tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN June 18, 2017 11:00pm-12:01am PDT
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with technology that can update itself. and advanced fiber network infrastructure. new, more reliable equipment for your home. and a new culture built around customer service. it all adds up to our most reliable network ever. one that keeps you connected to what matters most. hellio welcome to our viewes around the world. i'm rosemary church. >> i'm in north london where we continue to follow breaking news here. this hour it only happened just a few hours ago. we've got a situation where a van drove into a group of people who have been a prayer in the local mosque, very famous
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mosque. most declared dead on the scene they've been taken to hospitals around and also swirling up and it hasn't been yet been called a terror incident. lots of politicians -- a huge and anger. and what happened was just a horror story and right in the heart of what happened. so, you were across the road as the van drove into this crowd, right? >> i was the first people who came from the mosque. i ran outside. and so i was the first people who came out. we cross the road to take our bus and wait on another friend and we was watching the bus coming from that direction, obviously. we see the van speeding. >> reporter: through a crowd.
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>> it was speeding. i was looking at the bus. i thought maybe he wants to catch the traffic light or something. suddenly he turned right into the mosque, so i was -- so then i was shocked and we were screaming and he hurt a woman, and another two nigerian guy, he drove a bus, he hit another four, five, six, seven. as soon as the guy stopped. we ran after to him and managed to get him out of the car. >> you ran up to the van and pulled the guy out. >> and i called my friend, they came running to get him out of the car. one from the other side, he pushed him from the vehicle and we get him out of the car and he's fighting with us. he was a big muscly guy. there was a police guy with a
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situation, they did -- >> police passed. they didn't know what was going on. >> they thought it was fight or something. and we stopped the guy and put him on the floor and people called the police. he bite me on my thumb. >> yeah, you've got some bruising and injuries that you've got. this was during the scuffle with them. there were three of you, right, talking to the ground and you held him there for how long. >> for ten minutes. >> until the police came. >> describe that ten minutes. >> he was really shouting an aggressive words and something like that. so we didn't talk to him about he was just spitting on us and that. >> and the crowds gathering around you and of liquid people were angry. >> we made them not to touch them. >> people weren't attacking you, right. you managed to keep the people
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away. >> were you word that the police didn't win. >> we knew the police wasn't going to get won and it's getting worse. >> i can't imagine what was that like to go through. looking back on that, what do you think about how you reacted and what atmosphere was like that. >> because the last ten days of ramadan and we're here for anything. we've got work to do, as well, at the same time. >> the atmosphere this morning is one of some anger. they're not necessarily pleased with the way it's being covered and the way politicians are talking about this incident. what are coming up to bump us. we haven't seen -- police with a gun. they came with a gun immediately because it was terror i tack. >> there's a different response to this than there have been other terror attacks? >> yes.
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>> you're a hero today, do you feel like a hero? >> i don't feel like a hero. but i did what i could, the best from the people and in the same way. >> when you say lives, this guy was still alive. even though he's driven. >> yeah, he was trying to carry on the boat. >> he was trying to reverse the vehicle. >> didn't have a knife with him. i was the one. >> this could have been so much worse. he could have carried on this attack. >> i've only got injuries. he'll have the light and didn't get behind the back. >> i think you're an incredibly brave. do you think it was is distinction them and i felt like -- >> he was in a state of shock. i didn't know what was about to hit. also the other thing, did you manage to keep them alive.
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the police kept open as to why he didn't that. >> i didn't think they were bringing bottles. >> the one that were being attacked. >> how much longer do you think you would have been out to keep them safe. >> no more than ten minutes. >> really. >> our thoughts are with you and the whole community and your heroism last night. >> send it to the hospital now. thank you very much. >> very much, indeed. loss of eyewitness testimony killing in in july. they're all horrific stories. it did happen very quickly. people will rejoin this is another witness story for you. >> basically, we were playing. when we finished, everyone was living, i stayed behind and i heard trade some shot and screaming. >> people were saying go inside it's not safe.
