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tv   New Day  CNN  June 5, 2017 4:00am-5:01am PDT

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for joining us this morning. >> good to be with you. we are following a lot of news. president trump's tweets and the terror investigation. let's get to it. >> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. >> we welcome viewers in the united states and around the wo world. this is "new day." we begin with president trump doubling down and making something clear. executive order on travel has always been a ban and that's what he wants it to be. he has gone on a twitter tirade this morning making that 100% clear. >> this comes as the president is being criticized for stoking fears with the initial response to the london terror attack and he went after the mayor of london suggesting the mayor somehow soft on terror. all of this as the investigation into the terror attack intensifies. >> here are the facts. this is a statement of policy. yes, they are tweets. we can't get any real clarification from the press office. they are often at odds with the president because he has his own
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message and here it is in his own words. first, people, the lawyers and courts can call it whatever they want, but i'm calling it what we need and what it is. a travel ban in all caps. remember, the press secretary scolding the media as fake for calling it a ban. remember that. now here is the reality. the justice department should have stayed with the original travel ban. the one that made a carve out for christians. not the watered down politically correct version they submitted to supreme court. and then this one. the justice department should ask for an expedited hearing of the watered down travel ban before the supreme court and seek much tougher investigation. that doesn't make sense legally or policy security perspective. anyway, we are extreme vetting people coming into the united states to keep our country safe. the courts are slow and political. is that true? we were told a 90-day review and
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report. we would be told which measures would be taken to increase vetting. did it happen and we were not sno told? we will break it down all with the panel in a moment. right now, we do have other news. >> a lot is happening. british prime minister theresa may says they know the identity of the three terrorists that killed seven people and injured 48 others on saturday. senior international correspondent clarissa ward is live from london with the latest for us. clarissa. >> reporter: alisyn, as you can see behind me, there is still a significant police presence here at the market. the site of one of the main attack areas on saturday night. we just seen a forensic team heading back there. we know from authorities as you said, 11 people have been arrested. we know that four properties have been searched. a couple of raids.
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authorities warning people those will continue. this seems to be a little bit of a contrast to what we were hearing from authorities yesterday. they did not believe there was any larger network at play here beyond the three attackers. they say they know who the attackers are, but not telling the public for now. take a look. british authorities are scrambling to determine if the three attackers are connected to a foreign terror network. london's metro police carrying out a number of raids and arrests as isis claims responsibility for saturday's attack. although no evidence currently exists to back up the claim. neighbors at this raided apartment complex stunned after recognizing one of the dead attackers who they describe as a quiet family man. >> the man i know is -- he was wonderful guy. >> reporter: one woman however did have concerns which she
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claims she brought to police. >> all of a sudden, we saw this gentleman or individual speaking to the kids for the last afternoon and speaking to them about islam. and showed them how to pray. >> reporter: locals shows cnn the mosque they believe one of the attackers attended. authorities have not confirmed his identity. london police say the three attackers began their killing spree using a rented white van that sped across london bridge around 10:00 p.m. saturday night plowing into pedestrians. >> knocked over several people. came within 20 yards of where i was and knocked somebody nearly 20 feet in the air. >> reporter: emergency vehicles rushed to the scene. as also responded to more violence at the market where the attackers had driven before getting out of the van wielding knives and randomly attacking
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people in restaurants and cafs.s >> three men with machetes. stabbing people. >> stepped outside the pub for a second. a man ran up to him and said this is for my family for islam. looked him straight in the face and stabbed him. >> reporter: these patrons hunkering down fearing for their lives as others fled the scene. >> people literally running away. >> reporter: minutes after the first calls for help, london police say eight officers shot 50 rounds taking down all three attackers. one bystander was shot in a hail of bullets. >> there is too much tolerance of extremism in our coin tuntry. >> reporter: the british prime minister vowing a sweeping review of the anti-terror laws. >> enough is enough. >> reporter: a lot of people here are hailing the heroism of
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the british police. several of whom seriously injured attempting to fight off the attackers and also because the time it took from the moment when the attack began to the moment where the they three attackers were shot deadly police. that is an extraordinary rapid response. part of the reason they were quick to use lethal force is because the attackers were wearing fake suicide belts. at the time, of course, police could not have known they were fake suicides belts. chris and alisyn. >> clarissa, thank you. >> let's bring in david drucker and terrorism analyst paul cr k cruickshank and dan galiagno. now this.
