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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  July 15, 2017 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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this summer hbo and xfinity have you covered. and catch the game of thrones season 7 premiere on july 16th. winter is coming to xfinity. after two days in the french capital, u.s. president donald trump returns home to a political fire storm that just has had more fuel added to it. thanks for joining us, everyone. i'm cyril vanier. it's 11:00 a.m. in paris. >> and i'm george howell. plus, a nation of turkey marking a major an varies, with reports of another massive purge ahead. we welcome our viewers here in the united states, in france and
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all around the world. "cnn newsroom" starts right now. u.s. president donald trump returned home to the united states on friday, after a windchill wind trip to paris for bastille day. but in his absence, the political firestorm over russian meddling grew even larger. and the epicenter of it a controversial meeting where the president's oldest son and a russian lawyer who supposedly had dirt on hillary clinton. surprising more people were at that meeting than previously disclosed. diane gallagher. >> reporter: this man who once accused of being in soviet intelligence had been thrust into the center of the investigation. akhmetshin told outlets he, too,
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was in the meeting. until then, donald trump jr.set said the only people in the meeting were the russian veselnitskaya. a translator, a representative of the russian family that initiated the meeting and rob goldstone, the music publicist who set it all up in one of the e-mails released by don junior goldstone wrote, quote, i will send the names of the two people i have later today. no names were released in the e-mails. in which goalstone promised, quote, some information that would be useful to your father. focused on overturning an american law that sanctions human rights abusers in russia, according to lobbying records.
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in an april letter to homeland security john kelly described him as apparently has tied to russian intelligence. he denied any of those ties to "the washington post" saying i never worked for the russian governments. i served as a soldier for two years. at no time did i ever work for the russian golf or any of eye its agencies. i was never an intelligence officer, never. it represents yet another version of who was in the room. and adds to a growing list of questions about why the story keeps changing. sources tell cnn his lawyers and white house aides started coming up with a strategy on how to manage the strategies of the e-mails back in june. after the team discovered the e-mails preparing for his congressional testimony. president trump maintains he did not know about the meeting until just before his son released the
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e-mails. >> as far as my son is concerned, my son is a wonderful young man. i think from a practical standpoint, most people would have taken it that way. >> reporter: but a white house official said advisers know that it's not good that the story keeps changing. diane gallagher in washington. while the president's own family has been caught up in this controversy, mr. trump himself was apparently kept in the dark. here's what his attorney told cnn. >> the president was not aware and did not participate. and only became aware of the meeting as we all did. so, i think we're trying -- the meeting was not an issue until what, e-mails were released. here's the issue, what law was violated by that meeting, nothing. >> let's get analysis from stev
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steven earllinger. let's talk about donald trump jr. saying, look, there's nothing more to it he said on fox news. but the drip, drip, drip does continue as we now learn there were more people in the room than previously disclosed. how does this help or hurt the white house? >> well, it looks terrible. it looks like on one hand they say it didn't matter. nothing can matter. then on the other hand, they won't tell you everything that we need to know about who was in the meeting. and it can't be that they forgot, right? so, they're now covering it up. now, why if it meant nothing are they so shy about it. apparently it meant something to somebody. it could be that donald trump jr. was trying to help his father. they've had a difficult relationship. some people compare him not very
