tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN June 26, 2017 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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wolf? >> once the pilot says to start to pray, i can only imagine how scared all of those folks must have been. thanks very much for that report. that's it for me. thanks for watching. erin burnett "outfront" starts right now. "outfront" next, the breaking news, the numbers are in tonight. 22 million more americans will be uninsured if the senate health care bill passes. is it about to be the law of the land? and jared kushner with a major hire. hiring one of the united states' leading criminal defense attorneys to his team. plus, trump destroying obama's policies and he's just getting started. let's go "outfront." good evening. i'm erin burnett. "outfront" tonight, 22 million americans, that's how many more americans will be uninsured over the next ten years under trumpcare. it drew swift and much angry reaction on capitol hill. senate democrats, of course, are
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gearing up and right now for a protest on the senate floor that is expected to go late into the tonight this evening. some are pushing for a vote in the next couple of days. some republicans say when it comes to this bill, they are not sure about it. >> it makes me more concerned. i've been uncommitted and remain uncommitted but it certainly makes me more concerned and makes me want to explore this more. >> reporter: the republican senator susan collins and rand paul, they have both said they will vote no to move forward on this bill. so that's two. and then you add it to republican dean heller who says he will vote no before the cbo numbers come out. that gets you three. they could only afford to lose two. as of right now, this will not pass. mitch mcconnell is pushing for a vote on thursday. the white house tonight came out with an aggressive statement trashing the cbo, calling out the budget office and saying they have a history of
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inaccuracies. the president is working the phones and making calls to the senate. is this repeal and replace of obamacare going to go down in flames? phil mattingly is "outfront." this is causing a problem for mitch mcconnell's cause when he wants to get the vote in the next 72 hours. >> reporter: they are not helpful. that's the most simple way you can put it. 20 million fewer insured by 2026. for people like dean heller, the nevada republican senator, susan collins of maine, they made clear before the cbo report came out that they were going to pay close attention to it. there was an assumption, based on the house number, which was 23 million, the restructured tax credit, phasing out from the affordable care act that the number may be better and it was not better. that's important. and the deficit savings over the
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course of ten years. this bill has $321 billion in deficit savings. why does that matter? americans care about that. that gives them $200 billion above where the house came in and that matters because all they have to do is match up with the house deficit reduction to kind of comply with senate rules. that means senate majority leader mitch mcconnell has $200 billion over ten years to work with, to hand out to moderate senators saying that they care about opioid funding or they feel like it phases out too quickly. he has a pot of money to address their major concerns. erin, it's worth pointing out, this isn't just moderates. rand paul is on the open side side of the spectrum. he's not the only one with concerns about whether or not the regulatory cutback goes far enough. so these numbers are important. they are absolutely something that senators are working towards. most importantly, they come out and say they will not vote for a motion to move forward on the
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bill means that the negotiations behind closed doors need to ramp up in speed. there's no margin for error here. they need to see progress and action and need to see actual provisions that they feel like it addresses their concerns or, as you know, this is not cleared towards passage. and those are outstanding and the numbers didn't help that process. >> not at all, with susan collins bringing it to three which would make it a defeat. phil, thank you. sara murray is "outfront." the trump administration slams the report and the cbo itself? >> reporter: that's right. this appears to be the white house defense, to slam the budget office. they put out this statement after the cbo score saying, "the cbo has consistently proven it cannot accurately impact the insurance coverage impact and the history is demonstrated by
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its flawed report and uncovered premiums and deficit arising out of obamacare reminds us that its analysis must not be trusted blindless." there were some differences that were projected but people who have worked in this field say it's impossible to fully predict the effects of legislation perfectly. cbo is the best we've got. and it's worth noting that the only thing the white house is not doing is trying to lobby senators. mike bepence is inviting a handl of senators over tomorrow night, senators lee and cotton and langford and mike lee so far has said he cannot support it. >> thank you very much, sara. let's go to senator ron wyden, a member of budget and intelligence committee. thank you for being with me,
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senator. let's start with a couple of points. first of all, the deficit issue. i know you heard phil mattingly say senator mcconnell has money to play around with here to try to win people over. but the cbo says that the bill will cut the deficit by more than $320 billion. obviously, who knows, that's like throwing something against a wall, whether it's actually true or not. but if it is, is it a good thing? >> of course you can cut the deficit if you cut coverage. if you destroy the safety net that is medicaid, of course you can save money. and i think it's also pretty striking because the republicans are eyeing a multitrillion dollar tax cut bill when health care is wrapped up. look, i can tell you that this legislation is pretty much just the same as the house. you have 22 million uninshired, $770 billion plus in medicaid cuts. hundreds of billions in tax breaks. these folks are so eager to give out tax breaks, they are
