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tv   New Day  CNN  July 17, 2017 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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restart after those revelations regarding his son, donald trump jr. and his meeting with a russian lawyer. also very clear the president's poll numbers continue to be in the tank. apparently due to the russia investigation as well as the stalled agenda on capitol hill. >> congratulations, mr. president. >> after nearly six months in office, president donald trump facing the lowest approval rating. just 36% approve of his performance, a 6% drop since the 100-day mark in april. the president attempting to spin these results, claiming almost 40% is not bad and asserting that the poll was inaccurate during the election. the poll also showing that 63% of americans think that the meeting between trump junior, paul manafort and jared kushner
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with a russian lawyer was inappropriate. >> most people would have taken that meeting. it's called opposition research. >> the president once again focusing on his former rival in a sunday morning tweet while defending his son amid revelations that at least eight people attended a meeting including a russian-american lobbyist who serve ntd soviet military despite trump junior's insistence that all the details have been disclosed. >> we scoured it thoroughly. >> first said no meeting happened then it was about adoptions then it was about hillary clinton and then he wasn't forthcoming about who was in the meeting. we can't accept anything that don junior says. >> one of his personal lawyers coming to trump junior's defense during a pr blitz on the sunday show. >> donald trump jr. himself said things should have been done differently. having said that, none of that is violation of the law.
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that's more process. >> reporter: while raising a problem defense of the meeting. >> why did the secret service allow these people in? >> reporter: pushing back, noting in a statement donald trump jr. was not a protectee of the usss and therefore we could not have screened anyone he was meeting with at the time. the president's biggest plan, repeal and replace of obamacare delayed on capitol hill, in part, due to a health scare involving a key senator, senator john mccain now recovering from surgery. another delay with the cbo score, which is essentially the estimate of the cost of the plan on capitol hill. that, too, is being delayed as well. back to you. >> joe, thanks so much for all of that. let's bring in our political panel to discuss. analyst alex burns and david drecker.
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i think it's interesting to look at a little historical context when you look at these approval numbers to see how president trump lines up. the two closest comparisons we can find, alex, are gerald ford and bill clinton. at six months in, right here, you can see that it was 58% disapprove of president trump, 43% approved at that point of gerald ford. 51%, interestingly, of bill clinton, six months in. but president trump's 36% approval is the lowest in 70 years. your thoughts? >> by far the weakest new president we've had. certainly in my lifetime. the fact that gerald ford is the most recent really available comparison is striking since ford never won election as president, accidental president with no political base in the same way you would expect. people look at these numbers and people sympathetic to the president look at these numbers and say he doesn't have to run for re-election for several more years. the reality, alisyn, these
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numbers affect him right now when he's trying to sell these difficult agenda items on capitol hill, trying to persuade members on congress, take a tough vote with me because i'm your president. >> obviously these numbers are much higher for republicans. republican party and republican voters still strongly support him. >> sure. it's not just republicans who will be voting in house and senate races. >> having problems with some of those swing districts unless you think that the abc/washington post poll is an outlyer here. it's just not good, david dru drucke. r. you can say republicans are sticking with him. there are a lot of people in this country who are not republicans, you can see where he's being hurt as well when you ask people about the meeting that don junior had with this variety of russians at trump tower more than a year ago. 63% call that meeting inappropriate. you can see the things that are dragging down his approval. >> you can look at this, john,
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in a couple of ways. one interesting way to look at it, and alex touched on this, is that imagine the president at near 50% with an agenda that has a lot of potential for bipartisan support. a president not quite as polarizing, economic agenda that has tax reform, approaching trade and manufacturing differently. whatever the merits of those arguments are, a lot of americans across the political spectrum find appealing. when you have a president this polarizing with his approval so low among democrats and problematic among independents in some battlegrounds -- >> he's under water. >> it makes it harder for him to get a lot of the things done he believes in. it is such a toxic environment for democrats to even talk about working with him. and politics aside, whether you think democrats should put that