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nicely to fredo corleone. all right? but there is an issue, which is the son of the pledresident-ele who was not only willing to meet with people who said they had incriminating material on hillary clinton wanted to, love it, he said. and now willing to access the trump family, the trump campaign and they certainly seem to be using the hillary clinton suggestion as bait, to talk about other issues that matter to russia, like lifting of sanctions. on russia that stemmed from this magnitsky case which is something that this russian woman lawyer has been involved with. and also this russian lobbyist. now, to say that the russian lobbyist was involved with, you
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know, russian intelligence, right now, feels like a built of a stretch. because after all, he was a soldier in afghanistan, you know, it could be that he's an undercover agent, who the hell knows but this is something that robert mueller, the special investigator will be looking into. and the senate and house will be looking into. it smells really bad. and as usual, it may have been that the meeting was not very important. but it's the effort to lie and lie and cover up about who was there, what was discussed, why it happened that caused the damage. it's the self-created drip, drip, drip that's so harmful. >> steven, journalist to journalist, i want to raise the issue of transappearance. donald trump jr. has been praised by some for being transparent as been described for putting out this e-mail
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chain. was mr. trump trying to get ahead of the story or was this indeed transparency? >> well, i think he was trying to get ahead of the story because "the new york times," my colleagues, had the e-mail chain. it was described to them and then they got it. he was releasing it on his own before we released it. that let him say that that he was transparent but also inside the e-mail chain was this very, very harmful, you know, expression from him, that he loved it. loved the idea of defamatory material coming from a foreign government. the russian government. about the former secretary of state and democratic candidate. and that's what's gotten everybody nervous and in trouble. and the relationship with the trumps, you know, goes back quite a way. it goes back at least to the miss universe contest and people that trump was involved with and
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met and agreed because he was the head of it to bring miss universe to moscow. and these same people were the ones that facilitated the meeting. and some of them actually attended the meeting. so, you know, if it were all about transparency, then we would know exactly was in the whole meeting which we haven't found out until your reporting and our reporting and "the washington post" reporting. but we certainly, someone was taking notes. and everyone pretends, oh, it was just a nothing meeting. well, if it was a nothing meeting, why are they being so mysterious about it. >> again, mr. trump jr. on fox news says there's nothing to it. i'm paraphrasing poorly there, but clearly there was. >> well, you know, substantively perhaps there wasn't. he didn't get the compromising material on hillary clinton that he hoped to get. instead, he seemed to have been
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lectured about the sanctions which didn't interest him very much. and probably didn't know that much about. and that may have been the real purpose of the russians in getting the meeting. but the fact that he had it, that he thought he was going to get something compromising from the russian government, that he didn't report the meeting, that they only amended their records to the fbi later, and you know did he really not tell his father about it. i have no reason to suspect either of them. but there does seem to be a lot of effort to pretend that this was not important. but it was important, because you had a russian government involvement. and you had someone very close to the man who was likely to become -- who was possibly to become president. very eager to get, you know, foreign intelligence and to harm
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his father's opponent. i mean, that's a problem. >> steven earllinger live for us in london. thank you for the perspective. there's conflicting information coming out about another man who is now at the center of that controversial meeting between donald trump jr. and the russian lawyer. according to reports that individual is a lobbyist and he's also been accused of serving in a soviet counterintelligence group. but he says that's not quite the case. we get more from alex margaret. >> reporter: his name was never mentioned in the e-mail chain setting up donald trump jr.'s meeting with the supposed russian government attorney at trump tower. today, the explosive revelation there was another russian in that meeting. the russian-born lobbyist now an american citizen identified him as rinat akhmetshin.
