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tv   New Day  CNN  June 22, 2017 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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numbers? >> they're happy what they're seeing so far. >> thank you, gentlemen, very much. following a lot of news this morning. including a preview of the senate health care bill. so let's get right to it. >> obamacare is a disaster. it's over. >> if you have a good bill, you don't need to keep it secret. >> a workingraph ining graph re >> health care is personal. it's not political. >> the russian government orchestrated cyber attacks for the purpose of influencing our election. >> it's not clear that president trump takes this seriously as the assault on america that it is. >> they have phony witchhunts going against me, and you know what? all we do is win, win, win. >> announcer: this is "new day" with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota. good morning, everybody. welcome to your "new day." thursday, june 22nd, 8:00 in the
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east. hours i way from the big reveal. snoot republicans finally unveiling their health care bill after weeks of secrecy. we'll explore that. >> and president trump back in his element, at a campaign rally in iowa celebrating congressional victories and his time as president, and, of course, slamming all of those who oppose him. a stunning comment about his wealthy cabinet and advisers is certainly raising eyebrows. let's begin our coverage with cnn's suzanne malveaux live on capitol hill. suzanne. >> reporter: good morning, chris. of course, the senate health care legislation shrouded in secrecy frustrating a lot of republicans even the key ones necessary for this to pass. all of that's going to change in about 90 minutes or so. they'll get the full briefing of this bill, and then at 11:00, it will be made public. posted publicly and cnn has an advanced look at this, of course, it's subject to change.
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>> i hope we're going to surprise you with a really good plan. >> reporter: senate leadership hoping to appeal to moderate and conservative rbs with a bill expected to phase out medicaid expansion starting in 2021. a year later than the house bill. and be defund planned parenthood for one year which could be a deal breaker for two key republican senators. republicans can only afford to lose two votes since no democrat is expected to support the bill. >> they made it clear they're not interested in helping. >> in is bill is mean. very meen. >> reporter: the bill is not expected to include the controversial house proposal, that would allow states to decide on protections for people with pre-existing conditions. but the senate may allow for a new set of waivers that could eliminate essential health benefits. there are still details we don't know about the bill. that could decide its fate. including -- when obamacare taxes will be
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repealed? how much money allocated for high-risk pools? and how the senate will deal with tax credits. already republicans are expressing frustrations. >> i can't imagine i would have the information to evaluate in a yes vote in just a week. >> are you satisfied with the process right now? >> no. of course not. >> reporter: whatever the final draft, senate aides tell cnn republican leaders want president trump to stay far away from the negotiations. describing an earlier meeting as "kind of a disaster." the president has not yet endorsed the senate bill, but sounded hopeful at last night's rally in iowa. >> you know, i've been talking about plan with heart. i said, add some money to it. a plan with heart. but obamacare is dead. >> reporter: the congressional budget office score is expected as early as tomorrow followed by a senate debate next week and
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majority leader mitch mcconnell wanted to bring this by the july 4th recess, little time for lawmakers or the public to read or amend this legislation. >> appreciate it. and president trump taking a victory lap you saw. first campaign rally in moss, actually. touting back-to-back congressional wins, slamming opponents, democrat, the media. cnn joe johns live at the white house with more. the crowd was eating it up, joe. >> reporter: for sure, chris. a few weeks since he did one of these rallies. almost eight months since the election that brought him here to the white house and republicans in general had a lot to celebrate after the special election wins this week. the president back in campaign mode leaving the worries of washington behind him. at least for a night. >> all we do is win, win, win. we won last night. >> reporter: an energized president trump returning to the environment he loves the most. a campaign rally. >> it's always terrific to be
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able to leave that washington swamp. >> reporter: going after his favorite targets. the media and democrats. >> and they've been unbelievably nasty. really nasty. i'm making it hard to get their support, but who cares. >> reporter: touting his border wall. >> thinking about building the wall as a solar wall. this way mexico will have to pay much less money, and that's good. right? >> reporter: president trump rallying his loyal supporters with this immigration proposal. >> those seeking admission into our country should not use welfare for a period of at least five years. >> reporter: a rule that is already the law of the land. and reiterating this rather vague concern about china's influence on north korea. >> i do like president chi. i wish we would have more help with respect to north korea from
