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tv   United Shades of America  CNN  June 18, 2017 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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♪ this is "cnn breaking news." welcome back to ow viewers here in the united states and, of course, all around the world. we are continuing our breaking news coverage of what prime minister theresa may is calling a potential terrorist attack in london. i'm rosemary church. >> and i'm cyril vanier. at least one man is dead after a van drove into pedestrians here at the finsbury park area. he was pronounced dead at the scene. at least eight are wounded. ms. may is chairing a meeting later on. london mayor khan called it an
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attack on innocent people. a 48 yerld man was arrested at the scene and witnesses say they saw three men leave the van. >> they say police arrested one and two fled the scene. police won't say whether they're seeking the other suspects. >> video and pictures provided to cnn by witnesses on the scene show a man detained by police. the london metropolitan police have not released an image of the person they have arrested. >> this neighborhood is said to have a large muslim population, and the mosque once had links to the radical clark abu al masari. the muslim council of britain says worshippers were hit as they left the finsbury park mosque. one witness described what they saw. >> what happened is that usually some of the muslims when they finish their prayers in the mosque, they just gather in this little corner to talk for a bit, and i'm guessing -- i'm not sure, but i'm guessing now because it is ramadan, there was
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maybe more of them for a little bit, until a little bit later maybe because it was so hot today as well. so i'm guessing that maybe they were the victims because they were desperate. i saw so many of them crying, screaming, trying to get police and ambulance around. so i'm guessing that if someone run over people in the corner, maybe they were there. >> so the people that you saw crying and trying to get police attention, they appeared to be muslim because they were wearing muslim gash or h muslim garb or how could you tell? >> yes, they were all wearing the white muslim -- i don't know the name of that, but yes. >> so -- >> there were different kind of people in there but mostly them. and because i'm so used to eing them there every day, i just assum that maybe there's someuslims between the victims i saw on the floor.
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>> our lee joins us now reporting from the scene of the collision. ian, it is minutes after 6:00 in the morning, very early, but still people will start waking up to this. are you getting reaction from people finding out about the news? are you seeing that or not? >> reporter: right after this incident, this attack or what sadiq khan is calling a terrorist attack, there were a lot of people out here wanting answers. there was -- the crowd at times was a big agitated because of the attack and who it targeted, but there was no violence or anything like that. but people really want to know. this is a community that is close knit. a lot of people know people who were praying at that mosque. i spoke with quite a few eyewitnesses who described what happened. they said that and elderly man had collapsed and that's when a
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crowd had gathered, saying the van then targeted that crowd deliberately. every single person said that this was deliberate. then after that, they said that the driver tried to escape and they were able to apprehend him, although he resisted. here is what one eyewitness told me. >> heard the sound of the -- a van drove over people. immediately i came out, me and my brother, and we saw a driver who was trying to escape and he's using by force, pushing the people, and the people overpowered him and they keep him on the ground until the police force came. and he -- the people who are injured on the ground was around eight people. some of them was serious of the head because the van drove into -- into the few -- and i
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don't know why the driver, he go this way. the road is just big enough to drive, and where they stand left is not the road, it is just three, four parking space. >> does it look like the driver deliberately -- >> it was deliberate, that one, no doubts. >> reporter: no question that it could have been an accident. >> no, i believe it was deliberately. >> reporter: cyril, one thing every eyewitness i also spoke with brought up is they believe that the response by the police was quite delayed. they said that they had called the authorities but it wasn't for quite sometime until the first police officer showed up on the scene to actually apprehend the suspect. there's also talks that there were more than one person inside that van. one eyewitness said there were two total people in that van,