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aside, the reality of politics is that they're going to go where their voters are, just like republicans. republicans aren't flipping on trump yet because their voters don't want them to. democratic voters don't want democrats in congress to give trump an inch. it would be a much better thing for that and for him if he wasn't quite as polarizing. >> karoun, one thing that helps us are the president's tweets, tweet leaves i like to call them. it seemed to express consternation in the ongoing russia investigation. interestingly, he wasn't singling out cnn as he often does. that's because fox was also covering the russia developments and the russia investigation. he was angry at the media as a whole because all the sunday shows were doing that. so, today they're trying to flip the switch, obviously, and move
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on to made in america week. it's hard to know how these efforts will go. >> well, the trump effort to focus on made in america week, they have planned events, things they will be doing. that will go forward. the question is how much will be interspersed by the president's constant commentary on twitter about how he's feeling about the russia investigation. it rattled him i'm sure if fox news is taking a stern look at this. they've been more sympathetic to the president than other networks, let's just say. the president does consistently try to say there's nothing here, there's nothing here and divert attention away from the russia probes and the inquiries going on. he also draws attention to it every single time he tweets about it and doesn't seem to be able to let that go. he's not very good at compartmentalizing and putting it off to one side and forget about it. that may help it to go away.
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this has been one of the most critical pieces of this investigation in the last week but sometimes when there's no developments he will harp on this russia probe idea and bring it back up into the center of the conversation. and that never seems to go quite well. >> i keep looking down at my computer screen to keep making sure i'm not imagining things. as of 8:08 the president has not made an official statement on social media about anything today. >> jinx. >> maybe he wants to focus on made in america or doesn't want to dig a hole that's any deeper about this investigation. his lawyer may have had the shovel out, digging that hole, alex burns, when he made a statement about the secret service i want you to take a listen to. >> i wonder why the secret service, if this was nefarious, why did the secret service allow these people in? the president had secret service protection at that point. that raised the question with me. >> jay sekulow, why would the
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secret service let these russians in if there was any threat, any information they had from the russian government? surely they would have stopped about it. and the secret service said don't call me shirley, basically, here. we can put that statement up from the secret service. donald trump jr. was not a protectee thus we would not have screened anyone he was meeting with at the time. it's pretty remarkable that the secret service felt the need to say don't put this on us, guy. >> dramatic, unusual gesture for the secret service to have to take. it's not the first time you've seen the president's lawyer go on tv and say things that make matters worse for the president rather than better. it's certainly not the first time you've seen folks around the president who are tasked with responding to this investigation essentially try to pass the buck somewhere else or redirect the conversation to, what about this thing that hillary clinton did, what about what president obama did?
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if you can't get give a definitive answer that gets president trump off the hook and changes the subject back to something that might actually help his white house enact its agenda and improve those poll numbers you are simply not getting the job done and folks around trump know this. they think there's not necessarily an answer that does get that job done right now. >> one of the agenda items that might change poll numbers is health care. that's been stalled as senator john mccain recovers from surgery. what's the thinking on whether or not the new incarnation from the senate is going to fly? >> it's very touch and go. the fact that mitch mcconnell had to defer the vote, as he said in a statement, he wasn't doing john mccain a favor. this isn't a courtesy. he doesn't have the vote to replace. if it passed 50-49, they wouldn't need vice president mike pence's tie breaking vote. they don't have another vote there to give. this is how narrow it is.
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when you think about the fact that the health care system does have problems, when you think about the fact that republicans have been promising to repeal obamacare for seven years, how uniting of a topic it was, every republican could agree on this. the fact that republicans are holding out, one in particular, susan collins, never voted for obama dls care in any way, shape or form. not in committee, on the floor, nothing. now republicans are struggling to partially repeal obamacare by keeping a lot of the medicaid expansion that's in there but not enough for collins and maybe senator dean heller. this shows you how difficult this has become. one thing in that washington post poll -- i think it was the post poll. it now shows that obamacare is a lot more popular than it's ever been. a health care system that was broadly unpopular, a sort of mandate if, you will, at least to fix it, to do something new. and now the public thinks their plan is nothing.