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china. doesn't seem to be working out. >> reporter: and touting wealthy cabinet picks before making this eyebrow raising statement. >> they love all people, rich or poor, but in those particular positions, i just don't want a poor person. does that make sense? >> reporter: and only briefly mentioning the russia investigations hanging over his administration. >> they have phony witchhunts going against me. >> reporter: but mr. trump is silent about russia's interference in the 2016 election, an issue the white house continues to dodge when pressed for the president's position. >> i have not sat down and talked to him about that specific thing. >> reporter: a former homeland security secretary of state testifies today evidence of russian med-the-ing is undeniable. >> in 2016 the russian government at the direction of vladimir putin himself orchestrated cyber attacks on our nation for the purpose of influi influencing our election. that is a fact, plain and
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simple. >> reporter: one of the president's lawyers suggested this might be the week the president would reveal whether there are recordings of his conversation with the now fired fbi director james comey. no word on that at least so far, and i guess we have been told by the president that journalists will be disappointed to the answer to that question. >> thank you, joe. a lot to discuss. bring in our panel. >> any answer would be good. >> you'll be disappointed. no doubt. ling in our political panel. our cnn analysts and national reporter for cnn politics. great to have you all here. and reporting what will surprise everyone today? that's in the bill or not in the bill? >> yeah, well, we knew this was grog to going to be a tough needle for senate republicans to thread. just like in the highways, there are conservatives add moderates in the conservative republican congress who want different things. medicaid is a great example seeing how they try to give something to conservatives and moderates as well. we know that medicaid expansion will be phased out more slowly
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than in the house version, but the cuts to the medicaid program are actually deeper. the federal subsidies tied to income, not age. as was proposed in the house bill, but the eligibility threshold will be lower. another example of giving something to moderates but giving something else to conservatives as well. planned parenthood defunded for one year. this, of course, is a very big issue for someone like a senate collins or murkowski. >> possibly a deal breaker? >> the big question. is it going to be a big enough issue for some senators to say i cannot vote for this bill. as the details come out i think that is going into to be the way to think about these issues. there going to be one issue that actually hangs up enough senators they say, no, i can't get behind this bill? or do they basically accept the fact that they're going to be a lot of things we don't like but at least we got some things out of this plan. >> catch 22. john, it's if you feel that this bill is on some level going to be so hurtful to your
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constituents it will effect your political future, that score off and reckoning certainly less money and less money means less ability for a lot of people to get care, then you'll maybe be forced to vote against it. then, you would be held out as a republican who did not do the one thing that rb that republic planned to do for seven and eight years? how do you deal with that? >> whether it does right by your constituents and conscience. party plemp pledges are one thi a higher standard when it comes to bills that affect peoples lives. look, mitch mcconnell has a tough line to walk. as m.j. described, 50 votes. remember, "the best of quest" pass -- the obamacare passed pi wit0 in the senate. it's a problem of their own
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making. they haven't tried 0 build a coalition. do the minimal option. >> and alex, is it possible just by presenting it, just from having rolled up their sleeves secretly going into negotiate it and brepresenting it they've fulfilled their promise to come up with something that actually doesn't have to pass? or would it be political suicide for them if they didn't vote on it and it didn't pass? >> an open question whether the republican base will punish lawmakers if they don't literally repeal obamacare or whether a sense, look, gave it a shot but the washington swamp is a rough one. to john's point, they're caught between, yes, the harm to constituents and pledge to repeal obamacare and caught between the conflicting promises they've made about repealing obamacare. they didn't just say we'll get rid of this law. they said we'll get rit of the law and replace it with
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something that lowers cost gives more coverage and improves the quality of coverage. right? that's the standard they'll be judged by politically. not just, did you get rid of the old system? that's the mistake democrats made in 2009, 2010. thinking getting rid of the old health care system everybody dislikes would be enough to get you rewarded. >> and have a battle of the perception versus the reality, and we saw that on display at the president's rally last night. he had the crowd working last night and we want to play you one part of it, because it deserves your consideration. >> somebody said, why did you appoint a rich person to be in charge of the economy? i said -- no. it's true. and wilbur is a very rich person in charge of kmergs. i love all people. rich or poor, but in those particular positions i just don't want a poor person. >> what do you make of that? in certain positions in the government he doesn't want a
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poor person? a rich person is better for the job? >> he specifically said in positions in the cabinet dealing with the economy. so let's go back to the founding just for fun. what donald trump just said is that alexander hamilton would have made a lousy treasury secretary. the man who devised our financial system because he was poor, an immigrant, but smart. 50 i still want you to -- >> i know almost the entire score, it's that it bothers me. i've never heard a leader say this. there's nothing wrong with being wealthy. it's an american ideal, aspirational, can change your life and many do it to great benefit to others. but the idea, m.j., never heard a leader say, you know, when you come right down to it, and in certain things, i'll qualify it, that the rich are just better than the poor at it? and they applaud. i've never heard that before. >> you know, this is just another example of seeing the president have a very different
