tv New Day CNN May 31, 2017 3:00am-4:01am PDT
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president trump's fired national security adviser michael flynn now says he is willing to cooperate with investigators. flynn expected to hand over the first batch to the senate intn intelligence committee by joune 6th. michael cohen refusing a request from the house and senate committees to offer up information and testify. cohen claiming a lack of evidence to corroborate the russia narrative calling it a fishing ex-pedition and a rush o judgment. white house press secretary sean spicer facing tough questions about the russia revelations when he held his first briefing in more than two weeks. >> i'm not going to get into it. your question presupposes facts
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that are not confirmed. >> reporter: it is a question of whether president trump and jared kushner sought a back channel with vladimir putin. >> they discussed in general terms back channels are an appropriate part of diplomacy. >> reporter: and as they look use the jared kushner investigation and a man with deep ties to the kremlin. kushner was talking to the russians as the point of contact with foreign governments. the russian bank called it a business meeting. >> mr. kushner's attorney said mr. kushner is free to say what was involved with the meetings. he will do the same with any other inquiry. >> did the president discuss it? >> i will not get into what the president said. >> reporter: the white house in spin mode of turmoil in the west wing. >> i think he is pleased with
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the work of his staff. he is from us straigustrated to narratives that are wrong and quote/unquote fake news. when you see stories get perpetrated that are false and not based in fact. that is troubling. >> reporter: clashing with the media over the president's favorite subject. >> did you give me an example? >> sure. friday, the president was having a great discussion at the g7 and someone from the bbc and ultimately reporter from the new york times retweeted that the president was being rude by disrespecting the italian prime minister. you all and everyone at the meetings we sit in watch the president with the one ear piece used by other presidents, and the president did a great job at nato. >> reporter: and then storming out. and there was also this.
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uni an incomplete idea that came out just after midnight. the president tweeting what appeared to be another jab at the media and the word if you can call it that, covfefe. the sentence was not finished. the president took that down, but not before social media had a lot of fun with it. >> was it covfefe or covfefe? >> do you believe it is french? >> the urge of sophistication? >> we will get to the bottom of it. i think it is sandscript. let's bring in our analyst john avalon and jeffrey toobin and a.b. stoddard. i was going to leave it as the kicker. >> i need more covfefe. >> it was up for six hours.
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he just deleted it. the president doesn't drink, we are told. >> that is true. >> do you have a theory? >> perhaps he was side tackled by a member of the team? we don't know why he left it mid sentence. he gave us a gift. a new word we can enter into the lexic lexicon. i need more covfefe. >> i didn't know what was go on. i started to get texts from trump people. you guys jump on anything he does. even if you don't understand what it is. i said they have a point here. why so much attention on an obviously incomplete tweet? >> i would like to raise the possibility. just because it is funny. >> there were hours of dominance on social media. >> i think -- >> it means nothing. he didn't finish the tweet. >> he didn't finish it means
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something. >> he is the leader of the free world. if obama had done this, it would be hours on fox. >> unless you have anything to add to covfefe, a.b., michael flynn is going to hand over documents to the senate intel committee by june 6th. what is the alatest in the russa threat? >> the michael flynn resistance to originally cooperating with committee disappeared because he can't evoke hissing fifth amendment rights. they were able to get to him another way. he probably has been counselled it is time to be cooperative. it is interesting michael cohen, the lawyer to the president, is now asked for his cooperation. resisted at first. made it clear if he is subpoenaed, he will testify.
