tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN August 18, 2017 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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accomplish is an all white society and they are willing to use robbery, mayhem and murder. >> what a timely documentary that we all look forward to watching. thanks very much. declassified airs 9:00 p.m. eastern. that's it for me. erin burnett outfront starts right now. outfront next, breaking news, steve bannon fired. already making stunning headlines saying, quote, the trump presidency that we fought for and won is over. he's back at breitbart tonight. is he declaring war? and is bannon's firing just the beginning? a source says john kelly is not done and democrats want to sen sure the president for his charlottesville comments. the effort gaining steam tonight. let's go outfront. >> good evening everyone. i'm kate baldwin. outfront tonight breaking news. not done yet.
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trump chief strategist fired and now word that more heads will roll. kelly is, quote, not done. but bannon may not be done either. moments ago breitbart's bannon headline said this, bannon returns home to breitbart. breitbart is reporting he chaired the staff's editorial meeting already tonight. this comes after a senior "breitbart news" editor tweeted one word, war, after bannon got the axe. make no mistake thrks is a man that calls breitbart his killing machine. it will be bannon the barbarian. he's not going to go out peacefully. and we're seeing evidence of that already. moments ago bannon told the conservative weekly standard this, the trump presidency we fought for and won is over. and he also throws out this one. i feel jacked up.
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now i'm free. i've got my hands back on my weapons. i am definitely going to crush the opposition. i built a blanking machine at breitbart and now i'm about to go back knowing what i know and we're about to rev that machine up. bannon, the man who's been called the brains behind the president, one of the architects of trump's america first message, a man blamed for his o cosiness with the alt right. the president tonight at least publically is turning his back on him. this photo taken in the oval office shortly after the inauguration is pretty telling. surrounding president and the vice president, michael flynn, steve bannon, sean spicer, all of them except pence of course gone in less than seven months. so what does bannon's oust really mean? will it make a difference in this chaotic white house? or was it done as a distraction
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from the president's worst weeks in office? an attempt to turn the situation away from charlottesville. we will get to all of that. but first joe johns is out front at the white house. is the staff bracing for mur firings tonight? >> the staff is uncertain about what's going to happen here at the white house. and as you know, kate, there has been quite a bit of uncertainty that john kelly, the chief of staff has tried to relay. at the same time in the confusion as well as put in a chain of command. so there is a possibility, we're hearing, through channels that, yes, there could be more firings, more people on their way out. there is another question, too. some of that reporting tonight, my colleague gloria borger indicating there were three power centers when donald trump came here to the white house. that was among others steve bannon, reince priebus who is
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gone now and of course the president's son-in-law jared kushner. now, does jared kushner have a direct line to personnel decisions here and what does that mean for the white house? conservatives love to say, for example, that personnel is policy. so if he is helping to choose the personnel, what will be the policy? we know also that jared kushner, according to gloria's reporting, has helped bring in a number of individuals important individuals, including the national security advisor hr mcmaster. so what's next here at the white house? anybody's guess. of course there are questions already tonight about sebastian qorka. my colleague indicating today, jim acosta, that he's on thin ice as well. >> great to see you, joe. thanks so much.
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s white house reporter for bloomberg news and author of "the devil's bargain." josh is also national correspondent for bloom burg business week. great to see all of you. josh, slow day. you just spoke with bannon. he told you he was leaving the white house to go to war for trump against the president's opponents. do you believe him? >> i do. bannon did not sound despondent had been fired. >> he was excited. >> he was excited. he sounded like he had about 40 red bulls. but he said he was going to war for trump, not against him. he was specifically going to war against trump's enemies on capitol hill in the corporate media and he specified cnn and
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in the business world and bannon has been critical of the business leaders to abandon trump's business counsel. he is returning to "breitbart news" and going back to the role he played of pushing this nationalist, pop list agenda from the outside. he views that as helping trump, not hurting trump and is going to go after some of trump's critics. >> is bannon dangerous? let's see. 40 red bulls? that's dangerous for anybody. but also, according to the washington post, your book was actually one of the reasons that trump was upset, one of the reasons that led to this, particularly the cover photo of bannon and also how bannon is talked about as being the big thinker or the operator in the operation. did you ever hear from the white house? >> i have spoken to people in the white house throughout the reporting process for the book after it was published and both of those things ring true. i was told by somebody that trump probably isn't going to
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read your book, but he's going to look at the cover and be upset. and that bannon's name comes before trump's name in the subtitle. that will get him very upset. the other thing we know about trump is that he has a large ego, doesn't like to share credit and he was clearly bothered by my convention, which i think is the right one, that bannon was a critical person, both in his campaign and in building this broad eer pop you list politics. >> and so now what? shannon, what do you make of that? >> well, i recommend everyone go out and buy josh's book, a very great read. >> you can check it in the mail from josh. >> i finished it just in time. i just finished it this week. so, i mean, as you had pointed out earlier, bannon has been on the ropes for a while.
