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tv   New Day Sunday  CNN  June 18, 2017 3:00am-4:01am PDT

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seven u.s. sailors reported missing after a collision at sea are dead. >> a u.s. warship collided with the container ship when that crash happened. the ship took on water. it was damaged both above and below the water line. >> i can't tell you how proud i am of the crew for what they did to save the ship. our deepest sympathies go out to the families of those ship mates. >> people are looking now at whether there is an object instruction of justice charge, chargeable against the president of the united states. >> will the president move to fire special counsel robert mueller or deputy attorney general rod rohanstein? >> rosenstein is a key witness in the case and you can't be supervising an investigation where you are a key witness. >> president trump, by statute, can't fire mueller. >> his tweets on this matter
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have been unending and unceasing. i don't think people are taking it very seriously. this is "new day weekend" with victor blackwell and christi paul. >> good morning. i'm rene marsh in for centennial olympic park. good morning to you. >> i'm victor blackwell. happy father's day to all of the dad out there. a tragic search for the missing sailors who were aboard a u.s. navy warship in a collision off the coast of japan. all sailors have been found dead in compartments of the "uss fitzgerald." a navy official says the captain of the damaged destroyer is, quote, lucky to be alive. >> for more let's bring in cnn's alexander field who is in japan,
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the base of the "uss fitzgerald." what have you learned? >> reporter: this is a tragic loss that they are coming to grips with. they have held on to hope more than a day following this inexplicable crash between a u.s. warship and container ship some three times its size. seven service members had been reported missing and there were searches in the water and by air and the suspicion some of the sailors could, in fact, be trapped in one of the compartments inside the ship, itself. the ship was brought back here to its port. that's when divers were able to go in. they found the extent of the damage to the "uss fitzgerald." they also found the body of seven sailor. we were able to speak earlier today to the commander of the 7th fleet here in japan. he talked about the condition that those sailors and their ship mates were facing when the crash happened in the middle of the night. is there anything you can share about these circumstances that
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those sailors were facing in those moments down in those birthing areas? do we know if these sailors were awake at the time of the collision, if they were awake afterward and if they tried to escape? also if you could just very briefly give us the mechanics of this crash. are we talking about a t-bone a sideswiping? were there any call for help in advance or any efforts to maneuver to avoid a collision from either vehicle? >> thanks for your comments there. so it was a at 2:20 in the morning. we do have watch teams that are awake throughout the night. but a significant part of the krou w crew was sleeping. as i said before, two compartments that house 116 of the crew are in those compartments. and it was a significant impact to the side of the ship and you can't see most of the damage. the damage is mostly underneath the water line and it's a large
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gash and near the key of the ship. the water flow was tremendous. and so there wasn't a lot of time in those spaces that were open to the sea. and as you can see now, the ship is still listing and so they had to fight the ship to keep it above the surface so it was traumatic. how much warning they had? i don't know. that will be found out during the investigation. but it was a significant impact that the crew had to fight very hard to keep the ship afloat. >> reporter: the command did go on to, again, commend the crew that was on board that ship, crediting them with stopping the ship from sinking and getting that ship back to port. the navy has ordered an investigation into what went wrong, how a ship of this size could have collided with a
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container ship of that '. no injuries for anyone on the board the container shape. three other people on board the "uss fitzgerald" had to be air-lifted from the crash site and taken to hospitals here in japan. one of them was the ship's commander. the 7th fleet commander now say his quarters were so badly damaged on board that ship that the commander of the ship, himself, is lucky to be alive and he is in stable condition along with the other but not yet able to talk to investigators to start to help to answer so many of the questions that this community is left this this evening. >> understood. thank you so much, alexander field. to discuss more on this is cnn military analyst retired lieutenant general mark hertling, the former command general for the 7th army. thank you for joining us, mark. officials say the "uss
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fitzgerald" was in danger of sinking with the damage it sustained. the seven sailors they were found in that flooded-out birthing compartment of the ship. i want you, if you can, to kind of walk our viewers through the layout of those sort of ships, what would they have been doing in that area at the time of the collision when they got trapped? >> they were birthing areas, rene. i've been on these kind of ships before and also have watched sailors train in basic training to do exactly the kind of thing that great lengths that they have to do on ships at sea. it's very dangerous. but this is a birthing area and this is where they sleep. they are very crowded compartments on a destroyer like this. the fitz is a big ship and has a large crew. the individuals in those birth is compartments are crowded in their beds and not a lot of space, first of all. so when you had that container
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ship with the bulbis nose it created water rushing in but snan the watas soon as the water rushes in they have to contain the fire and spark that come from this. what you're seeing this and this will all come out in the investigation. the navy, like the other military services, they take a great deal of pride in ensuring they find out exactly what happened and why it happened and how they can prevent something like this from happening again. is that is what you're seeing. thoughts and prayers go out to those seven sailors who were trapped inside. there is a lot, unfortunately, a lot of family members today getting notification that their loved ones had perished in this accident. >> right. your mentioned to getting to the bottom of what caused all of this. the navy and the coast guard are going to be investigating. what court of things will they be looking for as far as what went wrong in this investigation? >> yeah. the radio signals, they will have recordings of those. they will have tracking devices,
