tv New Day CNN July 31, 2017 5:00am-6:00am PDT
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>> we won't make it as a country when we spend our time fighting all the time. >> russia is destabilizing activities. unacceptable. the president will sign sanctions. >> cutting its diplomatic staff in half in retaliation for u.s. sanctions. >> retaliation is long, long overdue. >> announcer: this is "new day" with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota. >> chris is off this morning. john berman joins me. good to have you here. >> good to be here. turning the tide after one of the most turbulent weeks of his presidency. in about 90 minutes, his new chief of staff general kelly will be sworn in. this comes as the president will be face-to-face also this morning with jeff sessions for the first time since the president launched repeated attacks on his attorney general. vladimir putin ordering the
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u.s. to cut its diplomatic staff in his country by more than h f half, in retaliation for new sanctions. while the president is slamming china for not doing enough about north korea. we're covering all of this for you this morning. let's get to sara murray at the white house. good morning, sara. >> reporter: good morning, john. john kelly is being sworn in here at the white house, followed by a cabinet meeting. the question on the top of everyone's minds is does kelly have what it takes to bring order to what has become a very wild west wing. >> john kelly will do a fantastic job. >> reporter: president trump turning to retired four-star general john kelly for help rebooting a stalled white house agenda and reining in a chaotic west wing after reince priebus became one of the number of
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members pushed out in the first six months. it remains unclear how kelly's appointment will impact the chain of command at the white house and if the former security chief will influence the president's own behavior. >> you have to let trump be trump. anyone who thinks they're going to change donald trump doesn't know donald trump. >> the president remains at odds in many in his party over repeated attacks to his attorney general jeff session. >> it's kind of hurtful but the president of the united states is a strong leader. >> the two men are expected to come face-to-face today at the president's cabinet meeting. trump also turning to health care this weekend, blasting the senate efforts to replace obamacare. despite the fact that it would have had no impact on friday's defeat the president also urging gop leadership to change the senate rules so legislation can
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pass with a simple majority, saying that republicans look like fools who are just wasting their time. >> i said from the beginning, let obamacare implode and then do it. >> reporter: also threatening to end subsidy payments to insurance companies and even eliminate some health benefits for members of congress if the bill is not passed. >> what he's saying is, look, if obamacare is hurting people, and it is, then why shouldn't it hurt insurance companies, and more importantly perhaps for this discussion, members of congress? >> reporter: senator susan collins, one of three republican senators who voted against repeal, say his threats wouldn't change her vote. >> we need to go back to committee, health committee, finance committee, identify the problems, carefully evaluate possible solutions through hearings and then produce a series of bills to correct these problems. >> reporter: now in addition to the domestic agenda and
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organizational issues in the west wing, john kelly is starting in this job as the administration confronts a number of foreign policy challenges, including this escalating aggression from north korea and also the new sanctions on russia. we'll be hearing on when the president will be signing this sanctions bill. >> sara, thank you so much. bring us the updates as soon as you get them. john avlon, ron brownstein and white house correspondent from bloomberg news, margaret talov. so john avlon -- >> good morning. >> normally a chief of staff is tasked with making the trains run on time and everything is sort of funneled through the chief of staff. the chief of staff is sptelling the president what's in place. we have no idea what his style will be like and whether or not people will still be able to go around john kelly to get to the president, including anthony
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scaramucci. >> the president likes military men. in fact, the national security apparatus has been the most competent and effective of his administration. there's some hope that that background that john kelly brings, his experience working for really respected bipartisan leaders like leon panetta and ron gates will bring discipline and order to this white house. the questions are, can scaramucci and his son-in-law keep bypassing the chief of staff? or will the president concede that we need to impose some structure and order on this administration? trump is going to trump people but kelly at least is a shot at a reset, which would be good for the administration. >> but, ron brownstein, look, we know that generals in the u.s. military, they are political in the sense that there are political machinations. it doesn't mean that they're steeped in politics, particularly politics of washington and politics of congress. do we know whether general john kelly is the type of person that
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can make things happen in that city? >> it's going to be very difficult for him, not because of competence, but just because of experience. look, the job of chief of staff is a tough job under the best of circumstances and these are obviously not the best of circumstances. essentially it has two components. john talked about one of them. the chief operating officer of the white house. part of the job is building a structure in the administration to try to create a stable, predictable process in which policy can get made. by the way, historically, that's one way to reduce leaks. everybody feels they're getting a fair hearing usually you have less leaks. the other part of the job is almost a prime minister job. it's about organizing support for the president's agenda in congress or beyond congress, orchestrating the interest groups and all the forces you try to bring to bear to advance what you want to do as president. the gold standard on that, i think, was james baker was probably the most effective at that for ronald reagan.