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there was that infamous fight that spilled into the press between him and kushner. bannon took a lower profile, though, and seemed to have gotten back into trump's good graces. it is very possible that that book cover and we know there is a curse of "time" magazine, people on the cover of "time" magazine, which bannon was on, tend not to last very long. but a lot of this bannon did to himself. shooting out in front of the boss, that interview that he did with the american prospect, whether it was on the record or off the record, going out there talking about things like north korea, that he is not an expert in and then talking about them even if he didn't know it was supposed to be covered, but talking to them with a reporter. stepping out of line, going out to protocol, that's the type of thing that gets you in bad with general kelly who has a lot of influence over staffing and the
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president's ear. it was the final last straw for bannon. >> but, david, if bannon is going to war for the president, why didn't he just stay in the white house? >> kate, you're often more effective outside the white house than you are in. i've seen that in past administrations that when people get frustrated when they're outnumbered and bannon was outnumbered by the team that kelly assembled. and it just wasn't room in it in this white house for him to be there with kelly. it was supposed to be kelly or bannon. i will tell you i think the president wouldn't have done this unless he knew. unless he lets bannon go and clean house, that kelly wasn't going to stick around and the other generals wouldn't stick around. there were a lot of people disgusted over what happened in charlottesville. i don't think steve bannon was the architect of what trump said about charlottesville. it came from the president
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himself. but it was consistent with what bannon believes. so ironically, the week he gets fired was the moment of one of his greatest try yu esest trium. we are going to see if he becomes a gorilla warrior as he promises, we're going to seedy visions within the conservative movement. you're going to have people who believe and agree with bannon and more moderate, conventional type republicans you see on capitol hill like a paul ryan or mitch mcconnell. and those fights could bring crack-ups within the coalition that's been supporting trump all along here. that could be very dangerous for trump himself. >> josh, i want to read you something more of what bannon just told the weekly standards. longer version of what i said earlier. let me read this for everybody. i feel jacked up. now i'm free.
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i've got my hands back on my weapons. i'm going to crush the opposition. there is no doubt i built an f'ing machine and breitbart and we're going to rev it up. how dangerous is he? >> potentially very dangerous and not for the reason a lot of people think. there was a lot-trepidation that if bannon were fired he would turn his guns on the president himself and he made clear to me that that is not his intention. where he's dangerous is in his ability, now that he's on the outside uninhibited and as the weapon of breitbart to go after enemies, the same enemy's he's been attacking on the inside, many of the generals, h.r. mcmaster. >> isn't that who the president sided with on this? >> it is not necessarily in terms of policy. look, bannon cares about policy and he is going to put a lot of
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pressure on those people from the outside and believes he speaks for a large part of trump's base. >> david, do you think bannon is dangerous? >> i think josh was absolutely right in saying bannon is not turning on the president. he's turning on the people he thinks misled the president, the globe list globeist is. he saw himself as the person that kept the flag flying from the campaign. he's widely seen -- trump doesn't agree with this, but he's seen as a man that turned around the campaign and has succeeded and he kept flying that flag. every administration, every white house there tends to be somebody that comes out with all the promises and raises that flag and says we've got to fulfill the promises. that was steve bannon. but he's also a disrupter. it was impossible to keep him in there if kelly wanted to have an orderly white house.
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>> and shannon, the person close to the staff says kelly is not done. what are you hearing about that? >> there is a sense the rest of these bannon loyalists in the white house, gorka is a name that comes up, that those people are going to be shown the door. this question about steven miller, who was initially sort of aligned with bannon, but made a job positions himself with the different factions, yeah, i do think that there is no one protecting the bannon faction of this white house anymore. that is going to tickle out. as john was talking about earlier, these different factions mentions the three factions, the rnc, the bannon crowd, there is two other factors i would point out that are still left. that's the generals with general kelly, dunford and mattis and mike pence.
