tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN June 16, 2017 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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the breaking news tonight, rising tension at the justice department and concern the president will swing the ax at the top officials investigating him. he's already fired james comey. he is fired up about rod rosenstein and robert mueller. one top democrat is expressing fears the president may try to get rid of both. first, the latest from inside the doj. cnn's evan perez joins us with that. what's the latest on whether rod rosenstein might recuse himself from the russian probe? >> well, we're edging closer and closer to that point. the problem is he played a role in the firing of james comey. everything indicates that's where this investigation is going next. robert mueller is staffing up. he's got about a dozen lawyers now on his staff.
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part of what he is looking at is whether or not to launch a full-blown investigation into whether the firing of comey and whether the other aspects point to obstruction and interference by the president in this investigation. if that day comes where he gets a call from mueller saying that you are a witness in this case, it really makes the decision very difficult for him to remain involved in overseeing this investigation. >> you are getting new information tonight about infighting, tension inside the department of justice. what can you tell us? >> the tension is between the staffs of the attorney general of the fifth floor and the fourth floor where rod rosenstein sits. rod rosenstein appointed the special counsel robert mueller. there's a lot of anger coming from the fifth floor where the attorney general sits. the attorney general was surprised by that decision. i've been covering the department for a dozen years now. i gotta tell you, this reminds
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me of 2007 what alberto gonzalez had his problems. we know how this ended. it makes it very difficult for rod rosenstein as the deputy attorney general. >> he was forced out ultimately. evan perez, thank you so much. more on the president's statement this morning and what seemed to be an acknowledgement he is under investigation. here is cnn's jeff zeleny. >> reporter: president trump saying publicly for the first time today that he is under investigation as the probe of russia's influence in the 2016 election expands. "i am being investigated for firing the fbi drergt by the man who told me to fire the fbi director," the president said. "witch-hunt." that man is deputy attorney general rod rosenstein who made the decision to appoint a
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special counsel to investigate whether the trump campaign colluded with russia. rosenstein received the president's praise. >> highly respected. very good guy. very smart guy. the democrats like him. the republicans like him. he made a recommendation but regardless of recommendation, i was going to fire comey. >> it's the firing of james comey that investigators are now exploring to determine whether the president was trying to obstruct justice. in the oval office today, the president huddling with his aides before traveling to miami to announce new restrictions on travel and business with cuba. >> we will enforce the embargo. >> overshadowed by the russia investigation as he is lashing out on twitter. a white house official told cnn the tweets were less spontaneous than a strategy by the president of taking matters into his own hands. this is a political fight and he is going to fight it the official said. the russia cloud threatening to engulf the president is more
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than political. cnn learned members of the trump transition team received a memo urging all volunteers and aides to preserve any records relating to russia, ukraine or investigations into top trump campaign officials in the inquiry. all of this comes two years to the day after mr. trump jumped into the republican primary. as he returned to white house tonight now six months into his term, questions not even imagined back then weigh on his presidency. >> jeff zeleny joins us. there's breaking news on the president's finances. what are we learning? >> that's right. the president has disclosed his personal finance record. it's 98 pages of information. our money team has been pouring through it this evening. here are some of the headlines. more than $600 million in income from a variety of places. $288 million of it is from his golf courses. $19.7 million from that new hotel here in washington, d.c., the subject of so much interest, of course. at mar-a-lago, $37.2 million.
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that's up $7.4 million from a year ago. of course, he increased the membership fees there as well. this is just offering a glimpse of his finances. still not as much as his tax return which would show how much foreign businesses that he has been invested and vice versa. this is a voluntary disclosure and offers a new window into his money. >> we do not have his tax returns and no sign that we will get them. jeff zeleny, thanks. back with our panel. charles, to you. obviously, i want your reaction that deputy attorney general rod rosenstein considering recusing himself from this investigation. one more element of chaos in an already tumultuous investigation. >> it would be extraordinary but also you can understand how you could get to that point where that would be a reasonable step. he becomes a witness in the case because of the memo that he
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wrote. he can't exactly be the person who the chief investigator is reporting to. it's understandable. but then it becomes a different question about then who replaces him? if that person is going to go through donald trump, that's a problem. >> the person who be the number three in the justice department, rachel brand, someone you worked with. >> i worked with rachel. she's tough. she's smart. she has high integrity. one of the smartest lawyers republicans would tell you in washington, d.c. a lot of folks two months ago didn't know rod rosenstein. maybe you don't know rachel. she's sharp. if she steps into that role, i think you will find somebody who wants to do everything by the book. >> political? >> she's a republican certainly served in the bush administration.
