tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN June 3, 2017 2:00am-3:01am PDT
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one that keeps you connected to what matters most. yes or no, does the president believe climate change is real and a threat to the united states. >> it is a simple question. still no answer to that question though. as a candidate and private citizen though, we did hear from mr. trump who made his position quite known. listen. >> i am not a believer in climate change. >> we don't know his thoughts now because he hasn't said anything, that story is coming up. also executive privilege. the white house has not ruled out using that tool to stop former fbi director james comey from telling his side of the story, he plans to do that this
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week. plus closing in, britain's opposition party is slowly catching up on the conservative's lead with days to go before voters head to the polls. welcome to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. we are live in atlanta. i am natalie allen. >> i am george howell from cnn headquarters. "newsroom" starts now. the trump white house is having difficulty answering one simple question. does u.s. president trump still believe climate change is a hoax. >> science says it's real. senior officials with the trump administration refuse to answer the question, this after president trump unilaterally yanked the united states out of the historic paris climate accord. for the latest, jim acosta has our report. >> thank you very much, everybody. >> reporter: the climate was forming at the white house as officials from the administrator
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of the environmental protection agency, scott pruitt. >> does the president believe today climate change is a hoax? >> reporter: dodged the question. >> does the president believe climate change is real and a threat to the united states. >> it is interesting about all of the discussions we had the last several weeks have been focused on one single ar issue, is paris good or not for the country. >> reporter: pru i did echoed the choice to opt out as a choice in favor of the american workers. >> they don't put america first. i do. and i always will. >> reporter: the head of the epa took jabs as what he described as climate exaggerators, the words used by global warming skeptics. >> you're up there throwing out information saying maybe this is exaggerated, it just seems to a lot of people around the world that you and the president are just denying the reality and the reality of the situation is climate change is happening and
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it is a significant threat to the planet. >> let me say this. i've said it in the confirmation process, i said it yesterday. let me finish. we have done a tremendous amount as a country to achieve reduction in co 2. and we have done it through technology and innovation. we will continue to do that, we will continue to stay engaged. >> they argue you're putting your head in the sands. >> there's no evidence of that. >> reporter: sean spicer said he would check on whether the president still believes climate change is a hoax as he stated in the past. did spicer have a chance to clear it up with the president? >> i have not had an opportunity to have that discussion. >> reporter: he joined a growing list of top officials dancing around the climate question. >> does president trump still believe climate change is a hoax? >> reporter: what president trump believes is he was elected to grow the u.s. economy and provide great job opportunities.
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>> does the president still believe global warming is a hoax? >> the president believes in a clean environment. >> reporter: overseas there was notable reaction from the french president macron who invited american scientists to move to france. >> wherever we are, we all share the same responsibility. make our planet great again. >> reporter: to vladimir putin who appeared to defend mr. trump's choice. >> translator: we should not create a big noise on this issue. >> reporter: on the subject of russia, there are other pressing questions facing the white house, such as whether the president will invoke executive privilege to block former fbi director james comey from testifying on capitol hill next week. spicer said that's up in the air. >> that's got to be reviewed. >> reporter: he insisted the president is standing by son-in-law jared kushner, that questions about the white house adviser's dealings with the
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russians. the epa administrator made it clear that the president is open to a new round of negotiations to a new paris climate deal. in the last 24 hour hours in response, key u.s. allies said that's not happening. jim acosta, cnn, the white house. >> thank you. let's bring in leslie, she's associate row if he is or at university of london, on the u.s. program at chatham house. good to have you with us. >> hi. >> let's talk again about this question that will not go away, climate change, a question that no official at the white house will answer. the president has stated before he believes that it is a hoax. what do you make of this, that none of these officials when asked repeatedly over and over and over and over again dodge. >> well, it is clearly not something that they want to be drawn on for the very obvious reason which is it is something they can be proven wrong on.