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ail russian immigrant to the u.s. who has admitted having been a soviet counterintelligence officer. he denies he was formally trained as a spy but told the ap when he served in the soviet army his units was part of counterintelligence. at no time have i ever worked for the russian golf or any of its agencies, he said. i was not an intelligence officer, never. he is now a registered lobbyist working aggressively in washington to overturn the magnitsky act. it was named for a russian lawyer who died mysteriously in prison after uncovering $230 million of fraud by russian officials. magnitsky worked for financier bill browder who filed a complaint with the justice
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department against him accusing him working on behalf of the russian government. >> all of his actions to date show that he's absolutely clearly working in the interests of the putin regime. and the fsb in order to appeal the magnitsky act and create a situation where russian torturers and murderers can now freely travel again. >> reporter: his partner to remove the sanctions is natalia veselnitskaya. she was also named in browder's complaint. the day of the meeting with "the washington post" and ap, vess veselnitskaya added him to attend. >> they were working together in new york, they had this big project together. it would have been odd if he hadn't been at the donald trump jr. meeting because this was a
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project they were working lockstep. as far as i could tell, he was the die in the cords of power so it completely makes sense that he would have been at that meeting. >> reporter: dana rohrbacker -- >> you're trying to make it look like only the two of them, come on. >> reporter: he tells cnn in may he's someone with an ulterior motive. involved with people who have an agenda. alex marquardt, cnn, new york. and all of this political drama in the u.s. was taking place while donald trump was actually far from home. just a week after the g20 summit in germany, the u.s. president was back in europe this time as the guest of honor at bastille day here in paris. mr. trump and the first lady were invited by president
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macron. the two seemed to enjoy each other a great deal. there was a lot of handshaking, back is slapping, a lot of smiling. the highlight was the military parade along the champs-elysees, and this year, of course, was the 100 anniversary of the united states entering world war i. about 150 troops marched in the parade. and u.s. fighter jets took part in the crowd favorite, the fly over, erin, now that the dust is settling on this visit to paris, i want to put to you sort of a dominant narrative that has emerged in this visit. which is mr. macron maybe has found an in with donald trump, a way to handle him. and indeed, before the trip had said i want to reason with him. my question is this -- can we look at it the other way around? maybe mr. trump has found a way to speak with these western urine leaders with whom he'd had
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some level of comfort before? >> i think it's both. in many ways, it's macron's game. he was the one that invited trump. he knows trump is a fan of spectacle. basically a charm offensive, the private tour. the dinner actually inside the eiffel touwer. the quintessential monuments of paris. and he knows trump will respond to that and by all accounts, it seems it has worked. >> but ultimately, in this partnership, duo, trump and macron, there's one trying to appeal to the other because he needs the other more. that's mr. macron trying to appeal to mr. trump? >> i think both of them need the other. i think macron is trying to cement his place on the word
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stage as an incredible leader, someone able to deal with trump and maintain a relationship between france and the u.s. which has lasted long before trump was on the scene and will continue long after trump has departed. i think some people have lost sight of that. lost sight of -- they've been focused on the negative feelings about trump to the detriment of the language standing relationship between france and the u.s. >> you know, the french leadership and the french people very much liked barack obama. >> yes. >> he was well liked here both by the people and leaders. >> absolutely. >> donald trump not so much. we know that and it's reflected in the polls. yet, it may be in the end that france gets perhaps more things from this leader than it did the previous leader. if you take the example of syria. france was hoping that barack obama would strike damascus years ago. it didn't happen. france didn't get what they wanted. this may change. >> this may change, but it also seems that trump and macron agree on that more than oman had
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agreed on that and more than obama. there are many things in which they don't see eye to eye with but there are other things, syria and global terrorism is the other. but which they really are on the same page. >> and going back to my earlier point, do you think that donald trump has found a way to seduce the western europe leaders. he says great things about their countries, about their wives even if that was a little odd. >> yeah. >> and has he found a way to appeal to them in a way that might help them politically on the world stage? >> i think that remains to be seen. i think it was more about macron appealing to trump and getting a positive response from him. as you saw during the press conference, he even backpedalled on the previous statements. he made negatives about paris and its safety and france not being the same.
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he actually backed those states and hinted in typical trump fashion that could be a door left open regarding the paris climate accord. it seemed like this charm offensive, whatever macron has done to reach donald trump seems to have been, at least in the short term seems to have been effective. >> erin gillespie from the daily beast, thank you. when we come tack, turkey marks the anniversary of a failed supe attempt. and part of the west are dealing with severe weather. we'll have a full update on the weather in just a moment. also donald trump has growing praise for paris' useful leader. did emmanuel macron discover the secret for winning over the u.s. president? stay with us.