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both from the kinds of thing that track ship at sea and gps from both the destroyer as well the shipping container and what other ships were in the area. what did the officer on deck, the one in charge of the ship while the captain was sleeping, what happened to him? what was the conversation like? it's a lot like an aircraft investigation. the most recent one of these kinds of accidents happened in 2013 in the persian gulf with the "uss porter." the same kind of ship, actually. when the entire documentation was laid out and you saw the confusion in the area with the number of ships, ships passing and this lane in japan where this accident occurred was a very busy one, you start to see how confusing it can be and how dangerous it is for navy ship all over the world. >> right. and now, quickly, i want to turn to afghanistan. as you know, seven u.s. soldiers, they were wounded during an insider attack there in northern afghanistan.
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this is the second such attack in just a week. we have seen a rise in these sort of green on blue attacks. why is this happening? >> well, it's happened for a long time in afghanistan truthfully, rene. there were three fatalities just a little over a week ago and in an area special operators were dealing with one another, afghan and u.s. special operators. this one that occurred on the 17th had to do with trainers, also with special operators and commando in a northern part of the country and different area that was allegedly a little more secure and prap the afghan forces were a little bit lax in term of their recruiting effort. we don't know. there will also be an investigation into this. but this is ten u.s. soldiers having been shot in the last week. at the same time, secretary mattis is petitioning for 3,000
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or 4,000 thorough troops to go to afghanistan to assist in the efforts there. >> you woped nder if this will change his decision making process at all. >> i don't believe it will. i don't think we will see that. general nicholson on the scene has requested these soldiers for additional training and i think he'll get what he wants. it's unfortunate that secretary mattis is facing that decision right now during this time when these shootings have taken place. >> thank you lieutenant general mark hertling, for joining us. >> a pleasure. thank you. democrat threatening potentially to shut down the senate in protest of the government's health care plan and happening as republicans are quietly working out the details of replacing obamacare. >> plus the cosby mistrial. there are new concerns about his health. what will bill cosby's attorney, what is he telling cnn exclusively? we have all of of that coming up after the break.
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business as usual in the senate. it could come to a screeching halt this week. in protest to the republican health care plan. >> democrats are mulling over a strategy that could prevent anything from getting done. this comes after minority leader chuck schumer sent majority leader mcconnell a memo this week. the democrats could command health care when the senate reconvenes tomorrow and making it hard to move their agenda ahead and confirm essentially any nominees. >> the hardball tactic is in response to the gop's closed door process in replacing obamacare, something they are trying to get done by the end of the month. yn congressional correspondent mill mattingly has more. >> reporter: here is what we
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know about the senate republican health care negotiations. they are happening. and that is about it. at least at this point. this is all been behind the scenes. there has been no hearings and no public negotiations at all and that is by design. when you talk to senators who are familiar with this process, they make clear that senate majority leader mitchell mitch mcconnell wanted to give hit members a space to negotiate on very decisive issues whether the expansion of medicaid or cut back of obamacare regulations and the structure of that. all of these are issues within the republican party within their own conference there are major, major problem. but the result of that is nobody has any idea, at least outside the room, of what is going on. frankl frankly, some member inside do not. take a listen to this. >> yeah, i got a problem with it. if i'm not see ago bill before we have a vote on it, that's just not a good way to handle something that is as significant
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as and important as health care. >> reporter: the issue here is those senate republicans, including murkowski and several have voiced these concerns have to not just digest this proposal but decide how to vote on this. the reality is this. they haven't solved these big problem that they still have on these crucial issues. time is running out. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell made clear he wants to try to vote before lawmaker leave for the july fourth recess and ten legislative working days left to get something done. the big question is with all of this being done behind the scenes where are democrats? they are very upset. senate minority leader chuck schumer inviting them to an all senate member inside the chamber to have a debate and discussion about health care. mcconnell's team firing back if you want to sit down with us
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you're essentially taking off this notion that you won't negotiate so long as repeal is on the table. that wasn't what democrats were actually saying. so now we are in a little political back and forth a lot of posturing here. the reality is democrat are not involved in this process. they won't be involve in this process and frustrating to many of them but the bigger question now is the frustration we are hearing from republican senators will that set this process back? will they ever actually come to a conclusion on their own internal debates? that is what we should find out over the course of the next coupled. >> phil, thanks so much. joining us is sarah westwood white house correspondent with the washington examiner and julian zelizer. a princeton professor. to what degree does the process here and we heard from senator murkowski there, does the content monitor them being on board with this?
