tv Inside Politics CNN July 4, 2017 9:00am-10:01am PDT
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day with us. president trump is at his golf course in northern virginia this fourth of july. he will welcome military families to the white house tonight and heads to europe tomorrow for a big global economic summit. there's important news today about the agenda there. instead of a casual pull azid-a a more forming and extended conversation with russia's president vladimir putin. and undoubtedly a part of the putin talks. the regime in pyongyang celebrating a historic day. the successful launch. the regimes missile could now reach any corner of the world. the united states, japan and south korea are skeptical about the icbm claim believing it could have been a more sophisticated intermediary range. after watching it travel nearly 40 minutes and shy of 600 miles, no disputing the significant
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progress in north korea's missile technology. barbara starr is live at the pentagon with more. what are they thinking at this moment about this launch? >> reporter: what's most interesting, john. a number of u.s. officials, it's july 4th, should be at home, are in at work today from the state department to the pentagon. a series of very quickly called meetings to discuss all of this. when north korea said overnight our time here in washington that they had launched an intercontinental ballistic missile not of shorter range at the u.s. initially thought, it caused a scramble. all night looking at the data from the missile launch. data gathered by satellites and other u.s. classified sensors, recalculating everything. and we could see indeed the trump administration come to a conclusion today that this was north korea's first launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile. this changing the security calculation across the world, because what it fundamentally
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means is, kim jong-un's testing program has worked. he tests and tests his missiles, and now he may well have an icbm that would be capable some day of reaching the west coast of alaska. this changes everything, if this actually proves to be true, because he is also, of course, looking at trying to develop a functioning nuclear warhead that could go on top of that missile. this is everything that u.s. policy, u.s. military security policy, has been centered around not allowing kim jong-un to have. this now puts it square on president trump's desk. what does he decide to do? the indications we are getting at this very early hours. the administration will continue to focus on diplomacy. no one is looking for military confrontation with north korea. that would be a disaster for the world. the assessment is. so diplomacy, but also looking at whether in the coming days
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and weeks the u.s. military might send additional assets, if you will. ships, aircraft and troops to the korean peninsula, have more of a u.s. military presence there. still trying to send a message to kim, even as the russians and the chinese are stepping into all of this with their proposals, which the u.s. objects to, which center around having a freeze, making kim give up weapons in exchange for the u.s. no longer conducting military exercises with the south koreans. the u.s. views that's a non-starter. it has become a very tense july 4th, john. >> very tense july 4th. perhaps a new chapter in what has been a long running drama. barbara starr, thank you. the timing seems no accident. the world's largest economies about to convene. president trump just met with south korea's new president and followed up the meeting with phone calls to the leaders of japan and china. >> together we are facing the threat of the reckless and brutal regime in north korea.
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the nuclear and ballistic missile programs of that regime require a determined response. the era of strategic patience with the north korean regime has failed. many years, and it's failed. and, frankly, that patience is over. >> the president's patience may be over but the options are bleak. cnn military and diplomatic analyst admiral john kirby dealt with the challenge working with the pentagon and the state department. admiral, start with military options. the president's national security adviser said the president asked for a list. there's nothing appetizing at all on that list. is there a military option, really? >> well, there's no military option in terms of talking about, kinetically and open conflict. i don't think anybody wants to see that. clearly, catastrophic. but there are military responses that are going to probably be part of the bigger fabric here
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as they determine how to go forward. so, for instance, you could do something very low-risk and yet visible. like flying a bomber or two over the peninsula. as barbara suggested, boosting up assets on the peninsula. frankly, john, i think they're probably looking at region-wide assets, and allocations there. whether or not there's a regional posture that needs to change. not just on a peninsula. certainly you could sail more ships to the region as well. lots of things you can do that are low risk, not kinetic, won't provoke necessarily open conflict, but do communicate to pyongyang from a military readiness perspective we mean business, have significant treaty alines commitments on the peninsula and in the region we'll honor. >> move from your pentagon hat to state department hat. there have been negotiations back to the clinton white house days, george w. bush, barack obama, negotiations with north korea trying to get it to give up its nuclear program, give up its missile program. if kim jong-un has icbms, a
