tv New Day CNN July 5, 2017 4:00am-5:01am PDT
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with president trump and everybody who's preceded him, is they haven't gone to their own properties. and he's using the oval office as a giant infomercial. >> go ahead. >> he is a multibillionaire, not in the presidency to make money. that's ridiculous. now he it would be illegal if he was violating the emoluments clause. he's exempt from a lot of the things you're talking about. and all these would-be president, attorney general, district attorneys for the states would be suing him right and left if there was a case here. >> wait a minute. >> some of them are and it's silly and going to be thrown out. >> jack -- >> hold on a second. this is actually a deeper conversation than i thought when we were just going to be talking about their golf game. we'll have you guys back to talk about all of this and how it relates to the emoluments clause. thank you very much. >> we'll fight it out on the golf course, norm. >> thanks, jack. >> let's do that. thanks to our international viewers for watching.
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for you cnn "newsroom" is next. for our u.s. viewers, "new day" continues right now. >> north korea is a bad actor not going to respond just because the president does tough tweets. >> we can never allow kim jong-un to have the ability to deliver a nuclear warhead to the united states. >> the north korean dictatorship has no regard for the safety and security of its people or its neighbors. >> the u.s. and the south koreans try to send a visible message. >> there's not much you can do short of military action. >> this is now a formal sit down, bilateral meeting between presidents trump and putin. >> if putin likes donald trump i consider that an asset, not a liability. >> what is the trump administration's strategy for countering all of this russian aggression? they don't have one. >> this is "new day" with chris cuomo and alisyn cam rotty. >> good morning. welcome to your "new day." up first, north korea releasing new video that appears to show its first successful launch of
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an intercontinental ballistic missile. the u.s. and south korea responding within hours, conducting joint military exercises, as the u.n. security council prepares for an emergency session requested by u.s. ambassador nikki haley. >> there is rising tension, no question about that, and the tension coincides, put it in trump's second international trip since taking office. the president will take off in a couple hours, stop in poland, and then he's going to go to the g-20 summit in germany. there he will have his first face-to-face meeting with russian president vladimir putin. we have every angle covered here at cnn. let's start at the pentagon and get the very latest from barbara starr. what do you make of this situation? >> good morning, chris. let's get right away to the newest video out of north korea. this is the regime's video of the intercontinental ballistic missile it launched on the july 4th holiday. the u.s. looking at this now, frame by frame.
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originally the pentagon thought it was a much shorter range missile, had to go back and look at it all again and said yes, indeed, intercontinental ballistic missile. this is exactly what the trump administration said it would not allow north korea to have. well, it has it now. and this had led very quickly to a visible response from the pentagon and south korea. another piece of video, this is an exercise that was conducted yesterday off south korea's eastern coastline. the u.s. fired a missile called a tacums. why is this important? why this visible message with this weapon? this is a weapon that can fire 200 miles no north korea, it can go after their air defenses, communications, missile launchers, infantry, that sort of thing. it's on a mobile launcher. the north koreans presumably could not easily track it. you're seeing that message being sent back to north korea. but unanswered, what does the
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trump administration do now to actually pull back on north korea's program to get them to give up their intercontinental ballistic missile and their development of a nuclear warhead? no answer to that question. >> that, of course, is the burning question. thank you very much for all of that reporting. north korea's latest provocation, bring the new urgency to president trump's trip to europe. the president will depart within the hour for poland and from there he goes to the g-20 summit where all eyes will be on his first face-to-face encounter with russia's vladimir putin. cnn's suzanne malveaux is live at the white house with the latest. what's happening there, suzanne? >> good morning, alisyn. it's going to be wheels up in about an hour or so and the first stop the president is going to be making is in poland. a 15-hour stop before germany for the g-20 summit where issues like immigration and trade, as well as climate change and u.s./russian relations will be prominent, but also in light of north korea's missile launch, this meeting and these meetings and this trip take on a new significance.