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he will not resist. so it is spreading. there's more interest and people. it is cascading at a rate that we are surprised by actually. i'm not saying it will go to more players closer to the president, but obviously the pressure on jared kushner and what that does to the dynamic of the politics is enormous. before he gets to the congressional committees and the fbi and answers questions about why he was meeting with the former spy and head of a state-run sanctioned russian bank. a meeting he forgot to put on his fs-86 form. something that would obviously require any other employee of the president to have the security clearance removed is the looming question we'll cover
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all of the news of the day until, as i said, it can be dispensed with at the white house and they move on from the jared kushner questions. >> let's put up the panel of the cooperation chart. you have cooperating with the probe. kushner. that is made manifest by his saying he will cooperate. he will talk. he is promising to do so. manafort. people are bewildered he is part of this at all. roger stone. loves the attention. michael flynn. he said he will now, but it has been incomplete. you have partially cooperating michael cohen and carter page. they believe this smells more of politics than real investigation. >> michael flynn said he will turnover documents. he is still taking the fifth. i would put him in the mostly
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not cooperating category. we talk about jared kushner. he says his lawyer says he will cooperate with the senate investigation. why doesn't he hold a news conference? why doesn't he give an interview? all of the speculation and sean spicer answering questions over what jared kushner knew and when? he works for the government. most people in the white house, especially high level, they give interviews as a matter of course. >> i know the answer. >> what? >> the answer is this. the president of the united states believes more completely more than anything else, that this is a false investigation. that everything that's been done is being done to hurt him. so much so that he can't even see the russian interference. he can't look at them separately. there is zero chance his son-in-law will be more
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compliant and the president wants. >> what with jeffrey toobin's point? they are public servants. >> they are. his type of adviser role is not a high profile in front of cameras roll. it may be a public service for him to speak, but if the president of the united states believes that this is a 100% witch hunt, none of what you see in terms of cooperation is a surprise sdplchlt surprise. >> i think what you are saying is right about trump's attitude. it doesn't mean it is the right way to behave as a public servant. >> even if you believe that every question is bogus and no proof of anything wrong? >> we are a nation of laws, not men. even though the president of the united states has final say and can pardon people from here to high water. you have a huge issue with this number of people in the president's inner circle wrapped up in the investigation that you can't simply spin away or say the process is unfair.
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i mean, you have from jeff sessions to jared kushner, high level meetings to general flynn not listed on security clearances or recalled in official documentation. you have michael cohen as close to the president. this is serious. feelings it is unfair is not in the spirit of public service. >> a.b., should sean spicer be able to answer these questions a little better than he has? >> he has no choice. he did not deny it. he tried to make the case that general mcmaster spoke in general terms of back channels were part of diplomacy. he did not deny anything from jared kushner. he did not make the case he was trying to make in secret to further security in syria. that story has been counter
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contradicted by the russian side of the story. he was actually discussing kushner business with the head of the bank. the president can think that all of this is unfair but when you have people as i said -- it is about the presidency and the office. they are public servants. when you have people for getting meetings that they made in secret to put on their forms, that's -- what standard are we holding them to? if chelsea clinton's husband did this, republicans would be burning the city to the ground. there are rules to be followed. >> you know, i get my kicker anyway because the president just tweeted. he says who can figure out the true meaning of covfefe. enjoy. he is obviously harnessing the fun here and turning it into his
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own meme. >> it beats talking about russian bankers. >> i tell you what -- >> maybe it is russian. >> it deals fuel the fire that the media jumps on everything the president says. >> it is peculiar. >> it is peculiar. it is a typo that doesn't deserve attention. >> a generally absurdity. >> thank you, panel. we have to get to something serious. here's the breaking news we are following. the death toll is soaring after a huge suicide explosion rocked kabul's diplomatic quarter hours ago. from an afghan official, we were told the blast had taken at least 80 lives. 300 more are injured. many of those are very serious injuries. the death toll may rise. you see the smoke plume there.