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i wouldn't refer to her as a political operative. but she's someone that republican lawyers admire greatly. >> she may find herself in that position because of a legal decision. what may be a legal decision for rod rosenstein. we don't just follow the president on twitter. we follow you. >> thanks. >> we saw you writing today. you note the president's anger in so for as it exists isn't so much with robert mueller but with sessions and rosenstein for the existence of a special counsel. >> you have the president being frustrated. everything you have seen in some way more or less dates back to that, he blames rod rosenstein's pick on its own on sessions, the fact that he exists as deputy attorney general. he blames the fact that rosenstein appointed mueller on sessions in some way. he blames mueller on rosenstein. i do think one overlooked facet of this week is that when rod rosenstein was testifying at a
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congressional hearing earlier this week, he said that he would not face any pressure -- he would not submit to pressure if he was pressured by the president to fire mueller. i have to imagine the president was aware of that, the president as we know watches these hearings. he watches the testimony as a show. i wonder how much of that has been on his mind. i understand the white house is saying on some level, this is a strategy by the president. he is taking this into his own hands. no lawyer would tell him to do that. his attorney had -- was said to have told several people that he believed the tweeting was going to be tamped down. we have seen no evidence of that. >> rod rosenstein's testimony was fascinating. if you read between the lines,
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he was threatening to quit if he was ordered to fire robert mueller if he did not see cause. that was a clear implication of his words. you know rod rosenstein. he is someone you worked with in the past. the last 24 hours we had that bizarre, seemingly unprovoked statement from him which was warning allegedly the american people about believing what they read in the press too much about leaks. this morning, you see the president's tweet. then there's this additional reporting that the deputy attorney general is considering recusing himself. how do you see this being connected and laying out? >> well, i think what's ultimately going to happen is if and when rod gets confirmation that this is an investigation into obstruction of justice firing james comey, then you will see rod recuse and go to rachel brand who i know and share my panelist's opinion of her. she's very smart, very talented. new to the department of justice. she won't have any conflicts
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that seem to affect jeff sessions and mr. rosenstein. so i would expect that if it does fall to rachel to handle, she will do it very well. the expanding nature of this investigation that i talked about a couple of days ago on the show i think is coming to fruition. we have over a dozen attorneys working with mueller on this investigation. that should be very concerning to the white house. >> we learned this morning from "the new york times," it's reaching out to the transition. we're understanding new focus on jared kushner and his finances, other campaign officials being contacted. a lot going on. there is all that work being done on this investigation. also, all of this controversy surrounding the special counsel. we're a month in. one month in on something which could take a year. how does this sustain itself? >> it could take longer than a year. we have no idea where this is going. there's something to be considered here that the white house is not wrong when they say this put them under a cloud and makes it hard to govern. it does. they also -- the president
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helped fuel it, the tweets are exhibit a, b and c. but there comes a point where i think we all have to wonder, a public trial by secret evidence isn't okay. how do we balance the need that they're dealing with classified information, they're dealing with collection that's -- intelligence collection going on in russia and europe and finding out new things with the need to kind of -- people to be treated fairly. >> charles, does it seem to be more in the public? >> we have grown the expectation that we believe everything -- i was talking to someone the other day. they kept talking as if leaking was the norm. that we somehow knew everything because everything gets leaked. what i was trying to explain to them was, you don't know how much you don't know. we may only know a tiny fraction of what there is to know and it may be damming for the president and his team. it may be exonerating for them. we have no idea what that is. i think every time we hear some
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of this amazing reporting that's coming out, that's coming from people leaking, we do have to look at that and say, i know this. i can add this to my category of things i know. but i have no concept of what i don't know. >> we will talk more about this after a quick break. later, the fine line that vice-president mike pence may have to walk as he looks out for his legal best interests and tries to serve the president and perhaps finds himself in part of this investigation. can we at least analyze customer can we push the offer online? legacy technology can handcuff any company. but "yes" is here. you're saying the new app will go live monday? yeah. with help from hpe, we can finally work the way we want to. with the right mix of hybrid it, everything computes.