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the hypocracy, but now the truth. he wants the ban for christians and the one that included iraq. just to be clear, this is sean spicer addressing the media reporting this is a ban. this is what he said. >> this is not a muslim ban. it is not a travel ban. it's a vetting system to keep america safe. plain and simple. all of the facts and reading of it show it is what it is. >> except one fact. the president of the united states saying it is a ban. what does it mean? >> chris, you have to look at this across the continuum. i look at mayor khan on one end and the ambiguous threat and the president who came out now and said this is a travel ban. that confirmed what we already felt. i watched the british pm.
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i watched theresa may. i thought wow. defiance and resolution. just so classically british and how she came out and said we will confront it and call it what it is, but not go to the extreme fringe. i thought calling it what it is concerning ourselves with the cyber sphere which isis has used to its benefit and reaming out to the muslim community. this is not targeting you, but targeting the extreme element. >> paul, before we get to the travel ban. when she said the internet provided safe haven to terrorists. the big companies she said provide internet based services have been complicit in this. what does she mean? what policy will change? >> she means there is extremist
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content on youtube and facebook and telegram and all sorts of other channels. isis put extremist context everywhere they can. online to get that to their followers. the brits want these companies to crack down to remove content faster. of course, they could be doing more. if they did all that much more aggressively, isis would still find ways to get a lot of the contest online. if you don't want to shot down the internet, you will still have the problem with a lot of content on the internet. the bigger problem is the fact there are community of people who are receptive to this ideolo ideology. it is not so much perhaps the medium or internet which is the root cause problem, but the ideology which far too many
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people now subscribe to in europe and other parts of the world. >> now we have, david drucker, this clear declaration of policy from the president of the united states. tweets are as good as we get. the white house, words from the press conferences, they are all over the place. he often contradicts them. he says this is a ban. he wants it to be a ban and he wants it to be the original ban. >> it depends on what the lawyers make of it and whether he follows through with the department of justice and says this is what i want. what is striking to me, he seems upset with the doj. they work for him. he's the boss. they will do whatever he tells them to do within reason. as a matter of policy and what to prosecute in the courts, they should listen to him. what i find striking about all of this is that broadly speaking the president has a good point to make about the need for the u.s. to beef up security and beef up vetting. there are parts of the world
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that are in tumult and hard to do the vetting. he has been in office four months. the travel ban. muslim ban. it was to go into effect to give the administration time they said to develop a stronger kind of vetting to make sure the wrong people did not get into the country. it has been four months. somewhere is the new vetting? >> he says it is happening right now. this may wind up being one of the biggest problems he caused for himself. in any event, we are extreme vetting, all caps. are you aware of new policies and procedures put into place? james? anybody? >> there has been no announcement. as we discussed before, there has been no detail of the beefed up aggressive plan to combat isis. i think his top notch national security team, and they know what they are doing, they have not communicated any of this to
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us. he would be more effective and get more if he did that which is why i mentioned it. >> james. >> alisyn, as isis begins to lose grounds in iraq, syria, they will start hyper focusing on this radicalization through laptop computer. you have to be careful in the west. there are no crimes about thought or what you are viewing, per se. there are limitations on that. in the west, we don't want to have a system of jurisprudence. this attracts disenfranchised youngsters seeking to be a bigger part of something and blowing themselves up. >> a bigger danger. >> i'm glad paul is here. paul, you give us great context. having to report on these
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attacks over and over in rapid fire, three in the past three months, in britain. obviously demoralizing and weary to have the public to hear about it and god forbid, live through them. give us context. is the west winning? is isis losing ground? you know, it is hard to sometimes know when you see the horror that they are still able to perpetrate. >> yes, isis is losing a significant amount of ground in syria and iraq and libya and afghanistan. other places where they had main gains in previous years. they are on the ropes in mosul. they are in a small part of that town now. they still have some presence in various parts of syria and iraq. of course, they still have control over raqqah. the de facto capital of syria. that is where they have been plotting international terror attacks from. that is where the foreign
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fighters have been congregating and reaching out over the internet from there to sympathizers in the united states and britain and europe to provoke them and encourage them to carry out terrorist attacks. isis is really pressing the accelerator in terms of getting plots through to change the conversation away from the fact they have been losing terrorist at an increasing rate. >> thank you for that perspective. thank you, gentlemen, for the information. we have more on president trump confirming his travel policy or immigration policy is a travel ban. we will get reaction from a republican lawmaker here next. 80 nt of en chemic strokes d be prd with the right steps. and take it from me, every step counts. a bayer aspirin regimen is one of those steps in helping prevent another stroke. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen.