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emergency vehicles speeding toward it. happening during the morning rush when people were heading to work. >> the diplomats of the german embassy were involved. we have jessica joining us. jessica, we are happy you are okay. what happened? >> reporter: around the time of rush hour when afghan civilians were going to work at the foreign embassy and u.s. military headquarters and on the way to work when we think a truck bomb detonated to the enhance and fortified part of the city known as the green zone. >> you were in the shower when this happened. can you describe what you heard and saw? >> reporter: yes, i was lucky. all our windows were blown in and the front of the house was damaged. i left my room five minutes previously and in the shower. the house shook and dust and
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stuff. the shower doesn't have windows. i was in a good position. >> so this obviously is a targeted bombing and diplomatic quarters. you have international interests there. what do you make of this choice and this extent of damage? >> so you repeat that? there was a helicopter overhead. >> the diplomatic quarter obviously is a target of opportunity. what do you make of the intentions here? >> reporter: well, i think the main intention is to get big headlines. if you detonate a large bomb in the middle of town, they caused damage to a number of embassies. including the german embassy which was next to the blast. they cause worldwide headlines and it makes attention and makes the insurgent group look powerful and kabul look insecure. this is perhaps one of the
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intentions. there is a big peace meeting happening here next week. this will no doubt have an effect on that as well. >> jessica, explain the diplomatic zone. is that a more secure place? is there more security around there? >> reporter: yes, all of the embassies are protected by high blast walls that are constantly going up. there are entrances to roads that lead to the area. this is a little harder to penetrate. it is something people have been worried about for a long time that a large bomb could make its way in the area and cause a lot of damage. >> it is a large area. there is a little bit of concern about securing the integrity of the perimeter. do you believe this explosion should be a reflection of the current state of safety in that
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count country? >> i think her feed froze. >> jessica donati's feed froze. president trump is back from his first trip abroad. he may have alienated a key ally. is this a feud with germany or is this by design? we take a closer look next. eal or snack a day with glucerna made with carbsteady to help minimize blood sugar spikes you can really feel it. glucerna. everyday progress. ♪ you might not ever just stand there, looking at it. you may never even sit in the back seat. yeah, but maybe you should. ♪
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downplaying diplomatic tension with european allies following the first foreign trip for the president. h.r. mcmaster and counsel director gary cohen pending an op-ed saying america first doesn't mean america alone. we are asking allies and part f partn partners. let's bring back john avlon and a.b. stoddard and david drucker. a.b., what is the play here? >> it seems to be a feeling among our allies overseas that the rhetoric coming from trump is in congress. it is america first, but they will take a lead and have strong alliances. if only we can get things out of it. more payment from nato allies for their own defense.
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there's obviously some bad feelings at the end of president trump's trip. it started out well in the middle east. when he got to the nato part, it didn't go well. he scolded them in public in his speech which is something that could have been done more gently. you could have firmer discussions in priority. for merkel. angela merkel who is in an election campaign herself. for her to come out upon departure and say we can no longer depend on others as we have is a message. i thought it was interesting. when the president tweeted back and focuses on trade, it was interesting to me that actually sean spicer pretending everything was great yesterday and sort of pushing off a lot of the questions, did try, i
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thought with energy to push back on the president's tweets about germany and the relationship is fairly unbelievable. and they built on the bonds that they began on when her awkward visit here in washington. he read her statement to say they will work together in friendship. so it was interesting the white house was trying to spin that back as if things with merkel are great. >> the other thing of the mcmaster op-ed captures the trump doctrine and how they feel. the president embarked on the first foreign trip with the clear eyed out look that the world is not a global community, but an arena where nations, non governmental actors and businesses engage and compete for advantage. we bring to this forum unmatched
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military, political and economic with culture and moral strength. john. >> h.r. mcmaster and gary cohen is trying to articulate how the white house sees itself. put the spin on america first. that metaphor is pushing aside and a dis at the obama administration. we will no longer lead it behind at the top. put aside the hippy stuff. this is about competition. this is about business. this is about force. america will engage aggressively. that's a strong message. the likes of which we have not heard from a modern president. >> except he has been saying it all along. not as articulately as he had the two advisers do there. david drucker. this was the main drum beat. america is not getting its due on the foreign stage. it gives too much. it gives too little. it fights everybody's battles. it is draining our trueasure an
