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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  May 23, 2017 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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we continue following breaking news out of manchester where the terror threat level is critical, another attack in the wake of last night's bombing at a concert could be imminent. that's what that level of warning means. soldiers are out on the streets in kilo indicationeiley locatio. we learned about the suicide bomber. we're learning about some of the lives he took. i want to go to clarissa ward. where does the investigation stand? >> reporter: it's as you said, anderson. we know that police have identified the bomber. we're starting to get a better picture of who he was. 22 years old, born and bred in the uk. of libyan dissent.
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he was a student in a manchester suburb. he was studying business and management. had not been attending his lectures this year, which is perhaps unsurprising. people on campus didn't know very much about him. he wasn't involved in social university life as such. one family friend told cnn that he had been sort of a loner as a kid. that he seeped qui seemed reclu. he started to wear islamic robes instead of western-style clothing. he had grown his beard long. the main thing authorities are trying to ascertain at this stage, anderson, is whether he was acting alone or whether it's possible that there was a larger network at play here. i think the fact that explosives were involved, the fact that this wasn't such a crude kind of improvised attack but appears to have been more coordinated, potentially sophisticated. that's what has authorities here concerned. >> what are authorities doing
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for those concertgoers and family and friends unaccounted for? we had an interview at the top of the last hour with two parents who were still trying to find out what happen happen hap daughter. >> reporter: i think authorities are cognizant of how agonizing it is for those parents, for any friends who are not able to find their other friends, their family, their loved ones. the arena behind me, which now it looks like something of a ghost tone, it was absolutely jam packed. it was sold out. thousands and thousands of people were attending this event. there is still sort of prevailing sense of a little bit of chaos in terms of people not being able to find each other, authorities have set up hotlines. they have told people to -- many parents to stay at home so they can be near their phone but to keep in regular contact with authorities. of course, there is always the somewhat grim process, anderson, as authorities and forensic
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experts try to go through, identify the dead, make sure that they have the right people, the right identification so that the next of kin can be notified, anderson. >> stay with us. i want to bring in former fbi supervisor, author of anatomy of death, from the death of bin laden to the rise of the islamic state. uk officials are saying the making of the bomb took planning. obviously, the target of the attack, knowing what time the concert was out, that took a certain amount of research, clearly. this wasn't the person just wandered there. how does an attack like this happen without some sort of red flags popping up beforehand? >> well, you know -- >> the more people who know, the more likely it is that word can leak out. >> absolutely. this is probably one of the reasons that they raise the threat level in the uk to critical. we still have crucial information not known at least to us. why is this individual operating
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pinned e independently? i don't think so. it appears he had help. look at the bomb itself. reportedly, he used an explosive vest, suicide vest. suicide vest cannot be manufactured by watching a video by isis or reading inspire magazine as we have seen with the boston bombers, for example, or here in new york the chelsea bombers. who helped him built that vest? however, the vest by itself is not conclusive evidence of other people's involved. i think investigators have an idea about the materials and the other components that used in manufacturing that vest. >> devices like this have a signature. usually a person who make -- >> absolutely. >> has a particular way of making it. if you know that, you can track -- >> what materials are you use sng a useing? >> are you using military or
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crude explosive material that you build in your mother's kitchen as al qaeda and isis tells these guys to do? there's definitely a more level of sophistication in this attack. other crucial evidence that we don't know yet, at least publically, was he in contact with supporters or members of the islamic state? what kind of contact? did they inspire him h? was he trained in the uk? was he trained overseas? was he trained during some of his visits to libya, for example? a lot of information are not known yet. i don't believe this information is even known for the british police and the british intelligence services. that's why they believe now based on the evidence that they have, based on the forensic evidence of the bomb, based on the complexity that you mentioned of the attack, that there is a wider network.
