tv New Day CNN June 16, 2017 3:00am-4:01am PDT
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meeting with 300 isis soldiers. even senior isis personnel do not meet in large groups because of drone strikes. the russians are saying they are still investigating here and trying to get more information. we have not heard anything from isis. i would just say if he has been killed, of course, it would deal a big blow to the group. let's look at the past few weeks. major terror attacks in london and baghdad and tehran and can pull and kabul. a lot of questions. we are trying to get more answers. alisyn. >> thank you, clarissa. we have more from the pentagon and barbara starr with the reaction. >> alisyn, the u.s. military and intelligence community looking at reports.
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what we know is every time they get one of the reports, they proceed by looking at social media and communications intercepts and telephone intercepts to see if there is communication that al bagdadi has in fact been killed. they will look for that. they don't have that right now. will the russians have a boedy o show the world? that would be the actual evidence that would be most confirming. as to where al bagdadi may be. the key calculation the u.s. is looking at for the past several weeks. was al bagdadi in raqqah when the city was surrounded by u.s. and rebel forces? did he stay in the location he felt comfortable with his security on did he make a move? i want to put up a map and show everyone. this area southeast of raqqah from deir essor to al mayadin.
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this is an area they are looking at for a number of reasons. they talked about large numbers of isis fighters moved into the area southeast of raqqah. the leadership is there. they are not saying al bagdadi, but isis leadership is there and commanding control. u.s. special forces focussing on that area to see who they can find and who they can locate in that region. still a long way to go on this report. alisyn, chris. >> i appreciate it, barbara. let's bring back clarissa ward and cnn analyst lieutenant general mark hertling. mark, what do you make of the theory of cutting the head off this particular snake? how big a difference would it make? >> chris, i would say what you said earlier, you are taking it slow. i suggest take it slower. i have been involved in many of
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these situations where a reported incident of the killing of key leaders or finding of specific things occur and they turn out to be true because this is the land of rumors. if it happened, it is a good thing. there are many people who might be willing to take al bagdadi's place. the organization will continue and it will continue to metastisize throughout the world as the isis brand we have seen. i will not take this too seriously. there have been at least five reported killing of al bagdadi over the last three years. he was allegedly injured and then allegedly killed in iraq across the border from syria. he has been noted to be in mosul and iraq and other places. this is the reason they call him the ghost. th he was hurt in 2014, so badly,
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and he could not move and back injured and severed part of the spinal cord. all of the rumors, and if you see more other than single source human, one individual, treat it as a rumor. you have to get confirmation and perhaps dna and perhaps the body of the individual. i would not believe the russian sources based on what you hear from syria. >> and chris, let's dive into what you hear. those sound fantastical. there was a may 28th air strike that killed 30 leaders and 300 isis fighters? you know how the group operates. would they all have been clustered? >> reporter: it is very hard to believe they would, alisyn. it just goes against everything that we have seen in terms of how isis comports itself. it is not a new threat. drone strikes and air strikes and threat from the coalition and threat from the russians.
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isis adapted to the threat and it is savvy. you usually isis personnel moving around in smaller groups than this. many of the leadership as barbara alluded to are believed to have left raqqah and moved closer to the iraqi border. we saw a press conference, alisyn, that the russian defense personnel gave last week in which they talk about all of the operations that took place at the end of may. there's no mention of a major strike potentially killing 330 isis personnel. among them senior isis leaders. among them the leader of isis itself. for a number of reasons, there are red flags that leave one feeling as you heard from the general skeptical about this and wanting to take a deep breath and drill down on the details. certainly some of this doesn't seem to add up. >> general, where do you put the most weight in terms of area for reason of skepticism?
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is it that supposedly in march, the leadership moved away from raqqah? is it this doesn't comport with what we understand about al bagdadi's typical practices or the intel side that not only do you not have reaction from isis, but supposedly u.s. intel is not picking up chatter? >> i put it onni both, chris. if something like this happened, there would be a lot of talk about it. what the russians are reporting through their state run news agency is this strike occurred between 2115 and 2145 hours on the night of 28 may. 28 may was two days into ramadan. there are potentials for groups coming together to break the fast. clarissa said there is not 300, but maybe 30. it just doesn't happen that way. i'm suspect. you would have heard chatter. the russians if they struck
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something and killed 300 before they thought al bagdadi might be there would have considered it a huge victory and reported it in the first place. they departmeidn't do it. >> makes russia look good in terms of the idea of fighting against isis and not just propping up. >> certainly if it is true. thank you very much for helping us with the breaking news. we will stay on it all morning and see what we develop. now to the other top story. president trump lashes out after reports of possible obstruction of justice. he is continuing to attack his one-time rival hillary clinton. we have athena jones with more. tell us what is happening. >> reporter: good morning, alisyn. the white house has refused to answer questions about the special counsel investigation for some time. yesterday, deputy press secretary sara huckabee sanders dodged questions eight times during the off camera briefing.