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president trump departing on his second international tour, one day after the pentagon confirmed that north korea launched an intercontinental ballistic missile. one that analysts say could reach alas sa. north korean dictator kim jong-un, taunting the united states, saying the launch was a fourth of july present to the trump administration. as the u.s. responds with both a military and diplomatic show of force, calling for an emergency session at the united nations security council to be held today. followed by a strongly worded statement from secretary of state rex tillerson, stressing that global action is required to stop a global threat and declaring that the u.s. will enact stronger measures against the north korean regime. tillerson's hardline stance in stark contrast to this terse 23-word statement following pyongyang's missile launch in april. >> the president has made clear
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to us that he will not accept a nuclear power in north korea. >> reporter: north korea's aggression, likely to dominate discussion during this weekend's g-20 summit in hamburg, germany, including his first official bilateral meeting with russian president vladimir putin, and his second meeting with chinese president xi jinping. putin and xi joining diplomatic forces and releasing their own plan to defuse tensions with north korea after a meeting in moscow tuesday. calling for a moratorium on nuclear and missile tests while also urging the united states and south korea to stop conducting joint military exercises and specifically condemning the deployment of u.s. missile defense systems in the region. the white house tells cnn there is no official agenda for president trump's meeting with putin. although pressure is mounting for trump to directly address russia's interference in the 2016 election, though, officials say it's unlikely. >> what is the trump
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administration's strategy for countering all of this russian aggression? they don't have one. >> reporter: president trump set to meet with skeptical european leaders seeking reassurance about america's commitment to nato, after president trump chose not to affirm his support for the alliance in may. >> 23 of the 28 member nations are still not paying what they should be paying, and what they're supposed to be paying for their defense. >> reporter: the president's unpopularity in the region already sparking protests with thousands expected to converge on hamburg during the summit. many europeans are also quite upset with president trump's decision for the u.s. to pull out of the paris climate agreement. according to the chinese government's press agency just yesterday, russia and china pledged to jointly push implementation of that agreement. alisyn and chris. >> thank you very much. let's bring in our panel to
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discuss it all, cnn politics reporter and editor at large chris sa liz za, bloomberg news white house reporter shannon, and cnn political and national security analyst david sanger. david, i want to start with you a piece in "the new york times" this morning, what can trump do about north korea? what's the answer to that? >> well, alisyn, his options are not good, and he has discovered over the past six months, i think in a pretty abrupt, some might say brutal way, that it's a lot easier to make ultimatums about what the north koreans will not do than to actually stop them. he's got four major steps he could take. he could try the incre mental increase in sanctions that secretary tillerson referred to in that statement last night, in which the united states admitted that this was, in fact, an ibcm. no one i know believes that's likely to work. the north koreans aren't especially sensitive to this. they're not going to give up their missile and nuclear
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programs which they view key to their survival in return for easing some sanctions, or at least that's the view of almost everybody who's been through this before from the clinton through bush administrations and into the obama administration. they could think about military options, including preemptive strikes, when they saw a missile launch preparing, but as barbara pointed out from the pentagon, they didn't even understand what this missile was as it was preparing for launch. they could, if they wanted to, try to do much heavier interception of all north korean exports, intercept ships at sea and so forth, but that risks conflict. and, of course, they could open negotiations, which president trump at various moments during the campaign and again a few months ago suggested he might go ahead and do, but that would essentially be acknowledging that north korea's a nuclear
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power here to stay. >> quick follow for you, david, general brooks said the only thing that kept war from breaking out after this test was self-restraint. common sense would dictate that that's always what stops war from breaking out, self-restraint. this is an unusual statement, is it not? >> it is. and it jumped out at me, too, chris, i'm glad you mentioned it, because we sometimes forget that the agreement that was reached at the end of the korean war in 1953 was an armistice, not a peace treaty, which means the two sides are technically at war. we don't think about that each and every day. the north koreans think about it intently. and it tells you what a hair trigger all of this is on. so one of the big calculations that president trump's going to have to make is whether or not to so increase the pressure that you could end up seeing kim jong-un lash out because he
