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tv   New Day  CNN  September 12, 2017 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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us. what is the latest? how are you doing and what is the latest on your husband, clint? >> good morning. i am doing all right. thanks for having me on today. my husband, clint, like you said, he's kind of stuck in st. john right now just dealing with all the chaos that ensues after a hurricane, and just trying to keep the community set at this point. >> that's nice. so he is trying to help others while he's stranded there, but kristin, how did you feel about clint deciding to fly back to board up your restaurant as irma was approaching? >> absolutely. you know, it's a little nerve-racking when you are sending your husband into a category 5 storm not knowing what that's like, and nobody has ever experienced that, and for us that's our livelihood. that is how we make our money. that's our restaurant. he had to go down there and make sure it was okay and the staff was okay and everybody on the
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island he was stuck and he needed to be the support team for the people down there, you know, that work for us, and make sure our restaurant was going to be safe. i was confident in his decision, but you never really know what situation they are getting into, obviously. we were hoping he would be back here in a matter of days and it looks like it will be a couple weeks at this point. >> oh, my goodness. it's not as if you stayed behind in an entirely safe place, because you stayed in charleston, where there is flooding as a result of this. >> what is it like for you and your son? >> it's actually a daughter, but it was not as bad as what he experienced, but it's nerve-racking, and we live on the water in charleston and i watched the water come closer and closer to the backdoor, and i didn't think it was going to be as bad as matthew from last year, but it was worse, and it was not a hurricane, it was a
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tropical storm, and it was six feet from my backdoor and at one point i thought it would be coming in, and it was nerve-racking, and no fun to be in that by yourself at all. >> and you are newly pregnant and that adds complications to all of it, but we are happy you weathered it well. we hope you are reunited with clint as soon as possible. thanks so much for taking the time to talk to us this morning. >> absolutely. thank you. >> best of luck to you. meanwhile, we're following a lot of news so let's get right to it. hurricane irma is no longer a hurricane. the national weather service is not tracking her that way but she's still doing damage, dumping rain on parts of georgia, florida, south carolina, and we'll continue to track that. we do have new numbers. we just heard that 15 million
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people are without power as a result of this storm. the majority of them, of course n. florida. the duration is the issue and we will get through that. the good news, in a situation like this, and it's somewhat surprising, there has not been a tremendous loss of life. yes, in the caribbean there have been over 30 deaths, and we are in the discovery phase. we don't know the hard numbers yet, but at this point five people have lost their lives in the united states. we're in big pine key just miles from where irma came ashore, where the eye came ashore, and it could have been so much worse. >> key largo, they are going to start letting people back in. only residents and business owners. believe me, nobody else would want to be down here.
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the question is whether or not those people will want to stay once they see what is going on. we are showing you the scene this morning because this is the good news, the tobacco family, their home stands. the ironic license plate on that camaro of "try again" will be a motto for the entire community. they are here and safe and their rooster is crowing like crazy. that's the good news. we have seen so much worse here. it gives context to the pen ttan saying 10,000 still may need to be rescued. we don't know. they just don't know what is going on. they got here last night and they worked all night long, run some of the footage of us being out with them as they did search and rescue, hot and humid and
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hard work, and there's no power or cell service or internet, and all the things we take for granted are not here right now. but they worked all through the night. they are out there doing it right now. we will rejoin them after the show to show their efforts. the point is they still don't know the true depth of what happened, who is still here and who isn't, god forbid. what they need? you will hear choppers. that's their set of eyes. i want to bring in somebody for you. darwin, come in here. darwin tobacco, how are you? >> good. >> met you here and you were able to make it through the storm. how was it making it through? >> it was scary, but we just kept up hope. you know, there's not much you can do except prepare and hope for the best. >> did you give any serious thought as a family to not being here for the storm? >> we did but we had so much to
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try and protect and so many animals, six cats, and chickens, so we wanted to stay and protect our animals because they are part of the family, too. >> did you have a moment of doubt during the storm? >> there were a couple times i d. b did, but once we got settled in we were all calm. me and my brother slept through it. >> that's impressive. the water that came through and it got high, and what did you see? >> the water came up to our last step, and we're on the highest elevation here, and we got pretty lucky. further down there it's lower, and they were n't. >> we know you lost things but you still have one another. when you were able to get around and look at the houses that were sucked out, what did you think? >> we were blessed. we didn't lose anything on the