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president trump confirming his executive order halted by federal courts is a travel ban in a series of tweets this morning. here's one. the people lawyers and courts can call it whatever we want. i'm calling it whatever we need and what it is. a travel ban. the justice department should have stayed with the original travel ban. not the watered down politically correct investigativersion they
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to supreme court. the justice department should ask for an expedited hearing of the travel ban before the supreme court and seek tougher version. we are extreme vetting people coming into the u.s. to keep our country safe. the courts are slow and political. let's discuss with republican congress member scott taylor of virginia. former navy s.e.a.l. and iraq war veteran. yes, they are tweets, but i see them as policy of the united states of america. directly from the head and heart of the president. this is a travel ban. it's always been a travel ban. all of the chiding of the media calling us fake for saying it was a ban was untrue, congressman. it's always been a ban. >> it's great to be with you again. i understand how you can be frustrated that you had chiding of course with a travel ban or not a travel ban. i don't think that changes the
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legal asity of it. i understand the frustration. i understand it. i don't think it changes the legality of the president's ability to control immigration via the law. >> no question there is a very strong constitutional component to the president's powers of immigration. the question for the courts is if this is a rightful application of this and are you concerned that the original order was fairly clear in intent to target muslims and had a carveout for christians emphasizing that focus on keeping muslims out the country. do you like that and do you think the court will? >> let me preface it by saying i was clear. i was on the show before. i do not an get with the rhetoric before the campaign. i had my life in muslim hands many times in the middle of the arabian desert. i don't agree with that whatsoever. that being said i think it will be upheld.
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i believe certainly debate on the policy. >> let's address that, congress member. just because there is a legal right that may be found. again, i'm not disputing that. there is broad authority. that doesn't mean it is the right thing to do. the president in the wake of what we just saw in london and let's leave sensitivity aside. do you think a travel ban of muslims is the right way for america to go on the record? >> i've already said on the record that i have been to many countries. i do agree there should be tougher vetting. i don't think it is unreasonable for an incoming administration to say we want to stop and look at the countries specifically because that is their opinion that they are a higher threat. i think there is a ton of rhetoric on both sides that i agree with or don't agree with. the actual policy.