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believes it's our plot to unseat him as the leader of north korea. that's his biggest fear and why you've seen president xi and president putin, both of whom mr. trump will be seeing later this week, both make the case for a freeze on missile and nuclear activity in return for the u.s. pulling back on all military exercises on the korean peninsula. >> shannon, we can see how complicated this is in the spectrum of responses, the secretary of state rex tillerson has had about north korea. so yesterday he released that long statement that you may have just seen in the piece talking about how north korea is a global threat. back in april, he tried a different tact, very different, in fact the opposite, where he put this out, this official statement, north korea launched yet another intermediate range ballistic missile. the united states has spoken enough about north korea. we have no further comment. so, that didn't work. i mean i understand trying that. that sounded good at the time,
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like we're not going to entertain -- we're not even going to humor them, but that didn't work. >> in the playbook of options is running thin. i think, though, that president trump is probably instinct actually going to want to move towards the talk and negotiation stage in the playbook. he's talked before about wanting to reopen talks with north korea, wanting to talk directly with them urnd the right circumstances. they'll put that caveat around that. that's how he sees himself dealing with issues. if i can just get someone in the room and talk to them, we can just talk this out, work out some deal, the whole great donald trump deal maker thing, but that is how he views trying to resolve those conflicts, trying to talk them out directly and i would not be surprised if his instinct is pushing him to that way, again, of course, because mill tar ristically there's not good options,
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diplomatically there are not good options. we are running out of the playbook here. >> you're seeing this play out here, chris, his instincts, getting in his own way. this isn't figuring out development rights for a hotel in manhattan where you can start off heavy and aggressive and berating and that's your first position and back off. words matter on the geopolitical scale in a different way. he heads into the g-20 where he has allies upset about what he said, and he's going to meet with vladimir putin, where his words have put him in a little bit of an odd capacity there with him as well, so how important is this trip for the president to use his words in a new way? >> i think it is important. i think any time a president, it's not unique to donald trump, any time a president goes to a major foreign stage, it matters. i think it matters even more with donald trump given his inexperience doing so, and given that the first trip was not all that well received by europe,
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which i know cheers trump supporters but does matter geopolitically in ways beyond just sort of our traditional domestic politics. you know, we're not even talking about the trump tweets you mentioned words mattering, chris, we're not talking about the trump tweets which basically say doesn't this guy have anything better to do about kim jong-un, which is not exactly -- diplomacy by twitter is probably at least refer to david sanger on these things, i'm not sure that's a historically effective precedent. what we don't know with donald trump is whether or not he can sort of contain his natural sort of provocative instincts. i think shannon's right, he is sort of a dealmaker but he also has this piece to him that is a provocateur. he likes to say and do things that cause reaction and then sort of revel in the reaction. we've seen that in the last week
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between the tweets about mika brzezinski and joe scarborough and the closed line tweet for lack of a better word about cnn. those have impact stateside, but it's not as impactful as, frankly, if you do it on the international stage. so i think he is a man divided. he likes to provoke, he likes to be tough, right, the era of strategic patience is over, at the same time there are no good options, no simple solution here, and words do matter. a lot of trump natural instincts sort of colliding with one another and i don't know candidly what that produces. >> chris, david, shannon, thank you all very much. >> thanks. >> i like his shorthand there, the clothes line tweet referring to the wrestling move -- >> i was wondering what the clothes line was. >> how you used to hang out the clothes and run into my arm, that's the clothes line. your legs go out.
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>> oh, yeah, i know that. i've fallen for that. >> i'll tell you what the president executed it well. now we're seeing another wrestling move at play, the body slam going on by 44 states, 44 states, republicans and democrats, have said no to the trump fraud commission's request for voter information. they have problems with the law, they have even bigger problems with the myth that's at play here. missouri's secretary of state is saying, yes, he's saying the law commands it and the reality commands it. he will make the case to you and be tested next. mom, i have to tell you something. dad, one second i was driving and then the next... they just didn't stop and then... i'm really sorry. i wrecked the subaru. i wrecked it. you're ok. that's all that matters. (vo) a lifetime commitment to getting them home safely.