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that's why the prime minister raised the threat into a critical level. >> there had been an arrest earlier in the day of a 23-year-old who authorities said may have had something to do with it. is there more information about that person ? they are increasing -- are they increasing security at specific venues, venues popular with kids and families? is it more across the board a higher profile of police and military? >> reporter: the impression that we're getting, anderson, is that it's not going to look like suddenly you are going to see military heavily armed soldiers kind of flooding the streets. the military presence will be somewhat subdued. they will be acting in concord with the police. essentially, just bolstering the security presence on the ground in the capital of london, also in other major cities while the threat is still elevated to this critical level. i should hasten to add, for our
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viewers, anderson, that the critical level has not been raised that high -- sorry, the terror threat has not been raised to critical for nearly a decade, since 2007 when a man tried to ram his flaming car into the doors of scotland's airport. it's clear that authorities do believe that there is potentially a risk of an imminent attack, as for the 23-year-old who we know was arrested today in southern manchester, authorities not yet releasing any more information about him. we know that there were at least two different raids, one of them on a house believed to be connected somehow to the bomber. at that house there was a controlled explosion. again, we don't know, was that just a suspicious something or other or was it actually more explosive materials that needed to be detonated in a controlled m manner?
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>> thanks very much. earlier today, i spoke with phil dick. he dropped his daughter and granddaughter off at the concert. he and his wife were waiting to pick them up when the bomb went off. it's strange to call phil one of the lucky ones given what he saw and what he described to me, which you will hear. his family survived. here is our conversation. phil, you and your wife will dropped off your daughter and granddaughter at the concert. you were waiting to pick them up. can you tell me what happened then? where were you when the blast went off? >> we were in the foyer of the manchester arena. in the next thing, there's a flash and an enormous bang. >> how far away were you from that? >> no more than 30, 40 feet, maximum. >> so you not only heard it -- did you see the explosion? >> yeah. we saw the explosion. we felt the explosion. it knocked us to the ground.
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>> the explosion knocked you and your wife to the ground? >> yes. >> then what happened? >> we picked ourselves up. i helped my wife up. there was smoke everywhere. and as the ringing in our ears subsided, it was -- it was then you hear the screaming and the crying. we looked around this thick acrid smoke. there's ash falling like black snow. there are a lot of people injured and hurt all around us. >> you must have been terrified and terrified not only for your wife but for your daughter and granddaughter. >> all we could think about was our daughter and granddaughter. it was right around the time when we were expecting to pick them up. so we didn't know if they were there just coming through the doors. so we moved forward and out of the smoke came this young girl clearly seriously injured.
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clearly in distress. my wife just rushed forward. >> do you know how old she was? >> she was 14. my wife is screaming, my babies, my babies, my babies. i said to her, just look after this young girl. i will go find them. i promise you, i will find them. i went back in to the foyer. i didn't find my daughter and granddaughter there. i checked every single person to see whether it was our daughter or granddaughter. thankfully, it wasn't. >> your wife is back with the 14-year-old girl. and you have realized that your daughter, your granddaughter are not there. were you able to reach them on the phone? >> after about 20 minutes, yes. but up until then -- i checked everybody. i knew they weren't there.
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i went back to my wife. we were comforting and aiding the young girl as best we could. applied pressure to the most -- the worst wounds that we could see, which were to her shoulder and her face. her hair was all burned. the bag she had around her shoulder had melted into her hair. >> the plastic of a bag had melted into her? >> into her hair. >> was the girl able to talk to you? were you able to try to reach her family? >> yeah. we managed to get her name. she managed after a little while to tell me her home phone number. i was able to call her mom and let her know her daughter was alive. >> oh, my god. >> she passed it on to her husband. the little girl's dad.