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>> the moderate senator are susceptible to the pressure from the constituents over their process and undermines their argument what they are doing is better than the democrats when they are making a lot of the same missteps that democrat made when they passed obamacare in the first place. they were attacked constantly on the secrecy of how obamacare was put together. nancy pelosi's potentially era defining line when she had we have to pass the bill to see what is in it was a line that republicans ran on for years. now they are repeating some of those same mistake. democrats are also risking a lot by blockading the senate over this. i mean, in the minds of a lot of voters, oklahobstructing busine the senate might not be better than delivering health care policy behind the closed doors so a risk to each of how they go about the process of fighting health care or getting it through. >> julian, a good point.
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chuck schumer's office declined to comment on this. how realistic do you believe this plan they are mulling over to prevent any committee from meeting for longer than two hours will come to fruition? >> i suspect the democrats won't do that in the end because the one thing they don't want to do is distract the tension away from the way senator mcconnell is hanel is handling this process which is not proper with many senators or member of the how. they don't want to distract people from the substance of the bill which at least the house version was incredibly unpopular, remain so. and the senate bill might cause more problems for the republicans than it solves once it actually comes out. so i think a lot of democrat are reluctant right now to go too far with this because the worst enemy of the republicans might be the republicans. >> sarah, it's important to look just a year ago this week, actually, that it was the house
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democrats who staged that sit-in on efficiently over getting a vote for some gun control legislation. the chant was no bill, no break. that lasted one day. it's not as if these things go on and on and on. from your perspective, what is the appetite for a sustained fight in this fark? >> on the republican side, i think they want to wash their hand of the health care legislation as quickly as possible of the majority leader has said they want to get the bill through before the july fourth recess. you saw on the house side that they used the impending deadline of upcoming recesses to try to push the bill through and try to put measure on prebs before they vote before they went back to their districts and i think the same kind of strategy that republicans are pursuing in the snap. for democrat in their best interest to drag this out as long as possible to have time to build their case against specific provision in the health care bill and part of the reason i think you see democrat toying
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with the idea of gumming up the gears in the senate. they want to make this fight last a long time so that they can continue to beat the drums of how unpopular and potentially damaging the legislation would be and so you'll see those two side kind of come together and confront each other the next would weeks. >> julian, let's take a big vote on tuesday in georgia. the sixth congressional district between the democrat and the republican. these post-inauguration. is this a referendum on donald trump and his presidency? the republican candidates in those races have won each time. this one is close. how important from your perspective is tuesday's result? >> look. historically the special elections don't usually tell us much about where the mid terms will go. there is a lot of attention, a lot of hype, a lot of interest in the outcome but historically,
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they are not great predictors. i think we have to remember that. this is slightly different in that the investment by the national parties and the attention nationally that has been given to this race is so extensive. it makes it a little bit more of a test of where the parties are in the era of trump. how vulnerable republicans are in suburban areas where trump didn't have a very strong victory come the midterm. so my answer is it's relevant and give a bit of a signal but we have to be caution because often these don't give us the path that is going to take place in a couple of years. >> sarah, julian mentioned so much money coming in from outside. the most expensive how race in history. $50 million plus here. from your perspective, is this i mean, if a democrat wins, could this be the harbinger of a wave here or a single race that is an
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out lier? >> democratic candidates that want to run in districts held by republicans but president trump won by a thin margin or lost could take some lessons from john's victory if he does win and they could see what tactics worked for him but where president trump never gained a lot of traction. we have no idea what the landscape is going to look like down the road so julian is right on, i don't know that you can use this, read the tea leave and predict what is going to happen. but certainly democrats around the country who want to challenge republican incumbents can be taking notes to see what worked and maybe replicate his victory around the country. >> there is, of course, a lot of interest there. 140,000 votes cast in early voting compared to 57,000 votes a few months ago in the primary.
