tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN September 5, 2017 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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michelle once answered the question, which famous person would you want to be stuck with on a desert island? now they're stuck looking like twins. >> that's obama's wife? >> reporter: jeanne moos, cnn -- >> girlfriend got it going on. >> reporter: new york. >> that's obama's wife? >> yes, it is. >> thanks for joining us. anderson starts now. good evening. take a look at this. hurricane irma, now one of the most powerful hurricanes ever seen in the atlantic, ever. not just a category 5 storm, a strong category 5 storm, and it's head thing way. the president declaring emergencies for florida, puerto rico and the u.s. virgin islands, which is why we're starting off tonight with cnn's tom seder. so let's talk about the forecast. what's the latest showing for irma? >> this is amazing. we're just stunned by this
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massive intensification, anderson. this system, there's only been one in the recorded history of the atlantic basin was hurricane allen in 1980. this reminds me of super typhoon haiyan. i was on the air at cnn international when it became the strongest tropical system to ever make landfall on any land mass in the world and you covered the aftermath. the 6300 people lost their lives. this is only like 15 miles per hour per hour difference. so this is going to make landfall, and the conditions are already going downhill quickly in the northern islands of the lesser antilles. the warnings do contain the u.s. and british virgin islands. but this system is massive. heavy rains, damaging winds, knocking out power, communications, water sources. the storm surge is expected to get to 11 feet. when it heads towards the turks
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and kay yocaicos, we could have storm surge of 20 to 25 feet. look what's behind this. this is jose. jose is going to become a hurricane soon. looks like it's following the same path, but we believe that will slide north, no concern. but the national hurricane center track is really of great concern, because it keeping it as a catastrophic hurricane for the entire duration. and we can break this down into days for you, as well. there will be some fluctuation in the strength. there may be some deviation in the track to the north or south. but in this stays over water, the waters are even warmer when you get closer to cuba and the u.s. sometime on saturday, the spaghetti plots, which are in fantastic agreement, and that's what you want, but on saturday, instead of friday, we expect this system to be pulled
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northward and take a turn to the right. but we won't know where landfall will be until this turn begins. there is a small window, and it's closing quickly, that possibly, sooner is better than later, that turn to the north will slide up towards the carolinas, but that window is shutting quickly. two quick models. this is the european model. this has had a great hand lt on t -- handle on the environment. this brings it over the high terrain of cuba. it could devastate parts of cuba, but it could also degrade the system. when they interact with land, it could be a category two, but the waters are warm. when it moves northward, then it could slide to the southwest coast of florida and hugging that coast to maybe impact the panhandle and mississippi. here is the u.s. model. this one, again, incredible
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agreement with the european model. you expect overtime. this is next weekend, that there's some deviation, that there is some spread. it's like trying to forecast rain in your own backyard next monday. what are the chances? because it's so close, this stays over water, does not affect cuba and slides up the eastern coast. now, again, this is much like hurricane matthew last year when it moved through the bahamas, sliding up the coastline, staying off the coast. then it slides up into the carolinas. again, great concern. when you look at the track of rainfall, it gives you an idea that the center looks like it's staying over water. again, when you look at a system like this, they can only sustain their strength for so long. it's like taking a top and spinning a top on your kitchen table. after a while, that centrifugal force will start to wobble and it goes through a reorganization process and it starts to
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regenerate and get stronger again. so we're going to have a formidable storm next weekend with a possible landfall on september 11. but we're watching this as you can see day by day. it's going to take a while. we've got a good handle on this. >> i was talking to friends in haiti who were saying they hope it goes north. if it stays over water and misses all those islands, it will likely increase in strength then. >> yeah. we're going to see what's called an eyewall replacement cycle. that takes 10 to 12 hours. but we could see two or three of these occur. most likely it will be a major category, 3, 4, 5 for the southeastern u.s. >> tom, there were reports that the storm is so strong, it's showing up on seismometers. can you show us why? >> the eye of the storm is about 23 miles in diameter.
