tv Reliable Sources CNN May 7, 2017 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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millions of people in east africa have been using cell phones, not just for talk and text, but for all manner of transactions for almost a decade. thanks to all of you for being part of my program this week. i will see you next week. i'm brian stelter. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. it's time for "reliable sources." this is our weekly look at the stories behind the stories. of how the media really works and how the news gets made. at this hour lawyers and reporters standing by for a special look at the widening federal probe into fox news and what it could mean for the net kwoerk's future. plus the biggest news in washington this week, do viewers and readers really know what was in the gop health care bill? and later late night takes on politics. we'll get to the bottom of the sensational headlines claiming the fcc is investigating stephen colbe colbert. as you know by now roger ailes is gone from fox news,
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bill o'reilly is gone from fox news and this week a third figure left the network, copresident bill shine. fox says it has cleaned house amid the sexual harassment scandal, it has diversified the leadership ranks, reformed its hr office. but the wild part now is this justice investigation of the network's practices back during the ailes era. there were big new leaks about the probe this week including this "wall street journal" story reporting that prosecutors have interviewed network executives and on air talent asking about sexual harassment settlements. let's go to joe flynn in l.a., he's a media reporter for "the wall street journal." so, joe, you're reporting people who have been brought in, some subpoenaed, speaking with investigators, prosecutors, and even a grand jury. what's the most important new information you learned this week? >> well just to correct, we didn't report about a grand jury. i cannot say that a grand jury has been summoned yet to this case.
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but some former on-air talent, off-air talent, former senior executive brian lewis the head of corporate communications for a long time, a top roger ailes aide was subpoenaed. loorly loomis who was a top booker at the show and she told her story of harassment, of course, in new york magazine several month ago and she interviewed with prosecutors back in january, and julie who recently filed a game claim against mr. ailes and fox news has met with prosecutors. >> other news outlets says a grand jury has been empaneled. your reporting doesn't back that up right now? >> i cannot sit here and tell you a grand jury has been empaneled. >> now what do you think is a sense of the time line here? do you have any sense of how much longer this cloud is going to whoever over fox? >> no. and with these sorts of investigations it's hard to say. they're interviewing on a wide range of issues. as we said in our story you can't necessarily look at everything they're asking and all the information they're being told, and try to connect
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the dots here. because, ultimately these are financial securities, and fraud prosecutors, so they're really, as we understand it, looking to determine whether there was something done here that may have misled shareholders or not given shareholders the full story about settlements of suits. and to make a case that these settlements were material interest to a huge company like 21st century fox is, of course, a very high bar. >> is there the potential of somebody's going to end up in jail as a result of this? >> i certainly wouldn't want to go out on that sort of limb. it's kind of hard to tell with the information that the prosecutors are receiving whether they're more interested in fox news and 21st century fox, or roger ailes. >> or roger ailes as an individual. right. >> all this coming from leaks. you and i have the same problem which is the government doesn't talk about their investigations when they're happening. all of this comes from anonymous
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sources, either people being interviewed by prosecutors or government officials. we're only in the dark about this. >> right. which is why we have to be very careful. some of the sources have agendas and we need to sort of try to keep in mind as best we can as journalists to separate fact from fiction, and also just separate what -- when an anonymous source speculates on what the prosecutors might be going after we have to remember that's their speculation. we don't really know that we're not in the head of the prosecutor. >> do you think none of your sources are leaking to you because they want to make sure the whole country knows about this investigation, in case president trump's justice department decides no to the go forward with a prosecution of trump's favorite network? >> well, there are certainly plenty of national platforms to talk to, including "the new york times" and the very one you work at. so, i don't necessarily think
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anyone's coming speakly to "the wall street journal" for that purpose. and i can tell you inside the paper, there's a high bar for our stories. just as high for fox news as any company we cover and everything is vetted and thoroughly reviewed and all that -- >> you're kind of alluding to the fact that rupert murdoch owns both fox news and your newspaper. i guess i'm wondering if it's ever awkward to be having to cover the murdoch family while at a murdoch paper. >> it can be a little awkward. but there's a few things that i would like to clear up. i do not have a rupert murdoch bat phone on my desk. i don't hear from him. last week we were playing catch-up on a different story about fox and their pursuit of some tv stations owned by tribune. so clearly -- >> meaning you didn't get the scoop? meaning somebody else your rival got the scoop. >> exactly. no one at 21st sent fox does "the wall street journal" any favors that i can tell you. inside the paper all our stories get scrutiny and natural given the common ownership and fox news and "the wall street
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journal," there's a little extra scrutiny paid there, as there should be. >> it's definitely a delicate situation but when i read your story it seems you guys are going in-depth on this, even though there's common ownership. so joe i appreciate you being here. thank you very much. >> all right. thank you. >> let me turn now to two of the attorneys who have been representing some of the accusers in this case. some of the women who come forward accusing people at fox of sexual harassment and other matters. these two are about to weigh in on the matter themselves. they'll be speaking in on the of altcom this week. they'll decide whether 21st century fox is fit and proper to purchase the part of the media giant sky they don't already own. the murdochs have been wanting to buy the rest of sky for a long time and the decision has to come down between now and june. so let me bring in doug and lisa. doug is here with me in new york. let me start with you. you're representing 20 current or former fox employees. some who are accusing the company of racial discrimination. others of sexual harassment.
