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tv   Smerconish  CNN  May 20, 2017 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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throughout the morning. but we have to pass the time to smerconish who will take over. we'll be back at 10:00 to show you more of what's happening around the world. stay close. thank you for being with us. >> see you later. i am michael smerconish in philadelphia. we welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. escaping turmoil at home. president trump heads to international waters, landing this morning in saudi arabia. he got the royal red carpet welcome from 81-year-old king salman, with military brass band and fighter jet fly over. can his foreign policy push help down play his domestic disturbances? to list just a few, naming of a special counsel into possible campaign collusion with russia.
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hiring of michael flynn, despite knowing he was under investigation. telling the russians james comey was a nut job he fired to reduce pressure. on top of this, reports white house lawyers are researching impeachment. makes me think the president is in need of serious legal counsel. i'm about to give it to him pro bono. plus, he shot and killed osama bin laden, one of navy s.e.a.l. robert neil's combat missions. he is here to tell the tale. i hope i'm not in trouble now, man. >> this week, bill cosby broke his silence for the first time in more than two years, he spoke to me. the interview made national news, but did many miss what he revealed about his upcoming assault trial? i'll explain. first, mr. president, either
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you're not getting good counsel or you're not following good counsel you're being provided. in case it is the former, let me give you legal advice. robert mueller's appointment is the official statement of official washington if you've broken the law, you're out. one way or another, impeachment, indictment or cabinet removal under the 25th amendment. i don't know if you've broken the law, whether you've impeded official investigations, but this isn't a witch-hunt. there is enough evidence relating to michael flynn and the russians to cause the extraordinary act of appointment of independent counsel. you fire the person investigating flynn and maybe investigating you after you allegedly first asked that investigator over a one on one dinner at the white house for a loyalty pledge, then two weeks later in the oval office after asking pence and sessions to leave the room, you told director comey to stop investigating your former
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national security adviser by saying, quote, i hope you can let this go. at that moment because of your termination letter of comey, we know you had russia on your mind. now comes news you told the russians that the firing of comey would relieve great pressure. understand this. you can't make what has happened go away, not by tweeting or rallying the base, having your allies in congress, or conservative media complain. we're beyond that now. you need to hire a criminal defense attorney and follow that lawyer's advice which will no doubt include restraint. and the road ahead is pretty clear. it is nearly certain the truth will come out. if you committed crimes, you'll be removed. i'm not prejudging you. i think it premature and inappropriate for those that talk impeachment. you also need to hire a political adviser who will stand up to you and tell you when you're wrong and you need to
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follow that advice. you need to relentlessly get to work and stay at work on the problems you were elected to fix. even if you get past your legal issues, the way, the only way to save the presidency, stop talking about the issue, stop being controlled by impulse, instead be governed by discretion and the law. assuming nothing that has already occurred will cause you to be removed, this presidency can be rescued. president reagan faced many dark days in his second term in relation to iran contra, but he got through it focusing on his work, not complaining. by maintaining discipline. pretty much the same thing happened with president clinton, though that scandal was different. you can pull out of this downward spiral, but only if you have it in you to stay focused, stay on message. follow the rules. follow the law. follow good advice. now, some thought the president's departure would give
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us respite. but crazy news cycle kept going even after air force one had wheels up last night. "new york times" broke a story that president trump told visiting russian diplomats that the fbi director james comey was a nut job who he fired to take the pressure off. every day, sometimes every hour there's more groundbreaking journalism. without such efforts we would never have learned of michael flynn's ties to russia. he would likely still be the national security adviser. nor might we know the president's true reason for firing the fbi director comey. one of the star reporters with several by lines each week has been "new york times" national security correspondent matthew rosenberg who joins me now. matthew, i have page one above the fold story in my hand. nult job is the sort of thing people discuss at the water cooler, but i think this is the more significant quote. i faced great pressure because of russia, that's taken off. it sure seems to fit one of the elements that there was
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obstruction of justice, no? >> i am not a lawyer, i want to be careful on this. you can read it two ways. trump, he also talked about how jim comey is grand standing, he is a show boat, that it created pressure in the public's ear. he may be referring to that. he is not exact in his words. to say that's trump being trump, but these are the moments that kind of thing gets you in trouble. there's a reason why in meetings the american president and diplomats have foreign leaders and diplomats, they're scripted, intense scripts. we can make fun of official washington as being very boring and on message. the reason they do it is because if you don't, it can go wildly off the rails. if you're president trump who likes to speak off the cuff and says things people find out rages, things get off the rails
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is a polite term on how things go. >> glisten, i want to be fair. searching for the benign explanation as to why he would say to the russians the pressure has been taken off. is the benign explanation that he wanted to convey strength to them by saying hey, i got rid of that guy, i'm in control, i'm ready to deal with him. >> as far as that explanation, still doesn't look great. you're telling the russians, you're conveying strength by saying i got rid of the chief law enforcement official, and you know the big issue with russia, you say the rule of law is important, human rights are important. leaders following the rules are important. you have the president in the oval office bragging, saying this guy was a problem, now he is gone. that just doesn't play well with a lot of people in washington or with a lot of americans as well.
