- or compromised in some way, he would have remained in his office. >> yeah. mike rogers has a good point. the senate has to be very careful not to jeopardize the fbi investigation, which is going to be -- is a more serious comprehensive investigation. at the same time, there is a reason that you go transparent. it does force issues out. it gets the story out. it gets the story into the public. it keeps us focused on, it was serious. hillary clinton was arguing today, this is one of the two things that brought her down in the last ten days. it's serious. i do not understand why once sally yates went there, why alarm bells didn't go off through the white house and they tackled right away and find out what's going on here. that seems to me -- whether it was a heading up or forceful
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warning, they should have been on top of it. >> does that make you wonder? whether it's incompetence or something more, 18 days -- does 18 days seem like a long time to you? >> it does. it seems like an awful long time knowing that -- even prior to that there were individuals associated with the campaign saying, hey, are you sure -- it might not be a clearance problem here? yes, i think 18 days was way too long for this to happen. however, they were going through all these transitions. if you remember in those first few weeks, you know, it wasn't the prettiest thing you have ever seen in a transition. it doesn't mean everything was wrong and trump is bad and none of that. it means that they had a really difficult time when they went in trying to get their sea legs. it took a little longer than i would have liked in a case where the attorney general has a claim that somebody may be up for compromise by the way their -- that gives you pause. at the same time, they also -- he also earned the right as an
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american citizen for them to go through and do their due diligence and say, is this just alarm or is there something more here? because you can't -- you don't want do it because "the washington post" says you ought to fire somebody. maybe it took them 18 day dozen th to do that. >> hovering over this is -- what was disclosed is that flynn lied to pence. what hasn't come out and what we don't know is did trump know what michael flynn and the russian ambassador talked about. they were coordinating closely, if you remember, back in the transition during this period. >> right. was this just him doing this on his own? was the president or the president-elect involved in the idea of -- >> exactly. did he give the president a readout and know that -- >> a lot to be learned. thanks, everyone. hillary clinton -- >> the time line here is really important. remember, some of the activities happened after the election. the notion that there's collusion -- i think there's a
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lot of investigative work here to get an accurate time line of what happened. if i were one team, i would say, absolutely, this cost me the election. if i'm the other team, nothing to see here, move along. that's why the fbi needs freedom to do the investigation to come to a conclusion. the public hearing are going to be entertaining. people will come in with preconceived notions of what that person is saying. i just think that's a little worrisome to the outcome. it would be great for the american public to get the real and honest and unvarnished truth. they can make their own decision. >> hopefully we will get that. hillary clinton had a lot to say about russia today. she got candid about losing the election -- sort of candid. maybe not. depending who you listen to. who she blames for it. vladimir putin, james comy, are at the top of her list. details on that ahead. ♪ (woman) one year ago today mom started searching for her words.
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today hillary clinton spoke about why she lost the election, who she blames and what she thinks of president trump's job performance. she touted her win in the popular vote. she did this during a public interview with christy ann ahmamanpou amanpour. >> reporter: hillary clinton taking more responsibility for her loss than before. >> i take personal responsibility. i was the candidate. i was the person who was on the ballot. i can't be anything other than who i am. i spent decades learning about
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what it would take to move our country forward. >> reporter: clinton promised more in a book she's publishing in the fall. >> i am writing a book. it's a painful process. reliving the campaign. did we make mistakes? of course we did. did i make mistakes? my gosh, yes. you will read my confession and my request for absolution. the reason why i believe we lost were intervening events in the last ten days. >> reporter: that would be the fbi's decision saying he was re-examining clinton's server while secretary of state. comey's letter went out october 28. >> the election on october 27, i would be your president. it wasn't. >> reporter: she blamed russia for its role in hacking into her campaign chairman refusing to
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speak his name. >> he interfered in our election. it was clear he interfered to hurt me and help my opponent. if you chart my opponent and his campaigns' statements, they coordinated with the goals that the leader who shall remain nameless had. >> reporter: clinton is emerging as a leading antagonist to president trump. >> i'm now back to being an activist citizen and part of the resistance. [ applause ] >> reporter: clinton criticized the recent strike on a syrian air base used by syrian and russian forces. >> we later learned that the russians and the syrians moved jets off the runway, that the russians may have been given a heads up before our congress was. >> reporter: while she didn't
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defoud denounce trump, she did question the president's larger foreign policy goal. >> negotiations are critical. but they have to be part of a broader strategy, not just thrown out on a tweet some morning that, let's get together and see if we can't get along. >> reporter: at times she downright trolled trump. >> i did win more than 3 million votes than my opponent. >> i feel a tweet coming. >> fine. better that than interfering in foreign affairs if he wants to tweet about me. i'm happy to be the diversion. >> reporter: cnn, washington. >> a lot to discuss. joining me is amy parnes. also van jones, is with us as well. given all you know about the campaign, does it seem to you that secretary clinton really is accepting full personal responsibility and then in the next sentence focusing on comey and russia?