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another person said three, although the police haven't commented on it. but what we've been hearing from the police has been slow, deliberate information as it comes out that eight people were injured, one person was killed. those injured people were taken to three different area hospitals. also, the person who carried out this attack, a man who we've been told is 48 years old, was also taken to a hospital before being treated, to be looked at and then released into the police custody. >> ian, as you talk we're looking at live pictures of the scene. so i want to draw our viewers' attention to them because now that the sun has risen we are getting a better perspective on what the area looks like. as you have been describing throughout the night, quite a perimeter has been established with the road cordoned off around the seven sisters road in london with a white tent at the
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center of the shot we're looking at, quite likely, quite possibly an area where forensic police are current working at the moment trying to establish more about the circumstances of the incident. >> ian, this is the situation now. of course, we have learned that the counterterrorism command has taken over this investigation, and we've learned from theresa may, the prime minister of britain, that police are treating this as a potential terrorist attack. she will chair a meeting in the morning, an emergency cobra meeting to discuss how london and indeed britain will deal with this. this is difficult time for the prime minister of britain. >> reporter: that's right. you have a number of attacks now, and so the question is how are you going to provide security for everyone here in the city and around the country, and that's one thing when i was speaking with the residents here, i asked them, you know, how do they feel about this attack, do they feel the police are doing enough, and they said,
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you know, "we don't believe the police are doing enough" although they are stretched thin. they said that they just have to be more vigilant, and that's something that we've heard from authorities, too, telling people to be more vigilant. one thing i want to -- london mayor sadiq khan also came out and one thing he said was quite poignant, he said, "while this appears to be an attack on a particular community like the terrible attacks in manchester, westminster and london bridge, it is also and you assault on all of our shared values of tolerance, freedom and respect," and that's very poignant here because we've seen people from different communities coming out to support this muslim community. we have members from the jewish community coming out saying they were here to do whatever they could do to help. so we have seen unity in this community from different people after -- in the aftermath of this attack. >> ian lee, the people of britain particularly there in london waking up this monday
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morning just after 6:00 in the morning to news of yet another attack in their city, and the mayor of london, siq khan, calling this a horrific terrorist attack. many thanks to you. we will come back to you very soon. let's bring in cnn law enforcement contributor steve moore now. steve, since we last spoke a short while ago we've got this information, number one, from the british prime minister theresa may that this is being treated as a potential terror attack and also more forceful words that this is a terror attack coming from the mayor of london. >> yes. i think theresa may probably shared some things with mayor khan and he was less reticent to share them with the public. i think this is good evidence that they have determined that this is in all likelihood a terrorist attack. >> and, steve, talk to us now as we move forward. we know this 48-year-old man,
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presumably we understand he was the driver of the van. there were some eyewitness accounts suggesting two other men fled the scene although police are not confirming that, but talk to us about what will happen in the hours ahead. this man, this 48-year-old man has been taken to hospital. that presumably has slowed down the investigation and the questioning process. >> well, it may have slowed down the investigation -- or the interrogation process, rosemary, but i guarantee you that it is not going to slow down the investigation, because right now what they're trying to do is determine whether he's affiliated with any organization, any groups, any type of person or organization who would want to hurt people because of their race or religion. that's going to go on full speed even while he's in the hospital and, frankly, unless the person's completely confessing you're not going to get much useful information from them anyway, unless they're defiant
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and want to tell you all about how brave they were. >> steve, we are getting different sources of information on what happened. there's, of course, the police statement, but there are also the numb rulerous, numerous eyewitness accounts we've been collecting throughout the early morning and the night, and it is kind of hard to reconcile the two because several -- i should say multiple eyewitnesses have told cnn tha they saw three people in the van, two who managed to flee the scene. the police statement pointedly says it has no information on any other further perpetrators. >> well, cyril, this isn't unusual. i don't know that i've ever gone to a situation where there weren't more perpetrators reported than actually existed, at least in this kind of mass shooting situation or mass violence situation. so i'm not surprised. in fact, when i heard the initial reports of three my initial thought was, well, it is probably not three.