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obviously, i didn't listen and then i kept talking and then the crime scene to some people laying down and badly injured, i believe, was dead. police moved us. yeah, that's it. that's what happened. and also? one was arrested. i believe it was the criminal. >> a friend of yours was with someone that was hit, we understand? >> sorry. >> reporter: i'm being told that a friend of yours was with somebody who was hit by this van? >> my friend, her brother was injured. i couldn't talk to her because police moved me. >> reporter: what do you know about those people who are injured and were they all people from the mosques? >> yes. they're all of them from mosque
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when they were leaving. >> reporter: did you see how many people were on the ground na may have been injured? >> well, at that time there were four people and one of them, i believe, was dead. the rest were badly injured. >> we're expecting more updates from the police. the next one is going to be in about an hour. they're not going to take questions, thoef. they there's a lot of concern there, isn't there. we'll talk about thachl we just spoke to. the fact that the police officer is going to be taking questions that we're going to get that as well. in the an event that eets few hours ago. we know from their behavior consistently with these sort of events, they'll not give away information until they have to or have secure information in their knowledge. >> as we go off to the tower fire, as well. this is new press for them to
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deliver information more quickly. you can understand that, can't you. you can see it from both sides i can't get it wrong either. >> it's very true. in a situation like this, it is fast moving. it happened they need to followill their discussion is because they're not getting the turn on. i can do possible trial, throw her down and so forth. the stay i'm telling you, giving it to some extent people aren't necessarily completely satisfied. the local community what i'm referring to. they haven't used the terrorism word specifically. they'll the ones that are responsible for this. >> what did you make on the interview with the guy that sell p suspect. she said she does not -- i think it's hard. i think it's possibly say, otherwise. one of the bystanders he'll grab this man and hold him until the
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police kevin -- are we trying to get him off the top. >> i spoke to him and said, was he saying anything during this time. >> he said the man on the ground, was saying, you deserve this. you guys deserve this. >> now, the behavior that he all discussed, the driving through the crowd. the resistance. the fighting back, swearing. increasingly from that description. it looks like a lot. it's difficult. >> it was intentional. there was a group leaving a mosque at midnight. there's one community. >> but, of course, dinging that from the police. that's what we're hearing. i guess that's why the community hears as well. clearly if you were there on the scene, it was pretty clear that he was going for them and that's how they feel right now. >> he actually described how a
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police found when past when the van abandoned and crash. you know how london police, i think that's funny abandoned. it's interesting, you respond on this guy trying to keep him down waiting for the police. you're not sure the police would come and today he doesn't feel narrowly protected by the police. it feels like a community after not being attacked by authorities. >> where are the athletes. it's an interesting point. the key thing to remember is where we are. the other adttacks we've seen i london. these are places that had armed polices dij stall savings. as soon as they can respond. very kwiekly. where in north london l. staten
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island. it's a question always response time. they're prepositioning location where is the authority. there's no one else who can beach you. >> there are several breaking news, the response is about deception as well. as whether the field is not being represented properly by authorities. what happens in response to this, reflects that as of crimea, as well. it became political here in the uk. the response to these attacks and all these incidents, they just keep coming and struggling, i think, with how to respond and deal with it and how to digest it. >> we've seen that, as you say, it's been relentless for the people of london and of course, we'll come back to us in just a moment. i want to bring in cnn law
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enforcement contributor steve moore now. he joins us from los angeles. thank you for observing. and of course we're learning a little bit as the hours progress. so we learn there that the police will actually speak with the media in about an hour from now. we understand that they don't intend to answer questions. talk to ugs about what that tells you. >> well, when i was in those situations, i didn't want to talk to the press either, or at least take questions from the press. what you have is an investigative plan, at this point. and the investigative plan requires that you be able to act without anybody who is involved in the plan, knowing that you're coming. so likely this is going to be information that is care dpli parsed and is not going to negatively imeffect the investigation. >> it is difficult, though, isn't its.