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thank you both so much. >> thank you. >> stay with cnn this morning. jake tapper interviews senators bernie sanders and marco rubio and a member of president trump's legal team jay sicalo on "state of the union" at 9:00 a.m. eastern. now the bill cosby trial is over, questions are raised about his health. cnn sat down an exclusive interview with his attorney just hour after the judge declared a mistrial. do you believe, though, that bill cosby drugged and assaulted women for decade? ds market, we believe in food that's naturally beautiful, fresh and nutritious. so there are no artificial colors, no artificial flavors, no artificial preservatives in any of the food we sell. we believe in real food. whole foods market. new neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair wrinkles? your time is up! with the proven power of retinol. reduces wrinkles in just one week.
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the bodies of seven sailors who went missing after a u.s. navy warship lied collide with a warship off of japan have been found. >> we have found the remains of a number of our missing ship mates and sympathies go out to their families. i will decline to state how many we have found at this time. we owe it to the family and friend of these ship mates and hope you with respect this process. >> a naval official say there was significant damage to the fitzgerald, including a big gash under the water line. both the coast guard and navy are expected to launch investigations into this. strong reaction to bill cosby's mistrial is still pouring in on both sides. online, many expressed their dismay with the outcome immediately after the core's decision cosby's wife camille released a scathing statement that slammed the d.a., the
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judge, and some members of the media. and in an exclusive one-on-one interview with cnn's jean casar casarez,s cosby's attorney explains why he believes cosby is innocent. >> the judge has declared a mistrial. is that a win for you? is that a lose for you? >> any time you start a trial and end a trial with your client being presumed innocent, it can't be a loss. having said that, there are no winners here. we tried a case for a week. the jury deliberated for 50 some hours without a verdict. but, you know, as i've said many times before, as long as you can leave that courtroom with your client presumed innocent as he began, then i'm satisfied. >> this was a drug facilitated
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sexual assault case. did you ever pause? im >> i never pause to represent somebody like him who has assured me from the beginning that i will be able to represent him and do so with dig and i'm a trial lawyer. my job is to go in and defend people who are accused of a crime and require that the prosecution be put to the test. no matter what is wring, no matter what is said outside of a courtroom, i require people who are going to make accusations to be put to the test and i welcome that opportunity here. i will say to you, though, that i was always a big bill cosby fan. i'm from philadelphia and i was born there and bill cosby means a lot to a lot of us in that area. so when i got that call, i said yes. >> reporter: had you ever met him before? >> never. i never met him or seen him before, but i probably watched him on tv more than i care to
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admit. i go back to "i spy." i go way back and i've been a fan of mr. cosby's cover and now i get an opportunity to call him my client and my friend. >> reporter: what was it like to meet him? >> i met him in new york at his home there. it was rather awesome. he is a very engaging fellow. he is remarkably funny and megaly bright. i think that is the one thing that stunned me the most, not ever having met him before, was his ability to interact on any number of levels about any number of subjects. he is just a remarkably brilliant man and he put me at ease, which was much needed the first time i met him. he was a lot taller, more gregarious than i would have expected, and we got along right from the start. >> reporter: do you believe, though, that bill cosby drugged and assaulted women for decade? >> i don't, because he swears to me he didn't.
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>> well, cosby's attorney also said he is very worried about the fallen entertainer's health. take a listen. >> i have been greatly concerned for his health. i don't know that i'll ever see 79, but if i do, i don't know that i could survive what he survived this week. i've been trying case for 30 years. and it was difficult for me and i have no idea how he managed to sit in a room and endure while strangers were deciding his destiny and his fate. i think it did take a tremendous toll on him. >> prosecutors say they will retry cosby and the judge said that he would set a date within months. i want to bring in cnn legal analyst and criminal defense attorney joey jackson. good morning, joey. first question for you -- why were they not able to reach a verdict? >> good morning, rene. listen. these are tough case and the reality is that that jury
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deserves our respect and our gratitude. you know, i've heard it said that the blinding power of celebrity is what did this. i say that is nonsense. the fact is that jury just didn't go back and say, it's bill cosby! let's return not guilty! that jury tried hard, rene. they even came back after deliberating for 20 some odd hours and said, judge, we are hopeli hopelessly dead blocked and go back in there and try and they did three more days. >> they essentially went back to the judge and pretty much asked to rehear the entire trial. what does that say about the prosecutors and the job they did? anything? >> you know what? they did the best they could with the facts that they had. but, remember, this is not a case where it's the dna. there is a dna sample and guess what. aha he was there! this is a case from 2004. result of that, you're relying upon memories and you're relying upon versions of events and what you saw with the read back is
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what did andrea constand say and what did she say and what did she say to the canadian police when she first reported it in 2005? can you read that back and what did bills cosby say in his testimony in 2005 and what did he say during the police interview and they were weighing both sides and when they ultimately asked for the question the law on reasonable doubt it told me they were really struggling what she said and what ed and they just couldn't reach a conclusion on that. >> right. i want to talk about just how fast the prosecution decided that they were going to retry this case. with twha does it tell you? that they made that decision so quickly and how easy will it be for them to find an impartial jury? >> to your first part of the question, i am troubled by that. as a former prosecutor, i'm very troubled by the fact that they said let's do it again. not because they don't have a right to do it, not because the fact is there is a hung jury, no conclusion and certainly you want finality in a situation.