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>> it was interesting to hear her claim responsibility. i think until this point, she was basically blaming it all on russia and comey. to hear her actually accept it was interesting. she seemed a little more flexible and a little more -- a little looser today. a little more comfortable in her skin. it's interesting to see her kind of to do that, to actually accept full responsibility and not just blame those two, even though that's her primary objective, to actually blame those two. >> yet, van, she doesn't go into detail. it was -- she has a book she's writing. clearly, she doesn't want to give out a lot of stuff that's going to make headlines once she has a book. while saying, i take personal responsibility, she didn't go into any detail of things that she could have done differently or should have done better. >> that's true. i think we gotta take a big step back here. at this point, if you think about what she's gone through,
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by -- everybody in the world knows a couple of things. they know that in fact the kremlin deliberately interfered. they know that the fbi head knew that there was something going on with the russians and trump and there was something going on with her. he didn't -- he had a double standard. he exposed his investigation of her, let trump slide. these are big psychological blows. this is a horrible trauma. and there's no are dreredress. you can't sue to get the presidency back. there's no remedy at all. here we are a few months after this and she's out there. she's relaxed. she's loose. she's funny. we're still beating her up. i don't think anybody would accuse me of being soft for the clintons. but i was very, very proud and i think that she's doing an extraordinary -- setting an extraordinary example as she has done for women around the world. she gets knocked down. she gets back up and she's back out there on the stage. i'm not going to criticize, i'm
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not going to nitpick every little thing she did. good on hillary clinton today. >> do you see her -- her public role moving forward, clearly, she's got a long career ahead of her as president obama does as well. he is very young to have left the office. she says she's an activist citizen, part of what she called the resistance. what do you see her doing? >> she's stepping away from the foundation, as i reported. i think she wants to kind of blaze her own trail at this point. you are heard her talking about diplomacy today and women and children issues. i think she wants to go in that direction and not be so reliant on the things she's expected to do. a lot of people thought she might go back to the foundation. that seemed like a normal place for her to go after. but from what i'm hearing is she wants to do her own thing. she wants to be part of the resistance and by an advocate for issues she cares about the most. >> does it present a challenge for democrats given her star
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power, president obama, in terms of developing new leads, getting them to emerge if they are both on the public stage? >> i think people have a two track mind with regard to the future of the this party. i think that we do have still some of the biggest stars in the world, whether you are talking about michelle obama, barack obama, hillary clinton, bill clinton. those are incredibly valuable assets for keeping the base engaged, for raising money. you do have this new crew trying to find its way forward. cory booker, gillibrand. i don't see them cancelling each other out. think it's a certain amount of health. you don't see as many senior republicans hanging around. donald trump wiped the floor with all of the fresh faces. i think the republicans have a bigger challenge than we do. we've got a good crop of young folks coming up, not to mention bernie sanders, elizabeth warren. the clintons will play a good
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role. new folks are going to come forward. >> thanks so much. congratulations on your book. >> thank you. white house spin on the spending bill. mone hundredts thousand times a day, sending oxygen to my muscles. again! so i can lift even the most demanding weight. take care of all your most important parts with centrum. now verified non gmo and gluten free. we, the device loving people want more than just unlimited data. we want unlimited entertainment. so we can stream unlimited action. watch unlimited robots. watch unlimited romance. if you are into that.