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they prefer obamacare even though they don't like it and they've squandered one of the biggest advantages in politics i've ever seen. >> remarkable to see. was the meeting between the president's son and top advisers with a russian attorney a russian intelligence operation? we'll speak to somebody who has an opinion on this. former head of the cia, next. whoooo. finding the best hotel price is now a safe bet. because tripadvisor searches over 200 booking sites - so you save up to 30% on the hotel you want. lock it in. tripadvisor.
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we are learning new details about that meeting with donald trump jr. and associates of the
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trump campaign and with a russian lawyer, among others. cnn has confirmed that at least eight people were present for that june 2016 meeting at trump tower, including a lobbyist with possible ties to russian intelligence. joining us now with his take is general michael hayden, former director of the cia and nsa. general, great to see you this morning. >> good morning. >> our understand of this meeting keeps morphing. it was not, obviously, pitched as something about adoption. that was the first story. and it wasn't just with a russian attorney. it turns out there were also some other people in this meeting. let's talk about it. a russian-american lobbyist, born in the soviet union, served as a soviet military officer, was also there, as well as as a translator, as well as this associate of this pop star, family representative. what do you make of what was happening in this meeting? >> understanding deepens, not
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just morphs, but deepens about the meeting. over the last 96 hours i've been quite impressed with a lot of former cia case officers, all of them with russian experiencing commenting on this is just how the russians would do it, were this a meeting that the russians wanted to use to establish this kind of influence campaign. it's almost classic. and that's been confirmed to me in private conversations with other russia-experienced case officers. number one, it's the soft approach to begin with, indirect. two individuals you mention ed are the perfect choice for the first meeting.
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from the russian side, this was a purposeful event. >> one of these intelligence operatives you're referring to was a is in line with what russian intelligence analysts would expect an overtur and russian-influence operation to look like, carefully orchestrated intelligence, soft pitch design to get receptivity and plausible in case the approach is rejected. what do you think if, this is correct, that the russians would have learned from this meeting? >> very successful meeting from the russian point of view, john. by the way, i talked to other case officers, what do you think about the meeting? their response is what rolf said. there's consensus around what rolf put in that article. several things they got out of the meeting. number one, they learned that
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the trump team would accept. that's really important. number two, they learned that the trump team would not report it. as rolf points out in this article, they would be watching for increased counterintelligence activity after the meeting. if the trump team reported it to the fbi. they didn't. and the trump team accepted the language between sanction relief, that's what they've been about for months if not years, and cooperation with the russians or at least accepting the information that the russians then offered. and then one more thing. this would have been for having accepted such a meeting except for the russian interpretation of the meeting should they had
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turned to that. >> it's extraordinary to think about how the russians work if it turns out that two russian operatives, classic case of how they maneuver and infiltrate. let's move to the trump side. was saying yes to this meeting simply naivety and not knowing that they were being played? is that the generous way of looking at this? >> the most generous way of looking at this. when russians would take a look at someone naive, for whom they might have personal contempt but not above using them. it translates as useful idiot or useful fool. frankly that, to me, is the most benign explanation that i can give you of the trump side of
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this meeting. >> you know, michael caputo, working inside the trump campaign at the time, he wasn't at the meeting and didn't know about the meeting at all. he just did an interview with alisyn. from his perspective, that russia is not an adversary at all. paul manafort, campaign chair for some time. what do you make of that statement that russia is not an adversary? >> the evidence out there for anybody willing to give it fair hearing is that the russians have been very aggressive, very adversarial and the point on planet earth were russian and american interests recently where they have agreed have been quite rare. credit to the trump administration. find those points where the interests overlap and work from them. but to say they're not an adversary, i think, just avoids,
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ignores the clear evidence that's present. >> general hayden, thank you very much for giving us your take on all of this. fascinating. >> as the investigations heat up, why is the white house blaming everyone but donald trump jr. for meeting with the russians? the promise to get dirt on hillary clinton from the kremlin? this will be a debate you don't want to miss, next.