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now it is harder to make the clear claim about the most optimal strategy for dealing with climate science and climate change, but if donald trump now stands up and says together with people around him that science is wrong, he stands to be proved wrong. this is not something where he wants to be drawn, of course he is making the case if you go back to his speech that this is a treaty that's not in the interest of the united states, framing it in terms of jobs, and here of course the information goes against him, too, shows job growth in clean energy and solar has been tremendous in the last decade, stepping back from paris puts american industry, american competitors at great risk. this is why we see momentum in the private sector, across cities, governors, mayors, university presidents and people coming out in strong support of meeting the targets that have
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been set by the united states under president obama and paris, with and without the president. remember that the united states cannot actually legally withdraw from this agreement. it can state it wants to withdraw only in november, 2019, will take a year then to withdraw. this is something that will take place under the next administration. so it will become a very important campaign issue. on the issue of climate science, donald trump is walking back from making any public declaration of what his own viewers are on that at this moment, most likely because he knows he's wrong. >> another question that won't go away for the trump white house, russia and questions about whether the u.s. president will use executive privilege to prevent the former fbi director james comey from testifying next week. first, leslie, explain executive privilege. can the president use this to stop mr. comey and what would the optics be if he were to do so? >> well, the president of course can invoke executive privilege if he thinks there's information
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that is in the public interest to withhold, but there's a real question about what the scope of that executive privilege is in this particular instance. the optics of the former fbi director director comey who is well respected across washington not to testify would suggest that the president has something to hide. so it is a very politically difficult decision to make. legally it is also not clear the extent to which that executive privilege, what the extent of that is. for example, would this be only concerning private communications of the fbi director comey had or would this cover communications that took place directly between president trump and fbi director comey. that latter set of communication seems like it wouldn't likely fall under executive privilege, but remember there's also separate criminal investigation that's taking place under the
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authority of the special counsel, mueller, and that executive privilege does not govern. trump has no capacity to declare executive privilege over that investigation. in any case, this is something hotly debated amongst lawyers inside washington and i think if it was a clear cut issue, it is likely it would have already been declared. i think we need to watch this. i suspect that comey will go ahead and testify this week. >> leslie, there's some reporting from "new york times" suggesting that the president will not use executive privilege, that he will allow comey to testify. so we'll obviously have to watch this to see how it plays out. thanks for the insight today. >> thank you. response by world leaders to president trump's dealings to pull out of the paris accord has been unanimous. they say they're disappointed and are pledging to uphold the deal, despite the u.s. exit. how would they do that?
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melissa bell joins us from the french capital with more on the reaction. >> reporter: hello, natalie. one of the priorities for european leaders who continue to back the paris climate deal, how to find the money that the united states had been due to contribute to the world's poorest nations in order to help them achieve their objectives. then this global deal to halt. clearly there's been a great deal of unity expressed from europe in the last couple days ever since that announcement in the rose garden, also great deal of frustration and disappointment. to understand the disappointment, here in europe and specifically paris, you have to take your mind back to the euphoria that followed after 195 nations struck a deal that few imagined possible. it was the long awaited sound of a deal.
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195 countries gleagreed to savee planet. >> i had with me the representative of all the world, first time in history i was able to strike the gavel, it meant that it was a new step for humanity. >> reporter: he presided over the paris negotiations. he says the deal is now a matter of life or death. >> the question is the question of food all over the world, the question of oceans, the question of typhoons, question of migrations. there are so many problems with so many migrations, if you multiply by 100, at the end of it, it is peace or war. >> reporter: at the time of its signing which brought together more than 190 nations, there had been a sense of disbelief the deal had proven possible at all. many wondered whether the world was ready for paris. now 18 months later the question is how the world could do
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without. >> because whether you believe we are, we all share the same responsibility. make our planet great again. >> reporter: the french president stressing france's resolve with a twist on presumptive's campaign slogan. world leaders from china vowed to honor the deal. the strength of reaction surprised. she says it shows how strong the paris agreement is. >> it is the future. that's what i think trump administration is just missing. they don't understand the train has left the station. it is just like you look at the train, it is going and you are not in it. >> reporter: adding to that sense of disbelief in europe is what you heard there, which has been at the heart of so many
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reactions since the announcement from the rose garden, george. that's the idea that apart from the question of america's standing in the world and reputation as stable, steadfast ally, there's more broadly and more importantly for americans this idea of what it will mean economically for the united states on the very measures chosen by trump to defend his decision. as you just heard, there's this idea that the reach for an energetic transition is one that makes economic sense and is more likely to provide job growth than to harm job creation, george. >> thank you so much. the president of russia has a message for the world. both don't worry, be happy. we will explain what that means, how it is connected to the u.s. president as cnn newsroom continues. y, i'm the internet! i know a bunch of people who would love that. the internet loves what you're doing... build a better website in under an hour with...