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>> should we be reading anything into the timing of this. i'm sure from the right there will be criticism you drop this bomb at the "new york times" the minute the wheel is up. >> we were scrambling to get the thing ready for publication, and i think about 10, 20, 30 minutes before it went out, one of the editors was like wait, one of the colleagues was on the plane on air force one, better call him, let him know this may happen in the air. as we got him as the plane was taxiing on the runway, there was no great plan. we finally got the story together, we have the sourcing, we were comfortable with it. >> presumably from air force one then came this response from sean spicer. the president always emphasized the importance of making deals with russia as relates to syria, ukraine, defeating isis and other key issues for the benefit and safety of the american people by grand standing and politicizing the investigation
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into russia's actions, james comey created unnecessary pressure on our ability to engage and negotiate with russia. the investigation would have always continued and obviously the termination of comey would not have ended it. once again, the real story is that our national security has been undermined by leaking of private, highly classified conversations. matthew rosenberg, that's not a denial. in other words, what struck me about the statement is that the white house didn't say that's a lie, he never said those words. >> yeah. it's hard to claim something is a lie when dozens of people have seen the summary of the conversation typed up by somebody in the room taking notes. every one of these meetings has a note taker, those summaries are circulated throughout the white house and the executive branch. you're going to have trouble denying that. we got that before the plane took off. i want to address the highly classified briefing. first of all, the contents of that conversation that he fired comey and implied he is a nut job, that's not classified. the documents itself, parts of
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it may be. the other issue, this is the same meeting where the president shared intelligence that we had gotten from israel with russian officials. that intelligence from israel was sensitive, code word classified is what they call it. the israelis shared it with the united states with the express instruction it not be shared with anyone, even american allies. if we're going to talk leaks, it is odd to talk about people discussing something, the president is clear in his feelings rather than leaking of highly, highly, highly classified information to russian officials, going straight to iran, by the way. >> seems to be a tremendous amount of leaking in the first four months of this presidency, drudge noted in a post how there was never this leaking on obama's watch. put that on the screen. never got one damaging leak out of obama white house staff in 8 years. under trump, they appear hourly. big dangers, small leaks sink ships. i would never waste time asking
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matthew rosenberg so who is leaking, but i will ask this. is it coming from the deep state? are they coming from people put in office by president obama, president clinton or others, or are you getting leaks from political appointees of this white house giving you information? >> can i just say all of the above because that would be accurate. the leaks are coming fast and furious. there's no deep state. there are a lot of people, career and political employees, especially in the national security world. what they're seeing in the first few months are things that truly upset them, horrify them, or worry them, and their feeling is that the internal mechanism for fixing this are not working, so they are going to the safety valve, the media. we're getting tremendous amount of leaks, undeniable. but instead of saying why are these people leaking, the media is bad, leakers are bad, might be gotd good to what is causing
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the leak. what is worrying them so much. >> a final point. i live in a bubble. i live and work in philly, i am in new york and d.c. it is a big country. listen to one caller to my radio program this week on all your coverage which i was praising. play it. >> i am a hell of a lot smarter than most of these nitwits working "new york times" or "the washington post." i believe people that are in the room that hear what was said and don't take false stories lightly. >> i think we're in a golden age of journalism. this is woodward, bernstein kind of stuff that you're doing, the post is doing, cnn is doing. what do you say to that caller who is not buying any of it? >> i wish i could sit down with him. look, this story is a great example. that was a person in the room that wrote up the notes. they were circulated. it is not just one person read
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us something, they must be telling us the truth. we went to other people, they read us out parts and they all matched. these are people who are independent of each other. we're careful and not just taking the word of some thirdhand person who happened to hear from his friend that works in the government. that's not how this works. you know, i understand it must be overwhelming, i can't keep track of this half the time because it is going so quickly and i'm in this business, so i do think it is imperative on us to make it as clear as possible to readers that yes, we're using anonymous sources, people are discussing things that could land them in jail, but they're doing it not out of some partisan dislike for donald trump, they're doing it mostly because they think there's something terribly wrong here. >> matthew, i say keep up the good work. thank you, sir. appreciate it very much. >> thank you. with robert mueller named this week as special counsel of the campaign ties to russia, important now to welcome the man