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first said no such meeting ever happened, then said the meeting was about adoptions then admitted the meeting was about getting information on hillary clinton and wasn't forthcoming about who was in the meeting. we can't accept anything don junior says. >> democrats clearly taking aim at donald trump jr.'s ever-changing story about that meeting with the russian lawyer and now we know several other people. president trump and the white house are blaming everyone from hillary clinton to the media to now the secret service for the fact that meeting took place. why don't they just own it? let's discuss with angela ryan, cnn political commentarity, republican member of congress,
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jack kingston. i want to start with you and play some sound from the president's private attorney this weekend, jay sekulow, saying, look, if the meeting don junior had was so bad, why didn't the secret service step in? listen. >> i wonder why the secret service, if this was nefarious, why did the secret service allow these people in? the president had secret service people at this point. >> that's what he wonders. i wonder why he's bringing up the secret service when they say it wasn't their job to protect don junior at the time they put out a statement, which is unusual. don junior was not a protectee of the secret service therefore we would not have screened anyone he was meeting with at that time. did the president's lawyer do a disservice as making the statement that he did? >> there's been some question about where was the secret service. >> by whom? >> i actually -- i've heard some
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of the chattering out there. but let me say this. i represented the federal law enforcement where the secret service trained and their job really is not to keep the president from -- our elected officials -- well, the president. that's who they protect. but they don't screen people unless there's an immediate threat. if the president wants to say something or meet with someone, they have that option and the president, in a loose term, meaning that the family, the white house. so i would disagree with jay on this. i think he's a great attorney, very smart man. i think that information was not correct. >> not just not correct. if it was as incorrect as you say it was, it was misleading. he's trying to create a controversy that didn't exist. would you say that? >> i did hear a commentator or two over the weekend saying that the secret service would keep this person out. it did not originate from jay. there was a question when the did the secret service start protecting his family? i think it's a side show.
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>> right. >> the bigger question is did anything come of this meeting? we have yet to see anything like that. >> angela, is that the question? did anything come of this meeting? >> i think the question is, why did he have this meeting? it's very clear from what's in the actual e-mails why he intended to have the meeting. the question goes to intent. and that is the importance for the senate investigating as well as the house committee investigating and, of course, the special prosecutor. i also would agree with jack, i worked on the homeland security committee. it absolutely is the physical safety of the president and those immediately around him. >> it was ridiculous for jay sekulow to bring up. >> that's not the first ridiculous thing he said. >> congressman, what about intent? angela rye brought up the issue of intent. don junior went into that meeting after he was told that the people he would be meeting with had information from the russian government that would be harmful to hillary clinton and he said i love t that's why he went into the meeting.
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does his intent matter? >> i don't think the intent matters. i think it shows a willingness disturbing to the creditics and said aha, we've got you. if nothing came out of this meeting because nothing was said and that was the end of it, i have to say do you really believe a publicist for a russian pop star would be the intermediary? we don't even know if this woman, veselnitskaya -- i practiced it, thought i had it right, can't quite say it. we don't even know she had a direct kremlin connection. the anti-trump critics are jumping on this one more time saying aha, finally we got somewhere. there was no follow-up. and so highly, highly unlikely this was such a secret, nefario suchlter us meeting why wasn't there more follow-up, other e-mails and action that was
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apparently taken? >> jack, i appreciate your art in defense of the trump administration and, of course, his son in this instance. but the reality is that we know that intent absolutely is a problem. collusion is the word that has been used but it's intent to conspire, to break a federal election law. that law has been cited. you have to have the intent. you have to have tried to receive something, which he did. there's one other element that, of course, i can't remember right now. >> which law are you talking about? >> there's a federal election law. >> what -- >> that talks about you -- do you want me to tell you what it is? >> yes. >> that talks about you receiving information from an outside entity or a foreign government. that is the law. i'm happy to pull the statute and tweet it to you. >> are you talking about u.s. code 531 or -- >> federal election law. >> neither one of them stop that. >> i promise to tweet you the exact -- >> you will join me on the dnc and alexandra chalupa, who represented the ukrainian government.