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serious side effects may occur, including muscle problems if given anesthesia; slow heartbeat, fainting, more stomach acid which may lead to ulcers and bleeding; nausea, vomiting, difficulty urinating, seizures, and worsening of lung problems. most common side effects are headache, diarrhea, dizziness, loss of appetite, and bruising. (woman 2 vo) i'm caring for someone with moderate alzheimer's. if you are too, ask about namzaric today. warm welcome back to cnn newsroom. we have been reporting on this. it is not clear if u.s. presumptive will use executive powers to stop james comey from testifying before congress. "new york times" is reporting that mr. trump is unlikely to do so. >> comey's testimony is all part of the investigation that cast a cloud over the new white house, as authorities dig into trump team alleged ties to russia.
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michelle kosinski takes a closer look. >> reporter: the white house not ruling out that president trump could invoke executive and try to stop james comey, the fbi director he fired, from telling his side of the story. >> the president will make that decision. >> reporter: comey scheduled to appear before the senate intelligence committee thursday morning is expected to talk about one on one conversations he had with presumptive while they investigated trump associate contacts with russia. conversations comey kept notes on and of which trump asked him for his loyalty, may have tried to persuade him to drop the investigation against fired national security adviser michael flynn, all of which the white house has denied. but a claim of executive privilege could be undermined by the president's own words. >> i said if it is possible could you let me know if i am under investigation. he said i am not under investigation. >> reporter: those public
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comments could be enough to claim the content of the talks should be kept private. a source close to comey tells cnn he was disturbed by what the president said, felt trump didn't understand it was inappropriate. all together with trump's later firing of comey, many believe it could amount to obstruction of justice. >> i decided to just do it, i said to myself, i said you know this russia thing with trump and russia is a made up story. >> reporter: questions remain, too, into why trump adviser, son-in-law jared kushner secretly met with a russian banker, former spy at an undisclosed location, allegedly to try to establish secret channel of communication with the kremlin before the inauguration. the bank maintains certificate gain gorkov was meeting with him as a businessman. the white house says it was part of work on the trump transition. it since emerged that kushner had multiple undisclosed contact with russian ambassador sergei
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kislyak. they said one meeting was a courtesy visit, and they were discussing possible collaboration in syria. former state department official dan freed tells cnn he and former colleagues were worried when the trump administration post inauguration started working on a plan to potentially lift sanctions against russia that were imposed for taking over crimea and hacking the u.s. election which disturbed him enough to reach out to lawmakers to try to stop him. >> lifting sanctions is a free gift, struck me, strikes me now as a bad, bad idea. my colleagues were concerned about this and so was i. >> reporter: putin himself denied any secret agreements with the trump team. >> no, there were no agreements, they didn't even get near it, didn't even manage to start any kind of talks. >> that was michelle kosinski.
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russian president vladimir putin is once again denying russia interfered with the u.s. election. at a wide ranging news conference, putin spoke highly of the u.s. president. >> and answered questions about trump's controversial decision to pull out of the paris climate agreement. >> reporter: it was trademark vladimir putin, appearing on stage in a marathon interview forum, the russian leader surprised the audience in english. >> don't worry, be happy. >> reporter: invoking bobby far in, sarcastically describing the anger around presumptive's decision to pull out of the paris agreement. he was far less sunny, continuing to deny russian interference in the u.s. presidential election while attacking former candidate hillary clinton, saying her campaign just can't admit its own mistakes caused her loss. >> translator: they decided to say it is not our fault, it is the russians' fault.