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actually making them retroactive. >> on the medicare cuts that you refer to -- >> medicaid. >> medicaid. sorry. the cbo says 22 million will lose insurance because of this legislation. 15 million, which is about 70%, will lose coverage because they choose to no longer being penalized with health insurance so they will opt out. isn't that a very different thing than having it taken it away from you? that's a distortion in that sense, isn't it? >> i don't think so. the congressional budget office is the group that we look to to do nonpartisan work and these are their findings. >> right. but 15 million is because they are choosing to not have coverage. that's all i'm saying. >> what i can tell you is the heart of this strategy is to take away benefits from the
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vulnerable and give it to the fortunate few. they are also touting the idea that down the road coverage is going to get cheaper. as you know, the cbo said it's going to go up in the individual market in the short term they said it might go down in the future. of course you can drive down coverage if you just say that all people are going to get a tooth brush and some band-aids and the fact is that the new tax credits will be pegged to bargain basement coverage. >> on the issue of medicaid, kellyanne conway addressed this. here's what she said. >> we don't see them as cuts. it's slowing the rate of growth in the future and getting medicaid back to where it was. obamacare expanded the pool of medicaid recipients beyond its original intensions. >> president bush's white house press secretary ari flisheische said this. my first job in government was in 1983. when i was at the white house in
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2001, today it's 339 billion. it will increase to about 500 billion in 2027 with obamacare going to 624 billion in 2026. his point is, in washington spending goes up always. it's just a matter of how much. does he have a point? because the gop plan is still dramatically increasing medicaid spending but not as much as it would have under obamacare. is it fair to say, are all those increases in spending needed to get better quality care? >> erin, so much of this program goes for older people. guess what, your viewers know that growing older in america isn't cheap. two out of three seniors have their nursing home care paid for by medicaid. this is going to get even more challenging in the years ahead. you have a baby boomer, for example, who's had an early onset of a stroke or perhaps alzheimer's. that's where the money is going, for folks who need nursing home
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coverage, the disabled. that's because growing older in america is expensive. >> will the bill pass this week? >> i can tell you, what's going on now is the horse trading caucus is in full swing. i can tell you i'm watching out for that because i think that part of this money that's being set aside is for some horse trading. i just hope that members are going to continually look at susan collins just yesterday when kellyanne conway said that we're not going to hurt anybody on medicaid, it's the growth rate and that's what we're tackling. susan collins, who is pretty diplomatic, said she thought that was way off base. these are republicans saying that, not democrats. >> your colleagues are awaiting answers from the white house on security clearances for both michael flynn and jared kushner. general flynn had top secret
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security briefings. do you know tonight whether pompeo knowingly did something that could have been improper or did his own agency keep him in the dark and he didn't even know that there was a concern that michael flynn could be blackmailed. >> of course i can't get into classified matters but i asked the cia director a number of questions in public and i think there are a number of issues unanswered with respect to jared kushner, people have asked about the security clearance. i can tell you i don't think the united states nate ought to be in the business of making all of these decisions about people's security clearances but there are a lot of unanswered questions here. >> senator wyden, thank you very much. good to see you. >> thank you. next, russia's ambassador to the united states is out. why is the man in the middle of the trump russia probes leaving the united states. and the supreme court make as big decision on trump's travel ban. and what's up with donald trump and his two-week timeline for seemingly everything?
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jim sciutto is "outfront." what more can you tell us? this is a big move to hire lowell. >> and someone with a washington pedigree. he's representing bob menendez and former senator john edwards in other cases. he has a reputation for being able to handle the big cases like this. that's one thing. two, there was also a conflict issue because jared kushner hired a lawyer from the same firm that bob mueller is from and they recommended better for you to seek counsel owl side of this firm in light of that conflict there. abbe lowell is a big-time lawyer and it shows the seriousness of this. also on the russian
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investigation front, the russian ambassador to the united states is leaving. what's the impact? >> well, i think you could say this. the u.s. already has a lot of information on sergey kislyak. he's a senior russian diplomat that as a matter of course would have been listening to his conversations. in fact, it's those intercepted conversations that trails some of this investigation. for instance, michael flynn's conversations with kislyak during the transition period. so in terms of the russia investigation, not a big impact because they already have a lot of goods on him, i think you can say. the other point is this. not entirely surprising. he is known to be someone who communicates with russian intelligence. his profile has been raised so much by this investigation. lots of public comments about him and when you're in the spy world, not great. >> exactly.