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the president ignored my questions to him in the roosevelt room. he hasn't been silent about this issue. taking his anger of the probe to his favorite medium twitter. president trump lashing out on the day when many saw to overcome partisan bickering. blasting the russia investigation. attacking special counsel robert mueller and his team though not by name as bad and conflicted people. denouncing the possible obstruction probe against him as a witch hunt and lashing out again at hillary clinton 219 days after the election. >> i think it would be good for donald trump to watch his tweets a little more carefully. >> what do you think of that? when i calls the mueller investigation a witch hunt? >> i learned that a long time ago. >> reporter: the president's
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campaign attacking democrats in a fund raising e-mail an hour before the congressional charity game. saying in part, democrats have nothing to offer our country. all democrats have done is obstruct president trump and scream the word russia until they are blue in the face. this as the washington post reports that the special counsel is investigating the finances and business dealings of president trump's son-in-law jared kushner. >> they reported they are looking at obstruction with president trump. you see mueller is expanding. >> reporter: sources have stressed to cnn there are no allegations that kushner committed any wrongdoing. his lawyer says any scrutiny of kushner's business is standard practice. cnn reported last month that the fbi is looking into kushner role into the trump campaign. including involvement in the campaign data analytics operation and relationship with fired national security adviser michael flynn and contacts with
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russians. the justice department issuing a statement thursday night. deputy attorney general rod rosenstein warning americans to exercise caution before accepting as trny stories as tr from anonymous sources. aides say pence's decision was in the works for the prompted b particular. dan coats, the director of national intelligence, met in a closed session with the senate intelligence committee yesterday to clear up a number of questions he could not or would not answer during the open public session last week. the committee held a similar closed briefing with mike rogers on monday. chris. >> an then thena, thank you. if the president has a problem
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with the tone in washington, look at the solution. democrats and republicans unified on the field of play. forget about politics. they were on one knee praying for steve scalise, the house majority whip to get through his battle. he is still in the hospital and in critical condition. doctors say he shows sign of improvement after the second set of surgery. they raised more money for needy kids. democrats won the game. there was no loser. they gave the trophy to the gop and the gop put it in the office of steve scalise. the first pitch -- who threw out the first pitch? one of the capitol police officers who threw out the first pitch. david bailey. he got hit. continued to advance against the shooter. continued to get to scalise to help him after being hit. now recovering so fast, he threw out the first pitch.
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that trophy went to scalise. everybody hoping he gets well. just as important and i'm sure that scalise would love this gestu gesture. making this more than about the game. disagree, but don't let the hostility make this a toxic environment. >> that is what both sides of the aisle are saying yesterday and today and the beautiful shot of them all together praying for steve scalise. let's hope it can be sustained. they want to sustain it and we shall see if they can do that even as the president tweets in a different tone. >> he is showing an example of how bad it can get. just 24 hours after the shooting. the president was back at it. >> the lawmakers were putting aside differences, president trump was launching a twitter tirade over the phony russia investigation. we bring you all of the significance of it next.
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louis and ron brownstein. david gregory, the president is frustrated with the russia investigation. he doesn't like all of the daily threads. he thinks there is nothing to see here. now rod rosenstein, the deputy attorney general, seems to send a message to americans and journalists. americans should exercise caution before accepting as true any stories attributed to anonymous officials particularly when they do not identify the country or branch of government. americans should be skeptical about anonymous allegations. the department of justice has a long established policy to neither confirm nor deny. anonymous sources are frustrating to them. there are leaks. they don't think anybody should stake stories and truth on these. >> i don't think the deputy attorney general should be
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spending his time telling american what is to believe about stories attributed to anonymous sources when a lot of journalism is based on that. people can get in trouble for telling the truth anonymously. throughout our history. how about in the daily course of putting out information? i think that is better use of his time. no doubt it is coming from the justice department under attorney general sessions who says they want to tighten this up. i think there is frustration. it is reasonable frustration about the leaks coming out about the investigation. i think the president is right to be frustrated because these are early days in the investigation and easy to extrapolate too far based on the leaks. and the president is both personally self destructive and lacks discipline. he is also trying to keep momentum going around those people who trash the investigation and investigators and media to use it to his political benefit. all of these things are going on all the time.