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it looks like it's going to swallow barbuda and anguilla. we're getting seismic activity in guadeloupe. it's nothing something that you would feel on the ground but there are tremors being picked up. and it's basically because of the wind, because of the sounds, believe it or not. the winds coming in are hitting the trees and that energy is going down into the ground. so it's going to increase a little bit. it's happened before. we have reports of it happening in texas with harvey. >> i want to go next to leila santiago. what kind of conditions are expected in the hours of ahead? >> reporter: we are starting to feel the winds picking up on the northern part of the island, anderson. ic sort of feel the fear among the people, as people were trying to get their hands on water. the stores selling out of power generators, batteries.
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and a conversation that stuck with me, when i talked to one woman in a store and i talked to her about the hurricane coming. and she corrected me and said this is not a hurricane, this is a beast. those are the words that are being used to describe what is coming this way, beast, historic, catastrophic, devastation is what they expect. and this is on a caribbean island. an island that is somewhat used to as one can be, a tropical storm and hurricane. this is something that they know how to deal with. but i tell you, there is a level of fear, because as the governor said today, this is something -- a storm, a hurricane of a magnitude that they have never experienced before, anderson. >> looking at some of the images, that eyewall is perfectly formed. several areas are prone to flooding which are causing concern. >> reporter: i just got off the
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phone with the governor's office. they tell me one of the big priorities is to make sure that they use these hours that they have left to try to get people out of the area. there are shelters, 460 of them, some of which have already opened trying to get people to safe areas before it's too late. at a press conference today, the governor, you could just see the relief on his face when he found out that president trump would be signing -- or declare thing a state of emergency. they get more resources. remember, this is u.s. territory. these are u.s. citizens. and quite frankly, they're dealing with another crisis. that is the economic crisis. i mean, if there's ever a place that can't afford to rebuild from devastation, it would be this little island that is more than $70 billion in debt right now. >> be careful there. we wish you and everybody there
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the best. we'll continue to check in with you. we'll have a lot more on hurricane irma over the next two hours. it's the political storm we turn to next. president trump's decision to end daca, president obama's protection for undocumented immigrants, many that spent their whole lives in america. here's what the president had to say about them late today. >> i have a great heart for the folks we're talking about. major love for them. and people think in terms of children, but they're really young adults. i have a love for these people and hopefully now congress will be able to help them and do it properly. >> he loves them, he says. today, the president showed his love by putting the fate of all of these people in the hands of congress, people that could not
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have only passed the dream act, but could not even agree on what to have to lunch. the president passed the buck to congress, while not offeringed in id-- offering any ideas. during the campaign, he seemed to claim to have a plan. >> we're going to deal with daca with heart. the daca situation is a very, very -- it's a very difficult thing for me. because i love these kids. i love kids. >> should the dreamers be worried? >> we love the dreamers. we love everybody. >> we should point out today the president didn't announce the repeal of daca himself. he gave that job to his long suffering attorney general. >> the program known as daca that was effect chuated under t
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obama administration is being rescinded. >> the attorney general announced the program will end in march. today, no new applications accepted and only those people whose status expires will be eligible to renew. unless congress acts, hundreds of thousands of americans in all respects would be subject to deportation. cnn has obtained a background document sent by the white house to offices on capitol hill and it states, the department of homeland security urges daca recipients to use the time remaining on their work authorizations to prepare for and arrange their departure from the united states. of course, congress might come up with a solution for these dreamers, but the president himself seems to be wanting it both ways. remember, this president ran on his ability to make deals, to bring competing sides together, to hammer out plans. it's something he talked about time and time again on the campaign trail.