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because it is against a backdrop of this fence. it has been a slow response, whether that has or hasn't. that's certainly the perception of the people feeling that the response was very slow here and a lot of the eyewitness reports suggest that, again, this is presection. we understand from some eyewitness reports that they saw two people fleeing the scene. now, the police are now confirming that at all, what does that tell you, as well, as someone -- this is your area of expertise, of course. you know some people suggesting this is a great concern, if there are two people on it. then they may not be. >> well, first of all, as we spoke, there is -- for people who are under attack to see more than the number of actual attackers. this is not unknown to the metropolitan police department. they're going to look for
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corroborating information because you don't want when you're looking for certain people, you don't want to have a certain amount of your force looking for people that might or might not exist. i realize their concern about the timing of the response. as max said, earlier, you're going to stage your assets near the plays where there is most likely going to be an attack. we've seen it in areas where there are tourist involvement. the fact they were not there as quickly in an area that wasn't as likely as terrorism should not be taken than the metropolitan police department cares about some people and doesn't care about the others, there is no way that they would act in this way. >> now, police in london are
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treating this as potential terror attack. we know that through the prime ministers of this. theresa may has tweeted that this incident was an horrific terrorist attack. that is the most specific information we're receiving from authorities and we do know that theresa may, the prime minister of britain, will have her emergency cobra meeting this morning and it could very well be underway right now. it's after 7:00 in the morning. this has opened up a whole new area now if we're talking about some sort of pay back attack. >> what usually happens is the government officials ask the investigators for everything they know about this person. it seems they always want to know about why this person did it, who they are, where they
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came from. they're going to ask for that biography, i want to talk about earlier. >> generally they're not going to direct your investigation into any specific area. they're just going to ensure that you were effectively addressing it. in this case they point to an act. you're looking at a completely different group of suspects at this point and you're going to have to bring those investigators in and hopefully this person is somewhere on their radar so the investigation is speeded up. >> and, steve, talk to us about how you build that profile, how you steer the investigation toward this person who is in custody. that certainly helps in questioning this 48-year-old man and learning more about him. then the wider issue of who else may be involved, if there is a
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group behind it. >> right now i will tell you that there are detectives or investigators out around across london. people are sbg -- people are being interviewed as we speak. they'll tell us about this person and tell us about your son or father, tell us about your husband. they are going to find everybody associated with this person and they are going to be interviewed very quickly. and each interview is going to bring more names into this. and you're going to have a greater and greater number of interviews going on through, probably, through the morning and you're going to get a very good grasp of who this person is, what motivated them and who they hang on. >> laura contributed. steve moore thank you so much for joining r. i accept this
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welcome back in london where people are trying to make sense of what happened here last night. large area, actually, has been blocked off. one person died after van hit pedestrians and agts other people have been taken to the hospital. it's calling, in a sense, horrific terrorist attack. prime minister says police are treating the incident as potential terrorist attack. she's sharing a meeting in the hours. video provided show a man being detained. london police haven't yet released immalk of the person they arrested. counter terrorism is investigating that incident and will be holding the briefing. police say they're not seeking other subjects but investigation does continue as if they were praying last night. you came out, didn't you, what did you see. >> i came out in the facility. i broke my fast at the mosque.
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i went back and seen pandemonium. i see people screaming, shouting, extremely devastated. and i see the man, he was doing stuff like this and he was just like being very -- >> reporter: this is the suspect you're talking about. >> yeah, the suspect. describe how busy that area is. it's this busy every night. >> yeah, that's right. so really people, everyone was identifiable. >> that's why i say this was an direct attack. this time of year, there's two mosques. people are going to be at the last ten days of ramadan people are going to be praying in the mosque. so for him -- for this assail t assailant, you understand, this terrorist for him to come and do
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an attack where there's -- highly populated muslim area. accept for the delivering attack on the muslim community. >> if nothing else, it feels under attack today, your community. >> to be honest, it doesn't feel under attack today. it felt under attack for a very long time. to be specific, since 9/11. that's when the muslim community has been feeling under attack. you understand, every day is on the right, from far right extremist. today we've seen perfect example of that happening here, you understand. the community is absolutely terrified, devastated and deeply saddened. people just recently passed away in tower, people will go over and over and help and for this to happen on their doorstep, people don't feel safe. >> it's interesting. there's a similar sort of anger bubbling up.