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missile that be reach alaska, perhaps los angeles and perhaps st. louis and beyond, how does that change the diplomatic calculations especially from his standpoint? is there a reason for him to give up what he views as his cherished strategic asset? >> you hit the nail on the head. he has been striving for this bargaining chip for some time and is ever more closer to achieving that. this is a game-changer. not a game-ender. he still wouldn't have the ability necessarily to miniaturize and put a nuclear warhead on it, although intelligence suggests he's trying to get that capability. there's time to try to find a way through this diplomatically. that said, this certainly helps give him an upper hand at whatever negotiating table he might sit at, and he's going to be less likely to want to sit down, because he now has this capability. so this is a huge bargaining chip for him. i see no willingness to want to sit down have a meaningful negotiation about freezing his
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program when it appears to be advancing at a very accelerating clip. >> admiral, appreciate insights. sober day indeed. with us to share reporting and insights, jackie cour panel. and that he wasn't muscular enough in his talk trying to force the regime to back down. now what? the president tweeted north korea just launched another missile. does this guy have anything better to do with his life? hard to believe they will put up with this longer. perhaps china will end this nonsense for all. i remember being back, olivia, several presidents in our lifetime had to deal with this. this under the trump administration, kim jong-un made these missile tests almost a weekly occurrence. what's a heavy move from china
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which hasn't given the president what he wanted so far? >> every president relied to china as the player with the most, probably the most skin in the game and most influence over the influence in pyongyang and has not paid off. sticks and carrots to the north that hasn't stopped what it's happening. the big question what is this administration going to do the diplomacy of this week? the president will meet with all the major players. leaders of russia, china, japan, south korea. what's going to happen with u.s. pressure on china? the state department ramping it up. seen sanctions on entities thought to be helping north korea. a big arms sale to taiwan. freedom of navigation operations challenging china's control over parts of the pacific. what's going to happen next? i'm not frankly sure. this meeting between the president and president xi enormously important. >> everybody has their own interests here. japan talking about their concerns.
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south korea's concern, russians and chinese and united states concerned. great. all big players concerned. russia says we'd like to help out but maybe the united states and south korea should tone down military activities. and japan doesn't want the regime to fall and it become as complicated chess game. my question is, president trump having essentially drawn a line saying my patience is over. what does that mean? if north korea keeps launching missiles? >> president trump was very critical of the obama administration's tendency to articulate clearly its strategy on any given international conflict, and so the trump white house has been very reluctant to give any indication of what its strategy will be when dealing with syria, dealing with north korea. they don't want to talk about whether they're running cyber attacks to counter north korea, the growth of north korea's missile program, and that has sort of left a lot of uncertainty about how the trump administration is going to
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handle any conflict. maybe clarity would de-escalate tensions a little but president trump, he ran partly on this argument that the u.s. should not be telegraphing its options, because that might weaken the ultimate attack. >> and seeing another instance of it's all fun and games until you're in the chair. criticize the other administrations, criticize they're tactics and what, how they've dealt with various situations, both domestically and internationally, and what it seems like now is the president is realizes -- this is more complicated than he thought, and it has ban been a theme. >> and facing the country, national security, north korea is one i think this administration came in with a clearer idea and more fully formed idea of what they wanted to do. not the case with syria and the middle east. or the case with europe, really. something from the very beginning experts on the national security council, folks in the pentagon, focusing on this. the problem is things have changed on the ground.