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i trust the national security adviser and general mattis to look at countries and make those decision. like i said, i have personally been to the countries. you mentioned christians. i have seen what happens with christians in these countries. i get why they want to elevate status to at least look and try to get folks in some countries where genocide has been committed against them. i don't disagree with incoming administration looking at the policies and countries to figure it out. you mentioned extreme vetting. i don't know if that is the case if the president or administration is doing it. we may not want to say what is more policy for extreme vetting for these countries to not let folks get around it. lib libya, they went back to libya for suspects. in some countries, there are government constitutions to vet
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folks. it is very difficult to vet someone in the region in yemen. there is not information about them and certainly not a government system to help us. i think it is responsible to look at these countries and have tougher vetting in there. i just do. >> everybody agrees. >> that is from personal experience. >> your service to the country is well known. thank god you made it back home and you can try to help others more. you make a strong point of christians targeted. it is true. it is under reported. do you think they should be given a preference to muslims when it comes to travel. do you believe targeting muslims from those countries will make us safer although that is not suggestive? >> let me say again, i'm not -- i don't believe in targeting muslims. >> that's what this does, congress member. >> hold on a second. hold on a second. if that was just strictly the
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case, would you have more countries in there. with more populous countries with muslims. i will tell you, the biggest victims of terror, of course, are muslims in the same countries. >> no question. >> overwhelmingly. absolutely. again, the rhetoric i don't agree with. i don't agree with the pre-campaign rhetoric. i think it is responsible for the incoming administration. if they need to look at tougher vetting procedures and specific countries frankly are from the previous administration's list of having a higher risk, i don't disagree with. th that. i don't agree with a muslim ban. i think ult maimately the supre court will uphold. >> we will see. that doesn't make a good policy. congress member, thank you for laying out the case. i appreciate your service and
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appreciate your arguments as always. thank you, sir. >> thank you, sir. good to be with you. alisyn. >> chris, how will police around the world tackle the attacks like the one in london with the van and knives? how would they stop the internet from being a safe haven for terrorists? we ask the counterterrorism expert next. legahnology can handcuff any company. but "yes" is here. you're saying the new app will go live monday? yeah. with help from hpe, we can finally work the way we want to. with the right mix of hybrid it, everything computes.
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president trump made many statements this morning. he sent out a flurry of tweets. he called the immigration order quote a travel ban. after months of the administration insisting it is not a travel ban. this comes after the president was criticized for appearing to push the political agenda in response to london terror attack. let's discuss with security analyst lisa monaco. she is a counterterrorism adviser to president obama. you are the perfect guest to have on all of the threats. let's start with the travel ban. you have been an outspoken critic of the revised travel ban. the second one. in fact, you sent a letter to president trump back in march with a bipartisan group of
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senior officials. so let me tell you what he says this morning so you can comment. people, the lawyers and courts can call it what they want. i'm calling it what we need and what it is. a travel ban. he then said the justice department should have stayed with the original travel ban. not the watered down politically correct version submitted to the supreme court. your thoughts? >> alisyn, i joined a group of bipartisan national security officials to criticize the ban to the predecessor and current one because from a counterterrorism perspective, it doesn't make it better. it makes it worse. we don't know the identity of the british attackers. the british authorities have the identity, but have not released it yet. we will analyze it more when we get that information. the last two attacks before this one in britain were conducted by british citizens. we also know that there has
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never been an attack in the united states since 9/11 by anybody from the countries that were listed in the ban. so the bottom line is it doesn't get at the problem that we're confronting here which is in many respects inspired violence or home grown violence. and home grown extremism. >> that's the answer. we don't know. the brits say the identities of the attackers from saturday night, but not releasing them to the public. lisa, let's say they come from syria. why not temporarily ban people from syria as the president wants? alisyn, we should always look for ways to increase the rigor of the vetting procedures. it is something we have done over the last several years. adding new measures.
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and then very targeted way attaching new procedures to the gaps. this does not do that. this is a blanket ban. the problem with that is we need to work with our arab allies and gulf partners and doing so, it makes it harder to do so when you attach a very blanket ban to individuals from a whole set of countries that are muslim majority. the other issue here is we need to work with communities and by attaching a ban to a whole faith in essence is going to make it harder to have trusted relationships with those communities and ultimately establish the relationships so we need to get at the problem of home grown extremism. >> now to the nuts and bolts of
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your counterterrorism experience. how do you stop a terrorist from taking a car and mowing down a group of people? >> isalisyn, you hit on the challenge for the officials in what we are seeing as the new trend of low tech terror. we have seen now a number of these vehicular terrorism and terrorist attacks using every day items. household items. it is a response frankly to a call by isis over the last couple of years for individuals to attack wherever they are. it poses a real challenge to law enforcement because you need to figure out how to get in between in a rapid way when something goes wrong in somebody's mind and they move to radicalization to violence. that is extremely hard. there are things we can do and certainly in this country, i would say are three things.