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who wrote two books about special prosecutors and american presidents. ken good morning lee, and ar which i balanced cox, conscience of a nation, president of duquesne university and professor of law. why do we have special prosecutors, special counsel? >> michael, going all the way back to the watergate investigation, the whole idea is when there's evidence of potential criminal wrongdoing at the top of the executive pyramid, you want the most neutral objective person to look at it so there can be no doubt in the minds of the american public. it is about reassuring the american public that the american system of justice works properly. you must get the most neutral person so you know that this investigation is not tied to politics, so that people can have confidence in the ultimate
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result. >> nixon and trump both fired individuals investigating their administrations. is the comparison really that simple? >> it is in the sense that president nixon fired ar which i balanced cox whose biography i wrote after the whole watergate cover up boiled to crescendo, cox subpoenaed these eight critical recordings from the white house and nixon wouldn't give them to him, federal courts ordered him to, he defied and fired cox. we reached a point of culminating event. this was early on in the presidency. the president does have power, for instance, to remove an fbi director, although it is rare. the fact this was tied in, however, to a potential investigation of either president trump or his own administration or campaign, that's what does make the comparison someo
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comparison somewhat apt. >> president trump thinks it is a witch-hunt, makes him far from unique among his predecessors. >> that's true. pretty much every president who has been the subject of special prosecutor investigations viewed them with disdain, treated them as witch hunts. certainly when i interviewed president clinton, he felt as if from the moment he entered the white house, he barely turned the key on the door and there were investigations lining up with him. certainly president ronald reagan was not fond of the iran contra investigation. so that's natural. however, it is crucial that presidents understand because these have become a part of american political life and they are like a vanna clees, you have to treat the process with respect and let it work its course. >> fair to say that the rest of us now should just let it breathe and take its own course
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and governance hopefully to take place? >> i think that's the key thing. what's great about the decision by rod rosenstein, michael, is that the selection of robert mueller is about as down the middle as you could get. look at it. this is one of the first things that democrats and republicans have been able to agree on in washington for a long time. so we have someone in place we know has impeccable integrity, is neutral. they have to do their job. a good special prosecutor you have to understand is you're not going to hear from them. you're not going to hear every day. this isn't a soap opera, a tv show. they're going to put their heads down and do their work. that's now what the white house needs to do, what congress needs to do. the attorney general and the deputy attorney general are freed from this matter. so they can all go about doing their work. one of the most sobering things in my work on the clinton book was discovery that in 1996 there was then unknown assassination
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attempt of president clinton in the philippines, that the secret service got information there was a possible bomb under a bridge. secret service director diverted the motorcade. they found a bomb big enough to blow up the whole entourage. later they discovered it was planted by a then little known terrorist named osama bin laden. so one of the sobering things, michael, as we in the country were obsessed with whitewater, paula jones, monica lewinsky, sex scandals, people inside and outside our country were plotting our attack that led to 9/11. so it's a sobering reminder there's important business to do, as you said in your opening remarks, and that's now that we have this part of things locked down with a special prosecutor with the utmost integrity, that should be left alone. people should go about their work. he will do his job. >> very sobering message from the president of duquesne
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university. we need to keep our focus on everything, not just this. thank you for being here. appreciate it. >> always a pleasure, michael. what are your thoughts? tweet me @summer conmerconish. go to my facebook page, i will read comments throughout the program. maybe you should be his counsel. diane, i just gave him good advice. the president for this president, whether he is capable of following advice. i fear that no one around him is willing to share with him bad news and also that he is unaccepting of bad news when it is provided. one more if we have time for it. because there is no evidence, only anonymous sources, laugh out loud, just hysteria bias media, you at cnn getting crazier and crazier with these sources. hang on. hang on. i have to pause. you're going to throw off my clock. that's the page one story in "new york times." has the nut job quote.
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also the story that the president said to the russians i faced great pressure because of russia. that's been taken off. seemingly an element of obstruction of justice. hey. i fired comey to get beyond that pressure, to relieve the pressure. how do we know this, this unsourced material according to you? matthew rosenstein was here explaining it came from notes provided by a person in the room. so you can be dismissive, say it is more leaking, but sooner or later you're going to have to deal with the substance. the leaking bothers me, of course, but the substance, i'm not going to ignore that. still to come. president trump landed today in saudi arabia with stops ahead in israel, the vatican and more. what preparations are involved, what could possibly go wrong? i am going to talk with bill clinton's director of production with plenty of war stories. get some advice.
