tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN June 20, 2017 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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this is cnn breaking news. >> hello everyone welcome to our viewers in the states around around the world. >> in los angeles it's just gone 10:00 thanks for being us. the most expensive race in house ri republican p u.s. history is done karen handel is the winner. >> the race was close in a district that has voted republican since the 1970s. >> joining us now our senior reporter for media and politics, and democratic strategist and commentator and radio host. >> and from atlanta cnn politic
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reporter, we'll start with you, the republicans were supposed to win this special election but is a stinging loss for the democrats that got pretty close that's right in a race both $50 dollars. she beat jon ossoff the democrat by it's an important win to republicans. five months into trump's presidency this was seen a a real test, particularly whether
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republican voters would stick with him after trials and tribulation tribulations, not just in georgia but on capital ol hill that maybe they could survive if they stick with trump here's what handel said tonight. >> we need to lift up this nation so we can find a more civil way to deal with our disagreements. >> [ cheers and applause ] because in these united states of america no one, no one should ever feel their life threatened over their political beliefs.
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>> democrats focused on jon ossoff as someone independent but because he didn't succeed democrats are now facing questions what kind of candidate it will take, republicans are blaming jon ossoff for not taking more aggressive tone against donald trump. >> the more than 12,000 of you who as darkness has crept across this planet have provided a beacon of hope for people here in georgiaing. [ cheers and applause ] across the country and for people around the world.
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>> they are 0 and 4 in heavy republican districts the question is when will they win. >> all right thank you very much. to our panel now. earlier sean spicer was down playing the significance of this congressional election. here he is. >> if you look historically, special elections generally don't foretell the outcome of races multiple years down the road. this is a district the president won by one point, obviously going to be competitive. >> then the results came in and donald trump put this out. those who want to make he american great again are 5-0. all the fake news all the money spent equals 0.
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zmchg trk squh sh is this somewhere aux shlg rue 13w49sd ekw47b9sds rz ottawaa 0sds when 4r7b8gz 50isds tsds z rowe rea w4ds. . . . critical right, this was about sending a message to donald trump. both candidates stopped talking about him. it became less about party and about a weak candidate in a heavily republican district.
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>> what did you think of handel distanci distanci distancing cyst off from trump. >> in those georgia elections you had an incumbent running against a accountacandidate tha have tens of millions of dla dollars to spend. sometimes you have strange results. when abercombie you had a republican pick up that special seat in that election. it is important with all the chaos in the political are world they had the ability to really buckle down and get this thing done and win a race that had the democrat on top seven months ago. >> at the end of the day there's wins and losses and republicans
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keep winning and democrats need to get serious about that. >> there's all this soul-searching in the democratic party. within moments of jon ossoff losing this election, part of a statement came out -- plan so this is where the democrats are heading to decide if they move towards the bernie sanders or nancy poside.
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>> in 2020 will be do you believe the road back against donald trump is primarily a candidate who appeals through economic pop uism to regain voter that's stampeded away 24 large numbers or do you feel the road back is up scale, less populous, ale yanted from trump on cultural grounds and might alieniate them by running too populous candidate i think that's the next debate. but where do you find the seats you need to get back to house majority in 2018 i think this will prompt real debate about that because this showed yes donald trump is weak among white color voters but the suburbs are different. hillary clinton ran poorly among white color voters in georgia
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than in virginia or pennsylvania or new york or colorado saw the same thing in 2014, the idea with any place with a lot of well-ed indicated voters and lexus dealership is open for trump era needs to bring thought. >> if you could get the numbers on the screen. karen handel now with the lead narrow tiny bit 51.9%. jon ossoff 48.1%. a win by 10,000 votes. ron, your take. >> well this is why special elections are maddening and historically not proven to be great predictors. you could look and say donald trump plucked four republican districts forced democrats to run in all of them. the republican margin has been
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vastly lower than the election. karen handel wins it by 3.5%. and south carolina won by over 20 points ant republican won tonight by three and we saw the margins narrow significantly in the other special elections as well particularly in kansas. if democrats can do that everywhere they can 234rflip th house in 2018. but names like in spishl election did not turn out to be a harbinger when republicans had their big sweep that fall. >> it's a strong possibility now, in fact on average off election years the party out of power in the white house picks
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up 30 seats and 4 in the senate. i thit the senate is an impossibility for the democrats but the he house in grasp. my guess is if the democrats take it they will immediately start impeachment against the president. >> this tweet just came out jon ossoff's victory party, apparently has a cash bar, the guy raised record amount of money $27 million is charging people $9 for a glass of wine. so john maybe some of that money would have been better spent on buying everyone a round of drinks if. >> if you're the donor of the campaign you are looking at that with a very achery high i don't know think the democrats can take back the house as long as nancy pelosi is the face of
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their party and russia is their issue. nancy is malthiaon. >> i will say despite the fact the democrats need wins on the board the margins are serious, the fact this race was so close, since the 70s the margins have been 12 to 36, if i'm the republicans i'm worried about 2018. if i'm democrats i'm also worried about 2018 because i know this is not a gimme. >>s regarding this election what went wrong for jon ossoff. >> two things he's the wrong candidate but let's not forget it's easy when you are donors to think the country thinks like you do. >> with that we're going to take a break and have more on the
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most expensive u.s. congressional race in u.s. history and what it now means to the white house. ot just a car, it's your daily retreat. the es and es hybrid. lease the 2017 es 350 for $329 a month for 36 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. if you have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's, and your symptoms have left you with the same view, it may be time for a different perspective. if other treatments haven't worked well enough, ask your doctor about entyvio, the only biologic developed and approved just for uc and crohn's. entyvio works by focusing right in the gi-tract to help control damaging inflammation and is clinically proven to begin helping many patients achieve both symptom relief as well as remission. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. while not reported with entyvio, pml, a rare, serious brain infection caused by a virus may be possible.
