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tv   Inside Politics  CNN  May 7, 2017 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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much needed win for the president and with it, a risky promise. >> premiums will be coming down. yes, deductibles will be coming down. >> next up, the senate. but democrats already see political goal. >> you have walked the plank from moderate to radical. >> plus, a spending billing conservatives hate. out white hou how the white house hopes to turn the page. >> i'm proposing actually the single largest tax cut in american history. >> and france picks a president and decides the fate of the
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european union. [ speaking foreign language? >>. [. >> "inside politics," the biggest stories sourced by the best reporters -- now. welcome to our viewers. i'm john king. thanks for sharing your sunday. we will take you live to france in about a few moments for an uni update on the presidential vote. the final chapter has a familiar ring, one campaign is hacked, and the debate is testy. [ speaking foreign language ] >> we begin though with america's recurring political divide over health care and president trump's hope of soon fulfilling a seven year republican promise, to repeal and replace obamacare. step one is done. the house just barely passed its plan thursday. the president sees it as a
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momentum shifting spring board hoping a senate victory is next and then another big ticket agenda item. >> we're going to get this finished and then we're going as you know we put our tax plan in, it's a massive tax cut. the biggest tax cut in the history of our country. i used to say the biggest since ronald reagan. now it's bigger than that. >> is one house vote that much of a game changer or is the president overly optimistic? with us to share their insights, julie pace, jonathan martin, phil mattingly and margaret talla. step two is the senate where the rules make things a lot more difficult. plus key republicans already are dismissing the hous plan in part because it likely will cost millions their coverage. it scales back protections for americas with pre-existing conditions. it allows higher premiums for older merns and it caps medicaid payments to the state, the states use those payments to help low income americans get coverage. as the senate begins its
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challenging work, also pay tanks to this, the early voter reaction to the house vote will shape the mood. >> you're abandoning people on medicaid. you're making them -- >> no one wants anyone to die. that line is so indefensible. nobody dies because they don't have access to health care. >> that is recaaul labrador, conservative. this will shape the mood this week and thend th they come bac washington next week and they will watch the blow back. >> everyone wants to see the reaction. they took the very difficult vote, they went through the extraordinarily complicated onerous, whatever word you want to use there to get to this point. now the reaction comes back. and you can look to the senate and see what will happen, but i think for house republicans who just barely squeezed it out, 217
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votes when they needed 216, a lot of individuals probably took votes that they didn't want to take. i know that a lot of members said i don't want to be yes on this, i'll be there if you need me and leadership said guess what h, we need you. so now what happens when they go home to the town halls, what happens when the attack ads of which i'm told the opportunity to make them, then are just trying to figure out what to attack on because they have so many options. what happens when those hit. it's early to say that this swings everything, democrats will get with the majority, no question at all they feel like they can go on offense here. >> and how much of this was policy? they like the bill. i showed you some of the political concerns there and how much of this was there was essentially a message from leadership that we'll worry about the middle later, if we don't do that, our base will abandon us and next year's midterm when it's about turning out your base, now listen to senator ted cruz, he's one of
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the conservatives who don't nlie parts of this bill, but -- >> for seven years the republicans have been promising if only you elect us, we'll repeal obamacare. i think consequences of failure would be catastrophic. >> so they worry about came at that time catastrophe politically? >> ear hearing this that time catastrophe politically? >> ear hearing this line. this broad glad health care is so central to what they promised, if they don't do anything, the blow back could be damaging. but what is so interesting with health care is that you're talking about a really complex piece of ledges lof legislation sometimes the simplest line, if you like your plan you can keep it, if you like your from you can keep it, as i hear raul labrador say no one dies from not having health care or president trump talking about
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pree premiums going down, those are the lines that republicans will be held accountable. >> premiums will go down, ded t deductibles will go down i'm sure will be in an ad. president trump was part of the effort to get the final votes, bringing in two of the members who proposed one of the key aemaemd aemd amendments to this. and now you have to cut a deal in the senate. and if they get it through, which is a big if, then a much harder task, senate will pass something here, house bill is over here and good luck mr. president. >> we've seen president trump during the campaign season that his instinct generally believed that never let strategy get in the way of good tactics and it meant sense to bite off taxable pieces to move forward. the house i think believes that
