tv New Day CNN July 17, 2017 2:57am-4:00am PDT
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america week. >> yes, enjoy that. president trump record low approval ratings, but he's going full steam ahead into made in america week. will health care and russia troubles slow him down? "new day" starts right now. we'll see you tomorrow. very difficult for members, approval rating at 36%. >> everybody says would have, should have, could have. i don't think that is fair to donald trump jr. >> hold them accountable. >> this is about as clear evidence you could find to collude with russians. senator john mccain's health scare delaying the health care vote. >> we believe the health care bill strengthens and secures medicaid. >> this would impose fundamental sweep changes. >> i never underestimate senator
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mcconnell's expertise in getting the votes. >> this is "new day" with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota. >> we want to welcome our viewers. it is monday july 17, chris is off, john berman joining us. >> happy monday. >> here is our on starting line. new poll shows the president's approval rating hitting a record low. the abc news "washington post" poll finds just 36% approve of the president's job performance. that is the lowest six month approval rating of any president in seven decades. president trump remains defiant in the face of the latest russia revelations s unleashing tweets defending his son and attacking the media. and now the secret service is refuting one of the claims made by the trump team. and the white house trying to get everyone's attention back to the president's agenda. they are announcing new theme weeks beginning this week with made in america week.
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that is what they are calling it. will any of this change the political situation for them however. one of the president's key promises to repeal and replace obamacare facing a new set back. the senate has delayed a vote on the latest health care plan as senator john mccain recovers from unexpected surgery. it is a huge week ahead. we have it all covered for you. let's begin with joe johns live at the white house. hey, joe. >> good mornin akhmetshin. >> reporter: good morning, john. the president is bash in washington, d.c. after days of revelations regarding donald trump jr.'s meeting with the russian lawyer. now it seems the russia investigation combined with the difficulty of getting the president's agenda through on capitol hill is continuing to take its toll on the president's approval numbers. >> congratulations, mr. president. >> reporter: after nearly six months in office, president donald trump facing the lowest
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approval rating in recent history, just 36% approve of the president's performance in a new abc news//"washington post" pole. the president attempting to spin these results, claiming almost 40% is not bad and asserting that the poll was inaccurate during the election. the poll also showing that 63% of americans think the meeting between trump junior, paul manafort and jared kushner and a russian lawyer to get dirt on hillary clinton was inappropriate. >> most people would have taken that meeting. it's called opposition research. >> reporter: the president once again focusing on his former rival in a sunday morning tweet while defending his son, amid the latest revelations that at least eight people attended the meeting including a russian american lobbyist.
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>> i don't think there's anything else. we scoured it thoroughly. >> he first said the meeting never happened, then said it was about adoptions, then admitted the meeting was about getting information on hillary clinton. we can't accept anything don junior says. >> one of the president's personal lawyers also coming to trump junior's defense during a pr blitz on the sunday shows. >> donald trump jr. himself said things should have been done differently. having said that, none of that is violation of the law. that's more process. >> reporter: while raising a possible defense of the meeting. >> if this was nefarious, why did the secret service allow these people in. >> reporter: the secret service pushing back that donald trump jr. was not a protectee of the usss in june 2016, thus we would not have screened anyone he was meeting with at the time. >> the senate possibly delaying a vote on obamacare because a
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key senator has a health issue of his own, senator john mccain recovering from surgery. the cbo score or the government-estimated price tag on the bill has also been delayed. back to you. >> those are important developments, thank you very much joe. let's bring in abby fill whip, white house reporter for "the washington post," david drucker, senior congressional correspondent for "the washington examiner" and john avlon from "the daily beast." >> john, 36% of americans only approve of the way president trump is handling his job, the lowest in recent memory. your thoughts? >> not just recent memory, but many recorded history -- >> it's just 70 years. >> they didn't have polling before that. that's kind of a prod. >> no one tested james buchanan, luckily. >> in fairness, he would have
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done worse than this or deserved to do worse than this. these are bad numbers no matter any way you spin it. what's particularly stunning isn't just that he's at a historic low. it's just that the trump swing counties he's at 50% as well. the voters that made a critical difference winning the election, he's barely keeping his nose above water. >> on the russia issue in particular in the meeting that was taken by donald trump jr., 63% say that that meeting was inappropriate right there. you can see perhaps that's driving some of the numbers here. a number that john avlon was talking about there, it has to do with counties that flipped, counties that flipped from president obama in 2012 to now president trump in 2016. in those counties, donald trump is now under water, 44% approve, 51% disapprove. david drucker, that's what people have been saying all along. trump voters are sticking with