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is that right? >> that's right. and i think it's important to go to great britain. because i remember back in 2011, i represented the maid in the dominique strauss-kahn sexual assault rain case. i went to france to inform the french public about who their next president could be. and now we're on the precip of a big acquisition that 21st century fox might acquire sky and i have a great affinity and appreciation for the english people. i'm admitted to her majesty's courts in england and wales, my wife is british we met at, ford. i think the british people have a right to know about the 20 people i represent who have been discriminated against based on their race, based on their gender. they have a right to know about monica douglas a cancer survivor who was called by judy slater a racist, a one-boob girl -- >> slater was the comp troller of fox news. she was fired within two weeks of the company saying they learned of this. >> that's part of the
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cover-up -- >> cover-up? >> yeah. so, fox news said that within a couple of weeks of learning about judy slater's abhorrent behavior they fired her. the problem is we have clients who go back to 2008 who notified the chief law enforcement officer about judy slater's conduct not only in 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, and diane brandy and denise collins the head of hr did nothing about judy slater because they thought she knew too much about ailes, she knew too much about o'reilly, all of the different things that were going on there. so that is farther of the cover-up. and they eventually walked that story back. if you look at their second statement, their second statement said that they fired judy slater of being notified by her lawyers. now i don't see why it should require a lawyer's letter to require somebody. they were on notice years and years prior. we have files for a class action
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status that's going to make its way through the bronx supreme court system. we're confident that a bronx judge will ultimately certify as a class and you know, fox has done everything they can to try and put blocks up. they hired a law firm that likes to sue victims. preemptive litigation. and they can't get away from the facts here, which is that even in our gender cases, we represent someone who went to an interview with roger ailes. she was asked to turn around, he said he liked what he saw. he called her boyfriend to ask about how she was in bed, and ask how whether she put out. we have racist race claims about judy slater where people walked in to say good night and she's put up her hands and say don't shoot blocking the black lives movement matter. we have people we have judy slater saying that the black employees were raising health care premiums. that asking questions about one
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woman who had three children whether they were all fathered by the same person. the list goes on and on. >> july be bringing this to london this week. let me ask lisa, you're flying to london, as well. will you meeting with these regulators. what will you be sharing? >> right after the show i'm going to the airport, brian, and i will be speaking to them tomorrow with my client, wendy walsh. very brave woman who came out publicly and helped us to topple o'reilly. the question i think for the british regulators is, is money the most important thing? is money the only thing that matters. because clearly what fox news came tens of millions of dollars to silence women over the years. they had enough money to continue to flout the law. they didn't mind when bill o'reilly sexually harassed in 2004, calling her on the phone, reportedly she has tapes of him in the middle of a sex act while he's calling her on the phone. that was okay. they drove her out. in 2011, when another woman had similar tapes they kept bill o'reilly. they drove her out.
