tv United Shades of America CNN May 7, 2017 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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>> this episode is all about chicago. we are going to those places people think you're not supposed to go to because that's what we do in this show. people have this real skewed perception because all of the news about chicago is about the violence and gang violence and they put it on the city without going to the city or doing research without the city. i notice how we do that every now and and again. you don't want to go there. you don't want to go to new york city. you don't want to go to washington d.c. you don't want to go to detroit. you don't want to go to chicago. i'm noticing a pattern. the pattern is those are heavily black cities. nobody says you don't want to go
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to spokane, washington. you don't want to go to butte, montana. you don't want to go to salt lake city. i don't actually. salt lake city, the black section of town is utah jazz. as a comedian i have made a living finding humor in the parts of america i don't understand. now i'm challenging myself to dig deeper. i'm on a mission to reach out and experience all of the culture and believes that add culture to this crazy country. this is the united shades of america. chicago, illinois not only helps divide america to americans but helps define america to the rest of the world, which makes sense because chicago has been home to many of america's most influential cultural icons like oprah winfrey, michael jordon, ckanye
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west and even this cultural ie kochblt i spent my years in the south side maybe hood of hide park. look. there's that restaurant that didn't hire me. they didn't think i was worth 2 bucks an hour. look at these guys. that's my two friends jason and rob. i'm the one in the middle. america's original gangster mc al capone. you can go on a tour of his greatest hits. i guess it would be cute except at 70 years after his death chicago is still plagued by gang violence. in 2016 there were 762 murders in chicago making it one of the deadliest years in decades. that's more homicides than new
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york and los angeles combined. this lead to chicago's all new nick nak chiraq. this narrative -- many are painting this city with one big scary black brush when in fact like all cities with crime problems the violence is coming from specific areas with specific reasons. in chicago it's the south a side and west side. while there are many factors the other that shouldn't be overlooked is being known as one of the most segregated cities in america. how segregated is it? i'm headed to the predominantly white neighborhoods of lib con park and bridgeport to see if they feel this divide. in case it's really segregated i will go ahead and bring my copy of the 13th amendment.
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people talk about the south side or the west side? >> not really. >> so why do you think those neighborhoods are so much worse? lower income, lower development. >> they are not the white neighborhoods. i used to work over there. police would stop. i would catch the bus. the police could stop and ask me if i needed to ride because i was in the wrong neighborhood. >> i don't think i will surprise you when i tell you police never asked you if i needed a ride. >> maybe not in the front seat. >> since he brought up the issue of unequal treatment by police let's jump all in and talk about black lives matter. i know some of to you were excited to hear about gangs and how it belongs the rap music and kis. we'll address that later.
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first, following the killing of trayvon martin in 2012 three activists started a hash tag, black lives matter. they had that crazy idea that maybe you couldn't kill black people for no reason. it started polarizing debate. for them shouldn't it be all lives matter? have you heard of phrase black lives matter? >> yeah. >> what do you think about that? >> i don't know if it's a colored thing but i think all lives matter. >> what does black lives matter to you? >> it is a touchy subject. i want to say it means all lives matter but right now there are hardships going on with black lives. >> that's a perfect answer. >> can you tell me a little bit? >> all lives should matter.
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>> i know that. >> but not right now. >> i know. >> because all lives don't really matter in the same way and all lives matter is an aspirational goal. white people, learn from her. >> i love the black lives matter movement. i think it's important and i think -- but i wish there was more of of a focus on education. >> yeah. >> well, lady that was such a big fan that she pulled her car over, ask and you shall receive. my next stop is meeting with black lives matter who sauchb at city hall. the day he joined the fight to provide better conditions for the teachers in chicago. >> the working class people of this city can't afford more budget cuts and teacher layoffs to our school. >> in 2015 mayor cut $200 million from the public
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school budget. this resulted in 1,400 staff layoffs. where were most of them? bridgeport? nope, the south side and west side where black people live. that's a really odd coincidence. >> why do we always have to fight so hard for what should be given to us? >> if we want to talk about violence in our communities we have to talk about the support systems we have. teachers are our support systems. that's what we are fighting for. black lives matter stands firmly on that. thank you. >> you know, we are here to talk about the bonds in chicago. a lot of parents connected to lack of schools and lack of school resources. >> that's right. >> i think that's something people don't really think about. they think violence is one thing. >> that's the false narrative, right? people want to put it solely on the shooters or gang members.