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rosenstein did something unusual. i just think kind of pointless for a deputy attorney general. >> so down david's road. errol, put your lawyer hat on. rosenstein with some speculation about if the special counsel is looking at obstruction, what does it mean with rosenstein? he appointed the special counsel. he played a role in that and now comes this. never seen anything like it from anybody in any kind of position like the one rosenstein is in. it seems like something he would have been asked to do by the white house. what does it mean politically? >> yes, it feels like something that was maybe published under duress. he is told to put something out. he puts this thing out. i think what it means politically is almost nothing in a way. he doesn't take the additional step that is needed when you make a statement like that. you are supposed to point out on this date they got it wrong
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using an mondonymous sources. he doesn't make any references to that. he is cautioning people to not trust something and it is like, okay, i'll take half a step with you. maybe i shouldn't trust. tell me why. >> and the president wants to ignore that russia was doing this to infect our election, but he wants a deputy ag to call it out when it may suit him. >> exactly right. you don't get it both ways. also, it smacks of a pre-buttal. they sense something is coming down the road and say you never know what will happen with the anonymous sources. perhaps they know on friday, saturday or sunday, we will hear something that is based on anonymous sources. >> to that end, ron, we have word that vice president pence is lawyering up. he hired a lawyer or team. what do you make of it if.
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>> first of all, on the lawyer, it becomes consuming and large numbers of owe officials have to do it. i am more in the view this is significant and troubling because it continues a pattern. it was amaya angelou who says when someone tells you who they are, believe them. he fired sally yates and bhahara. he has attacked the media as fake news. he is giving us every signal if he believes the mueller investigation becomes a through threat to him and his administration he may do the same thing again. the issue is not his trajectory, it is the republicans. every time he has broken a window, they obediently swept up the glass after maybe some
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initial grumbling. is he getting a signal today from the rest of the party and the country that this is a bridge too far? this is unacceptable outcome. i'm not sure that is the answer. the verb that paul ryan managed to come up with is he would be surprised if the president did it. not that he would be outraged. i think this is significant. the unusualness of the statement is a marker of how far off the normal road we are on and it could get stranger yet if the political system does not send a clear signal. >> you are saying be surprised if he fired mueller? >> right. i'm saying the fact that rosenstein put out a statement this strange, to me is another step on a path that could lead toward the president deciding to fire mueller. even that we are having the discussion that is a possibility is deeply unusual. that is a form of intimidation
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by itself. i think the question is, is the president getting a signal from a republican congressional leadership that has been willing to defer to him each time he broken a norm from not releasing returns to firing james comey. is he getting a signal this is treated differently? i'm not sure the answer is yes. >> i think that is the danger and until and unless a cratering of support among republicans for the president, you will not see congressional leadership step up. that said, we can leaven this with rod rosenstein. he named the special counsel. he was upset he felt he was being used. i think this is sessions. i don't think the white house has to pick up the phone on this. i think sessions knows how the white house feels. he will speak out about the leaks. >> rosenstein went out with it and his name on it. it is a weird move. >> i agree. there is a special counsel. this is moving forward. there are congressional
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investigations. we have a president who seems to be breaking every norm. there is this oversight. both things happening at the same time. i am troubled like ron is by how republican leaders seem to be and they will not call him out. clearly they are afraid. >> errol, all of this against the back drop of attempted unity by congress during the ball game and for steve scalise. you have been around a long time. i want to believe they will sustain this. >> i would love to believe that too. i talked to a member before they took the field yesterday. even at that point, maximum height of bipartisan unity there were doubts that the unity would last beyond sundown. >> you remember after 9/11. the pieces started to be written about how the cabs honking their horns again. even after something like that, you regress to the norm. >> let's not be jaded yet. >> let's hold out hope.