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>> why? >> it could -- well, because people see more -- more things than actually occur sometimes. it is hard to explain, but it is just -- it is just a fact of life investigating major violent acts that sometimes people see more -- more perpetrators than actually occurred. >> but, steve, there would be a great deal of concern if indeed there are two other perpetrators. how do authorities confirm either way? >> well, one thing you're going to do is you're going to get video from -- there's very few places in britain right now that aren't videoed. you're going to have security videos all up and down that street, and you are going to determine, number one, where the van came from and whether it was rented by somebody or whether it belonged to somebody, whether any other witnesses bring bripre attack saw anybody in the van,
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whether any of the cameras saw anybody besides the driver in the van. so you have a lot of information that is objective, not subjective, and they're trying to drill down so that they don't spend time chasing people who might not exist. that is not to say these people are wrong. i'm just saying that right now the police have obviously said, "we have no corroborating information that there were more than one person." >> steve, one of the aspects of social media that come up time and time again in these cases where you have attacks and you're looking at the biography of the perpetrators as you were explaining earlier is thanks to social media often it is quite easy and fast to have some sort of understanding of where they're coming from. >> it is astoundingly fast, cyril. i worked these kind of mass violence situations before social media was real big and it was -- it is much easier now because people who tend to hurt others for political or social
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reasons, for a long time before they do that spout hate. they do what we call leaking their hatred. they show it to the public, and you can get a real good picture of their views long before they do anything violent. >> and, steve, as we were talking just a few minutes ago, we know, of course, theresa may, the prime minister of britain, will chair this cobra emergency meeting in the morning, and it is just after 6:00 so that is getting close, if she hasn't started it already. what would she likely be looking at at this point as a response to this attack? >> well, it is going to depend on who the people are that are involved in it, whether it is one person, two persons or a cell. the main thing is that she needs to direct police, metropolitan police, to go after whatever
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group is involved in this and go after them ruthlessly. if there's no connection overseas, if there's no connection from an organizational standpoint, then that might be sufficient, but it is all going to depend on the intelligence she is provided at that meeting. >> all right. talking there with cnn contributor steve moore. many thanks to you for sharing your expertise on this matter as we continue to follow this breaking news. one person dead, at least eight wounded when this van hit pedestrians as they were leaving a mosque after prayer. we know at ts hour that the prime minister of britain, theresa may, is calling ts -- and she says the police are treating this as a potential terrorist attack. we know from the london mayor siddeeq kauch sadiq khan, he has called the van incident a horrific terrorist attack. we are continuing to follow this breaking news. we're back in a moment.
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do not give linzess to children less than six, and it should not be given to children six to less than 18. it may harm them. don't take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. if it's severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. other side effects include gas, stomach-area pain, and swelling. talk to your doctor about managing your symptoms proactively with linzess. this is "cnn breaking news." ♪ we continue to follow breaking news on cnn of a deadly incident outside a mquen london that's being treat as potential terror attack by the british government. a van struck pedestrians. we go to cnn's max foster who is on the scene. >> reporter: cyril, we're by the police line here. as you say, a van going into a group of people standing here in
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the street. that's according to the authorities. one person has died, eight people have been taken to hospital, but two had minor injuries as well on the scene. the british prime minister theresa may says police are treating the incident as a potential terrorist attack. she will shortly chair an emergency cobra meeting, the highest level emergency meeting in this nation. and video and pictures provided to cnn by witnesses on the scene show a man being detained by the police. the met police haven't released an image of the person they've arrested however. we know he was nearly 50 years old. the incident took place in the finsbury park area. it is near a mosque, near two mosques in fact. witnesses tell cnn three men got out of the van. one of them was taken into custody, two others fled. the muslim council of britain tweeting it was informed a van ran over people as they were leaving the mosque. metropolitan police saying the counterterrorism command is investigating this. i'm going to bring in phil black though. he's been here overnight.