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more mixed signals from the white house on the spending bill up for vote on capitol hill. president trump is praising the plan, issuing an ultimatum to members of congress. jason carroll has details. >> this is what winning looks like. >> reporter: president trump facing conservative criticism on the budget deal. >> after years of partisan buckeribuck eri bickering, this is a clear win for the american people. >> reporter: this despite tweets where the president said, our country needs a good shutdown in september to fix mess. >> how can a shutdown be good? >> the president wants to see washington better. get better. get fixed. change the way it does business. >> reporter: white house pointing fingers claiming the
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democrats were actually the ones who wanted a shutdown and the president was not happy with how they were claiming victory in budget negotiations. >> the president is frustrated with the fact that he negotiated in good faith with the democrats. >> reporter: congressional leaders announced sunday they had reached a deal to avert a government shutdown until september. the deal did include money for border security but not specifically for a new border wall. in part because gop leaders needed democratic votes to pass the bill. the white house saying today, funding will go toward enhancing an existing barrier on the border. >> any member of the congress who opposes our plans on border security -- i know these folks didn't -- is only empowering these deadly and dangerous threats. and we will not put up with it. the public won't put up with it. >> reporter: the president spoke with russian president vladimir
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putin by phone today. the call was the leader's third since trump took office. the first since trump's decision for military strikes in syria following a chemical weapons attack and trump's comments on the relationship at a joint presser last month. >> we may be at an all time low in terms of relationship with russia. >> reporter: white house says the two leaders agreed the suffering in syria had gone on too long. the two also discussed working together to fight terrorism in the middle east and the nuclear threat on north korea. >> jason carroll joins us. what else did the president and putin discuss? >> there was talk about the need for a cease-fire in the region. the u.s. agreeing to send a representative to russian cease-fire talks. talk about the need to establish safe zones. this is something president trump brought up. many times during the campaign he talked about the need to have
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safe zones in the region. the question is, was there any talk though about russian sanction s sanctions? was there talk about russian meddling in the election. lawmakers here in washington who have been critical of the administration for not being tough enough on russia on these points, these are the issues that they want addressed, not clear if they were addressed this time around. >> jason carroll, thanks. not just the spending bill that's under scrutiny. so is the effort to replace obamacare. the white house hoping for a vote this week. house republicans may not get enough votes. phil mattingly is on capitol hill tonight. you have been talking to lawmakers and aides. where do things stand? >> in limbo. those we sent my way from a source involved in this. house republican leaders and the white house as well do not have the votes to actually pass this on the house floor. according to a cnn tally of lawmakers that have come out in opposition to the bill there are
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22 public nos. they can afford to lose 23. they are right up on the edge right now. i'm told there is some cautious optimism that perhaps there's a way to get a number of undecided on the fence lawmakers on board over the course of the next couple of days. make it very clear, lawmakers want to get this done this week. at the moment, the pathway towards doing that isn't clear. >> is it actually possible that every single one of the undecided votes will vote yes? >> it's an open question. i think one of the most interesting lments interest ing elements -- the crux is protection for pre-existing conditions included in obamacare. what this bill would do to that if the states choose to opt out and the reality is what this is raised over the last couple days is very detailed policy questions from a lot of the rank and file members that are hearing from constituents that are nervous about what they would do. because of that fact, you have seen the white house deploy health and human services director price, paul ryan on the phone making sure the members
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understand what they're trying to do, make sure the members are comfortable with what they're trying to do. you are going to see over the couple of the next 24 hours i'm told a bigger, broader effort from pence and trump on the phone with several members tonight. also talked that some members could head to the white house tomorrow as well. this really is a major push. there's some urgency here recognizing that if they don't get this done now, they might never get there. we have heard that one before. when i talk to house republican leaders and their top staffers at this moment, they really believe this could be it. >> phil mattingly, appreciate it. a lot to discuss. david, how big a defeat for president trump or speaker ryan will this be if this doesn't come up? >> if it doesn't come up and it fails a third time, i think three strikes and you are out. >> you think it's done? >> i think it's probably done. if they can't get it done in this attempt. this attempt could go beyond this week. it could go through the recess and come back. there's going to be pressure,