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the reality is people like you said, are connecting the dots. >> i think poverty brings on all of these problems. why do you cut our kids down to the bare minimum? we pay our taxes. we do what we have to do. i feel like if we don't push back we will lose this battle. i feel it is an absolute class struggle. >> he was talking this morning telling him brother, well, you have art this morning. art, what's that? i was floored. now, what's going to happen, these kids are going to grow up. they are scared. they want a gun. they get a gun, it's all -- >> it's crazy. >> yeah. >> thank you very much. you don't remind me of my
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hey, chin up there, dale. lots of bikers also drive cars. in fact, you can save big if you bundle them both with progressive. i'd like that. great. whoo. you've got soft hands. he uses my moisturizer. see you, dale. bye, rob. start your day with the number one choice of dentists. philips sonicare removes significantly more plaque versus oral-b 7000. experience this amazing feel of clean. innovation and you. philips sonicare. save now when you buy philips sonicare. philips sonicare.
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♪ be the you who doesn't cover your moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. be the you who shows up in that dress. who hugs a friend. who is done with treatments that don't give you clearer skin. be the you who controls your psoriasis with stelara® just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. some serious infections require hospitalization. before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. before starting stelara® tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have symptoms such as: fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. always tell your doctor if you have any signs of infection, have had cancer, if you develop any new skin growths or if anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. some serious allergic reactions can occur. do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. most people using stelara® saw 75% clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. be the you who talks to your dermatologist about stelara®.
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all lives matter is just an attack on black lives matter. nothing else. it's just an attack on black lives matter. but then some white people on the other side took it a step further. if we will say black lives matter we should say white lives matter. yeah. we know. nobody needs to be convinced of that. that hash tag never trends. across the country block lives
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matter continues to be one of the hottest topics in mainstream and social media. police brutality has been well documented. black lives matter has invited me to the south side neighborhood so we can talk about it. just as i got there i find arresting black people. black lives matter just clocked in. >> i will not sidly by. >> think he is overreacting? tell that to the families of mcdonald, and jackson, all teens killed overthe last few years. just this year department of justice concluded a 13 month investigation that showed the cpd was racially biassed towards black people and trampled all over our civil rights.
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out of the many maddening things in this report this one tuck out to me. in order to get information from gang members police would take a young person and either leave the person there or display the youth to the rival members immediately putting the life of that young person in jeopardy by suggesting he has provided information to the police. that is totally [ bleep ]. >> did they arrest them? >> yes. what charges? we will never know. people watch him and they wanted to know what we were doing in their neighborhood. i couldn't help them. >> i don't understand. why were y'all filming right here? >> we are coming down to talk about what's going on in the community. >> what are you doing though? >> it is for a cnn show called united shades of america. >> trying to exploit us or something. >> no. >> i hear you. >> y'all got to come out here when the police do real bull to
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us. we are just minding our business chilling. >> we just walked up and saw cops messing with people down there. >> they were doing real police work right there. what was going on down there? >> i don't know. some times people do bad things. some people do bogus stuff. all i'm saying is it isn't us all of the time. >> you're fine with the cops when they are doing good police work. >> i don't know what you're doing but i'm assuming you are doing real police stuff. >> they want cops. they just want cops who are there to protect them. you know, cops are doing some real police stuff. >> you know, black lives matter only cares about police violence. >> if people do research to educate themselves they will learn about the movement for black lives. people have spent over a year working on policy to talk about
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resources, to talk about all of these different things that are going to improve our conditions in our community. >> you know you just messed up right. you just said reparations. white people saying no. that's scary word. how do we make that less scary? it. >> it isn't about black people getting a huge check. that's not reparations. reparations is investment. if we have proper housing, access to food, access to mental health care that's the way you fight back against violence, not hiring more police and fire and teachers. that's not how you do it. you do things that will support and help people thrive and have a high quality of life. they are doing the opposite. that's how we know oppression is real. that's how we know because we are not getting access to resources as other communities happening right now in this country. >> when black lives matter shows
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up for teachers union are you just supporting black teachers? >> all teachers matter, all right? >> all right. all right. there's a real reason there's so much focus on the youth here. 75% were black but 51% were people under the age of 25. . >> hi. >> hi. >> if there is someone we need to talk to, it's diane. first of all, tell me where we are at right now. >> we are in the memorial tribute to young people killed by violence in chicago, illinois. >> there's a huge number of stones. in some sense i think my brain i was trying to make this be maybe over the last 30 or 40 years. this is just since -- >> may of 2007. >> wow. >> it started out with this
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young man who was killed in may of 2007 on bus coming home from school. >> what made you decide to build this memorial? >> when blair was killed i knew his father. i got ang at home depot i saw these stones and i wanted to let them know we were losing all of these young people to violence. not only that, the families come here because they appreciate us keeping the memory of their kids alive. there's a one-year-old in here. he was getting a diaper changed and they are shooting her father. are you kidding me? where are we living? >> yeah. and how many stones are here now? >> over 500 here and we are 500 behind. >> so 500 more -- you have to make it bigger? >> yes. we'll have to tear it down and rebuild it again.
