tv Smerconish CNN July 8, 2017 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT
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negligence. on friday, they ruled the suv can be searched in connection with the crash. that's all for me in new york. i'll be back in one hour here in the cnn newsroom. have a great one. ♪ we're in philadelphia and welcome viewers in the united states and around the world. so, president trump finally met president putin, but what happened? that depends on who you ask. secretary of state tillerson said trump presented putin with a lengthy discussion about the u.s. election hack. they said putin denied assertions and trump accepted the denial. where does this leave us? president trump talking taough s
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north korea launches yet another missile. talking to former u.s. ambassador and governor richardson about why the trump administration should talk directly to kim jung has un. the parents 11 month old baby and the hospital that wants to take him off of life support. first president trump announced that after the g-20, he's headed to lon, which is where i visited last week when i was off. whenever i travel abroad, i air on the side of too many yes, please, and thank you. if i'm confused as to whether the gratuity is included, i make sure to leave some kind of a tip. if the local language is something other than english, i make the effort to say good morning or good evening in native tongue. when i'm beyond my borders, i'm a representative of the united
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states. more than 1 of 300 million. still, i try to do my small part to dispel the image, the false stereotype of the ugly american. think ryan loche. last time in lop don, it was an exercise in futility. no amount of person-to-person encounters this summer travel season offsets recent actions of our president. prior to my bedeparture, there was a as a rule ger tweet comments on a female cable news host's practice surgery. by the time i landed overseas, he tweeted an internet methamphetami meme body slamming cnn. it was not slowed by the fact that the meme was on reddit with an , nor detoured by this prior listing of cnn personalities next to stars of david, antisemitic suggestion of over representation in the media.
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after cnn reporters identified and tracked down han, he apologized. the president has not. president trump's behavior tran sends our borders, and it's often embarrassing. the news now from within england is all about wwimbledon. meanwhile, president trump's hateful tweet, thee story from america, and source of befudd befuddlement from brits i spoke to including a visit to the market, a scene of a bloody attack on june 3 by these islamists who killed eight people. various bbc channels, russia today, and al jazeera to name a few. as often been my experience with traveling abroad, amongst the american cable offerings, only cnn was available, no fox news, at least not the american version, and no msnbc. cnn international is the only one with a global footprint, a point, perhaps, not considered
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by the president when circulating the image of himself body slamming the network logo. when the president attacks cnn, he's trying to pillary a news source that's viewed and republiced worldwide including world leadersment by the time i landed in philadelphia, north korea claimed to test an intercontinental ballistic missile, and president trump sought global partners to do something about him. too bad the leaders already, themselves, seen his recent video. so, did president trump, quote, press vladimir putin about interfering in the u.s. election, or did putin move on? that's the biggest lingering question about the two hours-plus meeting between trump and the president friday afternoon. this is how secretary of state rex tillerson described it in an off-camera briefing after the meeting. >> the president open the meeting with president putin by
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raising the concerns of the american people regardsing russian interference in the 2016 election. they had a very robust and lengthy exchange on the subject. the president pressed president pew tip on more than one occasion involving russian involvement. president putin denied such ininvolvement as i think he has in the past. >> however, the russian counterpart, the only other person in the room, told another story. he said, quote, president trump said he's heard pew tip's clear statements this is not true, and that the russian government did not interfere in the elections, and that he accepts these statements. that's all. just the day before, president trump had equivocated as to whether russia was behind the 2016 hacking. where does that leave the fraught relationship? joining me to discuss is former anchor for rt, and carter paige, a former foreign policy adviser
