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tv   New Day  CNN  August 16, 2017 2:59am-4:00am PDT

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enrollees. killing those subsidies could cost the government more as well. that's the other payment the u.s. makes to help pay for coverage would increase as a result. that means growing the deficit by $194 billion through 2026. the high cost for taxpayers and for consumers of letting obamacare implode. thanks for joining us. >> the president's here in new york and will wake up to some rough covers of his newspapers. . i think there's blame on blogt sides. you had a group on the other side that came in without a permit and they were very, very violent. >> he's going to tear us apart. >> peddling to racism as just as bad as being a racist. >> not all those people were nazis, believe me. >> this is a lot of republican
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versus democrat. the moral blindness the president showed is unlike anything i've seen. >> not just the people that are involved. it's the people that don't know if they have a government that gives a damn. >> donald trump is who he is. he's not going to change. this was definitive proof o that today. >> this is "new day" with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota. >> this is "new day," wednesday, august 16, 6:00 in new york. you have chris cuomo and poppy harlow with you. the president of the united states has made it clear he will not completely condemn the hate that led to violence and death in charlottesville. it's united lawmakers in his own party and much of the country in outrage against his words and parent lack of moral leadership. >> make no mistake this morning, the president showed us his
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heart yesterday. newspapers all over the country today are blasting his off the duff comments. rarely have we seen something like this in american history, all this as the nation mourns the death of heather heyer. another american sit si takes down con federal monuments overnight. >> here now is the president of the united states in his own wor words. >> he said that the alt right is behind these attacks and he linked that same group to those who perpetrated the attacks in charlottesville. >> i'm sure senator mccain must know what he's talking about. when you say if alt right, denine alt right to me. you define it. >> i'm saying. >> define it for you. >> senator mccain defined them as the same great. >> what about the alt left that came charging at the, as you
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say, the alt right, do they have any semblance of guilt? >> let me ask you this, what about the fact that they came charging with clubs in their hands, do they have any problem? i think they do. as farr as i'm concerned, that was a horrible, horrible day. wait a minute. i'm not finished. i'm not finished, fake news. >> -- the same level -- >> i will tell you something. i watched it much more closely than you people watched it and you had a group on one side that was bad, and you had a group on the other side that was also very violent, and nobody wants to say that, but i'll say it right now. you had a group on the other side that came charging in without a permit and they were very, very violent. >> do you think -- what you call the alt left is the same as neo
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nazis? >> those people -- all of those people. excuse me. i've condemned neo nazis, many different groups, but not all of those people were neo nazis, believe me. not all of those people were white supremacists by any stretch. those people were also there because they wanted to protest the taking down of a statue, robert e. lee. so this week it's robert e. lee. i noticed that stonewall jackson is coming down. is it george washington next week and is it thomas jefferson the week after? you have to ask yourself where does it stop? >> do you think things have gotten worse or better since you took office. >> i think they've gotten better -- they've been frayed for a long time. you can ask president obama about that because he made speeches about it. i believe the fact that i brought in, it will be soon, millions of jobs. you see where companies are
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moving back into our country. i think that's going to have a tremendous positive impact on race relations. what i'm saying is this, you had a group on one side and a group on the other. they came at each other with clubs, and it was vicious and horrible and it was a horrible thing to watch, but there is another side. there was a group on this side. you can call them the left. you just called them the left, that came violently attacking the other group. you can say what you want, but that's the way it is. i do think there's blame -- i think there's blame on both sides. you look at both sides. i think there's blame on both sides, and i have no doubt about it. you don't have any doubt about it either. you're changing history, changing culture and you have people -- i'm not talking about the neo nazis and the white nationalists because they should be condemned totally. you had many people in that group other than neo nazis and white national lifts, okay, and the press has treated them
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absolutely unfairly. now, in the other group, l you had some fine people, but you also had trouble makers and you've seen them come with the blackout fits and the helmets and baseball bats. there were people in that rally, and i looked the night before. if you look, they were people protesting very quietly the taking down of the statue of robert e. lee. i'm sure in that group there were some bad ones. the following day it looked like they had some rough, bad people, neo nazis, white nationalists, whatever you want to call them you had a lot of people that were there to innocently protest, and illegally protest. i don't know if you know, they had a permit. the other group didn't have a permit. there are would sides to a story. i thought what took place was a horrible moment for our country, a horrible moment.