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you street the senate differently and that mitch mcconnell has different expectations and different abilities than paul ryan. so i think you will see some different treatment and maybe more deference even as the public posture from the white house is we have to take control and be involved i have day, i don't think that they will treat mitch mcconnell the same way. but as you mentioned, president trump's line, his guarantee is that people with pre-existing conditions will get even better coverage than they did with president obama. if this actually should pass the senate and become law in some form, that is the measure that he and the entire republican party will be tested against. >> this bill as it stands does not keep a lot of the president's campaign promises. in some cases not even close. >> right, he vowed to cover everybody more than once and to offer them terrific care. and he said even during last few months he was asked in interviews that if it didn't reflect those promises, he wouldn't sign it. his instinct on this i think is much more expansive than his
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actual adoptive party. he's not a free market guy. i think his instinct is to help people and not pay a political price for signing something that is not popular. that said, it got to the point where he just wanted to sign something and wanted to get a victory because he was getting sick of bad headlines. and i think that is why there was some sigh of relief that you saw in the rose garden. but i think to say, i'm reminded of the james carville, mover on health care pay as political price. it doesn't matter which party or what you're doing. if you're moving on health care, if you're damage perring with health care, you are intervening in the lives of americans in a profound way and the history of that in this country politically is that the party that does that pays a price. >> and so the democrats certainly did in 2010 and then in 2014. we heard raul labrador, a conservative out west. now here is tom reed again
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getting pushback. >> a 14-year-old boy in the eye and justify how you can vote for a bill that will take away mine and millions of other guarantees about being discriminated against because of a pre-existing condition. >> the fact that pre-existing condition is in the bill will continue, you have have access to health insurance just as you do today. >> the line that you will have access to health insurance just as you do today. we all have access to maseratis and ferraris, too. the question is if you can afford it. it depends on what state you are in, but some states can change the rules. so yes, they will have access, but states can change the premium structure dramatically. >> the interesting thing is having covered this bill from start to where we are now, there is a way republicans can explain that they believe they are maintaining pre-existing conditions, that the price controls that exist in obamacare can be maintained, that there
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are protections underneath. there is $8 billion to help you with premiums. all these things that take a long time to explain. it doesn't take a long time to say republicans have changed pre-existing conditions in a campaign ad. and that's their difficult position. the main pitch was let's just get this over to the senate. let's get it over to the senate. to the moderates, they will change it, they will strip out a lot of these things and then they will send it back and it will be a better bill when we get it back. guess what, you too being thyou anyway. and talking to some of these members whifrom clinton sdwrikd said we just have to get did over with. and even if it comes back and looks better to them for their constituents, it won't negate the vote that they took in the house right noud. so again, there is a way for republicans based on this proposal to explain the
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pre-exists issue, but they have to explain it and it takes time. and in politics, it's difficult to win when you're explaining things that take time. >> and the reason they added that tweak is because they had to get the freedom caucus, the hard right of the house to vote yes. those folks needed some kind of cover and this was it. and it would be ironic if they lose their majority next year because they made this change because guess what, in 2018, it ain't the freedom can caucus facing the competitive races. it's those who walked the plank from the northeast, from the west and midwest who voted yes reluctantly or even voted no and could still pay a price. folks on the far right don't have tough seats. >> and nancy pelosi saying that they would make those lawmakers xwloe in t glow in the dark. up next, will france follow the uk out of the european union? and bill has a "no-weeds, not in my yard" policy. but with scotts turf builder weed & feed, bill has nothing to worry about.
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welcome back. france is picking a president today and big last minute drama sounds more than a little familiar. emmanuel macron says his campaign was the subject of a massive hack and that fraudulent documents are mixed in with reams of records now posted on line. marine le pen says her campaign has nothing do with it. and russia says any suggestion it was involved is poor slander. macron is an investment banker but holds largely establishment positions like keeping france in the european union and nato alliance. le pen wants to close mosques, limit immigrations, improve tie from the kremlin and pull france from the eu.