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they felt they weren't represented by authorities. >> 110%, why because even if you look at the national media outlets, when this incident happened, immediately, they didn't mark it down as terrorist. >> it's difficult. the police started to do that. >> okay. fair enough. but even for the police to walk, you understand. the police services are not mark it down as terrorist incident. it was suspected terrorist incident. that's an assault. >> they say, you know, they've got enough information to do that this morning. is it going to be too late? do you feel the damage has been done? >> i'm telling you, just as i see this as lack of reprisal, lack of retaliation attack towards the muslim community. >> what if it's not about, though? >> or has happened in the previous pass. you understand, there's a missed village now that they'll all be friends they didn't want to do
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anything or see anything. and maybe they'll see a justification after this. you runs. >> yeah, i'll be with you on the horrible day in your community. you can see how you talk to. >> and the community -- it's deeply saddened. but i tell you there's a lot of people who were blue angry and they're opposite. they're responding what the girlfriend is going to do to ensure safety. >> they've called for more security and mosques across the uk and the police say, they are going to support some right now, as well. rick is here if theresa may, i'm sure she'll be coming this morning and very serious in the next hour. the latest for the police. we'll bring it all to you here on cnn. dentures are very different
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is. i spoke to one eyewitness who went over to the van, he says, and pulled the suspect out and held him to the ground until the police came. here is his story. >> the first people who came out from the mosque because i was out side. so i was with the first people who came out. we crossed the road where we take our bus and we were waiting for another friend. and he was watching the bus coming from that direction of his sleep. you see the van speeding. so through a crowd. >> i was looking out the bus. so the bus was speeding, i thought maybe he want to top the rest of it. suddenly, he turned right to the mosque. so i was -- i was shocked. we were screaming and i -- he
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first of all was having 16 and another nigerian that he dropped first and hits the other, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. so we're after him. we managed to get him out of the car. >> you ran up to the van. you pulled the guy out. my friends kept running -- get him out of the car. because one of the friends from theal side. they should not kill for their free kill. it's tough fighting with us us. he was a big muscular guy. but the police had the situation -- >> police were involved. they wanted to know what's going on. we stopped the guy and put him on the floor and people dialled the police.
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here is what they say. >> some injuries. you said the t-shirts cut. this was down the hair. >> there were three of them, right? >> yes. >> held in there at the hot water for ten minutes. >> until the police came. >> describe that ten minutes. he was really shouting an aggressive words, so we didn't talk to him back. he was spitting on us and -- >> after that, no crowds covering around him. obviously he thinks people with arnold palmer. >> we made it just to not touch it like that. >> people are keeping us vur mourn. we were that the police would not come and they knew the police -- >> we wor worried the police didn't come and he's going to get out. >> i kind of -- i imagined what that was like to go through. looking back on that, what did you think what the at mos sphere was like.
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>> this was the last few days of ramadan and we're hear from anything else. you know how patient was looking at me. >>. >> reporter: they're not pleased with the way it's being covered and the way politicians are talking about this. what do you think this is about. >> we haven't seen helicopter above us. we haven't seen a police dilt with the gun. came with a gun. it's terror act. >> okay. there's a different response to this than how it was to others. >> but you're a hero today, do you feel like a hero? >> i defend both. in the sense -- this goes to the lie that he's driven, we think, intentionally into the crowd.
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>> you must turn it around to 10:50 and most. >> is he trying to reverse the big order and didn't have it here. >> didn't happen. he's looking inside. >> this could have been so much drawer. >> i've got only thank god that i'm going to get more in depth. >> well, i think you're pretty brave person. do you think it was instinctive or -- >> to be honest, i was going to shock of state. i didn't know what i was going to do. >> and also the other thing, you managed to keep them alive and that mattered. police now have them and they can get to the bottom of why he did that and that's really important. >> the people can put it back. >> it was an attack. >> and how much longer do you think he would keep it himself. >> no more than ten minutes.
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i was with you. the -- >> just send him to the hospital now. >> thank you, sir. >> just one of the stories that's coming out this story. an incredible to hear them and there is an angle. he's upset, of course, as well. brittany is too think. he runs and community center which is linked to the mosque. you're dealing with people around the anger, just describe the atmosphere among the muslim community here. >> in the community center, part of the building is used as a mosque at the same time. our first encounter of the victims of this horrible incident today, they they have been extremely angry and upset about what has happened. the guy after doing what he did.