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witch-hunt. back now with the panel. matt, roger stone says stuff. that's what roger stone does. he throws stones, no pun intended here. you know who listens to roger stone? the president of the united states. not insignificant here. >> it's not. i think if he moved to fire rosenstein or fire mueller, it's not going to help him. the next person is the same problem he has now. this isn't going to shut down the investigation. stone may enjoy giving that advice. >> we should point out roger stone is wanted to come in to talk to the senate investigators, house investigators and may be involved in mueller's counter intelligence investigation. he is not disconnected. >> no. people have to understand that there are two parallel tracks in this special counsel investigation. you have the broad
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counterintelligence investigation. the idea is to see another country, figure out the espionage and counter it. then you have the criminal part, which would be at this point we know of michael flynn and paul manafort. we don't have any information that stone or kushner in is part of that. >> this writing that the president is doing on twitter is him wanting to take matters into his own hands. this despite the fact that we were told he might back off some when he hired a private lawyer. >> we have been told -- >> two years. >> look, there was a philosophy of let trump be trump. donald trump has spent his life trying to people let trump be trump. he did in the campaign and it worked. he won. yes, he lost the popular vote but he won the election. he took that as an affirmation. so he decided this is how it works for him. he has been in private very critical of his communications team, particularly of his press secretary.
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it's not -- he often thinks frankly, whoever his press secretary is, he will think he is the best at it. it's not a surprise that he is doing that. he is creating and he has been -- had this said to him repeatedly, he is creating new evidence pieces. every time he tweets. >> matt, give me kasowitz's thought bubble when he read that tweet that seemed to criticize the attorney general. the private at or near said what? >> right. i'm sure he -- his mouth opened and his jaw dropped and he thought to himself, you know, how am i going to control my client and get him to do what's in his own best interest? i have represented a lot of clients. i've also been a prosecutor. i know the first thing i tell my defense clients is that you are going to tell your story once, if at all. it's on the stand. this president probably would help to be a little more quiet. as you point out, he believes that he can tell the story. one of his tweets about rod rosenstein having given him the
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advice to fire comey and conducting an investigation through bob mueller for the reasons for jim comey's firing does point out an important issue that is a bit of a head scratcher, how is rod on both sides of that issue? >> he may not be very much longer. scott, the republicans in the house and in the senate in a position where they have to defense the president right now. how much of a bind does this put them in? >> every single day you wake up and you have a message you want to drive and somebody hits you with questions that you didn't expect and you may not want to answer and that interrupts the message or policy of the day. this is frustrating, especially given the fact that in the senate, we're maybe a couple weeks away from a vote on obamacare, which is what republicans want the government to be doing. >> they may not want us paying attention to it. >> the fact is this. if it's going to happen, we're going to have to talk about it. we're going to have to explain it.
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that's coming down. that's what the party wants people they elected to do. the party wonders, what are the republicans doing? >> interesting debate in the democratic caucus. a vocal debate about lou much they should talk about the investigation. some democrats saying, stop say ing impeachment. it's not helping when we talk about that. what do you think? >> i do believe there is an expectation that's being built that may not -- we're nowhere close to it yet and may never come. we may never even get to the point where the house is even considering taking up articles let alone passing articles. the founders were smart. they didn't want revolution. this idea of making it very, very difficult to remove a president, they did that on purpose. we got two presidents who have been impeached. the senate failed to convict in both cases.