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>> or top spy for that and everybody knows what you look like. thank you, very much, jim sciutto. "outfront" now, john avlon, reporter and editor at large, chris cillizza. abbe lowell has been hired by jared kushner. that shows how serious jared kushner is taking his defense. >> absolutely. this is a top flight criminal defense lawyer. this is a rational action if you want to stay out of prison. but the white house has not been telegraphing the importance of this. the fact that the president's son-in-law is lawyering up to this degree shows a real sense of concern. and you've got to assume that's a rationale concern. >> very serious. chris, your take? >> well, look, if you have the money to get the best money can buy or damn close to it, then you do it. and abbe lowell is up there no
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matter what you think of jared kushner. i think john is right that this is -- >> that abbe is the kind of guy that keeps you out of jail? >> no. donald trump has a tendency to pursue this as a sideshow or circus, his words. i think jared kushner is smart and i think any of us would do the same. you get the best possible lawyer to make sure your viewpoint is represented. it's a stark contrast to at least the public facing this whole thing. >> it's clear, as donald trump would acknowledge, i believe, if he were honest about this, money talks. and if you're going to spend big money on this, you're taking it extremely seriously. what about sergey kislyak. he's leaving. this is something they've been working on for a few months but only recently did it come to
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light. >> that's right. he's become radioactive in a way that doesn't work for a diplomat, let alone somebody who is recruiting spies. there have been reports that he was being looked at for a u.n. position. but that plug has been pulled. he's going back home. he's become a lightning rod in american politics. to the point of kushner's lawyering up, he was caught in an intercept saying that kushner approached a back channel. that's a sign of not only how serious the charges are but how they all intersect with kislyak. >> chris, in terms of the president himself, he's come out and he's tweeting today and he's saying that there was collusion in the air but it wasn't by him. a senior obama administration official says the obama administration choked in its response to the russian efforts
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to interfere in the election. this is something that the president is seizing on. democrats are coming out and agreeing. they are agreeing that obama didn't get it right. here are just three in the past day. >> i think the obama administration should have done a lot more. >> i think they should have announced earlier that this was going on. >> by keeping quiet, i think president obama allowed the russians to pursue their goal. it's very disappointing. >> does having top democrats agree with him, strengthen the president's hand, chris? >> in this tribal world of politics, erin, probably not. and i think donald -- although it should, frankly. i think donald trump often on twitter does much more harm than good with the words he chooses. so the collusion, obviously that's a word we've heard a lot about but no proof related to russia and donald trump. >> right.
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>> you know, he chooses these words on purpose because i think he is at heart a prova considka. there's a legitimate criticism here. trump, the way that the words he uses to make it possible -- >> he went -- instead of saying joke isn't the word i would use, he went to twitter and said how he would use. the reason obama did nothing, caps, about russia being notified by the cia meddling is he expected clinton would win and didn't want to rock the boat. he didn't choke. he colluded or obstructed. he did crooked hillary no good. he would use colluded instead of
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choked. can he change the narrative or ruin his own argument? >> this is classic trump. i know you are but what am i? the word collusion has been floated so much that he's trying to deflect it and say obama colluded and therefore even muddied the meaning of the word itself to lessen the accusation's impact. it's classic in that showman trump universe initial pushback. what i think is ironic, he's got a point. the obama folks do seem to have basically have been worried that they would be seen as interfering with the election if they called out the russians with everything that they knew when they knew it. it was done with an assumption that hillary would win. >> yes. he is right about that. thank you both very much. don't miss jim sciutto's special report inside the russian hacking investigation. everything you need to know at this hour. "the russian connection" tomorrow night at 10:00 only on cnn. and next, trump's travel ban got a major win.