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standard for what make as good politician or someone, you know, who is qualified to be in public office. we know that having money doesn't translate to being good about or understanding the economy. we know that being good at business deals, for example, doesn't mean that you are able to go out there and make good political deals. but this has been his sort of ammunition all along throughout the campaign. this is the way in which he sold himself. so i don't know how surprising it is that he is saying this about the very own people he has choice ton put in this cabinet. >> i agree. also, we married from the peohe who voted for him. he's a billionaire, he must know something. he's successful. he'll share a that with us. the secret mojo with us. it is aspirational and why wouldn't they like that? >> funny thing, as much as he's presented himself as someone hoop would challenge, take on washington, a lot of what he does is saying stuff that other politicians think and don't say. right? and you know when was the last time we had a treasury
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secretary, commerce secretary, forget about poor or middle class, merely affluent rather than just really rich? >> whether or not they say it, this is standard politicians, that presidents use for these cabinet offices all it's time rnlt. >> and just don't say it? >> right. >> interesting. >> and i don't know we have a lot of people who believe the poor aren't at competent at the rich when it comes -- >> he's saying it differently. they still install them in positions of power but don't mention they think they're better than the -- >> right. and trump seems refreshingly honest because he says these things other folks won't say, despite his difficulty with honesty and issues of fundamental substance. the fact the awed yarudience apg when he says you have no chance serving in my cabinet is stunning. up next, the nation's intel chiefs. the president had conversations with each ar the russia probe and what he would like to see.
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dana bash has an exclusive take on what they were ask, why, and what it meant to them, next. you do all this research on a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. your insurance company raises your rates. maybe you should've done more research on them. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't
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or abnormal bleeding. if you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily... and it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots. plus had less major bleeding. both made eliquis right for me. ask your doctor if switching to eliquis is right for you. in about about an hour, senate republicans reveal their health care bill. bring in the new chairman of the house oversight committee to talk about that and so much more. good morning, congressman. >> good morning. how are you? >> doing well. are you comfortable with how this whole senate side thing has gone down where it was behind closed doors and lots of
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democratic senators saying they don't know what's in the bill? >> i don't know enough about the senate process to tell you whether i'm comfortable with it or not. >> you've not heard on capitol hill that they were doing it behind closed doors secretly? >> no. i've read it. and i don't doubt it. i try really hard not to give the senate advice. they're good to not give the house advice. we've got our own issues and problems on the house side. so my energy should be spent sorting out our problems and not given advice to the senate on theirs. >> fair enough. are you comfortable if they overhaul the house health care bill? or do you think there was room for improvement with that one? >> i do think there was room for improvement, and i think health care is -- you know, it's interesting, alisyn. in the declaration of independence it says the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happineshappiness. access to health care is fundamental to all these of those, impacts every single one of us and i am open to anyone's ideas that makes it better and i
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wish we were in a less political environment where we could take on major challenges like health care and like entitlements. that's not the environment you and i find ourselves in right now, but every one of us needs access to health care and health insurance. if someone has a good idea, i'm all ears. >> see what they announce this afternoon. okay. let's talk about something you are intimately connected with. that, of course, house oversight as well as intel, and the ongoing russia investigations. as you know, congressman elijah cummings, top dem, sent a letter to reince priebus writing credible allegations employees may be unfit to continued access to classified information and, therefore, security clearances are supposed to be suspended. he's talking about the president's top adviser and son-in-law jared kushner. do you think jared kushner's security clearance should be
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suspended? >> alisyn, i am interested in working with anyone who wants to safeguard classified information. the past five months have been really, really difficult for those of us who want to safegashed classified information. it's flashed on almost every website and almost every major newspaper. so i welcome anyone's help who wants to safeguard classified information and in a more robust process for the granting of security clearances. when i read mr. cummings letter, it should have been directed to robert mueller and it wasn't directed to me. those are allegations of crime. if you completed a security application and you omitted material information or misrepresented material information, that's a crime. and i promise bob mueller tuesday night i was not going to do anything wittingly or unwittingly that interfered with his probe. that used to be what i do for a living. i'm very sense stiv itive to st out of his lane.