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obviously what we're seeing in this development in north korea, you know, missile technology. also domestically in south korea. a new more left wing more conciliatory government in seoul that complicates all of this, but you do have, i think, maybe not in the president himself but in the people around him, a more fully-formed idea that this old -- past, several white houses tendency to be conciliatory with china to get north korea to the table, we have to move on from that. >> i agree completely. the trump administration national security team tells you they worked closely with the obama team in transition. a big problem. going to come up soon. cannot wait to put this on your plate. it's coming up soon. this is not a criticism of this president, it happened to democrats and republicans. every president learns this regime is different. doesn't care. not affected by normal sanctions haven't helped. today the north korea state media saying as a strongest nuclear state with the best icbm
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rockets, fact check that, but the propaganda. north korea will end the u.s. nuclear war threats and impact peace and stability of the north koreans. poking at the president. the president doesn't like to say exactly what i'll do but laid down a strong line. as president he told the "financial times" in april, if china isn't going to solve the problem with north korea, we will. and kim jong-un appears to be kind of calling his bluff. >> does that mean military intervention? more sanctions? what does that mean? there hasn't been an answer to that question yet from the trump boughs white house. a lot of threats. >> in parts because of president left mar-a-lago encouraged. they struck a personal rapport. criticaled. and president trump left convinced president xi would do some things and heard reports of coal shipments cut off, other sanctions put in place by beijing. over the years china pushed up
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to its comfort letter and puvel back. can president trump get them to do more and the question is, what? >> and get them to see the united states's way. what would you do in identical situation, a patron of the country, had the same relationship that we have with north korea? no know how that will happen. your point as the poke. mo more part part, reiederates what north korean regime wants. survival. their main priority. what they won't retreat from and don't want to negotiate. that's very important, as you try to tackle this problem, understand what the different players want. clear from the statement what they want. >> they are isolated in the international community, they have a relationship with china. occasional conversation with russia. isolated in the international community. what is the end goal of diplomacy? they've shown no willingness, negotiated a deal with the clinton administration to give up the nuclear program and the next day quickly violated it. if you want to de-escalate by
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some sort of diplomatic process, what is the goal? you'd have to give president trump something that makes it worth coming to the table. north korea would have to say, it's open to x. x being, i assume, for the trump administration, giving up its nuclear program. they won't do that. >> look, there's a difference here if you talk to people in the white house. they said they stopped coal shipments and reports that either russia is somehow funneling new energy to north korea or china's letting these go in. very much angered the president. you're likely to see behind-the-scenes, cyber attacks. we don't know for sure. again, not channeling the strategy publicly, this is something where i think the president perceives himself as being more tough. letting china do, you know, have a chance to come to the table, but being more tough when china does what it always does, which is go up to that comfort level. >> and to your point, the point with the chinese maybe we need
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your help. not willing to give it, not only tougher on north korea with cyber and other attacks but the taiwan arms sale, u.s. military vessels in the south china sea sending a message to china, we'll poke you a bit, too. very complicated. we'll watch and wait to hear from barbara starr if the united states after those meetings update their assessment's that missile. very important. ahead, though, more on the trump/putin meeting and the reception awaiting the president. up next, a new twitter report and going to the break, throughout the hour, fourth of july celebrations from around the country. here's one. america's 244th birthday as they're celebrating it in grandville, michigan. vice president mike pence and his wife due to be in the parade there in just a little bit. happy birthday, america. pain isn't always fair.