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>> they were also cited for unlawful assembly, the violation of a local law. but whether or not this is a defense of those who hate or a defense of his own political standing, president trump wound up in the same place, defending hate. his insistence that many were quietly and innocently protesting efforts to remove a statue of robert e. lee. he did say some of them were bad. you heard that. let's test the proposition. a team from hbo's "vice" news captured the sights and sounds of what unfolded last friday night on the campus of university of virginia in charlottesville. watch and decide if the president is telling you the truth. "jews will not replace us ".
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jews will not replace us. blood and soil. blood and soil. blood and soil. >> whose streets? our streets. >> whose streets? our streets. >> he can say he condemns some of the groups, but if you equate what those people are about, what are you really defending. let's bring in cnn political analysts john avlon, david gregory and abby phillip. david, what's the instant analysis of the last 24 hours? >> well, that president trump clearly was forced into a situation where he condemned the white supremacists in charlottesville, the neo nazis, gave a speech carefully worded with a teleprompter where he
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condemned them. but where his heart is, where his head is where he was yesterday, giving a real boost to white supremacy in america. even if he condemned these people, he wanted to equivocate and say there are two sides to the story. neo nazis, white supremacists they're anti-semites, racists, advancing an ideology of hate red that this country is trying to put behind it, and the president gave it a boost. there you have aides behind him, some of whom are jewish, behind him that look uncomfortable. this new influence of general kelly is apparently for not. president trump is out there really trying to divide people over incredibly fraught topics of race, of how we remember our
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past in this country. he wants to shred through that in a way that pits people against each other and creates an incredibly false equivalency against white supremacists who committed an act of terror against counterprotesters standing up against race and hatred. there is no equivalency. even as we fight for their right to speak that filth, speak that hatred because that's what america is -- by the way, that's not what they are. in their vision of the world, they wouldn't allow any of those rights, but they get them because they're americans. >> abby, when you are being praised by david duke, the former grand wizard of the kkk and thanked for your remarks, how is that not a gut check? >> that's a good question. this would be really the second time that president trump has had an opportunity to mull that. david duke has praised the
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president repeatedly in the past, and trump has seemingly been dragged kicking and screaming to the point where he has had to denounce david duke. it is reflective of a president who really doesn't like to be told what to do. he doesn't like to be boxed in. he wants to be praised. he talked repeatedly about praising -- about being praised by the mother of the victim in the charlottesville attacks who, by the way, he had not yet called three days after the attack occurred. this is reflective of who the president is. it is not reflective of what he expect from presidents in general. that's why it is so alarming to see this, because this is donald trump the businessman, the guy who wants everybody else to think he is so great. but that's not at all what this is about.