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to candidate donald trump, an essential figure in the investigation in russian meddling and denied wrong doing. carter, were you surprised? were you disappointed that president trump brought up the subject of meddling to president putew given you are dismissive the allegations in the past? >> not surprised, michael, but i think you have to ask the question, and -- but there's nothing -- no, it was intelligence report, so completely fake intel report from january 6 done for political purposes, et cetera, so i guess you have to ask the question, but i'm wondering whether they, you know, president putin asked something about the fake allegations that were made against one of his leading business leaders who i was falsely accused by the intelligence community or in
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this unverified dossier, so it's interesting. we'll see how that plays out, but -- and, again, all of these falsehoods will be resolved in time. >> but the president didn't treat it like it was a falsehood. he said what he said in poe land, but by the time he's in hamburg with putin, now he's treating it as if it's the real deal. explain that disconnect to me and where you think this is going. >> i wish i could explain it all to honestly, i was surprised, myself, it was brought up. what's the benefit to him to bring it up? he's been inconsistent on the issue calling it a hoax, or the other day at a press conference when asked, he said, yeah, i think russia did it, but probably of the other people too, and so because he's not taken a consistent stance on it, it is hard to follow no matter
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where the president stands. no matter what he does, he's criticized at home because of the current political dynamics. i don't think that anything he could have said or done would have been forceful enough about it, and, of course, pew tutin w deny it. that's been his position, and why wouldn't he? there's no incentive for the russian government to change their tune where they stand on election med. ing and hacking. >> in advance of the meeting, you wrote and said, these are two individuals with big egos, two men who like to win. i want to show a brief snip of the greeting between the two, and have you read the tea leaves. go ahead, roll the tape. >> we look forward to a lot of very positive things happening for russia and the united states and for everybody concerned, and it's an honor to be with you. >> how do you read it? what's the body language between the two.
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>> i think so much of politics is optics so it makes sense both leaders try to portray a positive and firm and strong type of position, but i also think that optics don't tell us much, right? optics are just what we resort to, lean back on, in the lack of more concrete results and information, so i think that vladimir put tin went into the meeting not getting anything outs of it. they want sapgnctions lifted, a what's happening in the united states, that's a nonstarter as congress tries to make it so the president's hands are tied on the issue. same for donald trump. he knows that he's going in with not all that much to give. the two, obviously, are looking at issues like syria, ukraine. they did not discuss north korea, but areas in which the two countries have to cooperate on international levelings but, otherwise, i think both had to go in with lowered expectations, and so it ends up being p all about body language, right, and
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how it looks rather than what we get out of it. >> carter, this is what you've been waiting forment i mean, if i understand your world view, it is one of the u.s. being trapped in this cold war prism, up willing to think outside the box and regard putin as a potential ally and not an enemy. how did you read what you just saw? >> i -- it was one of the greatest moments in u.s. diplomatic history. the -- >> why? >> caller: well, the bravery that he showed going up against this fake intelligence report, and all of the political shenanigans that droeve the investigation from the very beginning a year ago this month. he showed an amazing bravery. if president kennedy had had the same approach in the bay of pigs in beijing given the stupid idea by the intelligence community and told to run with it with his
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first six months of the administration, things would have turned out better for him, and president trump had great judgment and it's great he got it talk about syria opposed to the fake story. >> carter, carter, he's not -- he wasn't confronting what you regard as fake information. he was acknowledging the information. otherwise, why raise it with putin? >> well, you got to raise the question, you know, i guess you have to raise the question because, you know, i think as secretary tillerson's comments reflected, some people in america are concerned about it because they were misled, and, you know, you talked about the ugly american in your introduction, michael. really, a lot of the ugly americans phenomena now is driven by falsefalsehoods.