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the president. maybe not all of them, maybe not the ones who gave hem the election. >> we have the trump base that we don't think is movable ever. then we have the broader republican base which has been sticking by him through all of this which is very much opposed to any idea of speaker nancy pelosi, looks at their choices and they say, sure, and i've talked to voters like this, sure, you know what, i don't like his tweeting or behavior, but i like his agenda and what are my choices? you look at this poll which shows in one way how the polls can be unevenly distributed. his national numbers were horrible, in these counties that fuel his election, it's not great, but it's also not horrible. that can tell you why republican members of congress aren't flipping on him yet because their voters aren't either. however, take a look at "the des moines register" poll, this is a state that trump, after the caucuses against hillary clinton, it was never in doubt for him. it was a great state for him. his numbers there among independents from february to now have gone from 50%
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disapproval to 59% disapproval. 43% approval overall and they think the country is on the wrong track, like 60% to 30%. that to me was the most interesting poll i saw over the weekend because of -- here was an area that even though iowa is a swing state which maybe it could be again, which is why republicans should be worried, it wasn't a swing state in this particular campaign. >> you want to comment on that before we get to abby? >> iowa is an important bellwether, up by 11 points, key to his original victory. >> abby, i must say it's a perfect day for what i hope people will stick around for at 7:30, my latest trump voter panel because something interesting is happening. we talked to six people from across the country. three of them consider themselves diehard trump supporters, three of them now consider themselves on the fence. they voted for president trump but they're now on the fence and will explain how they feel that way.
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however, all of them talked about this next poll number, that 52% of americans say democrats at this point only stand for being anti trump. by the way, that makes even people on the fence dig in to supporting mr. trump because they don't want to be told how bad he is and how wrong they were for their vote. your thoughts? >> elections are about choices. this is really the crux of the matter. when faced with a choice between trump and nothing, you might find a lot of people who are on the fence, maybe not thrilled with everything he's done choose trum over an alternative that is uncertain or unsatisfied factory. i think that's the real kind of long-term issue that needs to be resolved before we can really evaluate where trump stands. people have to vote either for or against him, for or against his opponent. right now there's no one really
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standing in that place. i think for trum more broadly there's a risk that some of these people who voted for him looking to do specific things are going to run out of patience. we're six months in. he hasn't really accomplished many of the things he said he would do, especially legislatively, and also hasn't demonstrated the ability to actually manage washington. i think a lot of people think, hey, this is a business guy and want to change things up and make it work better. what we haven't seen is things working better. there's a huge gap here between the promises and what has been delivered up until this point. that's going to contribute to the sagging of his poll numbers especially in the middle. >> one group over the weekend that seemed to run out of patients with the president and his team. that was the secret service. this is really remarkable, the president's private attorney, one went out on the sunday shows and made a specious argument about the meeting that donald trump jr. took with the russian
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lawyer. listen to what jay sekulow said over the weekend. >> i wonder why, if this was self far yous, why did the secret service let these people in. >> guess what? the secret service has an explanation for this. they say donald trump jr. was not a protectee of the u.s. secret service in june 2016, thus we would not have screened anyone he was meeting with at this time. that's essentially secret service calling bs on an argument from the president's personal law. >> jay sekulow has been tied in knots in these sunday show interviews. somebody has to take this job. he should probably get combat pay. by the way, his explanation about trying to nail james comey for not honoring attorney-client privilege a and somebody says he wasn't acting as the president's attorney. i'm talking about executive privilege, you know what i mean. they've got a lot of issues with
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this meeting with apparently 55 russians instead of three russians that they've got to deal with. they don't have a good story or good reason to explain this. it's interesting because for a lot of the talks of collusion or potential collusion or did you understand that they were meddling, whether you agreed with it or not, there were always arguments they could make that, look, it's not like this happened or that happened. this is the first time we've seen evidence of something real, a meeting with actual people that is problematic and they still -- all they've been able to say is, it's opposition research, everybody does it which, of course, everybody doesn't do it. that's usually not how it works in terms of working with a foreign government, friendly or not. >> and, and i think to david's point, it does feel as though each day a new person pops up in the meeting that we didn't know previously was in the meeting. this was a bigger meeting than we thought last week.