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welcome back. this is president trump's first independence day at the white house. he plays host tonight to military families and other guests with a prime view of fireworks over the national mall. 165 days from inauguration day to the fourth of july and the president hits the six-month mark in two weeks. obamacare is still law of the land. tax reform and infrastructure in limbo as congress is stalled by the health care debate but the president sees progress on other fronts and took to twitter yesterday to make his case. here it is. great numbers on xrobs and the economy. things starting to kick in ow and we've just begun. don't like steel and aluminum dumping. christine romans matches the tweets to the facts. >> reporter: hi, john. remember, candidate trump bashed these numbers but president trump is quick to take credit for them. how much does he deserve? look at the stock market. after the election, stocks did get a big bump. a nice rally. the s&p 500, it's broadest gauge
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of the market, up about 16% since then. fueled by this administration's promise of tax reform and deregulation. let's put that in perspective. the trump bump is actually the tail end of a bull market that began under former president obama. born after a brutal financial crisis. president trump also cheerleading jobs here. some 600,000 created since president trump took office. that's a solid number, but just like stocks, that's a cap on years of recovery in the labor market. in fact, this february to may is actually the slowest pace in the last three years. we'll see the latest numbers friday. one dark spot the president mentioned in that tweet. don't like steel and aluminum dumping. this most likely refers to chinese steel and probabletariffs this administration will impose. in trade, dumping, of course, when countries sell goods as prices lower than the world average. american companies accuse chinese steel companies of dumping, boxes out con r
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competition. killing american jobs. to fight this the obama administration slapped a tariff on chinese steel last year and experts expect the trump administration to announce its own steel tariffs any day now. critics worry doing that would trigger a trade war hurting other u.s. industries. what if there's retaliation against agriculture? or other american industries. that's concern. john? >> christine, keep an eye on that. to that point, trump trade was a trademark of the trump campaign. he believes -- actually put it up and show. believes he won michigan, wisconsin, iowa, pennsylvania, other states, especially the blue states, big ones, pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, traditional blue states, the president thinks he turned them red with a trade message. good reason to believe he's right getting blue collar votes. we thought we'd get the commerce department announcement last week. the president asked for a study signing an executive order, look into steel dumping. it's delayed. expect to get it soon. there's no doubt the
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administration will impose some new tariffs on china and potentially others. correct. >> yeah. i think that's coming. and, again, it's a centerpiece of what, sort of the trump economic message and agenda. there's this, sort of cognitive dissonance because they don't subscribe to it. constituency in the house and senate for that protectionism. maybe on the margins a little, but sort of look at the whole trump economic agenda. it's really kind of a mish-mash. regulatory reform, which the president's been able to do without congress involved at all. infrastructure, if the president had gone back to the beginning of his administration, might have decided to push for that first rather than health care reform and tax reform, which is much more amenable to traditional economic conservatives concerns, but not so much the new kind of trump nationalism. so this mish-mash i think offers a mixed picture of economic -- trump's economic legacy so far.
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five and a half months in. >> and no matter whether you think it's the stock market as a continuation under obama, declining employment rate, and republican, set that aside. when president of the united states, you benefit. if the numbers are good, you benefit, period. so that's, should help the president. even though his approval ratings are not great. back to the campaign to stress as we talk more about trade how important this was to the president. made his mark on the republican primaries talked about building the wall, immigration. in terms of the general election and turning blue states red, this helped a lot. >> hillary clinton unleashed a trade war against the american worker when she supported one terrible deal after another, from nafta to china to south korea. we're going to take jobs back from china, japan. we're going to make our country great again. >> we're going to start winning again. we're going to win on trade with these other countries that are ripping us off. >> we have the -- probably the dumbest trade deals in the history of the world.
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>> this, i think, though, is a defining test of the next several weeks and months. the second 100 days finish them out and get to the six-month mark, if you will, in the sense this is something the president can do with executive power. said he'll renegotiate nafta. waiting for an announcement from the commerce department. he has to meet his own test from the campaign, correct? or on several issue, backed off. mentioned this is not republican orthodoxy. several issues backed off. will he find a compromise or all trump? >> already seen a fake out with nafta. reports he was getting ready to xra x scrap nafta altogether and then maybe a call into president trump and talked him off the edge on nafta. certainly we have not seen actions of trade match the campaign rhetoric yet with the exception being tpp. he did cancel that almost immediately, fulfilling a campaign promise and at first when he first started talking about killing tpp, it was not very popular in washington. mike said, didn't have a
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constituency, but he, his rhetoric against tpp, how quickly it caught fire, reshaped the way both parties approached it. politically toxic. one of the few things with bipartisan support. repeal tpp. beyond that, played small ball with some from ka canadian -- no sweeping concerns like we heard. >> and currency inmanipulator d one. he didn't do that. look at approval rating on the economy, overall, worse on this. economy, 44 approve, 46 disappro disapprove. a split for the fred of the united states. sounds snarky. don't mean it. not that good, poll numbers, encouraged in the sense of a split evenly with low enum employment and a chance, if the economic approves he gets credit for it, could be the tie ta lifts it. >> mid-term republicans keeping an rye on that, too.