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in elijah makes accusations nats up to him but i'll let bob mueller figure it out from what you've heard, do you think it rises to level of a crime? >> my mind is not wired that way. i can't take 20% of the information and draw a conclusion. we're meeting with dan coats this morning. i'll add to my body of information, my body of evidence this morning. it's when you interview the last witness that you can draw a conclusion. you can't do it after you interview the first one. let's hear it all, but keep in mind, congress doesn't grant security clearances. that's an executive branch function. you did not hear me call for secretary clinton's security clearance to be suspended or cheryl mills or huma abedin. we have enough issues. we don't need to do the other two branches' jobs. >> when you interviewed dan coats what if he shares with you what he apparently shared with other investigators as has
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admiral rogers, again, the president suggested to them that they publicly state that they had seen no collusion between russia and team trump? do you think that that is appropriate for a president to suggest to those intel heads? >> i don't know all the facts, alisyn. one thing i'm going to ask mr. coats is, not only what was said, but what did he hear? how did he take it? what was the tone, the context? we have special counsel that is looking at all matters criminal and quasi-criminal. house intel has a role to play and this is within our jurs atlanticdicti ca jurisdiction. lots of witnesses yet to talk to and i wouldn't do it for you and not going to do it for president trump. i'm not going to draw conclusions until the end of the investigation. it's not fair to the process. >> i understand. only because we have this exclusive reporting today on cnn
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do i want to press you on it, because generally speaking, if the executive were trying to give suggestions to people involved in an investigation that you, that your committee, on oversight or intel were involved in, would you find that to be appropriate? >> well, you made two assumptions. number one, the reporting is accurate. two, that was suggested. and i guess what i'm saying is, i think in serious investigations, look, dana does great work, but her job is different from an investigator's job. her job is to report. our job, figure out what really happened, the context in which it happened. at the end of an investigation if someone has done nothing wrong it's not inappropriate to ask the district attorney or someone else to say, since you had me under the cloud, do you pli mind telling people i'm not under a cloud anymore. probably not good to do on the
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front end of an investigation. nobody would be able to answer that question fully. i need all context. need to hear from everyone who was a part of that conversation to see if their testimonies match up, corroboration, contradiction. that's the way you do serious investigations and i know we're not uses to it in congress, but we do political investigations, but this is really serious and there's a reason i think viewers will wind up trusting bob mueller more than they do congress and that's because the executive branch runs serious investigations and try to do it in five-minute irncrements with anonymous sources. >> thank you so much for being here. >> yes, ma'am. thank you. cnn exclusive what two top officials said about interactions with president trump on this investigation. cnn chief political correspondent dana bash live in washington with details. what do we know? >> reporter: chris what we gathered from our sources is really the first glimpse of what
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the two top intelligence chiefs said behind closed doors to special prosecutor rob mueller's team and members of the senate intelligence committee in separate meeting last week. multiple sources tell me and perez and rajued director of intelligence dan coats and admiral mike rotgers said president trump suggested publicly, no collusion between his campaign and the russians. in these closed doors meetings with special prosecutors, at least their team and the senate intelligence committee, both intelligence chiefs described these interactions with the president about the russian investigation as odd, and uncomfortable, but they also said that they don't believe the president gave them orders to intervene in the investigation. you may remember that in their public testimony earlier this month both coats and rogers said they felt they had not been pressure ared by the president, but it got contentious in the
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hearing, they wouldn't offer specifics about interactions with the president until they could do it in a classified setting. that's what we're reporting about now this morning. we should also say the fact the president had conversations about the russia probe with these intelligence chiefs was initially reported by "the washington post" last month. now, one of the plaumultiple sos we talked to told us rogers and coats reported to members of the intelligence committee that trump wanted them to say publicly what then fbi director james comb hi told the president privately, that he was not under investigation for collusion, but neither thought the president was asking them to do something they didn't want to do, and they also didn't act on the president's suggestion. ultimately, chris it is going to be up to robert mueller and his team to decide whether these revelations are relevant to their investigation. we should also say that cnn reached out to the white house, to the dni, nsa and mueller's
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office for the story and, alisyn, all declined to comment. >> you justified heart the chairman, trey douty, complicated your reporting but reserved judgment to the very end. >> understandable. >> thank you for that reporting. up next, democrat election losses are piling up. now some are calling for a change in party leadership. we'll speak to one who says it is time for nancy pelosi to go.