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one, working with communities. it is only in communities you will identify individuals becoming radicalized to violence. we need the trusted relationships with the influential leaders whether it is coaches or teachers or the whole set of community leaders. we also need to focus on increasing our presence. that is something you see. you see it no new york. you see it in washington, d.c. a more visible presence of law enforcement in the streets, particularly at big gatherings and soft targets to deter individuals plotting or casing that particular location. then we have also employed locations. as you see, terrorists will react to that as we saw in brussels. you make it hard to get on the plane, they attack the ex-tteri
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of the airport. >> so when prime minister theresa may says the internet is a safe haven for terrorists and enough is enough and we need to crackdown on that. is it possible to shutdown the communications on the internet better than we have been? >> we can do more. the internet service providers and platform companies can do more. we have been working over the united states government certainly working with companies to do better in this area. at the end of the day, this is a very difficult problem. it is a bit of a whack-a-mole situation in terms of trying to get at communications on the intern internet. there is no way you will suppress that. it poses very real questions of free speech and issues of freedom of expression. prime minister may, who was home secretary for a number of years before prime minister, that's the position in the british government that is akin to
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homeland security secretary and attorney general rolled into one. she is focused on this issue. i met with her many times in my former job. she is focused on the question of online radicalization. at the end of the day, this will have to be a partnership between governments here and in europe working with the companies that operate the platforms and know them best. at the end of the day are patriots who don't want to see their platforms abused. >> lisa monaco, thank you for your expertise. some really big developments this morning. we are told that british authorities know who did the attacks in london. they are not releasing the name. why? then, donald trump seeing london as an opportunity to target muslims with his travel ban. is that the right move? christiane amanpour next.
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joining us now is correspondent christiane amanpour. now back here in the u.s. with donald trump making clear exactly what opposing counsel wanted to hear. it is a travel ban. let's start with theresa may and not releasing the names. why? >> reporter: it is standard operating procedure here. they don't do it until they feel they have the surrounding bits of the puzzle together on until they are safe so other people don't flee. we had the same in manchester. if you remember, a great deal of consternation when the name and other issues were released by the press. to be frank, the press has some of the names and not releasing them because of the order under way. they ahave 11 people in custody and more raids are happening in morning and women are in custody. they are trying to figure out if this is more of a conspiracy or
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plot between freddie iends or neighbors or whatever. >> let's talk about how they conduct the investigation. prime minister theresa may just gave a statement on camera at 10 downing street. she was asked by a reporter there. there are 20,000 fewer police officers. >> reporter: that's true. >> on the street. the implication was maybe there are not enough detectives or enough police officers that this situation now they are living in warrants. what is the status? >> reporter: here is the thing. the prime minister has been in office for a year. before that, she was six years as homeland secretary. the department that deals with police and terrorism and counterterrorism and immigration. all those things. she is facing a huge amount of heat. for many years, including yesterday and including after the manchester attacks. we have heard and i have been speaking to law enforcement and
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officials who said we have 20,000 people cut from the beat. this is not counterterrorism. whenever you put the proposal to the authorities, they say hang on a second. we haven't because of austerity because of anything cut into the counterterrorism budget. they have cut into the police on the street. as you know, one of the things that acts as deterrent as eyes and ears on the street as lookout and early warning systems is the patrolling of police on the street. it has been here in england. i have been told by many chiefs and deputy chiefs they want to talk about resources again. cressida dick said yesterday this will cause us to talk about resources because they are hard to predict and prevent. >> so president trump has his moment on twitter where he first decides to go after the mayor of london and has a sensitivity misplay. now comes back to u.s. policy
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and says despite all of the spin from the white house and claims of fake media for calling the executive order on travel a ban. he says it is a ban. he wants the original one, christiane. we remember the car veout for christians and targeted the majority muslim populations. what is the impact? >> the impact is more legalese in the united states and more protests than the likes of which we are having. that language is really important. we were all saying muslim ban before. we were told no, it is not a muslim ban and this or that. this has a huge impact of how police and authorities are trying to certainly overseas are trying to best deal with the issues. the one thing we hear all the time is that, a, the threat we are facing here in europe and also in the united states is not
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from people coming from outside. not since 9/11 has there been a major attack from people coming in from outside. that piece of the puzzle has been taken care of. as you know, the amount of vetting into the united states by any people from syria or iraq or the refugees or any of those coming in is humungous. it takes up to two years of multiple vetting by the relevant u.s. and u.n. and other agencies, including agencies in jordan and all the rest of it, to vet people who just want to come in for asylum reasons. that is something the u.s. does incredibly well and exhaustivly. people in law enforcement are concerned that the ideas muddy the waters when you are actually trying to get to the heart of the matter and try to figure out how to stop the home grown stuff. that is the crisis that we're facing right now.