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the economy end of the day is what got trump elected. it's one of those things that really resonated with people. particularly in those blue states that he turned red. so if that -- if that sort of optimism continues, good news for republicans across the board who would be in charge of executing some of these issues that are stalled right now. tax reform. infrastructure. which they don't agree on. we should say. and no guarantee trump's tax reform package or infrastructure wouldn't add to the deficit and face resistance, but it is definitely in his interests and the republican party's interest to keep those numbers above water. >> interesting to get a report from the vice president from grandville, michigan. what they think out there, the blue collar folks. has the president delivered on trade or not? mr. vice president, call in, maybe. talk about that. next, the president heads to a big summit in europe and even the few friendships made early on now under strain. as we go to break, this is
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how some atlantans -- did i say that right -- celebrating july 4th. a 10k race every july 4th. on this, the largest 10k in the world. lobster and shrimp are teaming up in so many new dishes.fest, like coastal lobster and shrimp, with shrimp crusted with kettle chips. or new, over-the-top lobster and shrimp overboard. but it can't last, so hurry in.
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yeah, we are. no, you're not jimmy. don't let directv now limit your entertainment. xfinity gives you more to stream to more screens. welcome back. a significant change today in the president's schedule for this week's g-20 summit in germany. the meeting with russian president vladimir putin upgraded to a formal bilateral meeting instead of the initial shorter casual conversation. candidate trump voiced hopes for a more friendly relationship with putin. the expects are more frosty now. one big question, worther president trump will rebuke putin for the kremlin's election interference. syria, ukraine and north korea now likely topics of conversation. mantle how that chance is live in moscow for us. how's the kremlin see the stakes
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of this big meeting? >> reporter: well, obviously, john, they see the stakes in this meeting as being incredibly high. this is a very important meeting for the russians. the first time, of course, trump and putin have met, and the russians have a lot riding on this. they want first and foremost the sanctions that the united states has imposed against russia over its actions in crimea and eastern ukraine lifted. they want a seat at the table. they want to have a normalized relationship with the united states, but first and foremost, they want their -- they want their position. they want their rights as a nation, as they would see it, respected by the united states and its western allies over ish a yous like ukraine, the issue in syria and other theaters as well in the international arena. so for vladimir putin this is a crucial meeting. a crucial first opportunity to sort of press the flesh of president trump and get a gauge of the man in person, john. >> and matthew, in the russian
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media, how is trump portrayed now say opposed to four, five months ago? >> reporter: well, four, five months ago he was portrayed as the sort of, you know, god-sent hero of the russian people. expectation s so high, a transformation in the relationship which has been poor between the united states and russia. u.s. missile defenses, and international terrorism in syria because of the poisonous political environment in the united states and allegations increasing about collusion and russian interference in the u.s. election, none possible. none has come to pass. as a result, the expectations are much lower. and the russians say even if there's an agreement for these two to meet again, considered to be a success, john. >> big change. fascinating few days ahead. live from moscow, matthew chance. and frustrated that they'll
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closely be watching. climate change, trade and what they view as lectures from president trump about migration and military spending. cnn frederic plk pleitgen has m >> reporter: certainly a lot of, john, transatlantic tensions especially between the germans and americans. one thing that will take place before the summit even starts is that bilateral meeting between angela merkel, in many ways, of course, is really the leading power now in europe, and president trump. and she went in front of german parliament and laid out the fact she believes this is going to be a very, very difficult meeting. she said "to gloss over the disagreement would be disingenuous" referring to things like climate change but trade as well. she took one barb many believe were aimed at president trump and said, whoever believes that the world's problems can be solved by isolationism and protectionism is mistaken. one of the things angela merkel
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said referring to the fact the u.s. pulled out of the paris agreement. not renegotiated and germany will not back away from. frankly the rest of europe as well and, of course, trade. germans are a huge pro-free trade power. one of the things we expect to happen, there could be a major free trade agreement signed between japan and the european union. that, of course, is something that really is contrary to a lot of the things that president trump has been saying and some of the things the u.s. has been doing ahead of this meeting as well, john. >> fun to watch. fun week ahead. if ever i wanted to be back in white house media, it's now. frederik pleitgen, thank you. and the president, first trip including a nato meeting. europeans didn't like it. do you get a second chance to make a first impression? we'll get into the details of the putin meeting and other things in a second. preferably, no question europeans prefer barack obama to donald trump. donald trump said, so what? voters say, good.