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an advanced fiber-network infrustructure. new, more reliable equipment for your home. and a new culture built around customer service. it all adds up to our most reliable network ever. one that keeps you connected to what matters most. there's not enough bourbon in kentucky or wine in california to make this request sensible. we have secretaries across the nation, indeed no state is fully complying with the request, that i'm proud that kentucky and california are leading the way. >> kentucky's secretary of state saying there's not enough bourbon in kentucky for her to go with this request made by president trump's election integrity commission. this morning, 44 states are refusing to hand over certain
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voter information to the panel. the commission asked for information including the names of voters, their dates of birth, party affiliation, and the last four digits of their social security numbers. joining us missouri secretary of state jay ashcroft, one of three secretaries who plan to comply with the request. why comply, sir, and thank you for joining us? >> good morning, thank you for having me. first and foremost, there's a lot of confusion about what has actually been asked for. if you read the actual request twice, they stipulate that they only want this public information that the states have, and missouri that's going to include name and where you vote and in which elections you have voted. it won't include how you voted or your social security number. it's just public information that we regularly give out to any individual that asks for it. >> but they are asking for those last four social security digits, are they now? >> actually, no, sir, they're not. if you read the letter what they say is they want public information that the states have
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about voters. >> so you're not going to turn over the social security numbers in full? >> no, sir. they didn't ask for it. in the letter they asked for the public information that may include and then they list several factors because different states have different bits of information which they make publicly available. i, as other states, we are just going to release that publicly available information that is routinely released to candidates, to news organizations, and anyone that actually makes that request. that's what the law says and we'll follow the law. >> all right. so you're going to follow the law and not going to give any information that the law does not allow for and then you get to the policy concerns of why take part in this at all when it seems to be a search for an answer to the president's claim that there were 3 million illegal votes, which you know and i know is a baseless claim? >> well, first of all, it seems to me this is an investigation
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as to whether or not vote fraud occurs and how prevalent it is. we in the state of missouri regularly see every type of vote fraud you can imagine from documented cases of voter impersonation to people trying to slip multiple ballots in the box, multiple times, voting where they're not registered. we have a state ledge ster elected, it was proven, two members of his family pled guilty in a court of law to putting him over the top won by one vote and he serves in the legislature. vote fraud occurs. >> you want the integrity of the system to be as good as possible. this is usually controlled by the states. >> i think we all do. >> there's very little that the federal government could do and as you know, when you've gone around the state making the case for your efforts, you really only have one case that you can cite and that doesn't mean you shouldn't try to do better, but it does mean you shouldn't blow the problem out of proportion. the president said there were 3 million illegal votes. there's absolutely zero proof of
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that. why waste time and money with a commission to look at fraud when you don't have a major fraud issue? >> well, first of all, we have far more than just one instance. i'd be happy -- >> you had one case. when you get pushed you fall back on one case. >> no, sir. we haven't. i mean we've had multiple cases just in the six months that i've been the secretary of state here. and i would be happy to go through those with you if you would like to come to missouri we can show you instances we've had. it is unfortunately an occurrence. i mean -- >> i'm talk about with voter impersonation. what we're worried about is somebody saying they're able to vote and then voting. you have one case of that true or false? >> i think we should be worried about any illegal votes. >> we should. in terms of 3 million -- >> a good election is where they win and opponent loses that's not true. a good election is where the voters of the state or the voters of the nation makes the decision. >> right. >> that's all i want.