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this morphing level of co conspiracy. thank you, christiane amanpour. >> we are going back and forth from what happened in london and we will have an eyewitness to the terror attack there. live tweeted his experience. went above and beyond to help one of the victims. that story of resilience and what president trump just did in calling his travel ban a ban and wanting the original. what could that mean to the supreme court and the policy? ahead. o, eas benefiber® healthy shape is a clear, taste-free, 100% natural daily fiber... that's clinically proven to help me feel fuller longer. benefiber® healthy shape. this i can do! can we at least analyze customer can we push the offer online? legacy technology can handcuff any company. but "yes" is here. you're saying the new app will go live monday? yeah. with help from hpe, we can finally work the way we want to.
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at least 36 people are treated in london hospitals, 21 still in critical condition after this weekend's deadly terror attack. erin mclaughlin is live at king's college in london with more on what we learned about the victims. >> reporter: hi, alisyn. we are learning more about the victims who died in this horrific attack. kristie archibald is the first victim to be named by her family. she made it her life's work to help the homeless. she had moved to europe from canada to be with her fiance. she was with her fiance on the london bridge and was struck by the terrorist van and killed, despite the efforts of the
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medical services, who worked furiously to save her life. her family releasing a statement saying that she was beautiful and loving and would never have understood the kind of callous cruelty that claimed her life, but for all of the darkness that was there that night, we're also hearing of wonderful acts of heroism. journalist jeff hough at a restaurant enjoying drinks and helped a bouncer, intervened, he was stabbed in the neck and walked away, we understand from his paper that he is going to be okay. >> chris? >> a lot of hard stories going on in that hospital. come back to us when you have development. witnesses are describing the moments of sheer terror in london on saturday night, many were trapped inside bars and restaurants as police were hunting terrorists. take a listen.
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>> you are to remain calm, remain seated, okay? if arms officers come through, get down on the floor. >> that video was shot by liam connell, and he joins us now. thank god you are safe. it's good to have you with us. how are you feeling today? >> i'm good. i'm good. it's been a mad few days but i'm doing all right. >> i'm sure it will come at you in waves, what you made it through with your friends and others in this situation. what were you thinking when you started to record and what you were hearing and what you thought was going on? tell us. >> i mean, when it first started we were just being evacuated by staff. there was no police at the time. we were then told to stay inside. we were in a basement and we didn't hear anything from outside. as it progressed, i started to
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see a few policemen. sorry, and then it wasn't until armed police came and we had to crop to the ground we realized this was a big thing. at first, i didn't actually think it was a terrorism attack. i was saying to my friends, but it became clear very quickly that it was. >> what did you think was happening and when you learned about what it actually was, what did that mean to you, when you were out there? >> i mean, i just started filming and i think that was very much a welcome distraction, but armed police came we dropped to the ground. in terms of having to text family and friends and telling them that we're okay and sending out that spat, but the police were always there.