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>> the reason it keeps changing is because they can't keep their story straight because it's not based on reality. the facts keep changing and keep being revealed as not telling the truth and that's going to make the position untenable. this transcends i think simple scandal. this is starting to be the overall question that's being investigated, something a little -- a lot deeper than a scandal. it's at the heart of the context of the president right now. >> stick around. we have a lot more to discuss. senator john mccain with a health scare, stalling republican efforts to repeal obamacare. we'll discuss next. whoooo.
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visit now to find out why we're booking.yeah! >> i think the longer the bill is out there, the more conservative republicans will discover it's not repeal and the more everybody is going to discover it keeps the fundamental flaw of obamacare. >> senate majority leader mitch mcconnell has delayed the vote on the latest health bill to make time for john mccain to recover from unexpected surgery. the bill needs support of 50 of the 52 republicans to advance. so far two republicans have already said they are against it. they won't even vote yes on a motion to proceed to the floor.
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back with us, john avlon, abby phillip, david drucker. abby, first of all, we're all hopeful that john mccain will recover quickly. i think every republican and democrat on capitol hill feels the same way. it is the remarkable that the absence of just one senator means this thing would have no hope of advancing any further. it shows the predicament that mitch mcconnell is in. >> yeah. they have absolutely no room for error here and working with people who are just kind of watching the way the wind is blowing here on this bill. i actually think rand paul is not quite identifying the problem here. i think everybody knows this bill is not full repeal. i think conservatives are fully aware of that. the question is how bad is it and how much are they willing to tolerate. i don't think anybody is under the delusions that this is going to be exactly what they promised, but they don't want to sign on to something that's
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going to rhee ate a lot of unintended consequences, higher premiums and prices next year. i get the sense when i talk to people that they feel like the talks are moving in the right direction, but that more time is needed to massage some of these senators to create in some ways carve-outs in the bill to satisfy specific concerns in states where some of the changes especially to medicaid are going to be the most severe. but they can only survive with two losses here. i think they just have to hold on to just one more person and make sure everybody is in line, and that's going to take a little bit of time, but it's not because people are going to suddenly wake up one morning and decide, oh, we're repealing obamacare. i think everybody is aware that's not happening. >> there's more than just two. there's two people that are vocally against it. is it your impression there are
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more than two people on the fence? >> yeah. think nobody wants to be the third senate store that kills it. you're the one that did it and you have to look at a republican primary. it's always darkest before it kbo goes completely black. what republicans are trying to do is make sure they don't get to that point. a lot of people don't appreciate about the bind republicans are in is when i talk to republican strategists and say what worries you about the midterm elections. they don't say trump, don't say russia, at least not yet. what they tell us is if we don't pass health care, our voters will not show up. we are going to be so ridiculous and that's what people are going to think of us. people will think it's not worth their time and effort. politically there's a lot of pressure to pass it, as bad as people have received the bill and in part because there is a policy problem. there is a problem with health care, whoever is at fault, and it needs fixing. if they don't pass this, what is it that they're going to do.
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that's why, if you want to watch what's going on with this, look west. or if you're in the west, look east and check out nevada, watch governor brian sandoval and senator dean heller because they could be the linchpin in this whole thing. >> right now in "the washington post" poll, 50% of people say they approve currently -- the current law, obamacare. just 24% say they prefer the current republican proposal. two to one favor obamacare. that shows you the uphill battle. that having an effect on this other number. just 33% say the president is making significant progress on his goals. 38% say he's doing what he said he was going to do. 55% say no, john avlon, which is one reason why the white house might be shifting to these theme weeks. they tried infrastructure week. that didn't work out well. this is made in america week, which is a noble goal, but it's
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not just about made in america. >> no. the theme weeks -- this goes back to mike deeber with ronald rag gar, not terribly successful. every time this administration rolls out a theme week, they fail to support it with a consistent message and the president ends up stepping all over the message by tweeting. they can keep trying to convince us we should be talking about made in america. i'd love to see it be infrastructure week every week but they don't seem to be making progress on the bill. it's more bunting to distract us from the fact that something is burning. >> when you're trying to pass something this big and you have to have a theme week that's not about this, that tells you something. >> abby phillip, there's the problem that there are things made by the trump organization that aren't made in america. a lot of the products donald trump has made over the years have been made in asia. ivanka trump -- "the washington post" has an unbelievable investigative story about where all those things are made.