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ago in turkey. chaos amid a supe attempt to oust turkish president erdogan. it failed in a crackdown against perceived government opponents just hasn't let up since then. there are reports that more than
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7,000 police, academics and civil servants have been release since that supcoup attempt. mr. erdogan addressed it. >> translator: they're asking how many people are dismissed in work. how their needs will be met from now on. let them work in the private sector. why should we care? will we think about them? let them work it's in private sector. will the state look after them? the state looked after them and they betrayed the state. >> events for the plan are coming in hours despite the country's political divisions. our report on a mother who defied soldiers. few people knew this woman before this moment. she led a seemingly quiet and simple life, but this conservative mother of two
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surprised even herself. during a coup attempt last year when she stood up to tanks and soldiers. she said she made a split second decision that night when she turned on the tv that she would go out to confront the soldiers trying to topple the government of turkey's president erdogan. she said as a woman she might be able to stop the soldiers, an appeal to their conscious. but they only had anger and violence in return, she tells us. she says when she wouldn't leave, they threatened to shoot her. i told them i wasn't afraid of them, she said. they roughed me up but i kept saying i am not afraid and that they could shoot me if they wanted to. when soldiers began firing on the crowd, she said she was shot in the leg while trying to carry away the wounded. a strong supporter of turkey's
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government, she's glad to see those who she believes responsible for the coup behind bars. and while many in turkey are united behind turkey's president, for others, it's become an increasingly owe presencive place. since the coup, the government has declared a state of emergency. more than 100,000 people have been detained or arrested. tens of thousands of working including civil servants, teachers and journalists have been dismissed in their jobs, critics say that the post who cracked down has turned into a voice of all dissent. with both the coup and crackdown leaving scars on an fractured fractured nation. ghoul tuysuz, cnn, istanbul. >> the body of the chinese nobel
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peace prize winner died after a battle with cancer. he'd been serving an 11-year sentence for challenging state power. although he was allowed to go to hospital he remained in custody. liu was 61 years old when he died. the handling of his case was condemned nationally. at least three people were killed in a high-rise fire in honolulu, hawaii, it's unclear what started the fire but the building did not have sprinklers. about 100 firefighters fought the flames and helped the residents get to safety. i want to tell you about the dry, hot, windy conditions across the western parts of the united states that are not only fuelling wildfires but a dust storm. and meteorologist derek van dam has more. >> you got to see the incredible aerial footage of the fire and smoke that literally billowed
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into the atmosphere. you can see the hpelicopters there battling the blaze. there are 14 military helicopters fighting this from the air. 16 military firefighters on the ground helping to maintain this fire. which unfortunately has quite a ways to go. nearly 50% of the fires not controlled as of yet. now, when they look to the amount of fires burning in the western u.s. we have over 50 active large wildfires. we consider the final large wildfire as any of these over 100 acres. and when we compare where we should be to the ten-year average, we have burned over 1 million additional acres, compared to a ten-year average. so this is a very active -- particularly active wildfire season. specifically in california as well. in fact, we have had two times as many wildfires compared to that of last year. over 65,000 acres have burned
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across this region. including the whittier fire which you saw footage of a moment ago. 60,000 acres burned. 52% contained one of the largest fires in nevada. we still have dry conditions out west. triple digit heat as well. and a lot of thunderstorms that pop up over the region don't are any rainfall associated with it. it can start wildfires quite easily. let's take you to phoenix, arizona, and we'll show you the dust storm is that blew through the region. is this from one of our affiliates, kpho. and you can see the city just becoming inundated by this thick layer of dust and sand, while not very healthy, i'd say. george, have you ever been through one of these before? >> luckily, i will say not. >> even your days in texas? >> no, even in amarillo. like a haboob, right?
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>> yeah, haboob is the name of it. >> derek, thank you. good to have you here on "cnn newsroom." still ahead this hour there are growing questions about why jared kushner took so long to disclose the meeting between donald trump jr. and a russian lawyer and did he tell the president of the united states about that meeting? details, ahead. david. what's going on? oh hey! ♪ that's it? yeah. ♪ everybody two seconds! ♪ "dear sebastian, after careful consideration of your application, it is with great pleasure that we offer our congratulations on your acceptance..." through the tuition assistance program, every day mcdonald's helps more people go to college. it's part of our commitment to being america's best first job. ♪ binders, done. super-cool notebooks, done. that's mom taking care of business. but who takes care of mom? office depot/office max. this week, get this ream of paper for just one cent after rewards.