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>> i'm going to make the great deals. i am going to make great deals for our country. i built an extraordinary business on relationships and deals that benefit all parties involved. i make deals. i negotiate. everybody wants me to negotiate. that's what i'm known as, a negotiator. i'm so anxious to negotiate. nobody can outnegotiate these deals. i will make a great deal and lots of great deals for the american people. we don't make great deals anymore. but we will once i become president. >> here's a tweet from a few years ago, deals are my art form. other people write poetry, i like making deals. that's how i get my kicks. today, the only kick was the uncertainty of hundreds of thousands of people living here and a punt to congress. the president did pledge to treat dreamers with heart and he said he faced a deadline today or face a lawsuit from ten
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attorneys general. keeping them honest, whatever you think of daca, whether you're sympathetic to the president's dilemma or not, it's hard to argue this was his only option. he grabs credit when he can and deflects responsibility to live up to promises he failed to make. when the senate failed to pass a repeal of obamacare, this. >> i just wanted to get repeal and replace done. all i hear is repeal and replace. then i get there and i said where's the bill, i want to sign it, first day. and they don't have it. >> just like daca, the president's playbook is similar. and so is the pitch. >> real change begins immediately with the repealing and replacing of the disaster
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known as obamacare. repeal it and replace it. repeal and replace. repeal and replace. obamacare, we're going to repeal it, replace it and get something better. repeal it, replace it, get something great! we're going to kill it. let it die. let it die. and we're going to come up with something much, much better. you're going to have such great health care, at a tiny fraction of the cost. and it's going to be so easy. >> health care, daca, a promise to end it to replace it with something better and reassurances to anyone who might get hurt and leave it to lawmakers. just ahead, reaction from jorge ramos and what the president did today, what he could do and what he should do. and later, what happens if kim jong-un tests another long-range missile, especially after his biggest nuclear test explosion
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>> former president obama today. now in a moment two legal views on what happened today, what happens in the next six months. but first, a critical view from jorge ramos. what's your reaction to the president's decision to end the daca program? >> i was not surprised. i thought that president trump was going to do exactly that. but then he had said he had a bigger heart than mine, once he told me that. and then on abc interview, he said that dreamers shouldn't be very worried. at some point, i really thought that he was going to change his mind. but no. at the end, president trump did what trump used todo. i thought he was a cruel, cold hearted, and he benefits no one. i cannot think of a single
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american who is going to benefit from this decision. so i'm really disappointed on the one hand. on the other, i'm seeing the dreamers reacting, as i thought they were going to react. they're going to keep on fighting with trump or without trump. >> the president did defend the action today. he said i have a great heart for them, and he talked about he had a great love for them. and that this was going to work out long-term for the best. >> it didn't show, because this -- they came to the united states, i'm sure you met many of them. i've talked in the last, i don't know, five, ten years, i've talked to hundreds, if not thousands of them. they came to this country when they were very young, through no fault of their own because their parts brought them here. of course, they were here illegal illegally, we all understand that. but if we follow the history of the united states, time after time, we do the right thing as a country. in other words, at some point we
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say, as president reagan said in 1986, we have millions and millions of undocumented immigrants. let's just legalize them. that's what reagan did. now we have the same situation. it's not only the 800,000 who applied to daca, we're talking 2 million dreamers who live in this country. and at the end, i think this country is going to do the right thing. if i had to bet on whose america will prevail, trump's america or the dreamers' america, the drumedrum e -- dreamers in the end will. >> others say it was overream by president obama to move forward with daca in the first place, and it's congress' job to create laws. and what the president is trying to do this time is basically come up with a permanent solution to, or get congress to come one a permanent solution. >> he could have done it in a completely different way. i still remember president obama said he wasn't a king, he couldn't do that. to the dreamers' credit, they
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were able to change obama's mind. that's great. but it would have been completely different if trump would have said, you know, i'm going to protect you. daca will stay in place. i know it's being challenged legally, but let's keep it in place until congress finally decides to do something about it. instead of doing that, he is basically saying, you're on your own. >> do you think congress is going to do something or be able to do something within the next six months? >> i want to tell you, anderson, i wish i could say yes. i don't think so. i don't think there is the political will for any immigration reform at this point. i don't see democrats and republicans working together. so if the last dreamers will keep their permit until the beginning of 2020, then i think this is going to be one of the most important issues for the next presidential campaign.