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blood and we cannot spend this at home. >> chris, this story is a pile of semantics. what they are tying to do is satisfy the president's need to prosecute america first foreign policy and maintaining america's interests to in fact not do that. we are always going to be for the foreseeable future is be the big kids on the block. anytime there is a global crisis or anything that requires global leadership. if we staep away, because the other nations don't pay the fair share or don't put their blood and trueasure on the line. if we don't do that, the russians will step in or the chinese will step in. the president doesn't always understand how this works for doesn't seem to understand how it looks that he soft pedals
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russia and badgers europe. what mcmaster and cohen is trying do is put meat on the bones without going in the direction that the president says he wants to go. >> you just described their jobs. another element at idea is nature is a vacuum. you can't have american leadership in the world and remove yourself from it. that is the line they are trying to walk. >> a.b., i want to ask about the reporting from jim acosta. he was overseas and asking president macron to exchange personal cell phone numbers to cut out the middle men and have private conversations with each other. this is vintage donald trump. he asked the same of me and countless people. he likes to deal with you one-on-one without the middle man. look, in light of hillary
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clinton using a private e-mail server and the outcry, the idea that the president would have the offline calls with another world leader. what do we make of that? >> as you said, this is what he does. he doesn't want to change. people who have his cell phone number from the fall before he became president can call it and reach him sometimes. it really is the way that he will do business and he is not going to stop. so secret service and all of the intelligence community that is trying to protect our security with unsecured lines have been scrambling to keep up with how to protect mar-a-lago when he is there and having world leaders there and habits with his phone. it will not be something that he is spooked in following the rules. i think it will always be a game of catch up and part of his
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treatment with these people overseas. if i give you my phone number, we'll have a closer bond and you can feel like you can reach out to me. i don't think there is anyone around him who needs to keep our security in mind that can stop him. >> the problem is it is not about you. it's about national security. that's an idea that somehow hasn't fully sunk in. this is not about, you know, he is calling up saying let's do lunch. this is about national security and the need for secure lines. because otherwise everything you are said is being eavesdropped on an open line. >> he knows that. he paid attention to the angela merkel situation when the u.s. picked up on her cell phone. he is playing to his advantage. he thinks this is a good thing to do. >> it's not good for national security. >> panel, thank you very much. this story that is getting attention now a full throated an policy from kathy griffin after posting a photo of herself
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a significant step in america's effort to counter the nuclear threat from north korea. the pentagon successfully shooting down a mock intercontinental ballistic missile over the pacific ocean. the defense officials expressing confidence that the u.s. has a capable, credible deterrent against nuclear aggression. this test comes after north korea promised to send a quote bigger gift to the u.s. after testing their own missile. the man accused of going on a deadly stabbing spree on a portland train erupts in the
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courtroom. >> you call terrorism. i call it patriotism. you hear me? die. >> jeremy christian is accused of killing two men and stabbing a third. heroes who defended who women on the train. christian targeted the girls one because one was wearing a hijab. he could be charged with hate crimes. comedian kathy griffin is apologizing after sparking outrage of a photo tweeted of her holding a bloody and severed head resembling the president. >> i sincerely apologize. i'm a comic. i crossed the line. i moved the line. i crossed it. i went way too far. the image is too disturbing. i understand how it offends people. it wasn't funny. i made a lot of mistakes in my
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career. i ask your forgiveness. taking down the image. >> we are not showing the image. there is no value to it. griffin hosts the new year's eve coverage. the network said we found what she sent was disgusting and offensive. we are evaluating our new year's eve coverage and made no decisions at this point. >> that's the question. is it now what happens for kathy griffin? she could not give, i think, a more authentic apology. she crossed the line. she often crossed the line. this went further than ever. she understands. is her career ruined? what happened next? sometimes there is a moment. a turning point. who knows? we'll ask your guest. al franken will be here. >> it is easy to condemn this. it is right to condemn it.