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this is not about donald trump being right and wrong, it's about what is right and wrong. there was no reflection of that in his comments. that's what was so alarming, violence aside, what is right and what is wrong is the ideology behind -- if you're marching in a nazi white supremacist rally, can you be a good egg? the answer is unequivocally no. >> the key point abby made for me is this is not the way we expects presidents to behave. president trump gets judged against his predecessors in the office. one of the core responsibilities of the president is to try to unite the nation. there is a blatant callous disregard of that responsibility. for a whon doesn't see nuance, to try to find nuance in a neo nazis rally when people are giving straight arm absolute amid torches the night before, if that's the time to get nuance, the time to try to see
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subtlety, that speaks to what's in his heart. over and over again we've seen this. what was so terrible about yesterday in that unhinged ceremony in trump tower lobby, we really saw what was in his heart. the hostage video on monday giving scripted remarks doesn't reflect what he thinks. that's a challenge for the country, for his political party. it cannot be denounced, for a man who says he's never read a presidential biography, we see the dangerousness in that. there's a fundment cluelessness about the history of our nation. >> the fact that defenders of the president describe yesterday's really -- it's worth going back and i'm glad we showed an extended version of that exchange with reporters. if you're watching how the presidency works and interactions with reporters, it doesn't usually go like that. trust me. that was a screaming fest by the
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president who is trying to, as john said, as nuance to something that should clearly be condemned. defenders of the president are saying that's a distraction from his agenda. no, this was a president who decided to react to a neo nazi march where one of them killed one of the counterprotesters, and spin the country up and get the country even more divided around the question of race and to inject himself into a conversation of national memory, and the idea of these statues and how we remember the confederacy, to do that in such a divisive way is beyond counterproductive and is just incredibly wrong. >> let's talk about the history of this for a second. he's kwaeted jefferson and washington with robert e. lee and stonewall jackson. one group of folks, however
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flawed, created our constitution and the other two committed treason. we can have a conversation, but that's not what the president is interested in. his own aides -- look at his chief of staff's face yesterday. you saw a man who would have rather been on the titanic. >> even if you take his supporters and the president at his best defense, this is about painting the president into a corner, he feels he's under attack, because he's a fighter and that's what he does. change the facts a little bit. instead of these hateful white supremacists, you have isis marching in the streets and they were saying death to americans and a group of americans got out there and it got ugly the same way it did here. do you think the president of the united states would have been saying there's problems on both sides? we all know the answer is no. >> he screamed radical islamic terror. >> he wants to define it and call it out for what it is and
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overreach and overstretch the facts of this situation. not here, not when it's these groups. this is consistent from jump. whether it was david duke, the alt right, him asking us to defend the alt right. turn around and ask your adviser who they are. he gave them the outlet they never had before in the form of breitbart which has shown exactly what it is with its silence in the last few days. >> let's get abby back in here. >> it's important to point out that none of this is happening by accident. the president isn't talking off-the-cuff. he knows what the alt right is. he every tweeted a person who identifies as being an alt right activist on tuesday night -- on monday night. look, the president has from the very beginning, and this is factual here, he made a very important calculation early on in his political career that he was going to speak to certain
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people who live on the internet, he was going to speak to the info wars, to some of the people on the very far right. he knows some of these people are his supporters. he is loathed to condemn them because he does not ever want to condemn people who support him. that is a fact of maybe being a candidate. maybe you can say, whatever, you're a presidential candidate. but when you're the president of the united states, that dynamic has to change. you cannot associate the office of the president of the united states with that kind of vitriol. if you look further in that vice clip that you showed earlier this morning, it is shocking the things that some of these people are saying about the president's own daughter, because the president's daughter is jewish. these people hate, viscerally hate jewish people in addition to other people, black people, hispanic people, so there is a
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strain of deep hate in these groups, and they are aligned idea logically with some of the very same people who support the president, and he is not willing to condemn them, and that is not by accident. it's not because he doesn't know who they are. >> david. >> i just want to underline what abby is saying. his daughter ivanka is a convert to judaism which in the bible is an even higher level. for a neo nazis, this is going to drive them either crazier. the president has jewish grandchildren. what would happen to his grandchildren if this ideology were to prevail? i think we have to take him to his actions. he rose to political prominence on the back of a racist lie, failed to condemn david duke during the campaign because he said he didn't even know who he was. he's apparently making a decision, not to tamp down the kind of social tearing apart of our national fabric that this kind of event represents, but to