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predecessor's wouhave enjoyed. >> many voters angry about president trump's election. >> a special thanks to the president of the united states of america. [ cheers and applause ] [ trump, trump, trump ]. >> but let's not forget our equally great vice president, mike pence. >> all right we are back now with our panel, our senior reporter for media and politics, and political writer for the los angeles times. >> and senior political analyst and ron brownstien.
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when we look to 2010 the way the party took over it doesn't seem to have happened for democrats. big difference in 2010 the republicans were fired up and the democrats we are depressed. if you look at this election seems both sides are fired up and enthusiastic. >> good point. so far president trump has picked republicans from his cabinet from four very reliablely publicly places georgia, kansas, montana, so forth. so every place is going to have to be fought out in 2018 including places he was less popular than in this district. there was polling that had him at 50% approval. it's very, very different than his national numbers, places like philadelphia, denver,
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northern virginia, will be critical factors in 2018 so there's a big difference but there's no doubt that what we saw here is a very energized republican base of and success by republicans and turning this referendum on the president to back into this tribal question, which side do you want in control of congress even if you don't like donald trump a lot. do you want nancy pelosi to be the speaker that was a good argument in georgiaing. >> and resonated with the voters. this was most expensive house race in u.s. history. $50 billion spent on ads. i guess even with democrats spending so much money doesn't matter if you don't know have a good message. >> no you have to have a good message and a good kaencandidat. the issue is
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there was so much antipathy against donald trump that it was a shoe in to win in red districts now democrats after all the special elections they have lost are going to have to start think morgue seing more s and strategically. are donors going to be eager to put up money in races they can actually win, after suffering so many loss. think of the money out of california, new york and massachusetts, big democrats donor bases, they've seen loss after loss what happens when a kaepd who could win candidate who could win comes looking for money they will say i don't know know.
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>> we have a example of a tweet -- from donald trump -- >> so david, you know clearly we're saying this is a win for donald trump. there's also a win for mitch mcconnell certainly as he tries to get health care through as well. circuit breaker right. >> if the republicans would have lost you would have had serious questions about the legislation slative a gebda of republicans agenda of republicans going forward. and the jon ossoff defeat is big setback for nancy pelosi. karen handel tied jon ossoff to her in every turn and she continues to be toxic all these years later. that's a lesson i think will be taken forward going to 2018.
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>> speaking of health care this is something senate lawmakers are trying to work on by the end of the month and democrats have been criticizing those closed-door deliberations. speak of hypocrisy mike pence tweeted in 2010 it is simply wrong for legislation that will affect 100% of people to be negotiated behind closeed doors it's yet now that's what you have on the republican side. >> for republicans years and years talk with repeal and replacing obamacare and now have a chance to do it but doesn't seem they have a plan to make their conservative and moderate members happy so you have factions in the republican party. we saw this with the house bill that didn't look like it would pass the senate and you have conservative people that believe it is not in the government's purview and more moderate
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members saying it will affect constituents so it is something that's been troubling. >> if jon ossoff had won the special election would that mean the health bill was dead, going nowhere? >> no i don't think it means it's dead. i think it means there would have been issues with it, real questions in congress about how popular those things would be in their districts, and lawmakers retiring and what that would mean for possible votes. it would throw a wrench in current victory. >> a lot of soul-searching happening right now. what should the steps be going forward for the democratic party. >> well to john who was here in the last segment's point i think democrats need to think seriously about who their
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leadership is, what their brand is to americans, because voters in the swing and certainly republican districts are not necessarily voting against donald trump they're voting based on how they interpret the democrats platform and message versus the republican platform and message. both of those parties are vying separate from donald trump. donald trump isn't really republican. question is who are we. who do we stand for. who are the democratic ambassadors and in the house race who's are the democratic candidates. you look at montana and georgia and other elections there's an idea donald trump can win because he's more popular. you need candidates can bring in the bernie sanders and hillary clinton more 340d rat parties.