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that was a great photo you guys showed earlier, showing everybody gone except pence. pence has a very sophisticated political operation behind him. i was just in latin america with him for a week. they are professional, oran organized. if the president gives them a task, they're going to laser focus and get it done and they run the hill. no one in that white house now knows the hill like mike pence and his staff. so i think that there's going to be increasing influence now from mike pence, the generals as well as the globalist crowd. >> about that photo, there is always turnover in a white house, no question, but this was an important moment, just to everyone knows. this is when the president was talking to vladimir putin. everyone except pence is now gone. there is always turnover, but
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this many this fast, what does this tell you? >> no. there is always turnover, but there is never chaos of the kind we've seen here. in seven months eight critical players in this white house have left in seven months. we have never seen anything like that. it is often true that after a couple of years, a president starts bringing in the new team and brings his second field on the team but not this early. i think through all of this we cannot lose sight of the fact that what's central to the trump presidency and has caused so much division is the man himself. staff come and go. the president is still there. he still has his own views. the man we saw on tuesday talking about charlottesville was speaking from his own heart and steve bannon didn't have to be there. so one of the big, big questions is what future does donald trump see for himself and for his
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administration? i don't think we know tonight what he envisions. >> new details on how steve bannon prepared for his white house exist. plus, the reporter whose interview with bannon infuriated the president days before he was fired. and democrats taking action, at least trying, against the president tonight. will donald trump will officially censured? we'll be right back. that knows the weather down to the square block. this is a diamond tracked on a blockchain - protected against fraud, theft and trafficking. this is a financial transaction secure from hacks and threats others can't see. this is a patient's medical history made secure - while still available to their doctor at their fingertips. this is an asteroid live-streamed to millions of viewers from 220 miles above earth.
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breaking news, new details tonight about how steve bannon prepared for his exit from the white house. the now former white house chief strategist believed he put the pieces in place for his agenda to live on without him. that's according to sources close to bannon. those sources also telling cnn that bannon down played concern about his imminent firing telling associates he would return to his killing machine, breitbart. we learned he did just that. and the sources say bannon believed he would be even more powerful at breitbart than he was at the white house. outfront with me tonight, brian served as deputy communications director for the trump campaign and dan pfeiffer. >> his agenda is very such in
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concert with the president's agenda and in concert with the electoral majority that elected them in november. so, yeah, it's what the president has is now he has an outside player that's probably more effective at executing his vision and the mandate. but, you know, it is just where we are today. >> it is where we are today. dan, do you think with bannon's firing you are going to see changes in the president? >> no. we're not going to see changes. it didn't matter if bannon was there, in trump's favor out of trump's fair. i listened to that whole segment. none of it matters. trump is trump. he's the reason the presidency is in chshambled. he hired kelly and just had the worst week of his presidency. i think we can stop about worrying who is up and who's done. all that matters is trump is there. if bannon is at breitbart or in the white house, i don't think it matters that much. >> but it is too fun to talk
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about. >> exactly. >> with the agenda living on, as you say, there is also this. bannon told the weekly standard this tonight. let me read it for you. he said this, the trump presidency that we fought for and won is over. we will make something of this trump presidency. but that presidency is over. it will be something else and there will be all kinds of fights and there will be good days and bad days, but that presidency is over. what exactly is he saying? what does it mean? >> listen, i think steve knows how to get a headline and he certainly got a headline with his quotes. but i think what it ultimately means is the president arrived there with a mandate and steve was a part of that and he thought the institutional powers have slowed that agenda down and he's clearly frustrated, as with anybody's that's frustrated. you know, that's the situation. and it's a healthy process to
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sort of bring in new energy new people. >> so you think it is a good thing that bannon is out? >> listen, i don't want to say it is a good thing that bannon is out. it is a good thing we're turning the page and moving forward. i think there's distractions that don't need to be distractions and let's -- at the end of the day, this presidency is about donald trump and about the people that voted for him, not about any particular employee or anything like that. >> tell that to steve bannon. >> he's got to work in concert with his presidency. >> dan, do you see this presidency as over? >> no. look, i read the steve bannon quotes and i just laughed that because i don't know what fantasy he's living with in his head. he ran a website. he's a media player. that's fine. in his mind, he's the leader of some populus movement. he was in the white house. he's now out of the white house.