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i don't blame the media. the media has been just kind of following up on lies they were told by political operatives, both from the clinton campaign and the people they were colluding with in the obama administration. so let's, you know, eventually, as the truth is finally told and disclosed, you know, with through the freedom of information act, there's going to be a great renaissance in media-government relations. you watch. >> if i may just make one little point -- >> respectively, this presents the contradiction between the president on thursday and then on friday. wants it both ways. one day says might have been russia, might have been somewhere else, and in the meeting with putin, he raises the meddling in the u.s. election. unravel that. >> raising the question, yeah. >> i want to make a point about this ugly american notion. i think probably, carter, the
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fact we have a president who does not respect women and makes demeaning comments about them, demeaning comments about immigrants, their contribution to the society, and who belines them. that probably had something to do with the notion of an ugly american too because it goes against values we claim to be pushing all over the world, you know, values of freedom, liberty, and respect for human rights and other people. i just want to make that point. but, yes, it's hard to -- you keep track of president trump and where he stands on certain issues, and that's always been the case. also, you know, just from a russian perspective, we saw there was a a lot of excitement right after donald trump was elect elected, but now the expectations have been lowered because they realized, a, that he is unpredictable, and flip-flops on positions that he's taken, and, also, again, if you mention the current political dynamics at home, but those are real issues, and it's something reported in the russian press, too, and so all
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of those expectations have been lowered as well as the rest of the world, just to look at the positions the united states have taken on the paris climate accord and trump administration pulling us out of it. to me, that's part of being an ugly american. if we're not going to care about the future of the planet and its stainability and that's another thing where people feel like they can no longer depend on the united states to be consistent because of president trump. >> respond to that, carter. >> well, you know, it's interesting. the cover story the "new york times" today, once dominant u.s. is now isolated at the g20. it's completely the opposite. the -- you talk about dominant, domination, the domination approach suggested with this intelligence collaboration between the clinton associates and the obama administration,
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that's the real meddling in the election, and i think that is, really, what a lot of people don't like. the intelligence community, again, back to the kennedy example, back to the original dossier in 2003 leading us into the iraq war. just time after time, really domination-type approaches, and the the american public voted against that, just like they voted against it in 2008 with obama and when he came out against the iraq war and make changes there. the difference with president trump is that he has a solid plan, incredibly solid plan, and he's going to make it happen. i'm confident. >> you didn't address the point about american values. carter, yes. the intelligence community and its not-so-stellar track record is to be considered here as well as american foreign policy, the disstabilization caused,
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especially in the middle east, but what about all the other points i made? >> well, exactly -- >> carter, take 15 seconds, and i have to wrap. final word is yours, go ahead. >> well, the domination they've done is really what concerns people. i -- similar with you, michael, i spend most of my time in london at least until recently, and, you know, the people are concerned about the problems in u.s. foreign policy, and i think some of the chaos that it's created around the world, so we shall see. >> thank you, appreciate your being here. what's your thoughts at home? tweet me, visit my facebook page, and i'll read some throughout the course of the program. what do you have, katherine? you either trust russia or you don't. you are saying tillerson is telling a lie. hey, max, what happened to reagan's trust, but verify? give me another one, please.
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the president takes the word of a murdering thug about the 2016 election, but rejects his own intelligence community. yeah, michael, i'm struck by the fact that all our senior leaders regard putin through their words as a thug or a murderer. republican and democratic. then you got that image of the president saying, you know, it's an absolute honor to meet you. there's a disconnect there somewhere. one more if we have time. >> our daughter was aprobroad. after decades of trying to rid americans nope as ugly americans, we are now just that. i'm on my best behavior, tani, outside my house in a foreign country, and i was moved by the fact that i'm mining my ps and qs, and air on the side of appropria appropriateness, but yet the news from home was unsettling. north korea launched another missing tuesday leading president trump to warn that north korea could face severe consequences. several experts on north korea
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have signed a letter encouraging the trump administration to have direct conversations with kim jung un. bill richardson associated with north korea himself, and he's here. >> as far as north korea's concerned, i don't know, we'll see what happens. i don't like to talk about what i have planned, but i have some pretty severe things that we're thinking about. i'm jamie and i'm the fifth great-granddaughter of benjamin rush. he was actually the only medical doctor that signed the declaration of independence. i myself am a nurse, my daughter is going to physician's assistant school. we're passing on family traditions. ♪
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unless president trump sits down for negotiations with north korean president, he's facing a quote-on-quote nuclear ka tas tlo fe. that's the letter cement to the president from a half dozen experts. it reads, show good faith and jump start talks. they could send an envoy to north korea, and washington should make clear the united states does not have hostile intentions towards north korea and wants to explore peaceful
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paths forward. now, the signers are a number of heavy weight, diplomat, nuclear scientist, senators, former defense secretary, former secretary of state, and my next guest, former u.n. ambassador and new mexico governor, bill richardson. governor, why do you endorse that strategy? why do you think there might be something to gain from direct communications with north korea? >> i've negotiated with the north koreans for the last 15 years. i've been there eight times. they want to be seen as an e equal power to the united states. they may not be, but they don't want interlocks like china or six party talks. they always want to be the big guy in the region. now, i admit that the diplomacy is the best of a bunch of bad options, especially right now after the north koreans mistreated that kid.