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it is like anti-semitism to blame the jews for everything. we all know what this comes to, nothing good. >> reporter: he spoke admiringly of trump's campaign. >> translator: the trump team was more effective during the campaign. he found an approach for the campaign that worked for him. >> reporter: wasn't done there. on the heels of comments that patriots, not the russian government, may have hacked the u.s. election, putin gave another denial, referring to u.s. intelligence reports on the hacking. >> translator: i read these reports. there's nothing specific in these reports, just assumptions and conclusions. >> reporter: he denied discussions about sanctions between his government and the incoming trump administration. analysts say putin is looking for deniable, trying to make -- it appears he is loving the attention and strive inside the
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political system. >> has a president that wants to have better relations with russia, he has a scandal that weakened the u.s. president, and has a u.s. president who is busy lecturing his best allies about climate and nato. there's lots of things putin is enjoying about the current crisis. >> reporter: vladimir putin also came to defense of the man that works for him at the russian embassy in washington, sergei kislyak, who is at the center of investigations into trump aide contacts with the russians. putin said our ambassador met someone, that's what the ambassador must do. reports of secret deals before the inauguration are plain hysteria, and how should we stop that, take a pill or something? brian todd, cnn, washington. let's go to clare sebastian live in our moscow bureau. certainly a different vladimir putin and different government from moscow that say nothing at first and now seeming to enjoy talking about all this.
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>> yes, for months we have been hearing various different ways of saying no comment from the kremlin. a lot of analysts told me here that the sense was everything they were saying was being used against trump, it was best to say nothing at all and to avoid contradicting themselves perhaps because it was so unpredictable, everything coming out of washington. now over the last few days, you see a very different approach from the president, much more vocal, much more defensive, even at times ee motive inscription of things. there's very little putin does that isn't completely calculated. he may see this is the moment for him to start defending russia's position perhaps ahead of this reported meeting between trump and putin as it may happen at the g 20 in july. one kremlin watcher told me that perhaps russia is looking at the relationship with the u.s. and seeing it is happening in a way that's completely out of its control, so trying to ramp back
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control of the situation, trying to control the conversation and agenda, and perhaps as well not good for putin domestically and the chaos in washington which is set to get more intense next week as the former fbi director set to testify, more calm and professional by comparison, very little difference in content of what he is saying, sticking to the same that it is an alliance, but certainly a difference in the approach. >> it will be interesting if these two leaders meet. imagine the cameras snapping that photo op. it does seem like vladimir putin is kind of getting what he wants as far as attention, but still sanctions remain, don't they? >> yes. this is a real thorn in his side i would say. politically painful and painful for the russian economy. he was speaking at an economic forum in st. petersburg, a
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blockbuster annual event that is his sagtage, his spotlight. he spoke to business leaders, said please help usury store normal political dialogue, help the new u.s. administration. i think it was a reference there to sanctions because of course here in moscow, the view is normal political dialogue can't resume while sanctions are in place. and mentioned as well there was reduction in trade between the u.s. and russia, he talked about a lot of economic opportunity. russia has been looking for any clues coming out of the trump administration for that suggested lifting of sanctions trump talked about on the campaign. and it has seen the opposite. they talked about rather than lifting sanctions, talked about strengthening them. it is a painful issue in russia and something as we saw top of the president's mind. >> clare sebastian in moscow.
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thanks. still ahead on "newsroom." the u.s. president pulled out of the paris agreement for a better deal for america, he says, but what about his own views on climate change? his answer is not as straightforward as you might think. plus, u.s. business man and philanthropist michael bloomberg has a message for the u.s. climate office. millions of dollars will be there, even if the u.s. doesn't pay out. what bloomberg is planning. we are live on the air in the united states and around the world at this hour. you're watching cnn "newsroom." g ingredients are safe... to knowing they are. going beyond expectations... because our pets deserve it. beyond. natural pet food.
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this is cnn newsroom, i am george howell. >> i am natalie allen. the white house dodging questions about if donald trump believes climate change is a hoax. he made that claim on the campaign trail, has yet to confirm that position pulling the paris agreement. >> the white house won't say if presumptive will try to block james comey from testifying on capitol hill next week. mr. trump could try to declare their conversations private. the fired fbi director is likely to be asked if mr. trump pressured him to end an investigation into a top aide's ties with russia. we're hearing reporting from the "new york times" that he will likely not use executive privilege to stop mr. comey. united nations is expanding sanctions on north korea following a series of missile tests. security council voted unanimously friday for the resolution which targets four entities and 14 people. first step toward agreement between the u.s. and china since donald trump took office.