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nixon resigned before they could vote on the articles of impeachment. it just doesn't happen. maybe this is a first. >> tread carefully is the message some more senior members are saying. thank you so much. we have an update on the u.s. navy destroyer that collided with a ship off japan. we have new words about injuries and sailors unaccounted for. someone who might have tense weekends but is honored to do it all same. vice-president pence and the rough legal and political spot he finds himself in when 360 continues. this is a story about mail and packages. and it's also a story about people and while we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget... that your business is our business the united states postal service. priority: you there's nothing more than my so when i need to book a hotel room, i want someone that makes it easy to find what i want. gets it. they offer free cancellation if my plans change.
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commander bryce benson. he was life flighted out. he is now we're told at the u.s. naval hospital. he is in stable condition we are told at this point. there was another medevac situation that could be ongoing. we have not been told if the other person has made it to the hospital yet at this point. right now, they are also trying to assess some of the other injuries. again, the commanding officer in stable condition now at that naval hospital. >> the status of the missing sailors right now? >> we're told that at least seven sailors are missing. those are all american sailors from the "uss fitzgerald." at this time the search for them does continue. they said the ship and also members of the japanese coast guard are continuing to search the philippine sea to try and find these sailors. >> we will stay on this all night.
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thanks so much. quickly return to the russia story, how it affects mike pence. like his boss, the vice-president also tweets and also like the boss he has his own style. earlier today, he wrote, it's the greatest privilege of my life to serve as vice-president to potus donald trump, a man devoted to american ideals. less of an honor perhaps having to lawyer up. the vice-president retained outside counsel this week. he may as a result one day find himself at legal cross purposes with the president. to that the prospect that staffers may have to also look out for their own legal interests. you have a recipe for a tense workplace. no question the vice-president is in a tough spot. randi kaye explains why. >> reporter: after the firing of fbi director james comey last month, vice-president mike pence insisted the president based his decision on recommendations he received. >> let me be very clear. the president's decision to accept the recommendation of the deputy attorney general and the attorney general to remove
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director comey as the head of the fbi was based solely and exclusively on his commitment to the best interests of the american people. >> reporter: the very next day, president trump put his vice-president in an awkward light by telling nbc he had made the decision to fire comey on his own. >> what i did is i was going to fire comey. my decision. it was not -- >> you made the decision before they came in? >> i was going to fire comey. >> reporter: on top of that, even though pence said the decision was not related to the russia investigation -- >> there's no evidence of collusion between our campaign and any russian officials. that's not -- let me be clear. that was not what this is about. >> reporter: he was proven wrong again. >> when i decided to just do it i said to myself, i said, you know, this russia thing with trump and russia is a made up story. >> reporter: on russia, back in january after then national
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security adviser michael flynn had misled the vice-president about his contacts with the russian ambassador, mike pence went on national television defending flynn's actions. >> they did not discuss anything having to do with the united states' decision to expel diplomats or impose a censure against russia. >> reporter: later a spokesman for flynn said that he couldn't be sure the topic of sanctions hadn't come up with talks with russia. he was fired but not before embarrassing the vice-president. in february, after trump blasted a judge for blocking his immigration ban, referring to him as a so-called judge, pence once again was on cleanup duty. >> the president of the united states has every right to criticize the other two branchs
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of government. people find it very refreshing. they not only understand this president's mind but they understand how he feels about things. he expresses himself in a unique way. >> reporter: even before the election, there were moments on the campaign trail that proved awkward for pence. like when this "access hollywood" tape came out. >> they let you do it. you can do anything. >> whatever you want. >> grab them by the [ bleep ]. do anything. >> reporter: pence said he was offended and cannot defend his then running mate. but soon after when several women accused trump of inappropriate behavior, he did just that. >> what he made is clear is that was talk, regrettable talk on his part. but that there were no actions. he has denied these latest allegations. >> reporter: mr. vice-president, a loyal soldier despite it all. randi kaye, cnn, new york. coming up, still no verdict in the bill cosby indecent assault case. some surprising news we just learned the jury will deliberate for a sixth day tomorrow. we will get you caught up on
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indecent assault case that could send bill cosby to prison for the rest of his life. cosby briefly spoke to reporters. >> i have just -- i just want to wish all of the fathers a happy father's day. i want to thank the jury for their long days, their honest work individually. i also want to thank the supporters who have been here. and please, to the supporters, stay calm. do not argue with people. just keep up the great support. >> the jury announced yesterday it was deadlocked. they sent them back to work. they have asked questions and wanted to rehear several parts
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of the testimony. >> reporter: this is the woman going head to head against bill cosby in a pennsylvania criminal courtroom testifying that the television star drugged and assaulted her at his pennsylvania home in 2004. andrea constand came forward a year later alleging the man she once called her mentor sexually assaulted her while she was the director of basketball operations at temple, cosby's alma mater. cosby, decades her senior, admitted sexual relations with constand but said at all times it was consensual. criminal charges were never filed because the district attorney said he couldn't prove the accusations. constand filed a civil suit that was settled for an undisclosed sum.