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>> right but that's all you wanted -- >> voters make the decision and they know that their vote counts. >> but if that's all you want, is to make sure that you have the most full participation in the fairest election you wouldn't be doing this, you would be doing all you can to encourage all the eligible voters you have to vote but you're not doing that. >> i've been touring the state trying to get -- >> trying outside an election cycle. when you do i.d. during ap election cycle as we know, we've seen it go to the supreme court now, with the north carolina case, it has a chilling effect. you keep people home. you have people who don't have i.d.s. if you really care why don't you try to get the eligible voters to participate? do voter i.d. outside the election cycle so it doesn't have a chilling effect. you're not doing those things, why? >> well, actually, we're implementing voter i.d. before we get back in cycle for a u.s. senate race and a statewide, state auditor race next year. and we've done it in such a way that we can tell you that if
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you're a registered voter in the state of missouri under our voter i.d. law you will be allowed to vote. the former boone county clerk one of the lead plaintiffs in throwing out our photo i.d. lawton years ago, has now come to our side and has stood up and said this is a good law. it's implemented correctly and protects against fraud, makes it harder to cheat but makes sure every registered voter can vote. that's what we should all want, we should want to know if you're a registered voter you can vote and your vote will count. as we've been making sure people are informed about that we've also been trying to sign up more people to be part of the process. the more people we have from whatever background, whatever belief system, as long as we're all trying to find what's best for our state and our country, the more voices we have, the better off we're going to be. >> why do you think so many secretaries of state are refusing to do what you're doing, including republicans? let me put up a statement for you to respond to. >> sure. >> they can go jump in the gulf
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of mexico and mississippi is a great state to launch from. mississippi should celebrate our state's right to protect the privacy of our citizens by conducting our own electoral processes. there you got the secretary of state a republican there, they don't want to do this because they say this is our business. states do this and we're not going to participate in this ruse of searching for a problem where there is none. >> well, first of all, we do know vote fraud occurs. >> but it happens on a very small scale. there must be a list of priorities for you to take on as secretary of state that has much more impact on your state than voter fraud? >> well, i think i'm responsible to do a lot of things at once as secretary of state. i think the people appointed me or elected me to do that and i'm going to do that. but i also think that any time elections are changed based on voter fraud that's a problem. we've had that occur in missouri. it's been demonstrated. secondly, i think we can both agree whether or not there is vote fraud, what amount it occurs in, has been something
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where there are smart, good people on both sides of the disagreement. and i think that -- >> i don't accept that as a premise. this is not a 50/50 proposition where maybe it's 3 million, maybe it isn't. there are no numbers anywhere like that coming from anywhere that deserves respect, except the president's mouth. he owned this as an explanation for the popular vote results and other than that, we know the studies, be you know them, you can't substantiate the allegation with anything than the president's own words. >> i can substantiate the allegations and occurrence of vote fraud in missouri -- >> you have a pausety of cases -- >> the studies you cite none include the vote fraud in miss soiree which points to a problem. >> it's your strongest reckoning of state. you have a handful of cases. you can't make this a problem of any specific dimension or scope. you don't have the cases, you don't have the proof. i'm not saying you don't have
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any cases. i'm not saying you don't have a problem. we all know every state has problems. there's almost zero chance that our votes are accurate. but it's not a widespread problem. it's not something that you're dealing with on a major scale. isn't that just the truth? >> well, i'm glad that you agreed that yes, we do have vote, and none of the vote totals are completely accurate. that's an improvement. what i would say is if like you, you believe that vote fraud isn't a massive thing, it doesn't change he elections, shouldn't you want there to be an investigation by a bipartisan commission like this with full information, because if the data shows that you can stand up and say i was right. and i would think that republicans would like to have a bipartisan investigation with all the information, why don't we do this well and put this to rest? either we have a problem with it or we don't. let's find out if we have a problem, let's work to solve it. if we don't let's move on to other problems. >> there's just so ripe for
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being misleading and, obviously, the goal would be 100% accuracy, right, that's what i'm talking about, that's what you would be talking about as the ultimate goal. we're not there yet. look, let's just deal with it as a problem on its face. how many cases have you seen brought to a point of conviction that deal with voter fraud? in your state? >> see, right there, one of the problems we have is getting convictions. >> i know. because you don't have good cases. that's what they see in the study. >> that's not true. >> you only have a handful of convictions. >> do you mind if i answer your question. >> when you go through the process they fall away. >> they don't. the most recent case i would cite that goes directly against what you're saying we had an individual that tried to vote two ballots, put two ballots into the voting box, signed an affidavit that admitted they had done it, but then they got to the witness stand and said you know, i had these prior problems, i had these difficulties in life and the jurors said we don't want to convict this person.
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they did it, we know they did it, we can prove it and when you talk about in person vote fraud or voter impersonation we have the evidence, the signed poll book that doesn't match registration -- >> cases obviously you want to aspire to be better. when the president made an issue in the white house and came out and said a lot of people are registered in two places he had staffers registered in two different places. this is the concern is that are you just chasing after something to validate a myth or are you going to make the system better? we will see when the results of this commission come out, depending on the rates of participation. mr. secretary of state, you are welcome back any time to validate the efforts. appreciate that. >> thank you for having me, sir. have a great day. president trump will see allies and adversaries as he gets set to meet nato. again we all remember last time some of the body language and messages that came out of there.