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the white house did answer questions about trump organization products. >> this is actually kind of baffling to me because i don't really understand how this trump family, this trump white house can really madeke a made in america argument due to the long history of making virtually all their products overseas. it kind of boggles the mind here. i think to john's point, if you -- and if you are going into a health care fight and you have to have a made in america week in order to distract people from other scandals, that is not a good sign. what congress wants, what republicans on the hill want is a health care week. they want the president and the white house to actually be invested in thinking about how to sell this bill to their own supporters, to that 36% of americans who won't budge in terms of their support of the president, and they're not doing that. they're talking about other things, and made in america is just not something that this white house has much in terms of
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how? because our phones have evolved. so isn't it time our networks did too? introducing america's largest, most reliable 4g lte combined with the most wifi hotspots. it's a new kind of network. xfinity mobile. south korea making a rare push for military talks with north korea. this comes after weeks of heightened tensions following pyongyang's recent week of missile tests including a successful launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile. the north has yet to respond. >> wonder what the white house will think about that. search operations resume in arizona for a missing 27-year-old man swept away in flash floods. at least nine people killed
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including six children. it's believed they were all taking part in a family outing in a swimming hole when heavy rain triggered a mudslide. four family members were rescued. legendary actor march tan l landau died after a brief stay at a los angeles hospital. he was a three-time academy award nominee, won an oscar as bella la goes si but best known for "mission impossible." i remember him best from woody allen's film "crimes and misdemeanors" which stuck with me for a long time. >> got away with murder. he was a wonderful, wonderful actor and a tremendous loss. he taught a lot of people acting over on the west coast. a big loss. he was great. roger federer cements his place -- cemented his place as
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the greatest tennis player of all time. he did that a long time ago. this time he shattered every imaginable expectation for what a human being should be able to do. coy wire has the latest. >> it's the age at which roger federer is still winning, 36 in a couple weeks. that's no spring chicken in athlete's years. he beat marin cilic of croatia to captured his record eighth wimbledon title. we learned the greatest men's tennis player of all time is, in fact, human. he has doubts and insecurities like all of us. he wasn't sure he'd ever win at wimbledon again. he told cnn's robby ub ba why that place is so special to him. >> this club means so much to me. that's probably why i started to play the game because of my heroes, ed berg, becker and sampras all playing here.
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i didn't think it was possible. it's good to chase your dream sometimes. >> federer says he would give up chasing his dreams, he'd retire if his family couldn't join him on tour. his wife and two sets of twins stole the show at the final, waving at the cameras, making faces. his five-year drought likely worth the wait. his kids old enough that they eat probably witness him winning wimbledon. >> did you say two? >> two, 7-year-old girls and 3-year-old boys. >> john and i both have twins. >> that's why we didn't have anymore kids. you stop after you have twins. he should know that. 17 grand slams. coy wire, thanks so much. >> thank you, coy. all right. the white house trying to deflect attention away from don junior's russia meeting by taking aim at a dnc contractor's meetings with ukraine. i'm sure you've heard them do this on our air.
