tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN September 4, 2017 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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>> south korea holding a live fire military exercise, a day after north korea tested its biggest hydrogen bomb to date. we are live in seoul with the very latest. >> in the united states, president trump is suspected to end a program that protects undocumented immigrants who came to america as children. what this could mean for the nearly 800,000 people currently in the program. >> welcome to our viewers in the united states and all around the world. i'm christy lu stout.
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i'm rosemary church in atlanta. this is "cnn newsroom". >> south korea is responding to north korea's own hydrogen bomb with its own show of force. one defense official said it's meant to said that message to pyongyang. meanwhile, u.s. president donald trump sent another message and it's not likely to be viewed here in seoul. it says south korea is finding that their talk of appeasement with north korea will not work. they only understand one thing. we have the latest to the reaction to the missile test and the reaction to the tweet by president trump, criticizing t an ally. >> you want to rally around the
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flag. get all your allies together show a united front and this tweet has a crack of daylight in it where it shows there isn't this united front or at least president trump is tweeting out what is going to anger both koreans toward north career. yes, it's true president moon talked about a dialogue and getting to the table with the north koreans to resolve their conflict. he's inherited a completely different situation where you have north korea defiant about their nuclear program and you have president trump who's talking tough as well and president moon has shown a strong hand in this crisis, but this isn't the only thing worrying koreans right now. there's a report that shows donald trump is looking at the free-trade agreement between the united states and the south korea. that is something they're going to scratch their head at, what
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kind of ally would do that, especially in the crisis and specialty since the united states put the thaad system in south korea. that angered china. so to cut off that free-trade agreement would be adding salt to the wound. >> they're getting these signals from donald trump of an alliance being actively under lined. we have secretary mattis saying he is promising a massive military response. that must generate some measure of concern from seoul. we're not that far away from the dnc. >> yes, secretary mattis said they were going to have a strong response in any threat against south korea, or any ally of the united states. that's the strong talk we expect
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from the united states when it comes to a threat to an ally. we have heard that president trump's advisors have been saying, you know, when it comes to this breaking off of this free-trade agreement, they say don't do it now. that's what we're hearing from secretary of defense mattis saying, listen, we are with our allies, we're standing united together and if north korea tries anything, we are ready to respond. ian lee, thank you for your reporting. the international watchdog agency -- before we go to vie a vienna, we have a guest joining frus london to talk to us more about how south korea is responding to north korea, not only that but the threat itself, the nuclear threat being posed. we have, as i've been mentioning before, this is what's happening
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today, north korea has tested what it claims to be a hydrogen bomb. the hydrogen bomb that it says is small enough to be able to put on top of an icb missile, of course experts are still verifying that -- ea and nick, what is the director general responding to, how is he responding to this latest nuclear test, the sixth test believed to be a hydrogen bomb test by north korea? >> this is the man who sits atop the national atomic energy agency who has a world view and a better grasp of these issues than anyone else, his response was and it was a very swift response as well, is that this is a very extremely regrettable act. it is against the express wishes of the international community. he reminds north korea of its
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obligations under many u.n. resolutions, north korea should end its nuclear weapons program, should put everything that it has in that context beyond use that it should do this in a verifiable way, in a reversible way, but the director general here is fully aware of the tense relationship with north korea. the fact that it's broken its previous obligations in this regard. but he says the iaea in its roll as a monitoring organization, as an organization that can lend a hand if there is a diplomatic progress to oversee such an effective control and measurement of what north korea is doing with its nuclear capacities on the ground in north korea, he says this organization, the iaea, stands
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by ready to help in that process. but his initial reaction is very, very clear. this is extremely regrettable and obviously very big and broad concerns go with that. christy. >> extremely regrettable that's the reaction from the director general of the iaea. let's get some nuclear expertise on board. martin joins me from london, he is a military expert at king's college london. thank you for joining us here on cnn. the north koreans can make the claim of what they detonated on sunday, but what you're able to tell from the evidence available at this point, looking at the seismic readings, the history of the nuclear tests, did they test a hydrogen bomb? >> as you correctly say, that is going to take a few more weeks to determine definitively.
