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tv   New Day Sunday  CNN  May 7, 2017 3:00am-4:01am PDT

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s just by using your voice. the billboard music awards. sunday, may 21st eight seven central only on abc. a historic vote in france with the european union at stake. >> a massive hacking attack has drawn immediate comparisons with allegations in the united states. >> were these simply embarrassing as we saw in the case of hillary clinton or something more damming than that? >> the trump transition team warned former national security adviser michael flynn about his contacts with russia. >> it's not the action but the cover-up that is coming around to bite him. when sally yates testified next week. >> the president asked him to conduct a view whether there was
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a legal situation there. that was immediately determined that there wasn't. >> she hasn't been seen in weeks and no one knows where she is or what she is up to. your mission today is to answer this question. ♪ where in the world is kellyanne conway ♪ sometimes we just have to add a little bit of humor to the whole darn thing! and wake you up. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. new this morning, the leading french presidential candidate says he has been hacked on the eve of their election. emmanuel macron like to under mine democracy like what happened in the u.s. and people are voting for the next president in that election. it's turned out to be the
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established or rather has turned the established political order on its head. today caps off a bitter fight between the final two candidates. the far right national front leader marine le pen and emmanuel macron. whichever way it goes the outcome implications not just for america but for the rest of the world. president trump did not endorse le pen directly but he did say the following punish whoever is the toughest on radical islamic will be the one. >> former president barack obama gave a last-minute endorsement to macron. look at this. >> i have admired the campaign that emmanuel macron has run. he has stood up for liberal values. he put forward a vision for the important role that france plays in europe and around the world. and he is committed to a better future for the french people.
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>> now on the eve of the election here in an early similar situation, the u.s. candidate macron campaign's was hacked. thousands of e-mails dumped. what you're seeing there now are people going to the polls just moments ago wend emmanuel macron is there on the left and marine le pen will be on the right. there they are. a was waitiiting for that video up. they are voting themselves. joining us from paris is melissa bell and the author "a shattered piece for shy 1919 and the price we pay for today." thank you both for being with us. what are you hearing from voters, melissa, as they hit polling stations about everything that has happened in the last 24 hours? >> reporter: well, we are here at the 18th district of paris in
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a polling station and show you what that looks like behind me. people make their way down this line to put their choice in that box at the end of the line. they are given two pieces of paper. one with emmanuel macron on it and another with marine le upon and put it in privately before dropping it in in that box. we have seen lots of people here in the 18th district of paris. what they are saying to us they were determined to come here today to vote because even more than in previous elections this is a momentous choice they are making and france is looking down one road or a different vision what the future should be. . a couple of interesting statistics. the mid-day voting figures because that question of turnout is going to be absolutely crucial especially for the chances of the independent centrist who is standing without a party and how many people have come out to vote? mid-day the figure is just over 28% of potential voters.
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it was back in 201230 at the same time so slightly down but not terribly far off hi cal averages and a very important figure especially for emmanuel m macron. >> david, why could this election be so pivotal when it comes to the u.s.? >> well, there are a whole lot of reasons but basically you outlined them at the beginning. that is to say it's trump versus obama, in effect. you have le pen who is very close to both president trump and president putin and that is very important. macron is not. he is interested in a image for france and wants france to remain part of the european union and a have a good trading relationship with the rest of the world. le pen wants to isolate france more and she want to close the borders to immigrants and wants to make france for the french, if you will, and bring back jobs to the french people, to the
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french factories, factory workers throughout the country. all of that is very, very important. we need to watch that very carefully. what is also very important is clearly macron is poised to have a victor. the question is how big that victor is and will marine le pen get enough votes, reach the 30% to 40% level and make her the clear opposition and united states has to fight with over the next years. >> i want to read something macron had said. almost certainly when he was talking about hillary clinton the mistake she made in terms of not being out there and just assuming that he would win. ed i'm absolutely not playing that game. right from the first day that hasn't been the way i defended myself or how i thought. but polls have him ahead. how much credence do we put in polls these days? does france? >>. >> a fifty-two question.