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up next, we will sift the fact from the fiction with the reporter who broke the story and the clinton campaign. what do they say about this next? ♪ when heartburn hits fight back fast with new tums chewy bites. fast relief in every bite. crunchy outside. chewy inside. tum tum tum tum new tums chewy bites. there's nothing more important so when i need to book a hotel, i want someone who makes it easy. gets it. and with their price match, i know i'm getting the best price every time. visit booking.yeah! on a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. your insurance company raises your rates. maybe you should've done more research on them. for drivers with accident forgiveness,
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continues to dog the trump white house. advisers for president trump continue to point to the dnc and to the ukrainian government when asked about don junior's meeting with a russian lawyer. why do they do that? well, back in january a politico report stated that ukrainian officials worked with the democratic contractor to gather harmful opposition research on donald trump and his aides. this is a story that got little attention until now. listen to this. >> if there's a meeting that was wholly appropriate but which led to nothing, let's compare that to the dnc sending its people to the ukrainian embassy to coordinate oppo attacks against our candidate. if you want to seclusion, it's in the dnc. >> i think if there's been any evidence of collusion in 2016 that's come out at all or been discussed that actually happened, it would be between the dnc and the ukrainian government. >> i go back to the ukrainian
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example. i know you don't want to discuss it because you say it's not being valte investigated, but raises the question. >> nobody from the ukrainian government met with the clinton campaign. >> that's not true. there were representatives at the ukrainian embassy. the politico report was there. >> the democratic consultant, ukrainian american activist alexander chalupa did gather information on paul manafort who did resign from the trump campaign. she denies that dnc officials asked her to collect information from the ukrainian embassy itself. >> let's discuss. we have david stern, he co-wrote the initial politico article on which all of this is based and cnn politics's dan merica. let's start at the beginning. david do you think that the
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trump team is trying to conflate these two things, that whatever meeting don junior had with this russian attorney is eclipsed, they say, by whatever this dnc consultant did with ukraine. what is your take on this? >> well, first of all, i want to say i'm not here to say whether there was collusion or not collusion. that's not my place to say that. i would say that in broad strokes what we have here is a similar situation, as we've had previously. it's not unknown. we've had these discussions many times before about foreign governments taking an interest in the american elections. we are the most powerful country in the world and obviously people do try to influence it in their own way. so in a broad way, yes. these are similar situations. but when you dig down into the details they're very, very different. it's important to note the difference. we said in our article -- this
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was back in january, already there were obviously accusations being voiced about the -- about russian voft and what we said in the article is we don't have, as far as we can see, the type of top-down -- and why broad attack on the american election that was being alleged. >> meaning it wasn't top down in the ukraine. it was this woman, alexandra chal lupe pa who was freelancing, taking it upon herself to check in with the ukrainian embassy and see if they had any oppo research? how did those instructions come down? >> you have two things. you've got the ukrainian government which is a huge thing -- when he say officials, we're talking about people who are just deputies in the parliament and not necessarily connected with the president. then you have alexandra hall lupe pa who is a consultant for
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the dnc and left in june. there's questions about where exactly the work between the two or where they connected. she herself said she did talk to the embassy at least when she spoke to us. now, she also said there were no papers exchanged. it's not uncommon, as we put in our report for outside intermediaries to coordinate work. these are questions actually which -- it's not for me to report whether -- to decide whether this was -- stepped over the line or not. what we were interested in saying actually was, here you have another country that is also with an interest in the american elections. and it became sort of a proxy battle between ukraine and russia, a battle which is happening in ukraine itself. >> dan merica, you've been getting statements from her now
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over what she thinks of the situation. >> she somewhat backed away from what she told politico back in january. she says at the time she actually posted on facebook, she disagreed with the article, disagreed with the frame. she told cnn and told me a couple days ago she completely denies working at all with the ukrainian government on any opposition research as the statement that alisyn read clearly states. it's important to note the dnc is on the record denied any collusion. the clinton campaign, multiple officials have denied any collusion. but she does -- there are sources that have told us that there was some crossover between her work at the dnc which was basically working as an ethnic coordinator with ukrainian americans at the dnc and her interest, her activist in that area. at one point she did go to the embassy, sources tell us. she did go to the embassy and was asked by somewhat at the dnc
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if the president of ukraine would be willing to take a question at a press conference about paul manafort, the trump campaign, he was hired basically to do delegates and moved and morphed into the head of the campaign. he had a long track record of work in ukraine that raised a lot of suspicions with ukrainian americans, including mrs. that lupe pa, including would the president of ukraine be comfortable taking a question at a press conference. she went to the embassy and actually asked officials there and she was told no and reported that back to the dnc. that's the extent we've been told that her activist has crossed over in terms of her work with the dnc. >> let me read this statement from her again. during the 2016 u.s. election was a part-time consultant for the dnc running an ethnic engagement program. i was not an opposition researcher for the dnc. the dnc never asked me to go to
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the ukrainian embassy to collect information. does that square with your reporting and what she told you in january? >> to be honest, ken vogel who co-wrote the piece. he was the one that spoke to alexandra. i wasn't there for the entire conversation. but it was on the record. it's easy to find out exactly what she said. that's possible. i guess you could say, from what i understand -- what we reported and what she's saying, that the dnc did not ask her to go to the embassy. she had these relations with the embassy. she was possibly you could say freelancing when she spoke to them. there was obviously cooperation or there seemed to be some work which she admitted to when she spoke to us. but the question here i guess is whether or not the dnc was asking her to do this. remember, i said she was a consultant until june of 2016.