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new tonight, the white house taking a victory lap. the supreme court ruling that part of president triumped travl ban can go into effect. jeff zeleny is at the white house. there have been a series of defeats by lower courts so to many this was a surprise. they cited religious discrimination but tonight the president declares victory. >> reporter: he is declaring victory and i'm told by someone in the room with him, he views this as vindication. so interesting, his reaction tonight entirely different tone and type of language. a few weeks ago, the president said i'm going to call it a travel ban. it's a travel ban. today his statement is entirely dinner. he said, "it's a clear victory
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and allows suspension from the six terrorist-prone countries and the refugee suspension to become largely effective." the reason his language is softer, the oral arguments in front of what could be a friendly supreme court, he does not want to complicate them by any sort of statements he makes between now and next fall. we'll see if he can hold on to that and be disciplined. it's a victory for this president. at least the spirit of this travel ban, he's campaigned on it and it's now staying. >> thank you very much, jeff. join me "outfront" is jeffrey toobin, jack kingston and jennifer granholm. foreign nationals who lack any bona fide relationship with a person or entity can be banned now. it's okay to ban people who are
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not american and don't have bona fide ties. what does that mean? >> it only applies to the six muslim-majority countries. >> yes. >> but it means that the people who have close relatives within the united states, who have job offers within the united states, who have letters of admission but donald trump having lost a series of courts got all nine justices to agree that some part of his travel ban can go into effect and i think that's a victory. >> the president tweeted, a different tone, to be fair, he wasn't jumping up and down but said, "very grateful for the 9-0 decision from the supreme court. we must keep america safe." can you give him this? this is a win for him tonight? >> i think part of it was but it wasn't a unanimous decision in the sense that some portions of
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the ban -- for example, those coming as tourists are banned but it's not a victory when you think of all of the cases that have been hurt by this and claiming that it was unconstitutional because they were visitors attached to the families or businesses so that portion of the ban is a victory for those who oppose the ban. really it's got on both side something from both sides and in the end it's a 90-day ban so when the decision of the supreme court is on september 27th or after september 27th, that's when the ban actually expires so will this even be an issue. >> the supreme court may decide to just punt come fall and say
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the issue is moot because this executive order has expired and then make everyone relitigate a new executive order if one is prom mu pro promulgated. >> how surprised were you when this happened? governor granholm raises good points. the rulings so far has been overwhelmingly negative. this one was not. >> i think it was a huge victory for the trump administration. the four classes exempt from this, the students and people tied in because of work, we're more concerned about the people who come from the six countries of concern and the bigger -- i guess the bigger victory here is this goes back to maybe re-establish -- i hate to use that word, but re-establish the
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1952 law which is the immigration and security law which has given presidents a lot of discretion in terms of who can come in this country and who cannot. presidents like jimmy carter kept people from coming in from iran or cuba and other places. this puts a lot of discretionary power back to the president should they decide in his favor, which i think they will do ultimately in the fall. >> today, as pointed out, it's been very strange. in the statement he said -- in his -- "it allows the travel suspension for the six terror-prone countries to become largely effective." so he uses the word twice. he said that's right we need a travel ban. not some politically incorrect term and during the campaign,
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congressman, he spoke about his views multiple times and words that don't reflect the word suspension at all. here he is. >> donald j. trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of muslims entering the united states. >> i think islam hates us. >> we are not exactly loved by many muslims. >> isn't all of that fair game to be used against him in terms of his intent even if he uses the word suspension now, he can't unsay what he said or tweeted. >> it says the president has this power and lots of presidents, including obama did it for six months while president and so this has been used periodically throughout the last 50 years and i think what is important is that the supreme court is saying that politicians' rhetoric during a
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campaign does not necessarily outline their intent or maybe it doesn't have the force of law because it's only rhetoric and i think that the governor would agree with me. democrats and republicans, we all say some crazy things. if they came back to haunt us, we would all be in trouble. i think it would tie up government and courts forever. >> governor? >> except for when you say things that you're going to do that are clearly unconstitutional, that becomes a problem and potentially that could be part of what the supreme court decision says, especially if he continues to say it when he is president. and so that will be the case. this has to be carved with a scalpel and not with an ax and i think the supreme court made an effort to do that. they didn't decide it on the merits yet and that's going to be really interesting if they even take it up. >> do you read anything into the fact that they came out and did this unanimously, that they are going to not pay attention to those things he said or tweeted? >> yes, i actually do. i think the president's in good