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or an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis. in the midst of domestic turmoil, president trump left town, landing early this morning in saudi arabia, first of five stops on a grueling international tour into high profile hot spots, including jerusalem, vatican city, brussels for nato summit, cicely for the g 7 what preparations should the president make for the journey, what could possibly go off script? joining me, someone with impeccable credentials to speak of this. josh king was director of production for events in bill clinton's white house, traveled to 40 countries, including countries where president trump is going. author of the book off script, advance man's guide to white house stage craft campaign spectacle and political suicide. josh, stuff happens. it is 50th anniversary of
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normandy. june of 1994. you tell bill clinton, you see that pile of rocks i put on the beach? the secret service doesn't want you walking past that spot. what did he do, what was the ramification? >> yeah, michael. what happened, we had gone to normandy two times before president clinton and his entourage showed up june 6th, 1994. mapped out every step of the way. thought we would take, do something ronald reagan hadn't done in 1984, which is actually to walk down to omaha beach, surrounded by three veterans of d-day, including walt he willers, medal of honor recipient. had it choreographed, the four of them and an army chaplain. then got a call from the secret service agent i was working with, and he said our counter snipers can't cover the president's safety if he goes too far close to the water. can you put a marker or flag
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there to make sure and tell him not to go beyond that. where on omaha beach do you get a flag or some marker, didn't plan on that. there was a mound of rocks that demarked from the sea grass over to the beach. i said what if i create a pile and i'll whisper don't go beyond that, service doesn't want you any closer to the water. i did, he acknowledged that. then he went out to that spot and we did the prayer for those who had fallen on d-day. then there was going to be a photo shoot with the prize winning photographer that shot that picture in vietnam, there was a few minutes of delay between adams being set up and the last thing we did. clinton who had been on this long journey like trump is now decided i have been seeing thousands of crosses, in italy, cambridge in england, finally normandy in france, and just making my own expression. he knelt down to that mound of
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stones i put there and formed them in the shape of a cross, and sort of sat back, looked at it. then rush limbaugh and maureen doud and those that wrote about that moment filed a pool report and rush for the next week talked about how phony president clinton was. i was an eyewitness to it, i was standing where that picture was taken, 20 feet away. it was legitimate. >> the point is, there's only so much you can control. now, the president has landed in saudi arabia and there are all sort of pitfalls. let me put on the screen from 2015, a tweet from candidate donald trump where he was critical of michelle obama for not wearing a head scarf at the time. do we have that? we now know that, he said that obama refused to wear a scarf. the saudis were insulted. melania didn't wear a scarf, neither did ivanka, nor did the president, president trump, hold hands with king salman today.
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saudi arabia has its own unique set of circumstances. >> well, there were all sorts of good reasons for the white house to pick saudi arabia for the first stop on a foreign trip. one of them was that horse escorted motorcade from king khalid international airport to the site of the coffee ceremony. saudi arabia was going to play it up big. there was also this power point presentation the saudis made, asking for the first visit by u.s. president, talking about the $100 billion arms deal. arms are going to be purchased anyway. trump was looking for a win. yet you're right, michael, there are so many pitfalls that can come, if you bow to a king, hold the king's hand. if the first lady were to wear head covering. none have in recent memory. but the white house, this is the kind of thing that trump would land and riyadh would say had is more like it. can we please have more ceremonies like this.
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this is the presidency i thought i was getting into. >> hey josh, broadway plays open in philly or cleveland and then go to new york. >> correct. >> with presidents, they usually go to mexico or canada and then go out on the global stage. is his advanced team up to this? these are guys, men and women that put together campaign rallies for 30,000 people in alabama but this is a whole different drill. speak to that quickly if you can. >> michael, you know this. terrific advance guy, director of white house advance. he created all of the rallies last year in the campaign. he's probably been hard at work in the last few weeks putting -- this is hundreds of pages long with every site diagram and scenario that they're going to face. you're right, you don't do a nine day trip first, beginning with 15 hour flight. you go to vancouver, go to mexico city. this time i think you had to get
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it started at some point. for trump i think he will get comfortable with the opulence of the trips, get comfortable with the presidential and royal suites like at the ritz-carlton in riyadh. maybe he will say this is better than hanging out in the west wing all day. >> hope you can see it on the monitor. look at this guy with a full head of hair, that would be me, doing advance for one vice president george herbert walker bush back in the '80s. what do you think? >> well, we all had a lot more hair back then, michael. i know that aircraft. it has taken me on many preadvance and siete surveys. very reliable aircraft. glad you had that experience, too. this is reagan, gorbachev, geneva, 1985. that's what they want to see from the trips. it is a different ball game. they're not going to get the cover of "time" magazine, at least not for what they wanted.