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we have the former nato supreme commander joining us next. alwayk of your employees. micromanage them. make sure they're producing. woo! employee of the month! you really shouldn't leave their side. vita coco coconut water, hydration comes naturally. finding the best hotel price is now a safe bet. because tripadvisor searches over 200 booking sites - so you save up to 30% on the hotel you want. lock it in. tripadvisor.
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so in just a few minutes president trump will leave washington. you see there the live shot from -- of air force one. he is heading to warsaw, poland, part of a european trip that includes the g-20 summit where one development is sure to come up, north korea. just tested an intercontinental ballistic missile. how should president trump handle this crisis? let's discuss it with former brigadier general anthony tata the best selling author of "besieged" and generally wesley clark former nato supreme allied commander. great to have you with us. general, i will start with you, what would you advise president trump to do about north korea? >> good morning, alisyn. well, i think what president trump needs to do is look at all of his flexible response options that he has. right now what you've got playing out on the world stage is president xi is meeting with putin. putin is going to meet with
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trump. putin and xi want trump to stop the military exercises formerly known as team spirit, now known as full eagle, on the korean peninsula. that's their end game is to get the u.s. leadership out of that region so that they can have more in that region, and their end game is to get rid of the u.s. military presence in south korea. this is political brinksmanship and engagementship at its highest and to think that north korea is not allied with russia and china in some way on this would be naive. we have to look at their linkage to iran. this is a big deal and i think tillerson has it right, a global threat deserves a global response. >> now, you know, general clark, we remember during the campaign when then candidate donald trump suggested in an interview with fox that maybe japan and south korea would have to go it alone,
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maybe they should even get their own nuclear weapons, he seemed to sort of echo that again in a tweet just yesterday where he said, you'd think that japan and south korea would be getting sick of this by now. is that the answer, that they need to step up and do more? >> i don't think the right response to this is to -- for japan and south korea to go nuclear. could they go nuclear? certainly. does it improve stability in the region? absolutely not. it puts more of a hair trigger response into every political crisis that comes down the line in this area. there are many other issues. there's the issue of u.s. arm sales to taiwan. there's what china is doing in hong kong. there's the south china sea. there are trade issues between the united states and china. so there are many different issues here. japan has its own set of issues with china. so we needs u.s. leadership here
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to be stedfast, reliable, and consistent. first thing is, there is something called deterrence. we've dealt with soviet and now russian ibcms that can target the united states for more than half a century. we've dealt with chinese capacities. so we haven't attacked these countries and we're going to have to think through this very carefully as a nation. people around the world are looking for u.s. leadership. they're not looking for tweets, they're not looking for hyperactivity, and they're not looking for a war to be started on the korean peninsula. >> general, obviously this bring in the allies and nato allies and the last time that president trump was on a foreign trip, you'll recall he sort of scolded some of the nato allies by saying they're not paying their fair share. today in this landscape what do you think the reception from nato allies will be to president trump and what do you think his message to them will be?
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>> i think, alisyn, what you're really going to see is sort of a showdown between nationalism and multilateralism. what you're going to have, the g-20 is almost the side show to the trump/putin bilateral discussion and what you've got there is really geopolitical gamesmanship playing out on tv. you know, merkel wants to talk about trade, she wants to talk about my migration, she wants to talk about climate, and all of those things are important and need to be discussed, but right now, what i think the president really has on his mind is how to rein in north korea, how to checkmate them in some way as general clark was saying, there are a lot of issues that stem from this one issue right now and the president needs to stay the course and not get distracted by some other things in the protests and so forth. i mean, there's lots of things that could be protested there,
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reference china and their human rights record and all that, but we won't see any of that. what we're going to see is some protests against trump and what the president needs to do is stay focused on the real issue which is north korea, relationship with russia, relationship with china, and yes, our relationship with the european union to the degree that they carry their fair share. >> what are you looking for, general clark? >> well, i hope that the president will be reliable and consistent and stedfast. that he'll affirm his article 5 commitment to nato. that he will encourage the polls to stay with real democracy. i hope he will appreciate the contributions our european allies and the g-20 make to gobble stability. i would like to see -- global stability. i would like to see him stay focused on the real themes that are important here. he's got a lot riding on the meeting with putin because putin's already come in and threatened that there will be consequences if we don't give
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back the two soviet building or russian buildings that were taken away as a result of their interference in the election. president trump has never said anything about russian interference in the election. he wants to avoid that issue. of course there's tremendous political interest in this issue in the united states. among our allies abroad. they want to see if this meeting if president trump is going to stand up to putin or he's going to be bowled over by putin. this is going to have enormous consequences for nato and it's also going to have enormous consequences for korea because if president trump can't stand up to putin how is he going to be able to handle the complex issues of china, russia. they're all engaged one way or another with north korea. you cannot isolate these issues on the international stage. >> yeah. >> they're all connected. >> such an important week that we're watching. general clark and general tata
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thank you very much for being here. >> thank you, alisyn. >> we're staying on top of breaking news this morning. an nypd officer apparently targeted and killed on the beat. what we're learning about the fallen officer in the moments leading up to her death, next. it's not just a car, it's your daily retreat. the es and es hybrid. lease the 2017 es 350 for $329 a month for 36 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer.