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>> more topics for you this morning. the search for the missing continues in london. that big inferno we showed you. we told you it would take a long time and it is. the queen paying her respects at the scene. we have a live report from there and the information about why it is so hard to figure out the toll. next. look closely. hidden in every swing, every chip, and every putt, is data that can make the difference between winning and losing. the microsoft cloud helps the pga tour turn countless points of data into insights that transform their business and will enhance the game for players and fans. the microsoft cloud turns
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xfinity. the future of awesome. we have breaking news. russia is claiming it may have killed isis leader abu bakr al bagdadi. russia's defense ministry is investigating whether one of the air strikes killed one of the most wanted terrorists in the world. cnn's diana magnay is live with details. >> reporter: what they are saying on may 28th, they had intelligence with a meeting of hundreds of isis operatives at a
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manned post south of raqqah and russian air forces went in and hit that meeting and various high level isis operatives were killed. 300 isis fighters were killed alongside. they are working to confirm whether al bagdadi was one of those killed. now it would be very surprising for two reasons. first of all, would such a high profile leader of the group have been in a meeting with so many others? does isis hold meetings on that kind of a scale now? and secondly, how were the russians going to find the evidence to prove they did this? they need to prove to the world that al bagdadi was killed and it will be difficult if the air strikes were on this kind of scale. chris. >> diana, thank you very much. appreciate it. another big story we need to keep track of abroad. families in london demanding answers following the deadly
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fire that's killed 17. that number is really qualified. dozens more still missing. queen elizabeth visited the site this morning. the tragedy and pain of the unkno unknown. we have cnn's erin mclaughlin with more in london. how hot the fire was and what it may have meant to those inside were literally incinerated, but still unaccounted for. that will not stand. what's the latest? >> reporter: chris, i'm standing outside of a community center. one of many makeshift memorials popping up in the area. people are stopping here to leave flowers and light candles. they are posting photos of missing. i was speaking to a woman earlier today. that is her family there.
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six family members. her sister, her mother, her brother-in-law, their children were inside the building at the time of the fire. suzanne is here because she is desperate for information. she doesn't know what else to do. we are hearing so many stories like suzanne's. authorities are working out to figure out the number of missing. the conditions inside the building are particularly hazardous. yesterday, crews had to evacuate the building because the fire restarted. that gives you an idea of how difficult the conditions are that authorities are working under as they assess the missing and number of dead. alisyn. >> the number can be staggering. we will wait for updates from you. meanwhile, to this story. learning details about otto warmbier. the american prisoner released by north korea on tuesday. doctors say the 22-year-old is now in a quote unresponsive wakefulness condition. meaning a vegetative state. the family and doctors refute
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north korea's claim that botulism led to this coma. his father is speaking out. criticizing the obama administration and thanking the trump state department for quote bringing otto home. >> one of the early medical findings is warmbier is missing parts of his brain tissue. not physically, but not active. it doesn't comport with botulism. >> we don't know what happened to him. >> it seems suggestive of something present over time. we will stay on that. republican senators right now are supposedly working behind closed doors on a new health care bill. you haven't heard much about it because they don't want you to. not even fellow republicans know what is in this bill. do you remember the criticisms by republicans of how the democrats went too fast on obamacare? why are they going faster now? tech: when you schedule with safelite autoglass,
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for all of the talk that the russia investigations are a distraction, that's a bad thing. it has been a good thing for republicans. it kept a lot of media focus from what is going on with the health care bill. both parties are criticizing all the secrecy surrounding what is going on with your health care. joining us to discuss is sarah cliff, correspondent for vox and julie rovner. good to have you here. julie, let's start with the secrecy is a bad thing and raising question about what is going on and contradictory to what the republicans said they didn't want to repeat from with obamacare. fair premise? >> yes. they spent day after day during 2009 and part of 2010 complaining there was too much secrecy and the affordable care act passed. they had hundreds of hearings and months of mark-ups before it went to the floor.
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republicans are doing what they criticized the democrats for doing. trying to write this behind closed doors in the senate without any committee consideration and with the possibility that because of the procedure they are using, they can rush it to the floor within hours for people to look at it before a final vote. >> sarah, can you confirm this? one of the quotes that jumped out is our priority is to get something to get the votes on. we are not worried about selling the american people on it. is that the case in your reporting? >> right. it really seems like the thing senators are concerned about with is passing something and less concerned about what that is. julie and i were there in 2009 and 2010. you would see a lot of democratic senators and house members. they wanted to tell you about the affordable care act and talk about the people they would cover with insurance. they wanted to sell the bill. this feels different.