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over and over again they did that both with roger ailes, bill o'reilly and other men. because they had enough money to do it. and i think the good people of the uk value women's rights and quality. they value the equal rights of people of color and they have the right to know about this. i don't just represent people in court in sexual harassment cases, although i've done that for 30 years. i like to look at the bigger picture. my clients want more. they want justice. they want some accountability. and i think there should be consequences for a giant company like this that's continued to flout the law against discrimination and harassment against women and people of color. >> fox is going to say we've fixed that. why do you say this is still an issue actively for the regulators to know about. >> they can't say they fixed it when every week there's a new lawsuit filed against them. we need a spread sheet to keep up with all of this. they can't say they fixed it when they keep the executives in place who covered up, drove
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women out. this isn't just people -- >> -- a lot of -- >> can i just add just last week we filed a new claim on behalf of a radio correspondent in the middle east. and one of the main parts of the claims is that she e-mailed, pursuant to their new regime, she e-mailed paul white to -- >> the law firm that's been investigating harassment. >> correct. and who self-proclaims that they're neutral and independent, she e-mailed them, and within 24 hours she was notified of her termination. a blatant act of retaliation. >> so you're saying you still have new people coming forward. are you looking to others who have come forward to your office who also want -- >> we are. every day we get contacted by people of color at fox and women of box who have been discriminated based on race or gender. we'll be bringing forth new actions. >> is this a vendetta against fox news? for some people it comes across
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as a witch-hunt. >> i can tell you i'm a life long republican so i find that to be offensive. i'm advocating based on the rights of my client, who want equality in the work place. i have a separate race claim against "the new york times" so i don't buy that. >> lisa, final word to you, is this becoming personal? >> i would say the same thing. you know, i stand for women's rights. when bill clinton was accused of sexual harassment, of lying under oath about it i've spoken out against him. i've gone against every major network, every company in america, when they violate women's rights and the rights of people of color, that's when i come in. it's not about politics. it's about protecting our rights to equality in the work place. >> lisa, doug, thank you both for being here. qualcomm will make the decision between now and mid june. up next, way beyond gg getting favorable coverage at fox. what impact will the french election have on the broadening investigation of fox news.
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welcome back to "reliable sources." does this look inappropriate to you? let's pull up the pictures from last thursday night. while president trump's justice department is investigating fox news, here's trump embracing the man in charge of fox news, rupert murdoch. the two men sang each other's praises at a gala dinner here in new york on thursday with murdoch introducing trump. >> the commander in chief, and the president of the united states, my friend, donald j. trump. >> this special relationship goes back decades. when murdoch's "new york post" was boosting trump's celebrity status back in the 1980s. when trump raised his political profile by calling in to fox news every week. murdoch was sharply critical of trump during the gop primary. rather he said trump was embarrassing the whole country. and then he urged mike bloomberg to run against him. but trump proved to have staying power murdoch fell in line and now he's a key adviser to the president. according to "the new york times" maggie haberman the
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president speaks to murdoch almost every day and murdoch speaks with jared kushner as well. he's one of the people who urges the president to stay focused on the economy narrowly and foreign policy more broadly. joining me now media critic for the baltimore sun and media correspondent for npr, the author of murdoch's world the last of the old media empires. when there's a federal investigation of a network, and the network's head honcho is hanging out with the president, does it look inappropriate? is it inappropriate? >> brian, it totally looks inappropriate. this is the style, though, of both of those men. in your face. you know, i saw that and i was so angry when i saw it and i thought, you know, donald trump, this is what you ran on. the world was not going to be run with winks and nods and secret handshakes by the 1%. you were going to stand up for people. and here you are, hugging this guy and saying all these wonderful things about each
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other. at this event. this is exactly -- i was so upset. but you know what? you know what cheered me? seeing wigdor and bloom because those lawyers are not going to let him off. and we can't let him off. listen, i think he will try to do any influence he can, and trump is so vulnerable because he has no friends in the media. anybody who reports honestly is reporting what a disappointment he is and how erratic his behavior is. so he's got to be nice to murdoch in a way. they are going to try to influence this thing. the only thing that can keep it honest are those attorneys and the press, us, talking about it right now. saying pay attention. this is dangerous. these guys are going to try to game the system, rig the stack the deck and rig this outcome. >> it's reminiscent a little bit of bill clinton on the tarmac with former attorney general loretta lynch. that was a huge controversy for good reason. then you look at this and wonder if there's nothing a little bit
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similar. you wrote a couple months ago that murdoch and trump have an alliance of mutual interests. that's how you describe it. is it transactional for the two of them? >> i don't think rupert murdoch, as you pointed out in your direction, donald trump is not murdoch's chosen candidate. in fact he was about, you know, 16 or 17 candidates deep into who murdoch might have wanted. but murdoch is very pragmatic. what you're seeing there david capitaled some of the rhetorical contradictions in here. but what you're seeing here is murdoch is this 86-year-old chief executive who doesn't have a lot of new tricks. but he's got a trick that he performed awfully well. if you look at him in australia, in great britain, he's always managed to forge extremely close ties with prime ministers. with the top person in charge. because it's helped him win regulatory decisions. it's helped him get off the hook in trouble in these countries. it's helped him get great coups financially from government. in this instance you have rupert murdoch and donald trump unified by common interests.
