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tv   The Nineties  CNN  August 11, 2017 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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world war, we have an enemy and the enemies are terrorists who not believe in what we do. and we have to understand that this is a sustained effort. a new breeze is blowing and a world repressed by freedom seems rebourn. >> there is no place for lawless aggression in the new world order that we seek to create. >> unemployment will be growing again my lks day. >> i will not sell out to anybody but the american people. >> i believe with all my heart we can rekindle that american dream. the day of the dictator is over.
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>> what more close to 1989 than a party after the berlin wall.
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thousands of people kr gathered at the wall to chip away at a rem nan of a economist system that seemed to developed over night. >> the official ceremony attended by both east and western germany. >> president bush sent a signal, there will be no gloating from the white house over the developments in east germany. >> i was in the oval office as part of a pool when the wall came down. >> you don't seem elated. >> bush basically said in a fact, i'm not going to poke -- in the eye. >> president george and president bush came into his presidency in the shadow of ronald reagan. maybe we had elected the right man at the right time pause he was an internationalist. >> you had 50 years of the cold war, two vision of the world locked in combat and then
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suddenly, a whole world of totalitarian rule began to fuel. bush was quite cautious, he was really aware that even subtle messages from the united states could indicate all sorts of things. >> when the wall fell in berlin, the questions were numerous. right away, what's going to become of this. >> bulgaria is in a uproar this morning. >> tens of thousands of ordinary citizens storm the headquarterings of the the police tonight. >> the scenes in this moment are incredibly dramatic. people in the street proclaiming freedom. some of that was liberation, some of it had a darker side. >> dictator nick lie, the last hard line leader in the war has been deposed. >> romania was the most
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repressive and the most gri tesk. all of the european regimes, the only way to overthrow it turned out toby force. >> oh god is fighting the new people, all hell has broken loose. >> for many in television offered evidence today of the fate of the proposed leader. >> the leaders have been made to stand trial on christmas day. >> in the end he got the kind of justice he'd dealt out to many of his subject. >> at the end of this remarkable week, a week of bloodshed in romania and elsewhere becomes a reminder of wat struggle is all about. it's about freedom. >> germany was not the civil of the cold war it was the first great crises of the cold war. >> will germany be reunion tied. together they'll form an economic power. but will a giant state once
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again dominate europe? the memories are very real. >> many europeans were together on uniting germany. >> when the european leadership saw the united states favoring the uniting of germany they were uneasy and resisting it. president bush and secretary baker thought this was essential and it was right. >> we have entered a new era in world affairs, a moment when the actions we take can take this new world for years to come. >> george bush's goal was to get germany to unify within nato. >> the white house were repeating that the basic principal of germany relationship of nato was not negotiate bl. and finding a formula. >> george bush understood he had a partner, and that partner was miguel, but miguel wanted to be
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in control. bush always wanted a june tied germany. in a very disciplined manner moved him towards that position. >> in a major recession -- >> once you saw the german problem you remove the tension between the cole war. >> this is the big photo opportunity, the important picture the president came all this way to get. at this moment he is given his present. the president was a soviet cartoonist depiction of the two presidents as boxers having just knocked out the cold war with the world as referee. >> george bush and brent, who was his national secure officer liked to fish together.
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one day they were fishing and think were thinking of the kind of world that would emerge. >> it's very rare the world is so influence and flexible that world leaders could think this way, talking about wat world could be and what it should be. >> what they imagined was the world that didn't happen after world war ii. the world of collective materials sharing responsible for war. they used the term, new world order. how do you achieve it?
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today in a 45-minute state of nation speech, the president declared 30 years of south african politics. he promised nelson mandela would be free. >> nelson mandela is probably the best known political prisoner in the world. >> mr. mandela, a free man taking his first steps into a new south africa. >> while the world is changing in europe, the apart tide government of south africa sees the writing on the wall. south africa won't be able to in the post-cold war world. >> when he is released from prison it becomes a global moment that signifies one of the earlier indications that the 1990s is going to be a different decade.