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i can tell you one thing, you have much more influence inside. he got fired, lost favor. that's it. we can move on. and i don't think it's going to -- i don't think this is going to matter that much in the end. >> brian? >> yeah. i think he's right. we know what the president's agenda is. it is a matter of getting all the staff moving forward in that. bannon inside or outside doesn't change the mandate. i think steve played a good role. he'll continue to play a good role from the outside. obviously you want to be near the center of influence, which is the oval office. had the circumstances been different, steve would have liked to stay on. but once you say kelly come in and right the ship, bannon being a good military officer in the past saw things were going and he decided to be a team player and move forward with everything. >> bannon, dan, also told the weekly standard he believes things are about to get worse for president trump. he said this, there is about to be a jailbreak of these moderate guys on the hill.
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i mean, we have seen this over the past few days in terms of their response to charlottesville. but what is steve bannon acknowledging here? what is bannon trying to message here? >> i'm not entirely sure. i don't have a mind on what steve bannon is thinking. i think things are about to get worse. trump's relationships on the hill have never been worse and september is going to be a really hard month. they are going to have to make a very hard decision around the debt ceiling and the budget, and that is going to be a real test. and i have been through those with a much better functioning, president with better relationships on the hill and they were hard then. you have that. you have the russia probe looming. you have a lot of things. i think think is going to get worse before it gets better for president trump. >> what do you think, brian? do you think things are going to get worse before better? >> listen, the presidency is always challenging and i think people rise to those moments and challenges and i have the same
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expectation of president trump. obviously you have the debt ceiling and key deadlines looming. but you have a team who's sort of worked out the kinks and know what their focuses are and they will achieve those focuses. the president didn't come to washington, d.c. to get along with the tea party crowd. he came here representing the people, the vast majority of the people here in washington, d.c. to disrupt it, to change it, to fix it. >> but he's got to work with somebody. he's got to find somebody to work with. >> you know, it is not a function of working with d.c. it is a function of informing d.c. what the american people want. i think that's what people forget about everybody thinks we come to d.c. and it should resolve around d.c. they want change here out of d.c. and i think politicians forget that sometimes. >> to get that through, you have to work with congress. that's my only point. >> yeah, you do. the president has partnerships and friendships there. sometimes they clash a little bit and it is a healthy process.
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the electorate -- >> clash a little bit. >> he endorsed jeff flake's opponent. >> thanks, guys. next, bannon is already back at breitbart. will he use the website against trump now? my next guest knows steve bannon. what's his next move. and how much did this play a role in trump's fury at bannon? >> can i have my desk back? >> yes, of course, mr. president. i'll go sit at my desk. looking for clear answers for your retirement plan?
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steve bannon is out and already back at "breitbart news." the right wing website he once ran. a source telling us trump's chief strategist was given the option to resign, but was forced out. "the new york times" reporter who broke the story. it is great to hear from you. we already are hearing some strong words from bannon. he's free, back on his weapons in this interview. do you think the white house is uneasy about those words? >> i think the white house made a calculation that it was still better to not have steve bannon in than the risk that he poses from the outside. but i think that there are a number of white house staffers who were concerned about the havoc steve bannon could wreak. he has made a clear signal to
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trump supporters and the base that elected him to not see what goes goes forward and what happens next as something legitimate. >> we know steve bannon clashed with a lot of people at the white house. bannon blames the forwarding of his plans to the west wing democrats. take us inside the white house. how toxic were those relationships there? >> they were pretty toxic. what you read is pretty accurate. look, i mean, you saw in this interview, the final straw for bannon this week. i think there was some psychology at play here. he is not a dumb man. he called a reporter who he had never spoken to before and preceded to talk for however long it was about his views of the war, his views of north korea and his views of officials like gary cohen, the president's
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top economic advisor who comes to represent what is wrong with this west wing, or at least that's what he said. that feud has been broiling for months. it was hard to imagine that people were going to the white house every day working together. bannon had been in something of an isolation of making recently and just sort of living outside of a lot of these meetings. some of them he was not invited. but now, you know, he is fully out of there and while he has communicated to several people he has no plans to attack the president, i'm not sure how else you can interpret him saying the presidency is over. >> bannon is also skeptical going forward saying this in part. i just think his ability to get anything done, particularly the bigger things like the wall, the bigger, broader things that we fought for is just going to be that much harder.