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we saw both the united kingdom and united states get the polls wrong because had he had failed to hear that populace anger and wave. here in france pollsters are telling me they are careful in mayor measuring because in france we have always had a far left and far right vote. to hear those populace extremist votes and confident this time they will get it right as well and to be fair the first round did prove remarkly accurate. the pollsters did get it right. here in france, of course, another factor picking up on what i said a moment ago this is a way the continuation of that back light of ideas we saw in the united states just a few months ago with this difference. that in france, you know, each country have been looking at the populace wave and howe it unf is over the country. this is a country that remembers the populace and the real
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challenge for marine le pen is convince voters she is not the continuation of her father's policies with the sort of racist and antisemitic overtones when his father was in charge. the side to her campaign that her father had represented it's one of the key questions we heard the french president hollande who is not standing for re-election voting a short while in the south of france and saying people need to go out and vote because it is about choosing the right path. here in france you have a clear sense that the political elites are trying to encourage the french to go out and vote because they believe that republican vote as they call it where different political parties get together to keep the far right out and very keen this time it should happen as it did back in 2002 when le pen's father stood. the question whether she has managed to get over that barrel that the french put in the way
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tend of her party's fortunes. >> melissa legal and david anderman we thank you both for being with us. we finally hear from one of the most high profile witnesses in the russia/white house fallout tomorrow. sally yates is expected to testify before the judiciary subcommittee. yates was abruptly fired in january after publicly saying she would not defend the president's travel band. the first time yates will publicly speak about the warning she says she gave the white house about flynn. a previous hearing scheduled in march was abruptly cancelled by house intelligence chairman david nunez. i'm sorry, devin nunez. jooi for that. errol louis and kyle fletcher join us this morning.
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good morning. i want to starl you're watching cnn. the most trusted name in news. with you, kyle. february 14th the day after then national security adviser michael flynn resigned. this is how white house press secretary sean spicer characterized what sally yates told them. >> just to be clear the acting attorney general informed the white house counsel that they wanted to give, quote, a headup to us on some comments that may have seemed in conflict with what the -- he had sent the vice president out in particular. the white house counsel informed the president immediately. the president asked him to conduct a review whether there was a legal situation there. that was immediately determined that there wasn't. >> so spicer characterizes this as a heads-up but sources tell cnn that yates's warning was more than a heads-up, kyle. >> it seems a little more severe from that. from what we are hearing she didn't outright tell the white house that michael flynn could be fired but strongly implied
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that. so that clip you just showed from sean spicer seem to downplay the severity of what sally yates was trying to get across when she spoke with the white house counsel. >> errol, let's talk about the time line here. the meeting between yates and the white house counsel from what wend was january 26th. more than two weeks later on february 10th, when the president was asked about the reporting from "the washington post" on the conversations between he and the russian ambassador on air force one this is what the president said. >> i don't know about it. i haven't seen it. what report is that? >> reporting he talked to the ambassador of russia before you were inaugurated will sanctions. >> i haven't seen that. i'll look at that. >> i remember discussing with you the day after that happened on air force one about if that was even plausible that the
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president had not heard about it. we now know that the president absolutely knew about it and we know about it from his own white house press secretary. >> that's right. i remember that conversation, victor. i remember saying that man is not telling the truth. i was talking about the president. just from his demeanor, all of the facts of the situation. let's go back a little bit further in the time line, victor, to december 29th when sanctions were being announced publicly and unprecedented kind of pushback from the united states saying the russians not only meddled in our elections but punished for it. people were excelled on that day. on that day michael flynn talked with the russian ambassador and lied it. this is serious stuff. this is about important questions he thought were important enough that he would lie to his own boss about it, a penalty for which he has been fired. >> this seems to be the linchpin, kyle. if you look back to the president's news conference the only one he has held since he
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has been in the white house, he said that -- i'll quote him here. i don't know about that -- rather ed when i looked at the information, i said, i don't think he did anything wrong, speaking of flynn. if anything, he did something right. he was coming to an office. he looked at the information and he said that is fine, that is what they are supposed to do. it really dame down to lying to the vice president on or about misleading the vice president and not the conversations about the sanctions. >> right. even then, it seems like president trump hasn't really been that angry publicly with mike flynn for his lying to mike pence. the president values loyalty above all else and mike flynn was one of his early supporters. so it seems to me it's hard for the president to come across as angry and disappointed in mike flynn when he is really been someone that has been with him so long. even with all this scandal around him, the president has yet to really forcefully condemn
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mike flynn directly. >> errol, where does the yates testimony fit into the narrative building about how the white house handled what they learned and when they learned it about the conversations that the former national security adviser had with kislyak? >> i think it advances in possibly public way. what we have been hearing around the edges of the intelligence committees that there was serious enough contact that members of the trump transition team and high ranking officials thought it was necessary to lie about those contacts. that is pretty serious stuff. sally yates has no dog in this hunt. she not a politician. she wasn't out campaigning for or against anybody in the last election. so it's going to have some real credibility that somebody who was a career official comes across the situation with people kind of having these untoward contacts, subsequently lying about it, i think it helps to focus the public on what is at the core of all of this stuff
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which is a real serious breach of national security protocols and if people don't care about it, that is one thing, but we really do need to find out more about what happened. >> errol, kyle, stick bus. we will pick up with the conversation in a few minutes. >> thanks. a town in alabama wants to form its own school system and a judge slams that effort from being motivated by race. so the question is why is that same judge allowing it to happen? vest $500,000 and immigrate to the u.s. jared kushner's sister could be using the white house for profit. "saturday night live" goes on a hunt for white house counsel kellyanne conway with a classic '90s game show "throwback." >> she hasn't been seen in weeks and no one knows where she is or
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what she is up to. gump shoes, your answer today is to answer this question. ♪ where in the world is kellyanne conway ♪ life. intelligent technology can help protect it. the all-new audi q5 is here.