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>> your book is terrific. thank you, josh king. >> thank you, michael. let me check in on tweets and facebook. what have you got, katherine. hilt hit me with something. why are the saudis treating trump so well after the muslim ban. i tell you why. because of the sunni, shi'a split. we have a tendency in this country to regard the muslim world as being homogenous when it is not. it is all tribal. still to come. on the eve of his sexual assault trial commencing, bill cosby broke two years' silence. gave me an exclusive interview on radio. what did he reveal. the navy s.e.a.l. that shot and killed osama bin laden, truly an american hero. i want to hear that story all over again! in vests and as a vested investor in vests, i invest with e*trade, where investors can investigate and invest in vests...
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how is this for an introduction. my next guest shot and killed osama bin laden. the may, 2011 raid in afghanistan is the most famous of robert o'neal's missions as a navy s.e.a.l. his new book details the planning and circumstances of the showdown with the world's most wanted man, the operator firing the shots that killed osama bin laden and my years as a s.e.a.l. team warrior. robert, first of all, thank you. that's what i most want to say to you. >> you're welcome. it was an honor to serve with the best people in the world. i appreciate being on the show today. great to see you. >> i know that you were responsible for participating in 400 plus missions, and this and perhaps the mersk alabama are probably the ones best known,
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how did it compare in terms of difficulty? >> as far as difficulty, it wasn't even one of the most difficult targets we have been on. they selected a group of combat veteran navy s.e.a.l.s, all done it hundreds of times. it was the best time i was ever part of. we were given the most time to prepare for the mission. we knew the outside of the compound very well. we knew most of the contingencies. we came up with worst case scenario which inevitably happened when the helicopter crashed in the front yard. i was on the other one. the team was so good. just based on where i was set down on the outside, i was able to watch my guys just perform unbelievably, even though we knew it was a one way mission, weren't going to come home, everyone did their jobs. i remember thinking how cool they were, how professional, smooth, fast, nobody panicked. even when the helicopter crashed. pilots were incredible. we hit the house, tactics took over, didn't know what the inside looked like, that didn't
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matter. i was able to watch as we went up the stairs. when we got to the top, i was in position where i turned a corner and did what any s.e.a.l., ranger, special operator would have done, i saw bin laden, he was a threat, he was not surrendering. i treated him as if he were a suicide bomber which i assume he was and shot him in the face three times. then the team did what we always did, gathered as much intel as we could and left. >> to the point about thinking you wouldn't come home from this mission, you had conversation with your wife and children, your father that you otherwise would not have had for another mission. >> yes. when we left virginia to go on the mission, i actually had the last meal with my kids. they didn't know what it was, they didn't know i was leaving town but i knew. we were preparing to not come home. right before i left on the mission, i called my father, he and i talked. we would talk before a lot of missions, he would joke like i wish i could go with you. i would say i know, dad, wish you could, too.