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democrats are in a bit of a jam. they lost a ton of seats at the state level that led to redistricting decisions that worked against them on the congressional level and then lost the presidential election to a known underdog and now they've lost four straight contests where they were trying and really trying in georgia with more money than ever been put into an open sooet congressional seat to turn districts and failed. so what does this mean for message? what does this mean for the ray forward? joining us now, one of the democrats who thinks it's time for change.
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congresswoman kathleen rice of new york good to have you on the show. >> thank you for having me. >> time to speak truth to pow pe er? time to say nancy pelosi i love you, but you are not right for the times. we need new blood. are you willing to say that? >> yes, and have been very vocally about this as far back as november after we did not pick up the seats we should have picked um. this is not an easy conversation, chris. i would rather sit here talking about how we are in the major y majority, going to protect health care for every american and we're not pts reason why is we don't have a seat at the table. we need a winning strategy and i think the first step to getting to a winning strategy is a change in leadership. >> who do you think it should be? >> it's not up to me to decide. we have a very robust caucus. what i am trying to do is to move us in a direction where we have the conversation that is so necessary now. you know, chris, if you were talking about a company posting
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losing numbers, talking about any sports team that was losing time and time again, you -- changes would be made. right? the ceo out. the coach out. and there would be a new strategy put in place. we need a vision. right? where do we want to go as a party? and we need a merge. how are we going to get there? i just don't think that the leadership we have right now can take us where this party needs to go. >> whom do you see as your leaders? who are the big names in the party that you look to as, they represent who we are at our best? >> well, see, that's one of the problems, chris. you know, we ask ourselves a lot, who is the leader of the democratic party right now? and no one really comes up with an answer. right? talk about chuck schumer, bernie sanders, elizabeth warren. >> bernie sanders? do you consider him a democrat? >> chuck schumer does. he's in the leadership of the senate. i don't think he is but he's in that hierarchy. that's the problem. we don't have that one voice
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that defines us as a party. >> who do you look to, congresswoman? if you put a name in there? >> i look to a lot of my colleagues now. we have a lot of talent in the democratic party. the problem, chris, we don't have infrastructure in our caucus allowing more voices to be heard, and that's the problem. we have to look at this very soberly and seriously now, because we are coming off just loss after loss after loss. and i don't want to sit in a room and hear the conversation that, guess what? we're not losing as badly as we did a year ago. isn't that great? no. >> close is only good in horseshoes. i've been hearing that from a lot of you. >> exactly. >> you have decisions to make. first, i'm not necessarily in this order, but hillary clinton. should she continue to be put out there as the face of your party and as some potential leader in the future? >> i think she's made is very clear that she does not plan on running again.
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and that's probably a good thing. we need to move forward. we have a lot of great people in the democratic party that can kind of take that mantle from people like secretary clinton and others. >> and's the next big consideration is, all right. if you move clinton off to the side and that's going to have to involve telling her not to be your main opponent to the president, because then she will remain your putative head, the main person opposing the president from your side. a notion even though there are more democrats in country than republicans, you have not motivated that base, because they don't know who you guys are anymore and you became more the party of p.c. than the party of the middle class and the working family? >> that is true. and right now what we have to do as a party is figure out what direction we want to go in. there's no question that democrats still represent the middle class. helping people, create a safety
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net. give people opportunities. you know, protect people's health care. a woman's right to choose. make sure every person gets a quality education and there are jobs out there and people are trained for the jobs of the future, but that message -- >> what happened? i mean, when i met you, you were in nassau, a hard-charging prosecutor out there. dealing with a raging drug problem that continues, and people were saying to you, man, we need more. we need more money. we need more changes, and you wound up getting into politics in large part because, i can't fix it from here. i can prosecute drug addicts all day long. occasionally get a dealer. not getting it done. that doesn't seem to be the motivation for a lot of people in the party anymore. >> no, look, i can only speak to my own motivation. ton honest, stinks being in the minority. we don't eve haven't a seat at the table. i'm having this conversation so we as party can do whatever we need to do to get back at the
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table making decisions in the room. the senate is about to unveil a health care plan we know will force people not to have health insurance, increase premiums for seniors by five fold. >> chris collins says not in new york. you have a one to one payment ratio. you won't suffer. best in the country. >> chris collins is good to making his case. the fact is, if and when this is implemented, we're going to see that it is just going to be devastating. not just to states like new york but to states across the country. to say nothing of the millions of people suffering through one of the worst epidemics we face now as a country. opioid epidemic. they'll be clobbered. no treatment for them. we, as a party, if we want to hedge peop help people we need to get back in the room, come up way strategy that resonates with people across the country and most importantly, a credible messageser giving that message.