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i was able to speak to him on the phone. with the help of the police, both inside and outside, eventually got him in. reunited with his daughter. this was quite a while later. probably -- it's more than an hour after the blast had occurred. >> really, you were tending -- you and your wife were tending to this little girl for as much of as hour? >> yes. >> with the supplies you had been handed. >> my wife is a heroin. i can't say whether she did, but i believe that she possibly saved that young lady's life. >> you have been able to find out about her condition, how she's doing? >> she's serious but i believe she's had a number of visits to the theater and maybe more coming. she's okay. she's going to be okay. >> it's extraordinary that you and your wife had the presence
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of mind even in the midst of fearing for your own family to care for others. >> well, you just -- when you are a parent, it kicks in. you look after -- you just look after people around who need looking after. >> phil, thank you so much for talking to us and more importantly for what you and your wife kim did. just extraordinary. i wish you the best. i hope that little girl recovers soon. >> i'm sure she will. thank you. >> we have one of the sad new developments that we mentioned in the beginning of the program. it concerns the family of olivia campbell who were pleading for information about their daughter. we interviewed them an hour ago. her mother has posted on her facebook page word of her daughter's passing. the posting reads, rip my darling precious gorgeous girl, olivia campbell, taken far, far too soon. sing with the angels and keep
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oscar mawe went back toig the drawing board... and the cutting board. we removed the added nitrates and nitrites, by-products, and artificial preservatives in all of our meat. every. single. one. why? for the love of hot dogs. with threat levels and security tightened in great britain and here at home, we want to take a deeper look and what the men and women in charge of keeping us safe have on their plates right now and the steps they are taking. joining us is someone who had that responsibility, richard clark. who warned the bush administration about an al qaeda attack before 9/11. he is the author of a number of
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incredible books. thanks very much for being with us. >> great to be here. >> when you see this attack, there was security at this arena. they couldn't get a device in. and yet, as we were discussing before we went on air, outside of any secure environment there's people waiting, cueing to get in or grouping as they come out. >> no matter what you do at a big venue there's going to be a crowd, no matter how secure the access is, there's going to be a crowd outside waiting to get in. that's true at airports where people line up at counters before they go through tsa. it's true at sporting events. you can do some things in that perimeter area. but you can never make it as secure as inside a hard target. you can't make security perfect. >> when you hear -- as details emerge about who this person was who carries this device to that
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location, born and bred in a second generation -- his parents came from libya. he traveled that. did he have contact there? i feel like we hear this time and time again of people who were born in england, born in paris and yet -- >> that's the pattern. the people who become terrorists in europe are not refugees. they're not people who have been born in the middle east and come here. they are people who are disaffected citizens of their own country. the country of their birth. in europe they live in islamic ghettoes. it's not a homogeneous society. what causes a kid to move from being sort of radicalized to being willing to give up his life and kill children? what motivates him? part of it is this crazy
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ideology. but part of it is a sense of victimization, too. the president the other day said we have to drive them out, he said three times. it's not that easy. if it were that easy, we would have done it. we have to deal not just with police tactics and intelligence tactics but we have to get at the root causes. >> it does seem -- the president referred to this person as a loser earlier today. often when you look at the pattern of their life, they are petty criminals who haven't done anything. they dabble in drugs. >> were not particularly religious until just before the attack. they have this conversion to being highly religious or what they think is religious. then they will do the attack. >> it seems like it almost gives their meaningless life some sort of -- they are no longer just some petty criminal. they're a terrorist. >> they're a martyr. that's exactly what's going on. if society can offer people an
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alternative pathway, employment perhaps, meaningful life, education, a chance to move up, you are not going to see as much of this. that's the problem in germany, in france, in the united kingdom. thankfully, it's not the problem here. >> as isis loses on the battlefield and they have strongholds in syria and raqqah. but is there -- it seems like they are encouraging people to stay where they are and do what they can. >> last two years, that's their message. stay at home. it's too dangerous to come here. if you aren't here, don't come. you can get a truck and you can drive into a crowd. you see in the united states, for example, i was at the boston marathon this year. all along the route, big, big trucks blocking all the side streets. out of fear that someone would just go and get a truck and drive it into the marathon. >> can you compare al qaeda to
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isis? >> isis is more effective. >> isis is more effective? >> much more. >> in getting people and reaching out to people? >> in recruitment. much, much thousands more people have been in isis than ever were in al qaeda. many of them have been killed. very large number of them have been killed in iraq and syria. but they recruited a large army. they occupied cities in libya, in iraq and in syria. al qaeda never occupied a city. this is -- you think of isis or daesh, it's al qaeda 2.0. >> their ability to connect with individuals in the united states -- >> more advanced. far more advanced use of the internet to microtarget individuals, coach them, bring them along and activate them. >> richard clark, i appreciate it. it's heartbreaking to think about the families tonight whose kids never came home from that concert. more on those who lost their lives ahead.