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but you also want to perhaps speak to that jury. what was the breakdown of the jury? was it 11-1 to convict? 11-1 to acquit? 6-6? what was going in there? there should be some due diligence on the part of the prosecution to get into the mindset of what occurred. that didn't happen. they just said we are retrying. is it politics or is it a really in essence doing justice in term of finding another jury that could be fair? that is always the hope. you want people out there who can listen and it's not that they haven't heard about the case. most people have. it's that you could check those views at the door and base a decision upon what you hear in that courtroom and if you can get a new jury that does that, you know what? that is the essence democracy. >> joey jackson, thank you for your analysis. >> thank you. the president's legal team says this week, finally, we will learn whether there are tapes of president trump's conversations with james comey. the first chance to get the truth at 9:00 this morning on
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"state of the union." what is the strategy moving forward? we will talk about that in a moment. ype? one jar shatters the competition. olay regenerist hydrates skin better than creams costing over $100, $200, and even $400. fact check this ad in good housekeeping. olay. ageless. hidden in every swing, every chip, and every putt, is data that can make the difference between winning and losing. the microsoft cloud helps the pga tour turn countless points of data into insights that transform their business and will enhance the game for players and fans. the microsoft cloud turns
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president trump is spending his father's day out at camp david, while one of his lawyers will hit the sunday shows later this morning. a topic of conversation is whether there were white house tapes of the president's conversation with former fbi doct director james comey and during the president hinted at last month on twitter. you see the statement there. >> much of the statements on twitter tend so suck up the daily news cycle. here so discuss is host of "reliable sources" brian stelter. is there a question whether the tweets are a president's strategy. >> i asked senator amy klobuchar
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if she is concerned the tweets are distracting what is going on in the senate as gop member of the senate try to craft a revised health care bill and try to get it through congress and to the president's desk. here is what she told me about those concerns from the left. >> you know, i think that is going to be up to the media and actually up to some of us that work in government. our job is to make sure that our citizens know that something really big is happening so i will tell you right now, something really big could happen if the republicans choose to draft a bill behind closed doors with no input from not just democrat, but a lot of republicans like susan collins who have publicly said that these -- there should be hearings and things shouldn't be done behind closed doors. we had over a hundred hearings for the affordable care act. we had countless amendments, including republican amendments that were accepted as part of
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the bill. now we need to fix that bill. we need to make changes to the exchanges and we need to bring down the pharmaceutical prices. my point is there is some very important things we have to do. but not behind closed doors without any input from the public. the president, as direct as he is, when he sat behind closed doors that the house bill was mean and that got out, i thought that was pretty interesting. he didn't need a focus group or a poll. he came up with a word that probably best described it. mean. we don't need that without any input from those of us in the united states senate that would like to make some changes that would be good for the american people. >> i rarely hear a democrat saying president trump was right about something. >> there go! i thought he picked a very apt word and he has a way with word as we know. at this point, he got it right. >> so there you go. one area of agreement with the president. we will have more of the interview with the senator on
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"reliable source" later this morning. i was struck by her comments about this so-called secret health care bill. democrats saying it's being crafted in secret. there is a self-imposed july fourth deadline the senators have to move this bill forward and some democrat are trying to slow down the parliamentary procedures and slow down the process and force the bill into the open. we will see what happens before the end of the month. >> some republicans are questioning whether they can meet that self-imposed july fourth deadline. as we speak about twitter the president is awake and flexing his thumbs tweeting out the following. many new job and high business enthusiasm and there is an ellipsis there so i guess we will get more from the president. the president is calling this investigation a witch hunt. >> he has honed in on those two words as the primary message he has about the russian
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investigations and mueller and past feud is his term of art. make the breaking news about this tweet the president is trying to be on message and promote a positive message about his administration. oftentimes what gets him off the rails are tweets about russia about the investigation, et cetera. in this case he is trying to emphasize the good news. the challenge he has when talks about new jobs be created he set a high bar for himself. 2,000 new jobs per month and his promise when he said 25 million jobs the next ten years. so far the u.s. economy is not hitting that high bar that the president set but he has only had a few months in office. >> we will continue to watch the president's statements through twitter. one other element. a happy father's day to you, sir! >> thank you! >> a photo here of your daughter. >> 28 days old! that is sunny. >> is she sleeping through the night? >> not yet. it's like my heart has tripled
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in size the past month. >> happy father's day to you, brian. >> thank you. >> be sure to watch brian on "reliable sources" here on cnn at 9:00 a.m. this morning. less than a week after the ballpark shooter in alexandria, the field is set to reopen tomorrow. plus an update on congressman scalise's condition is all coming up next.