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aren't you going to get this out? aren't we going to see hard numbers before a vote? i think the issue is the white house seems to be willing to put more money into the pot to help protect the people who have pre-existing conditions. whether that's enough to bring the moderates on board i think is a major question. ordinarily, unless you have something like this to offer with ten or 15 undecided out there, they couldn't get there. if people are undecided because they don't want to take a vote. they don't want to come down one way or the other. they don't want to vote for it unless they have to. >> it's extraordinary after all the promises, all the votes that they still can't get it done, even though they control. it would have to go through the senate which is not going to like the bill the house would pass. >> part of the problem is that they didn't have a clear plan. they have a caucus so divided. before they had a bill that was -- the freedom caucus didn't like and moderates were going along with. now they have one the freedom caucus has gotten on board with and the moderates can't be
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brought along. they come from districts that hillary clinton won or are competitive. this could be a poison pill for them if they vote for something that doesn't guarantee pre-existing conditions are covered, this could come back to bite them. then he can't work with democrat because democrats aren't going to work with him on this. they said, if you want to improve obamacare, we will do that. anything else, you are left to deal with your own party. >> part of the problem is the leadership. does anybody doubt if tom delay, the lamb hammer -- if tom delay the speaker or the whip that some of these members might fall in line? i think that's part of the story, too. some of it is i think a failure of leadership. some of it is that the world changed. you have outside groups who will fund conservatives. in the old days, they had to rely on the political party, the
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institutions. it's like herding cats to get members to do anything. >> as unpopular among republicans as this has been and popular to run on for republicans, there's people who have health insurance that didn't before. and take -- removing that safety net from some people -- >> they are continuing to try to put a round peg in a square hole here. they had a billing that they said would cost 24 million -- fewer people to be ensured. it polled in the low double digits. what do they do? th they handed it over to the most conservative faction. what did they do? they took out most popular provision in the bill, the one thing that everyone agrees on in health care is that insurance companies should be forced to cover people with pre-existing conditions. trump campaigned on it. hillary clinton campaigned on it. >> this doesn't remove pre-existing conditions exactly. >> it allows the states to opt out of the regulations in a way that nobody really has a good
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handle on what the impact would be. since the cbo is not going to score it before they vote, we don't even know that. >> the president is saying, pre-existing conditions would be covered. again, there's a lot of republicans who are -- >> he has proven himself to be a master of policy when it cops to t comes to the nitty-gritty of health care. if you read some of the policy analysis of the provision that they're talking about, it would seriously weaken this coverage. that's why the ama is not for it. none of the stakeholders are for it. >> this comes back to something -- with the -- so much erosion of trust in government, it's important that the president be a trusted figure. because his credibility has been in question here so long, it's hard for him to go forward and convince a lot of americans who have coverage and they are worried whether they are going to lose it, he assures them, it's not going to happen. i'm not sure. maybe i would like to stick with what i've got. >> we will continue the
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conversation. we will hear a plea from jimmy kimmel after he opened up about his newborn son's heart surgery. >> .. it's refreshing... ♪ if you've got the time ♪ it's what american lager was born to be. ♪ we've got the beer. ♪ welcome to the high life. ♪ miller beer. badda book. that's it?. he means book direct at for the lowest price on our rooms guaranteed. plus earn free nights and instant rewards at check-in. yeah. like i said. book now at
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. the health care debate found its way into late night tv in an emotional way. jimmy kimmel opened up about his son's heart surgery. take a look. >> we were brought up to believe that we live in the greatest country in the world. but until a few years ago, millions and millions of us had no access to health insurance at all. before 2014, if you were born with congenital heart disease like my son, there was a good son you would never get health insurance, because you had a pre-existing condition. you were born with a pre-existing condition. if your parents didn't have medical insurance, you might not live long enough to get denied because of a pre-existing condition. if your baby is going to die, it doesn't have to, it shouldn't matter how much money you make. i think that's something that whether you are a republican or a democrat or something else, we all agree on that. right? i mean, we do. >> former president obama,