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the criminal case was forgotten until this. >> we are here to announce today charges that have just been filed against william henry cosby. >> reporter: over a decade later, pennsylvania's 12-year statute of limitations allowed prosecutors to file three criminal charges of aggravated indecent assault against cosby. after they were provided with new evidence from the unsealing of his 2005 civil deposition. cosby admitted in that sworn testimony to giving quaaludes to women he wanted to have sex with. but quickly changed that answer to only one woman who he said consented to the drug claiming he had misunderstood the question. that civil deposition has come before this jury as well as a firsthand account from one of cosby's nearly 50 other accusers attempting to establish a pattern of conduct. kelly johnson testified she was drugged and assaulted by cosby in 1996. >> he said, would i give you anything that would hurt you? trust me.
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>> reporter: cosby maintains his innocence. his defense argued this in court. >> after, and i stress after the so-called incident, the complainant continued to contact mr. cosby. the complainant accepted a dinner invitation from mr. cosby. the complainant returned to his home and after returning to canada, the complainant asked for tickets to a concert he was performing at. went to the concert and presented him with a gift. >> where do we stand this evening? the jurors have gone back to the hotel. they come back in the morning? >> they just left. they will be back at 9:00 tomorrow morning. this jury has deliberated for 52 1/2 hours. the defense has asked for seven mistrials. six of them during the jury deliberations saying the hours are too long. it's too extensive. the lead attorney just argued in
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court minutes ago that at some point the jurors are going to abandon their values and just say and do whatever they have to do to get out of here. the judge said, all indications is they are trying to arrive at a verdict. they will continue to deliberate until we hear from them otherwise, john. >> bring us up to speed on andrea constand, who she is, what did and did not come out in court. >> she's canadian. she's from the toronto area. she is in the courtroom every day. the jurors learned about her that she is a massage therapist. she followed in the footsteps of her father, originally thinking she wanted to be a sports broadcaster. she was a professional basketball player. traveled to other countries and did professional basketball there along with the university of arizona. also interesting, this is sexual
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assault trial. you cannot bring out prior sexual history of the victim or alleged victim. she's gay. the defense wanted to bring this out before the jury. in her statement to police, she said she had been in various relationships with women but also one with a man. the prosecution fought that. did not want it to come in. it didn't. the jury did not find out. >> interesting. back to work tomorrow. thank you so much. joining me now are mark garragos and laura coats. the conventional wisdom is we thought the jury would want a verdict because they want to go home for the weekend. what does it tell you they coming back to work tomorrow? >> i think the fact that they came back yesterday said that they were deadlocked and got the allen charge, which is for people who don't know, it's a dynamite charge, which is basically aimed at whoever is in the minority, if it's a 10-2 split or 11-1 split, it focuses on that minority group of jurors. basically tells them, come to a verdict. it's outlawed believe it or not in a lot of state jurisdictions.