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what we can say with pretty much confidence now is that the magnitude of the blast was somewhere around 6, 6.3 and you can extrapolate the yield of the bomb from that magnitude, it was a pretty large bomb the estimates i've seen are well over 100 kilotons. so it is quite possible that they either detonated a hydrogen thermo nuclear dom or a nuclear fission weapon. they did it underground in tunnels. there have been some reports that the tunnel collapsed because of the blast. we can expect that in the next few weeks some of the ray don will escape and they'll test the atmosphere to see what kind of chemicals have been released and be able to make a definitive
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judgment. i will say if we have not tested it now, the way the program is progressing, the deliberateness of it, if they don't have it now, they'll have it shortly. >> it sounds like once the experts take the data they'll be aebl to get it. and then comes the second claim, if this is a hydrogen bomb, would they be able to put it on an icbm? >> they have shown pictures. there was a picture of kim jong-un in front of the war head together with what seemed like the cone of a missile. again, that is difficult to prove. nevertheless, given the status of their program, given the way they're developing. if they're not able to do that
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now, they're able to do it in the near future. presumably they are not going to test a ballistic missile with a live nuclear war head. that is very rare and a major escalation. the chinese did it some decades ago, they fired a live nuclear war head in a ballistic missile. but worst case, we have to prepare for the worse. if they don't have it now, they will have it in the near future. they will be able to fit a nuclear war head and possibly a thermal nuclear war head to an intercontinental ballistic missile. >> understood but everything has changed since that test on sunday. so what is the updated threat assessment? if north korea did successfully detonate a hydrogen bomb, what is pyongyang capable of doing? >> north korea has the
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capability to deliver ballistic missiles to intercontinental ranges we have seen that. they'll increase the reliability of the weapons and their arsenal over the next few months and years. we can expect that they will be able to fit a nuclear war head into an intercontinental ballistic missile, and also into an intermediate range ballistic missile, that is those missiles capable of hitting guam and places such as tokyo and elsewhere. what we will expect is that they will deploy a thermal nuclear force capable of striking the united states. that will come. if they are not stopped physically or through diplomacy over the next few months or years, they will have a sizable force.
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>> we thank you for joining us here on the program. let's take it back to rosemary church. as you heard just then, progress is being made in north korea's weapons and nuclear weapons program. back to you. >> has a lot of people on edge. christy we'll come back to you for just a moment. we do want to turn to another major story we've been following. cnn has learned that president trump is expected to end a program that protects thousands of undocumented immigrants from deportation. daca applies to qualified participants brought to the u.s. lylely as children. his decision won't be final until he makes that announcement, that's expected on tuesday, sources say he will give congress six months to pass legislation to fix daca and allow people covered under it to remain in the u.s. during the presidential campaign
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you recall mr. trump rey repeatedly promised to end daca. >> we will immediately terminate president obama's two illegal executive am niceties in which he defied federal law and the constitution toamnyty to approximately 5 million illegal immigrants. when someone is terrific we want them to be here, but we want them legally. we have to have a system where people are legally in our country. we're talking about dreamers for other people. i want the children growing up in the united states to be dreamers also. they're not dreaming right now. >> scott lucas joins us now, he is a professor of international politics in england.