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do your sources in the white house see things that same way boast bannon? >> most people in the white house have been trying to minimize bannon as one way or other over many, many months. he formed this alliance with reince priebus. you saw the domino effect where sean spicer was gone. bannon hung on for a while. but you have seen a lot of push back from some of the people close to the president suggesting that -- again, go back to april when he was first feuding with kushner, this idea that he -- trump has always chased that. but bannon is very clearly framing it that way, that he was the key driver, that if these things don't happen it is because of his absence. in reality a lot of these thing wills be pretty heavy lift. i do think steve bannon is correct in making the case that he was the person who had really driven the president early in
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moves like the travel ban. >> great to hear from you. a lot more to come on this. really appreciate it. the man who conducted that controversial issue with bannon that a white house official says left president trump furious. he is the co-editor of the american prospect and mark preston to digest more of this. did you get the sense at the time that what bannon was telling you could bring him down? >> well, i got the sense of somebody who was very full of himself, who was very reckless, reckless in thinking that he could call an editor of a well-known liberal publication and talk almost as if we were having a private strategy conversation, not bother to even say where this was off the record and somehow think this would play to his advantage. the other thing that's really
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bizar bizarre, there had been a resignation letter two weeks ago and here bannon is talking with me after labor day. both things can't be true. and i certainly trust maggie's reporting on this. so you wonder if bannon is giving this kind of a last hoorah or if he knows he's going down in flames and he might as well say what he thinks. and i think this kind of grandiosity may not serve bannon well as he tries to jam the president. because you can't have it both ways. he could continue to be the president's confidant where the president calls him at 2:00 in the morning and talks strategy about how far to go with neo-nazis and nationalists
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extremists and breitbart isn't -- bannon isn't in, but he's still trump's confidant. or you can have bannon at breitbart kicking the president in the shins. it is hard to imagine he could do both things. the single thing that annoyed trump more than anything else is being up staged by staff. we saw this with scaramucci. there is room for only one trump at the white house. it is one thing for bannon to advise trump. it is another thing for bannon to think he is trump. so bannon trying to have it both ways i think is playing a risky roll here. >> of course a lot of questions now about what is next for bannon. he's back at breitbart tonight. but what are you hearing? >> he's back and has gone back in a really ball of fire, right, and they certainly have played it up very hard on their website. but in addition to that, i heard
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that reince priebus, the former chief of staff who left a couple weeks ago had been talking about potentially forming a media and political firm. the talks they had very much in the stages but that very well still could happen just because he is heading up breitbart doesn't mean that he can't go out and also try to do some political firm as well. we'll be looking to see what happens in the next couple weeks to see if reince priebus who left a couple weeks ago and steve bannon who is now out will come together and form a political firm. >> in your interview, bannon clearly contradicted president trump on the president's messaging, on north korea. he also made it seem like he had the power to hire and fire pretty much anybody he wanted in the administration. we hear that that is one thing that bothered president trump for sure. what do you think bannon's point was, though, then in telling you that? he's a smart guy. >> well, yeah, he's a smart guy,
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but he's a grandiose guy, and this is a classic case of hubris. to think contacts me and thinking i could be some kind of an ally regarding his preferred policy on trade, it is a little crazy because you can just imagine steve bannon going into a meeting at the national security council pitching a harder line on trade and say, hey, i got bob on my side. that doesn't enhance his credibility with the rest of the administration. i think this is bannon forgetting that his loyalty is supposed to be to the president, bannon being the kind of freelance as he's been so often that has gotten him in trouble with his colleagues, gotten him in the trouble with the president and not being able to restrain himself. my take-away from that conversation was here is a guy who was incredibly full of himself, very clever, very
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smart, but given to severe lapses in judgment. and that whole interview was one lapse in judgment after another in terms of the indiscreet things he said. he also tried to have it both ways in terms of whether that interview was on the record or off the record. first he said there was a misunderstanding. this is supposed to be off the record. and a day later he's bragging that it was on the record to divert the media's attention from all the controversy about charlottesville. that didn't work very well. so he's one of those people who will say anything, who will contradict himself from one day to another day. he also said all these disparaging things about the far right base which he created as trump shock troops and expecting the editor of a liberal magazine is going to be gullible enough to believe that. he's a very odd duck. >> complicated man, maybe we
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could say. mark, one of the things and many folks noted quite often that irks the president more than anything is if someone steals the limelight from him. starting with the "time" magazine cover that happened in february to how bannon was portrayed on snl, if you need a reminder, here it is. >> okay, donald. that's enough fun for tonight. can i have my desk back? >> yes, of course, mr. president. i'll go sit at my desk. [ applause ] >> so much fun. i love it. >> yes. this is fun. >> here's the thing, mark. both of those big things people have pointed to happened back in february. he survived six more months. why wasn't he able to survive
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this one? >> i think it's built up to the point where there was no return and there is a possibility, too, that this was done. when you talk to people, i should say there was an inevitability after reince priebus left, after sean spicer left or announced he was leaving that steve bannon was going to be the next to go. so there was an inevitability that steve bannon was not long for the white house. but there is something to be said that it was done today to try to change the narrative that has been dissastrous for donald trump regarding what happened in charlott charlottesville. all we've been talking today is steve bannon leaving the white house. he is a very important aid. i would say this, though, we shouldn't take our eye or ear off of what the president said earlier this week regarding charlottesville because that is a much bigger story.