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so it's entirely possible that this was of her own -- that she did this on her own. >> all right, guys. thanks so much. we want to get a take from the clinton campaign, a former member of that team. joining us now is karen finney, former senior adviser and spokesperson for hillary clinton's campaign. karen, it's clear what this isn't, right? we know the ukrainian effort was not directed by the president of ukraine, whereas on the russian side vladimir putin's intelligence services say vladimir putin was in charge of that. we know on the ukrainian side, it wasn't the campaign chairman, son of the candidate at the meeting. alexandra chalupa is someone who did work with the democrats over a period of time, wasn't she? >> it's my understanding at the time, i know this from therepor consultant. i never met with her. i don't think anybody who was actually part of our research
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team met with her. i can tell you our director, the person who was directing our trump research never met with her. here is something that's more important that i think is getting lost in this. my understanding from the politico reporting that the information or conversation was about paul manafort's ties and the work that he had been doing -- which, by the way, was not a secret. it was very open and it is a very open fact that paul manafort for years worked for -- worked against the pro western government in the ukraine and was actually supporting the sort of putin puppet in the ukraine. so the questions, as i understand it, were about was there information anti his work and those relationships. let's remember, he actually had to quit the campaign after the convention in 2016 because it's now under fbi investigation, and that is yet another investigation that the trump world doesn't want to talk
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about. it's another investigation that is expanding. clearly there was there there. >> hold on a second. >> this is publicly available information. >> are you saying if there's there there, does that justify getting oppo research from a foreign country? >> i think what we're saying is there's no evidence that that's what happened. even david just now from politico was suggesting he couldn't say that that's what happened. in your introduction you didn't say that's what happened here. she may have been freelancing and trying to see what kind of information she could get. that is not the same. she most certainly did not sit down with chelsea clinton and john podesta and robby mook and say here is what i got. here is the other thing that's so important, let's not take the bait. what is important here, we are talking about what we now know was the intrusion of a foreign government into our election. we know that in 39 states they tried to interact with our voter
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data. the state of illinois says there were efforts to actually try to delete and change voter data. that is very serious. we are talking about a hostile foreign government trying to impact the outcome of this election. they were very clear with don junior about what their goals were, and he decided that that meeting was okay. this is total false equivalency here. >> as i've been saying, this is not apples to apples. it just didn't. these are two very different things that happened here. we've outlined what the differences are. we are trying to figure out the best we can the fact versus the spin here. one of the things that david stern said, at a very high level, what it does seem you might have is another government, in this case the ukrainian government, that did have an interest in the outcome in the u.s. election, maybe providing documents when someone was asking for it.
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do you deny that? >> i don't know. i was not part of any conversation like that, nor was anyone at the dnc -- they've said there was no collusion with the ukrainians. i can tell you on the part of the campaign there was no such thing that happened. again, i think it's important to remember that a lot of the information that it seems like just from what i've read in reports that we're talking about, it's public information that paul manafort was doing this work in the ukraine. so i think, again, in his ties to the russians, that was an issue from the time he was part of the campaign. there were a lot of reporters working on that story as well. i think in the politico reporting they mentioned a lot of reporters in touch with the ukrainian embassy to try to get information. that's not the same thing adds actually making it clear that you have a strategy that goes all the way to the top, like vladimir putin, who is former
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kgb who made it clear he wanted donald trump president and he did not want hillary clinton to be president. >> karen finney, great to have you with us for perspective from the clinton campaign itself. appreciate it. what's the bottom line here when it comes to the democratic national committee. cnn political reporter david chalian gives us his view next. the opioid my doctor prescribed
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when asked about trump ties to russia, trump officials continue to say what about hillary and ukraine. is there something to that? let's get "the bottom line" with cnn political director david chalian. we just had the reporter for the politico article which was the genesis for this entire conversation about what this dnc consultant did with ukraine in terms of opposition research. you heard karen finney from the campaign say, basically nothing to see here. this is nothing like what we're talking about with trump and russia. what's your take on all this? >> we should stipulate that if, indeed, ukraine was trying to
