tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN June 30, 2017 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT
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get them to back off unflattering coverage of him. they did not present evidence but say they have phone records and text messages. the president claims it was joe skarb row who sought out his help and in a tweet seemed at least to confirm he has sway over what a supermarket tabloid does or does not do. if this sounds like something a president should not be getting involved in, let alone mounting misogynist tweet s -- >> it's beneath the stater of the president. we should be talking about our strategy on north korea. >> members of the house of sen toot focus on something other than what i think is so important in people's lives. >> it's maddening. it's maddeningly frustrating because it's beneath the dignity
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of the president of the united states or it should be. >> the health care legislation, the north korea nuclear threat, staffic ri staffing the state department and those are just a few of the issues mounting on the president and yet again he chose to devote it to supermarket tabloids and who called whom. >> reporter: a nallegation from the hosts who claim they were threatened by the white house this spring. >> we got a call that the national inquirer is going to run a negative story against you guys. they said if you call the president up and you apologize for your coverage, then he will pick up the phone and basically spike the story.
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three people at the very top of the administration calling me. >> reporter: they first lobby accusations friday morning. >> he appears to have a fragile, impetuous, child-like ego we've seen over and over again. it's like he can't take it. >> reporter: this was the story the national inquirer ultimately ran in june. he said the tabloid hounded her family to get the story. >> they were calling my children. they were calling -- >> you're talking about the national inquirer? >> reporter: the president has close ties to the inquirer and has relentlessly attacks his political adversary. david picker are close friends and allies. the national inquirer's editor in charge issued this statement. we accurately reported a story that recounted the relationship between joe and mika.
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the truth of which is not in dispute. at no time did we threaten joe or mika or their children in connection with reporting the story. we have no knowledge of any discussions. after the explosion accusation from the couple on air, the president responded. he watched@morning joe for the first time in long time. fake news. skarb row called him out. yet another lie. i have texts from your top aids and phone records. also they show i haven't spoken with you in many months. he told nbc news executives about calls as they were happening. an official says it was joe scar scarbough about the national inquirer story.
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but there was -- >> jessica joins us now. to your reporting that joe tweeted he has texts and call logs, does he or nbc plan on releasing them? >> so far they have not released the texts or the call logs. in addition he has not responded to cnn's request to detail and expound on his detail of events. so far today, anderson, they have not issued any official comment. >> more now from the white house and a very brief press briefing today. our joe johns is there for us. in our off camera briefing, was she asked about the whole -- >> yeah, there was one substantive question on it. a conservative website did ask
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if the president had read an article in new york magazine alleging that the president had used his connections to aid in an attack on them and she said she didn't know if the president had actually read that article. in a pool spray in the oval office with the south korean president, i did ask the president more generally a question about whether he had any regrets on the tweet involving mika. he did not answer that question either. >> and kellyanne conway spoke out about this. >> her argument is attacks on the president like this are counterproductive because his policies don't get covered but that ignores the fact it's the president's own tweets that create the media storm but listen to part of what she had to say. >> if you go back and look at what is said about this
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president, a lack of policy coverage. there are personal attacks about his physicalities, his fitness of office. talking about dementia. arm chair psychologists all over television every single day. >> the significance is that this was a very important day when the south korean president was here and all of the focus could have been on the global challenges that come out of the korean peninsula right now, including north korea. there's also a major health care issue that country has unresolved and instead we spent a couple days talking about the president's tweets. >> and the story broke shortly after they published a fascinating profile on becker, who we heard has been close friends with donald trump for years. the july 3rd edition is titled the national inquirer's fervor