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it's a lot to ask of someone who has spent their life in the military to have that kind of feel. it's unlikely that he is going to have that kind of intuitive understanding of the legislative and political process to really do that on his own. >> margaret, how do you see it? what do you think that john kelly can do that reince priebus could not do? >> one, he comes in from a greater position of strength. it's not like he wanted the job or was campaigning for the job. he reportedly turned it down several times. you would think he would be able to set some of the terms. and everyone i've talked to across different sectors from the trump white house, the globalist camp, base nationalist camp or establishment camp all say he starts not only with their respect but with the president's respect and that's really important. >> that's a lot. that's not nothing. that is a lot to come in with. the question is, how long does it last? is this the first day of the rest of their lives or is it monday? and we don't fully know the answer to that. john avlon, we do know we have a
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cabinet meeting this morning. >> yes. >> after the president or chief of staff is sworn in, he will sit around the table with his full cabinet for the first time that he talks with or faces jeff sessions, attorney general, since he began the public campaign of humiliation. how is what we're going to see today -- what are you looking for to tell whether or not they've turned over a new leaf in this white house? >> ooirm laughing because it's so absurd we're in a situation where the public campaign of humiliation is like, well, sure, that happened. look, hopefully, we're beyond the dear leader affirmations and the question will be trump actually does not like direct negative confrontation despite his "your fired" fame. whether he will go out of his way to try to make sessions feel comfortable, whether he will be able to resist a little bit of towel snapping and how useqioce
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sessions is. the worst thanksgiving meal you've ever had could play out in front of the cameras this morning. >> do you think jeff sessions is long for his job? >> first at a point to john's, which is when you look at the overall trajectory of the trump administration, obviously they're having enormous trouble moving their legislative agenda, surrounded in scandal and chaos. in the executive branch they are significantly changing policy. they have put people, whether it was general kelly at dhs on deportation and, you know, enforcement of the border, whether it's jeff sessions and attorney general on rethinking the way the oversight of local police departments and also immigration issues or certainly scott pruitt and epa and the interior secretary on public -- that's where they're having their most success, redirecting policy in a highly controversial way. in that sense, using the executive levers they've been much more effective at dealing
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with congress. look, i think unlike paul ryan, who basically shrugged his shoulders at the idea of replacing jeff sessions, the senate republicans have laid down a pretty clear marker. senate of the judiciary committee saying look i am not planning on holding hearings on replacement. donald trump has crossed many red lines before so you can't rule it out. they've put down about as clear a marker as they can that says do not go down this path. at least that will give others in the administration second thoughts of whether they want to face that kind of complicate and whether or not they want to tackle tax reform. >> repairs, actual physical structural repairs going on in the white house over the next few weeks. the idea that the heated rhetoric of this administration might get cooled off, right? to wit, i will say on saturday, the president tweeted 13 times, including a whole lot about
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senate changes that wouldn't have actually helped health care get through. and this morning nothing. this must be a clear sign that he has completely changed during john kelly's administration. >> or everything could change again by lunchtime. overwhelmingly the idea behind today's cabinet meeting is to show unity, that reset button. it is not to, you know, highlight differences with jeff sessi sessions. it is to say we've got a new chief of staff in charge and we want everyone to give him your support and coordinate. look, it's august. people both in congress and in the white house, hopefully the president, begin to take some time off for vacation. they really would like for the next few days to send a very clear, unified, consistent narrative that suggests that this idea of a reset really is possible. >> last, john, about health care, outlook now. where are we? >> the president's sort of tweet
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storm on sunday was frustrating to members of the senate. one of mitch mcconnell's staffers said the problem is that someone keeps telling the president to go on these quests. go to 51 votes. destroy the filibuster, seemingly failing to understand it was a 51 standard they were trying this time around. senate will vote on a judge today. they don't seem to have a second pass coming out of the senate on health care. and the administration itself signaled last week they wanted to move on to tax reform. it's incoherence. but the senate is going to pursue its own agenda and the leading expert on that is mitch mcconnell, not donald trump. >> republicans in general, right now, the white house, how nervous does it make them? >> i think very nervous. look, they are -- when parties have tough mid terms, two things usually happen. one is that independents turn against them.