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>> there is nothing that rises to the level of -- >> it's vet same thing. if you broke the law, you broke the law. >> absolutely. and if, indeed, that is the case on the ukrainian side i will stand with you and say no one should be receiving information to overthrow or to thwart election results. absolutely. right now we're talking about your president. that's the problem. >> two things from one of your last answers i want to get more information on right now. you said that critics are pointing to the willingness of don junior to have this meeting, to get information from the russian government as being problematic. you're not a critic of don junior, a support of the trump campaign, trump administration. have you no problem with don junior going in under the promise of russian government information to hurt hillary clinton? you have no problem with that? >> i think it was naive. i think what he's saying is -- >> okay but -- >> i would have had a huge problem if they would would have had some big revelations and did not turn it over to the proper
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authority. >> the only thing that donald trump jr. seemed to be upset about after the meeting was that they didn't have bigger information. his big complaint was they didn't deliver what was promised there. the first part of your answer that you thought he was nigaivey going in. you can't say it's just critics who have a problem with it. you, too, have a problem with it. correct? >> well, i also want to say this, on behalf of angela and the other critics. it should have been reported better. obviously, at this point, anything that had to do with russia needs to be fully cards up on the table. i understand that. >> his own representation, jack. and i think the reality of it is that he went into this meeting, he intended to receive this information. they planned a press conference about revelations they thought they would receive. that has been corroborated by -- >> no. >> yes, it is. >> those two things are not connected. >> yes they are. >> they're not connected at all. everybody was saying stuff about hillary's e-mails and ukraine
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and podesta, sitting on the board of a russian company and podesta owning millions of dollars, advising -- >> hang on. hang on. >> all kinds of russian stuff out there. >> donald trump the candidate when he promised a big speech on hillary clinton, we don't know if it was tied to the meeting. >> there's all kind of head fakes going on. >> we don't know if that's what he was doing. it was some small publicist. if it was anything serious why would he be there? why would paul manafort be there, the campaign chairman, if it was some publicist there? why would paul manafort be there? >> having been in the headquarters many times in the campaign there was free flow of people coming and going. i could see them dropping in on it. paul manafort would not have walked out of there with information he thought was a
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violation of the law and not done something about it. i know that much about paul manafort. he would not have played with uranium, if you don't mind my saying, or anything nuclear. there could have been mistakes by jared and don because they were nonelected officials and nonpolitical but paul manafort would have known better and done something about it. do you really think that they would have had five people in a meeting if this was about colluding with russia? it defies logic. would donald trump really go out publicly and say i've got to do -- this is all -- this whole i gotcha now approach that the democrats have had since the investigation first started. >> last word. >> he went into a press conference during the summer, asking russia to find the other 30,000 e-mails. there are a lot of things that your president has done to defy logic. let's at least acknowledge that. >> your president, too, angela. >> he's your president. >> the president of the united states. angela rye, jack kingston, thank
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you so much. >> thanks. >> thanks, john. there are desperate stories now coming out from the wives of isis fighters. they've been rounded up and jailed as the caliphate collapses in seara. nick paton walsh has powerful stories from the women next. with the travelocity customer first guarantee... your only worry... will be how to drink this monstrosity. get help with hotels, free twenty-four-hour flight changes, and our price match guarantee.
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wives, mothers and girlfriends, now being rounded up and held in syria as isis sympathizers. they are in a segregated refugee camp while authorities figure out what to do with them. nic paton walsh has more. >> reporter: don't kid yourself, they saw the videos. girls, mothers, some who married into isis, who knew what they were about, but still came. now jailed in a refugee camp, stuck in limbo, as isis collapses, trying to go home. they want your pity. and that you believe them when they say it was all, all of it, a huge mistake. >> they use women for sex?