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i was involved in that in trying to get him home, and he ends up in a coma, and without an explanation from the north koreans. i agree, michael, with the secretary of defense. a preemptive military strike is catastrophic. those were the words he used. you don't want this kind of outcome. and in between what we've tried before, sanctions, increase sanctions, putting pressure on china, cyber efforts to degrade their nuclear capabilities, a lot of those options have not worked, but i think we have to continue forwards a pace that eventually involves diplomacy. i think that's the only way out. >> is there more here than what meets the eye? i mean, to my untrained eye from the sidelines, it looks like we have no conversation at the level you're advocating. in fact, are there overtures that get made from the united states to the north koreans and
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vice versa that the public just wouldn't be aware of? >> well, i'm not inside the trump administration. you know, they don't talk to me. >> right. >> i suspect there are at the state department, mid-level with the u.n. representatives, the north koreans have, that did successfully at least we got him back home to his parents, but i think this is a role that the chinese can play. i saw the european union, maybe they could be mediators. we need new mediation there, michael, and, i mean, right now, i don't think there's any direct high level contact, for sure, maybe lower level, but this is an area where the chinese can help us, but they don't want to help us. they want turmoil in the region for us. they are doing as little as possible. russia, too. the united nations, russia, and
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china, i was u.n. end bambassad. they could squeeze the north korean leadership. the prospects are not great for any kind of lessening of tensions in the short term, but i think there should be a strategy short term and long term, and i'll be glad to outline it if we get to that. >> i'm curious as to how much we really know about un, and i thought my colleague wrote something interesting for the "washington post," quotie ining paragraph for you. he said in washington, there's knowledge that spans elite. going like this. north korea is the world's most bizarre country run by a crack pot dictator with a strange haircut. he's unpredictable, irrational, and can want be negotiated with. eventually, this weird and cool regime will collapse. meanwhile, the only solution is more and more pressure, but what if the conventional wisdom is
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wrong? perhaps the right way to look at north korea is as a smart, rational, calculated government that's functioning shrewdly, given priority of regime survival. more pressure only strengthens resolve to by more insurance and how to handle it under these circumstances. does he have a point? >> he has a partial point, but i believe there's somewhere in between a potential right answer. now, that's where i think it is. one, he wants to keep his nuclear arsenal. he doesn't want to be another iraq, iran, libya that gives it up because he thinks that's weakening the countries. secondly, he desperately wants to stay in power. we can see how he treats his political opponents. he kills them. he goes after his own family. so for some reason, he's still not structure of his legitimacy
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in leadership, even though it appears he has substantial support from the military, from the party. third, he is unpredictable. nobody knows what makes him tick. the chinese don't know. he snubs the chinese. look, you know, dennis rodman is the only american that's ever talked to him. my view is that there has to be an end game that he has. he can't just continue these efforts. i think he knows he would be massively defeated by the united states, but he must want something in his big card, this nuclear and missile capability, and in the end, i think, like his father, like his grandfather, he'll say, okay, i'm the big player in the world stage. this is what i want. i think it's got to be more sustained pressure for him to reach that point. >> final question, can any amount of sanctions make an impact?