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donald trump's approval rating against independents is in the 30s. the other thing that happens is that their base is usually depressed. have you this dynamic, particularly in unified government. we saw this in '94, 2010, 2014 -- 2010, excuse me. the party in control feels they're not getting enough done. they're not meeting their promises. and that is exactly the kind of toxic combination they're sailing toward at this moment. democrats are talking about resistance and see trump as a threat to everything they hold dear and republicans are saying when are we going to get anything done, ignoring to some extent the executive branch actions we talked about before. they are very nervous. in particular, john, one other point. whatever role president trump played on the inside game on health care he was a complete failure at the outside game, not providing any air covering, no public support. this bill faced enormous opposition, even mixed to negative reaction from
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republican constituents. so it's a very much open one heading into tax reform. >> in the next couple of hours we will see this cabinet meeting and what it feels like. appreciate it. vice president mike pence is in the baltics, taking on russia over retaliation to the new sanctions. president putin declaring the u.s. needs to cut its diplomatic staff by half. >> 755 people, that is the number that russia wants to cut from the u.s. diplomatic presence in russia. that is a big number. however, you look at it, especially considering when the obama administration imposed sanctions on russia in december, it expeled 35 diplomats. couple of key differences. we just got clarification from the kremlin. the u.s. gets to decide who is affected, who are the 755 people they cut, diplomats,
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nondiplomats and it could also include local russian staff. those are two potentially mitigating factors. u.s. state department says it is assessing the impact of this and how it might respond. if it does respond, you can be sure russia might hit back. they say they reserve the right to do so, to impose counter measures. president putin says he doesn't want to do that at this point. he thinks it would harm russia and international relations. another potential irritant. vice president mike pence is in estonia, affirming the u.s.'s commitment to nato and europe in the face of russian aggression and had this to say about relations with russia. >> we hope for better days, for better relations with russia. recent diplomatic action will not deter the security of our allies and the security of freedom-loving nations around
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the world. >> vice president mike pence also affirming that president trump will sign that sanctions bill. it is on his desk, having passed both houses of congress. that is something that will be watched closely here in moscow. it won't change russia's position they didn't even wait for the president to sign it before retaliating. alisyn? >> that's right. clare sebastian, thank you for the reporting. >> senate leaders say they will move on and turn the page after last week's health care defeat. why is president trump making a big push on it again? that's next. i make it easy to save $600 on car insurance,
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you know, i said from the beginning, let obamacare implode and then do it. i turned out to be right. let obamacare implode. >> president trump vowing he will let obamacare implode after the defeat in the senate to repeal and replace obamacare. moments ago the president wrote some more. in a statement this morning he said if obamacare is hurting people, and it is, why should it hurt the insurance companies and why should congress not be paying what the public pays? let's discuss right now. charlie dent of pennsylvania, one of the few republicans in the house to oppose the house bill to repeal and replace
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obamacare. congressman, thank you for being with us. the president seems to be talking about this morning in the statement he just put out is withholding the subsidies to insurance companies, some $7 billion that goes to insurance company companies so that they can provide insurance to low-income americans, the people just above the poverty line. do you think it would be a good idea to withhold that money? >> no, i do not, john. first, withholding that money would ultimately hurt a lot of people making between 150, 200% of the poverty level trying to afford insurance. that would be a mistake. just this morning, a group of members of congress, problem solver's caucus just released a bipartisan plan. 43 republicans and democrats released a plan on how to move forward with a change to the health care system. part that have proposal is stabilize the individual market by ensuring that the cost