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shape. i've always thought that the supreme court was going to take a much more sympathetic view. they have a very clear sense of the president's discretion in foreign policy and, remember, there were three justices who said they would not have allowed any part of the ban to be stayed. alito, thomas and gorsuch said the whole ban should have gone into effect. so i don't think the suspension versus ban semantics matter much. these justices are smart people. they know what donald trump has said. but they also now that the order it seven does not refer to any religion. it only refers to countries and i just think the president is in very good shape heading into this oral argument. >> all right. thank you all. appreciate it. next, president trump taking on obama, undoing his predecessor's legacy, one big policy at a time. he's hitting the accelerator on it. plus, who does the senate health
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breaking news, the gop health care bill at this hour does not have the votes to move forward. president trump trying to turn that around, trying to win over republican support for his repeal and replace of obamacare. the fight for 50 votes much tougher after the cbo came out and said 22 million people would not have health insurance in the next decade if this bill passes. the white house says the president is determined, though, to reverse president obama's biggest achievement. jason carroll is "outfront." >> reporter: it wasn't long ago when president trump had some good things to say about his predecessor president barack obama. >> it's a very strange
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phenomena. we get along. i don't know if he'll admit this, but he likes me. >> reporter: those words may be hard to swallow among trump and obama supporters. >> i inherited a mess. >> reporter: candidate trump promised to undo president obama's achievements and now president trump has made good on some of those promises. in short order, pulling out of the paris climate accord. >> the bottom line is that the paris climate accord is very unfair at the highest level to the united states. >> reporter: obama, while not mentioning trump by name, weighing in with a statement, even in the absence of american leadership i'm confident that our state, cities and businesses will step up and do even more to lead the way. trump also kept his word and bowed out of the transpacific partnership which obama
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negotiated. >> i immediately withdrew the united states from the horrible, disastrous, would have been another nafta but worse transpacific partnership. >> reporter: and trump has continued efforts to dismantle the affordable care act. >> at the core of this agenda is repealing and replacing the disaster known as obamacare. >> trump has also rolled back the obama administration's policy with cuba by tightening restrictions on the castro regime and the president has threatened to tear up the nuclear agreement with iran but so far only a threat. it's not unusual for presidents wanting to change course from their predecessors. franklin roosevelt would not allow herbert hoover's name to be on the then boulder dam. it was later changed to the hoover dam by congress. george bush has had the anything but clinton policy and ronald reagan removed those solar panels from the white house
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jimmy carter had installed. but presidential historian doug brinkley says those comparisons pale compared to what trump is doing. >> he's trying to score point after point with his base by anything that obama signed or did or said or had his name attached to, donald trump wants to kind of erase it from history. >> reporter: the question going forward, can trump create a legacy of his own beyond destroying that of his predecessor. and erin, trump supporters say his legacy will come in other ways and other forms. creating jobs, they say, will be one form. also, in a form of tax reform and they say when he eventually creates and builds that wall on the southern border. erin? >> thank you very much, jason carroll. anna palmer is "outfront," the correspondent for "politico."
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you heard douglas brinkley refer to it as a wrecking ball. how much does that motivate president trump? >> it motivates him and his supporters in terms of what he ran on his campaign. he's not a legislator. he doesn't have a ton of bills he's been working on for 20, 30 years that he's looking for congress to pass. certainly in the short term, he's spent time focused on taking back some of the things that obama has done. >> that's interesting. you think because he came from outside politics, it perhaps makes him even more want to unravel the legacy? >> well, i think it certainly -- you know, what motivated him to run, what motivated his supporters was obamacare, things like that that really fired up the base. i think one of the things that is important to note, he doesn't have a ton of legislation that he's ready to roll out. they've done a lot of signing of statements and things like that and that's where they have focused a lot of their time. >> throughout the campaign and into his presidency, as you know, anna, the president promised to roll back his legacy
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and he's been very specific about it. here's an example. >> great long years, the conservative movement has long to reverse the illegal and constitutional conduct of president obama. on november 8th, we can wipe away the lawless legacy and create such an unbelievable american future. >> since the election, president trump has mentioned president obama in a tweet nearly 40 times. that's a lot considering they haven't actually spoken since trump took office. how unusual is this situation between the two of them in the historical context? >> i think what the piece showed before is there is certainly differences in policies between republicans and democrats but there's a respect level that you don't see happening right now, particularly on twitter, what he's been doing, the jabs. they are frenemies at best right now. it's not a lot of actual
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political decorum or respect that you see between other former presidents, whether it's the bushes and clintons where they worked together in terms of the nonprofit and fundraising things to help the world at large. >> thank you very much, anna, good to see you. >> thanks. next, the human face of the battle over health care. her name is charlie. and her mother says medicaid saved her life. >> i was afraid she wasn't going to survive. it terrified me that that was it. and on a lighter note, president trump loves time limits, especially the two-week deadline. jeanne moos is on it. dishes. like coastal lobster and shrimp, with shrimp crusted with kettle chips. or new, over-the-top lobster and shrimp overboard. but it can't last, so hurry in.