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how important is this trip for the president to the sense werther you agree on everything or not, you need to do business? >> pretty darn important. it's a really packed schedule. as his first trip was. enormously packed schedule. he'll run into a lot of meetings we already know what the disagreements are. the two most important ones i think are probably going to be more putin than angela merkel but a high-stakes trip, again. >> when you mention putin. get to it. if we go back a little at a time when they thought the two leaders, mr. putin and trump, thought they could get along. words more conciliatory. . >> translator: russia is ready. i repeat, we understand this will be difficult but are ready to play our part in it. >> if putin likes donald trump, guess what, folks? that's called an asset. not a libltd. liability. >> this was a constant in the campaign. he thought, sure, we'll disagree on things but let's get along,
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do business. talk about the nuclear agreement, talk about the syr n syrians. now, with the russia meddling, the big question, now that they agree this is not a five or ten-minute pull azide. s -- pull-aside, can the president walk out of that meeting and not have looked vladimir putin in the eye and say, "stop it"? >> yes. >> he can. i don't know if he should. this is a problem. i'll say this -- ishs the white house is emphasizing that everybody's talking about this vladimir putin bilateral meeting, very sort of formal. what's more important according to the white house is what happens the day before, and in warsaw right next door to russia. with a speech that the president is giving to warsaw invited by the ruling party there. i agree that's more important, because of what that substance of that speech is going to be. we don't know that for sure, but if this is a speech that sort of
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plays to that ruling party's sort of sense of nationalism and identity, that's something that's very sort of ideologically in line with putin's view of europe, anger western european leaders looking for a more globalized ideology from the united states. to see president trump go to warsaw and gives a speech that pleases putin, that might have, seems to me, more impact on broad relationships. >> and trump is the third president to have a rude awakening by vladimir putin. remember? we all remember, george bush looked into his eyes, saw his soul. the russian reset and now this. this is certainly not the first white house to go in with one image of vladimir putin and to come out on the other -- you know, to actually be hit with the reality that this is not necessarily someone who's going to be a straight shooter. and it's something that -- i'm sure the white house is working on right now in terms of this meeting. preparing the president for. >> and someone who doesn't share
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your interests in syria, doesn't share your interests when it comes most likely to the iran nuke cle deal. more debatable. who's playing a game of chess with north korea. and we mentioned president xi earlier. a meeting, quite happy with that. a first meeting with prime minister theresa may of great britain. happy with it. the president goes to a big meeting. 19 other world leaders there. a couple he thought he was building good relationships with. listen to a sampling, europeans openly skeptical of the american president. >> if he's asking me whether i had advance notice of a ban on refugees, the answer is, no. we believe it is divisive and wrong. >> translator: i am convinced that protectionism is not be the solution. it harms everyone involved and that's why we need open markets. >> we are who we are.