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sharing reduction payments are going to be brought under the appropriations process, decree ought a stability fund. we make reforms to the employer mandate, repeal the tax and allow states to innovate with respect to the plans. it was just released a few moments ago. >> this type of bipartisan discussion is exactly what voters are looking for. in some ways what has been missing this time around and, in some ways, what has been missing all along when we're talking about health care reform in the united states of mencht what does it do to your efforts when you have the president writing the types of things that he is then, suggesting to withhold this money, which you say will hurt low-income americans, or threatening your own health insurance as a member of congress also. what does that do to the discussion? >> i believe the president wants a health care bill on his desk. i think he has been a little less concerned about the specifics. it's important for us to let us do our work in congress. we have this bipartisan
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proposal. it's a good one. it's a good start. it's incremental. we republicans get some things, real relief on the employer mandate, changing the threshold from 50 to 500 employees and returning back to a 40-hour workweek, repeal the medical device tax, democrats get things, too, on cost reduction sharing payments. this is progress. there are parallel efforts ongoing in the house and senate on bipartisan reform. the mistake democrats made with obamacare, they muscled the law through on a partisan basis. we shouldn't make the same mistake as republicans. we have an opportunity to strike right now. >> i don't want to burden you with the senate's problems. lord knows you have enough issues in the house yourself right now. one of the things the president has been saying is that the senate should change the rules so they can pass things without 60 votes, go down to 51. health care went down to the senate on 51 votes. it gets to the point do you think the president fundamentally understands the process that's in play right
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now? >> the president isn't the only one who talks about the filibuster rules f you want to change the senate rules there's a way to do it. announce your candidacy, raise a gazillion dollars. get yourself elected and change the rules. they're not going to change the rules. we can complain about the senate all we want. if they ever came over to the house and told us to change our rules we would consider that a human rights violation. i think it's a discussion that is not worth having at this point. we have to deal with the rules the way they are, not as we wish they would be. >> what do you want to see changed in the white house right now? >> i hope that general kelly is fully empowered by the white house. he needs to be empowered to do what must be done.
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i hope he can bring that order, discipline and focus to the white house operations because, obviously, it's been very chaotic and dysfunctional, particularly as of late. i hope general kelly has real authority. and the president has to give him that authority and then respect that authority. i hope that happens. again, reince priebus, good man, but he never stood a chance. he was never fully empowered. i hope that all changes now. >> chaotic and dysfunctional. what do you mean? >> well, just the scaramucci interview last week, there's an example. the tweets that go out all the time on things that are, frankly, not very important. constant infighting, factionalism in the white house. it appears they're all competing for power. it's pretty obvious to all of us that there's a fair amount of dysfunction. i expect a certain amount of
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dysfunction in government. i've been around long enough but they're taking the fun out of dysfunction right now. we have to get back to a better spot there. >> do you have faith? when you go to sleep at night, do you feel like this white house, what happens starting today with general kelly going forward aside, do you feel safe? do you feel like this white house has the best interests of your constituents at heart? >> look, i think they want to do the right thing for the american people. i do. there are a lot of good people in the administration, general mattis, tillerson, mcmaster and others. when we get back to this whole issue of dysfunction, take the transgender issue. if secretary mattis had asked us not to pursue that issue at this time when he was conducting his review, then a tweet came out that basically appeared to me undermining or contradicting what the defense department had been telling us as members of congress. that's what i'm talking about when i see this instability and
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dysfunction. a lot of good people in the white house. lot of good people spread throughout the government that they've appointed but i think they need a much more clear chain of command and somebody who is empowered to bring order and discipline and focus to this administration. >> we'll see if that starts to happen about 9:30 today. charlie dent of pennsylvania, thanks so much for being with us. >> thank you, john. coming up, we'll get the other side of the democratic lawmaker next. what's their plan for health care? ♪
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is a true reflection of the individual. only a dignity memorial professional can celebrate a life like no other. find out how at president trump urging the senate to get back to work on health care or, quote, let obamacare implode. he tweet this had moments ago. if obamacare is hurting people, and it is, why shouldn't it hurt the insurance companies and why should congress not be paying what the public pays? let's discuss with democratic senator chris van hullen of maryland, a member of the appropriations committee.