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he was shocked and i did it. and mu ham had and when quickly and dropped the glie because the people there was trying to hate and kick the guy. but he said to him. and i kept him saying until the police arrived. this is not the solution of the problem. you can see a lot of most of the time and some muslims do it. so we have to assure our community and calm them down, hatred and hatred is not the solution. we have to spread love. we have to spread peace. we've been working with them for this community for the last 40 years. we 'been here since '77. you have never heard of us only doing good job and work with the community. >> when you talk about islamic
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phobia, has it been building in the last year or two years? >> it's been going on for quite some time. but afterwards, recent horrible incident. it's on the rise. unfortunately, it's not for playing. it goes about saying the right thing. >> the terrorism. >> i'm talking about the media not being responsible, about what -- unfortunately some part of the media. i'll give you so much poise and believe who are trying to divide us, but trying to spread hate and spread fear, this is not the message. the message everywhere should be spread the entire hatred and spread entire fear. so we call on everything that came down. the police have been very supportive and all night. we've had the consulate also out
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at the muslim of the house trying to slow down and understanding what the motivation behind this horrible attack. of course we condone the attack. we call it blankly extremist and horrible attack. but we need to calm down. we need to try to think of what solution. how can we sort out the problems. it's not condemning. being angry, feeling fearful is not going to slow down the problem. we have to stop, teaching them about harmony, about love and peace and stop spreading the hatred. >> calling for extra security in mosques around the country. is that a solution. you're talking more of cultural. >> i don't think it's going to be an on going permanent solution. it is more on the central government to start educating people about this problem of the community is facing.
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hatred makes them in this. it has to be combined altogether communicate. whether it's coming from the wide wing, right wing, extremism, hatred it's something horrible. we have to attack it. the only indication, i should not be being behavior. caught in flood. what is your respond today. it's not the solution. >> thank you very much. i know you have a very busy day today t. i'll let you get back k to them, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> lots of questions being asked today about the -- the police response, the immediate response was very quick, they were there for ten minutes. but the wider relationship between north and south ones are there in london around uk. they haven't represented some language was very dark. she had similar sort of atmosphere where people said they haven't investigated by
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your authorities and therefore had gotten themselves into those situations and got vulnerable. we'll get more. it speaks a lot to people in the community and a lot of people of what happened, furious with the police for not calling this terrorism. explain why we call them, just yet. >> i think we should and can. i believe it's coming from the place right now. they are treating this that they are ticks this expand people's understanding of what terrorism actually means. we here have to deal with it if we didn't they don't offer it. they are there specifically ask groups such as far right groups, animal rights groups. they're groups that can cause harm, injury, so, again, terrorism these days is not just islamic state and islamic extremist. >> we need to know the motive of
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the attack. >> otherwise it's not fantastic, but it's not necessarily a terrorist attack. >> again, this is speculation purely on my part. it would to be sort of attack -- some of the most recent claims by islamic state and islamic teenager. by possibly someone who is off or part of a larger group with far right extremist. >> there's such a challenge for the police. they're under pressure to confirm that by the community. they have to come up with information a lot more quickly than they have been in the past. >> it's hard when you do, you're seeing presumed terror attack. we're having a write on the word. it's quite a tough challenge. >> something is really get across and the police responded. this is from speaking with some of the locals. incredibly quick today.
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i think they need to make definitive and clear statement on the same level they would any other attackover this nature. looking at the means and delivery of attack which would use a vehicle and commonly now despite what community is targeted is terrorism. >> thank you very much, indeed. we're expecting to hear from the police in half an hour. we'll bring you from that live. they're not taking questions. we'll bring you that the near ris of may's during the opposition as well. we'll bring you all of those voices in the community, they're the ones that were effected here and they feel targeted, actually, and they want to respond.
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megan's smile is getting a lot because she uses act® mouthwash. act® strengthens enamel, protects teeth from harmful acids, and helps prevent cavities. go beyond brushing with act®. covering breaking news for you, one person out of london one person has died after van pit pedestrians here in north london. at least other people have been traken taken to london hospital. prime minister says police are treating the incident as po tej terrorist attack. chairing the most -- incident
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projecting the terrorist attack. witnesses on the scene show the man being deplaned. they have not yet released the image, investigating the incident, we're expecting an uptick from them. police say they're not seeking other suspects but the investigation continues. here, the question really is, is this terrorism or is it not? it's not a simple straightforward question for the community. they feel that's not being called right now as would have done under normal circumstances. so very sensitive situation here, one little anger are popping up as well. i have to say. he said he's trying to keep things calm. l'oreal's new age perfect rosy tone moisturizer. increases cell renewal. boosts skin's rosy tone - instantly. new age perfect rosy tone from l'oreal paris. and we're still worth it.
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