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it's helped propel fox's ratings. but right now you've got that subtle inquiry here in the southern district of new york and that is a hublg deal. i mean that's basically -- >> are we making too big a deal -- >> i don't think you are. if you tack of the lawyers who know this stuff they would say that normal circumstances this would be about eight or nine out of ten in terms of -- in terms of legal peril and concern for a corporation trying to deal with questions of culture that may stray into felonious criminal behavior. the wild card, of course, is that we don't know who donald trump is going to appoint to be the new u.s. attorney for the southern district. and we don't know how this justice department will act when it involves an ally of the president. do you really want to take on such an important and influential player in american politics, and particularly american republican politician? >> all right let's play devil's advocate. is this guy a little -- everyone trying to decide what they're going to do with trump's favorite network?
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>> i don't think conspiratorial. we have a history. lyndon johnson owned tv stations. that's how he made his fortune in texas. and by manipulating fcc licensing so that only he had stations in those areas. look, feel will play this system if they can. and i'll tell you what, speaking of david, and his understanding of rupert murdoch, think back to that 2011 hacking scandal when he was in huge trouble in great britain, and he went in to that hearing and he was like, oh, i'm an old man, i can't hear your questions, i'm weak. it was pure cabaret. it was pure theater. he will do anything he can to get out of this kind of trouble. and i think this trouble he is in now with fox news is almost as bad as the hacking stuff. the hacking was so reprehensible because it involved hacking into the phone of a dead girl, hacking into soldiers, the phones of soldiers who were killed. this is of the same caliber as
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wigdor and bloom and these attorneys pile up what happened at that -- >> what do you think? >> well, i've got to say i mean it seems to me that this is really a two-front war that he's fighting. a three-front war. the question of the federal inquiry and they're starting to promise full cooperation with the justice department in a way that had not been the stance you've been hearing. that paul white is going to present their full finding about the culture for women and what they've been learning about women making accusations that had not been promised in the early going. they've got the federal inquiry, of course. they've got the lawsuits that we just heard about on this show and the question as you pointed out of whether they'll be able to accomplish the $14 billion takeover of sky broadcasting which would be a major coup particularly for james murdoch rupert's son but that he's wanted back in the fold for decades. so this is -- this is something where murdoch is trying to do a full-court press in two different countries where they have such major stakes, such
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major holdings. this is not resolved at fox news. the culture is not significantly enough change that people inside, the women i talk to inside fox news are not convinced that they can trust the leadership there at the network yet. >> all right the two davids. police stick around. more after the break here. our reality checks about overreactions on the left and the right coming up. plus the one study that has president trump beating his predecessor. waxed and shined. we have seen the glory come, go, and come again. but a cadillac is no trophy. what you see is our future, and it will inspire every car that follows. ♪ this is bill's yard. and bill has a "no-weeds, not in my yard" policy. but with scotts turf builder weed & feed,
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joke. >> you attract more skinheads than free rogaine. you have more people marching against you than cancer. you talk like a sign language gorilla who got hit in the head. in fact the only thing your mouth is good for is being vladimir putin's [ bleep ] >> now there was a version of that that was also bleeped on the show. we bleeped more of it. but it was partially bleeped when it aired. a couple days later colbert said i have jokes, this is a fair fight. but he also admitted he would have changed a few of his cruder words. now that bit sparked some claims to the federal communications commission and the twitter #firecolbert. meanwhile on another channel on abc jimmy kimmel took a more subtle jab at the president this week while talking about what happened with his newborn, and then i pivoted to the new health care bill. watch. >> if your baby is going to die, and it doesn't have to, it shouldn't matter how much money you make. i think that's something that
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whether you're a republican or a democrat or something else, we all agree on that. right? i mean, we do. >> now, some conservatives say late night's out of line. some liberals say they're acting like snowflakes and on and on. the break down the late note commotion let's bring back david zur wick and david folkenflik. is there any reason to think cbs might take action against stephen colbert. when you watch some of the action on fox they're itching to see colbert fired. >> i would be shocked. i can't imagine cbs taking any action against him. you know, maybe publicly they don't want to praise him. but i'll praise him as a media critic. this is the conversation of democracy. jimmy kimmel, too. i'm so glad kimmel said what he did. and i'm even glad that some people said oh, it's going toible ter fear with the debate in the house as if they're geniuses in our house of representatives these days debating anything more important than this conversation.