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>> i also notice two american flags. >> i put them there on purpose. we are in america. >> yes. we are. >> and these young people are part of the landscape that causes that. >> so in some since this is ultimate patriotism asking the country to live up to the ideals of the flag. >> we all deserve the pursuit of happine happiness, liberty. these are lives. they will not be forgotten. ugh, no bars.
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having grown up in chicago i know some neighborhoods even ton south and west side are as safe as any neighborhoods in this country. for much of the young black population growing up in the dangerous parts of the south and west side gang violence has become a and the violence gets all of the headlines. what's life like in these neighborhoods and what's life like in a gang or what they call street organizations. i'm meeting with someone that grew up in this life and worked har to make a life for himself. he worked with kanye west. you gu up out here right?
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>> yeah. about 3 blocks. >> outside of chicago they were talking about gang. can you sort of? >> yeah. you definitely got the stones from right here, the vice lords obviously the bd's, black designs, four corner hustlers. latin kings, spanish cobras, all of these different factions. it was crazy. it was like going outside was like literally taking your life into your own hands which is something you cam accustomed to. you looked up to the dude. i would do anything to hear stone love. they say go beat shorty up. i will do it so they can say stone love. i still feel it right now.
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>> i can tell. >> i guess love, to be accepted in a group, that's human, man. >> everybody wants that. >> yes. >> i need to know somebody has my back. >> yes, sir. >> you're still connected to the youth out here. >> yes. these shorties, ebk, everybody killing. >> don't be fooled. that structure change is by design. in 19992 dhig hadchicago had a murder rate. chicago police prosecuted the heads of the gd's, vice lords and black disciples. many thought it worked great because it lessened the crime in the first decade of 2000s. others believe the plan backfired. it splintered gangs and caused a violent free for all. for more on this google the gulf
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w war, iraq, al qaeda. i'll wait. >> we will get more police. really? you been getting more police for the last 40 years. >> there's not a magic number. the houses get nicer, winter is only 50 degrees. >> yeah. >> to get a better understanding of what life was like in these neighborhoods he set up a meeting between me and current affiliated gang members. i'm not scared. okay. i'm a little scared. >> nice to meet you, brother. >> wow wow the general is the leader of his crew, if pirate gang reportedly one of the hottest pockets of violence on the south side of chicago. if you know me you know i hate hot pockets.