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it's good in federal. what it tells me, because you are right, john, friday at 3:00 is the bewitching hour for juries. they generally say, we're done. we don't want to spend the weekend. it reminds me of a juror i had once when i was doing a voir dire where i asked, are you going to be upset being away from your family all day? he said, well, are we sequestered? i said, no. he said, damn. maybe they're enjoying it. you never know. >> maybe they think they're getting close to something, which is why they wanted to keep working more. laura coats, we heard the statement from bill cosby. the defendant speaking so publically like that, thanking the jurors. presumably hopefully they won't hear what he has to say. what do you make of that and the fact his lawyers have filed or tried to argue for mistrial so many times while the jury has
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been deliberating? >> i think bill cosby would be more served if he stopped talking until the end of the trial and that meaning the actual conclusion and the jury has either issued a verdict or there's been a mistrial declared. it doesn't appear it's helpful for any defendant, especially in a sexual assault case who is a celebrity who may be perceived as grandstanding or using their celebrity in a way that gives -- his comment was a confrontation between a supporter and an alleged accuser. he did gain a little credibility that i think he would have lost by the hey, hey, hey he said in court. ultimately, when it calls for a mistrial, it's fair not defense to say, you have the 11th hour. they are -- there are 50 or more hours in. it's very likely that perhaps they will in fact be deadlocked on one of at least of the three
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charges. we may want a new jury. the judge is not going to allow them to keep saying we're deadlocked. there's some indication the jurors are giving the judge to say that a resolution on one of the charges may be coming forward. if that's the case, the judge has the absolute right and duty to allow them to keep deliberating. >> mark, in ten seconds or lez, the jury has asked 11 or 12 questions. is that a lot? >> yeah. it's a lot. frankly, it is coercive at this point if they come out again and say we're deadlocked. he should declare a mistrial. >> pay attention tomorrow morning when they come back. thank you so much. coming up as part of the cnn special series champions for change, i will introduce you to a wonderful group of people who are devoted to helping critically ill children and their families. meet friends of karen next. no touch ups needed? superstay 24 from maybelline new york. microflex technology stays crack-proof. resists 200 bites... 120 sips.'s lifeproof!
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no one is prepared to have a critically ill child. i mean i think people avoid thinking about it. >> yeah. that's the number one thing families always say. we never thought this was going to happen to us. nobody does. no one is prepared for it. you're not prepared financially for it. you're not prepirred emotionally for it. >> it's hard as she's getting treatment. >> sarah helps families face the unfaceable. she's one of a dozen social workers at friends of karen, an organization which supports the families of critically ill children. how many families are you working with right now? >> i have a caseload of 40. >> four zero? >> four zero. >> this is the process. her hair started -- she started losing her hair. this is her twin sister zoe.
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>> take the case of 14-year-old zariah. their world was turned upside down whether she was diagnosed with sarcoma in her leg. what's it like to hear that your child has cancer? >> i'm sorry. getting emotional. it's the worst thing possible to hear. it's really heart breaking. it really is. >> hello. how are you? >> it's a fine balance talking about the finances and emotional piece. you want a parent to know that we are going to pay their bills so they can sit by their child's bed. >> they helped me along the way so i was able to maintain my sanity and not have to worry about one aspect of my life while i'm worrying about the health of my child. >> so come on out. i will show you my office. this is what i spend some of my day doing. part of what friends of cairn
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does is we pay bills. these are hospital expenses, medicines. these are the things that keep a family afloat family afloat when their child is sick. >> do you ever get to the bottom of the pile? >> there's always a new file. >> this really is a house, isn't it? >> it is a house. >> we can't prevent the pain, but we can certainly lessen that pain for a family. there isn't a person here that doesn't feel the mission in their heart and work their hardest because they really care about the kids and their families. >> what are the darkest moments? >> well, we all get an e-mail when a child dies. while most, maybe 80% of the children are cured, it's always one is too many. >> friends of karen is named after the first child helped nearly 40 years ago. it's based out of a 150-year-old house. a genuine home for the organization. >> i need 15 of these, please. >> home to the volunteers, a
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home to the 15,000 children they have helped, a home for so many memories. >> i remember this family. we love you eric, james, we miss you buddy. >> this is the celebrity jeopardy check for $50,000 that you won for friends of karen. >> yes, i once played jeopardy! on behalf of friends of karen. i was really nervous. beforehand i wrote judy a note and i thought she'd say, don't worry. just do the best you can. it will be okay. no. she said, quit whining. think of all of the remarkable friends and children that will benefit from friends of "j "jeopardy!" think of all the horrible treatment they go through every day and the strength they have to endure it. being on "jeopardy!" will be a piece of cake compared to that. >> i can't tell you how grateful we are to you for being so smart and for playing. >> i was thrilled. i was thrilled that it worked out. >> he is the winner. 43,900. >> how did i do?