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moderate parties. >> democrats saw hundreds of marches angry people at town halls. people protesting. so they're seeing all this energy on the streets and they were thinking they could make it all about donald trump and this election as hillary clinton learned in the presidential election this election is proof in a number of districts especially the purple district you can't make it all about donald trump you have to mark it about the right kaepd thcandida that fitds the district. that fits the district >> what has to happen with nancy pelosi. >> it's a great question there's a lot of loyalty she's a great fund raraiser and effective sper but republican shifted this to
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primarily which party do you want in control in the house with her as the symbol and it activated the under lying loyalties in the district. it would kbe dubious if it happened before 2018. >> all right we have to take a quick break. more discussion ahead. the pressure is on the u.s. to take action against north korea after the death of an american student who returned home in a coma and ended up dieing. possible options, coming up. whoooo.
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thanks for staying with us everybody you're watching cnn news room live from los angeles it's gone 10:33. >> thanks so much for staying with us. >> back to our breaking news from state of georgia, karen handel has won sixth district in a special election. jon ossoff tried to bring democrats first election win since donald trump took over the
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white house. >> national millions of outside money was pumped into this most expensive house race ever. dental of an . 22-year-old otto warmbier died on monday after less than a week after he returned home from north korea in a coma. >> president trump expressing his personal anger over the death of american college student otto warmbier. >> it's a total disgrace what happened to otto. that should never, ever be allowed to happen >> the pressure is now ramping up on the donald trump to retaliate against north korea for warmbier's death. >> was this a red line incident with north korea. >> any time there's a death involving north korean actions it does cross a red line.
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>> military strike against kim jong-un ea jong-un's regime is not an option he could attack the 28,000 american troops in sourj south korea south korea. >> experts say hacking the regime's internal calls and e-mails and putting them out in public is a possible retal iation move. the exports could be expanded but what could hurt north korea more is that the u.s. apply secondary sanctions against chief ally china. >> it's well known there's extensive set of chinesentitit
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is that help north korea evade arm sanctions from united nations. can greatly stand the number we go of donald trump tweeting -- the administration is looking at a possible bap be on possible ban on tourists traveling to north korea so nobody else meets warmbier's fate and don't want to three americans held by north korea in my more danger but the president has to show he's doing something. >> if he fails to send a clear visible symbol he will seen as
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lacking credibility, as weak around the world. >> experts say one broad stroke move that could hurt kim jong you knun financially is if u.s. pressures else where there's tens of thousands workers around the world bring in hundreds of millions of dollars that most of goes right in the pockets of the regime. cnn, washington. >> joining us now our senior reporter media and politics, and strategi strategist. >> and commentator and senior analyst. ron let's start with you. obviously the white house under a lot of pressure to retaliate to respond to north korea following the death of otto warmbier but the reality is the options are very limited. >> you know you are reminded first year of new presidents
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after presidential change overs about how retractable these problems are. you hear presidents say they will be tougher on north korea effectively lean on undnorth ko and you get in office and find out there's other players in the world and the other side gets a vote. our options are very limited in north korea and it's not clear we have the tools in our tool kit to entirely dissuade them from pursuing their nuclear program. i think president trump has shown that kind of a mixed instinct in office at times bent more towards conventional policy thinking at other times challenges it. my guess is he will find this is a problem without a clear and convincing solution. >> yeah. >> and john this seems to be one
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of those credibility moments that presidents office face much earlier than they ever sort of anticipated. i guess the question is, there's been inconsistency in the past in donald trump and foreign policy which leads to this uncertainty as to where this president will go. >> there's not an inconsistency in donald trump's ability to believe in his ability to pursued and charm others, that's in part what you saw in the tweet where he said china up tried. the united states government will have to lean on china because north korea is primarily china's problem if that regime were to fail you would have millions of people going into china and they would become china's spomt. responsibility. i believe there has to be some kind of response they need to pay for it. >> let me read that tweet again.