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we need to make this point, don't we, about whether or not this is terrorism, whether it has been called terrorism because there's a lot of tension around that, and the media is being dragged into that as well. >> reporter: yeah, indeed, that's right, max. the police are not calling it terrorism yet. they're saying the counterterrorism command is involved but they're clearly keeping options open. they make the point the man they have in custody is in hospital at the moment. they say he will undergo a mental health assessment. they're saying he is the only person involved in the incident. we have heard from other witnesses who say there may have been more than one person in stran. the police are not saying that. the point is the politicians are going a little ahead of the police. theresa may, the prime minister, calling it a potential terrorist attack. the mayor of london, sadiq khan, going further and calling it a horrific terrorist attack. we wait to hear from authorities precisely what the motivation was. there's no doubt here on the street, the people here, this
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community, they want it called a terrorist attack. >> one of the examples they're giving is the london bridge attack which was called terrorism very quickly, and is there -- it was, you know, the motivation behind that, whether is was behind it and the media were quick to jump on that whereas we're not doing it in this incident, but we can't dictate what the police call this. >> reporter: indeed, we have to be a little bit careful here because generally wait for what the police determine actually happened. all we know for certain is this is a man in a vehicle who has run some people over. clearly all of the witness accounts point to a very chaotic scene. it does not sound like an accident from what we're hearing, but we're still waiting to hear it from the authorities directly. the police themselves, they made another interesting point in their statement. they ruled out knife injuries. they're saying that didn't happen. >> reporter: it is a pattern, isn't it? >> reporter: of course that was the pattern in the other previous car attacks we had at westminster and at london bridge as well. so this doesn't fit those in precisely the same way. the police so far are talking
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about one person in a car, no use of knives. they're not ruling out terrorism, but they're not saying that it is definitively is at this time. >> we're waiting to hear, you know, how the man got arrested, but we do know that the public apprehended him and handed him over to the police and the police were very -- were there very quickly, weren't they? that was an incredible moment in this evening. >> reporter: we have seen little climbs of video we're starting to play on air now recorded by people who witnessed this, the moments after the car had come to a stop this man either had been grabbed at some point, either getting out or while he was in the vehicle. what we see are police officers literally putting themselves between a crowd and the man. the man looks a bit dazed, a little bit stunned. the crowd is clearly really emotional, very worked up, very loud, a lot of screaming, quite a cot scene. you can imagine it would be very emotional. we've been hearing a lot of emotion from people here today who genuinely believe they and their community have been deliberately, specifically targeted in this way.
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>> absolutely, phil. thank you very much, indeed. goes national security analyst peter bergen has been looking into this, potential incentives behind this. this is his set of thoughts. >> we have what looks like a targeted attack on muslims leaving a well-known mosque in north london, a mosque which, by the way, has certainly had a history of attracting islamist militants in the past. and while we don't know the motivation, if you were somebody planning to make a statement, finsbury park mosque would be a place you might want to make it because it's certainly been associated with people who are now in the united states prisons on life sentences. and when i say all of this i'm referring to the history of the mosque, not talking about what the mosque is today, but i'm trying to put myself in the mind of the perpetrator and thinking about motive. if you wanted to make a statement, this is a mosque where islamist militants have
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gathered in the past, and this might be part of the calculation of the perpetrator if, indeed, it is terrorism. you know, london, this part of london is -- i would say it's sort of, you know, kind of a mix of working middle class. a lot of muslims live in north london. it is one of the largest muslim cities in the world outside the middle east or south asia. programs a million muslims live in london. the mayor of london, of course, is a muslim, and i think this all contributes unfortunately to a feeling in london of uncertainty when you've had terrorist attacks in march at the westminster bridge, then more recently at the london bridge, and a number of terrorist plots have been averted. ref course, the motivation appears to be very different. i think, you know, recalls -- you know, i think juliette was
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saying earlier, you know, terrorism -- what is the definition of terrorism? it is violence directed at civilians by entities of other states, and this attack seems to fall pretty clearly in that gambit. >> reporter: well, the sunrising here in finsbury park where this awful incident happened overnight. anger welling up very quickly here. we're going to try to reflect it for you after the break by speaking with members of the community. back in a moment. [boy] cannonball! [girl] don't...