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>> yeah. it's very disgusting. >> reporter: three indonesian sisters said they paid thousands of dollars to get here, lured by the false promise of free health care and school bus ended up selling off their jewelry and paying to get smuggled out. >> they say they want to jihad but what they want is only women and sex. it's disgusting. >> i heard if they marry they will get thousands of dollars. >> reporter: single women like them live in a commune. >> it's very different from islam. harsh men shout at each other, fighting between the woman and i was very surprised when i see that. >> reporter: she explains the
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dorm is a bit like tinder. >> translator: when the woman arrives in this dormitory she makes a cv, puts down her age, name, how her personality is like, what she looks for in a man. and men also post their cvs. yes, it's dating. you meet, talk for 15, 20 minutes then it's a yes or no. if they both agree they get married. it's very quick. >> reporter: she says she came for charity work but her husband was killed the second time they tried to flee. she is as appalled by the paris attacks as she was by the coaliti coalition. she wants to go back to france. >> i love to work. i love my jeans, my makeup, my parents. the only thing i want is to go back. i'm not far from the beach. i used to go to the beach every weekend, in a bikini. yes, in a bikini.
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>> syrian english teacher whose first husband was killed by a sniper and says she was traveling to turkey when she was waylaid in raqqa where she met and married a moroccan. were you looking for a man? >> no. >> how come you found one you? moved into this house and there was this guy next door. >> i think god sent him to me. >> she said she allowed him not to fight and is he now in jail. >> they looked to european men that they are here and in isis. they are strong man, you know, with guns and they can protect them. it's an idea that's just like movies. many of them was very shocked. when they get married, you know, three, four days, one month and they divorced. i know a woman who was married six times. after three days, she go to
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court and ask the judge to divorce her from him. and when the judge asked her why you want divorce, and that she say he prevent him from making any sexual, you know -- >> i see. >> and she say i can't accept him all the time. and so why marry him if you don't want him? and he say i will send you to the prison as well, you know. and she was crying, oh, no. it's the last time. i promise. >> reporter: her husband was once arrested for smoking by the religious police. she had to literally enter a man's world to get him out of jail. >> it was a crazy idea. i just put on my husband's clothes, his shoes and, you know, covered my eyes with that black glasses and i lent a gown
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from my neighbor. i take it from him and take my boy. let's go. >> can you do your man voice now? >> yes, yes, of course. >> that's how men sound to you? their stories decide their fate here, whether they stay in limbo or go home. >> i think that they don't believe me. eyes speak a language more than mouth. >> reporter: yes. >> don't you feel there's a trust in my eyes? >> reporter: yes. your husband, what if you never see him again? >> i want someone to kill me because i can't kill myself. it's suicide and i can't commit suicide. just kill me. >> reporter: nick paton walsh, cnn, northern syria. >> what a remarkable perspective. one you do not hear. the president shaking up international relations with this grip. what's behind the never-ending handshake? we'll analyze this touch next.