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i think a lot of people were confused by it in is what he tweeted -- what's he mean by this tweet. >> by the way, i think you look at a tweet like that we've become so jaded by the way that trump uses twitter here on the domestic front. it's important to remember what it does internationally. it's a question of bucking responsibility. ofs sort of throwing this on the lap of the kwhichinese pred president and suggesting it is not my fault. you can't be a president who suggests america needs to take a leading role in the world and off load its responsibility on
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china. north korea is first and foremost china's problem but it's also america's problem. >> this is a president who not long ago said he would be honored to meet with kim jong-un and now with his tweet reading into maybe it's time for u.s. to take military action against north korea. >> he has military options, kricyber attack options and economic options. i find the tweet to be disenbegdise disengenuous. it sounds like donald trump is saying yes we're going to step in and do something. to defend the president a little i think his eradict foreign policy works well here because we have no idea what he's going to do. it probably means it will discourage a lot of behavior
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from someone equally unpredictable, kim jong-un although in this case, the situation with otto is something both parties, bipartisan issue, there needs to be a response, what will it be. >> the president is putting out this response just days before meeting with officials in washington. you read the tweet and wonder, is he saying the u.s. is going at it alone. gosh at least china tried doesn't it weaken trump's hand when it comes to talking with the chinese and trying to take a hard line. >> i've been struck how often new presidents come in and say they are going to bend china to our will by being tougher more resolute, smarter, bill clinton did it, george w. bush did it, it's common then you find there's so many irons in the fire at once it's impossible to let any one issue dominate the
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relationship with the exclusion of all others. china saying we haven't got the results we want out of north korea obviously with this horrible incident but you don't blame you it's not your fault. it points to him wanting a relationship with china and whatever happens next from north korea may be more unilateral from the u.s. >> i was debating correspondent through the bush and obama years and both those administration have the same policy, north korea is china's problem and pressure china to do something and it never worked. thank you both. thank you all of you for being with us. we'll take a short break and come back and soldiers in brussels shot dead a man, what witnesses heard the man yelling before he set off his explosive many.
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georgia's sixth go congressional district, karen handel winning over jon ossoff. the race captured national attention and generated historic $50 million in campaign spending. ads for jon ossoff a big spending liberal seem to hurt. soldiers shot and kill a man that tried to bomb the century ral station. no one was injured after the man set off one small explosion in an under ground area of the station. >> as you can see here outside the train station there is a very heavy police presence of they have cordoned off the area not allowing traffic to go anywhere near the train station. we saw two bomb disposal units
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also enter the area. understand authorities are working to try to make sure there are no other explosives inside the station itself. in terms of how this attack unfolded the federal prosecutor gave a press conference earlier this evening describing what happened. >> there's been a small, an explosion in central station here in brussels. the suspect has been neutralized by the military that were present at the scene immediately after the explosion. >> footage shot by eyewitnesses from inside the station shows smoke filling the station. one eyewitness saying he heard the suspect should allah akbar before being shot. now in terms of the overall security situation here in belgium, authorities are keeping the threat level at 3, which
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means ab a at thn attack is pos likely. we also understand the prime minister will have a national security meeting in the morning. cnn brussels. >> warning the next story contained graphic and disturbing video.>> have just been release. last week a minnesota jury found the officer not guilty of castile's death last year. until now only those involved directly in the case have seen the video. >> so you don't have one -- only have one active break light which is your passenger and the thinker one up here in front and this one back here. do you have license and
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insurance? >> sir, i have to tell you i do have a firearm on me. >> okay don't reach for it though. don't pull it out. don't pull it out. >> oh you just filled my boyfriend. officer he wouldn't reaching. >> don't pull it out. don't pull it out. >> oh my goodness. >> [ bleep ]. >> during his testimony, the officer says he fired in self-defense because he thought castile was reaching for a gun. the police department now says it's best if yanez leaves the force and he will not be returning to active duty. a short break, when we come back breaking news, we'll check in with all the numbers onaka rent handel and her big win in georgia's special election.
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from over 200 booking sites... save you up to 30%... ...on the hotel you want. trust this bird's words. tripadvisor. the latest reviews. the lowest prices. welcome back everybody. 10:55 here in los angeles. breaking news, u.s. attorney donald trump is claiming a victory in georgia's special congressional election. democratic handel will take over the seat vacated by the health secretary, tom price. >> let's check out the numbers with 99% of the vote and handel
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has 51.9%. ossoff with 48.1%. >> this just in now to cnn, the york times is reporting that travis, the man who founded uber has stepped down at ceo, apparently after a shareholder revolt. >> over seeing a disaster rous of affairs and those inclut sexual accusations within the company and violent video of the founder beraiding one of his own drivers. >> ewe been watching cnn news live. >> we'll be back with more news right after this. let's see, there are the wildcats 'til we die weekenders. the watch me let if fly. this i gotta try weekenders. then we've got the bendy... ... spendy weekenders. the tranquility awaits.
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