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senator, thank you so much for being here. let's start with that question that the president poses one more time. why should congress not be paying what the public pays? what's the answer to that? >> first of all, obamacare is not hurting people. what would really hurt people is if we had passed trumpcare. we know from the nonpartisan congressional budget office that would have thrown millions of americans off obamacare. >> but you know that not everyone is happy with obamacare and -- >> we know it's not perfect. we need to improve exchanges. the first order of business is for the president to stop trying to sabotage the exchanges. there are a couple of things within power of the trump administration. cost-sharing payments, those have been going on a long time. he is threatening to cut them off.
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so you have uncertainty and insurance companies are threatening to increase premiums. enforce the mandate so you don't just have sicker, more intense patients in the exchanges. three, advertise the fact that the exchanges are now open and people should enroll. congress can then get back to the regular order, as senator mccain said, and work on a number of things to both strengthen the exchanges in the short term but also we should work on things like reducing the cost of prescription drugs and other things we can do on a bipartisan basis. >> the president seems to be suggesting that you, members in congress, are sponging off the system somehow and you don't deserve subsidies or any federal dollars. what's your response to that one? >> actually, that's just flat out untrue. members of congress are in the exchanges, like anybody else. members of congress are treated like every other federal employee that works for the united states government.
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the president is just trying to stir the pot as usual on these issues. he doesn't have the facts on his side, as usual. i'm hopeful that you're going to have republicans in the senate and the house now saying that they want to work with democrats. time to ignore the president's tweets. the president has also, you know, threatened senate republicans and said that they should go to a different voting system. why don't we just focus on working together to improve the exchanges in the short term and then work on these bigger issues like reducing the costs of prescription drugs? i think within the exchanges, we should offer a public option in the exchanges. that would create more competition. it would drive down prices. >> one more thing on this. we just got congressman chris collins on who said that they actually sued the obama administration over these subsidies that the president seems very focused on and that a
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district judge ruled they were illegal because congress didn't appropriate them. you're on the appropriations committee. how can you justify these subsidies that your committee -- that doesn't didn't ever approve? >> well, the original legislation essentially directed funding for these payments, in order to provide stability in the exchanges. if my republican colleagues want to join together and vote for the appropriations process to provide those payments on an annual basis, that would be fine. even better would be if congress got together on a bipartisan basis that passed legislation that mandated the payments going forward. as you suggested the courts have questions. >> a district court decided it was illegal. >> a lower court level made a decision. importantly, they did not direct that the payments end.
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that is really important. they made a decision but said the payments can continue as that case was contested in the higher courts. so, there's nothing to prevent the president at this point in time from continuing the cautionary payments. in fact, he has been doing it but he has been doing it on a month-to-month basis instead of providing the certainty that everybody needs going into the fall. he has been doing that. there's no reason for him to stop doing that now other than the fact that he might want to sabotage the system. >> senator, i want to read to you another new tweet from the president that just came out. i've not read it yet. we're going to put it on the screen so we can all read it together. highest stock market ever, best economic numbers in years. unemployment lowest in 17 years. wages rising, border secure. no white house chaos. your response?