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what he said was powerful, look, i'm not thrilled with colbert's final, the thing that was bleeped. that bothered me, because not about what he said of putin or trump, i don't care about that, but some folks felt at least indirectly he may have denigrated a group of people by the way he did it. and i think he apologized for that. i saw his apology. i'm not one to judge whether it was enough or not. but this is exactly what late night come he'd kwans should be doing. it's part of the same conversation brian that we are having right now and god bless them. and in some ways, nay can go further sometimes than legacy journalists at least can go. i remember during 2008 we couldn't, i didn't feel, even my blog, that i could say how ludicrous and insane it was to have sarah palin as a vice presidential candidate. but late night,sonson and other places could do that. they opened the door to that. the one thing i will say is this is good now, but it was bad, i
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think when late night comedians genuflected before barack obama the way they did. especially jon stewart for example, selling that iran deal. letting obama come on his show and endorsing obama's iran deal, which we are finding out more and more was not such a good deal. if they're going to be like this, they should be more sort of balanced in their approach with all government officials when they do it. god bless them for what's happening now. trump does outrageous stuff, he does scary stuff and he's in your face about it. good i'm glad that people like this can come back at him every night for millions of americans. >> you said trump does scary stuff. is this entire country trying to figure out how to talk about this unusual president and that includes comedians and journalists? >> sure. i think that's very much the case. you've also got to take into account there's a richness to the criticism of colbert from advocates or fans of donald
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trump, given the number of astonishingly offensive things that the president said over the years, and even over the course of this campaign, particularly about say women even people in public life. the second thing that you've got to think about is they are wrestling with this. what colbert was trying to do, he was defending his cbs colleague john dickerson who trump dismissed from the oval office during their series of interviews last weekend and colbert said let me show you what it actually sounds like. and he did one topping after another. it led to our scene of beeping on this show, something i've never seen before, but it was in the context of an extremely offensive thing that he was trying to say if you want me to be outrageous about a guy who is outrageous, let me show you how that will look. >> let's look at the data, a brand new study showing that trump is breaking a record. there's more jokes about him on late night than there were during obama or bush's or clinton's first year. zur wick is this appropriate? does this make sense that
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there's more trump growth? >> i want to be kind about that study. you know, there's so many variables. how many shows were on. how many comedians were doing this. what the different venues were when they first started doing it. it's kind of a quasi-academic is probably the nicest thing we can say about that study. and it's also a duh kind of study. because it says there's more jokes about trump than anybody else. of course there are. trump begs it. he almost begs you to come after him. our flotilla is going to north korea and it's going in the other direction. how could a comedian not go after that at night? trump begs it. so i don't you know i i'll accept the premise of that study that there's more folks about trump than anybody else. but i don't read anything ideological into it and i think if we really bore down on it in a systematic scholarly fashion we would blow this study up on several fronts. >> let's talk about the tendency
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to overreact sometimes. i saw this happen on the left and the right on social media this weekend. first on the left, there will be stories maybe first from the hill, put the head line up from the hill newspaper said fcc to investigate and take appropriate action about colbert's trump rant. this sounds ominous, right? except the fcc always reviews every klabt it receives. you can complain to the fcc about this program. but the government almost never takes action. so folkenflik what is this really about? is there anything unusual here? >> you know, there isn't in the sense that you're absolutely right. somebody complained somewhere. there's something in a file and the fcc reviews it. people are calling it an investigation. so it's going to involve subpoenas. that's not what this entails. it's a much more bureaucratic review. chairman of the fcc made himself available in a radio interview and then on fox business network to talk about it and he talked about it in fairly mundane even tempered terms. what he said was absolutely true. we've got to look at this. we'll review the complaint,