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>> great to see you. next, democrats tonight demanding that president trump be censured for his charlottesville remarks. the effort is gaining steam. be right back. on with her ♪mile? ♪ who can take a nothing day, ♪ ♪ and suddenly make it all seem worthwhile? ♪ ♪ well it's you girl, and you should know it. ♪ with each glance and every little movement you show it. ♪ you're gonna make it after all. ♪ it takes a long time to get to the top... you're gonna make it after all. ♪ but with america's best you're gonna make it after all. ♪ bumper-to-bumper limited you're gonna make it after all. ♪ warranty, the all-new volkswagen tiguan will be there every step ♪ ow! ♪ of the way. looking for a hotel that fits... whoooo. ...your budget? tripadvisor now searches over... ...200 sites to find you the... ...hotel you want at the lowest price. grazi, gino! find a price that fits. tripadvisor. so we know how to cover almost almoanything.hing even a swing set standoff.
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one point, i'm definitely going to crush the opposition. there is no doubt. i felt an f'ing machine at breitbart and now i'm about to go back knowing what i know and we're about to rev that machine up and rev it up we will do. sent a simple one word tweet, war. is it a threat? a warning? a promise? all the above? outfront now, chris, the editor of american greatness and the former breitbart spokesperson who is now the president of endeavor strategies. back at breitbart, says this about revving up the machine. what do you make of it? >> well, i don't think he ever really left breitbart, which is why it was so seamless and quick to go from one end of the pennsylvania avenue down to the other and be on the call tonight. i think you will see a liberated steve bannon. this is not somebody meant to work for somebody.
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he's meant to be his own boss and figure. now that he's outside of the west wing and outside of the chain of command, he's going to be able to resume the life he had before and dictate whatever he wants. i think that means bad news for folks left behind in the white house. the so-call west wing democrats and really back from congressional leadership. i think they're going to come under imminence fire from breitbart and bannon. while steve talks about wanting to help the president from the outside, help the bar yars that are preventing trump from being his true self-. when he talked about the president we voted for is gone now, that presidency is dead, i think that speaks a lot to what you will see in the future from steve and where was his head at then before all of this went down? >> you know, he was -- steve is
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always an energetic guy. and this week i just thought that was taken up to 11, if you will. he was ebullient, full of ideas and plans and maybe he knew this was coming before he was full of plans looking for a time he could go forward and advocate for trump's agenda. >> can i focus in on trump's war. of course they will wonder what it means. the editor spoke out this evening and said this. >> that depends entirely on president trump, if he sticks to the issues on which he was elected, if he fulfills the promises that used to hang on steve bannon's wall in the west wing then i think you will see positive coverage not just from breitbart news or from other media coverages. however, if this becomes an arnold schwarzenegger event, where he swings to the left in
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an event to appease his followers, then it will come to a war. >> if it does come to a war with the president what does it look like? >> well, i think it looks like a lot of the negative stories that the mainstream media have covered, the cover goes away, maybe you start to see pages on russia on the coverage of russia, and maybe it's the blame that president trump is trying to push forward, more stories highlighting the negative stories. i think it could go away if trump doesn't do what the breitbart bannon team think that he should. now it will be very interesting to see how president trump responds to this threat. now remember a lot of what put bannon in the dog house was the idea he was somehow responsible for donald trump.