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>> friends of karen isn't just money and medicine. their sibling services can make brothers, sisters, twins feel included, safe, remembered. >> i hate it when she got sick. >> most of us even hate to think about these situations and at friends of karen they joke that they ruin all kinds of dinner parties by bringing up what they do. i have to confess, my mind often drifts towards the pain and the tragedy. but they don't. not the social workers, not the families. >> always kissing her forehead. >> this is tough. >> uh-huh. >> i often see her laying down in a hospital bed or wheelchair and it was the first time i saw her standing a couple weeks ago and it was the first time i saw her standing and walking. and the smile on her face was huge. >> those smiles must make all the difference. >> it does. that's what gets you through, knowing what it can look like at the end and what you're hopeful for for each family.
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>> truly wonderful organization. don't miss the next champions for change in the 11:00 p.m. hour and join dr. sanjay gupta for an hour-long special on these champions coming up atted:00 p.m. eastern. coming up, anthony bourdain travels to trinidad and gets anderson to try duck parts. next. this is a story about mail and packages. and it's also a story about people and while we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget... that your business is our business the united states postal service. priority: you
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for the new episode of "parts unknown" this sunday, anthony travels to trinidad, drinks some rum and hears some steel drums and experiences food of the multiethnic culture. anderson once again expanded his own culinary horizons. watch. >> so the next show you did is coming up in -- you go to trinidad. i've never been there. >> now, trinidad, i think a lot of people would -- trinidad, it's in the caribbean somewhere. cocoa butter beaches. no. it's one of the three wealthiest countries in the caribbean region.
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it's all about oil and money. >> they had oil. i didn't realize that. >> and it's an interesting story of migration, mixed cultures, you know, african slaves, of course, a lot of african culture but there's a large, predominantly indian, african, european, middle eastern and chinese presence there that has made for a fascinating cuisine, a very interesting society but a satisfied one. i don't know if we figured it out, but we tried. >> this is duck hearts. >> also known as meaty delicious. >> is this the actual heart of a duck? >> yes. >> sliced in half, like an aorta and everything in there? >> it's all in there, man. >> really, they don't pull
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out -- >> you're eating the heart. what do you want them to pull out? >> like the chewy, crunchy bits. >> it does have a squeaky texture. my daughter, who's 9, loves them. >> okay. it's all right. i'm loving these things. >> what is the food like in trinidad? >> it's a perfect mix of -- it's one of the spicier -- they are known for their peppers. they like their peppers a lot. it's delicious. a mix of all of those influences, textures, a lot of indian and former east indies flavors as well. >> thank you. i'm already drunk but i'll have another one. sure. >> the british brought in a lot of those ingredients and plants and taste for spicy stuff. >> cheers. i'm really drunk from one glass.
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>> tune in for "parts unknown" sunday at 9:00 p.m. on cnn. time to hand it over to don lemon and "cnn tonight." this is cnn breaking news. >> breaking news, tension rising inside the justice department. this is "cnn tonight." i'm don lemon. the source of that tension, deputy attorney general rod rosenstein for his handling of the russia investigation and his surprise move to appoint robert mueller, a special counsel, to oversee that probe. president trump taking aim at rosenstein in a stunning tweet. the president acknowledging that he's being investigated for firing former fbi director james comey and blaming rosenstein for what he calls a witch hunt. will he fire rosenstein? a lot to get to tonight.
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