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. this is "cnn breaking news." >> we're in finsbury park in north londo where a van has hit a group of people just standing in the street after prayers here, very late at night. one person died. eight others were injured. they've been taken to three hospitals across the city. british prime minister theresa may say police are treating the incident as a potential terrorist attack. she will chair an emergency meeting later on this morning. we will get more details on the investigation there. the london mayor sadiq khan saying police are responding to a horrific terrorist attack on innocent people. officials say the vehicle's driver was arrested. they're not saying if they're seeking other suspects at this point though. video and pictures provided to cnn by witnesses on the scene saw a man being detained. the london met police have not released an image of the person they have arrested. we understand he was taken to
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hospital. the incident took place here in the finsbury park area. it is near a very famous mosque. police were there very quickly after midnight and members of the public had actually detained the man in the van, handed him over to police. he was then taken off to hospital. the muslim council of britain tweeting that a van ran over people as they were leaving the mosque, late night prayers marking ramadan. witnesses telling cnn three men got out of the van though. one of them was apprehended, tw others fled. we haven't had that detail though given to us by police just yet. with me is a community leader, is that correct? you came down here as part of a cross-religious effort. what did you discover here in terms of atmosphere? >> well, actually the atmosphere for the muslim community is quite tense, and there's elements of fear and we want to ensure that the muslim community
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doesn't feel the brunt of extremism, be it racial extremism or extremism in the name of their own religion, our own religion, and we have to ensure that we work together with other people of faith, faith leaders or people of no faith, we work together to ensure that this city and this country remains peaceful and the extremists will never be able to >> the muslim council of britain is calling for security at all mosques today. they've asked for that before, haven't they? because your community has felt under attack, but also in the authorities people aren't very satisfied with that either, are they? >> no. i mean security is really important, but at the same time we have to deal with the core issue of this rise of hate and we have to deal with ideology
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with ideology, and we really need to tell some of our western leaders to stop appeasing powers and interest groups who provide funding in oil and the rest to these groups. >> reporter: okay. just when you were talking about the atmosphere in the community when you came down, i mean i felt it as well. i mean you could describe it as anger, can't you, that -- >> well, the muslim community feels they have been fair game. islamophobia unfortunately -- >> reporter: they feel islamophobia has become acceptable in the culture? >> it is unfortunately the case. it is not only perception. i as somebody who don't believe in conspiracy theory goes can see day in and day out. i think all of us have a duty to ensure a particular community who is already vulnerable, vulnerable to many, many factors, does not feel threatened in the way that the muslim community have. we really need to disconnect acts of extremism, whether it is
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religious or right wing from the community. >> reporter: do you feel there's been a different response today than after the london bridge attack, for example, or the westminster attack? you think there's been a different type of response? >> well, what i can speak in generic terms. if an incident is muslim related, then it is quite natural for people to jump to conclusion that it is terrorists. when if it is some other extremism -- >> reporter: they take longer to call it that? >> and one of the papers described the attacker as clean shaven white person. >> reporter: it's been very controversial overnight, that headline, hasn't it? >> yes, it is really quite amazing that a potential terrorist or a terrorist is described as clean shaven white person. >> reporter: i think they fixed that now but it was a british newspaper website you're talking about. thank you very much.
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i'm going to let you carry on with you work. i know you're working very hard today across religions and churches and the mosques as well. thank you very much as well. >> my pleasure. >> reporter: we're going to speak to ian lee who is another police line. ian, just take us through what we know about how the event unfolded. there was this amazing heroic moment, wasn't there, where members of the public detained the man in the van. there was a lot of anger around that, but they handed him over to police. >> that's right, max. i arrived here shortly after this attack happened fromwhat mayor sadiq khan is calling a terrorist attack, and i was able to speak with a number of eyewitnesses. they were telling me that it started when an elderly man collapsed on the pavement, on the ground. a large crowd of people gathered to help him and that's when this van careened off into this group
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of people. every single person i spoke with said that this was a deliberate attack on these people. they were able then to apprehend the driver of this van. they said that he tried to resist, he tried to get away. there are reports that there were other people in this van that were able to get away, although the police haven't come out with any information about that. one witness told me how the van had rolled over on top of someone and how they had to try to struggle to pull him from out underneath that van. we know eight people were injured, one person was killed, which coincides with what the eyewitnesses were telling us. they were able to hold on to this man until police arrived and were able to hand him over, which is crucial, max, because then police will be able to interrogate him to figure out what were his motives behind this attack, ao if there was anyone else involved in this incident. the one thing though that
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people -- all of the witnesses have told me is they said that there was a bit of delay for the police response. they said they wished that police would respond quicker. i asked them if they felt that this was meant they didn't feel there was enough protection on their community because of all of the anti-muslim rhetoric that has been floating out there, and they said they don't feel they have been protected enough. i asked, how do you go forward with this, and they said "we just have to be more vigilant." but there is a sense of fear here, but there's one thing we also have seen come out of this and it is quite poignant. i want to start with what we heard from the london mayor sadiq khan. in his statement he said, "while this appears to be an attack on a particular community like the terrible attacks in manchester, westminster and london bridge, is also an assault on all of our shared values of tolerance, freedom and respect." that's something we've seen here, max. we saw members of the jewish community coming down to see
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what they can do to help and other people coming together, so there are people around this attack, max. >> thank you very much. it is worth pointing out finsbury park is a truly diverse amendment we heard a lot about how it has a big muslim community, and that's true, but it has a wide range of community and they're all large. it is an intense area, very busy, but a famous mosque. as we were hearing earlier from peter bergen, if it was the target it is a significant target for the city. we will be back in a moment as the investigation continues. really... let's see how quickly you can read through all their awards. 2017 motor trend car of the year. kelly blue book 2016 best resale value... u.s. news best cars for the money 10 best blah blah blah only about 90 more to go! 2017 safety. 2017 north american car of the year! that's a lot of awards! get 17% below msrp on all chevy traverse lt models in stock. that's over $6,700 on this chevy traverse. find new roads at your local chevy dealer.