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we all shame the same responsibility, wherever we are. make our planet great again. >> if your signature brand is america first, maybe you say, amen. if your donald trump and your signature legacy of your life has been, make a deal. you're heading into a strong headwind of people who don't trust you and aren't sure what to make of you. >> president trump's world view was always fundamentally at odds with the world view of people like angela merkel and macron. never going to be a lot of symbiosis between the two, because, you know, on one side, the western europeans they want this. a more globalized society. president trump at this heart what's a nationalist protectionist society. never going to be a lot of clicking between the two leaders and obviously tensions are a little bit enflamed now because of the proximity of this meeting to the withdrawal from the paris climate agreement and because in will some feathers ruffled the
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first time over for the g-7. some of president trump's pressure on europe peerns aprese working. nato summit criticized a little but nato member states are stepping up their defense contributions. so from the standpoint of president trump and his supporters, some of those tactics however controversial are working towards the ends he set out. >> a two-way street. remember, baaing to the g-7 meeting. what did angela merkel do? invited president obama to that big, sort of lutheran, christian democratic confab. basically a slap in the face to president trump while he was there. for all the talk about donald trump being alone here it is a two-way street with the western european leaders realizing this is the american president they have to deal with. >> they're politicians too, playing to their bases at home, everybody involved here. not just one politician involved here. >> exactly where i was going to take this. that big poll by the
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non-partisan pew center that found, a deterioration of the image of the united states in a lot of countries except russia. they're politicians. got to evaluate, what's the cost benefit of taking on donald trump and how do i take him on? look at manuel macron. made a big deal confronting the mer american president at the g-7 and now invited him to bastille day. what's he doing? i'm not sure yet, but they are politicianing. >> leaving himself options. interesting. >> he is. making status. >> a great way to put it. up next, the 44th president of the united states is also traveling the world and delivering not so kind words about the 45th. and as we go to break, remember, it's independence day here in the united states. take a peek at lady liberty. a beautiful day. the roles you play in life are part of what makes you, you. let's dance grandma! and you're not going to let anything keep you sidelined. come on! that's why you drink ensure.
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the 44th president of the united states was also out on the world stage this weekend as we traveled asia, barack obama not shy about criticizing the man who succeeded him. >> in paris we came together around the most ambitious agreement in history to fight climate change. that agreement, even with the temporary absence of american leadership, will still be a critical factor in helping our children solve this enormous challenge to humanity. >> that was monday in south korea. over the weekend in indonesia, there was this -- >> right now we're seeing the rise of a different kind of politics, but i don't believe that the future favors strong men. i believe the future favors those who believe in tolerance
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who believe in an international order based on rule of law- [ applause ] -- who believe on principles, human rights and individual freedoms. >> now he could have been referring to leaders in the region. could have been referring to china, but one thinks there he was also referring to the 45th president of the united states. good form, bad form? doesn't matter? >> certainly unusual. it's certainly unusual, because usually there is this very long-standing tradition of the president who leaves office not really commenting on what the current president is doing. and because they do share a bond, whether or not they agree on anything, that very few living people in this country have. >> i think it's bad form. because, you're right. it is an ambiguous statement making here. look, if this is something that needs to be said, he ought to be unambiguous about it and if he is criticizing the president in foreign countries in front of leaders who have, i would argue,
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much worse records, or in regions much worse human rights issues and problems with democracy, i mean, there used to be the old phrase, right, that all of these politics stop at our shores. you can complain all you want about what the, president trump is doing to hurt alines and hurt our standing in the world, but this doesn't really help either. >> i mean, you can get it. again, whether you're a trump or obama supporter, you can understand his peak, if you're obama, paris climate change, one of yours. a thing called obamacare, one of yours. this president, said he would do it in the election. no surprise. donald trump trying to run back the tape and rewind much of the obama legacy. interesting, though. president obama knows the schedule. knows president trump's about to go back on the world stage, knows about the first trip to europe and knows he's going to get attention when he says those things. >> setting a precedent, right, of a president very recently after his presidency ended not waiting a couple of years,