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thank you for being with us. it's believed that the elimination of daca will cost employers about $2 billion or so and the gdp could lose $280 billion over the course of ten years, so why would the trump administration get rid of this program? >> well, the reason why we're hearing is th is because there are certain advisors, the attorney general, jeff sessions be, stephen miller, who really want to end this program. there are also some state attorney generals pressing for the end of it and trump himself has the view of if they're undocumented immigrants they're not doing us any good. i think the big story is trump has taken a step back in the past 24 hours. we were talking he would make an announcement that would immediately end the program. what he's saying now is we're
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not going to end daca, let's give it to congress and give them six months to, quote, fix it. i think president trump has kicked the can down to congress. if congress doesn't remove daca and replace it, trump as he did with the gop's failure on health care, tax cuts, he can say it's congress's responsibility not ours. it's hard to predict what happens with this president he does change his mind. but given a lot of republican congressman, as well as democrats, want to retain the program. >> if it's six months to come up with that legislation and it sounds like that would be the answer to keeping these dreamers in the united states, the question is what form would that legislation take and also, is there any possibility that some of those dreamers would be sent back to their country of or gin
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and then have to go through the process of coming back into the country legally. >> the first part of the question, if it ain't broke, you don't fix it. if the daca program is working and you decided the economic evidence it does, we have evidence from businesses as well as the immigrants that this program is working effectively to keep young people in the u.s. and keep them effective, you don't make changes. on the second part of the question, what happens in the meantime, the risk is here, we go back to a limbo, such as we had over the muslim ban on entry to the u.s., where individual agents may take actions there may be those whose status is in limbo and they may be deported. we need to see guidelines from the justice department and the attorney general, jeff sessions on what happens in the six-month period. >> i want to shift to the other main issue we've been looking at
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north korea. the u.s. is considering a number of options in response to the testing of that hydrogen bomb, if that is indeed what it is in the end, what was your response to president trump attacking south korea's approach to the north and then mr. trump threatening any country doing business with north korea? how does that help or hinder the situation and how realistic was that? >> folks need to keep donald trump off twitter is my response. let me be blunt. threatening south korea, which is the country on the front line with the north is not helpful. it's not realistic to say we are going to stop trading with china or france or germany or other countries who have economic links with north korea. instead, if there is stability it has come from, for example, the defense secretary james mattis who tried to reassure allies saying we are going to
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defend you if north korea takes any aggressive action saying at the same time we are not going to push the button. we are not going to take this to a military show down. diplomacy is the only end to this crisis, trump does not help that with his twitter activity. hopefully he'll be put off to the side. >> you've been watching this for a long time, how concerned should we be in this sort of brinkmanship we've seen playing out between kim jong-un and donald trump. >> of course we should be concerned. what we're seeing is a couple of alpha males, an alpha male north korean regime and an alpha male u.s. president. and the north koreans will continue to do this because they know they can wind trump up so we need to step back before a mistake occurs, for example a
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north korean missile going off course and hitting japan. but i want to say, we have been here before i lived through decades of the cold war that we had the threat that someone would take the step too far and move beyond language and go to a nuclear strike. i'm hoping it won't in this case. but we have to recognize we need leadership from china, rather than washington, to make the first step to negotiations with north korea. >> scott lucas, always a pleasure to talk to you and get your analysis. i want to take a break but still to come, international reaction is swift condemning north korea after it detonates its sixth bomb. more on that still to come ♪
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pcountries thatk mewe traveled,t what is your nationality and i would always answer hispanic. so when i got my ancestry dna results it was a shocker. i'm everything. i'm from all nations. i would look at forms now and wonder what do i mark? because i'm everything. and i marked other. discover the story only your dna can tell. order your kit now at now for a recap of the news that we're following out of the korean peninsula. south korea is responding to pyongyang's latest nuclear weapons test with its own threat. defense officials say these military drills show seoul is willing to wipe out north korea's nuclear site. there are also signs north korea is preparing for another missile
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launch. meanwhile another of the brick countries is happening. in which vladimir putin is also attending with china's president. andrew, no doubt coming up in discussions at the brick summit is a tweet from the u.s. president, donald trump, saying, quote, the united states is considering in addition with other options stopping all trade with any country doing business with north korea. knowing there are and have been trade links between north korea and china, does china consider that a direct threat? >> china and also india as well, the leader of india is also here. no doubt this will be a topic of the conversation. but to many people it is such a farfetched scenario that the
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u.s., the world's biggest economy, would cut ties completely with the second biggest economy, we're talking about total direct trade going both ways of about $580 billion of which u.s. producers would lose about $115 billion in sending their exports to china. so that would have a direct impact on u.s. economic growth as well. in fact, most people will tell you if people went through with that, it would lead to a global recession, which includes in the united states as well. so i think it's a case really that brick leaders, as with many analysts have looked at that statement at face value and said that's not going to the happen. as you said, the meeting here has gathered five leaders, including vladimir putin, mr. putin and president jing met
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last night and they stuck to the same script which was they were pushing for denuclearization on the korean peninsula. as yet no indications they're going to change their strategy on how to deal with north korea, other than sticking to those u.n. sanctions against north korea. >> andrew stephens joining us live from the site of the brick summit. let's bring in fred fly ton. we know vladimir putin is there to attend the summit, he is also addressing north korea. do you feel they're providing a front on how to best manage the north korean threat? >> vladimir putin says china and russia see eye to eye on that issue.