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tonight our hearts are with the parents, families of those who are in pain in manchester. parents whose children went to a concert and have not come home. a moment ago we reported the fact that olivia campbell's parents will live with for the rest of their lives the fact of her passing. of the 22 known dead, only three have been publically named by authorities. john adkinson loved to dance. he was 26. georgina callander was studying health and social care. s saffie rose was 8 years old. many of the fans are teenagers and younger. for some it was their first time going to a concert or going just with their friends. randi kaye has more.
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>> reporter: teenagers and young children desperate to get out alive. ariana grande's young fans suddenly targets of a suicide bomber. >> there was a little girl literally in front of me who was that small. she had to stand on her seat just to watch the concert. >> reporter: for so many young fans this was likely their first concert without their parents. imagine the chaos as the bomber detonated his explosives as kids made their way towards the exit. outside parent wloz hs now wait fear. some like 15-year-old olivia campbell never showed up. she called her mom earlier. >> she was waiting for ariana to come out. she was so happy. she thanked me and said she loved me. and that was the last i heard from her.
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>> reporter: charlotte's daughter had taken the metro to the show. parents like hers never imagined they might not see their child again. >> i love her so much. i want her home. i need her home. she's my baby. and i miss her so much. >> reporter: as concertgoers spilled on to the streets, this homeless man stepped in to help the children. >> there was children. there was a lot of children with blood all over them and everything. and crying and screaming. >> reporter: tearer is n er ter something they were prepared for. there was fear after learning of the bombing then guilt for letting their children go to the show. the scariest night of their lives. >> there was a moment where we said to each other, we thought we're going to die. you just running for your life. >> there were children crying, trying to get in contact with parents. there were parents on their phones who obviously were upset.
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they were trying to get in contact with the kids. it was awful. awful thing to witness. >> reporter: an awful thing to witness. in some cases for mothers and daughters alike. out for what had promised to be a memorable night together. for sure now they will never forget it. >> she's been crying. she's saying, why do these things happen to people? why do they keep doing this to people? >> reporter: some too young, too innocent to likely even understand this new reality their parents know all too well. >> i feel sad that concerts have to be ruined by people so mean. ariana grande can't do a concert. our national security analyst is the author of security mom, an unclassified guide to protect our homeland and your home. this concert was the ultimate soft target and reached into the
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fear of any parent. she joins us. in your piece, you say this attack feels different than other terror attacks. i can't imagine what you must make of this as a parent and for a lot of parents it hits home. >> yeah. i think it's every parent's worst nightmare. it's so familiar. that phenomenon of letting your kid go to their first concert, going with them or as you saw in some of the pictures, you stay here mom on other side of all the kids go in and have fun. i think that's what's terrifying. the last hour and a half you have reported on what's familiar with this terrorist attack, a lone wolf, a radicalized, soft target, there's something sort of more depraved about this one that i think was what the terrorists wanted, clearly, but also will impact i think a -- the way people feel about parenting and where they want their children to go. this one just is different.