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before they spread, we may someday prevent outbreaks before they begin. predominantly white will be allowed to form its own school system, although a federal judge in the case said race is one of the factors drawing the effort. >> the judge called, quote, the movement deplorable but she is allowing the withdraw to happen. pablo sandoval is looking into this. as we understand she is allowing it to happen with certain being met? >> a mix of reaction from the community. when you hear some of the supporters of this split, they say this is simply taking local control of their school district. i spoke to parents of some of those kids that would be affected potentially.
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they are not easily i didn't know thosed this order as it stand right now is reversing the clock on years of effort to desegregating schools in the south. >> that is me, 18. >> reporter: she has fond memories of her years at garden dale high. captured on the fading photos of her 1978 yearbook. >> i attended from 1974 through 1978 and it was a beautiful campus back then. >> reporter: beautiful and inclusive, she says. >> just an ordinary student and that is how i felt and that is how i was treated. >> reporter: like the rest of the schools at themaxwell's xugs h campus had to imply with a desegregation order like maxwell was bussed to white schools to allow for integration and she said the move to the schools
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provided more opportunities. >> i was the first african-american valedictorian that garden dale had. >> reporter: students outside of this town come to garden dale they don't have at other jefferson county school district. >> very a very diverse school district now. we are basically 50/50 in terms of ethnic representation. and that is fine because we value greatly the strengths that are built upon diversity. >> reporter: but that is now in jeopardy. garden dale with a mostly white population of nearly 14 thousand and an annual income of $56,000 is seek to go split from the county school system. nearly half of jefferson county's 660,000 residents are black and the income level is lower. a group of the city's residents went to court arguing that, quote, desegregation orders are
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outmot outmoded. but a federal judge found something else striving the desire to succeed. in a late april ruling, the judge issued an order writing race is a motivating factor in gardendale decision to separate. she let them to stand alone as long as certain things were met. the following. if all requirements are met, the gardendale school system could buy the high school and keep out district students from enrolling there. >> we believe that this kind of message will encourage that kind of racial hostility. >> reporter: clemmon came out of retirement to represent some of the families of african-american students in northern alabama.
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. before serving as the state's first black federal judge he litigated against segregation in the '60s. >> the present order gives a green light to the spin-off of white cities from metropolitan school districts and hardly enough desegregation of public sko schools. >> reporter: sandra ray is one of the plaintiffs in the case and hope to spare their grandchildren the same. >> it doesn't make sense. there is too much blood, sweat, and tears that have been put in place to avoid that very thing and we don't want that to be the mindset and the culture once again. we are very fearful of this
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coming to pass if gardendale is allowed to form their own system. >> reporter: if the order stand, these women fear that gardendale their grandkids will not wents be the inclusive campus that maxwell graduated nearly four decade ago. >> i thank god for gardendale and my education here because it kept a dream in me. >> reporter: sandra ray and the rest of the parents are hoping the judge will reconsider this opinion. they have filed a petition for -- requested she do that and three-party mitigation is scheduled to take place on may 10th to see fountain order will stand. >> pablo, thank you. >> jared kushner's family is over another potential conflict of interest involving this ad by kushner's family business is for
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investors for a path to a green card. 82 schoolgirls kidnapped by terrorists in nigeria are free this morning. mom, i have to tell you something. dad, one second i was driving and then the next... they just didn't stop and then... i'm really sorry. i wrecked the subaru. i wrecked it. you're ok. that's all that matters. (vo) a lifetime commitment to getting them home safely. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. poallergies?reather. stuffy nose? can't sleep? take that. a breathe right nasal strip instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than allergy medicine alone. shut your mouth and say goodnight, mouthbreathers. breathe right.