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the russians say they feel the latest nuclear launch, which they condemned, needs to be dealt with by the united nations but he also went on to say that he doesn't believe sanctions so far are working and while russians are condemning the nuclear test they say cooler heads need to prevail and there can only be a diplomatic crisis. i want to read to you a quote on behalf of vladimir putin's representative he said vladimir putin called on the international community not to yield to emotions and act calmly in a balanced manner. he stressed a comprehensive solution to the problems on the north korean peninsula can be reached only by diplomatic means. they asked dmitry peskov what can that mean he said it is difficult to tell what is going to be the solution to this. one of the things russia and
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china has proposed is a double freeze, in essence they say the north koreans need to freeze their nuclear and missile programs and the u.s. should stop things like the military exercises going on in that region. there is self-interest, als obviously the russians don't want to see the u.s. ramping up their military presence in the korean peninsula. >> coming up right here on the program, president trump responds to north korea's latest nuclear weapons test and reports say he plans to end a program that allows thousands of undocumented immigrants to live and work in the u.s. the latest on both these stories ahead. and my mobile pay isn't connecting and i just got an unlimited plan. right plan, wrong network. you see, verizon has america's largest, most reliable 4g lte network and now unlimited plans start at $40 per line, you know what i'm saying?
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and a warm welcome back to o viewers in the united states and all around the world. i'm rosemary church. >> i'm kris tee lu stout. >> south korea is responding to pyongyang's latest nuclear weapons test with these military drills. one defense official says they're meant to send a message that seoul is willing to wipe out its leadership and test site. there are also signs north korea is preparing for another missile launch. u.s. president trump sent another message and it's not likely to be viewed well, he said south korea's finding that their talk of appeasement with north korea will not work. they only understand one thing. jean lee joins me now.
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great to see you in seoul. thank you for joining us on the program. about that tweet we just read out. that really undercut the alliance between the u.s. and south korea in such a sensitive time what's been the reaction. >> it's a terrible time to show a possible rift between the u.s. and south korea. this is a time when the u.s. and south korea needed to show they were on the same page. so i'm concerned about the lack of unified messaging come out of the white house and these two capitols. so there's concern right now, here they're calling it korea passing. there's concern they're bypassing the south korean interest. so we see the blue house scrambling to show that the u.s. will take south korea's interest at heart and will work with south korea if there's any kind of change in strategy. >> korea passing the feeling that the united states is
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bypassing south korea altogether. if that feeling is here, is there also growing support for south korea to say hey we need to take our security into our own hands. >> there are rumblings here in certain sectors of the population calls for their own nuclear weapons. this is not possible for south korea. they're a signatory to the, tnc. but there are calls for their own nuclear weapons or bring nuclear weapons back into south korea. >> you're a south korea watcher and an avid north korea watcher. we know that kim jong-un, even though he's making these threats, for him it's survival of his regime. so does that offer a glimmer of hope that he can be deterred. >> we have to take that into account.