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♪ this is "cnn breaking news." ♪ welcome to finsbury park in london. i'm in front of a bridge. just behind that bridge is a mosque, and after people were praying in there last night a van drove into a crowd of people. one person died, eight others were injured, taken to hospital, two others with minor injuries. the british prime minister theresa may saying the police are treating the incident as a potential terrorist attack. she will shortly chair an emergency meeting of her top members and emergency responders. the mayor sadiq khan has called it a horrific terrorist attack on people. pictures by witnesses on the scene show a man detained by police. the london police have not yet
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released an image of any person arrested. this took place here in fin bursy park near the mosque. witnesses telling cnn three men got out of the van, one was taken into custody and two other fled. the muslim council of britain tweeting it was informed a van ran over people as they were leaving the mosque. the van hit, and met police are saying counterterrorism very much leading that investigation as well. use usein arley, thank you for joining us. what did you see. >> the people were shouting. when the mosque is full, there's a gate and people pray between there, between the gate and the actual mosque because we do a midnight prayer, and i was not out side -- i was not praying inside, and people about to
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finish the prayer, and some people were standing up there, some in the community, some old people, a man in the area, and the whole thing outside. i was one of the people who ran outside and i have scratches on my leg and here. >> reporter: so you saw the vehicle? >> yes, and i run for myself. >> reporter: yes. >> i think some people were holding the man and inside. they went inside to see what actually happened with the van, but i was one of the people who run for their lives. >> reporter: of course. it is a very noisy, busy area, but apparently there's a lot of panic and people screaming. it sounded like a horrific -- >> yeah, it was panic, and some people just -- i'm one of the people who run their lives. i run and i think the men planned to have the most casualty because people pray in this area outside, and he came exactly time, five or six minutes late the actual prayer to finish and this is the people
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that -- >> reporter: so he drove the van into the crowd at what everyone knew would be the busiest time? >> that was the busiest time and people bow down to god in the midnight prayer. if he comes in the prayer time, the whole area would be full and much more casualty. i don't know if he plan to come on this time, he admitted earlier, that it will be a lot of karcasualty people. >> a lot of people are saying how it could have been so much worse because the van was brought to a stop and if it continued it could have been a lot worse. >> some people were outside, some people continued to pray, some people stopped. so people usually stood there around the corner and i think things will not be the same because i think i blame the media personally. >> reporter: the media? >> because they keep saying islamic terrorist, islamic
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terrorist, and the guy came to an islamic center. >> reporter: a lot of people expressing that, but it is not our job to call -- the police need to tell us it is terrorism and we can report it. it is not really our responsibility. >> right, i do understand. i do understand. >> reporter: you think it is damage -- >> all right. we are having a problem with the microphone clearly of max foster who is on the scene in london. you're watching the live pictures. back to max now. mike back up and running. >> i think everybody deserve a peaceful life, and whether they're on the bridge, they're in the mosque. >> reporter: of course. >> they're anywhere, they deserve a peaceful life. i think they choose to commit a crime, so call it they are criminals with ideology, whether they are national, whether they are islamic. >> reporter: well, the police need a little bit of time to
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make an investigation. the muslim council of calling for more security at mosques across the country, do you support that? >> especially during the month of ramadan, people come out and pray. this is a special month, this time of month. if anybody want to harm this community there will be a lot of casualty because it is like a football stadium. each mosque is full. people are praying outside, people are standing outside and no security. three weeks ago i wasn't scared and i was praying in another mosque, i was looking around and i would have been safe. my dreams because a reality. >> reporter: it is an absolute nightmare usa describe. our thoughts with everyone here. thank you for sparing your time. >> you're welcome. >> reporter: i hope you get some sleep today. the whole atmosphere is quite tense after "the lead" horrific stories come out from the incident as well. but more quickly after this incident people are questioning the response already but we haven't had the basic information from the police just yet. that's the nature of the atmosphere hire in finsbury park today. we'll be back in a moment.