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>> i -- you all in the name of --. and i personally -- >> he becomes a moral beacon around the world because of the way he handled himself. so you had this world, this moment in the early '90s when the peace makers were in charge. the stars aligned. >> there has been a dangerous late breaking development in the persian gulf. u.s. intelligent sources confirmed within the past few hours, more than 100,000 iraq key troops have massed around the border. >> it's shocking in washington and other western capitals. >> sadaam has a 1 million man
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army. the saudis would have not been able to resist. all was on the eastern side of the country right there on the border with iraq. >> iraq invaded and took over the tiny nation of kuwait today. hue same sane -- hussein claimed it went in and took over. many never accepted that story. >> many americans are concerned there may be a war. >> what is required of mr. bush to say to the americans that he
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doesn't want war. >> if you had been in a room on this interview for an hour and 15 minutes and then spend another hour with him after the same interview. i think you would have reached the same conclusion. no doubt hussein was a cold war killer. if aggression was allowed to stand, nobody thought it would end there. >> president bush came of age throughout all those decades in which there were world wars in which there was the west against the silvias. he'll be an director, an ambassador. for what ever reason when iran invaded kuwait, hussein thought nobody was care and almost got away with it. >> the president's helicoptering back from camp david, i can't meet him you have to meet him.
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you have to brief him on the situation, there's going to be a lot of press there, i got to go. the president's plans and i -- with my piece of paper and took the paper, goes over to the microphone and that's one he just said. >> this is not stand, this will not stand this aggression against kuwait. i have to go to work. >> it was an unusual sound from him but he was firm because he really meant it. bush had a moral code, i think he got it from his prep school, from his mother, and saddam hussein didn't do the honorable thing. he invaded another country. >> secretary's effort led the -- coalition. they had experts overseas going around from capital to capital looking for support.
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>> united neighbors security counsel has authorized the force against iraq. >> 14 votes in pharr, none against, none substantial. >> getting that massive alliancing to truly goes down in history as one of the greatest accomplishments i think of any president to be able to get that many people on your side, believing in the same thing and ready to do the same thing. >> what george bush managed to do in iraq was begin to create the new beginnings of new world order. who would have imagined. standing up to one of their own. >> hundreds of non strarts gathered to protest the inevitably. all but one that is. >> whenever america goes to war there's going to be protest in the street, but you needed congressional support or you wouldn't have popular support. >> the world looks to the president. he can play an historic role to
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leading us to solve this crises in a nonviolent way. >> make no mistake about it our final interest are at stake. >> bush knew that and had to let that process go forward. >> the hope of peace remains, in my heart and the hearts of us all. but this debate is now about war. >> -- matter of days did bring this bill into its knees. >> let us stop beating the donald trumps of war. >> no -- is ordained the new world order must begin with a new world war. >> they had a great national debate and the argument for going to war prevailed. >> president bush says the act by congress now shows hussein the united states government is serious and united in its demand that iraq withdraw from kuwait or face the consequences.
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at 6:00, more than a million troops facing each other in the saudi desert preparing for war. >> saw dam hussein warned the united states today that the person troops would quote, swim in their own blood if they go to war with >> sadly hussein started the war. tonight the battle has been joined. >> 50 minutes ago, american aircraft suddenly descended on iraq and occupied kuwait, the war in the persian gulf has begun. >> you were credit with the military build-up which comes to a lot of criticism. we have to go to baghdad secretary. >> something is happening outside, the skies over baghdad has been illuminated.
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we're seeing bright flashes going off all over the sky. we're getting star bursts in the black sky. >> the significance in journalism term it was the first time that you had intensive live coverage of the war. >> iraq was -- the ninth floor of the ra she'd hotel. we were one of the tallest buildings in baghdad, we knew whatever was going to happen we'd be able to see the drama. >> military offenses over night has been described as the longest attack in history. >> one comment, clearly i've never been there but --. saddam hussein and the people of the arab nation says the mother of all wars have started. we told you earlier in the week that information ministry has received its own satellite dish and the foreign ministry --
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somebody knocking on the door, john and i are going to hide. >> we opened the door and there were several armed iraqui people, and several of them could speak broken english and said what are you doing here, you should be in the bonker. i fell to minis and said i won't don't, i don't care about the war. so i got up and we continued coverage for the next 12 hours. >> what is at stake is more than one small country, it is a big idea, a new world order where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to achieve the universe sall aspirations of mankind, peace and security, freedom and the rule of love. >> george bush was one of the youngest pilots in the navy during his second war world war.
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shot down survived. and that experience was so surreal for george bush. and so, there is a realization that if you can use overwhelming air power you're going to be able to trip not only iraqui military forces but you're beginning to be able to i vis race i rauk as a 20th century nation. >> you had 40 plus days of air war, and ultimately we began to run low on targets. >> president bush praises israel's continued restraint in the fast of last night's attack by i rauk with missiles landed on israel.