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as we mentioned a moment ago, uncertainty vounlsurrounds press's thoughts and the issue of global warming. >> his silence is a big change from before he was president. gary tuckman reports. >> reporter: president trump hasn't made it clear where he stands on climate change, as candidate and citizen trump, he did. in december, 2015 had this to say. >> well, the world is in turmoil, falling apart in so many different ways, especially with isis, our president is worried about global warming. what a ridiculous situation. >> reporter: then this in september, 2015. >> do you believe that the temperature of the earth is increasing and what would you do if you do believe that, vis-a-vis global climate change. >> first of all, i'm not a believer in global warming, in man-made global warming. >> said this about president obama in 2016. >> said global warming is the biggest problem, okay, we have
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problems, we have some big problems. we may have a global warming problem but it will be of the nuclear variety if we don't have smart people in office and soon. >> reporter: then this moment during the campaign. >> donald thinks climate change is a hoax perpetrated by the chinese. i think it is real. >> i did not say that. i do not say that. >> reporter: all you have to do is look at president trump's twitter feed to see he said that. global warming was created by and for the dhien east in order to make u.s. manufacturing noncompetitive. his twitter feed with scores of tweets on the topic gives a clear window into where he stands on the issue. this in january, 2015. it is record cold all over the country and world. where the hell is global warming? we need some fast. this in february, 2014. it is not climate change, it is global warming. don't let the dollar sucking wise guys change names midstream because the first name didn't work. in november, 2012, let's continue to destroy the
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competitiveness of factories and manufacturing so we can fight mythical global warming. china is so happy. interestingly back in 2009, donald trump did sign a letter with dozens of business leaders calling for meanful, effective measures to combat climate change. it sounded like he is on the fence. >> i am open minded, nobody really knows. look, i'm somebody that gets it. and nobody really knows. it is not something that's so hard and fast. >> reporter: overall, his blizzard of tweets and almost allt all televised comments have the sentiment. donald trump has never been shy about expressing that, at least until now. gary tuckman, cnn, atlanta. >> gary, thank you. former mayor of new york michael bloomberg is among u.s. business leaders vowing to stay the course on the paris climate agreement. >> the billionaire
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philanthropist knows a lot about the issue in his ruelas special envoy with the united nations. bloomberg spoke at length with christiane amanpour, beginning with why he pledged $15 million to the cause. >> the agreement calls for countries to make a contribution so the organization has the funds it needs to do its work. america's commitment is something about $15 million. and if the federal government, our federal government chooses not to pay that, i said bloomberg philanthropy will put $15 million into the organization, although if others want to join us, it would reduce our commitment, but we get whatever the american government's obligation was, the organization can count on the fact that they will have those funds to do its important work. >> you are the business man's business man, you are now putting your money where your mouth is.