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>> it seems like an upping of the ante, like we have seen in the videos. they put out one where they behead somebody. the next one they have to figure out something even more horrific to do. then they are burning people alive or drowning them. it's this battle to terrorize. >> yeah. it's the terror not just of picking those targets. as a parent, you want to believe, we screwed everything up. maybe things will be better for them. if we're going to protect them, even though we know the world is anything but peaceful. not only was it a target in terms of ratcheting up, but after the attack, these are -- these children, these tween girls -- i have teenagers. i know ariana grande. these are tween girls. their capacity to deal, to address, to get out of the way, their resiliency that you and have built over decades of time is not formulated. it becomes in some ways a second
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attack that is going to permeate their lives forever. that is the tragedy here as a parent and people thinking about this, i said to you many times and i heard phil in the previous segment say it, we're not going to have a perfectly safe world. we cannot not talk about this with our kids at this stage. i have parents say to me, isn't it horrible we have to talk about active shooters? it's so bad the world is like this. that's true. to empower them with tools of what to do in active shooter cases, family unification needs, communication. those are all essential. you are going to arm them, so to speak, with the tools that will make them stronger and more resilient in a world that simply you and i and no one can guarantee is safe. >> thank you very much. a friend of james comey describes the back story of this pretty awkward handshake in the oval office. benjamin wittis has decided to go public about some of the
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things comey told him about his contact with trump. i asked him about his decision to speak out. his answer coming up. is to always keep track of your employees.r micromanage them. make sure they're producing. woo! employee of the month! you really shouldn't leave their side. vita coco coconut water, hydration comes naturally. just turn on cars.coms on tprice dropswant? and get real-time notifications that could help save you money. use and save. what twisted ankle?ask what muscle strain? advil makes pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger
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there's breaking news tonight in the investigation that's rocking washington and the white house. cnn learned that president trump is expected to hire his long time attorney to represent him on matters related to the russia investigation, headed by special counsel robert mueller. this comes as the senate intelligence committee is turning up the heat on michael flynn issuing two new subpoenas seeking documents from businesses he owns. mr. flynn has pleaded the fifth in response to an earlier subpoena seeking his testimony and documents. here is what senator richard burr said today. >> we have taken actions we feel are appropriate right now. if, in fact, there's not a response, we will seek additional counsel advice on how to proceed forward. at the end of that option is a contempt charge. i have said everything is on the table. that's not our preference today. we would like to hear from general flynn. we would like to see his documents. we would like him to tell his story, because he publically said i've got a story to tell. >> you heard that everything is
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on the table. joining me now is our panel. you said i think last week that the president should lawyer up, should get an attorney, outside counsel. he is expected to hire his long time attorney to represent him. how significant is that? >> i think every person who is possibly under investigation out to have their own independent counsel. he picked a good lawyer. i know the firm. i'm actually working with the firm now on another matter, unrelated matter. they're an excellent law firm. there are two kinds of lawyers you need for the individual cases. you need your own personal lawyer. then the white house counsel can provide aid and assistance on matters relating to the government and white house. flynn particularly needs a lawyer, because, of course, his documents have been subpoenaed. he pleaded the fifth amendment. the government can get around the fifth amendment by giving him production immunity. let me explain that.
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let's assume that i have a little notebook here in which i have written down all the people that i have cheated or murdered or whatever. that's not covered by the privilege against self-incrimination. the government has a right to get that document. it wasn't always the case. in the early part of our history, the government couldn't get that. it was covered. now the courts said the document isn't covered. the fact that i have it is privileged. i don't have to turn it over unless the government assures me they will never use the fact that i turned it over. they can give me immunity and then compel flynn to turn over the material. the government -- the committees will eventually get that material. >> we should point out you worked as a litigation associate there in 2007. never worked on cases involving donald trump. wise move that he hired -- he is hiring an attorney? >> absolutely. allen is right about having to lawyer up. this is a very serious matter.