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they very much made us feel safe. i think it started to really sink in, when we saw someone who had been attacked. >> what did you see and how did you help that person? >> so one of my friends turned around to me and said that they thought that someone behind me this been involved who must have been outside so i went over to him with my phone if my hand but then as soon as we saw that he had been injured, i put the phone down. my friend sat him down and started to calm him down as i held a bandage to his neck. he said he was stabbed. he was very much in shock. we wanted to make sure he was okay and i was holding this bandage to his neck. he clearly had been stabbed -- he had like some sort of wound, i did nt didn't see the wound. it wasn't like he was gushing blood but he had been stabbed and he was in a bad way. >> you did the right thing
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helping him out. have you learned how he is now? did he wind up going to hospital or is he okay? >> so at the time i said to the police officer there, you need to get this guy an ambulance, but he was saying the roads were closed, and within a minute there i think he was taken away with paramedics. i kept a lookout but i haven't seen too much. hopefully he is okay. i know obviously a lot of people weren't lucky enough and have unfortunately died but me and my friends are just really, really hoping that he is okay. >> so you've had a spate of attacks now, two, three in recent months. what does it mean to you guys there about why this is happening and what it means about the safety of daily life? >> i mean, daily life, everyone's been so lovely and so supportive. i've had loads of messages
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myself. i've spoke on it other people who have been affected and the people i've spoken to all feel the same way. you get on with it. there's signs all around london offering support. there's people laying flowers. obviously we have the vigil tonight. i think we'll carry on like normal as london does. >> what do you think the attacks mean for the social fabric that connects the different people? we hear victims came from a lot of different countries but the idea of extreme islamism, and the impact of muslim-based terror in society, as you well know, the u.s. is wrestling with this about what to do about that, and the relationships between muslims and nonmuslims. what does it mean there, as far as you know? >> i mean, a lot of the people who helped out, a lot of the people who intervened were from all different backgrounds, even
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myself, when i was texting friends, i had muslim friends texting me to make sure i was okay and offering support so i mean, i hope it doesn't really change anything. i think it wouldn't -- everyone is offering support. you've got loads of different religious groups coming around offering tea, coffee, water, anything to help. >> what do you think the right reaction is in a situation like this? >> i think the right reaction is just to talk about it, to share your experience and show that yes, this happened, but we are getting on with it. it's worth it to carry on, to come back to london. obviously it happened saturday night. i came back to the area yesterday, i'm back today. me and my friends are going to go to the vigil tonight just to sort of show some solidarity and just be london. >> just be london. we saw that play out in true
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beauty with that manchester concert. how important was it for ariana grande and all those other stars to come back and have tens of thousands there singing and showing that life goes on? >> it's the main thing. i mean, after things like this, you can't just sort of let it ruin everything. you need that sort of solidar y solidarity. you need that support that everyone has provided, both in person, in the city, online, just everything. things like this are important. where i am now there's flowers everywhere. there's people being lovely, and there's so much support as well for the police because the police were incredible, absolutely incredible the other night. lot of us have the police to thank for our lives, and not even just for our lives but making us feel safe. when we were in the basement we were told you guys are all safe and everyone started cheering
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and i think that's incredible. >> it really is. the idea that authorities from the time they heard about this first incident of a vehicle striking people, to when they took down the attackers, just eight minutes. liam, i'm sure they were the longest eight minutes of your life, but thank you for doing the right thing when you saw someone was injured and good luck to you going forward. appreciate you telling us your story. >> thank you. >> no worries at all, liam be well. we're following a lot of news. there's investigative details coming out of london. president trump just changed the game in the analysis of his own executive order on travel. let's get after it. >> we welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. this is "new day" and we begin with president trump clarifying the intent of his blocked travel ban in several statements this morning, president trump is
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contradicting his own cabinet members and press people by saying his executive order on immigration is in fact a travel ban. he also says his justice department should not have watered down the original version that prioritized christians. >> gave a carve-out to minority religions seen as a major indication of the true desire of the man which was to target muslims. so trump is under fire not just for those tweets and expressions of policy intention but for how he reacted to the london terror attack. why did the president go after london's mayor, when he was in a moment of crisis? britain's prime minister says that police now know the identities of the three london terrorists. that's our headline from the investigation. we have it all covered for you. let's begin with cnn's joe johns at the white house. lot for to you take care of this morning, joe. >> reporter: that's for sure, chris. the presidents tweets about immigration and his controversial ban on


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