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stoke it. that as president is something he feels he should do. he's got to be doing it strategic cli politically and i think that's what's so distressing to the country. >> all of you, please stay with us. we have a lot more to talk about. ahead we'll have more from the panel and the lieutenant governor of virginia is to join us. he has a lot to say about the president and the opportunity he says he squandered to bring this country together. i'm ryan and i quit smoking with chantix. i tried to quit cold turkey. i tried to quit with the patch; that didn't work. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. for me, chantix worked. it reduced my urge to smoke. compared to the nicotine patch, chantix helped significantly more people quit smoking. when you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix,
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there is widespread outrage as president trump doubles down following the violence and death between white supremacists and counterprotesters. one american killed, two state troopers also killed. joining us is virginia's lieutenant governor ralph nor northam. obviously a lot of hard feelings about what the president said yesterday. you say it was an opportunity missed. how so? >> absolutely, chris. thanks for having me on. we've had a horrific few days in
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charlottesville, a wonderful city in virginia. our children getting ready to go back to school this weekend. for white supremacists and neo nazis to march into charlottesville and bring their hatred and bigotry and violence, it's something we in virginia don't condone, and the governor and i have been very clear. we've told the folks they're not welcome in the common welgts of virginia and to please go home. today heather heyer will be laid to rest. we will be at the funeral to support her family and offer our condolences. for the president to continue to say this violence is coming from various sides, it's very clear where it's coming from. it's coming from white supremacists who brought their hatred and bigotry into the common welgts of virginia. we don't need them here and we would ask them never to come back. we want to start the healing process. that starts with our leadership
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and our president. he's disappointed us. >> he says many were there peacefully protesting the taking down of the statue of robert e. lee and it was the alt left, as he calls them, to came charging with sticks and, therefore, they deserve blame. what is your take on those facts? >> i think his facts are very incorrect. this is a peaceful city in virginia. for people, for white supremacists to march in with tor torches and semi-automatic weapons, we believe in freedom of speech but certainly don't condone violence. i'm not sure what he's looking at. we brought the violence in, the individual that weaponized his vehicle, ran down a street of counterprotesters, peaceful people, killed heather heyer and many others. this is unacceptable in virginia
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and we'd just as soon they not come back. >> the white supremacists and haters that were there were cited for unlawful assembly. it was found the way they were protesting and conducting themselves is actually against the law. >> it was. we had a lot of law enforcement. we had the national guard in charlottesville, and i want to commend them and our first responders. chris, not a shot was fired with all that violence, so these individuals and also all the folks that took care of these wounded and hurt in the hospital, they should be commended, i think they did a wonderful job. as you know, when someone gets in a vehicle and weaponizes it, those things are hard to defend against. we just as soon this not happen again in virginia. >> so if the facts aren't what this is about because the president doesn't have the right version of them, then it's about something else. how do you explain -- i'm sure you're getting a lot of people
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coming to you, governor and saying, why is he saying this, why is he's kuwaiting people who fight against hate with those that espouse hate, what is your answer? what do you think is motivating our president to talk this way? >> he ran his campaign based on hatred and bigotry. and initially his statement, he condoned the white supremacists, then he was given a script and the following day yesterday he came out. i think it showed what was in his heart. that is the hatred and bigotry that these people brought to the commonwealth of virginia. again, our leaders need to step up. this is a healing process. we need to bring this country together. there are so many issues not only in this country, but in this world that we need to deal with. this is not a time to divide our country, not a time to divide the common welgts of virginia. he needs to show leadership. >> lieutenant governor ralph northam of virginia, we wish you
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well down there. we'll stay on the story and show the positive reaction to this negative situation. the country needs it now more than ever. thank you for being with us on "new day." >> thank you, chris. >> in the immediate aftermath of what the president said showing his true feelings, republican lawmakers decrying him saying both sides are responsible for what broke out in shar vots little. some of the strongest reaction is next. beyond is a natural pet food that goes beyond assuming ingredients are safe... to knowing they are. going beyond expectations... because our pets deserve it. beyond. natural pet food. [woman] so you're saying you didn't eat this ice cream? [man] baby, i swear on my lucky shirt...