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the implications are far reaching. white house counsel is not the president's lawyer. it is the lawyer of the actual office itself. you have to have personal protection. what also is important point to make is the idea this immunity that's being given or being thrown around for flynn. this is not a guarantee for michael flynn. the reason it's not a guarantee is because they have no interest at this point in time of immoo ni niezing somebody as to what his role would have been. one of the reasons that flynn is saying that he does not want to turn over documents is because in his mind the actual act of production is testimonial in nature. meaning, you asked me very broad questions about what i may have over a period of an 18-month window. you are asking me to have a very generic dragnet that i give you information about. looking to have very specific document request from the government before they turn it over to avoid having them say, me having to go in my mind and
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tell you what i have would be giving you the noose to hang me with. >> the committee has narrowed that request. as a result of his attorney's letter. they have narrowed that request. they're expecting the documents or you heard what senator burr said. which is otherwise, we could hold you in contempt. >> gloria, fwl tein terms of th subpoenas for documents, burr is saying everything is on the table. if flynn doesn't comply, which was echoed by marco rubio today, it seems the committee is willing to take serious action. >> i think it is. i think they're playing a little hard ball here. i think flynn is playing a little hard to get because he wants immunity. so this is a game that goes back and forth. i think the committee is perfectly serious about the information it wants out of flynn. so they open -- they tried to open one door. it was closed on them when he pleaded the fifth. they're trying to open another
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door here. as you would expect. i think that there's going to be an awful lot of negotiation, obviously, that goes on. but i think that these documents are completely within the realm of what they can actually get. >> professor, if the committee gives him immunity, doesn't that potentially then interfere with any investigation with -- by mueller? >> absolutely. that's why it's a three dimensional chess game. >> what happened with oliver north. >> of course. he ended up getting his conviction reversed because the committee gave him immunity. i don't think that the committee is going to give him immunity without the approval of mueller. it will look suspicious. they can give him this production immunity without endangering the case. all that does is preclude the government from saying where they got the documents from, which is unimportant. the documents speak for themselves. they're either in his hand writing or they could be demonstrated he had them
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independently. without him having to produce them as testimonial evidence. i think flynn is in serious trouble. i wonder why his lawyer sought immunity in such a public way. that's just not the way it's done. if you want immunity, you go to the committee or you go to the prosecutor, you make what's called a proffer. you tell them what you have and what you can give them. then the government, eastern the committee or the prosecutor, decides whether your evidence is worth immunizing you. i don't know whether that's happened. it should never happen in public. it should be done in private. >> do list businehis businesses amendment protection? >> normally it's reserved for the individual. it protects individual liberties not this body of organizations that just are representing a group of people. the case law is shifting. the supreme court may have to
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wrestle with this issue. you remember, you have the hobby lobby case that says, religious liberty belongs to corporations. citizens united have political speech for the corporations. they may tend towards a period of time where it tends that a corporation now has fifth amendment rights. as of right now they do not. flynn remains in trouble. >> thank you all. appreciate it. my conversation with benjamin wittis, friend of james comey who says the former fbi director was troubled by his interactions with the president to the point that comey tried to blend in with the drapes at the white house. we will show you the video, the explanation of what happened is incredible. why he's going public with that and more next.
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somewhat lost in the breaking news out of manchester, england, our reporting that the president asked two of the nation's top intelligence individuals to deny cooperation between his campaign and russia during the 2016 election. that's according to multiple current and former u.s. officials. one of those officials, nsa director mike rogers, was not asked about it in congressional hearings today. the other official, director of national intelligence dan coates declined to confirm or deny it. as you know, fired fbi director james comby is embroiled in something similar. tonight my conversation with
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benjamin wittes, a friend of director comey. he was interviewed by the "new york times" and wrote an account in "law affair" in which he's editor-in-chief. i spoke with him about the encounters that director comey said he was troubled by and why he's going public. why did you decide to speak out? >> i decided to speak out about it because -- and i thought about it very larld. i read the "new york times'" story that jim had been asked to give what effectively amounts to a loyalty oath to the president and i was very shocked and it suddenly crystallized in my mind what a whole lot of these interactions that i had had with him meant and why he had reacted to them the ray he had reacted. i suddenly understood them in a different and frankly in a more menacing and upsetting light than i had at the time that we had had this conversation. >> have you spoken to director comey since he was fired?