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he didn't know where he was. he said i wish i could go with you, i said i am with some great guys. that was the last conversation. the guys went outside, hugged each other, took off. >> you were a navy e-7, making about 75 grand with a wife and two kids. you splurged on some prada sunglasses. how come? >> i bought those, i was at the mall buying my children going away, never coming back presents, as depressing as that sounds, i was leaving the mall. i wasn't afraid, i was just focused. as i'm walking out, stopped by a sunglasses hut, they were on sail, $140. i was like i can't afford these, i can't afford them, but american express can, i was a goof. i realized nothing happens the way it is supposed to, what if we need to steal a car and there's coalitions in the embassy, the sun will be out. i carried them. i had prada sunglasses in my
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cargo pocket. >> you went in with a magazine with 30 rounds in it, came home with 27. you pumped three into bin laden. >> yes. >> what did you do with the clip? >> there was a woman that was part of a group that found bin laden for one of the agencies, another incredible team. she was the one they based movie on, just like that, she found them. we were a means to an end. i gave the magazine to her when we got in the hangar and saw bin laden's body, identified him. she was incredible. one of the coolest people i met, she deserved at least that. >> final quick question. are you all cool, s.e.a.l. team six, are you cool. there was some things about books and renditions occurred. >> alpha males are great guys. some will be happy, some upset, that's fine. the way i describe that command is it is a freight train moving 150 miles per hour and if you stay on your end, get off the
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train, keeps moving without you, doing amazing things. there's a new generation. see the threats from al qaeda and isis, there are s.e.a.l.s out there still doing it. i am cool with them. have nothing but love and respect. >> hope i get to buy you a beer. i'm sure everybody says that to you. >> i'll take you up on that. >> thank you. >> thank you, michael. appreciate that. up next, comedian bill cosby's assault trial about to begin. i landed the first interview anybody had done in more than two years. it made a lot of headlines, but those stories missed the scope of what he really revealed. i'll explain. >> if a man is then free within the law to do what he wants to do and he offers himself in concert, why would people threaten the whole, threaten the
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this week, bill cosby granted his first interview after more than two years of silence and he gave it to me. he was my guest on sirius xm radio for more than 30 minutes. i was pleased to have him and a bit surprised. i knew to even speak with him would earn me scorn, and it did. my intention was to be fair but direct, courteous but not lackey, and mostly to let him speak. while there were no restrictions on what i could ask, i nevertheless did not expect him to be that revealing, but he was. i knew his attorneys wouldn't let him risk saying anything being used against him in the upcoming criminal trial for felony aggravated indecent assault or in the court of public opinion, not to mention his publicly cyst monitored the call, though he never spoke a word. each of the lines generated by the interview seemed to seize on
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a different aspect of what cosby said to me. like revealing he will not testify in his own behalf, or attacking his accusers as quote, unquote piling on. plus echoing his daughter's blame on racism or advising his desire to perform again free of protest. and saying his wife's support of him had never wavered. and that's all true. but it is the totality of what cosby shared that offered i think a road map of his defense against charges brought by accuser andrea con stand at next month's trial in montgomery county, pennsylvania. though his answers often meander, his 71-year-old mind seemed sharp. if you listen carefully, he made his points. he denied trying to influence jurors, kplanld a sealed deposition was being used against him. claimed he was subjected to media bias. presented himself as a victim of gang up by accusers, intent to deny his reputation, and trying to punish those still willing to
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pay to watch him perform. he sees the legal system manipulated by lawyers which limits his ability to defend himself in front of a jury of his peers. >> i just don't want to sit there and have to figure out what i believe is a truthful answer as to whether or not i am opening a can of something that i, my lawyers are scrambling. >> bill cosby was measured, not taking the bait when i asked whether the many accusers are all lying. >> you know better than that. i won't and i cannot answer that. it's really not fair and you know that because all i have to do is say something similar to that and the next thing i know, the post man is carrying a big bag or whoever it is, saying defamation, defamation,
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defamation. >> still, he displayed no anger or bitterness, ironically orbiterly, faess the highest profile sexual assault trial in recent memory invoked a quotation from feminist but first is might piss you off. >> at the end of the interview, bill cosby said i hope i'm in trouble which itself generated a headline. i thought his concern was justified. he just invoked race and revealed trial strategy. but when he soon tweeted me thanks for integrity, ethics, and clarity, it was obvious he believed he made his points. the trial, watched by many, begins on june 5th. your best and worst tweets, like this one. trump will change america and all of you crooked journalists
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hey thank you so much for watching every saturday. keep the tweets coming and facebook as well. what do we got? i will now say you are a trump supporter. you give advice that -- are you kidding me? i'm giving advice to the president who desperately needs advice and doing so with the best interest of the country, not of him personally. so i'm now a trump supporter. let's see what's next. what else do we have? unbelievable. i really believe you were different when trump won, you're the embodiment of the self-righteous -- there you go, now i am the self-righteous liberal. right, i am the trump supporter and the self-righteous liberal
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made daily life a guessing game. will i have pain and bloating today? my doctor recommended ibgard to manage my ibs. take control. ask your doctor about nonprescription ibgard. good morning. so grateful to see you on this saturday, i'm christie paul. >> and martin savage, cnn newsroom begins right now. nice to be with you and with you. >> always good to have you here. we have breaking news this morning, president trump receiving a royal welcome in riyadh. saudi arabia rolling out the red carpet as it hopes for a reset with the administration. >> the white house already announcing a multibillion dollar deal as they look for a reset from the controversy swirling back home. new video just in, the president and the saudi king now holding bilateral talks with their senior