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he's telling his people that north korea needs this nuclear weapon in order to survive. in order to keep the u.s. from striking. p he's convincing his people they need to go without food and electricity because their very survival is at risk. if you keep that in mind, take away the threat to their survival, take away the incentive and give them what they need, perhaps there's need to take away the will or motivation to continue testing. >> what is it going to be? what is the additional sanction, turning of the screw, that needs to take place to reign in north korea? >> if the united security council or any other government wants to pinch the north koreans it's going to be cutting off the fuel supply. so when i was there in may, that was the one thing the north koreans were questioning me about. there were long lines at the gas stations, they were anticipating that china would stop sending fuel. think about the robert muellami
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you can't distribute foods. i think the fact we didn't see those sanctions in the last round of, you know, sanctions. it's china saying this is where we draw the line. >> there's also the final part to play to really have leverage here. jean lee thank you so much. rosemary back to you. >> thank you. we'll get back to you soon. more on another major story we have been following. sources tell cnn president trump is expected to end an obama-era program that protects undocumented immigrants who came to the u.s. as children, protect them from deportation. they say mr. trump will give congress to try to fix the program known as daca through legislation. it won't be final until it's announced and that's not
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expected to happen until tuesday. we're joined from boston massachusetts but the former executive director of freedom house and has worked extensively with students helping them with their daca applications. thank you for being with us, we appreciate it. of course, you understand the plight of these students, you've helped many of them. so how will these nearly 800,000 people be affected if president trump announces the daca program will come to an end. >> first of all, thank you for having me. there is close to 800,000 undocumented immigrants right now protected in the action that was enacted by obama in 2012. these are some of the best immigrants we have in the country. they have been able to contribute. about 12% of those 800,000 have
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been able to buy homes. 54% of those have found a better job. about 60% of those have been able to buy a car for the first time. so it is clear how daca has allowed the students to contribute to our economy and our way of life. i think the main thing here is they're either working or studying through daca. so if daca is ended it will affect the daily lives and the lives of their family and in turn that will affect the economy. so this is huge for this 800,000 young immigrants who have qualified for daca because this means they could be immediately legible for deportation. i think that is one of the biggest concerns in their community. if daca is taken away, these young immigrants will be a target of deportation. >> certainly very uncertain times for those people.
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and president trump is apparently planning to give congress six months to come up with legislation to replace the daca program. what are you expecting will come from that legislation. could that, in essence, save the program, do you think? >> i think, you know, that one of the things we need to see congress act on recently the senate introduced a new version of the dream act, the 2017 dream act and we believe that that is definitely a bipartisan piece of legislation that has been introduced by republican and democrat senators in the senate. so we believe that moving on that plan will be one of the steps that would need to be taken if daca was to be ended, that would be a way to protect not only those 800,000 undocumented immigrants but perhaps that's a pool that could enlargened to include people
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that didn't qualify on the first round because they were just months into their 16th birthday or months into their 30th birthday and they couldn't qualify. so either way there is a piece of legislation waited on the senate to be acted upon. we know that daca has the overwhelming support across the united states by both the republican, from speaker paul ryan, to all democrats on the other side. so we know this is a popular piece of legislation in the united states and we hope that congress can act and protect these children and, you know, potentially even move on to protect a little bit more of those 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the united states. >> we'll wait and see. we understand that announcement will be made on tuesday. thank you so much for joining us and explaining the benefits that the daca program has brought to
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. welcome back everyone. we will get back to developments on north korea in just a moment. but right now we want to turn to the escalating crisis at the myanmar bangladesh border. thousands of muslims are fleeing to the border after a deedly week in myanmar. refugees say the army attacked them but the government blames them for attacks on friday. matthew smith joins me now from one of those refugee camps. thank you so much for being with us. so talk to us about just how bad
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this situation is. you've had an opportunity to talk to some of those refugees. what is happening to the fleeing population and what is the truth here because we're getting conflicting reports. >> we're piecing together what's happening. what we know is that the myanmar, what triggered this was coordinated attacks by mill lants but since then myanmar police force and civilians are committing mass killings in some cases soldiers are opening fire on unarmed civilians and then burning the bodies. there are entire village tracks are emptying out.