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>> you've been outspoken about this. have you heard from nancy pelosi? >> no, i have not. and i understand. look, politics is a rough business, chris. you know that. given your personal history. but you can't -- you have to -- you can't take things personally. okay? and -- by the way, let me say, this is not anything personal between me and nancy pelosi. i have enormous respect for her. she has ban great leeen a great. like every leader, time in memorial, it's time for people to know when to go and sometimes it's hard to get people who are in power, used to that, to say you know what? i need to step back and do what's best for this party. i'm sure that nancy pelosi believes that she is the one that can lead this party. i happen to have a different opinion, and i think it's important for people in my position to not be afraid to speak truth to power. and this is, again, not personal. i want to get back into the majority so we can protect
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working people, we can protect the middle class, and we can have a future for our children. >> congresswoman, thank you for making the case on "new day." appreciate it. >> thank you, chris. >> alisyn. chris, up next, remembering otto warmbier, a report from his hometown, next.
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or snack a day with glucerna made with carbsteady to help minimize blood sugar spikes you can really feel it. glucerna. everyday progress. time for the five things to know for your "new day." senate rbs release a draft of their health care plan today. the first time the american people and even some fellow republicans see details of the bill. and intel chiefs telling special counsel rob mueller's team president trump suggested they publicly refute claims of collusion between his campaign and russia. but sources tell cnn the intel chiefs did not believe mr. trump odor them to intervene in the probe. president trump back in campaign mode at an iowa rally thursday celebrating republican
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victories in two special elections, and slamming democrats and the media. the fbi investigating the arpt stabbing of a police officer in flint, michigan as an act of terrorism. the suspected lone wolf attacker is in custody. the wounded officer is said to be recovering. tropical storm cindy making landfall in louisiana. states of emergency declared in alabama and louisiana. the storm could bring up to a foot of rain in some areas. for more on the five things to know, go to for the latest. meanwhile a funeral service for otto warmbier that begin as a few minutes at his former high school in ohio. warmbier died days after being released from more than a year in captivity in north korea. cnn's miguel marquez is live in wyoming, ohio, for us. tell us what's happening there. >> reporter: yes, just outside of cincinnati it is a day of celebration of otto warmbier's life, says his parents, and
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the -- they've opened this funeral up to the city and people turned out. show you what's going on here. the center where it will be held. the art center, holds about 800 people. they have overflow area in the cafeteria and the gym. 2,500 total and just about to reach capacity. also in attendance, deputy secretary of state john sullivan for the trump administration as well as the deputy of national security adviser dina powell. interesting as well, ambassador joseph yune, the person dispatched to pa yoyongyang bac just over a week ago, in attendance. senator rob portman, represents highway, here obviously, and helped throughout the year and a half mr. warmbier was imprisoned and spoke about what this day means. >> this process has been a window into both evil and -- and love and good. today we're seeing the good.
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everything you'll hear abboou a otto is that he lit up the room, and -- again, that the tragedy here is that that promise in life was cut short. >> reporter: now, a very, very simple service they will have today. his brother will speak. his sister will speak. his friends will speak. it will be officiated by rabbi jake ruben and not expected to take a long time and then he will be laid to rest. >> miguel, we can see how important it is to that community and beyond. thank you very much. well, back to capitol hill. senate republicans are about to take the wraps off their secretive health care plan. what's in it? will it poos? pass? we get the bottom line, next. whoooo.