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for trump. we could spend the next two years talking about your article, which the timing could not be more amazing. it's fascinating on multiple levels. explain the relationship between president trump and the publication. >> well, david picker is the chief executive of major media, the parent company of the national inquirer. and they've been close to decades. going back to when picker ran a sort of -- publication for trump called "trump style." and in a very open way, picker told me when i was reporting my story that he believes the national inquirer is going to support trump because trump is a close friend of his and because
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he thinks that's what his readers want. >> the fact that they emerge as a flash point between president trump and mika and joe scarborogh. >> it does not surprise me that when the national inquirer was getting ready to write a critical story about someone trump regards as an adversary, trump might be recruited as someone who could slow that down and that appears to be at least what some people thought was going to happen here. because the trump-picker alliance is a strong one and among people who follow these things, it's actually pretty well known. >> you were in a meeting at the national inquirer where they were discussing stories that happened this week and they brought up the idea of reporting
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on milania trump sort of slapping donald trump's hand away and picker said i didn't see that. and everyone got the message just keep moving along. this is not a story the inquirer's going to run with. >> right. i think all of us who follow the news were quite aware of the viral video where milania trump slapped her husband's hand away. but at this meeting, david picker said he wasn't aware of it it. he said it twice. and his subordinates got the message this was not going to be in the inquirer. and that is completely consistent with how the inquirer has covered trump for the last two years. it is always heroic. it is always bathing him in this glow of success. and that's been -- and similarly his coverage of trump's rivals,
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especially hillary clinton has been totally savage. >> just be clear does president trump have the ability to either kill a story in the national inquirer or for that matter get something published? because in his own tweet he did seem to say or imply that he could have gotten him killed but chose not to. >> my experience has been in david picker killing stories that are possibly damaging to trump. going so far as to pay the play boy play mate of the year from 1998 to stay silent about a relationship that she had alleged she had with donald trump. i had not seen evidence of trump acting to create or suppress stories. but given the relationship, it is entirely within the realm of possibility. >> can you go into more detail
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about that. he paid a play mate to stay silent? >> this is a woman named karen mcdoingal. she was the play mate of the year in 1998 and a little more than a year ago she was starting to shop a story to tabloid and anyone who might pay her regarding what she said was an affair she had hwith donald trup after he was married to milania. let me emphasize that i don't know if any such affair took place. but what david picker did was he hired mcdoogle and paid her $150,000 on the condition she not say anything about any relationship she may have had
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with donald trump. and i said to picker when i interviewed with him why did you do that? and he said because trump's a personal friend of mine. and i think that tells you much of what you need to know about picker's agenda for his publications. which is to help trump by running positive stories and as possible, suppressing those stories that might be damaging to him. >> fascinating piece in the new yorker. thanks very much. just ahead we'll be joined by the panel, including a presidential historian for some perspective. and later what we're learning about how a doctor tried to turn this place of healing into a killing ground. ahead on 360. what's the best way to get two servings of veggies? v8 or a powdered drink? ready, go. ahhhhhhhh! shake! shake! shake! shake! shake! done! you gotta shake it!
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the press is not new or friend with a gossip columnist or access to grind and grudges and obsessions with things that pull their atension away from the people's businesses. that said when all those things coalesce in a vortex that sucks all the oxygen out of public life and what happens when the surrogates blame the press for reporting on it? >> it doesn't help the american people to have a president covered in this light. it's neither productive or patriotic. >> jason miller and kirsten powers. maggie, you know we were on last night talking about the misogyny of the tweet of alleged bleeding and face lifts. it just gets weirder today. >> as you said there are a bunch of different threads converging into one. i think the national inquirer
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issue where they claim the white house threatened them unless they gave more favorable coverage and the president suggested it was the other way around. this is the down side to the white house constantly saying things that aren't true. because nothing has been shown to prove this. but it does shed light on how this president more than others we've seen because of his history in a business and private family in real estate skumpany, he had a pension for back room avenues. he's said to use private investigators. he had all different ties in new york city and news outlets. and so that's one window. i do think we're at the point now where i think that what the president did in that tweet was -- it was condemninable and it's not presidential and i think you've seen critics on both sides say that and i think everyone has a habit with trump