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>> let's just start at the end. obviously there's incredible chaos at the white house which is why they're bringing in general kelly. the struggle for general kelly is going to be normally a white house chief of staff has to try to organize the staff. in this case, you have a commander in chief who is totally out of control, tweeting at all hours of the day and night and there's no consistency to the policy. i should point out that when it comes to the economy, you're continuing to see what you saw in the previous administration, which is continued growth. but the reality is there are lots of americans who are still being very squeezed between rising costs and flat paychecks which is why, alisyn, the democrats on a bicamera bicamer house and senate, have put together a plan to focus on bread and butter issues to improve the economy, jobs and wages. >> his point is despite whatever
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is going on in the white house the stock market is having a banner month or banner run, the highest ever. unemployment rate has dropped to the lowest in anyone's memory, recent memory at least. so, i would think that the president would say his point is things on that front seem to be working. >> millions of americans are really hurting. the reality is that what you're seeing under president trump is a continuation of what was a steady decline in unemployment. you saw that beginning under the administration of barack obama. a record number of months of economic growth and that is continuing under president trump, the trajectory that began under president obama, both in terms of jobs and reducing the unemployment rate. stock market was up under president obama as well. that doesn't mean that there aren't millions of americans who aren't hurting. reality is that folks at the top are doing very well. yes. if you have a lot of money in
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the stock market you're doing just great. but everybody else is being squeezed. people are working harder than ever. the gains are going to the top 1%. folks at the very top. everybody else is seeing flat paychecks or falling behind which is exactly why, alisyn, we put together a plan to address those issues, to grow the economy but also with more shared prosperity. >> chris van hollen, thank you for taking the time to be on "new day." >> thank you. tropical storm develops in the gulf of mexico. who is in the storm's path? that's next.
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president trump slamming china after north korea's latest ballistic missile test. the president vows to impose sanctions. tropical storm emily. parts of the state under a tropical storm warning. new jersey governor chris christie getting into a cubs fan's face after he was heckled. christie could be heard calling the man a big shot. >> i don't think those two will remain friends for very long. general john kelly will be sworn in as the new white house chief of staff in just about an hour. is he the right choice to bring stability to the west ring? two former chiefs of staff give us their takes. first, need an afternoon pick-me-up? cnn correspondent elizabeth cohen shows us some of the best
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energy-boosting snacks in today's food for fuel. >> the best snacks for an energy boost combine whole grains with healthy fats or protein. for example, you can make your own trail mix with dried fruits and healthy nuts and seeds. whole wheat crackers with low-fat cheese are easy to prepare. so are hummus and veggies, which you can pack in a small container to make it more affordable. for convenience, dry roasted edamame or roasted chickpeas, causing a slow rise in blood sugar and help to sustain your energy level throughout the day. if you still feel like you need a little boost, try siping green tea, packed withoxidants and less caffeine than coffee. hi.
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in just minutes, president trump's new chief of staff, general john kelly, will be sworn in to his new job. the president hopes that general kelly can rein in the infighting in the west wing. we're joined by two former chiefs of staff, governor john sununu, chief of staff for george w. bush. it occurs to me, have either of you spoken to general kelly since he was named on friday? >> i have not. how are you this morning, john? >> matt?