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let's get you a quick recap at the bop of the hour the main stories cnn is following for you. president donald trump is back in the u.s. after a fire is storm with donald trump jr.'s meeting with a russian lawyer. at least eight people were at that meeting, that's twice as many initially disclosed and according to "the washington post," that includes a russian loblgists. the trouble over the travel ban continues. the u.s. justice department is appealing a lower court ruling in which close family members are included in the ban. on thursday, a hawaii judge ruled the ban does not apply to grandparents plus a number of other family members. the trump administration disagrees with that. >> the pentagon confirms the u.s. air raid killed the leader of a afghanistan branch tuesday. it hits isis headquarters in
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kunar province to the east of the capital of kabul. u.s. commanders have promised to drive the terror group out. and in hong kong, protests against four lawmakers for failing to take their posts properly. arguing it gives more power by violating the government principle of one country two systems. and two cousins have been charged with the gruesome murders of four men in the u.s. state of pennsylvania. their bodies were found buried on a farm belonging to one of the suspects. the cousins has been charged with homicide, abuse of corps as well as robbery and weapons charge. >> cyril, thank you. the u.s. president is spending the weekend at his resort in bedminster, new jersey, which is also hosting this year's women's u.s. open golf tournament. but while mr. trump was in paris
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for two days, that controversial meeting between his eldest son and a russian lawyer has taken an unexpected turn. cnn has now learned there were others in the room besides those previously reported. some of their identities remain a mystery. donald trump jr. helped coordinate the meeting with e-mail with expectation that the trump campaign might get damaging information on hillary clinton. a former trump adviser is also talking to u.s. lawmakers. michael caputo testified before the house intelligence committee in a closed-door session on friday. as part of multiple investigations into alleged russian meddling into last year's election. following his testimony, caputo told reporters he never once hurts anyone discuss russia during the campaign. listen. >> i had no contact with russians. and i never heard of anyone in the trump campaign talking with russians. and i never was asked questions about my time in russia. and i never even spoke to anyone
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about russia. i never heard the word about russia. and we did not use russian dressing. there was absolutely no discussion of russia on the trump campaign to the day i left. >> caputo also told cnn the idea that anyone in the trump campaign would have colluded with russia is as he says laughable. one of jared kushner's talk lawyers is step ago side from the russian investigation. cnn confirms that jamie gorelekt will hand over discussions about the russian meeting with a russian lawyer and american lobbyist and whether he told president trump about it. tom foreman takes a closer look. >> reporter: inauguration week, and the president's son-in-law files his first papers for security clearance on january 18th. jared kushner reveals no contact with any foreigners during the
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campaign or transcription. but the next day he says he hit that send button too soon and will amend that. in may, according to his lawyer, the papers are updated to show kushner had over 100 calls or meetings with representatives of more than 20 countries, most during the transition. by mid-june, as they prepare for congressional testimony, kushner's lawyer said they discovered the meeting with donald trump jr. setting up that meeting with lawyer natalia veselnitskaya. kushner attended that meeting which was a bust. nonetheless, on june 21st, kushner amended to show his attendance at that meeting. he said he was going to tell president trump.
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we don't know if he did. >> nothing happened from the meeting. zero happened from the meeting. >> reporter: even though the president calls the russian lawyer meeting meaningless, he's saying he learned of it not in june but days ago. >> he was not aware of the meeting. did not attend the meeting and was only informed about the e-mails very recently by this counsel. >> reporter: kushner interest in that meeting with sharp contacts not initially disclosed because as an adviser all meetings must be listed. >> it seems strange that those meetings were conveniently forgotten by mr. kkouchner. >> reporter: the russian lawyer says neither kushner or paul manafort played much of a role. . amid all of the late revelations, democrats are
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fuming that kushner was given security clearance at all. >> anybody else applying for clearance with these facts would be denied that clearance. >> thank you for that report. still ahead now, two world leaders are far apart in age and politics, but they form a strong bond in a short time. we take a closer look at the budding friendship of emmanuel macron and donald trump. hey you've gotta see this. c'mon.