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in particular of a, trying to act as if he hasn't been this way the whole time. this isn't anything different than we've seen and i remember back to november 2015 when he mocked my colleagues. where he appeared to do it physically over a moving restriction that he was born with and i saw that video aired on morning joe and i don't think joe knew there was a physical impairment. and he was laughing at him mocking. i think that's a bit of a problem here. >> the other question is if this happened months ago just from journalistic stand point, if they felt they were being pressured or blackmailed in some way, should they have mentioned it at the time and they were informing msnbc people but what was the decision making process in not talking about that? >> i think in their defense it
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would have been awkward because of the content. i'm not sure how they would have disclosed that without raising all kinds of questions about their relationship at that time. i don't know you're obligated to disclose every single thing that happens and in this case i could understand why they might be a little uncomfortable. i think the person who has clearly behaved badly is the president. the idea that you would be trying to extort good coverage out of people by threatening to -- a story about their personal lives is pretty reprehensible. >> jason, it does seem like the president in his tweet responding to this does seem to acknowledge that he has some leverage to get a story pulled from the national inquirer. he tweeted about joe scar borough. he could have said yes and stopped it, it implies. >> my interpretation was that
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joe scarborough was reaching out and in the sense the president could do anything, i have no idea if that's the case and that would be the first i heard and i worked for the president for six or seven months and never was there an indication -- >> you don't think the president has any influence with his old friend, david packer, who's clearly run very favorable stories and negative stories aboutucter republicans running against him? >> i never got that sense and i was never given anything to make me think that was lat the case. >> so when he was running stories about ted cruz, about carson, even i think katrina pearson i believe if memory serves me. women involved in campaigns of other republicans, national
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inquirer rr speaking about them. >> the point i was talking to was that i never saw or got any sense that there was any influence here. we were talking about the tweet storm that started up here and i said mika missed an opportunity to take the high road yesterday. i can stha same thing where there's a real opportunity for him to take the high road and let this go. i think we've seen the back and forth. i don't think it's been productive. i think most americans are glad it's fourth of july weekend and i think it's a little absurd that we're spending so much time talking about this. but i understand this is what it is when we have such high profile and high spirited folks. but i think this is the time where we need let this go and start moving ahead to talk about
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the agenda and other things. >> tim, you used to run the nixon library. nixon certainly had an enemies list, felt attacked by the press constantly. sort of the vice president. how do you see all of this given your experience? >> every president is exacpererated with the press but few grow to hate the press and what we see is that he is putting his hatred of the press and making it public. richard nixon fumed about the press all the time. nixon acted on his hatred. he used the fbi to try to humiliate members of the press. he had some of them wire tapped. he abused power to go after the press. we don't know what donald trump is doing secretly. but what we know is what he's saying publicly and he's
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poisening the atmosphere in a way that richard nixon did behind the scenes, donald trump does it in front of everyone and gleefully. that's the difference. there's a shamelessness to this behavior that suggests he believes he's bigger than the job. moe most recognize they're carrying a burden that's historic and important. one gets a sense that his idis so strong --. it's balanced... it's easy-drinking... it's refreshing... ♪ if you've got the time ♪ it's what american lager was born to be. ♪ we've got the beer. ♪ welcome to the high life. ♪ miller beer. what's going on? oh hey! ♪ that's it? yeah. ♪ everybody two seconds! ♪
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this story. three people at the three top of the administration calling me. >> well, shortly after that president trump had a different account. he called it fake news in a tweet. he said scarborough called me. i said no. the idea of a president -- again we don't know whose version is correct. but the president in this tweet, you can read it as he does seem to acknowledge he called me to stop a national inquirer article. i said no. if he had said yes, would the ar article have been stopped? it's pretty incredible. >> we're living in extraordinary times. look, during the campaign when the national inquirer ran a story, it seemed to insinuate ted cruz's father was involved. ted cruz was very pointed.