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when you talk to republican senators on the hill, what they will say is what is the problem. they say we don't have 51 votes. they won't identify a policy problem. the goal is to pass something. there is less concern about what that something actually is. >> julie, how much of it is they want to stay away from the reality of the cbo scores and that they know the more that's known, the more they will get hit over the head with tens of millions of people who will lose care and who the people are and a nice job done in the vox piece about at least itemizing one elderly man and one child and how they may be affected by the changes in the bill. are they trying to hide from reality? >> they have a fundamental problem. they spent seven years to repeal the law. then they sit down to actually do it, they realize they cannot keep the promise to repeal the law and help people.
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there were people hurt by the affordable care act. they are faced with the problem of what they can actually do and i think that is what they are behind closed doors trying to figure out. they have the goals to make health insurance cheaper and give more choice. that turns out to be difficult. health care as the president discovered is very complicated. republicans are strung up by their own promises and trying to figure out how to sort that out in some way that they can get a majority for in the house and senate. >> and i take your point, but i wonder if the word cunundrum sara, is the right one. this is not a problem. they want to take money out of the system. they want the political score of saying we said we would repeal and replace. we did. really what you care about is repeal. that's what we really did. we sucked money out of it that will help ous on the tax side ad
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fiscally responsible. then over the course of months and years, you will find out that you actually lost on this as an american who needed it. >> yeah. i think this is as you describe it that way, it is a tough sell to make. it describes the challenge that republicans are facing right now. you have seen that poll after poll finds the american health care act, the bill the house passed, is not popular at all. the poll came out this week that said 20% of americans approve of it. you see donald trump souring on it. he said he thought it was a mean bill. it is very hard however to both get rid of the obamacare taxes and create something generous. you have to give on one of those. that is the place where senate republicans are stuck. >> julie, what is your best reporting and understanding about what is in there that people need to know about? what do we know about what is
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done in the secrecy? >> one of the big things they have been talking about is the medicaid program with people with low incomes. everybody talks about phasing out expansion of people. what this bill would do is cap the medicaid program for everybody who is on it. it's enormous cut to medicaid. that has flown under the radar. that is still under discussion among the republicans. whether they want to do that and if they want to do it and how tight the caps will be. that is a big story that is getting consumed by the rest of it. >> medicaid subsidy. lifetime caps. ability to wave provisions. they all matter. sarah, thank you very much. julie, you are both invited back on the show. i know there is a temptation to ignore this because of the shiny russia investigation. not here. you are welcome to come back. >> thank you. a dramatic moment of the
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all right. the u.s. open with drama on and off the course. andy scholes has more in the bleacher report. >> a lot happened at the u.s. open. the first major without tiger woods and phil mickelson since 1994. perfect timing for one of golf young stars to put on a show. that is what fourickie fowler. he scored a record 7 under 65. the best player in the world without a major championship. maybe that title goes away. dustin johnson and rory mcilroy and jason day all in danger of missing the cut today. in the meantime, a pilot is dealing with serious burns after his airship burst into flames. it may have had mechanical problems.
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he was trying to return to the airstrip and went down a half mile from the course. no one else was injured in the crash. finally conor mcgregor will pay a steep price if he does anything other than box floyd mayweather. there is a clause in the contract that would penalize if he tried to elbow or kick on knee or do anything mma wise to mayweather to break boxing rules. chris, mayweather, a heavy favorite going into the match. it is a boxing match. most don't think it will be much of one. is it weird i want to see it? >> no. i was trying to sell her on the significance of it. it worked for you. this is finally the face-off everyone talked about. not so much mcgregor and mayweather. but boxing versus ufc. mixed martial arts.