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pal ha hala gorani is in paris. why is this election pornd beyo important beyond the borders of france? >> reporter: it's important because whether this populist fever that also led to the election of donald trump will materialize in france. marine le pen is anti-globalization, she favors renegotiating france's role inside the eu, possibly organizing a frexit. and emmanuel macron is a political upstart, only 29 ye 39-year-olds other, but he does embrace establishment positions like staying within the eu even though this is very different from are his opponent. and also edge bracing nato and other international organizations. he's even pledged to call angela merkel and visit merkel as his first sort of foreign overture
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to an international leader. and this shows how pro europe he is. so americans should care because a victory by marine le pen would mean a fundamental redrawing of the political map in europe and will have an aim pact fimpact f the borders of this country. >> any sense of the impact of the hack on the voting? >> reporter: the hack which really was a coordinated attempt to influence the campaign came just can minutes before a media blackout. by law here, we for instance are not allowed to talk poll numbers, we can't even use sort of political slogans. there are no political propaganda allowed after midnight on friday. so an entire day before the vote. and that hack came minutes before that. so that didn't allow for emmanuel macron's campaign to discuss the hack. we cannot verify the contents of it, the campaign itself minutes before midnight on friday said yes, there are authentic
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documents, but they have also been entinter-laced with doctor documents and fake e-mails. and so it's difficult to see what waslaced with doctored documents and fake e-mails. and so it's difficult to see what was what was revealed from the hack. it hasn't been quwidely discuss. i don't think that it happened time line wise with enough lead time to have any impact on the campaign right now. this isn't something that is making headline news and that i'm hearing people, ordinary french voters here, say will have an impact on who they decide to vote for today. >> hala gorani, live nous pari paris. stay with cnn for the results later. and it matters importantly if you look at the european union and the nato ally arngsz people didn't predict donald trump would win and he won.
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people thought the referendum would say in and it didn't happen. so it's a pretty fundamental question, will france continue the movement or put a stop to it? >> it's luge lyhugely consequenr donald trump as he starts to look abroad. marine la been e pen is a candio i'd loblgicily has more similarities to trump than macron, and while trump has not endorsed, he has said that he thought recent attacks in paris would help le pen, their adviser steve bannon from the white house who are in line with le pen, but looking more broadly at his agenda, if you have a leader in france who is pro eu, you look toward the elections in germany later this year where merkel and her party will be on the ballot, she is obviously seen as the leader of the eu, that would be quite a shift in western policy versus what we saw with brexit and the trump election. >> i think that's a great point because it's not so much that president trump is necessarily
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going to want to embrace marine le pen as the idea that if it's macron and if it were to be macron with real numbers behind it, it could be problematic for president trump. but, you know, it's interesting because to some of his base, there are obvious appeals to that candidate, but for president trump himself, he's kept a distance pretty consistently since the campaign when marine le pen would come to new york and that sort of thing. and the white house taking great pains to say no matter who is elected, the president looks forward to working with them. >> and trump has been quiet. it's notable that he has not come out for le pen because trump always wants to be an winner and le pen is well down in the polls. but my colleague has a very good point and that is operationally,
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the reality of how trump is governing, le pen would be problematic for him actually because it would be a lot more of a hassle to have her, somebody who wants to withdraw france from the eu, who won't be koocht difference wh cooperative, trump who is governing as president, i think bra operationally le pen is problematic. >> and you mentioned the timing. an interview on april 21 he said of le pen she's the strongest on borders, strongest on what has been going on in france. whoever is the toughest on radical islamic terrorism and borders will do well in the election. that's when you had several candidates running. he has been quiet since. the man directly involved is the former president and macron thinks this will help. here is a video that president obama taped for him. >> i've admired the cam pachb that emmanuel macron has run. he has stood up for liberal
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values, he put forward a vision for the important role that france plays in europe and around the world prp and he is committed to a better future for the french people. >> you wouldn't do it unless you thought and your consultants thought that somehow this is going to sway votes in france. >> i think it's a surprise, you rolled down the list of things that seemed to go defense everything that emmanuel macron and president trump represent and clearly they believe he still has an impact over there. and when you look at the relationship between those two, which is clearly grown, there is a phone call between the two, a campaign ad as well, it's trying to figure out for me who the relationship on the world leader stage will be the best for president trump. like we all watched when we were covering the white house how president obama got along with renzi or cameron or hollande and how those relationships formed and really helped direct the policy of the united states, as well, because of the relationships of those individuals.