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this was david picker doing something for his friend, donald trump. we have a president very used to a certain kind of media coverage. this comes from the new york domain he was part of. it's all transactional. he does not look at anything as an objective piece of news. so when he felt he was getting quote on quote nice treatment from morning joe, he was fine with him. and they have indeed been very personal, particularly with kellyanne conway. but then the president got upset. i think it is of concern is the idea that first of all that the president could exert that kind of influence with what is supposed to be a news outlet is disconcerting. and it goes to his penchant for, i was saying before, he had a history in new york city of hiring private investigators and looking at the back room aspect
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of things. that become as very concerning thing when you're talking about someone with the power of the federal bureaucracy at their disposal. >> i looked back to see what ronald regan was doing and in the morning he was having breakfast with nancy regan and then had a full day. the idea that ronald regan would be watching television so he could make an immediate attack is unheard of. to my mind the greatest concern i had about what happened this morning was not that he didn't apologize. i didn't expect president trump to apologize. but that he doubled down. after republicans had criticized him. he decided that he didn't care about the tweet storm that he had created and so that raises questions about his judgment. he forgot that what's most important is the credibility as the president of the united
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states. important not just at home but with north korea for example, like right now. and he didn't care. what he wanted to do was keep playing the small board game with people on msnbc and forgot about the larger purposes of the administration. >> but it's harder because on the it one hand the white house keeps saying how great the president's tweets are, that it's a way to directly connect with people, to bypass the media, which they don't like. and then when we actually do report on what the president's tweeting about, then they say you shouldn't pay attention to his tweets. >> i think it's important to keep in mind the overall contect text. less than 20% of tweets in the month of june had to do with the going after the media. so the vast majority are spiff took policy items or initiatives
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he wants to push ahead and that's fantastic -- >> and they're not all substance. it's not as if everyone has a policy issue and we're focusing on the one that's not. >> don't have to all be talking about h.r. 1922 the legislation that -- they don't have to be that specific every time. but i think there's misper per misperception about the amount of tweets. but the fact he has this ability is central to his brand and makes him a lot of who he is. they like he's not controlled by a bunch of suits and people in d.c. trying to guide him in one direction. does that mean trump supporters agree with or endorse every single tweet that he does? wouldn't go and put words in folks mouths like that but his ability to communicate is part of what makes him unique and unlike anything we've seen and
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that's a good thing. >> is it hypocritical of the white house to say these are great and yet you shouldn't report on them. >> of course we have to report on them. they are straight out of the horse's mouth. this idea that reporters want him to stop tweeting. it's absurd. i think people like having access to what he's thinking about. but some of the tweets obviously cross a line. you said less than 20% about the press so i'm going to say it's probably around 20%. that's pretty high to be tweeting about reporters, to be tweeting about people covering you. i think anything above 1% is probably a little high for the president of the united states and the personal way he makes these attacks against individual reporters and news organizations that he's obsessed with. it does seem like somebody unable to handle criticism.
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everything he's complaining about is not actually a personal attack. he's complaining about bad coverage. the problem is i don't understand and i don't think anybody understands. most people don't like the media and find them the a nuisance but they're not obsessed with them to the point where they'll extort them to get good coverage. >> this is where we'll have to agree to disagree when we talk about the president pushing back. i like the fact when the president is pushing back on erroneous news reports or what he sees as bias coverage and again that's something where trump supporters see his push back and they like it? you might view it as being too much. i don't think most of us as trump supporters do. >> i want to thank everybody. is president trump undermining
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attempts by tweeting he's considering just repealing obamacare and figuring out the it rest later. and a workplace shooting leaves multiple wounded, at least one dead. thank you so much. thank you! so we're a go? yes! we got a yes! what does that mean for purchasing? purchase. let's do this. got it. book the flights! hai! si! si! ya! ya! ya! what does that mean for us? we can get stuff. what's it mean for shipping? ship the goods. you're a go! you got the green light. that means go! oh, yeah. start saying yes to your company's best ideas. we're gonna hit our launch date! (scream) thank you! goodbye! let us help with money and know-how, so you can get business done. american express open. (b♪by crying) so you can get business done. minutes old. ♪ a baby's skin is never more delicate. ♪ what do hospitals use to wash and protect it?
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breaking news from the bronx unnew york where a doctor went on a shooting ram page in a hospital. the shooter previously worked for the hospital. he joins us. >> well, it's incredible. almost six hours after the sound of gun fire echoed, this facility is open again. again taking those patients after what investigators described as a disgruntled former employee. went up to the 16th and 17th floor and opened fire. what we know is he used to practice medicine before he came and shot and wounded several people before turning the gun on himself. in fact a relatively short stint
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between 2014 and 15 before he resigned. after being here this afternoon it it was a fairly chaotic scene. i saw at least one patient in his hospital gown fleeing the area. one family desperately trying to get a new born followed by a happy reunion there. butads one doctor put it for me there, this is a flas where people come for shelter or for treatment that turned into as he described it a war zone. >> reporter: all we know is she practiced family medicine at this facility. six people are still at this point wounded. five of those are doctors. most of them actually young medical students. people starting their medical career. the only patient injured was shot in the leg, according to
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doctors that patient is expected to pull through. so that really is the focus on this hospital community that came together amid the chaos to save people's lives. there was one incredible story. and then the staff upstairs pushed the elevator button and pushed that doctor down for treatment. so that is the focus at this hour and what what appears to be a disgruntled employee and those five doctors are still listed in critical condition. so prayer is what this hospital community is asking for, anderson. after senate gop leaders spent the weekend successfully scrambling, president trump said quote if republican senators are unable to pass what they're working on now, they should immediately repeal and then replace at a later date.