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meddle in the u.s. election and if, indeed, democrats were somehow helping that happen, that would be a terrible thing, and we should be doing just like we've been saying about the russia scenario, everything in our power as a country to prevent foreign meddling in our elections going forward. what is -- in that sense, it's a similar situation, of looking at a foreign country trying to have influence in our election perhaps. as you noted, it doesn't seem to be in the reporting from politico or since, a top-down effort of ukrainian government actually seeking that the way the u.s. intelligence agencies believe vladimir putin is. that's first of all. but second of all, here is where the comparisons just start breaking down. this is, first of all, not a foreign adversary, so there's a difference between ukraine and russia, though no difference between foreign countries wanting to meddle in our election perhaps, but there's a difference between playing ball with an adversary of the united
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states and not -- i think that is one difference. more importantly, you are talking about the upper echelons of the trump campaign. nobody closer to donald trump than paul manafort, jared kushner and donald trump jr. after months of saying that there were no contacts, learning in black and white in donald trump jr.'s e-mail that there was contact in a meeting there. perhaps this would be a more comparable situation, guys, if in two months we find a john podesta or robby mook e-mail that they sat down with the ukrainian government trying to inject into the campaign. >> the other thing that's gone on is donald trump jr. at a inmany mum now has misled for more than a year in a broad sense in that they didn't disclose this meeting and in a very narrow sense, over the last month these stories about this specific meeting have changed very consistently.
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that is something that is very unique to this situation with the meeting with the russians. >> no doubt about it. to your point, john, we still don't have the full accounting now of what fully took place in that meeting, who attended that meeting. we are still awaiting more details. the last version of events from donald trump jr. are now far behind where the reporting and the facts are of those meeting. i will also make one last point here, listening to this whole conversation and the reporting. i was thinking there seems to be some logical dissonance happening here because if the trump line about the meeting with don junior is anybody would have taken that meeting and that's how opposition research is done, then i don't think they should have any problem with what they're alleging on the dnc side. >> there's more dissonance, which is look how bad what
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hillary clinton did with the ukraine. you want to investigate something, look at collusion. in other words, there are parallels, so how can they then say but what don junior did was nothing. both those comparisons don't work cognitively. >> i don't see how you can hold both of these things to be true. >> they're both contradictory. you can't say we didn't do it, but they did it stoo. or you can't say what they did was horrible and we did it, too. >> david, the evidence does show this woman, alexandra chalupa did meet with ukrainian officials and was directed by then the head of the communications department for the dnc, he did want her to approach the president of ukraine to ask if he would be willing to take a question about
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paul manafort, in other words, get it out there in the ether, the paul man ford ties. so there is some collusion. the dnc was working with her, they wanted to carry a message or get a request to the ukrainian embassy, so there is a direct link. >> there is no doubt, you are right. if we are to believe chalupa at her word, and this was indicated in dan merica's reporting, that the dnc was interested in finding a question to get asked, but i don't know that is entirely comparable to the information coming in to trump tower to help donald trump's campaign, but you are right, there is a connection between this woman's work at the dnc and her connections at the ukrainian embassy. what is unclear is whether or not that really had any election impact whatsoever. we don't know that, quite frankly, on the russian side as well. >> thanks so much for sifting through it all with us and for
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the reporting on this. obviously we'll continue to follow all of these threads. david chalian, thank you. the white house is trying to turn the tide this week as president trump's approval rating reaches a historic low. we'll tell you about the strategy the white house is hoping will change all that. [ intense music playing ] it's here, but it's going by fast. the opportunity of the year is back: the mercedes-benz summer event. get to your dealer today for incredible once-a-season offers, and start firing up those grilles. lease the e300 for $569 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing.
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approaching six months in office, the president has the worst job approval rating since modern polling began. >> the president wasn't aware of the meeting and did not attend. >> i'm not sure why we take anybody at the senior level of the trump administration at their word. >> they can call it a fishing expedition, a witch hunt. nonetheless, real evidence is coming forward that can't be ignored. >> we will see the beginning of the end of the nightmare of obamacare. >> republican health care bill in the senate is a piece of junk. >> this is a system that is crying out for reform and revision, and that's what we're trying to do. >> the longer is bill is out there, the more conservative republicans are going to discover that it's not repeal. >> this is "new day" with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota. >> good morning, welcome to your
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