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who is president trump's merkel? who is president trump's renzi? and i think that is an open question. and le pen certainly has the opportunity whether or not her policies go against or hinder him, maybe the relationship there that could be formed and i'm intrigued how this impacts that, who that person or people are for president trump. >> and one thing i found interesting in that interview, he talked a lot about his relationships with world leaders. he wanted to emphasize the point that he is develop strong relationships. and it's so fascinating to see a person who ran as america first, i'm only going to be putting our country's interests at the top of my agenda, now that he actually has to have these meetings, he wants to be liked. >> and it puts him oweon a him stage. >> and he'll go to the g7 meeting and then the nato summit, as well. so on we'll learn more about this as it goes forward. everybody sit tight. next is the glass half empty or
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half full? a good jobs report gives the trump white house reason for cheer, but conservative outrage over the spending bill suggests there is bis bubbling anxiety oe right. you have access to the right information at the right moment. ♪ ♪ and when you filter out the noise, it's easy to turn your vision into action. ♪ ♪ it's your trade. e*trade. start trading today at so ammara, you're a verizon engineer, tell me, what's one really good reason why the samsung galaxy s8 is better on verizon? well we have the largest 4g lte network in america. yeah that's a pretty good reason. and the most reliable. uh-huh. and, with unlimited, you get full hd video. oh wow, yeah, that's, uh, two, maybe even three reasons right there. it's exactly three. okay. sure, whatever you say. (vo) if you really, really want the best,
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welcome back. president trump did not get the traditional honeymoon period nor did he rack up any signature legislative achievements in the first 100 days. so the second 100 days is critical. got a little help on friday. let's look at the unemployment report. 211,000 new jobs created, welcome news especially after the blip in march. 211,000 jobs in april, 232 in
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february. the economy helping out the president 10 far, most merns judge it by this, the unemployment rate, 4.4%. it's been ten years since the rate was that low. so that is a help for the president. also if you care about your 401(k), the markets have been good to the president. no, more jobs won't help settle hemgt care or tax reform, but a strong economy is any president's friend. >> we want to turn our country into a jobs machine, a jobs magnet. something that really works again. we want america to be the best place in the world to hire, grow, invest, and start a brand new beautiful business. together, we are going to fight for every last american job and we are going to fight for great, great trade deals that are so good for our workers. >> that is the weekly we still call it the radio address, it's all over the internet, but called the weekly radio address. the question is, if you're in
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the white house and you have good economic numbers, that is usually the tide that lifts you up a little bit. not always. but is this -- the question is this. is this a reset moment for the trump agenda after the first 100 days when we had all the conversation about no signature legislative achievement, or is this just a temporary victory? is this a spring board to tax reform, and infrastructure, when he still hachbt gsn't gotten he care to the finish line? >> gdp numbers were pretty lackluster, and you see him threading the needle. trying to take advantage of the numbers that look good and the numbers that are not the greatest indicators and say that's a hangover from president obama and trying to use that as leverage to gets a you said tax reform and all these things. number one, what do the second gdp numbers say. a you said tax reform and all these things. number one, what do the second gdp numbers say.a you said tax reform and all these things. number one, what do the second gdp numbers say. you said tax reform and all these things. number one, what do the second gdp numbers say.s you said tax
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reform and all these things. number one, what do the second gdp numbers say. nd what and what is the implication of the health care bill. as this legislation advances, what are hospitals doing in hiring, what is the industry in general to hedge or gauge against it. that could be something that he maybe wasn't expecting. >> the health care stocks on thursday and friday did not retract, which is very interesting. because the market is so fixated on fax tax reform. so it's a good with point, will the health industry take a hit. but i think, john, probably the best week so far of the white house. i think the combination of a booming job market and get being the first real stab at legislative 34riaccomplishment s them reason to be happy. and so many of the midterms is about having your folks motivated. the left is motivated. the right has to have something to be happy about next year. >> and let immediate entme inte.