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>> about a week ago two killers out here, two shooters. it may look like it looks now but it ain't sweet. this is one of the most infamous projects. >> i feel like you just invoked the thunder. >> yes. >> that was the verification. no validation needed. >> yeah, okay. people talk about chicago it's like the most notorious city in the country. do you think it's worse than people think it is or is it exaggerated? >> it's worse. >> a lot of stuff don't make the news. we are in block 6 right now. different blocks separate different fractions of gangs. you might have the stones and the vice lords in block two, three and one. you might have the gd's and some of the bd's in block 6. at first everybody was separated. now because of the no funds, money not coming in they brought
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all of us together and thought it was going to be a good idea. now your enemy lives right next door to you. it forces you to get out of the way. all of these residents have to suffer behind that. we are not safe right now. it might be calm and might be peaceful. you might think it's sweet. it ain't sweet. we have boogies on us protecting us because i'm all about y'alls security. we are watching each other's back right now. >> for those that need an urban dictionarie dictionaries. >> what a boogie is a gun. i brought a camera crew to a possible gunfight. >> murders happen right here in this block. they were still jumping rope. they see where the shots coming from and they duck on the ground. they are trained. you have the blue and whites out
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here. you have the helicopters out here. that i don't stop nothing. people who come from here, they think it ain't nothing. everybody looks up to the shooter. he can walk up on you and be like give me $100. all of the shorties, that's what i want to be. nobody wants to play basketball, baseball no more. >> they took the resources and the program. where we are at right now used to be basketball courts and stuff like that. you don't have that no more. when you ain't got that the first thing you put in your hand next is a gun or some drugs. you know what i'm saying? we need the resources back. >> if we give up -- that's the main thing. don't give up. you find hope. stop the violence. let's come together and be a family. come together and let's be a family. stop the violence.
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>> for those of you watching the show while on twitter that lady did an old school live tweet. hash tag i'm with her. >> appreciate it. >> any time. >> i appreciate it and i appreciate the security. r compay three years in a row. wow. -really... let's see how quickly you can read through all their awards. oh gosh... -lot of pressure. you ready? go! 2017 motor trend car of the year. kelly blue book 2016 best resale value... u.s. news best cars for the money 10 best blah blah blah 2017 safety. only about 90 more to go! 2015 (laughs) 2017 north american car of the year! that's a lot of awards! who would of thought? great, now i'm going to have to go buy a new car. there's nothing more than my so when i need to book a hotel room, i want someone that makes it easy to find what i want. gets it.
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after a day of visiting one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in chicago it's time to do one of my favorite things, hanging out with people who make me feel stupid. i'm meeting with johnson at the sweet maple cafe. he is a poet, author of racial study. his most recent is children telling their own stories. he agreed to school me on the current situation. talk a little bit about that term chiraq. >> i don't think we can pinpoint where a that came from. it is part chicago, part iraq as a means to sort of mark chicago foreign as a place we could remove america from. i wouldn't even say chicago. i'm thinking parts of chicago. hyper segregation was going
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because of how segregated chicago is. >> hyper segregated? >> yes. >> so what does that -- i think i get what that means. >> we think of other cities as some how further along in the thought process of diversity. chicago reminds us that isn't always the case. >> when you taukt about chicago because that is happening. there's no reason that it's happening. it is sort of put on these people and they are sort of violent. >> right. one of the things i try to talk to people is how some of these things have come to be. certainly poverty is one of those. it isn't a happenstance kind of thing. there is denying the ability to buy homes and have economic power. the ability to take care of your family is one of the things that marksman hood and i'm not given fair access to the labor market then some times violence becomes
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a means. >> but a lot of this from what i understand is back to how black men of the city feel like they have to express their masculini masculinity. it's all about be a man. >> we have to allow for multiple types of masculinity to ks up and down. there is no one way of being a black man. you can be as black as steve urkle or as black as dmx. >> yeah. >> you see what i'm saying? >> i want to give you a good range of black. >> y'all going to make me lose my mind up in here. >> yes. >> fantastic. >> nothing like talking black masculinity over carrot cake and tea. he set up meeting with vice
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lords, gang tster disciples. they are eager to come together to talk about stopping the violence. >> it's very important that we keep the communication line open. >> this is an organization that helps gun victims. he has an unexpected announcement. >> you know, due to the situation that went down on the 19th. you know how it is out here. >> it turns out a gang leader who is supposed to be here was just shot. these issues are happening right outside that door literally. >> yeah. so something went down like an hour ago. >> yeah. >> right near here. >> yeah. we ain't even safe here but like i said earlier. >> i'm shocked these guys take this news as business as usual. >> has everybody had a gun pointed at you. ? yeah. we all have.