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there will be a lot of layers. an obvious thing. it is wrong. she a comedian. i would argue no, she doesn't see a different standard. we have seen a cruelty in comedy that is passed off as parody and comedy. this was something that was not done by accident or in the moment. it was thought out. >> it is does the apology allow her to go on now? is that enough? we love to hear your thoughts. we have breaking news that we have to get to because of the deadly suicide bombing in afghanistan. a few hundred yards from the german embassy while tensions build with germany's chancellor angela merkel and president trump. we will discuss all this with the ambassador. you could fill a book
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we are following breaking news for you. a massive car bomb exploded near multiple foreign embassies in kabul, afghanistan. 80 people are dead and 300 injury injured. joining us now is the german ambassador to the united states. peter vitic. ambassador, thank you for being here. we are sorry for the terrible breaking news. do you think the german embassy was targeted? >> we don't know. this is another horrific act and
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attack on civilians. it happened in the vicinity of the german embassy. one guard was killed. several members of the embassy were injured. they are all safe now. we are starting now investigations together with the afghan security services about the circumstances. this is all i can tell you at this point in time. >> do things like this make germany rethink the engagement in afghanistan? >> we are committed since the start of the conflict to a military presence there. we have been the leading military force in the north of afghanistan and we have prolonged extending stay. this will not effect our presence there. we still think we need to be in
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afghanistan in order to prevent to fall back into chaos. we need to stabilize that country together with our allies and nato. >> let's talk about germany's relationship with the u.s. is it fair to categorize it as a feud at the moment? >> no, no, no. chancellor merkel and the u.s. president have a good and productive relationship. they met in washington extensively. they met in europe. they are on the phone frequently on all of the international agenda. that's a good relationship and there are few leaders as committed to the trans atlantic relations as merkel is to the friendship of the united states. that has not changed with president trump. >> it sounds like it has changed and it doesn't sound like they are having a good relationship right now. let me read to you president
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trump's recent tweet after returning from nato. he says we have a massive trade deficit with germany. plus they pay far less than they should on nato and military. very bad. this will change. >> chancellor merkel, she called a couple days ago on the europeans to take their fate in their own hands. she did this before in the face of crisis that europe is facing. brexit and russian assertivness. she also thinks it is important to discuss honestly where we have differences of opinion and one difference of opinion that emerged in the past days was the issue of climate change. this is something that good friends and allies should discuss. the other issues that you
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mentioned is the burden sharing in nato. we fully subscribe to a fair burden sharing in nato. >> i'm sorry to interrupt, but why has president trump said that and saying germany is not carrying its fair share. this seems like a point of contention. germany and the u.s. are still allies. it does seem like there is real tension here. >> we have committed to a pledge to raise our defense budget. we have done so in the last year we raised it by 9%. we are committed to incrementally raise the defense spending over the next years in line with what nato leaders decided last year. that is our opinion. we don't owe membership dues to nato. we are paying up on our membership. >> why doesn't president trump understand that? why is he making this a bone of
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contention? >> we are discussing this with the american administration. we have been reassured by various members of the administration that the u.s. is fully committed and 100% committed to nato. general mattis told us so. general mcmaster. foreign secretary tillerson. we have a good basis we work on. this is a healthy relationship. >> if we see barbed or thinly veiled comments from chancellor merkel or thinly barbed tweets from the president we should ignore those? >> mr. spicer yesterday had a very good statement about the relationship of the two leaders and he said and this is what we are saying, they have a productive relationship. that does not mean we should
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sweep our differences under the carp carpet. we are discussing them openly like the question of climate change. we think that is an important issue we need to discuss with the u.s. >> ambassador peter wittig, thank you. >> thank you. a nash vville predators hocy fan could pay big for throwing a catfish on the ice. answers in the bleacher report next. ere's noth re important to me than my vacation. so when i need to book a hotel room, i want someone that makes it easy to find what i want. gets it. they offer free cancellation if my plans change. visit booking.yeah. on a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. your insurance company raises your rates. maybe you should've done more research on them. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. switch and you could save $509
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golf's greatest player ever. jack nicklaus says tiger woods needs our help after the dui arrest in florida. andy scholes has more in the bleacher report. he needs help from a lot of people. he will be one of them. >> good morning, chris. many golfers want tiger to know they support him. tom watson says we want him to get better. and jack nicklaus went as far as saying tiger needs help. >> i feel bad for tiger. tiger is a friend.