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he's said it would happen that same time. >> we'll do it simultaneously. it will be just fine. we're not going to have a two day period and a two year period where it's nothing. it will be repealed and replaced. >> repeal and replace. repeal and replace. >> repeal it, replace it. get something great. >> it will be repeal and replace. it will be simultaneously. will most likely be on the same day. could be the same hour. so we're going to do repeal and replace. >> live from capitol hill. how did he go from repeal and replace in a same bill to repeal and replace at a later date? >> an about face for this president. this idea was really hatched by nebraska senator who's been in contact with the white house. republican senators are trying
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to come up with the deal that would repeal and replace simultaneously. and essentially suggest esiing he encouraged them to repeat now. the president thought it was a good idea. he tweeted about it and sas talked about it on fox news channel. it's important to point out that even though the president has floated this idea out there, there aren't too many senators buying it. >> this is something to motivate them for some sort of a deal. do we know a time line of repealing and replacing later? >> that's a key part of this proposal. his idea would be to pass the repeal immediately and set a one year deadline for the congress to come up with a replacement plan. almost forcing thema puzishz where thadver to come up with something.
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they rejected that proposal. so it's really just complicating their efforts to come up with a repeal and replacement they can do immediately. >> appreciate it. thanks very much. coming up just how much tv does the president watch every day? you might be surprised to find out and how it reflects the long-standing focus on his image. it's just a burst pipe, i could fix it. (laugh) no. with claim rateguard your rates won't go up just because of a claim. i totally could've - no! switching to allstate is worth it. ♪ at johnson's we care about safety as much as you do. that's why we meet or exceed 15 global regulations for baby products. and where standards differ, we always go with the toughest.
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and responsibilities of president, his eagerness to watch and listen to what people are saying about him on television hasn't lessened at all. >> reporter: you could say president donald trump is always plugged in with flat screen tvs throughout the white house. tv comes first in the morning, notably fox and friends and it's one of the last things he does before bed. >> i watched this morning a couple of networks and i have to say fox and friends in the morning, they're very honorable people. >> reporter: he's been known to shush others to hear taped interviews he did and what's being said about him on tv. it's a television obsession like no other president before him. nurtured by his own experience in television as a reality tv star on the apprentice. >> we've never had a team lose so badly. you're all fired. all four are fired. >> reporter: it's a useful tool
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for him too. early on in the campaign, he turned to tv to brush up on the military. >> who do you talk to for military advice right now? >> well, i watch the shows. when you watch your shows and all of the other shows and you have the generals. >> reporter: according to the washington post, the president is known to hate watch, tuning into networks and >> every network you see hits me on every topic, made up stories like russia. >> reporter: theme president watches so much tv, reportedly hours a day, that some members of congress have started using it to get his attention. >> i know you're watching. >> representative elijah cummings appealed directly to the president on morning joe. a day or so later "the washington post" reports trump called cummings to talk about prescription drugs. kellyanne conway said donald
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trump comes to the white house with a sophisticated understanding of how the power of television, the power of imagery, the power of message all work together. randi kaye, cnn, new york. >> joining the conversation is brian stelter and michael deantonio. do you have a sense of how many hours a day he watches? you mentioned last night he has an enormous tv in a room right next to the oval office. >> in the little dining room. i don't want to put a hard number on it, but that five-hour number in aggregate doesn't sound wildly off. you can also just look at his tweets and look at the time when he's clearly watching television. >> he also tivos stuff and records it. >> there was some issue around the comey testimony where there were some staff members trying to get him to not watch it in realtime. look, his staff is really projecting out just a lot of what he is seeing and feeling, but what happens when people get very close to this president in his circle is they start to just take on certainly some of his characteristics but also his sense of grievance.