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>> yes. >> can you say how he is, how he's doing? >> i don't want to talk about our conversations. i will say he's going to be fine. you know, he's not somebody who spends time feeling sorry for himself. i thought it was interesting and very telling that he declined an opportunity to tell his story in private. he clearly wants to do it in a public setting, and i interpret -- >> he was asked to testify in private and he said no so now it's going to be public. >> and i think this is reflection of the fact that this is a guy with a story to tell. if i were donald trump that would scare me a lot. >> there were a number -- a fascinating things that you have talked about. one, director comey's actions at the meeting which was all videotaped where president trump called him out, brought him forward and it was a meeting of law enforcement personnel in the wake of the inauguration. can you explain what happened
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>> what he told me he really wanted to just blend in and not, you know -- not have an individual interaction with the president so if you look at the video he's wearing a blue suit and he stands in the part of the room that is physically as far from the president as it's possible to be in front of blue drapes, and, you know. >> that was intentional. >> yes, it was intentional, and he was trying, to you know, camouflage himself a little bit, and then the president right at the end sees him and says -- i forget the exact quote, oh, there's jim. he's even more famous than i am, and jim really saw that as a kind of particular effort to compromise him in the eyes of people who were suspicious of the role that he had played. >> oh, and there's jim. he's become more famous than me.
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>> so in the video you see director comey extending his stade de gerland so what he told me is he was determined that there was not going to be a hug, and so he kind of preemptively reaches out his and to shake the president's and and to kind of get it over, and the president leans in and gives him a hug, but it's an entirely one-sided hug. >> you said in your blog that former director comey saw it as his job to protect the fbi from improper contacts and interferences from a group of people he did not regard as honorable. so he did not regard the people in the trump white house at honorable? >> that's correct. >> he said that? that's your rec selection that he had said that or felt that? >> i have no doubt that he regarded the group of people around the president as dishonorable. >> what about them is dishonorable? >> the incidents that i describe are all incidents in which jim
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felt that the independence of the agency and the ability to do its job in an apolitical fashion were not being respected and that he -- you know, his central preoccupation over the period of time he was in office under trump was to create that space and to -- the terms he used were to train the white house that there were things that they couldn't do, and that -- >> train themle? >> to train them. >> it's an amazing detail that the director thought that the president of the united states was attempting to compromise him, publicly in multiple ways. i mean, to have that -- the him hiding in the drapes meeting, it's funny on the one and. on the other hand, it's -- when you kind of step back and realize we're talking about the head of the fbi and the president of the united states and the head of the fbi believes or feels that the president of the united states is sort of
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trying to, i mean, compromise him. >> and i believe like it wants -- not all of those incidents were in public. a confident guy, and he did feel like there were these numerous incidents where the president was kind of probing the edges of his defenses and all in the service of making him, you know, seeing whether you could mick a loyalist out of him. >> i guess one could look at it that there might be a more benign explanation that the president says he's kind of a transactional person, that he's in -- in business he's schmoozing, back slapping and it's just an attempt to kind of make the relationship more personal or friendly. >> so i think it's perfectly mob to read it that way, and i'm not even going to say that's the wrong way to read it. it's not the way comey read it.
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>> in the letter that the president released, sent to comey and released when he was fired, it said, you know, three times you have told me i'm not the subject of this investigation. does that make sense to you that director comey would have told the president. united states that he is not the subject of an investigation? >> i have no firsthand knowledge of that. i've never talked to him about it. i would bet every dollar that i had that no such communication ever took place. it's simply inconceivable to me that comey would tell the president that. >> we'll be right back. when you have allergies, it can seem like triggers pop up everywhere. luckily there's powerful, 24-hour, non-drowsy claritin. it provides relief of symptoms that can be triggered by over 200 different allergens. live claritin clear.
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time now to and it over to don lemon and "cnn tonight." >> our breaking news. two major stories an ocean apart. terror in manchester and new developments in the russia investigation. this is "cnn tonight." i'm don lemon. britain raising its threat level to critical tonight fearing another attack may be imminent. isis claiming responsibility for the manchester suicide bombing that killed at least 22 people, including children and teenagers. plus, dramatic developments in the russia investigation. the president lawyering up expecting to hire his longtime