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dana white and the legend for the ufc. he is bringing the fight to us. this is the moment. everybody is taking sides. the elbow is legal in mma. can a guy who is used to being able to put someone on the ground, can he win with a sweet science and rules? a lot of people are saying no. if he wins that fight, everything changes. >> i'm intrigued by the outfits. >> i like the chest tattoos. >> me, too. moving on. >> i'll leave it there. fireworks outside the courthouse. a bill cosby accuser confronting his supporters. this was an epic clash. the jury, by the way, has been ordered to keep deliberating for a fifth day. they are into their 40th hour. ♪
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i hate the outside. well, i hate it wherever you are. burn. "burn." is that what the kids are saying now? i'm so bored, i'm dead. you can always compare rates on oh, that's nice, dear. but could you compare camping trips? because this one would win. all i want to do is enjoy nature and peace and quiet! it's not about winning. it's about helping people find a great rate even if it's not with progressive. -ugh. insurance. -when i said "peace and quiet," did you hear, "talk more and disappoint me"? ♪ do do do do ♪ skiddly do do ♪ camping with the family ♪ [ flame whooshes ] jurors are beginning their fifth day of deliberations in the bill cosby trial. they have been unable to reach a verdict in 40 hours of deliberations thus far. dozens of bill cosby accusers wait with baited breath. we have two with us. ladies, thank you very much for
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being here. i know these past days have been rei very intense for you. victoria, what is it like waiting for a verdict? >> it has been frustrating and we still have hope though. just wondering and waiting. it is a real cliff hanger. >> i bet. lilly, what does it mean to you? how are you to understand how the jury has been deadlocked thus far? >> it is deeply disappointing. i'm here in support of andrea constand, my survivor sister, whom i have known over the course of the last two and a half years. the disappointment i feel is some of the jurors or one of the jurors have bought into the rape mix thrust upon them and distracting the jury from knowing what really happened which is drugging and sexual assault. that is my disappointment. if oscars were awarded to trial attorneys for performance in
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court, brian mcmonagle would win one. >> lilly, i know you have confrontation with some of bill cosby's supporters outside of the courthouse yesterday. we will play that moment and you can tell us what is happening. watch this. >> you, for example, sitting here and blaming me and calling me a liar is a testimony of why it took me so long to come out. several black celebrities -- excuse me, sir. several -- >> a rape case. >> i was traumatized. i was hurt. >> so lilly, for people who could not hear that. he said a rape kit. meaning where is the evidence. if you had some sort of evidence. what is your response to him? >> i do have evidence. i have evidence in the form of audio consent recordings and journals. i have witnesses who have given
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me videotape testimony. i took that evidence to the detectives in atlantic city in the spring of 2015. despite the compelling evidence that i saved and witnesses who were willing to testify on my behalf, the prosecutor could not consider pressing charges because of the statute of limitations of sexual assault. as for getting a rape kit, i was drugged and raped. all i could think of is surviving. bill cosby threatened consequences to my life when i told him i would go to police and told them i would say what he slipped into my drink. he gave me threats i interpreted as death threats. i was dealing with the safety and fear for my life. >> understood. it seems cosby supporter did not know the long history of how long it often takes rape victims to come forward and tell their story. never mind going against a mega
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star. he didn't seem to know that context. victoria, i know you have been there as well. what is it like seeing the supporters outside? >> well, it is very hurtful to see them. you want to go up and take them one by one and shake them and try to really connect with them. one of our sister survivors jule allison did that yesterday as well simultaneously as lilly being confronted by this person. he is an uninformed person. everybody is buying into the race card. the real message behind all of this is that no matter how wealthy, no matter how famous, no matter how powerful you are, you are not above the law. this is not about race. this is about rape. rape is not about sex. rape is about power and control
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and denegration of its victim. >> that is something i hope the jury is considering if someone is throwing that race card in the jury pool. what i saw the revictimization i witness witnessed outside is the injustice of what i heard in the courtroom. >> what will it mean if the verdict comes back not guilty? >> it means that rape culture is persisting and misogyny is persisting. we have more work to do. this is bigger than andrea constand and bigger than victoria and me. there is more work to do. it is the reflection of the unhumanity of the humanity. it is sad and disappointing. >> what does it mean if it comes back guilty? >> well, we will all be very
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sad. we will be angry. >> i mean guilty. >> oh, if it becomes back guilty. oh, i think we will be dancing in the streets because we will feel vindicated and validated. >> we wait a long with you. lilly and victoria. >> the work goes on. >> understood. you made that clear. thank you, ladies, for being here and willing to talk this morning. we are watching along with you. thanks to the international viewers for watching. for you "cnn talk" is next. for the u.s., "new day" continues right now. >> this is cnn breaking news. >> good morning. if you are just joining us, welcome to "new day." we are following breaking news. russia claims it may have killed one of the most wanted terrorists in the world. isis leader abu bakr al bagdadi. russia's defense ministry says it is investigating
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