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that's what's happening here. i don't think -- i can't think of another president who has watched this much tv himself. i think we've had presidents whose staff members have watched tv. certainly president obama's team was pretty attuned to the morning shows. but this is a different level of it, and it is true that he comes into office with the knowledge that the apprentice, the show that he starred on, did help get him elected. the number of people i spoke to in iowa before the caucuses who would talk about how, you know, him in huge, grand terms as if he was one of the great business leaders in history. and it was really the image from that show of him in the leather-backed chair and at the board table. that was real for him. >> brian, it's interesting because he mentions nbc and cbs and abc, but it's really cable news that seems to be the focus of much of his attention whether it's "fox & friends," "morning joe," cnn obviously. that seems to be what he's watching mostly. >> it's absolutely true. it's reflective of broader media
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trends. he cares deeply. he loves a lot of what he sees as long as it's positive. we know that from foxes and friends in the morning on fox to hannity at night. but he is tuning in much like an average american. i think we should note the average american watches 4.5 hours of tv a day. you said maybe five hours a day for the president. the average american his age watches seven or eight hours a day. it is a relatable quality. i think that's one thing he has going for him. his fans, his base, they're watching right along with him, and there is something that's connective about that. >> to a point. i mean except that he's now the president. so if everything is a permanent campaign and that is certainly true and that is what his supporters will say is, you know, regular people understand that. and i do think that that is part of why he won. but he does have other things to do, and there is this strange quality where the white house keeps, you know, yelling at reporters for covering the tweets. like why are you guys covering this? well, he's saying it. and if he doesn't want us to cover it -- >> most people are not watching
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stuff about themselves for seven hours. >> that's the thing. this is the trump show. >> the effect of that is hard to fathom watching stuff only about yourself. that's why he's tuning in. michael, it's well known that he's always been extraordinarily interested in any coverage of himself to even the point where according to reports, he would pretend to be like a p.r. person for himself and call up reporters, you know, and pretend to give leaks about himself. >> well, what you just mentioned, anderson, about the fact that he's looking at himself in the morning, i think is very true. i think it's almost as if he's gazing in the mirror when he examines what's going on on television. and that's an extraordinary thing. but it is a habit that he's had for his entire life. prior to the advent of high capacity video recording at home, he would have videotapes at hand for him to review. he would review the daily press
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clippings. now, this goes back to the 1970s and '80s. so this habit is very well ingrained. the other thing that i think is really fascinating about mr. trump is that he's really a child of television. he was born in the late 1940s, grew up with tv. i think even more than twitter, this is his medium, and so he pays close attention. he believes he can master it and, in many ways, he has. >> brian, there's a reason other presidents have avoided watching or reading endless stuff about themselves. i mean just it -- you know, the effect it has on a person is -- it's hard to measure. >> i've thought about this this week in light of the joe and mika story. what's it like for this president to turn on the television and hear all the time that he's the biggest loser? i'm borrowing a different nbc reality show instead of "the apprentice." but he's hearing this narrative about low poll ratings, failures
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on the legislative front, a country that does not seem to support him except for that 38% to 40% that continues to support him. in some ways he's coming across like this loser on a reality tv show. you can make the case he's a huge winner and that he's won the country's afekdfection, but do wonder what that's like every day, every night to hear this bad news about yourself. >> thanks. coming up at 10:00 p.m. eastern on cnn, we're bringing you a special report. it's called the pulse of orlando, terror the at the nightclub. what was supposed to be a fun night on the town turned into terror. we went back to the pulse nightclub. i spoke to the owner. here's a preview. ♪ >> all the walls were blown out? >> yes, they were all blown out.
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>> so this is where s.w.a.t. teams entered? >> mm-hmm. yes. this is where they entered. it's my first time back here too. >> it is? >> mm-hmm. yep. >> to see this up close, it's very -- >> it's powerful. >> yeah. >> our full special report airs tonight at 10:00 right after 360. coming up, the controversy surrounding the president from washington to his weekend getaway in new jersey. we'll go there next and get details on the feud with two anchors. a baby's skin is never more delicate. ♪ what do hospitals use to wash and protect it? ♪
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