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>> hussein tried his damnest to -- >> amazing tel-a-viv this morning missiles attacks. eight missiles rived in the hyper tell vooef vooef -- tel-a-viv area, there was no warning of them. >> it took all of the diplomatic where with all of the president to keep -- out of the war. >> the coalition will give hussein until noon saturday. if he doesn't move his coalition, we're on the verge of evading evading iraq. >> colin powell believed in exerting maximum power on the ground, so you wouldn't be fighting a prolonged war, this will be quick, decisive.
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it became known as the pal low doctrine. >> the war started this morning as the americans and allies attacked with massive fire power that shook the earth. >> we're 15.5 hours in a grown war where all the reports we're receiving is going well. >> so far, progression with dramatic success. the troops are doing a great job but the war is not over yet. >> what is your impression of hussein as a military strategist? >> he is neither a strategist nor is he schooled in the arts nor is he program technician, a general or a soldier. other than that he's a great military man. >> big and burly and kftd, when he came in that briefing room your chest swelled.
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>> his presence was important, it was a huge factor on american support for the war. >> the war in the gulf is virtually over. tonight what may be the final battle of the gulf war. >> headlines in baghdad newspaper screamed. pictures from southern kuwait told a different story. >> the iraqui army began to emerge from their homes in the deserve to give up. >> we knocked out saddam in 100 hours. >> this is sounds from the liberated beach. >> it was a massive success. and it showed the world this kind of aggression would not stand. the problem was that they didn't go all way to baghdad. >> but that would have been a much bigger military operation, because what many of the allies had signed on to was only to liberate kuwait, the united
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states allowed saddam hussein to stay in power. >> the war in the gulf has ended. >> saddam hussein has bigger than life ambitions and he was willing to do whatever it took to stay in power, to make iraq the center in the middle east. l'oreal's pure-clay masks with charcoal brightens eucalyptus absorbs oil. red algae refines pores, and new seaweed comforts. pure clay your way. pure clay masks from l'oreal paris. you're searching for something. whoooo. like the perfect deal...
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. demonstrators protesting the common insist party marched to the wall of the the kremlin. >> these people want him to deliver on that promise now. >> many of the protesters carry the flag of free revolution fair russia. >> listens for food and energy in russia will go up. >> life was becoming harder, food short at times. the economic system was breaking down.
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>> in a company accustomed to chorjs, people saying they never had it so bad. >> hard liners did not like the tone of reforms introduced. >> the reforms were meant to restore and refresh commonism and refresh the union and they had the opposite effect. >> it was a matter of time before the old establishism were going to try to get rid of him. >> the message calling for national unity has fallen on deaf ears. >> it's difficult for outsiders to capture the mal strom that-in. when i was traveling with president bush he was depleted by what he had to deal with on every level. >> it was intended to celebrate a united and successful soviet military machine. but this day comes as the army is losing its role abroad and
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its prestige of hope. >> i had a call from the mayor of moscow and while we talked about local politics he wrote on a sheet of paper that a crew was being organized. and we had information that president bush wanted him to know. first he sort of laughed and said president bush has said we are friends now, he's proved it. but don't worry it's not going to happen. >> good efforts. in commissioner of the folks problem solve union presidents miguel, as the vice president united states he becomes president -- >> it was announced on television that miguel was ill and therefore a committee would
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take charge until he recovered. >> reported to be heading towards the russian parliament in moscow where thousands of people are gathered in the new soviet government. >> miguel's whereabouts tonight are unknown, there are thoughts he's under house arrest. >> miguel every year, liked to holiday on the black sea and his aids showed up at his staturism they cut off communications and took away has nuclear codes. >> the military commander, the minister of interior and the prime minister joined forces to mount the cue. >> nothing threatens miguel, she is in a safe place, he needs some time to feel better. >> warned today the right wing would have tragic consequences. it is the beginning of civil war.
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>> extraordinary drama here in moscow tonight. destruction, fire and even blood on the street. >> people have died, crushed by armoured vehicle. >> 50,000 people rushed at the russian parliament building. >> miguel wouldn't that popular tap but they had people were less popular than miguel. if they hod mowned a crew against him in 1989 or 1990 he would have fallen and the new soviet would be different. but there were already nulla gym figures that the russian people were supporting and expecting a lot from. around 50,000 supporters gathered to chant their support for the man whose now carrying the banner. >> yet son has been popularly lifted as president of the russian federation.