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he has been great for the game of golf. i think he needs all our help and we wish him well. >> more than anything else, concern. hopefully he's okay and i want to find out more about the story and hope all is well. a predators fan facing up to six years in prison for throwing a fish during game one of the stanley cup finals. jake wodell sneaked in a fish in his under wear. he threw it on the ice which is tray di tradition in nashville. he is possessing induststrument a crime. the catfish. carrie underwood is calling him a hero. lawyers in tennessee are offering to help him in pittsburgh. >> six years is a long time for
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that. >> it does seem harsh. so tiger woods dui arrest is shedding the light on the dangers of precipitation drugs and opioid abuse. one congress member calls this a crisis and one that is about to change. he's next. ♪ [laughter] we all drive... some just for the fun of it. ♪ man: let's go! man #2: we're not coming out! man #1: [ sighs ] flo: [ amplified ] i got this. guys, i know being a first-time homeowner is scary, but you don't have to do this. man #2: what if a tree falls on our garage? woman: what if a tornado rips off our roof? flo: you're covered. and you've bundled your home and auto insurance, so you're saving a ton. come on.
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precipitation drugs. police are seeing this all over as opioids are killing us. what can we do. congress member tim murphy, the co- chair of the mental health caucus wants you to know what they are tyirying in government. you know the problem away from the politics. first, are we exaggerating? >> no. >> is this just the new thing, but not different and bad in a way to be alarmed? >> it is bad and worse than that. not only do you have that death rate, but it is soaring up. as we speak, it gets worse on a regular basis. there are hot spots in the country where it is awful. a lot of death. a lot of prescribing practices and lack of treatment in the country. it will continue to get worse until major changes are made. >> where are we in terms of the commitment to fighting it?
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putting christie in charge of the commission, that is part of it. >> we can't cut that budget. that is like cutting out the cdc or fda. we have to ramp this up. congress appropriated and put $500 million in this year and $500 million next year. more to come. we put this money toward treatment. times the treatments are not effective and we don't have enough providers. i think the ratio of licensed drug practitioner is less. out of every 1,000 people in the country with substance disorder, which mostly began as prescription drugs. of the 63 who find it, only six get evidence based care. the government has treatment to go by a doctor and get methadone.
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those doctors, for most part, the people are not in counselling or get care to get off drugs. they government sponsored addiction. no wonder this is out of control. >> this is not matched by the government and politicians. many people don't want to touch this. they give lip service. if you take drugs, it is your fault. we will not throw money at you because this was your mistake. why is the numbers so high and response so low? >> you are seeing a growing number of concern especially in kentucky, west virginia, ohio where you see that hot spot growing. i had a meeting with governor christie and a number of representatives have. we have to put money and resources in it. i have seen ceos, athletes across the board. income, race, gender, whatever. they prescribed these and the
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doctors are saying this is a high risk of abuse. they issue three days. we have to make sure we are not dumping people in prison. it will not make the problem go away. >> christie is head of the commission. there is a report issued? what is going on? >> i gave governor christie a list of what can be done right away. something called the 42-cfr. your medical records are blocked if you are in treatment. that needs to be clear as day as if you have an allergy to penicil penicilin. don't prescribe them opioids if they come back to the emergency room. if you are jumping across the state line. new york to new jersey or pennsylvania to west virginia or whatever. they need to type in and see the interstate list. that is not available. we need to also put things like
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methadone on the list so if you are looking positive for taking opioids, those are opioids too, but blocked from the list. we need more money for providers. those are things which we can do now. especially those lists. those are things that secretary price can make executive decisions on. >> you have treatment providers spending as much time figuring out how to get paid and work through insurance companies that are reluctant to pay for it. >> that has to change. insurance companies need to change too. diabetes is a chronic problem. they don't say you get treatment for one week and you are done. substance abuse is a chronic problem. if you treatment for seven days and throw them back out, that is a good chance they will not get better. >> if you don't test power, nothing changes. thank you. >> thank you. we have to keep pushing it. thank you for our
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international viewers. "cnn" newsroom is next. for the u.s. viewers, "new day" is next. >> michael flynn will provide documents. >> michael cohen will comply. >> we are in unchartered territory. >> spaean spicer refusing to answer. >> what your question assumes is facts that are not substantiated. >> setting up a back channel for the purpose of evade your government is strange. >> the story they like is fine. if this is a story they don't like, it is fake news. a massive suicide bomb attack has rocked kabul. >> chaos in the aftermath. carnage everywhere. people bloodied and walking away. >> this is "new day" with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota. >> good morning. we are follo
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