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when i hear the word "sanctions," i think of dean putting the house on double secret probation. holdup ti how many times do we try that? >> the only sanction that might have bite, george bush fut put n north korea and taken off when we negotiated. that is a sanction on chinese banks that launder money into north korea that gets to the north korean leadership. you need the u.n. to get those done, and russia and china would probably veto them. in other words, some sanctions on chinese banks that do business with north korea, after all, 80% of the commerce that goes into north korea comes from chi china. china gives them food, economic assistance, coal, it gives them natural gas, energy, so china
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has that lev ramg. something that basically also said to china, if you don't put real sanctions on, china, we're going to sanction you. they will be tossed to that because china is a big player, commercially, trade-wise, especially in the region, so i think i'll give credit to the president. he said we're not going to list you as a currency manipulator, but put steel sanctions on if you don't help us. you have to put bite on the chinese and we have not really done that yet. that's our best hope. >> governor richardson -- >> a lot of bad options. >> yeah? >> thank you for being here, govern governor, i appreciate it. >> thank you. thank you, michael. >> what are your thoughts at home? what are you tweeting and posting on my facebook page? what do you have? if we grant kim the honor of trump hosting him in the white house, we make him bolder. he's desperate to be a global player. i think what they are saying is send a presidential level envoy,
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not necessarily the president going there. this is not nixon going to china or having kim here in the united states, but let him see some level of a sign the respect. one more from facebook if we have it. let's see, kim may be nuts, but we need to do something. yes. agreed on that. what that might be? i don't know. up next, 11-month-old baby in the u.k. got worldwide attention. should his parents have the right to keep him on life support or should the courts rule on his behalf? go ahead, spoil yourself. the es and es hybrid. experience amazing. it's looking up, not fit's being in motion. boost® high protein it's intelligent nutrition with 15 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. boost® the number one high protein complete nutritional drink.
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the case is far from resolved, and i find myself wrestling the question, who should be responsible for the final decisions regarding his medical care? his parents or physicians? charlie suffers from dna depletion syndrome. the condition causes progressive muscle weakness and brain damage. there are only about a dozen kids in the world who are known to have it. he's brain damaged, and accordsing to both the lower court and the high court ruling in this case, still suffering pain. he breathes with the benefit of a mechanical ventilator, and the disease is draining energy from his body's organs and muscles. his parents want to keep him alive by my means necessary, but the hospital had decided that his condition had to deteriorated to the point where he was not going to benefit from my further efforts. when i first learned of this case and i read in just superficially on the facts, i said to myself, this really is a death panel. how outrageous that any court or any third party would step in
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and make a decision for this young man and his family. the parents want to desperately pursue alternative medical treatments. i learned more. thought more about it. i concluded it's not simple. charlie's 11 months old. british system necessitate interests represented independently those of his parents. think about it. what if the reverse were true, that the parents wanted no treatment. we have had cases like that in the united states. right here in philadelphia, in 2014, a mother and father who believe in faith healing were sent to jail after causing of death of their young sick child by refusing to take him to the doctor and already had another child die under their care. so what if charlie were suffering from a medical condition for when which there was treatment, and his parents, because of a religious conviction or another rationale did not want to have that treatment offered. we'd say, don't listen to the parents. protect him!
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as much as it breaks my heart for these parents in this particular case, i think i do understand the rationale that says there needs to be an informed medical opinion that determines the outcome of this case that has charlie gard's best interest at heart regardless of what the wishes of the parents might be. i know, it sounds harsh. i pray for him. i'm happy that he's been begin a reprieve, but the brits have the right idea, and in the end, medical science, not emotion, needs to best protect charlie's interests. up next, what are the legal ins and outs about the gard case? we'll talk to two legal eagles. there's nothing more important to me than my vacation. so when i need to book a hotel room, i want someone that makes it easy to find what i want. gets it. and with their price match, i know i'm getting the best price every time.