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he was merging his alternative power to the common insist leaders. >> let me put on my glasses and read you a piece of wire copy that's just come across. russian president ordered all army and units involved in the overthrow of miguel to stand down. he was consuming control on the territory of russia. clearly there is a major confrontation shaping up in the russian republic. >> the presidents' day began with meetings and phone calls. connectic >> when the tanks came in, the soviet called youssef and said i'm suppose to attack you but i will not i will protect you. >> it is a criminal said yet
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sin. >> because the dlirksization brought about the common insist party and the military could no longer move against the russian people. >> tonight moscow skyline was ablazed with celebration, relief was the symbols of conflict were we moved. >> miguel comes back to moscow, the institutions and totalitarian system of government that led this country for years perhaps over night and that was an amazing thing to see. >> when there was evidence that his vision wouldn't going to come to pass, rather than cracking down so he could stay in the kremlin he let it happen. that takes a political courage that's so unusual in war history. >> you are look at the russian flag flying tonight over the kremlin. just before the kremlin cameras clicked on today it was said
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when you have to go you have to go. he was officially re-signed as president and returned over to russian yet sun. >> translator: society has been granted, its agreement have been unchained that's our biggest achievement. >> in russia's case it was -- >> i wish you all, all the best. what are all these different topped & loaded meals?
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megan's smile is getting a lot because she uses act® mouthwash. act® strengthens enamel, protects teeth from harmful acids, and helps prevent cavities. go beyond brushing with act®. there are times when you have to wonder why anyone in his or her right mind would want to be president of the united states. exhibit a, george bush. >> it's one of the tragedies of american system that presidenting feel they need to be releelected to prover their legacy. >> a republican, what a difference a year make. 365 days ago president bush's p.o.p. larlt was at an all-time high. >> after the gulf war people believed he'd have four more years. while even approved of how he
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handled the war there were concerns about how he handled the committee. >> clinton says president bush is out of touch with americans because he favor the rich at the expense of the middle class. >> i believe that together we with make america great again. >> bill clinton is very formidable and he moves early on to understand the major vulnerability of george w. bush and that is the economy. >> i announce my candidacy for united states of america. >> unemployment will be growing again by election day. >> 83,000 jobs gone. >> another 140,000 americans became unemployed. >> i've heard about the lost tones and shattered lives. we had won the cold war, instead of putting all these countries abroad first, it was time we started looking out for our own
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country and our our own people. all of these thing led me to believe that if nobody's going to do it i think i might. >> here's yesterday and we are tomorrow. so i'm declaring my candidacy for the republican nomination for president of the united states. >> pat buchanan is a smart guy who worked in the nixon administration. pat becomes george bush's worst nightmare. he starts talking to the american people who are feeling a little unsure as the reagan prosperity inspires. >> when george bush was an excellent foreign policy president, he was not a good politician. >> you have to get to that. >> let me quote the words of one -- >> pick this up or take it out of my pocket. >> if you take it out of your pock you're going to have your coat open.
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>> george bush is awkward, it seems like he was pretending to be a politician. >> the president said his trip to japan was about jobs jobs jobs. >> the long camera in the differenti different dining room on the head table when president bush was overcome by nausea and fell forward. he lost consciousness. >> this man who had overseen the sock landing of the cold war, who had been commander and chief for a brilliant victory against i iraq would be viewed as a weak leader. he voluntary manslaughtermited foreign prime minister and it was caught on tape. >> when i get the flu i do it in a very dramatic, dramatic way, but it was so embarrassing.
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>> this is a special reported from abc news. >> good evening i'm pete r jennings a brief interruption for voting in new hampshire. the voters of new hampshire has given president bush a surprise. conservator commentator pat buchanan is able to get more than 43% of the vote. >> he was able to create a big riff in the republican part. >> the republican billionaire with any ideas. >> is there any scenario in which you would run for president? >> i would not run as a democrat or a republican i would not sell out to anybody but the american people. >> he wen on larry king and announced he was going to run as
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president as an independent. >> i didn't win the nomination but i think ross per roe saw what we did, saw the vulnerability of bush and saw his decision right then to go. >> ross's unorthodox way of campaigning has struck a cord with many voters. >> he bought a half hour on nbc to talk about his plan for curing what ails the committee. >> ross perot. >> i thought it would be ideal to take the important problem first, that's economy and jobs. >> out of nowhere becomes ross perot the straight talking billionaire, he has that southern charm he's able to evoke an old fashion america that george bush is not able to evoke and ross perot starts running against george wind-chill factor bu w. bush.
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>> let me go on record one time tonight, we can win. >> ross perot reach new heights in california. it was perot 38%, bush 32%, clinton 20%. >> ross perot was making -- the white house was furious >> if he continued to attract republican voters, then bush was going to lose. (dog panting) geico has a 97% customer satisfaction rating! and fast and friendly claims service. speaking of service? oooo, just out. it was in. out. in! out. in! what about now? that was our only shuttlecock. take a closer look at geico. great savings. and a whole lot more.