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we'll see if something is needed. it will be a fine of something of that nature. the very fact of addressing it is throwing some red meat to trump fans -- >> hmm. maybe them feel they're being heard. >> and stoking this is a little bit for those partisans. the chair of the fcc are much more likely to make noises about regulating offensive comments on the air, democratic chairmen, chairwomen are more likely of regulating ownership of who controls the airwaves. >> the fcc is not going to be fining cbs -- >> i think it's very unlikely. it was late at night. >> late at night. >> it's a satire show. >> some critics want to be vigilant. and i understand some people may have been offended about that. there's also the remarkable thing of the remote control and they can use it. and that's really going to be the solution in that instance. >> one overreaction i'm going to ask you about zurawik. here's a washington examiner saying quote cnn, abc, cbs, nbc
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has banned an ad the trump re-election campaign wanted to wear. but nobody actually banned this ad. instead the networks asked the campaign to make one change because the ad incorrectly labeled real anchors as fake news. the networks are well within their rights to reject ads with false information. does this show how trump is running basically a permanent campaign against the media? >> i think, yeah, absolutely. that's part of it. and look our job is to give citizens information that they can make good decisions about their life with. reliable information. cnn and everybody else who didn't run this ad is keeping faith with that principle. donald trump's administration is the opposite with its alternative facts. there is no grounding for this. >> one last thing i want to say about that fcc talk. part of it is on us. the people who report in the media. i think the three of us have the
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same standards. but there's people writing about media who don't know what the fcc does. there's people who will hype any story in the world for page views and call it a probe and heads will roll and all this other stuff. and they misinform the public. so i'm so glad that you took -- you're absolutely right. somebody in idaho weatherman says it's going to be darn cold tomorrow and somebody said oh, he said darn. they've got to look at that if they get a letter or a call. that's the way it works. >> that's right. but they won't take action. we've all got to have the highest standard as possible so folks don't overreact to the story of republicans. david, david, thank you both for being here. up next year, a reminder, in the news letter we'll have more on all this. you can sign up right now. comes out every night of the week. after the break the big political story of the week, the health care debate. how good of a job did we do explaining the bill? this salad?
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sfwh >> as the american health care act narrowly passed in the house this week the head line on said, at last, a victory for trump. the white house created a visual of the victory with this rose garden rally. these spike yours spoke thousands of words. it was a short-term victory for trump but no one knows what the long-term impact will be. joining me now is jonathan cohn a senior national correspondent for the huffington post one of the nation's top health care reporters. have you actually read the bill? one of the big questions this week was did these lawmakers actually read the legislation. >> so i did read the bill. and i -- i did read the bill. and it -- it's very -- you know it's got a lot of legislative language. if you've ever actually gone line by line through a piece of legislation, it's very hard to follow. what i think the real question should be, and when we say did they read the bill, do they
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understand the bill? have they gone through it, do they understand how it works? >> huh. >> and do they understand its impact. and you know, that i think is the real question right now. it was rushed through so quickly how can -- and you know, how can they actually understand even what this bill going to do. >> and we didn't have a congressional budget office score on the final version of the bill. paul ryan, his allies are on television today saying hey, we have two cbo scores. earlier ryan said this is a bogus attack from the left. is this a bogus attack from the left to point out we don't know exactly what the impact of this bill will be? >> so first of all, it's a bogus attack from the left, they should tell that to republicans who have made that argument also. it's coming from republicans, from conservative commentators. it's not a bogus attack. look i mean this to me is exactly an example of what is happening right now. the bill was, you know, there was an original version of the bill, the congressional budget office did an analysis of it. and then they did a second analysis of it when it was changed. then the bill got quiet for
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awhile and at the very last minute they made a bunch of new changes to the bill, and then they voted on it within 24 hours. well we don't know what those new changes would do exactly. >> but do you feel kind of lost as a journalist trying to cover this? >> you know, it is a little bit difficult. and i think this is part of why they are rushing. you know, this stuff is complicated like president trump said. when you are introducing provisions and you have a day to analyze them it is really hard to keep up. it is really hard to digest. you do your best, you call the experts, you call liberals, you call conservatives, those of us who have been doing this for awhile we at least have the benefit of we have some familiarity with the subject. but you know, when they are moving this quickly, when they have having votes on language that hasn't even been posted for 24 hours. when they're asking congress to vote on something without a formal analysis from the congressional budget office it's hard to talk about this with precision. that does make the job of a