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[boy] cannonball! [girl] don't... [man] not again! [burke] swan drive. seen it. covered it. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ [customer] have you ever walkedp into the paint store feeling like you should really know more than you know? satin versus semi-gloss, and...i don't know! [team member] yes...i know the feeling. [customer] that's how i feel right now about all the financing options for this project i'm doing. i feel like i should know more than i know. [team member] don't sweat it. we have this new tool--my credit options guide-- that gives you a customized comparison like this, which helps you discover which credit options might be right for you. [customer] oh, this is better. they should make one for paint. [team member] want to get started? [customer] sure. nitrites or artificial ham has preservatives.tes, now it's good for us all. like those who like...
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sweet. those who prefer heat. (blows a breath of air) and those who just love meat. for those in school. out of school. and old school. those who like their sandwich with pop. and those who like it with soda. for the star of the scene. cut! and the guys behind it. all the taste you want, nothing you don't. oscar mayer deli fresh. sweet!
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made daily life a guessing game. will i have pain and bloating today? my doctor recommended ibgard to manage my ibs. take control. ask your doctor about nonprescription ibgard. so good to have you on a sunday morning. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. a ad overseas is putting a spotlight on potential conflicts in the white house. >> this ad in china that is raising eyebrows. it reads invest $500,000 and immigrate to the united states. the program gives immigrants a path to a green card for a 500,000 investment to create jobs in america. jared kushner's sister used the ad to attract chinese investors
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to a mj projenew jersey projecte family is building. matt is live in beijing. i know the kushners are using the program to bring in investors. what are you hearing there? >> reporter: well, theis was a presentation given inside of a fancy ritz-carlton ballroom. a hundred chinese investors wered ask to showed up and jared kushner's sister was part of the program. it is used by chiyou get a chan to a certain amount of money and apply for a green card and something lots of real estate development companies used. the fact that kushner companies using jared kushner's sister is here pitching chinese investors is not unusual in and of itself. a lot of real estate development companies do that. what is unusual is the fact that jared kushner, until january,
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when he joined the administration officially, was the ceo of kushner companies. he is very much attached to the company and he still has lots of different business holdings and so it is raising the question is kushner companies using jared kushner's proximity to the president to potentially lure chinese investors? it's a question that i think is very reasonable to ask and we did pose that question to a lawyer for jared kushner and we did get a response we would like to read to you in full and his lawyer wrote mr. curber had no involvement in the kushner companies. quote but the fact remains that that the company is the kushner name and that people here in china on associate jared kushner with the trump presidency. jared kushner has been a key
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adviser to the president and he set the agenda for china's president xi jinping to the first visit to the united states in april and this is raising more concerns and clear that the company understands the optics here. we sent in an associate producer to film the event on her iphone. she didn't get kicked out but we do know reporters for new york city and "the washington post" were escorted out of the event for reasons that they were told were unknown. >> matt rivers, thank you for the update. here is more information about that eb-5 visa program that allows immigrants to the green card if they invest more than 5th hundr $500,000. this was used by the trump and kushner familiar businesses. laurks on both sides are clear in their critique of the program and they say it sells citizenship. let's bring back errol louis and
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kyle fletcher. the question to kushner and potential conflict of interest, first, before we talk about the visa program overall. his attorney blake roberts said kushner has divested his interest in the project and recuse himself from this visa program. errol, do you see a conflict of interest here? >> yes. a an absolute conflict of interest here and even from the attorney's letter. these family members won't benefit from it but those members of his family will benefit from it. okay, fine. if that is enough to sort of satisfy the office of government ethics or to satisfy people politically that is one thing but i think most people first hearing it understand that the kushner family is out making money at the same time as jared kushner is making policies. the larger question is should there be an eb-5 program? at that point, the conflict is ovens that whether he personally or nis child or his wife and his
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sister sister are all going to benefit from it, some of them yes, some of them no. i think we should be asking the question why in order to build an office building in new jersey do you have to go to beijing and, in effect, sell citizenship? >> on kyle, i'm sure now this was broken over this weekend this is one of the early questions for sean spicer when he returns or if it's sarah huckabee sander on monday. does the president stand by this program that many say sells citizenship? >> it's going to be interesting to see the response to that because this program really does go against a lot of what the trump administration says about immigration. they don't want the buy american, hire american is the creed over there. the slogan america first has been the cornerstone of the crump administration so far. you hear the allegations here. selling citizenship and one of the pitches at this conference