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♪ american presidents tend to love foreign policy because they don't have the deal with the congress often, they don't have to deal with other people. they just have to move and act. the truth is most american elections are determined by domestic politics, not so much by your foreign achievements. george h.w. bush, even after the amazing victory in the persian gulf, runs into storms. >> campaign '92. >> good evening. president george bush, governor bill clinton and independent candidate for president ross perot are about to make their second appearance of the campaign. >> bill clinton is someone who understood the best way to learn about the problems of his
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constituents was to talk to them. he loved the town hall format. >> you know people who lost their home and jobs? in my state, the people that lose their jobs i will know by their names. >> george h.w. bush didn't have the personal touch. >> it has a lot to do with interest rates. >> you on a personal basis, how has it affect you. >> this whole experience of the town hall is excruciating for george bush. he likes people but he is not good at it. >> the question, maybe i am getting it wrong. if you're surging that somebody that has means, the national debt doesn't affect them. >> tv was dominating american politics and george bush didn't benefit from that. >> what will you do as president to open foreign markets to fair competition from american business? >> we have got to stop sending jobs overseas. >> one much ross perot's big arguments during the debates is the nafta agreement which president bush supports and is
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trying to push is going to cost american jobs. >> if you can move your factory south of the border and you don't care about anything but making money, there will be a job-sucking sound going south. >> this is an argument that in the middle of the recession resonates with a lot of voters. >> we have a question right here. >> and then when he's being asked a question, president bush looks at his watch. it symbolizes every bad image people had. he didn't care. he wasn't very interested. >> at the second debate the president left many of his supporters shaking their heads. the president kept looking at his watch. campaign aides said he was merely concerned his opponents were getting too much time, but it made him look impatient and disinterested. >> that is the george bush of 1992, completely out of step with the direction that american culture is taking. >> democrat bill clinton, the once obscure governor of a small southern state, has racked up the electoral votes needed to win the presidency of the united states. in doing so, he defeated a gop
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incumbent once believed unbeatable. >> when bush loses the 1992 election, it is certainly a generational shift. content really does trounce bush in a way that is pretty significant and jarring for a sitting president to be defeated in that way. >> my fellow americans. >> george bush was a proud guy and he was human, and when he lost in 1992 he wept. >> george bush is only the fourth elected president this century to be rejected by the people and denied his second term. >> he wrote in his diary that he was crushed, that he had been humiliated. after all he had done for his country, after all of the service that he had rendered in war and peace, he was being told to go home. that was a painful message. >> hey, listen, we got to get going. thank you. the people have spoken and we
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respect the majesty of the democratic system. i just called governor clinton over in little rock and offered my congratulations. >> george bush took the loss to become very hard. bill clinton was his son's age. >> thank you so much. thank you. >> people are sure that george bush's presidency will be the overlooked moment between the charisma of ronald reagan and the ra kiss mau of become. as we look back on the george bush presidency, we see his stock going up. he managed the end of the cold war. he let the soviet union go off into the dust bin of history and america emerged as the great power of the 1990s. >> he won the world but he lost his own country, and the reason was in no small degree economics. in american politics most people in the end vote their pocketbooks. >> i believe that history will
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deal extraordinarily kindly with president bush, the way he brought about germany's unification in nato, the way he dealt with iraqi aggression, but doing it in a way that brought the international community together. >> people often think that history is scripted, but there are moments in history when even the most powerful people don't really know what's going to come next. this was that time in world history. the world owes george bush such a debt of gratitude for leading us through this. >> if it's true that george bush prizes loyalty above all, then this must have been one of the most gratifying sights of his political life. devoted employees, party faithful, old friends and family all gathered in a sort of communal effort to put the bruising campaign and humiliating loss behind them. >> we will support the new president and give him every chance to lead this country into greater heights.
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i am very grateful to all of you. it's been a wonderful four years, and i think we've really contributed something to the country, and maybe history will record it that way. thank you all very, very much. we have to ask ourselves when was the last time we talked about race with somebody of another race, and if the answer is never, we're part of the problem. >> go home. >> it's like a bomb. we're sitting on a bomb. >> you can have a black person killed with a video, then this is what you'll get. >> this is a revolution. >> should people be frightened? >> i think people should wake up. it's 1991. wake up. >> we have talked at each other and about each other for a long time. it's high time we all began


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