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welcome. we've got breaking news here in
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london happening a few hours ago. authorities say a vehicle hit pedestrians, one person died, eight others are injured. the prime minister says potential terrorism. they're saying police responding to horrific terrorist attack on innocent people. police are not yet calling it a terrorist attack. video and pictures show witnesses on the scene with a man being detained by police. the police haven't yet released an image of that person. all of this took place here. some eyewitnesss say there were other people in the van. police say there weren't other suspects at the moment. the van would r over people as that the story we're hearing from all of the witnesses here as well. house of terrorism, police, though, are investigating this. we're expecting update very soon. now, the editor of the magazine
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also spoke earlier to cnn about what's happened. they called the terrorism no matter what. the police are actually saying about this. >> terrorism should be something that should apply to any mass murderer that's meant to send terror across the civilian population. i think it's important to keep in mind had the driver been muslim they would have called this an act of terror without anticipating. we've seen a lot more trepidation. i think we've got to get away from the double standard of our, you know, societies. and call an act of terrorism regardless of who the victims are. phil black joins me now. double standards about what we call terrorism. it actually just happened.
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that is the debate around us. >> people here in this community firmly believe it's terrorism. they believe they've been targeted and they believe there's a double standard. they accused the media of willing to call an attack terrorism if they realize the person doing the attacking was amusing. what it comes down to establishing the person's motive. we know it's a person with a vehicle. outside of that, we have confirmation from the police about what this man's motivation was. the police have said, there were no knife injuries here. this person wasn't running around slashing people. we haven't heard any climb of this person, any slogan or religious word. that's what puts it officially in the terrorism box. the people here believe it. what we're hearing is completely from officials, the london mix. this is clearly a horrific
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terrorist attack. >> he drove into a crowd of people, you know, an attack. isn't it? when does it become terrorism. >> the usual rule is about politics, religion, it's about trying to strike fear. and when it's still waiting precise confirmation. we do have to be careful. although we've had other vehicle attacks, there were clearly terrorist attack and it's at the same time. there was a situation where a man drove into the square, ran over some people and it didn't turn out to be terrorism at all, despite the initial concerns. >> very quickly, don't they. whatever happen as they say, feels targeted and there's a real fear here and must surround the country. >> they say this fits a recent trend of increase of hate and abuse on the streets. they talk about women and
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children getting abused and having it all of that public and they say it's on the rise it fits into that over all trend. for that reason they're concerned, they want more protection and authorities to respond. and they want us, journalists to be aware of this and to report their concerns. >> i mean, their ear the ones that ultimately have the call on what it is whether it's terror or not. so we do know that the man has been arrested and he's alive. >> he's alive in the hospital, you know, just for precaution. they say once he's discharged, he'll be taking into custody. they're also -- they say he'll have a mental health assessment at his well being. it can be a factor. they can't be mental issues, as well. >> i think the impression that you think outside you might have, we keep hearing this is a big muslim area.
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this is diverse area, isn't it. so if they were taunting an area as mosque, it would be muslims they were targeting generally in this area, you couldn't say the van going wouldn't be for muslims. >> the key point is time of stay. this is very late on sunday night. not too many people out on the streets. as muslims observe. >> right. >> they're attending prayers and they're breaking their fast in the middle of the night at that time. these are the people that ultimately were hurt in this incident. >> okay. phil, thank you very much, indeed. we'll have much more on this, new information coming in all the time and new updates we'll expect you to hear from tee ree saw may as well. stay with us. we'll have more as well. i masterpassed it. playing the hero: priceless
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