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>> i can't even reach out to you straight. 45 straight through. >> we just talk about seven or eight little youngsters, man. it came across to me as well as others that were with me, we are reaching out but the younger generation is not reaching back out to us. they are stuck into what they are doing. >> so somewhere we failed them. we failed them. that young one i failed, that will be the one that kill me because i missed out. >> it's a cycle, right? >> yeah. a lot of older kids let it slide. it slides so long now it's out of hand. >> to people who are watching at home they know the phrase gang banging. what does it mean if you're on the streets? >> it's all around protecting
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your neighborhood and people took it -- the media took it into text as gang banging. we are not gang banging. >> for the younger generation what does that mean for them? >> when we came up there was no instagram or twitter. twitter and instagram is the new streaks. y'all got beef, y'all facebook living each other, instagraming each other. that's where the clashing at. >> social media. >> yeah. >> these are serious threats and known as cyber banging, which honestly i would have thought was something completely different. when i became a father and had kids things became more crucial to me. >> of course you being a dad you want everything. you want the world for your kids, but you try to protect them on what's going on. you try to make them avoid the mistakes that you made and try to make their life better. >> yes.
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>> but in today's society it's kind of hard. >> yeah. it is. >> if you could control all of these circumstances, how would you make it better? >> jobs. we need jobs. >> yeah. >> everybody happy with money. >> yes. >> you have to get back some hope. >> while the ending on a call for hope i didn't think about how it happened with if the news of another gun victim and when the meeting ended everybody talked about dinner plans and took some selfies. to them this is normal. this should not be normal.
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before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. before starting stelara® tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have symptoms such as: fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. always tell your doctor if you have any signs of infection, have had cancer, if you develop any new skin growths or if anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. some serious allergic reactions can occur. do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. most people using stelara® saw 75% clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. be the you who talks to your dermatologist about stelara®.
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two things you can always count on in black communities is a billboard of steve harvey and a church. and this is new creation church. pastor julinda wade is the mother of dwayne wade who recently returned to show the city some love. today she uses her platform to inspire others with her story of salvation not just spiritually but personally. thank you for letting us come to
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your church. >> i'm delighted you would come here. >> you grew up in these neighborhoods, lived the life in these neighborhoods and now you have a church. can you tell me how that all came to be? >> yeah. you know the violence that has hit our city is perplexing. even somebody that grew up in a gang, with gangs being around me, it was a little contained. it was structure. it was something that was there that is not here today. you wonder, what is it all about? why is the rage is way it is? why are the decision making that these young people are doing today -- you know, why are you hurting your brother? why are you killing your own? what is it all about? you know, i don't know if you know but my niece got caught up in that this particular year. >> yes, ma'am. >> going to school to register
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the babies. >> she was shot in the head while she was walking and pushing her newborn in a stroller. >> instead of saying ma'am, get out of the way, get off the block this and that. you just shoot? you know, you wonder, what were you thinking? >> these two offenders are the prime example of the challenge we face here in chicago with repeat gun offenders that don't care who they shoot, don't care whose live their take and clearly clearly don't fear the consequences of their action. >> you know, your son is dwayne wade and your niece's passing was used as a political tool by some people to talk about chicago but not in a positive healing way but to sort of use chicago as a lawless place. >> republican nominee sparking controversy for political sizing the death of dwayne wade's cousin, tweeting just what i
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have been saying, african americans will vote trump. an hour later trump offered his condolences. >> it had to be hard on your family. >> it was. you heard the saying i got a choke hold on you, we got a faith hold on jesus and what we believe and we won't let him go. we refuse to allow what happened to make us bitter. we look at what has happened to our family to be a voice since god gave us this platform. what can we do? we have got to get here. you know it's in the mind set. i was an alcoholic. once my mind changed everything around me had to change. so that's what we have to get to our babies out, the ones that are out here doing it and half don't even know why. >> there is a lot of power soft
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somebody who has credibility and lived a life and been through some things. people know you know what you're thinking of. you have both of those things. >> that's a good thing. they work very well together. i'm there to share with them. i was once that person or i hung with that person, a person that was like that. then they start looking at the -- listening to the real message because i believe in being real. i'm raw and up front. the streets didn't play with maine the streets don't play. why should we come in church of and play with the people? >> i think that's the first time i heard a pastor described as raw. the raw reverend, huh? >> yeah. yeah. >> what can we do to make this better? >> do you know love is missing? love is missing. i can go up and hug one of them and they will start weeping. love is missing. we look at them as being little bitty old terrorists and other
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names they have given them and they are somebody's kid that has gotten misdirected. let's give them something. >> and those are the nicest kicks i have ever seen on a minister in my life. i think i know why they are so nice. i think i have a clue as to why. i have to point that out. >> thank you very much. >> thank you.