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we do business where you do business. ♪ ♪ there is one thing true about both sides. both sides, republicans and democrats, are blasting the president this morning for what he said about the violence in charlottesville and who is to blame. among his strongist critics, members of his own party. let's bring back david gregory,
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john avlon and abby phillip to go through that. listen to cory gardner, republican from colorado and what he chose to call these evil, evil people being truly un-americ un-american. >> this past weekend was a tragedy. when we witnessed people with kkk signs and white supremacist signs. those ass holes can go back to their cave. we don't want them in this country. >> that could not be more different from the way the president chose to point fingers like this yesterday. >> believe it or not, poppy. it's not hard. this is easy stuff. it's very elementary. it's inexplicable really why it's so difficult, why the president was so folk mussed on permits and who didn't to be protested out there over the weekend. the reality is the violence element of this has become a spoke screen for the real issue which is underlying the protests
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on the right here. that is hatred. it is racism, it's anti-semitism. those are the sentiments everybody wanted the president to weigh in on. everybody knows violence is wrong. the question is the ideology fwe hind the violence wrong. you have people like cory gardner pointing that out very clearly. i was talking to a congressman yesterday who said there was no question in his mind, when he saw the images of those folks showing up in charlottesville, they were carrying shields and hats with fascist and nazi symbolism written on it. he said it was 100% clear in my mind these people were here to bring conflict. the question is why is that not clear enough for the president of the united states. >> it was clear enough at his rally. he'll say it was a joke, but he has no problem against violence against something he finds repugnant in that context. you have the sound of cory
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gardner. we have tweets from paul ryan, john mccain and senator tim scott. but i have to ask you, david, tweets in a moment like this? tweets? tim ryan, speaker of the house. mitch mcconnell, senate majority leader. where are they? where are they speaking to their president, the supposed moral leader of their party? because they're on vacation? >> this continues to be a confounding question about why republican leaders will not call out president trump. it's because i think they're afraid. it's because i think they want to focus on advancing parts of the agenda that the president seems less concerned about advancing. as abby said, this is easy to condemn. this is easy to separate what's wrong and what's right. you can have a debate as some do between the left and the right behind identity politics and what goes too far.
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this is not the area to have that debate. these are contemptible figures in our society. that's not even questionable. to me, the larger point is about president trump not wanting to be president, not wanting to be disciplined about focusing on an agen agenda, but to be a kind of social grievance president, to be a warrior around this area of social grievance. remember at the convention there was a lot of that, too, about this american carnage and he will be your voice. he doesn't want to unite the country. but he wants to keep working this area of grievance in the country. >> the american carnage is his inaugural. no one can say they're surprised about this turn of events. what we can say is he's massively disappointed as a nation. usually there's an assumption that the office will elevate the individual in it. this president has shown a
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resistance to trying to unite the nation. i think this is what we should be discussing, his party has to not simply nibble around the margins. increasingly senators are speaking up. the idea that the president is a moral leader of his party and nation is becoming laughable because of his own actions and instincts and lack of curiosity and empathy about american history. the office of the president should have a moral dimension. the president is expected to appeal to the better angels of our nature. he's uninterested in doing that. that needs to be called out by anyone who puts country before party. >> senator john mccain is on an island this morning, as among one of the only republicans to actually name the president as having responsibility. the president of the united states he says should say so and should call out this hait and bigotry. those tweets from tim scott, the
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only african-american republican senator, and from speaker paul ryan, they're not naming the president, and where is the responsibility by naming. abby, you brought up the other good part about what our sister station, vice, was able to uncover. >> i'm here to spread ideas and talks in hopes that someone more capable will do that, someone like donald trump who does not give his daughter to a jew. >> a lot more racist than donald trump. i don't think you can feel about race the way i do and wash curb ner, that bastard, walk around with that beautiful girl. >> it gives you the wrong kind of chills to watch something like that. these are the people who were marching on friday night. that much we know. anyone who associates with people like that should be condemned. i don't care whether you label