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i want you to address once and for all for people that may get confused by all of the stuff coming out of the white house, out of the epa administrator that the climate deal is bad for american business, jobs, american economy. he said it over and again today, says the reason the president pulled out is because this deal has come at the expense of the american economy. >> there's absolutely no evidence of that. in fact, the reverse is really true. there have probably been ten times the number of jobs, the number is like 8 times the number of jobs created in renewables compared to what's lost in fossil fuel industry. businesses change along with technology and what consumers want and today people want less coal and more renewables, so there are fewer jobs in coal and more jobs in renewable. that's the trend that happens all the time in every part of our world, but the bottom line is a better environment creates
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more opportunities than it takes away. it is something that is in our economic interest, in the interest of our health, it is what we leave to our children. i just don't know where those numbers come from, they make them up i think, and there's just no evidence whatsoever that it hurt our environment, hurt our economy. in fact, in america the american industry in total has benefitted greatly from all of the things we're doing. and you see even big companies like exxonmobile running full page ads in newspapers urging the president to have america work with other countries and comply with cop 21 agreement. if the world's biggest oil company thinks this is a good idea, i find it hard to understand the secretary does not. >> i must say, it is all very, very difficult to compute, especially when the following
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has been uttered by the president of the united states, that one of the reasons he did this is so that the world will stop laughing at america. he believes the deal was so negative, so harmful to america that the rest of the world is laughing, and again today, scott pruitt said the reason, and you're there in france, the reason people like macron or merkel or the other allies are begging the u.s. to stay in is because they want u.s. economy to hurt and their economy to benefit. >> well, i think somebody has to explain to the president. he's obviously been misinformed or the secretary has been misinformed. that's not the case. it is exactly the reverse. america does have some obligations to its own people to stop polluting any more than is necessary, to continue to reduce the amount of disruption,
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hurting the environment because this is the air we breathe. this is the water we drink. our environmental efforts are done for the american people. it is true the rest of the world depends on them, but also america suffers when the rest of the world doesn't do its share. so what we have to do is be a leader, show that we are willing to do what we agreed to and even more and to convince other people to do it. the world is one environment and if somebody pollutes any place in the world, we all are going to suffer. if somebody reduces the amount of pollution they cause, everybody around the world benefits. this is not an either or thing, this is a thing where we're all in it together. i think it is a shame that the president's staff haesn't explained to him or the secretary why this is in
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america's interest. it is my understanding his daughter understands this and tried to explain to him. hopefully the best thing that would happen is the president gets more advice, thinks about it, concludes that the american government should participate. this is not an agreement that's going to be renegotiated, but if america wanted to, it could say we'll go even further. that's what the american pledge is about, trying to get us, individuals and corporations and local governments to do what we committed to do as a country, and even go further. we will be fbeneficiaries of every bit of progress we make. days until the uk election. whichever side voters are on, no escaping the issue brexit. >> it is a big issue. we will have that story. some call sean spicer, press secretary, the incredible shrinking man. why he is shying away from the
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five days left of campaigning until the uk general election. the contest could be a close one. polls suggesting that labor, the opposition party, is gaining on the conservatives. >> the candidates are spending saturday campaigning in the north of england. friday they answered questions on the bbc question time. prime minister theresa may addressed one of the biggest issues at the moment, the issue of the environment. listen. >> why haven't you signed the letter to donald trump
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condemning his decision to pull out of the paris climate change agreement. >> i haven't because i actually have spoken to donald trump and told him that the uk believes in the paris agreement and that we didn't want the united states to leave the paris agreement. the g7 leaders sat around the table last week and spoke to and told donald trump, six of us told him we believe the paris agreement was an important international agreement on climate change, that we wanted the united states to stay in it. i have spoken to him. spoke to him last night about this. >> what did he say? >> canada and japan haven't signed the letter either. >> what did he say? she didn't answer that. on the same show, labor leader jeremy foreman wushd on something he longo posed, britain's nuclear deterrent program, trident. >> what about the reality you're faced with the prospect you have to use it. i just ask for a simple -- >> the reality is that we have
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to obviously try to protect ourselves. we would not use it as first use, and if we did use it, millions are going to die. you have to think this thing through. >> there's always another big issue that's front and center, especially with british politics, brexit. but the political landscape has changed dramatically since the decision to pull out of the eu. >> many prominent voices that called for the uk to leave seem to have faded away. >> reporter: they were the faces, the headlines and driving forces behind the brexit campaign. but since calling the eu referendum. >> i will go to parliament, propose the british people decide our future in europe through a referendum on thursday, 23rd of june. >> reporter: most of the men behind the momentous decision hardly stuck around to pick up the pieces. david cameron who staked his career on the decision to stay