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mus is always the voice of the streets. for some it's a path out of the streets. my last stop is a legendary blues club in chicago where we can accomplish what we once thought it would be impossible. these gang members turned rappers, including the old school and little school. they never -- if you're just tuping in i'm dr. cornell wilson. >> these guys all know each other. >> yeah, they know. >> they don't know each other. >> not ray will. >> is that anything that could lead to an issue. >> yeah. >> all right. so you know they're all musicians and they're all cool with you. you don't know if they're cool with each other. >> no. >> not only have they not met each other, it becomes apparent to me that they had idea -- when
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i told people i was coming off of chicago, they're just like, no. it's like whatever you're going to shoot, he said get a bank bank. >> when i hear people talk about coming to chicago and they're afraid to come to the city. what they don't recognize is so of the -- so much of the violence is centered in very specific areas, you know. chicago is so segregated. we're on the worth side with lincoln part, people might tell you to go to chicago. what were you being careful about over here. there's nothing to be careful abover here. this is a safe neighborhood. you have those chicago just like you have, that will be the main thing, why you can't do that,
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you knee. >> et it ain't even opinion wanted my brother, or one of my wassens every day i'm going to take. that a why are we are where we are, because when we were in the middle of it, i can read books about behind this. when somebody on me, i've got to -- i'm not thinking about it right now. and i have to with it have to. >> social media is messes things up. it start happening when the vice president deal. >> if that dates back then it was more killings. it's just social media. not you can come up on social kweez. >> they fought on demand seeing
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shorty. live and then he gets killed. i think we' got to put different mentalities for the groups, we've got terrible who is not going to lose. she was confidence, why are you -- the shoes don't mess them up. . it's the solution. >> we have to rectify before we say, okay, how can -- we've got to be able to come together before it gets bigger than you can't say. >> you can do it for the look, it's not going to work for me. >> i'm learning from y'all. >> does it know how critical the times are. >> it's suppose to give you two times, private. you have to still be mine what else we need to produce.
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>> you're funny. >> and then he'll turn around say something violent, it's the radio personality. it's confusing. >> i also solutions have to come down to investing in the communities, because the schools have lost june programs. they've lost music programs because there's no money being put into the school. you've got schools with the school district the black kids is getting more process, i'm happy jump. >> is that trump fixed now? >> i really don't -- don't know how to, you know, do entertainment to really feel like they don't have a way out. and rich is a be haif your. so it's about going to class on time, washington the dishes, any of that. you're setting up for anybody to wave out into the whole university, you'll get it right
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now. >> it will be starting tech start ups and being accountant and lawyers like -- we've got to tell lim that just ascended in society, you know, i'm really happy right now. i haven't seen this until today. the old heads and young heads have sat down. and this where we really channel it up. camera is in on that. and one of us can greet somebody and teach somebody and save somebody. you feel what i'm saying, this is that moment, the impossible is possible. >> once the conversation got going, i'm pretty sure i if left the room, the the presidentn't school high school. they love that do or die, they went even to show us. some are not legendaries and
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higher, thank you for being there. >> that conversation was great. and just when we were wraps up, something happened that i never saw ginning. >> you don't want to be on the plane. as we bad our head in prayer, i can't reflect on everything i've seen and hear. despite the hometown revelation, whether you want to call it investments or reconciliation or rap arounds. if we're in chicago, just like the rest of america, needs to make amends with the black population. these communities just want to be heard.
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they're invested in solution. were you listening. he said thank you in the name of jesus. amen, amen. amen. ♪ ♪ ever celebrations in france, what a rock concert. the president elect prez voters there rejecting far white politics and we'll take you live on the french capitol. what did he mean for the european union. we've got completely coverage of this historic election right here on this kr kr. wofrt u.s. p season, we'll have a
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