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senate republicans set to release details of their highly secretive health care plan today and comedian ginny kimmel had his own unique take on it. >> married, deep in a hidden chamber. >> in such darkness, behind such closed doors. >> lies a mysterious plan. >> why are my constituents not allowed to see the details of what's about to happen to their lives? >> that could wreak incalculable destruction. >> i think it's one of the most terrifying thing that's about too happen. >> and only one man knows its mysteries -- ♪
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>> mitch mcconnell and the chamber of secrets. coming to america. >> let's get the bottom line now with cnn chief political correspondent dana bash. that's hay hilarious. >> yes it is. >> yet true. it's very hard to report on something we have such scant details of. but what have you learned about what's going to happen today? >> well, we're going to hopefully get to see the legislative text in a little more than a half hour. look, certainly the process now to repeal obamacare in the senate versus actually putting obamacare in place is different. i cannot tell you how many blisters i got on my feet standing outside closed-door meetings democrats were having about what they were putting together in the final days of
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"the best of questhe bobamacare. the biggest problem you've touched on all morning, alisyn what the impression is of the people who actually have to vote on it. when i say people, i'm just talking about republicans. democrats are not playing ball on this. it is just republicans and even some who were in the room -- for chris references this morning -- in the room where it happened, are not getting the details and won't get the details of this legislative text until 9:30. that is the danger zone. particularly when talking about the conservatives who are probably the most likely to walk and not be part of this. and mitch mcconnell can only afford to lose two votes. got to get 50. only has 52 republicans. >> is it still your understanding from stalking the halls of congress as you do, we've reported there are at least three people on the fence? is that still -- or higher numbers now? >> oh, i'm sure -- there are higher numbers. definitely higher numbers of those on the fence.
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i think it's fair to say most people are on the fence at this point, because they genuinely haven't seen it. but you know, it's that -- that whack a mole situation when it comes to any kind of compromise. again, this is just in the spectrum of republicans on the conservative side, the more that you give medicaid expansion, give in to medicaid expansion and let that go for many more years, the more you are careful about the regulation, the more you lose conservatives. >> right. >> so that is really the issue. that's what they've been trying to get. that -- that finite middle, is there is one, behind closed doors. >> talk about what happened last nice pap congressional women's baseball game. softball. either one. >> uh-huh. >> you were the announcer and there was just this -- honestly a very special night because of the return there of crystal griner. tell us about it. >> it was so -- so cool.
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amazing to watch and be a part of. right. i was an announcer along with andrea mitchell, our colleague from nbc and senate gloit senat globechar. she was there. i got to announce she was there. imagine the emotion of everybody there. both chambers there to see it and pay tribute to this american hero who was just -- you know, trying to protect steve scalise. she was, and is, on his detail, and in that -- job that she was doing, ended up saving so many -- by all accounts, so many lives. there's no question, so many lives, just by doing her job incredibly well and you saw there, taking a bullet herself,
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but she's doing really well and was really excited to be there, and it was just -- just a nice feel-good moment that was so welcome after everything that has been going on. >> seemed like it. in a wheelchair, but seemed like she was in good spirits. >> sure was. >> dana, thank you very much. great to see you. >> thank you. you, too. "cnn newsroom" with john berman picks up after this break. see you tomorrow. customer: thanks for coming, it's right over here. tech: giving you a few more minutes for what matters most. take care. kids singing: safelite® repair, safelite® replace. our 18 year old wase army in an accident.'98. when i call usaa it was that voice asking me,
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6:00 am
. good morning, everyone. i'm john berman. in a few minutes no more secrets between us. at least in matters that deal with 1/6 of the u.s. economy. senate republicans meeting behind closed doors to find out what is in their own health care plan. they finally get to learn what is inside. then we do. first, though, a cnn exclusive. we are learning what the president asked two of the nation's top intelligence officials to say and do which it comes to the russia investigation. did it cross an ethical line? these are questions they would not answer in public hearings, but have now discussed behind closed doors with congressional investigators and the team of special counsel robert mueller. cnn's dana bash has been working sources. director of natural intelligence mike rogers. what do they say? >> reporter: john, we gathered from these sources is the first glimpse of what two top intelligence chiefs


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