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entirevil entire villages being burned down. >> they are horrifying images. are they doing enough to help these people and if not, why not? >> well, unfortunately, since a similar type of violence back in october and november, her office has been spreading very, very irresponsible propaganda, deadly propaganda about the rohingya population and the state. it's worth mentioning the population in the state is not the government it's the state security forces but we do -- calling upon her administration, these are mass killings that are taking place right now and her office is not only doing nothing
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breakthrough allergies with allegra®. welcome back to seoul, i'm kristie lu stout where we are monitoring claims that north korea successfully tested a hydrogen bomb. they've been working on icbms for quite some time now they claimed last year they had a miniature war head they could fit on a ballistic missile. it showed a spear cal device but whether it was a nuclear bomb that's unclear and then last year the north claimed to have successfully detonated a nuclear war head. and then in july the regime claimed to have conducted its first successful test of a intercontinental ballistic missile. and then saturday north state media claimed the country had developed its first hydrogen bomb releasing this photo of the
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same announcement. and then they tested a hydrogen bomb bomb on sunday, and the geological society said they felt the seismic. >> we spoke to someone earlier who said he believes there is a very high probability that yes, the north korean claim is correct, they have tested a hydrogen bomb, they have detonated its most powerful bomb yet. rosemary back to you. i want to turn to the u.s. state of california more than 1,000 firefighter in los angeles are battling a fire that's consumed about 7,000 acres. officials say the la tuna blaze is the largest fire the city has ever seen. the california governor declared a state of emergency for the area. the fire started friday and is now only 30% contained. the mayor of houston, texas
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says his city is 95% dry and mostly operational. still floodwaters from hurricane harvey could take another two weeks to fully recreed in some areas. the storm killed 38 people and tens of thousands are still living in temporary shelters. >> the. graphic size is far larger than katrina and sandy combined. we have over 5 million people affected in this, it's the swath all the way from corpus christi to beaumont. so it's going to need more than what was funded for katrina. >> people in southeast texas are returning to their homes to look at the damage. one woman got a welcome surprise amid all that devastation.
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christina flores was there. >> authorities say they connected 36,000 rescues. we caught up with one woman who was rescued by her name of program neighbor and our cameras were rolling when she reunited with her rescuer. >> the house right across the street, those are the people who came and got me out the water. my son couldn't come get me. and they don't even know how to speak english, but they came and got me, and i want to thank them because i called for help and they couldn't get to me. but that young man said don't worry, mommy, i got you, i didn't know his name he didn't know my name, he pushed me on the walker five blocks with the water up to my neck at times.
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this is my hero right here. i appreciate you so much. 'cause you didn't have to do it, but you did. i appreciate you so much. and when i fell in the water his baby say oh, i'm so sorry, she 4 years old, mom my we didn't want to hurt you. so i thank them be, they took me and brought me to my pastor's house. that's only way i was able to get out of the water. >> he says, that everyone is family, it doesn't matter what race you are. he says that everyone is family. >> take a look at these pictures this is what that neighborhood looked like during the storm. now we should also add that he was also trying to take his pregnant wife and three
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daughters to safety. rosa flores, cnn houston. >> it is a powerful story. thanks for your company i'm rosemary church in atlanta. >> i'm christy lestout in south korea, where the nation is holding live fire tests as a show of force. early start is next. >> and for our international viewers we have max foster. enjoy your day. hi, i'm johnny bench.
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any threat to the united states or its territories will be met with a massive military response, a response both effective and overwhelming. >> the secretary of defense with a firm warning for north korea after pyongyang's latest nuclear tests. now we've learned the u.s. and south korea will look to deploy military assets including bombers. we are live in seoul. president trump will propose ending protections for undocumented immigrants who came to the united states as children. could congress give dreamers another chance? could billions in recovery
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