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in the eu resigned almost immediately after losing the vote. >> i do not think it would be right for me to try to be the captain that steers our country to its next destination. >> reporter: now he is making a fortune on the speaking circuit and built a reported $30,000 shed in his backyard to write his memoirs in. one of the most vocal proponents of brexit was nigeriaal farage. for years he waged a war against the eu. >> i know that virtually none of you have ever done a proper job in your lives. >> reporter: now he is no longer head of the uk independence paerlt a party and is forging into radio and tv. >> i think i was the last to know. >> reporter: and making friends with donald trump. also getting close to trump, the
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former justice secretary who led the hard brexit battalion, claims huge savings to be had for the health service. former political writer returned to journalism, scoring a major interview with the u.s. president in his first month on the job. always entertaining. >> i can sing ode to joy in german. you know it. >> reporter: if not always liked, one of the most colorful characters left in the british government. he was made secretary by theresa may, but has largely been sidelined. >> boris is sitting comfortably, air of repose about the fellow. >> reporter: nina dos santos,
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cnn, london. the group, the black eyed peace focus is love this weekend. two huge events in the united kingdom. >> they'll perform in wales, then head to manchester to join ariana grande's one love benefit concert sunday. >> this event will honor victims of the may 22nd attacks, when 22 people were killed and the black eyed peace told hala gorani they'll sing the right song. that song is "where is the love." >> that song where is the love was created after events of 9/11, still to this day, 2017, people ask for it. people go online, say we need this song, whether things are happening in paris or the united states or manchester. that song speaks to the world and strikes a chord with the world. we're glad we are able to perform it. it is sad when something bad happens, that song has to be the
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thing we rely on to provide our perspective and therapy for people that need it, but we're going to go out there with an open heart and spread love. >> ahead of the concert ariana grande visited fans at the hospital who were wounded in the attack at her previous show in manchester. still ahead, you could call him the face of the white house. >> we're seeing less and less of press secretary sean spicer. we'll look at what's behind his vanishing act coming up here. ir. they're playing. -what? -we gotta go. -where? -san francisco. -when? -friday. we gotta go. [ tires screech ] any airline. any hotel. any time. go where you want, when you want with no blackout dates. [ muffled music coming from club. "blue monday" by new order. cheers. ] [ music and cheers get louder ] the travel rewards credit card from bank of america. it's travel, better connected.
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we have the annual scripps spelling bee, those smarties in elementary and middle school. >> they can spell words i will pass onto natalie allen to juggle with. >> this year's competition was no exception. round after round went by until a 12-year-old from fresno, california had the chance to win it with the word marocain. >> you did it. >> m-a-r-o-c-a-i-n.
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>> congratulations, you're the champion. >> she spelled it. it was defined as fabric used for dresses. she wins $40,000, a few television appearances, and an encyclopedia. >> she no doubt will memorize. >> for sure. since the first days of the trump administration, one official has been in the headlines as much as the president himself. white house press secretary, sean spicer. >> you may have noticed that recently we have been seeing a lot less of spicy. here is jeanne moos with that. >> reporter: now you see him. >> you're shaking your head here, it's true, you did. >> reporter: now you don't. >> you're free to use the audio. >> reporter: sean spicer is a little like the incredible shrinking man in the 1957 movie. not in a doll house but in the white house, playing cat and mouse with the press, briefings have been rare.
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friday, spicer resurfaced, wasn't able to give the president's views on climate change, exited asap. >> today is national leave work early day. >> reporter: wednesday, spicer ditched cameras, holding an audio only gaggle with the eyebrow racing answer to a question about president trump's gibberish tweet. >> the president and small group of people know what he meant. >> reporter: reporters scoffing in disbelief. hey, turn that off. no cameras, audio only. we too can pull a spicer, his briefings are getting shorter. >> thank you guys. >> reporter: one online commenter begged please tell me news outlets will play the audio only briefings over gifs of melissa mccarthy as spicer, be still nmy heart. "snl" may have been prophetic.
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>> kiss me like my father and no one sees me again. >> yes. >> reporter: it is like he is a hostage at his own briefings, one poster noticed with a thousand yard stare, and when he briefed outside the white house, got more grief. >> wasn't hiding in the bushes, okay, he was hiding among the bushes. okay? >> reporter: reporters treated like miss behaving kitties. >> one at a time. >> cecilia is asking a question. that doesn't mean you get to jump in. glen, i'm asking if you could be polite not to interrupt. >> reporter: enough to leave reporters. >> stop shaking your head again. >> reporter: shaking their heads. >> stop shaking your head again. >> reporter: jeanne moos, cnn, new york. >> oh, my, my. good one. thanks for being with us. i am george howell. >> i am natalie allen.
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