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hillary clinton and other democratic poll titicians prais him on twitter. it's interesting how much the goalpost isn't right -- the very idea of this -- of universal health care has become part of the discussion. it's now accepted even by republicans that this idea, this argument over pre-exist conditions. years ago, that wouldn't have been argued by many politicians in the u.s. >> the united states is really uniquely separate from the rest of the industrialize world in having a group of people, the republicans, who have this attitude about health care, which is that it should be left to the market and something the government isn't responsible for. even if you were to speak to a conservative -- very conservative person in australia or in the uk, they would say, this is a moral imperative. this is something we have to provide to people. it would be the same thing as providing paving roads or providing defense or a medicaid thing, health care for old people. for some reason in this country, until obamacare, that really
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wasn't the conversation. now it has shifted. i think republicans feel like in order to take this away, there's going to be a price to pay. >> this is coming. think about it. this has been all over our news feed, all over cable. this is having an impact on the very same day that house republicans are trying to round up vote for a bill that does one really, really important thing to obamacare. it guts the guarantee about insurance for people who have pre-existing conditions. we talk about this stuff all the time on panels like this. sometimes it takes someone like that with an emotional personal appeal to make a boring policy point like that really hit home. >> i thought it was cheap. as a father, i can understand. i can try to understand. president obama said being a dad, having a child is like having your heart living outside your body. i completely understand where jimmy kimmel is coming from, the
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passion i think is sincere. i don't think that this is the right move for him to do to politicize this. this is a guy who is incredibly rich, of course. he is not going to have a problem. the truth is -- >> he is -- he is making a moral point that people should be allowed to get insurance. >> that's why i tune in to jimmy kimmel to get him making moral points. look, people do get coverage. if you go to the emergency room, they take care of you. that was part of the reason that mitt romney came up with this -- >> people go bankrupt from health care costs. it's not true that you can get care. >> the notion that republicans are getting rid of pre-existing conditions is actually not factually correct. >> the amendment, they are gutting the guarantee. >> they are apply for a waiver. it may well be that that prices
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people out. >> you can't contradict the congressional budget office saying if you pass this bill, 24 million americans will not have health insurance ten years from now. that's just -- that's a fact. >> they are wrong a lot. >> everybody agrees, even if we're off 15%, it's still a lot of americans. >> my only point is that -- >> the point -- >> the notion that republicans are -- >> people are protected. it's not true they will be equally protected. >> the notion you go to the emergency room -- you can get basic care in the emergency room. it's not -- >> you are not getting chemotherapy. >> do you think that jimmy kimmel's baby would have died if he weren't rich and if republicans passed their healthcare? that's the implication. >> that's what makes this -- >> it's possible that that would happen. >> that's what makes this unselfish. he is not talking about list own child. he is saying, i had this experience. my kid wouldn't have survived -- >> do you believe that? do you believe his -- >> if he didn't have the funds --
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>> it's very possible. there was a kid in baltimore who died because she had an infection in her tooth. she couldn't get it treated. she ended up dieing. it's not -- >> you think it's a made up thing that people with pre-existing conditions previous to obamacare got insurance and everything was fine? the issue of pre-existing conditions is manufactured? >> i think it's legitimate. donald trump says -- >> it was one of the most -- >> i just think that the -- >> the cruelty of the medical system -- >> do you think people deserve to have housing? should everybody have a house? maybe government should provide that. >> it's not the same thing. >> a job? republicans are trying to fix this and bring premiums down. i think this is scare mongering and saying -- >> most republicans -- no. you are going backwards. republicans promised to keep the pre-existing condition regulation. donald trump promised. it wasn't a debate in the campaign. trump and hillary agreed. ryan, mcconnell agreed. you have this small faction in the house --
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>> this bill doesn't get rid of pre-existing conditions. >> there's a lot of republicans worry it does. >> i think it's entirely possible that you could have a situation where people are priced out. we don't know yet. they have to apply -- >> that's why the republicans ought to have the courage to have this priced out before they vote. >> we need to be specific about what they are doing. >> come up with a plan and let's some analysts tell the country what the plan will do. then have a vote. >> we have to take a break. just ahead, 100 da 000 days cam went without a major piece of legislation being passed. why is the white house having trouble delivering on their promises?