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yesterday was, hey, get in now before the administration possibly raises that level up to a different amount that could be more expensive. so there are going to be some real questions about the trump administration and how they handle not only this visa program but immigration at large. >> errol, jared kushner's sister did not mention her brother's role specifically within the administration, did not use the president's name but according to "the new york times" there was a slide show presentation and the president's face was there and had him labeled as a key decision maker. of course, he is the president of the united states but he is not intimately involved in visa approvals, typically, is he? >> i'm not so sure about that. not about the particular visa as whether or not you can get access to that capital that for some reason certain developers, including the trump organization and the kushner companies seem to want to get from this particular source as opposed to
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trying to prove their credit worthiness to american financial resources. so if this is going to be the path of the future, you know, it's very interesting this notion that there could be a squeeze play here where what they want to do is try and get as much money right now as they possible can and then maybe sort of raise the price, have the folk who are doing the family's business out of the white house change the policy or push to change the policy in a way that will get them even more money on the private side. that is the new normal. that is what we see going on and i think we are going to have our hands full reporting on all of the difference cases and places you have to go halfway around the world for this particular one in which the people in the white house and their families and their businesses are mixing public and private business. >> no doubt this will be a topic of conversation as we go into the new week. thank you both so much. >> thank you. 82 schoolgirls are free now in nigeria after the government
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negotiated with the terror group boko haram for their release. they are among 276 girls who were 16 to 18 at the time, kidnapped from their school in the middle of the night in 2014. it sparked global outrage. the social media movement #bring back our girls was born. some boko haram suspects held by the nigerian government were part of the release of the negotiations here. >> the state of florida is fighting wildfires. arsonist who start many of them. since the beginning of this year alone, arsonists in florida have torched 40,000 acres. >> alec baldwin's revival of president trump was a no show this weekend on "saturday night live" but it didn't stop them from spoofing john miller. >> i want to wish everybody a happycinco de mayo where
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everybody eats from mayonnaise. i'm so happy. ♪ whatever they went through, they went through together. welcome guys. life well planned. see what a raymond james financial advisor can do for you. what if we could bring you by having better values? at blue apron, we work directly with more than a hundred family farms. so instead of spending on costly middlemen and supermarkets, we can invest in the things that matter most: making farmland healthier. cutting down on food waste. and bringing you higher quality, fresher ingredients for less than you pay at the store. because food is better when you start from scratch. get $30 off at
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42 minutes past the hour. white house counselor kellyanne conway is at the center of this week's "saturday night live." >> the show poked fun at her absence from media appearances in recent weeks. >> and what better way to do it than with a classic throwback to '90s children's television show where in the world is carmen san diego. here is the clip. ♪ ♪ one day we woke up and she was no longer there ♪ ♪ what could have happened she is not on any channel ♪ ♪ tell me where in the world is kellyanne conway ♪ >> holding on to the deep there with the lyrics. senior media correspondent and host of "reliable sources" brian
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stelter joins us next. >> where is kellyanne conway? >> rarely showing up on the major networks on cnn or other big channels here. she has been taking a lower profile than she did in february or march. "snl" had clearly noticed that. we also saw the "morning joe" team in action on "snl" overnight. a few days, joe scarborough and mika brzezinski announced they are engaged. >> the president is well. he has entered a state of psychos psychosis. >> mika, you're being very naughty. >> am i being naughty? >> yeah, you are being real naughty. maybe you need somebody to punish you! >> journalists?
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>> it's not about journalists. you're a bad kitty. >> i can see that becoming a recurring feature on the show! we don't know when the wedding is going to be yet. a more serious note in the "morning joe" sketch talk about the health care bill passing the house and pretend version of president trump playing his own publicist calling into the show. >> i'm just celebrating the fantastic success we had in congress yesterday with the new health care law. after congress voted, we had a party. it was beer. disaster. this obamacare has finally been -- >> hold on, sir. it's not repelled yet. the bill still has to pass the senate. >> what now? >> the bills goes through the senate. they might even rewrite the
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entire thing. if they pass it at all. >> but there was beer. >> mr. miller, the bill has a long way to go, so it seem a little premature to celebrate. >> you know what? we are going to look into this. talk to you soon. bye-bye. >> the beer was a laugh line but didn't turn out to be true on thursday. a beer delivery but not for the house members who were, of course, working on the health care bill. by the way, guys, truth is stranger than fiction as it always is. john miller is a character that president trump used in the '80s to call up newspapers to leak information about trump. so john miller is a real thing, a fake character that trump used decades ago and "snl" reprising that idea last night. >> you can't even write this stuff! >> my question if the beer delivery wasn't for the caucus celebrating who is getting berl in the middle of the day? >> that is the question.