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trump hated he was on the cover of times and got co-billing on the cover. if trump decides i'm going to show steve and do some of my things directly opposite, because again, he is an ego s egomaniac, then it could get difficult. >> the question of whether or not the republicans and the president will fulfill the promises made during the election. when steve bannon said i'm going back to breitbart and advocate for the president, he means on the promises he ran. if you're smarter than i am if you can tell the difference between the two so steve bannon was seen by the base as the person who represented the president's promises, the agenda he ran on. so i don't see a war between bannon and the president. what i see is a war by breitbart
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trying to advocate for the agenda that got trump elected. >> gentlemen, good to see you, thank you for the perspective. "outfront" next, top executives wanting to condemn the remarks from trump on charlottesville. would censure really mean anything? characters scheming against a top insurer for no reason? nah. so, why don't we like flo? she has the name your price tool, and we want it. but why? why don't we actually do any work? why do you only own one suit? it's just the way it is, underdeveloped office character. you're right. thanks, bill. no, you're bill. i'm tom. you know what? no one cares. you wto progress.move. to not just accept what you see, but imagine something new. at invisalign®, we use the most advanced teeth straightening technology to help you find the next amazing version of yourself.
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censured a president since the '70s. so here we are, congressman, thank you so much for coming in. i do not need to remind you, congressman, you are not in the majority. and this resolution is symbolic. what are you going for here? >> well, we're going hopefully to pass it. this is really a test of the republican -- the democratic leadership is supporting the resolution. you have over 100 co-sponsors since wednesday. >> what does it do? >> it censures and condemns the president for putting the neo-nazis, the kkk, the -- the white supremacists and the people who oppose him on the same moral plane. it says this is not where the united states is. the reason that it is necessary to censure the president is that the president normally is seen to speak to the american people and speak for this country. and this is so out of line, contrary to american values that congress i feel has to step in
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and say no, the president doesn't speak for us. the president speaks contrary to american values and the congress is repudiating the president, and saying that the united states doesn't stand for nazis and racial oppression and decency. >> they're on your side -- >> millions of people are on our side. >> they're calling on republicans to join democrats' efforts in censurie ining the president. have you gotten a single buy-in on this from republicans? >> well, this has just happened since tuesday, a number of republicans condemned the president's remarks. but i think it's time to put their money where their mouth is and join in censuring the president. >> what is it testing them on? it's a symbolic measure.
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>> well, symbolism is very important, because they see where the president stands, we'll show this is not the united states. we'll see if they're willing to come out and support that. so far we haven't seen republicans condemn the president. >> well -- >> we haven't seen them censure or condemn the president saying it is wrong, improper, i can't think the pale to compare or to -- neo-nazis and white supremacists -- >> some of them have gone that far, though, bob corker has questioned the competence -- >> yes, he has, and i would hope he would support a censure. >> before you get to the resolution you need democrats on board. >> slow down a second, i'm glad he questioned the president are question -- president's competence, but we need him on board to question
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his moral attitude. >> he did not appear that he was ready to jump on board. listen to this. >> it's just a symbol as i would like to talk to my colleagues and see what the legislative vehicle is and i would like to be planful and thoughtful about how we move forward. if a censure resolution is open to that discussion, i'm certainly willing to listen. >> i don't think we're jumping the gun. there are several vehicles available. and this is the one that seems the most advisable now. some people introduced an impeachment resolution. i think it's too early, we don't have enough on that, maybe we will, but we have a day and a half over 100 members and the democratic leadership from the minority leader and so forth. i think it's moving and we'll see where it goes.
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>> other big news today is steve bannon's firing. you are no fan of steve bannon. you called him dangerous more than once, and called him many other things. >> and the resolution is know he would be fired, specifically. >> do you leave open the possibility now with steve bannon out that things will get better with this president? >> one hopes and prays that they will get better, because he is the president so i certainly hope they will get better. the fact is the president who hired people like steve bannon and sebastien gorka, who is involved with neo-nazi groups in europe -- i think it's president clear. in any event, has been indulging in dog whistles and many events before he hired these people from the birther controversy to many other things, he said to
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judge curry, calling other mexicans rapists. >> congressman, appreciate your time. >> thank you. >> and thank you so much. john berman is in for anderson cooper. "ac360" starts right now. >> good evening, it's the end of the trump presidency as he knows it and steve bannon feels fine. john berman here, steve bannon out at the white house already back at his old website, breitbart. he is talking, more like spilling, and talking about the presidency he and donald trump fought for is over. that is only one item of a stripping of developments, bannon's firing completes the picture, just watch him go. mi michael flynn first, sean spicer, steve bannon, every single person from this january photo gone, except for the
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