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taking on a public role and it's a partisan role. even president whose have had public personas after they've left office like bill clinton did so in a non-partisan way. focused on charity, focused on -- >> disaster relief. >> right. things that were non-partisan. >> president clinton spent a lot of time with veterans. >> president obama's persona one that is partisan. commenting on the travel ban, the health plan. >> and put numbers up on the screen. pew did a survey. essentially barack obama versus donald trump. hoop do you trust to dot right thing? in germany, canada, uk, japan, negatives for president trump. people trust obama much more. israel and russia, numbers off the charts. surprised? >> not that we care in the abstract how people feel about us in hamburg or paris. it makes it harder on democratic elected leaders to make bargains, tough choices, if they
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survey their political landscape and say, wow. if i make a deal with donald trump i could be in real trouble either in the next parliament or presidential election. >> supposed to be so different. super bowl sunday, sit down with bill o'reilly and -- >> it's a very strange phenomena. we get along. i don't know if he'll admit this, but he likes me. >> how do you know he likes you? >> i like him, because i can feel it. >> what happened? >> life's an interesting thing. [ laughter ] >> yeah. i have a feeling that -- >> politely put on independence day. >> exactly. yeah. i have a feeling that that may be -- maybe the president, future president was stretching the truth a little bit there. look, there is a sort of personal animosity going on here, too. what did president trump, how did he get into politics? sort of alleging or suggesting perhaps president obama was not born in the united states. there has to be bad blood there. >> amend blames the obama stilln
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government propagating the election. and hard to see how the white house views that as an effort to undermine donald trump's presidency. blaming obama loyalists for this stuff, you figure that, the hostility tricks up. >> trickle-up hostility. new term for washington. up next, hits keep coming from the request for voter records is out of bounds. and fourth of july parade right here. middle america. waukesha, wisconsin. i thought i was doing okay... then it hit me... ...managing was all i was doing. when i told my doctor,... ...i learned humira is for people who still have symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease... ...even after trying other medications. in clinical studies,... the majority of people on humira... saw significant symptom relief... ...and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability...
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the voter board from an evidence-free tweet struggling to gather evidence. the trump administration asked states to hand over private voter information. the basic outline of your life. military status, if you lived overseas, what party affiliation. a big ask. too big of an ask for an overwhelming number of states pap cnn inquiry found so far 44 states say they cannot or will not comply with the commission's full request. one reason -- >> it's actually causing fear and concern among voters. folks called my office to say, i'm not sure i want to be registered to vote anymore. if you're going to be providing my name to, to the white house. >> this thing isn't getting off the ground's in number one. the a lot of criticism. numerous states refusing to give information to the distinguished voter fraud panel.
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what are they trying to hide? if you haven't followed this at home, this is borne of the president's idea he lost the popular vote because 3 million to 5 million undocumented voted illegally and that's why he lost the popular vote. there's no evidence of that. no evidence of mass fraud like that. what becomes of this? >> there are state laws that, some of these states can't give over some of this information. so short of changing -- >> do you think a presidential commission should have known that before it asked for the information? >> you'd think. also underestimated the importance states really place on how they conduct elections. that is a point of pride for many, many states. so that in addition to the fact there are laws blocking this. >> let me stipulate that the sort of existence of this commission is essentially built on silliness. there's no reason to have this commission, but that said, i think we should, you know, exercise some skepticism of all of these, you know, secretaries of state now on national television getting to tell the
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federal government off about asking for information. this is a sort of longstanding going back 200 years of states versus the federal government, and they like this. i'm not sure about exactly how much of this information is available, but you talk to people who have, you know, run political campaigns. a lot of this information, you can buy. you can purchase. i don't know about the social security numbers, but names, addresses. there are political campaigns that have this information, and so -- i do want to add a little skepticism to the claim that this is something sort of unconscionable, stipulated, vorvorof course the whole point is ridiculous. >> a lot of secretaries of state resent this. no, no. i ran my election fine in 2016. don't butt in. that's adding to resistance. >> think they're being told they don't know how to do their job and some want to run for governor some day, to your point. be safe. happy fourth of july. spend time with friends and
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hi there. i'm brianna keilar in for wolf blitzer. happy fourth of july to you. it's 1:30 wednesday morning in pyongyang, north korea. wherever you're watching from around the world, thank you so much for joining us. start with an unprecedented launch by north korea. a successful test of an intercontinental ballistic missile. a missile capable of reaching the united states. the type of missile has not been confirmed by the u.s., but the laun
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