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fight between the parents and hospital whether he should stay on life support. show me what we've got, as a matter of fact. it's so absurd that the court gets to decide what the parents could do with the baby even when trump and the pope offered help. but, kevin, that was my gut reaction as well, but them you say, well, what if parents made an irrational decision? if the parents refused treatment like the case described in philadelphia where a family lost two of their children, we'd be saying, somebody do something, let the court intervene for crying out loud, so maybe the reverse needs to be true, if ,in fact, the infant is feeling pain. that's how e evaluate. time for one more? oh, there we go. let the parents love him as long as they can. ellen, i'm thrilled that he has a reprieve. i don't want life support removed. i'm trying to say there are two
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sides to this, and i think that there's been a tendency to think that the court system in the u.k. has been irrational in its handling. let me welcome two experts on all matters of the law. two cnn contributors who are both legal eagles. how do you sort this one out? >> i think the problem with the case, michael, is americans are used to parents, and the parents' rights and parents' preferences being republspected the court systems. what's troubling about this case is the family says, look, we have the money, we have the means, we're not asking the government. we're not asking insurance to pay for this. we're just asking for our child to be allowed to travel to the united states to get additional care, and the courts are saying, no, you can't do that. in the case we saw in san francisco, she goes into the hospital for a tonsil surgery, something goes wrong, declared brain dead. the parents, though, even though
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experts said she was brain girl, this little girl, they could not take her to rehab because of parents e preferences, but that has americans so concerned about charlie's case, is why can't e he just come to the united states and get the help that some doctors say they can provide for. >> danny, respond to that, i guess the answer is, okay, if we were to come to the united states, and there were no relief, but the parents wanted to go further, at what point does the court system step in, if at all, and say, okay, it's gone too far. he's suffering pain, go ahead, d danny. >> since the early '90s, hospitals, doctors, and even courts have begun to recognize a change in policy that sometimes medical autonomy, the decision to make whatever choice you want with your body or parents for their child, can be overridden by the concept of medical futility. as medicine improves, what is and is not futile constantly evolves, but this concept is nothing new in the united
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states. hospitals had sued many, many times for the right to withdraw life saving medical treatment in tile cases, and parents long oppose them. one thing mentioned earlier, michael, should we look at it both ways? courts intervene when courts do or don't want life saving treatment. well, we long recognized that the state has an interest in life. we see that in abortion cases. and because of that interest in life, the courts can take a bias view and air in favor of life, but they don't always have to do so, and medical futility recognizes that truth. >> i think this case, though, michael's troubling for me because american doctors are telling parents that there is some experimental treatments to help their chill, so, again, why would the u.k. prevent this child from traveling to the united states when there are medical professionals who are saying they can help? >> well, just because -- >> when i --
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>> your position wiould be as long as somebody somewhere says they can help, then a court cannot withdraw medical treatment? that's a nice concept. it's just never been the law neither in the u.k. nor the united states, especially the last 30 years. >> you got it wrong. i'm not saying somebody, somewhere. i'm talking about qualified medical professionals. >> what is qualified? what is futility. >> doctors can disagree about treatment, and in this case, as long as you have qualified medical professionals in the united states saying they can provide treatment, why would a country deny the child the right to travel here to get that treatment. i disagree about the point about the law in the united states because the law allowed a family, despite doctors saying she was brain dead and treatment would be futile, they allowed that family to take her to another state to a rehab facility so there is precedent
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for families being able to control what happens with their child. >> in that sense, you are right, but courtings have gone both ways, and federal law and state law including texas enacted statutes that allow hospitals to override the choices of parents, and in certain federal cases, it can go both ways. you are right. courts have gone both ways, but that does not mean that it is not reasonable and is not justifiable in some cases of medical futility for a hospital to sue for the right to say no. >> danny, i -- a wise course for me would be to say absolutely nothing further, but i can't resist, so i have to just say this. someone needs to speak for charlie gard. that mite not be his parents. it might not be in his best interest. at some point, for this to continue, if, in fact, he's feeling pain, and it is an exercise in futility.