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it provides relief of symptoms that can be triggered by over 200 different allergens. live claritin clear. we've been talking a lot tonight about the latest speed bumps keeping president trump frump delivering despite a republican controlled congress. president trump supporters did not seem concerned but beyond his base there are rumbling of discontent. some are unhappy with the bipartisan spending bill over the weekend. and passing the latest gop health care is leading to angest. amanda, why aren't republicans seeing more wins from the party that controls both chambers of
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congress? >> we won the white house. we should be having the time of our lives. the reason donald trump won the presidency is because there's a leadership vacuum within the republican party. that still remains as evident by the lack of wins that we're seeing. you see talk radio show host, you hear them. why would we vote republican? we don't know what it means to be a republican under president trump? you would think that we lost the way that they're playing the blame game. well, donald trump does own this party and there's enough blame to go around. but i'm sick of this game we've been playing year on end. it's time to get something done. >> i want to play something he said about being president. >> we're going to make america great again.
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it's going to be easy. >> it's very easy to be presidential. >> we have top, top smart people but it's so easy to do. >> we have drugs, we have debt, we have empty factories. that's going to end. so easy. >> so easy to solve. >> believe me the jobs are coming back, folks. this is so easy. >> i want to jump start america and it won't even be that hard. >> i'm going to do so much about it. >> you know being presidential's easy. much easier than what i have to do. >> so easy to fall in love but not so easy to get out of it. >> i think i roled my eyes five times. meanwhile, he's taking for granted the office of the presidency. the american people thought that and voted for him anyway because
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he's better than hillary. donald trump was bs and he got there and went oh, my god i don't know what i'm doing. and he surrounded himself by people who don't know what they're doing either. there's no consistent messaging going on here because he can't keep his attention on one thing. >> how big of a problem do you think that is? lack of -- >> i don't think that's a problem. john kennedy and others who never stepped foot in the white house before and they did all right. i was at the white house correspondents dinner where it was decidedly antipresident
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trump trump. and i was getting texts from a local reporter who said these people are really fired up and mad at the republicans in congress and later saw a video. she was talking to people one by one. therein -- >> so you think the problem is congress? >> more to the point i think his base is that problem. >> but wasn't donald trump -- >> right. he is the great deal maker. he has not done what it takes to get deals made. they used to talk about barack obama not having a relationship to get things done and president trump thinks he can woo things on a plane to mar-a-lago and that's not how it works. and you have to stay on message. which he has yet to do. >> he's said several times he
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didn't know how difficult it was. >> he's complaining now about the senate rules, which it seems like he got up to speed on and i'm concerned. he's closing out the prospect of a government shut down saying oh, well, i'll shut down the government if i don't change the rules. there's consequences if you start passing all kinds of legislation with 51 votes in the senate. i want to be hopeful. i want to go to the celebration parties that republicans should be having to celebrate major legislative win. if he just did a tax reform bill we could have a great summer but he's rrb got to get a win some time or another. life. intelligent technology can help protect it. the all-new audi q5 is here.
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