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inside of the house, and i am thankful and a lot of people lost everything. >> and tell the tv what you saw? >> homes off the stilts, and power lines down all over the place, and trees completely uprooted. peoples' businesses flooded, and septic fields flooding. terrible. >> you were explaining to me to look at the tops of the trees, and your father was saying, i believe, that he thinks there was tornado activity down here, that it was not just the hurricane? >> oh, there were definitely two tornadoes that hit big pine, and that's more relevant if you go down u.s. 1 and some of the other streets like gator boulevard. >> do you have concerns about staying now? you know you are not going to have water or power for a long time? >> we are not worried about
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that. we have propane grills, and working on fixing the diner. everybody that stayed is helping each other out. >> that is going to be key. >> we started clearing the roads themselves and people are bringing out their machines, and people have been bringing water to people that need it, and giving food to people that need it. everybody in the community has been helping each other out. >> it's a beautiful thing to see. we wish you good luck and we will be here with you as long as we can. thank you very much. that's the tobacco family, and they made it through. let's get to bill weir, and he was in key largo and now he's in a beat making his way down towards where we are deeper do the keys where the devastation even gets worse. bill, how is the ride so far? >> well, i will tell you what, chris, if these were happier times you would enjoy my ride
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here. we are on a 43-foot fishing boat and picking our way out of key largo. for the last half hour it has been a maze of, you know, sunken boats and lines that were crossing channels. we had to cut them and retie them in order to pick through, and we are headed towards your way, and this is -- it's hard to believe this is the same ocean that did all this devastation. look at this. glass today. absolute glass. it remains me of the calm after the storm, and our captain has done a little recon and has reported there are sunken boats and pieces of houses and we will let you know what we see as we go through the keys. so many people reaching out to social media. hey, check on sugarloaf key. what is going on down in cudjoe
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key. that's what we are hoping to do. and for those anxious to get back and see what is left of their homes and boats, they are going to open up the upper keys, key largo, up to mile marker 73, and you have to have a sticker that says you are a local or business owner in here, and you know, the folks at least who have power back in miami, it's a trip back in time, a trip back to when the spanish first fou found -- >> we lost bill's shot. it's not about safety. it's hard to get a shot on a moving boat anytime when you have the interruption that we have now. bill has been story telling the back and forth about romanicism
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and reality. there's a resilient see and an individualism and a desire to stay, and that's all great. in times like this it can also be a liability. life here, romanticism aside, it's going to be a long time. let's bring in the congressman, and the job of government in times like this is to inform, influence and inspire. the third one is important because people are going to get frustrated. this is going to be hard and hard for a long time, and long after this story is at the the top of the headlines. >> that's right, chris. we were down in the florida keys yesterday to assess the damage. thankfully the structural damage that i saw in key west was not as bad as i anticipated. the true tragedy here will be the financial toll this is going to take on so many people who work in the florida keys. a lot of them live paycheck to
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paycheck. people who own small businesses, just today, judah sylva, one of my favorite stops said, please, when can we get back? we need to rebuild our lives, and we are afraid we will lose everything. the truth is local law enforcement is in no position to guarantee the safety or security of anybody in the lower and middle keys. that's why they are only opening up to mile marker 73. to those people who are worried and frustrated, i understand, but right now the best thing that you can do is remain calm and be patient because going down or attempting to go down to the middle keys or the lower keys is simply not safe. there are downed power lines, and no power anywhere or cell phone service. if something were to happen to you down there you would be stranded, and nobody would be able to find you and nobody would even know, and that's why i am supporting our local law enforcement, the sheriff's
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office, and the county manager in monroe, and urging everybody to try and remain on the mainland. stay calm. we will get you down to your home or your businesses as soon as possible but it's still not safe. >> key west was a pleasant surprise, you know, and obviously in a very qualified situation where it still got hit hard and that's the big population center and that was the big concern. it was better there than expected. however, as you go up the keys, marathon, as you mentioned, here in big pine, they got hit harder than expected. and the devastation here cannot be exaggerated.