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that's all i'm saying. when i first read in, i said, my god, it's a death panel. this is horrific. then i read more about it. i thought, that little guy's interests need to be advocated by someone, and i think the british system takes that into consideration. i wish we had more time. it's an unbelievable debate. it's like a law school exam and so damn sad his life hangs in the balance, but thank you, thank you danny, you know appreciate you both. >> one more, if i got time. as i say, being overwhelmed on twitter and facebook comments on the case. advocated for death pams. no, see, i did not just advocate for death panels. what i said is that to the superficial analysis like yours, this is going to seem like a death panel that makes a great headline, but when you read in more about the case, you come to an understanding that the brits have decided that someone needs to be an advocate for this little guy. let me ask you, if he's feeling
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pain and it's an exercise in futility, is it not worthy as an exercise to weigh what's in his best interest? that's all i've said. still to come, your best and worst tweets of which there are many. thank you. time for a getaway. the lincoln summer invitation is on. now get our best offers of the season. on the agile mkc. on the versatile midsize lincoln mkx. or go where summer takes you in the exhilarating mkz. the lincoln summer invitation sales event. ask about complimentary pick up & delivery servicing. right now get zero percent apr plus 1,000 dollars summer savings on the lincoln mkx, mkc and mkz it's are and whereing to know you come from. i didn't know a lot about my personal family history. and through ancestry it brought us closer to understanding where i came from. finding out that i'm part native american and that i was related to one of the founding fathers i think has brought me closer to feeling more patriotic, definitely,
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if you ever miss the program, you can catch us any time on cnn go on line and through your connected devices and apps. thanks for watching and following me on twitter and my facebook page. let's see what you've got. double secret probation, classic, perhaps d-day and flounder should run the country. you get my animal house reference, right? dean wormer puts the delta house on double secret probation. every time i hear the word
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sanctions, i can't get animal house out of my head. it didn't work for delta house and it's not working for kim jong-un. i hope i wasn't disrespectful. i'm sure he didn't watch animal house like the 14 times i have. what else? >> proud to be canadian, traveling abroad. wondering what the impact of your new president is on tourism. i'm rethinking u.s. travel. >> i am proud to present my passport when i travel. when i'm at immigration and i see the people around me and i get to hand over the united states of america, i get goose bumps. i'm saying some of the stories coming out of the states these days have been embarrassing. and to go after cnn, i am not sucking up to the home team. nobody asks me to come in here and deliver a commentary supportive of cnn and cnn international, but i have
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traveled and i am mindful that cnn international has a global footprint. i wish i had more time. i'll see you here next week. (screams) man: woo hoo! join in on the fun and cash in on the deals at the chevy 4th of july sales event. man: this is a fast car. man 2: oh, boy! enjoy the ride while making no monthly payments for the rest of the summer on these exciting chevy vehicles. or, for a limited time, get 0% financing for 72 months on these 2017 models. or get 20% below msrp on 2017 impala premier and sonic lt. find new roads at the chevy 4th of july sales event. on 2017 impala premier and sonic lt. introducing the easiest way to get gillette blades noo text "blades" to gillette on demand
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you are in the cnn news room in new york. great to have you with us. we begin some breaking news on the he said he said following president trump's historic meeting with vladimir putin. we are hearing from some of the president's top white house advisors aboard air force one flying home with trump. two of them were asked three times if they could dispute putin's claim that trump agreed that moscow did not interfere in the u.s. election. and those advisors deflected the question. meanwhile, president trump has not held a press conference to share
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