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so unfortunately, i wish i could tell you yes, congress is going to come out and do the right thing. i've been following this for -- since the year 2001. nothing has happened. i cannot expect it to happen in 2017 or 2018. no, i don't. i'm sorry. >> there's few people in this country who would want their future to be determined by whether or not congress can act, you know, can act aggressively or quickly on something. >> exactly. but the president decided not to do it. and now congress is going to have to do it. i don't see the political will to do that. i think this is going to be an important presidential issue for 2020. there's no other way. and dreamers, i know them. their parents thought by being invisible, they could survive. that was the strategy, and it worked because they're here. but now the dream verse a completely different strategy. you saw what happened in front of trump tower.
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they detained the traffic on fifth avenue, and they are going to do anything that they can in order just to change things. they're not just going to wait. >> president obama issued a statement today saying it was wrong, self-defeating, and cruel. and said that it's not required legally. he said that this is a political decision and a moral decision. i'm wondering how much weight you think his words may carry, especially with a sharply divided congress. >> to tell you the truth, president obama, i think, did the right thing. he tried to protect the dreamers, and he did, for just a few years. and he did. at the same time, i've been critical of president obama. we wouldn't be talking about this if in 2009, when he controlled the white house and both chambers of congress, if he would have proposed immigration reform, which he didn't on one hand. on the other hand, he deported
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2.7 million immigrants while he was president. so i appreciate what he did for the dreamers. but what he didn't do, it was -- it was on -- from my point of view, a big failure. >> jorge ramos, thank you. >> thank you, anderson. nor on this next. we'll talk with one state's attorney general who sides with the people protesting the president's decision and a former attorney general who does not. and someone who just flew directly into hurricane irma three times to measure its power. we'll hear from him in the air, next. s'cuse me. mind if i sit here? not if you want your phone to work. let me guess, can't livestream your lobster roll. and my mobile pay isn't connecting and i just got an unlimited plan. right plan, wrong network. you see, verizon has america's largest, most reliable 4g lte network and now unlimited plans start at $40 per line, you know what i'm saying? oh, this is your seat. definitely. yep. just tucking it in. i wasn't gonna pull it out. introducing unlimited for all. all the data you want on the network you want.
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president's decision on daca, to push the decision to lawmakers. senators dp s graham durbin -- of the states attorneys general threatening to sue praised the president's decision, others vowed to fight it. joining us now is the former virginia attorney general and washington state attorney general bob ferguson. mr. ferguson, you threatened to challenge this in court. do you think you have a case? >> yes, thanks for having me on, anderson. really appreciate it. yes, i'll be filing with other states soon. and we do believe we have good, legal arguments. we were successful in stopping the first travel ban. we'll bring many of the similar claims we brought in that litigation. but yes, we have good arguments and look forward to presenting this. >> ken, daca was an executive
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action by president obama to clarify immigration enforcement priorities. so wasn't it a decision to make decisions and not making law? >> no, this was fiat law. president obama said this over 20 times before he did it, and i heard carlos from uni vision mention where president obama said i'm not a king, i can't do this. that was before he did it. the precedent from daca, the standing is essentially the same, the substantive decision is likely to be the same. look, for those who like daca, had president trump not done this two-plus year phase-out and instead confronted those attorneys general, this program would be over in two months by
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preliminary injunction in the court in which the current case resides. i mean, this is, for those who would like to see a soft landing for daca, about as good as could be done under the alternative. and it speaks to the commitment of the nine republican attorneys general who challenged a republican president, because they believe the legal princiipe on which president obama once did, was legal and violated separation of powers. they should get a lot of credit, patrick moore of west virginia, and so on, these folks stood up for principles against their own team. not a single -- it's not true, except for cole -- not a single democrat during obama's entire administration was willing to challenge these sorts of actions via the federal government. they were partisan.