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house majority whip steve scalise condition has been upgrade to do serious after undergoing another surgery yesterday. the doctors say he continues to show signs of improvement. his family tweeted the lsu alum was able to watch an lsu baseball game. that was last night. and he was more responsive. >> doctors did mention, however, he would still be in the hospital for some time, that he would also need a period of
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rehabilitation even after he is released. this as areas surrounding that ballpark in alexandria have reopened. the baseball field will officially reopen tomorrow. >> cnn correspondent ryan noble is following the congressman's developments. >> reporter: very encouraging news for congressman steve scalise, the house majority whip, the third most powerful congressman in congress and his family as the med star family hospital center where he is being treated has announced his condition has been upgraded from critical to serious. they released this quote. the hospital said it would be the final update for the weekend. but this is an important update for a number of reason. the first being the upgrade in his condition, but another point that should be raised he is able
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to have conversations with his family. doctors described on friday the congressman was in a constant state of sedation and they have been able to reduce the sedation a bit for him to have some interaction with his family but not much. the fact he is able to have a conversation should be making this process a little bit easier for his family. of course the congressman was shot on wednesday at that congressional baseball practice. the man who was the shooter james hodgkinson found with a list of names after the shooting. he was killed in the response. this is an important development for the congressman as he continues his long and lengthy road to recovery. ryan nobles, cnn, washington. >> thank you, ryan, for that report. still to come, a military official confirms that the body of seven missing sailors have been found following a u.s. navy destroyer collision in japan. now the navy will launch an investigation to find out exactly what happened. every tv doctor knows scrubbing is serious business.
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some big names might be missing from the u.s. open. but one golfer still making history. >> andy scholes has thoris morning's bleacher report. >> justin thomas only 24 but that did not stop him from setting the best round ever in the 117 year history of the u.s. open. maybe it was the pants. check them out. thomas rocking the fluorescent pink pants in round three yesterday. look at the putt on 5. incredible. he shot a 9 under par 63 which was a you open record. the record setting round good enough to get him into the lead. thomas in a three-way tie for second place right now. one stroke behind brian harman. unless something wild happens today we are going to see a first time major winner for the seventh straight time. if there is a tie at the end of today's round and they don't play a sudden death hole they play another 18 holes tomorrow!
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the nba draft coming up on thursday. most experts thought washington guard markelle fultz was headig to boston with the overall number one pick. that changed after the celtics and 76ers agreed on a blockbuster trade! according to multiple reports they are going to swap number one and number three. the celtics also are going to receive a future first round pick in the deal. now sixers star posting a picture with fultz and ben simmons and cummings on inextra game after a workout yesterday saying should be legendary if it happens. tim tebow had an embarrassing moment during last night's game. the former heisman trophy winner throw his bat way up into the stands! look how far the bat went before it finally landed? luckily, no one was hurt. tebow did end up striking out in that at-bat. pete rose still banned from baseball but not stopping his old team honoring him. he helped is in the reds unveil
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his statue at great american ballpark with major league baseball's permission, of course. the larger than life bronze sculpture captures his head-first slide and physiciete having a fun day at the ballpark. don't think he is ever getting into the baseball hall of fame considering he is still banned from baseball. >> i'm still thinking about the pink pants! >> he played so well yesterday. >> thank you, andy. seven u.s. sailors reported missing after a collision at sea are dead. >> a u.s. warship collided with the container ship when that crash happened. the ship took on water. it was damaged both above and below the water line. >> i can't tell you how proud i am of the crew for what they did to s


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