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the reason the president was so giddy, he also signed a spending bill that the conservatives don't like. he goes to these conservative websites for affirmations. if you look at the headlines, they were devastating to the white house. the places where normally they are praising president, they were criticizing him and congress. should after days of seeing stuff like this, that's why how giddy he was. again, this just passed the house. it has to go to the senate and then they have to compromise and then the president has to sign it. you don't usually have a rose garden ceremony until you're at the finish line, but the president wanted to celebrate. >> coming from a different world and only be being a politician for a short period ever tiof ti am i doing? i'm president, can you believe it? i don't know. thought you needed a little bit more time. they always tell me you need more time. but we didn't.
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>> that rose garden celebration just underscored how difficult this first 100 and however many days has been for this president. he got a piece of legislation through the house by the narrowest of margins. that is the reality of what happened. and he and republicans had to put a lot of political capital on the line to do that. they don't know if they will get full health care legislation, tax reform will be incredibly difficult. and he had to sign a spending bill that a lot of people in his party don't like. while this was perhaps one of his better weeks in office, this was not an easy week for this president. >> i would just say two things. first off, by about halfway through the rose garden ceremony or celebration or whatever we're calling it, i started getting e-mails from senior republicans saying this is not a good look, we recognize how difficult this process is. and it underscored that it was a big week and they really needed a win and needed to show that there was positive movement on health care, but i kind of take a little bit of a contrarian
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view about how difficult this process has all been. they got something done in the house. a house majority that up to this point has been nothing but a mess and a disaster for leadership, not just this year, but the course of the last five, six, seven years. they figured out a way on a very difficult piece of legislation to whip together a coalition to move something forward. this is a spring board, should be a spring board for leadership that up to this point had never passed a major piece of legislation that had extraordinarily difficult times trying to whip people together that could never seem to get a coalition together. they did it. does it mean they will clear the way to easily move tax reform or infrastructure? no, coalitions look different on that but it is a step forward for a group of members that up to this point have never gone through the process like a pelosi or mcbe con he wiconnell. so perhaps this is a spring board. whether or not they finish health care, that matters. >> the time table also matters in the sense that i don't understand why, but i've been
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here a long time, washington can't do more than one thing at a time. so if you want to get to tax reform and infrastructure, you have to figure out the health care thing. president said best 100 days ever and we don't get credit, but we have a list on the walled the major campaign promises on the white board and the idea was to check them off as they are passed and none are checked yet because they haven't got there. so the question now, does it give them momentum. >> yeah, what is striking about that picture on the wall is how much trump has meant to what other interests want, whether it's the hill, whether it is more traditional folks in his party, whether it is this sort of national security, folks around him, he has had to basically exceed to preferences or foreign leaders and drift from his main campaign promises. he's not an ideological guy to say the least, but he has abated so much of what he ran on to get
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stuff done. take the example of money in this bill for funding the wall. it wasn't going to happen. they caved. running against tearing up nafta? he gets phone calls from canada, next company and he's reminded that farmers were for trump and he caved. so yes, he is doing what he has to do to try to avoid problems or get some kind of victory, but in doing so, he's recreating on what retreating on what he campaigned on. >> and have the house republicans figured out how to govern. and then the other question i think is can the republican party manage to john be than's point ea jonathan's point, you disrupt the health care system at your own than's jonathan's point, you disrupt the health care system at your own peril. there are 30 plus governors races. because of what the house bill does, all those gubernatorial candidates will be asked whether you stay in or opt out. this is a good ad.