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so, president trump's handshakes with world leaders are unlike any we've seen before. but this one, this never-ending handshake with the french president takes the cake. what does the president's body
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language tell us about mr. trump? let's bring in our body language experts. we have international etiquette expert jacqueline whitmore and chris yurich. great to see both of you. john and i were flabbergasted as this handshake unfolded live on television because of all the different maneuvers this complicate complicated they were doing. what did you see in this never-ending handshake? >> when president trump meets a world leader he's already taking up real estate in their brain. >> what do you mean by that? >> literally, this have to be prepare and be ready for him. they never know exactly what's going to come. we see that with macron. he steps into it starts grabbing the president's hand, pulling it in, both for dominance and support. it becomes this dance between the two of them. literally, president trump, at about the 11-second mark will
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knock macron off his feet for a second, pulling him in. >> somewhere here you think he pulls him in? >> he will pull him in here. he literally takes him off balance for a second, ashley. you always have to be ready when you're dealing with the president. >> jacqueline, macron, what chris is saying there is that leaders go in knowing they've got to deal with these handshakes. in a sense, president trump has already won there. what do you think macron twrieed to do in this handshake? you could tell he was trying to assert some level of dominance. >> absolutely. they're both in a power play. there are a lot of hands involved in this handshake. there's something called the pat and pull, which is what you see. and trump literally takes macron off his feet, which is very authoritative and then when you watch the video, trump also puts his hands on macron's wife's shoulders. when you see someone put their hands on a person's shoulders,
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that close to someone's face, it's a sign of intimacy. and you only do that with someone you know extremely well. >> oh, okay. >> keep in mind -- >> yeah, chris, go ahead. >> i was going to add that handshake between the three of them with bridgitte leaves melania on the outside. for that awkward -- it creates the perception of an awkward moment where the president, the president's wife and donald trump are shaking hands but melania is on the outside. it creates that visual perception she's an outsider. >> one more thing we've seen repeatedly from president trump right there, that right there, the hand pat. when the president pats another leader's hand on top there. what's going on there, jacqueline? >> when you pat someone's hand, that can show a little bit of affection. however, psychologists recall this a status reminder. it's a person letting the other person know that he or she is in
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control. >> right. >> wow! >> very patronnizing or can be. >> i need to reanalyze the la handshakes i've been getting from people i know. >> from the first lady of france, president trump, what, showing his territory, that even here in france, that he can -- i mean, as we heard jacqueline say, it is a statement when you approach someone else's wife, physically, and pull her in for a kiss. >> well, i think it's subconscious here. i don't think he's trying to dominate that in the moment. i think it becomes awkward in that particular moment as he pushes in here. you can see melania is on the outside. it gives that perception that she's the outsider as they have this intimate moment of a building rapport we're seeing happen between the two presidents and the first lady. >> the next time they might i feel like they're going to bring
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lou ferigno to join the circle to make clear who is in charge. this will now be a thing going forward. thank you so much. it was fascinating to see all of that. as moms, we send our kids out into the world, full of hope. and we don't want something like meningitis b getting in their way. meningococcal group b disease, or meningitis b, is real. bexsero is a vaccine to help prevent meningitis b in 10 to 25 year olds. even if meningitis b is uncommon, that's not a chance we're willing to take. meningitis b is different from the meningitis most teens were probably vaccinated against when younger. we're getting the word out against meningitis b. our teens are getting bexsero. bexsero should not be given if you had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose. most common side effects are pain, redness or hardness at the injection site; muscle pain; fatigue; headache; nausea; and joint pain. bexsero may not protect all individuals. tell your healthcare professional if you're pregnant or if you have received any other meningitis b vaccines. ask your healthcare professional
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time now for "the good stuff." meet officer lindsay bidorf who wanted to help jackson aronson, in dire need of a kidney. after seeing an emotional plea on facebook post bid jackson's mom, she was tested. turns out she was a match. >> i took an oath to serve and protect our community and now my kidney is going to serve and protect you. >> she refuses to call herself a hero and says the two now share a special bond. >> this kid, this little boy is like my own son now. i just love this little boy with everything. >> oh, my gosh. >> what an incredible gift. what an incredible gift. >> once again, we do this all the time. officers going way above and beyond what they need to do.
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this is certainly in that category. >> complete stranger. >> yes. people are wonderful. so nice to do stories like this. time now for cnn "newsroom" with poppy harlow. good morning, poppy. >> i love starting out my monday morning that way, alisyn camerota. you look like a beautiful ray of sunshine in that yellow. >> thank you. >> have a great day. >> you too. >> we have a lot to get to. let's get started. you, too, berman in the pink. good morning, everyone. i'm poppy harlow. replacing obamacare, eight years of republican promises, at least another week of delays, senate gop leaders have put this week's expected vote on hold once again. this, because of senator john mccain recovering from surgery for a blood clot. the senator's recovery time is not the only


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