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they say it wasn't for the health care folks. you never know. >> brian stelter, thank you very much. watch him later this morning on "reliable sources." here on cnn. do you know there have been 106 wildfires and there are that many now burning in florida. our allison chinchar tells us what the state is facing as they challenge these wires. >> they are battling dry conditions and no rain in sight but there is good news and talk about that coming up. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo is specifically designed to open up airways to improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization
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more than a hundred wildfires are burning right now in florida and weather is not helping. there are hot, dry conditions there that are fueling what you're seeing here. >> the state is also fighting arsonists who have torched 20,000 acres so far this year. cnn meteorologist allison chinchar is here with more. 20,000 from arsonists alone is a
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rough time for florida. >> you have to factor the weather on top of it which exacerbates the problem. we understand the dry time of year for florida and what florida looked like last year at the end of their dry season. yellow there indicating it was abnormally dry. the oranges and red indicating extreme drought into portions of florida and that is a huge concern for them. because we are picking on some wind as well we have red flag warnings out for much of the state today indicating those fire conditions are going to be very good today and likely for the next several days. now we have over a hundred wildfires across the state as a whole but at least 29 of them are a hundred acres or larger. okay? and, again, 91,000 acres has already burned so far in 2017. you talk about 20,000 of those alone are from arsonists but that means the rest of them are
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from weather and when we take a look at the forecast, look. the next five days, there is a zero percent chance of rain. the only chance we even have comes at the very end of the seven-day forecast. we talk about good news and there is some. we are heading into summer pretty soon here and that, victor, and christi is the rainy season. we are the short term and no rain in sight but at least in the long term we should start to break this pattern, at least once we get into june and july. >> allison chinchar, thank you for the update. appreciate it. muddy run for the derby yesterday. >> my grandfather always said when it's a sloppy track, bet on the long shot but didn't come through this time. >> it did not. the track conditions were a nightmare for most it did turn into a dream for one 3-year-old thoroughbred and we will have the highlights from the muddy kentucky derby coming up next. h.
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the 143rd running of the
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kentucky derby turned out to be a dream. get that? >> yeah. >> for the favorite. >> andy scholes, let's bring him in right now for this morning's "bleacher report." >> the experts said no big california this year. in the end the favorite -- a sentimental favorite. but in the end, the favorite to win the kentucky derby ended up winning. always dreaming was your favorite. jumped out to a great start in the muddy conditions from the get-go and always dreaming, you stay toward the front for nearly the entire race and he would take over the lead before the final turn and at the end, just pulled away down the stretch. he won by nearly three lengths. always dreaming is now the fifth straight favorite to win the derby. next up is the preakness stakes in two weeks. every year at the derby one of the best parts of it is all of the star gazing and new england patriots, they had basically a team outing. huge group of them including tom brady were on hand for the derby. brady later running into fellow boston sports legend david ortiz. a pretty cool picture.
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now the award for best dressed going to golfer rickie fowler. check hi om out in the watermel colors. it sells for $495 at vineyard vines. >> i dare you to wear that on the air. >> steve kerr has undergone a procedure on his back to fix a spinal cord leak. he remains out indefinitely. that is what warriors owner told bloomberg radio. he has been dealing with complications from back surgery since undergoing surgery nearly two years ago. warriors still have not lost in the playoffs. near the end of this one, kevin durant was not pleased with a shove he got from rudy gobert so he would give gobert two hand into the back and got a flagrant foul for that and a reporter had creative way to ask him about the skirmish after the game. >> reporter: what happens on that gobert kerfuffle at the end? >> there is a word right there!
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what did you say? >> customkerfuffle. >> that is strong! >> what was the last time you were in a kerfuffle, victor? >> i don't know. it's been a while. since i even heard the word! >> first time i've been able to say kerfuffle on tv. i was pretty proud of myself! >> i'll tell you at the break. >> nothing to publicize. thanks, andy. a historic vote in france with the future of the european union at stake. >> reports of a massive hacking attack has drawn immediate comparisons with allegations in the united states. >> were these simply embarrassing as we saw in the case of hillary clinton or something more damaging than that? >> the trump transition team warned former national security adviser michael flynn about his contacts with russia. >> it's not the action but the cover-up that is coming around to bite him. when sally yates testified next week what she is going to say is


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