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these republican 17,000 alone in my state. the key question is going to occur in the following ways. is what the president did today lawful? i filed 14 lawsuits against this administration. we haven't lost one yet. we haven't had any federal judge disagree with any claim. so we're very careful about the lawsuits we bring. statutes like the administrative procedures. but these are important. when we file our complaint, the strength of our case will become
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clear. >> attorney general ferguson, what about the argument that this would have been overturned sooner in the courts, within two months? >> look, had the republican ags filed their law soughts, if the president had done nothing, i can assure you myself and other democratic ags would have stepped in to defend daca. i don't think they would have been successful if they filed against daca. we think the president's action is not lawful. that's the test. and he's lost, the president has, case after case after case filed by democratic ags around the country. and we think we have good argues here, as well. >> we have to take a quick break. thank you both. coming up, breaking news in the russia investigation. we'll tell you who was issued subpoenas. and the latest of the growing threat between the u.s. and north korea. of course, more on the path of
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so these subpoenas, first of all, what are you learning about now? >> reporter: the house intelligence committee, anderson, is sending these subpoenas to the justice department and to the fbi. what they say they want is to find out what the fbi knows about the trump dossier. this is a dossier put together by a former british spy. what they're trying to get is for the fbi and the justice department to turn over documents that not only relate to the dossier itself, but also what relationship the fbi might have had with christopher steel, the spy that put together the dossier. last year at some point, the fbi even paid some of his expenses. they considered essentially hiring him to help verify some of his findings. so that's what they're after in this subpoena. the justice department and the fbi have been dragging their feet, in part because they say it might interfere with the investigation being led by robert mueller. and that jibes with a lot of the other things we've heard in the last few weeks. one just a few weeks, paul
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manafort came in for an interview with the senate intelligence committee. mueller wanted to get ahold of that interview. the transcript of that interview. it was done in private, if you remember. however, it was blocked because they had not yet agreed to allow mueller to get those transcripts. so you have a lot of fights going on, on the hill and in the mueller team, because you have so many investigations looking at this very thing. >> congressman adam schiff, he was quoted as saying he believes there's a political motivation behind this. can you explain why he's claim thing. >> reporter: republicans on the committee sent the subpoena over his objections, partly because he believes that what the republicans are after is to discredit the dossier and to discredit all of this reporting on russia. and let's be fair, a lot of this we have not been able to verify. but there's a lot of it that the fbi was able to, through its own means, be able to verify that
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they believe happened. so the president and i think the white house and the republicans have all sort of stuck to this tune that the dossier is discredited. it is not discredited. it is something the fbi has used in its investigation. so that's what adam schiff is getting at. he's concerned what the republicans are trying to do is discredit the basis for the investigation. >> evan, appreciate it. tensions continue to escalate between the u.s. and north korea. today, north korean state media reports that this weekend's nuclear weapons test shows the will to blow up the u.s. mainland. senator john mccain said this today. >> what will it take to settle the escalating tensions between the u.s. and north korea? >> some kind of pressure on the north koreans to make them abandon this very dangerous path they're on. >> is this just saber rattling,
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sir? is it saber rattling or more than that? >> when somebody develops a nuclear weapon -- do you think that's saber rattling? >> cnn's barbara starr joins me now. north korea continues to ratchet up the rhetoric. what's the latest? >> reporter: the threat continues to destroy the united states. scary sounding stuff, but the north koreans probably making some relevant statements even than that, saying today that they would never put their nuclear weapons on the negotiating table. and that's an important marker. what it means is what the u.s., what the trump administration wants, is for them to give up their nuclear weapons, is the one thing they're not going to give up. they're not giving up that weapons program, because the thinking is that kim jong-un is looking for attention. he's looking for what he believes is international respect. and he wants to be at the international table as a nuclear