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>> republican leaders are trying to do there to affordable care act. in congress i voted for obamacare because it was wrong when a million virginians weren't covered. we'll make sure this never happens in virginia. >> a one take spot. >> but the interesting thing is, in the election after obamacare passed, rare was the democrat who ran an ad who says i voted for obamacare. >> but he lost his job because of the health care vote. what will be interesting about the governor's race is that the governors are the ones who make a lot of these real decisions on health care. and this can swichk tng two way. i don't know how strategic this is on the republican party and white house's part, but you could see a scenario if a governor makes a decision to pull back on pre-existing conditions or medicaid expansion and the state finds it
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unpopular, trump says it's that guy's fault. i can can see that scenario playing out. 2000 democrats getting back some of these governor's mansions is incredibly important to their future as a party. it's not just important in the short term, but also long term. >> virginia will be important for the implications. >> early test, six weeks from now, house election there and then the virginia governor's race will test the mood. i think to see democrats braggibrag ing about voting for obamacare, it's not something that you saw. everybody sit tight. next, when the question involves trump, russia and controversy, more often than not, the answer involves these two words. mike be apple flynn. chael flynn.
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it's a big day tomorrow in the continuing investigation of contacts between trump loyalists and russian officials.
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former acting attorney general sally yates will testify before a senate committee. she is prepared to say that she warned the whoigs thite house t michael flynn was not telling the truth. the call came during the presidential transition just as president obama was announcing new sanctions because of russia's election meddling. president trump ultimately fired flynn, but the white house played down the yates warning and more broadly has brushed aside questions about flynn's contacts and payments. we didn't learn much about the status of the fbi investigation when the director james comey testified this past week. >> do you stand by your testimony that there is an active investigation counter intelligence investigation regarding trump campaign individuals and the russian government as to whether or not they collaborated, you said that in march.
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>> to see if about there was any coordination between the russian effort -- >> is that still going on? if. >> yes. >> that was enlightening. how important is this testimony tomorrow? she says she went to the white house and warned them, michael flynn talking to the russian ambassador, he talked about sanctions. when he tells you he didn't, he's lying. >> i think it depends how much more revealing she is beyond that outline. if she essentially gives that story, republicans in the white house will say we know that. democrats are hoping that she will get beyond the general outline. say exactly what mike flynn was saying during his conversations with the russian ambassador and exactly why she felt that what he was saying was so concerning that he could actually be blackmailed. a pretty extraordinary thing for
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the acting attorney general at that point to rush to the white house to say. so democrats have high expect can tagss that this will be a big i candramatic moment and republicans are down playing it as old news. >> and interesting that "washington post" first reported that during the transition, some campaign officials warned trump saying you have to understand the russian ambassador is likely being eaves dropped organization you can't be talks to him and flynn said so what.ganization you can't be talks to him and flynn said so what. >> the way that the trump campaign as then transition and then administration has treated kind of all this controversy is to suggest that democrats, the obama administration, press, that there is basically everyone is pitching into try to make it looks like something that is a bigger deal than it was. and i think what the likely yates testimony does is set a marker just about the depth and
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the consistency of these concerns. it's another potentially important piece in the puzzle of understanding what everyone knew and when the knew it and i think to that extent it's important. >> and what is interesting about the comey testimony, earlier in the week secretary clinton said she was on the way of winning the presidency and then the comey letter came out. and comey was asked about that and he described how he felt. >> is it makes me mildly gnaw success to think that we 34i6 had some impact on the election, but it wouldn't change the decision. everybody who disagrees has to come back to october 28 and stare at this and tell me what you would do. would you speak or would you conceal? and i could be wrong, but we honestly made a decision between those two choices that even in hindsight, and this has been one of the world he's most painful experiences, i would make the same decision. >> six months from the election, we're still litigating this. did we learn anything this week? if. >> i will say this politically, i think democrats privately will tell youf.