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journalist difficult and makes it difficult because if we can't figure it out and explain it well then the public doesn't know. and the public doesn't know what is being debated. that's a real disservice. >> we're working for you guys, who are watching this program. a lot of the things that circulated on the web in recent days, things like the rape, pregnancy and being a mom would become pre-existing conditions under the republican plan. is this an example of misinformation on the left? >> i wouldn't call that misinformation an the left. like everything else there's nuance here. the reality is this. the affordable care act, obamacare, which you know has got pluses and minuses, things people like, things that people don't like, but one of its ironclad guarantees is that every insurance policy will include an essential health set of health benefits. and that you cannot be denied coverage for pre-existing conditions. now, back before the affordable care act existed, you could be denied coverage for pre-existing condition and there were not those requirements on plans. in fact, it was very common if you were one of these people
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buying coverage on your own it was really hard to find a policy that would cover maternity care and if you were pregnant an insurance company wouldn't cover it. this bill would allow states to restore that. it would be up to the states, and some states would, maybe some states wouldn't but that is in the bill. that is not a fact that should be in dispute. >> you're illustrating right now why this is so difficult. i hear the misinformation and confusion has won the day and we've got a lot of work to do in the weeks and months to come explaining this as it moves through the senate and maybe heads towards the president's desk. jonathan thanks so much for being here. >> thanks for having me. >> up next, what conservatives are really not telling their viewers about an important update on an alleged rape case in maryland. some outlets said the mainstream media was ignoring this. we'll fill you in right after the break.
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an all you at home remember is the shouting. this is one of the worst tendencies of media, the lack of follow-up. right now we are seeing it in beings a on fox news. you may remember that fox shouted about an alleged rape back in march at rockville high school in month gmry county, maryland. that's the school district where i grew up so i paid close attention to the coverage. two students were arrested and charged as adults with first degree rape. the victim, a female student, said it happened if a school bathroom. it was a horrifying local story, a story fox and other conservative outlets focused on because the two male students were immigrants who entered the u.s. illegally. this is one of the dozens of stories on breitbart. i counted dozens on fox news' site. listen to the way they covered the story. coming up in ex, back to rockville, maryland, back to washington. the major news network ignored the violent rape allegedly committed there by an illegal
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alien. over the years we've highlighted famili families. abc, nbc, cbs did not cover it on their nightly news broadcast. >> bill o'reilly there was outraged at the rest of the news media wasn't shouting like he was. maybe nbc and abc and cbs were right to be cautious. here is what happened on friday. >> i commend the state's attorney's office for doing the correct thing and dropping the rape charges because obviously this young girl was not raped, as we stated from the beginning. >> a big development there. dropping the charges. after days and days of loud coverage dilttilted against the immigrants. there were three short mentions on fox friday evening. >> maryland state prosecutors say after reviewing video and speaking to witnesses, the facts do not support and rape charge. both defendants still may face child pornography charges.
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the case gained international attention -- >> let's pause the clip right there. while it says the case gained international attention, but he doesn't say how. the answer is his network. too much of the coverage of this story omitted the conservative media's role in making it a national story. for example, when asked about it at a because press briefing, sean spicer talked at length about how disgusting the crime was. never bothering to use the word "allege." >> part of the reason the president has made illegal crackdown is because of tragedies like this. >> following up at the briefing, sylvia vega. >> this white house was vocal on this case. sean spicer said the big part the president made illegal immigration and crackdown such a billing deal is because of tragedies like this. did this white house unfairly jump to conclusions in this case. >> sara huckabee sanders dodged the question. but the answer is yes. yes. the coverage of this case
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trump care. the house hands the president his first major victory in congress. >> the ayes are 217. nays 213. the bill is passed. >> to start replacing obamacare. >> this is a great plan. i actually think it will get better. >> but are senate republicans onboard? >> the senate will write its own bill. >> health & human services secretary dr. tom price joins us live.
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