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summer meet making a comeback increasing humidity and overall stormy conditions. let's bring in meteorologist allison chinchar for a look at the forecast. what do you see? >> i see many of the things you would normally see in summer. all the things you just mentioned we're talking heat, humidity and also the storms. this forecast brought to you by the allergy medicine for continuous 24-hour relief. we have some storms that are already out there an impressive line moving from oklahoma, texas, towards arkansas and then a couple scattered storms as well. now that first system is going to gradually make its way towards the mid-atlantic and the northeast but right behind it we have a second system that will be coming through and those areas that are going to pick up
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on both mainly the ohio valley into areas of the mid-atlantic, that's where you're going to end up seeing the most rain. some areas could be as much as four to six inches. in addition to all of that moisture we're also talking a lot of heat. 91 today in atlanta, 83 in new york, 96 in charleston. we're talking 91, alisyn, in houston. it's summer and you have to deal with it with sunscreen and staying hydrated. >> it is july, i never complain about it because winter always comes back. thank you very much. we are staying on top of this breaking news for you. new york city's police commissioner tweeting that an officer was quote assassinated in an unprovoked attack. miosotis familia, a 12-year veteran was sitting in a vehicle when a gunman shot her in the head. two other officers confronted the suspect a block away and police say the officer shot and killed the suspect after he pulled out a gun. passengers on two more airlines no longer have to pack
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laptops and tablets in their luggage when flying into the united states. the department of homeland security lifting the laptop ban on emirates and turkish airlines based on what the companies are describing as their act of compliance with security measures. the ban which rolled out in march still applies to six other airlines. >> well when the cops show up it's usually a tell-tale sign the party is over. but that's not how things went down at this holiday block party in asheville, north carolina. the officers joined in the fun, taking the plunge on a giant slip and slide, uniforms and all. they were called for a noise complaint. but they decided to ignore the noise complaint and just take a dip here on the slip and slide. and afterwards they posed for pictures with the kids and thanked everyone for a refreshing dip on a hot day. >> that is an impressive slip hot tay. >> how did they deal with the problem of getting t ing thting
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there? second bag. in a second bag going down the slip and slide. why didn't i think of that? a ton of things i could have avoided. >> that's the right apps. so wonderful. >> not everything is a police action. all right. so, president trump is tweeting again. what is he saying this time? it could affect the crisis in north korea. we'll take you through it next. whoa! you're not taking these. hey, hey, hey! you're not taking those. whoa, whoa! you're not taking that. come with me. you're not taking that. you're not taking that. you're not taking that. mom, i'm taking the subaru. don't be late. even when we're not there to keep them safe, our subaru outback will be. (vo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. we believe in food that's anaturally beautiful,, fresh and nutritious. so there are no artificial colors, no artificial flavors, no artificial preservatives in any of the food we sell.