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no. alright, see you down there. mmm, fine. okay, what do we got? okay, watch this. do the thing we talked about. what do we say? it's going to be great. watch. remember what we were just saying? go irish! see that? yes! i'm gonna just go back to doing what i was doing. find your awesome with the xfinity x1 voice remote. during donald trump's quick visit to paris, he appeared to thoroughly enjoy the company of his host french president emmanuel macron. so was it chemistry or shrewd diplomacy by mr. macron or mr. trump? cnn's randi kaye has our report.
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>> reporter: as past steel day parade in france this week, u.s. president trump was the guest of honor. marching bands, jet flyovers, and an american flag rolled out before him. earlier, the french president accompanied mr. trump on a tour of napoleon's private tomb. and arranged for a lavish dinner at the eiffel tower restaurant. where they dined on fillet of beef and potato souffle with truffle sauce. >> it will be a dinner between friends. >> reporter: flattering for sure. it's the pomp and circumstance on all presidents and all it seems to woo the leader of the free world. >> thank you for a tour of some of the most incredible buildings anywhere in the world. i was very, very beautiful thing to see. >> reporter: no question, donald trump enjoy it's being the center of attention. his biographers say the more adulation people heap on him, the more likely they are to get
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a better response. when president trump arrived in saudi arabia in may for his first foreign trip. he was treated to a sword dance. his image even projected on the wall of his hotel where he walked the red carpet. he left with a gold chain necklace from the kingdom. >> words do not do justice to the grand ndeur of his incredib place and the incredible hospitality you have shown us from the moment we arrived. >> reporter: poland did it's favor to trump as well as he delivered his foreign policy speech. >> it's a majestic nation, it really is, it's a spectacular place, beautiful sites. >> reporter: perhaps it was the japanese prime minister who led the way on how best to ingratiate himself. prime minister zhoin abe showed up at trump tower with a golf
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driver that was plated in gold. ever since, his relationship with donald trump has been on solid ground. and while germany's angela merkel was caught striking an odd stance with president trump, she is showering him with flattering in other ways. "the new york times" said she called him for advice before the trip to saudi arabia, despite the fact he's a newcomer to diplomacy. and if world leaders can't get the president himself, they'll work relations with his family. israeli prime minister bernanke benjamin netanyahu played up his relationship with jared kushner. justin trudeau took ivanka trump to a broadway show. angela merkel welcomed ivanka. all of this flattery may pay off. after france's macron went out of its way to woo him, president trump is patting macron on the
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back saying publicly the two men have a good friendship. randi kaye, cnn, new york. >> let's talk about what the significance of this is and whether it matters with me is a political researcher and professor at the political science institute here in paris. a lot was made after the victory of donald trump about how he would get on with world leaders. and how that would affect world affairs. in particular, the u.s./europe relationship. after this paris trip, do we have a better idea how that's going to work? >> yes, i think that's much better. we understand better who it is, that is the guy that wants to have some deals. so it is key to come to france at the invitation of president macron. it's key also to discuss about topics which are so offensive for himself in the country. i mean, he has to discuss about the climate and the withdrawal of the u.s. from the paris agreement. so, this is good. and this is good so far for also
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president macron, because it's showing everyone in, every people, every leaders in the world, what kind of foreign policy france will have for the next five years. >> in a slightly unexpected way, it looks like these two have found a healthy way of communicating. and even dealing with each other, which is we acknowledge differences, and we focus on where we can make deals. >> that, too, similar with thinking. i mean, there are none from the political arena. i mean, it's been two years for president trump in the political scene. and the same for president macron. they're business people. i mean, macron and trump, of course, with the business. and their views, too. they're there to fight the
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mind-set of the society. of course, there's a kind of chemistry. they want to get some results. and they're logical. they want to have some deals both in a different way. i think it's good the visit by president trump here good because international contacts good for for president macron. and with prime minister may, a problem with brexit, there are not european leaders that can engage with the u.s. president. and i think on the topics, he may get results. >> in a way, isn't it easier for the european leaders to deal with donald trump as opposed to barack obama. because barack obama was revered here with people in germany and france. it was very difficult for a western europe lien leader, french president, german chancellor to say no to anything that barack obama proposed.