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>> i will say this politically, i think democrats privately will tell you. >> i will say this politically, i think democrats privately will tell you >> i will say this politically, i think democrats privately will tell you they don't like the russian focus and this is why. to me it'ss them it's a stonl s election and i understand that. they don't want to talk about what happened last year. this will be tension for the next 14 months. next, how house leaders got over the 216 vote threshold for their health care victory. we, the device loving people want more than just unlimited data. we want unlimited entertainment. so we can stream unlimited action. watch unlimited robots. watch unlimited romance. if you are into that. but we also want more like... unlimited hbo. can i stop dying now mark? no can't do mi amigo. it's unlimited. besides you are really good at it james. don't settle for any unlimited data plan. only the at&t unlimited plus plan comes with hbo included at no extra charge.
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we surround our table with reporters for a reason, to help you get ahead of the political news around the corner. >> the white house is getting closer to make a decision on whether to withdraw from the paris climate accord, which is a campaign promise that mr. trump advisers hope he doesn't
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fulfill. there is an interesting in trying to get a decision done before heads to europe later this month where he will be meeting with some leaders of countries who are part of it. one of the big advocates that he would be meeting with is of course pope francis. so this will be just one really fascinating element of what will be an incredibly interesting meeting between the pope and the president. >> jonathan. >> there are dozens of cabinet posts still open and one group has not yet been tapped, democrats. back during december, there was an effort to get democratic senators in to the cabinet. that fizzled. i've learned this week that the house gop sought to get reince priebus to appoint house democrats, too. the idea being you would find red statehouse democrats, put them in a cabinet, nice gig, you open up the seat and you could win back the seats in special elections. well, that has not happened and the question now is given these jobs still left and given how competitive this next race is going to be, will the
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administration find some house democrats in red america, put them in the cabinet. there is one job that is still open as we know, army secretary. it's been twice -- not turned down, but it's open and i think there are folks on the hill who are kind of hoping this administration will find room for house democrats in the cabinet so they can get some of those seats. >> and there has been talk on what was actually promised to a lot of these republicans to get them over the finish line for health care. one thing i'm told is money. they know that they will need it especially for the 14 republicans who voted yes and come from hillary clinton districts. where is that money going to come from? you have outside groups, american action network has launched a $2 million ad in 21 districts. i'm told they promised president trump would be available to campaign and raise. but also keep a close eye on the speaker. i'm told his political operation has spent $20 million to the nrcc. compare that to last year, only
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$13 million. they believe this will help these representatives. they said we know a fight is coming, we want that fights. careful what you wish for. >> coming soon to a tv, radio and mobile device near you. >> next sunday is mother's day which is important because we should all do nice things for our mothers and ourselves. but also important because it's closing weekend everywhere at mar-a-lago for the season. and at least until the fall. i mean, the main club shuts down. so we haven't heard yet officially from the white house whether president trump will be marking that anniversary, but he does most years and we'll now see the action and guest list shift up to bed minister. so the question is how does the pace change when he's at bed minister versus mar-a-lago, will we see some of the mar-a-lago regulars graph stagravitate up new jersey. it will be interesting to watch new jersey. it will be interesting to watch.
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>> from the winter or southern new jersey to the new jersey white house. as we watch this health care debate now shift to the senate, we will be reminded again and again and again that senators run statewide, not in the carefully drawn districts that protect most house members. and because the majority is so small, we will also be reminded again and again that one or two senators can have outside influence. susan collins of maine and lisa murkowski of alaska for example don't like that the house bill cuts offer fund to go planned parentho parenthooding funding to planned parenthood. and senators hits hard by the opioid crisis are promise to go require that drug frooetreatmen required. that'spolitics. up next, state of the union with jake tapper. what's it like to be in good hands? like finding new ways to be taken care of.
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trumpcare. the house hands the president his first major victory in congress. >> the ayes are 217, nays are 213. the bill has passed. >> to start repealing and replacing obama care. >> this is a great plan. i think it will get even better. >> but are senate republicans on board? >> the senate will write its own bill, that is clear. >> will the house bill be dead on arrival? dr. tom price joins us


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