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yourself a neo nazis or not. if you are marching with people like that, you ought to be condemned. this is beyond just the name calling. he called out ivanka trump and jared kushner in a really horrifying way in that clip. but these people have blanket views that jews do not belong in this country. and that is the kind of thing that people in this country fought an entire war to stop. the president of the united states has a responsibility to speak out about that. republicans, chris, to your point, they have a responsibility to both speak out and to do something about it. there were a lot of statements yesterday that used the word we without using the president of the united states, without saying president trump, this is what you need to do, x, y and z. republicans, some of them, are willing to do it. others are not, and now is the time for clarity. i think that's what this whole thing has really shown. >> look, if the presidencies
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that clip from vice and that gets his attention because it mentions his daughter and son-in-law, that i think speaks to the moral insufficient fish see of feeling personally implicated before it gets to your attention. it requires a degree of moral imagination that apparently the president doesn't have. notice how that's wrapped up in ideas, just as so much of the argument about the confederacy and blanketed in the constitution. it's not. it's about hate, it's about what washington called pretend patriots. that's the core of what the bully pulpit needs to do and this president seems totally uninterested in doing that. >> i have agree with that. the fact we have a president who won't use the bully pulpit to bring people together and tamp down the divisiveness. we also have to stand up in the media as well and use the
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institution for good. there is a very important debate about national historical memory. what mitch landrieu has done and said in new orleans is so inspirational and so historically significant. let's not let the white nationalists and the ku klux klan lead this debate. let's on cnn and other outlets have a real discussion, a painful discussion among brothers and sisters who are americans, but for a confederacy that was on the wrong side of history, let's have a real discussion about that here in 2017. >> those people sitting there with their arms crossed and heads down, uncomfortable around the president and his advisers, what are they going to do? what are they going to do in this moment? >> if you stand by silently. >> what you ignore, you empower. >> has president trump lost his moral authority with what he did yesterday? we'll continue to debate this next. day 13. if only this were as easy as saving $600
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president trump facing a new round of backlash after once again blaming white supremacists and the, quote, alt left for the
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violence in charlottesville. joining us to debate, cnn political commentator symone sanders and bruce lavell from the national diversity coalition for trump. bruce, do you accept the president's proposition that there was equal blame, that those who came at lawful protesting nazis share the blame for what happened there, that there's moral equivalence? >> chris, thanks for having me. blessings and prayers out to the fallen police officers and the young lady that lost her life. i wanted to send our prayers out on behalf of the coalition. first of all, it was a terrible tragedy. unfortunately there was a lot of different parties that showed up to this rally that had intent to harm a precious thing, what we call protest, peacefully. i would caution, though, i do like the fact that president trump sent a.g. sessions out
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immediately, unlike places like ferguson that took forever to get the attorney general out there. i do commend that. the other thing, too, chris, there's still an ongoing investigation into terms of interviewing the witnesses, interviewing the people who were arrested. there might be other groups associated with this. it is true that a lot of people showed up intent to disrupt this rally, to bring havoc, all different sides of the groups that were wanting to create mass pandemonium and create harm. they showed up in shields, with bats, in riot groups. >> showed up in nazi symbols. >> excuse me, simone, i'm speaking. i never interrupted you -- >> i think it's laughable some folks think we'll speak unfettered uninterrupted. folks showed up with nazi symbols, with swastikas, with the con federal flag. only one side killed someone on
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saturday. i want to be clear that side is the white supremacist side. >> bruce, a different moral proposition here. the facts about what happened there, i have to tell you, they don't line up well for the president. yes, they had a permit. you can research who got that permit and what it was for and whether or not it was legitimate. you know the municipality fought hard to move the sitist of the demonstration and a judge wound upsiding with them. that's probably one of the biggest motivating factors for the violence is where it was held. more importantly, if you want to play with the facts, not only is the video clear that you had hateful people, who, by the way, want each of us on this panel eradicated, bruce. that's what they're there to espouse, they don't want you to exist, don't want simone to exist, they don't want me to exist. they were cited for unlawful assembly because of how they were protesting, how they were assembling. so those are the facts. but why would you couch any type
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of defense of this situation in the more
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