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>> i don't know if this is the right answer, but if you look at the public opinion polls of president trump, you can see decrease of respect with the rest of the world. you have in france, the last indication is 70% less good feeling about -- >> does that matter? because those are feelings that doesn't drive policies? >> this is important. internationalization of the leaders and the country. and of course, president trump with domestic comblpolitical coo this is good for him to show after a good trip to is paris, because it was the fourth of july. and the one center, troops coming into europe, the french allies, the best one, according to president trump. so i think it's a win-win situation for both presidents. >> thank you very much for coming on the show.
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it was a pleasure seeing you today and talking to us. thank you. >> thank you. we have a quick programming note on monday, the duchess of cornwall will show you the different sides of camillcamill. in a rare interview, she talked to cnn's max foster about how she's helping victims of domestic violence. >> i think we can talk as it was to be the subject. and i think we can talk about it now. i can talk about it and bang the drum a bit. certainly, so can a lot of other people, so, that's what i'm trying to do to help. >> often seen, but rarely heard. more with our chat with the duchess of cornwall as we follow her on a busy engagement monday on cnn. venus williams takes centre court at wimbledon very soon. we'll find out what makes it so
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muguruza. as our christina mcfarland reports williams is chasing history. >> reporter: at 37, venus williams is back on top. striding into centre court saturday hoping for her sixth singles title, she's poised to become the oldest women's grand slam champion in years. rising to being too old to ever win again. >> i feel capable to be honest, and powerful. to have dealt with those pressures before. >> reporter: perhaps it's that experience that has allowed williams to stay focused on her game, despite considerable emotional turmoil heading into the tournament. in june, williams was involved in a wrongful death suit resulting in the death.
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and it caused police to revise heir findings ruling that williams acted lawfully, williams shared the sadness about the crash on her official facebook page. iams devastated and hard broken by this accident. my heartfelt condolences go out to the family and friends of jerome barson and i continue to keep them in my thoughts and prayers. when asked about the accident at the first wimbledon win she broke down. williams regained her composure channeling her energy on court, beating much younger opponents three of whom were born the year she debuted at wimbledon. after years ever battling debilitating fatigue that affected her ability to play at the elite level, williams was diagnosed with sjodrin's
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syndrome. >> it's not an option to get negative or feel sorry for myself. >> reporter: defying the odds, williams reached the finals in two grand slam tournaments this year for the first time since 2003, losing to sister serena in the australian open in january. >> on the court, we're mortal enemies, but the second we shake hands, we are best friends again. >> reporter: serena's bombshell announcement that she won the match while expecting meant there wouldn't be a chance for rematch for the sisters at wimbledon. >> i just wish she was here and wish she can do it for me. and no, this time, you have to do it for yourself. >> reporter: serena scheduled to give birth in late august, early september will have to tune in like millions to see whether 37-year-old venus williams will become a champion once again. >> hope you watch. thank you for being with us for "newsroom," i'm george howell in
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atlanta. >> and i'm cyril vanier in paris. for international viewers, the headlines are next. and if you're in the united states, "new day" starts right after this. maybelline's new city mini shadows. make it happen. maybelline new york. it's my decision to make it's nbeauty last.ix. roc® retinol started visibly reducing my fine lines and wrinkles in one week. and the longer i use it, the better it works. retinol correxion® from roc methods, not miracles.™
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