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and we came up with a plan to help reduce my risk of progression, including preservision areds 2. my doctor said preservision areds 2 has the exact nutrient formula the national eye institute recommends to help reduce the risk of progression of moderate to advanced amd after 15 years of clinical studies. preservision areds 2. because my eyes are everything. breaking news. the senate health care bill would slash nearly a trillion dollars in medicaid spending according to the cbo. but how would that affect an individual person who relies on medicaid? elizabeth cohen is out front. >> reporter: charlie wood was born three months early. she weighed 1 pound, 12 ounces. >> i was afraid she wasn't going to survive. it terrified me that that was it. that she would pass away. >> reporter: but not only did
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she survive, she thrived. now her mother, rebecca, is terrified of something else. >> the bill is passed and without objection, the motion -- >> reporter: the republican health care reform plans. rebecca says one of the reasons charlie has done so well is medicaid. the government health care program helps pay for her care to the tune of about $12,000 a year. >> it's your birthday soon. how old are you going to be? >> 5. >> reporter: charlie relies on a feeding tube and sees seven different doctors for complications of her extreme prematurity. rebecca remembers the very moment she heard the news that the house passed its bill. it calls for $834 billion in cuts in medicaid over ten years. charlie was napping on her shoulder at the time. >> it's kind of a punch in the gut. like wow. they're stealing her chance. and she's sleeping on me. they're stealing her chance. >> reporter: how angry are you
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that your representative voted for the american health care act? >> i'm furious. i feel betrayed. i feel like his job as a representative is to speak out in the best interests of his people, and i don't feel as if that was done. >> reporter: rebecca paid a visit to that congressman, virginia republican tom garrett. she confronted garrett and an aide about the house bill, known by its acronym, aahc. >> we're going to have to do stuff long-term to make the system -- >> why did you vote for something you weren't happy with? >> when you get 80% of something, then you -- >> it's not better. >> it is better. >> reporter: garrett says cuts to medicaid don't necessarily mean cuts in care. >> the reality is sometimes you can move money and still get good outcomes. >> reporter: rebecca doesn't buy it. she fears for charlie and the 5
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million children on medicaid with health care needs. >> she started at 1 pound, 12 ounces. nobody was really sure that she was going to live. yet here she is in front of us, bright, joyful, determined. it breaks my heart that after all that bad policy can just snatch it from her. >> reporter: rebecca wants garrett and all lawmakers to know that families like hers work hard. her husband has a job with insurance. but even so she says her family needs medicaid because her medical bills are astronomical. airen? >> thank you very much, elizabeth. next, jeanne moos, giving donald trump two weeks.
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president trump and fake deadlines. here's jeanne moos. >> reporter: waiting for something coming out of the white house? just give it two weeks. be it something mythical about wiretaps -- >> to the forefront, over the next two weeks. >> reporter: a decision on the paris climate accords. >> over the next two weeks. >> reporter: a plan for cutting taxes. >> two or three weeks, it will be phenomenal. >> reporter: except it ended up being 11 weeks before a one-page outline of a tax man came out. the president sounds like a contractor in the money pit. >> how long do you think that will all take? >> two weeks. >> how long will it take to put this place snogt -- together? >> two weeks. >> you sound like a parakeet there. >> reporter: it was bloomberg
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news that noticed the president parroting two weeks. >> sometimes of the next two weeks with nafta. >> reporter: want to know how well the u.s. is doing against isis in >> we'll know in about two weeks. >> reporter: what did the president do? he said it again. >> we'll have a news conference in two weeks in that fight. >> reporter: the number not to believe is two weeks. and to think donald trump once made a cameo in a mu kovie call "two weeks notice." >> i hear kelsen finally dumped you. >> not exactly, no. >> reporter: the president may have trouble sticking to a callahan car, but that doesn't prevent his face from being plastered on a few. donald trump's greatest quotes calendar. >> part of the beauty of me is that i'm very rich.
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>> reporter: very rich, but not very punctual. jeanne moos, cnn, new york. >> thank you so much for joining us. "ac 360" with anderson starts right now. good evening. thanks for joining us. breaking news tonight in the russia investigation. new reporting how interested the fbi seems to be in carter page. the story detailing how many times page has been questioned already, what he's been asked about and told investigators. page himself, calling the encounters extensive. in a moment, the correspondent who broke the story. but we begin with the health care replacement billion. 22 million fewer people with insurance by 2026. that, according to the congressional budget office. also big deficit reduction. however, it's that 22 million estimate that could be politically toxic to some
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