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the president just tweeted on the subject of north korea -- trade between china and north korea glue almost ho% the first quarter. so much for china working with us but we had to give it a try. lee zeldin of new york, did the president in a tweet just say he's not going to try to work with china anymore? how do you feel about the president dealing with an issue like this over twitter? >> as it riltings to china, we've had a, b, c, d, and e. we have many challenges as it relates to china so there's the car are the and stick approach on diplomacy and economic pressure. the president and the united states has many options on the table to deal with chinese actors that are helping the
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north korean economy as it relates to sanctions. i don't know if that's a direction we're going to end up going, but a new president comes in, they try to build a relationship and try to get china to work with us. and if that doesn't happen, we do have some tools available to deal with some of these chinese actors that can help ramp up the economic pressure on north korea. so that might be next. >> that's a very nuanced answer you just gave there, congressman, and it's nothing like what the president just said which seems to be a pretty blanket statement that, that's it, no more working with china. isn't this the risk of doing diplomacy by tweet? >> yes. it's very difficult to do diplomacy by tweet. hopefully at g-20 the president has the opportunity to work with his chinese counterpart and discuss these particular issues and make some progress, but it's much better to do it in person than over twitter.
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>> why would i chase after you on this? you don't control what the president says. but you're a leader, in the military, my congressman, district on long island. isn't it time for you to get a consensus among your own party and the elected officials and have a discussion with the president about how he conducts state business? not how he feels personally about me or about cnn. he's got his first amendment rights like everybody else. but when you tweet about china in this kind of rough way and seem to come to a conclusion, now he's going to this g-20 meeting, he's done this on a number of topics, it's created a number of problems. is it time to get together with the president and talk about how he conducts state business? >> i have spoken to the president as it relates to twitter. we had a dinner at the white house about 2 1/2 weeks ago where the topic came up. and twitter does provide him with a very effective tool to --
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any of us with a very effective tool to be able to communicate our message. becomes a little more complicated. i guess when you're the president of the united states you're the leader of the free world and what you put into 140 characters or lisz at times can be taken in many different ways which can cause confusion that would require follow-up at the same times -- >> when has it worked well for him, congressman? just look at the news cycles, you know? look at his popularity ratings. look what's gotten done in washington. what can you point to where you're like, oh, see these tweets? these really helped him. this was a money tweet. where has it helped? >> some of his best tweets from that perspective would be the ones we talk the hooes about, the least controversial, communicating with his base weather the american public with regards to work on vette rapps, on the economy where he's drilling into the -- when he
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talks about trade, the issues that got him elected, the issues that quite frankly a lot of people who didn't vote for him also care about, but those are not the ones that we spend the most amount of time talking about. >> they're also the minority of his tweets, right? they did a breakdown of the subject of matter of his tweets. he doesn't spend the majority of his time talking about what the american people care about. i love the tweets, the window into the head and the heart of the president of the united states. it's a level of access we've never had before and it gives me a legitimate line to test ideas because i know where they're coming from. another issue that will matter, he hasn't tweeted about this yet, but when he meets with the russian president, what do you want to be communicated about election interference by russia? should it come up? what should be said? >> it should come up. one of many important topics. russia has a long history of meddling in foreign elections. and we should not only be
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reflecting back on 2016, and there's a larmer cyber component that outside of the election process impacts the u.s. government, u.s. infrastructure, u.s. companies, individuals, privacy data, but aside from just reflecting backwards to 2016, it's an important conversation because before you know it, it will be 2017, 2018, 2019, and you have future elections and while in 2016, you know, the democrats might be the victims of russian meddling, you know, who knows if, you know, a few years town the road everything's flipped, it's republican e-mail accounts that get hacked into, republican systems that get hacked into, and also the republicans are the victims. as americans it's important for us to be united on this front, protecting the process not just looking backwards but looking forwards as well, and to send that message to make sure it doesn't happen again. >> congressman, appreciate you
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being on "new day." >> thank you. >> following a lot of news including the u.s. response to north korea's latest missile launch. let's get after it. >> together we are facing the threat of the reckless and brutal regime in north korea. >> this is likely an icbm. >> we need to know what the strategy is and how we're going to deal with this. >> the president may realize his options in this world are very limited. >> it will take a worldwide effort to get north korea to stop what they're doing. >> any patriot ought to care about foreign affairs. it is very conspicuous that this president has chosen to deny it and not discuss it. >> our relationship is not different from any other country. >> i wish he'd treat putin much like he treats cnn. >> this is "new day."
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