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power. >> what more does the united states know about whether the north is preparing for another missile test in>> reporter: the intelligence may not be solid but it will be at some point, because they will launch more missiles, no question about it. it's really a question of when, not if. that is the u.s. view, and they are continuing to use satellites and other means to watch around the clock to see what missile launches may be in the works, to see what other weapons activities north korea may be up to. >> barbara starr, appreciate it. joining me now is former national intelligence director james clapper. general clapper, how seriously should the administration take these threats? >> well, you can't ignore them, but i do think they should be put in some historical context, because this is the typical hyperbolic language that comes out of north korea, and they have made threats like this before. so not to ignore it, but also
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not to overreact to it, either. >> you said earlier, there's still room for dialogue. are you talking about direct talks? is that the only viable option at this point? that's something the u.s. has always avoided. >> i do think that is -- i won't say the only channel, but i think it's the most promising would be a direct dialogue with the north koreans. we say they really want, as barbara indicated in thinking around the pentagon, is what they're most concerned with is face and leverage and recognition of their status as a nuclear power. they want to be seen as part of that club. you know, i think we kind of have to accept that. maybe a longer term goal would be de-nuclearization. but as a going in proposition, then based on my own experience, i think that's a non-starter. they are not at this point
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willingly give up their nuclear weapons as a price -- as the price for negotiation. >> from their perspective, which i always think is good to look at things from different perspectives, it would make sense they would want to be a nuclear power. it puts them at the table with the other major countries. without it, there wouldn't be the possibility of direct talks, right? >> well, exactly. for them, this is survival. they realize the tremendous conventional imbalance between them and say the republic of korea armed forces buttressed by the united states. so when you're sitting in pyongyang looking south in the absence of a peace treaty, they find the force that's facing them quite threatening. they believe the republic of korea is on a hair trigger ready to invade north korea, and of course, to affect regime change. so for them, the only way to rectify this tremendous
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imbalance is with a -- >> just lost contact. that happens on hive tv. we'll try to get the general back. when we come back, more on hurricane irma threatening to slam into the ccaribbean. also ahead, hurricane harvey's path of destruction in houston. we'll take you back there to see how people are dealing with rushing home and the challenge of losing virtually everything they own. the stakes are so high, your finances, your future. how do you solve this? you don't. you partner with a firm that advises governments and the fortune 500, and, can deliver insight person to person, on what matters to you. morgan stanley. marcopolo! marco...! polo! marco...! polo! marco...! polo! marco...! sì? polo! marco...! polo! scusa? ma io sono marco polo, ma... marco...!
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i am totally blind. and non-24 can throw my days and nights out of sync, keeping me from the things i love to do. talk to your doctor, and call 844-214-2424. the president just tweeted on daca, saying something that seems to be new. he says congress now has six months to legalize daca, something the obama administration wasn't able to do. if they can't, i will revisit this issue. more on that coming up at the top of the hour.
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but now hurricane irma, a category 5 storm. the u.s. military ordered the ev evacuation of a naval air station in florida in preparation. jack perish is a flight director and meteorologist at noaa. he's flying through irma and i spoke to him just before airtime. you've flown into this storm three times now. is it gaining strength? is it maintaining or getting weaker? >> anderson, we've been through it twice, we're on our way for the third time. it has strengthened. our last report was 9:17. so some strengthening of this cat 5 hurricane. >> how does it compare to other storms you've flown other missions into? >> anderson, our first pass through was daylight. the first pass was spectacular and terrible at the same time.