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>> good morning, both governor sununu and john. no, i have not. >> good morning, matt. >> good morning. thank you, john. i've seen him several times, like him and respect him. >> since you haven't spoken with him and since he may very well be watching, because i know we are on in the west wing, governor sununu, first to you, what would be the one most important piece of advice you could give to general kelly, governor? >> remember the definition of your job is provided by the president, that you serve a constituency of one and that discipline and order are your responsibility after the president gives you his charge. >> what do you think? >> governor sununu gave a good premise there. this white house has to focus on looking outward, getting things done for the american people. you do have a constituency of
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one. your real obligation is to the american people. this white house needs to look outward toward the president's agenda and try to get some things moving here. >> can and should a chief of staff try to change the president at all? mr. mclarty? >> i think you do -- the president is going to be the president. i think there are different passages and feel like the president may, indeed, try to work closely with general kelly. he has to empower him. yes, i think the chief of staff clearly can be supportive of and help to manage the president. i use that term. support and manage the white house and help the president focus on what he needs to be focusing on. it has got to be a close partnership and one of trust, john. >> governor sununu what do you think general kelly should do differently than has been done the last six months of the administration? >> following up on what mack
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said, one of the roles of the chief of staff is to have a relationship with the president where you can tell him the tough news, hard news, provide constructive criticism and kind of guide him on to a path that metes with the white house needs at the moment. my biggest concern with this white house is that they have been responsive, not leading. if general kelly can urge the president to start a process in place where they are creating the headlines they want instead of fighting the headlines they don't want i think he will make a huge difference. >> what about the tree of who reports to whom? what about ivanka trump and jared kushner? >> wruf got to minimize that as much as possible. we had a white house where i had access to the president all the
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time. but certainly others had open access to the president. each white house is different. this president seems to be comfortable with two, three, four routes coming into him. funneling it a little bit or getting a clear readout after the fact is as important as controlling who is going in. >> mr. mclarty, do you think a general with his military experience but not, perhaps, with the experience of the politics of washington, do you think that is the right resume for this type of job? >> couple of point there is. general kelly has had a very distinguished record in public service and part of this administration has really been in the white house, leading the homeland security efforts. that's a big plus here. >> i agree. >> he is a peer with the president. and i think the president will
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respect him. i think governor sununu has it just right. you have to empower your chief of staff. you have to be an honest broker. the president's got to work in tandem with his chief of staff and they ever undercut him on decision making and, frankly, seldom, if ever, surprise him. swren kelly can establish that kind of working relationship with president trump. i hope so. >> governor sununu, the president put out a statement this morning, one of the 140 characters or less statements. the last line of it was no white house chaos. do you think that is an active description certainly of the last week? >> it certainly has been interesting. to borrow a phrase from mack, it depends what your definition of chaos is. >> how about your definition of chaos, governor? charlie dent, the republican congressman from pennsylvania told me a few minutes ago that this white house is taking the
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fun out of dysfunction, which is to say that they really don't have their act together. do you think that's fair? >> they came into the white house without enough public service experience in the game and that showed the first six months. even though this last week may have been one of the most difficult for them, i really do think on the conversations i've had with some of the people involved that they're beginning to bds that they've got to tighten it up. i have great hopes going forward that this change provides a milestone for moving forward. i think general kelly brings an age maturity that might be useful in bringing the president some confidence that things will calm down. >> thank you so much for being with us. interesting. if the president and general kelly were watching, pretty good advice. "the good stuff" is next.
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stick around for that. flo: [ amplified ] i got this. guys, i know being a first-time homeowner is scary, but you don't have to do this. man #2: what if a tree falls on our garage? woman: what if a tornado rips off our roof? flo: you're covered. and you've bundled your home and auto insurance, so you're saving a ton. come on. you don't want to start your new life in a dirty old truck. man #3: hey. man #1: whoa, whoa. flo: sorry. woman: oh. flo: you're safe. you're safe now. woman: i think i'm gonna pass out. can you stop using the bullhorn? flo: i don't make the rules. you...smells fine, but yourin your passengers smell this bell dinging new febreze car with odorclear technology cleans away odors... ...for up to 30 days smells nice... breathe happy, with new febreze.
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we start in pennsylvania. a bus crashes. elderly veterans on their way to the ballpark. officers arrive on the scene and jump into action. >> we evaluate them. want to go to the game, the officers are taking them. >> there you go. the officers then pushed the veterans in wheelchairs about half a mile all the way to the stadium. >> that is dedication. wonderful to see. great to be with you here this morning. time now for cnn newsroom with poppy harlow. >> hi, guys. good morning. have a great day. >> you, too. good monday morning, everyone. hope you had a good weekend. i'm poppy harlow. moments from now, pressing reset in the west wing, general john kelly sworn in as president's chief of staff in just moments. can the retired u.s. marine corps general bring a new discipline to a white house that is in chaos? top of the hour, president trump and jeff s
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