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it was blue skies above. incredible clouds all around the airplane. >> and you flew into the eye of the hurricane. you said it was perfectly formed, the eyewall? >> yes, sir, it was just perfect. we call it a concentric eye. it was an eye within an eye. once we were in the visible center, it was one of the best eyes, the clearest eyes the folks here have seen. >> what is it that you can learn from flying into it? >> what we're doing is using a radar system on this noaa aircraft, taking cat scans of the weather all around the airplane. this radar structure is going into the computer models and between that and what our gulf stream aircraft is doing on the outside, that is as much information as you can get on the storm and improving what the
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road ahead is for this storm. >> in terms of the road ahead, how many more flights do you plan to make? >> we're reaching the end for us. we're going to be heading back to our home in lakeland, florida. >> those images are just incredible. another late read on the storm from the weather center. so give us a sense of the track and strength of it, tom. >> this storm really anderson continues to amaze us. we notice it back on thursday when it came as a little wave off of the coast of africa, within 24 hours it went from a tropical storm a category three and there is only one storm stronger and that wassal nen 1980 and only five miles away from this. and this is catastrophic. i hope everyone in the northern -- in the islands are
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getting into a safe location. the conditions will start to deteriorate and parts of the u.s. and british virgin islands and puerto rico. a lot of times we talk about the models. let's give you a break down here. when we talk about the storm system, and when you hear us talk about spaghetti plots and european models, and we rely on the models an it has taken years to develop the models and right know they are precious. and sure they could get better. but we are a long far where fr where we used to be. some are global and historical and based on historical tracks and they are telling it will pull northward. and we'll pull ott the european in blue last thursday put it in the same location. so it is been consistent with the environment. and in red is the u.s. model. or the gfs. each one of these models, believe it or not, and, underneath that umbrella there are several. there are 50 models for the
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european. for the u.s. there is another 21. and they are all tweaked before they run. could be warmer temperatures in the ocean, could be wind as laugh. so you look for the spread and try to find commonality between them and that is exactly what we have come this weekend. >> we'll watch it, tom, thank you very much. as we follow irma, people in texas still dealing with hurricane harvey and people in houston are finally able to return home after devastating flooding and are now dealing with losing everything they own. martin savidge joins us with the latest. this is the first day back to work for many houstonians, how did it go? >> reporter: well, it was kind of a mixed day. first day back to work, there is a lot of traffic in the town and a lot of it was disrupted. let me tell you where we are. it is an area called lakewood to the northwest of the city of houston. we didn't pick this street because it was extraordinary but because it is typical. and this is the heartbreaking time. although all of this is
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heartbreaking when people came home and take everything out on the curb for everybody to see and you pee peopsee people's li everything from the most mundane like the bar stools to the things you would never expect that people would throw out and yet here it is all on the curb waiting for the big truck to carry it off to a landfill. and it is a good sign because they mean to plan to come back. the pulling out of the drywall and the ripping out and gutting of the home. it is the first step that people have to rebuilding their lives. so if you see this, as bad as it looks, it is a good thing. if you go through neighbors and don't see this, there is a good indication that people have given up. this is a tough day and good day. traffic was amess and the first question everybody asked over and over, is how is your house? >> that image is just incredible. with all of the possessions. people that have moved in that area quickly to get the drywall
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out. >> they have. and because first of all, it is horrific. you do inside any of the homes and once the drywall gets it is soaked and it is rotting and it is something cathartic, but we're coming in and starting over and they rip it all out of the moment of the people on the street have done just that and a lot of them are doing it on their own or family and friends and neighbors: there isn't any effort that we've seen in oth disasters. and people are literally helping each other out and made really good progress. the fans are going and the electricity is on and they are drying things out on the inside. >> what is the level of flooding in some areas? >> this area here was about chest high or half way up into the window in the single story homes and that was a week and a half ago. most folks got into the neighborhood about two or three days ago. so the shock phase is over. and the sort of dedication phase -- and i will tell you, i
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was walk fashlg down the street here and went by a house and you could hear somebody sobbing on the inside. there is still a lot of pain here. >> are people following irma? >> oh, yeah. they are. part of it is that they are hurricane shy. naturally. even though there is no real forecast that suggests it could come this this way and people are watching for another reason because they know that somewhere soon there is going to be other people that are going to be go you tlg exactly what they are going through now, heart break and the heartache and the suffering and they sympathize greatly with whoever is in the path of irma now. >> martin savidge. the fate of 800,000 young people who came to the u.s. hanging in the balance. the trump announces it is resigneding the baca program and what the president has just tweet -- tweeted and reaction from our panel next.
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spl. >> breaking news. whether it is hurricane irma or the growing reaction to the ending of program known as daca and including a new promise that the clock starts ticking for hundreds ever thousands of young people the childrens of immigrants and time runs out in march. now some took to the trees today along with supporters in cities across the country. the reaction is mixed at best with big name ceos and gop lawmakers critical and cautious support from hall ryan and enthusiastic support from the red state attorneys gem who were pushing for this. now it is up to congress. the president is offering no suggested legislation that he might sign. however he did offer t
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