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>> that's right. we were not able to get on the ground there in the marathon area, but the c-130 that we flew did try to drop down to 2,000 feet and we were able to see a lot of evidence of storm surge damage, and boats on land. that middle area of the keys from marathon to cudjoe, they will have to rebuild. a lot of their structures have suffered quite a bit of damage. i will be able to work on a tax relief package for those that have been impacted by storms like the houston area, and that will be important to helping
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these people rebuilding their lives. >> good. >> one of the most striking things about yesterday, obviously i represent the keys, i'm down there a lot, and it's one of the most vibrant and lively places in the world, and to see it dark and quiet and like a ghost town down in key west, that was tough to witness. >> look, that is the reality, and people have to face it and know that it's real so they can make informed decisions about what to do with their lives, and those that were affected by this, they can figure out how to help. before we get back to you alisyn, i have to show you. these guys helped everybody out and now they are coming back to check out their own home. that's a big part of this story that should not be ignored. the first responders, they leave
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their homes. they are locals. they are there four everybody else and they are just now going back to see. they got lucky. he had damage ripped off on his house and he's on stilts, but the water missed him. we will show you homes and even though they were up on stilts, they still have water going through their first floor. and right now everybody is hitting on all cylinders and that's great. the reality right now is enough to handle. we will remember what happened with super storm sandy, politics can creep into what seems crystal clear at the moment, and they can attach things to clear and that can delay help and that will be unforgivable in a situation like this. as bad as sandy, the extra nation of harvey and irma can be politics. >> the terms of the flooding,
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and obviously in the keys, those are islands, and you are as far south as you can get and all the way north, jacksonville had massive flooding, and they have been dealing with it up until -- i mean, through today. officials are telling people to leave their homes now. we're going to take you there to show you what is happening in jacksonville. ng to get your medicare card number. so they can steal your identity, commit medicare fraud. what can you do? guard your card? guard your card? just like your credit card. nobody gets my number, unless i know they should have it. to protect your identity, new medicare cards without social security numbers will be mailed next year. visit stay sharp people! [fbi agent] you're a brave man, your testimony will save lives. mr. stevens? this is your new name.
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chris cuomo here in big pine key. the owner of the home behind me telling me just one more story of how this community will come together to get through this. and went down to the winn-dixie and half was blown out, and workers were there giving out water and ice no questions asked. somebody that lived through the storm as a journalist, a great resource, a cnn affiliate, cbs 4 in miami. what was it like to make it through it here in the keys? >> chris, it was a pretty terrifying experience to be down there. where you are, i am surprised you are able to broadcast where you are right now. i know that's no small feat
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because we had to carry everything out to get a cell phone. impressive you are able to do that this morning. we came in behind a bulldozer. there are several bulldozers were were stationed along the florida keys and they were literally plowing along, jet skis, refrigerators, you name it. they plowed through it. fire and rescue going through and cutting down lines. it was amazing to watch. we got to marathon and basically stayed there with the deputies that were basically hunkered down in the gymnasium. many of them looked shellshocked and many had already seen their houses completely devastated, and they were just trying to figure out what the next move was. they knew they had to get to work the next morning. it was pretty surreal to see the whole thing. the next morning, 5:30 in the morning yesterday, we pushed our way as far as we could go and that was big pine key, and
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running over and weaving through u.s. 1, and parts of the roadway are missing and washed out from the storm surge, and it was a remarkable thing to see. as we pulled into big pine key, one of the most amazing moments was seeing the key deer, and there are only a few thousand of the deer in the area, and they can swim, and i have been told they can swim as fast as 13 miles per hour, which is awesome. they were there. they were survivors. i don't know how they did it, but you have to think about it, these animals were in the water for an extended period of time dealing with that storm surge. >> yeah, we saw a lot of them last night. we came down with task force 2, the first set first responders to come in here, and they were doing assessments for all the coordinated resources that will be needed here, and i know they
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are a big tourist attraction, and this is one of the only places on the planet where you have crocodiles and alligators, and we saw them, too, last night, and you have to swim if you want to survive. people are being allowed back in if they are business owners or residents, and what do you think they will find, and even if they come back with the spirit here in the keys, no gas or power for a long time. >> yeah, i think this is a very hard reality that they are about to meet. in terms of the resilience. these are the most resilient people you will meet in america. it's unbelievable what they go through and are willing to go through to live where they live here. i have no doubt about their resolve. as they come down, it's a steady stream. these folks are only able to go
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halfway down, and the lower part, they are still not letting people down there because they are working on the roads and the neighborhoods. u.s. 1 may be cleared, but the neighbors they have to get to, we met a lot of people situated here that are stocked up with gas and ready to go down there and try to make it. without cell phone service or power, there's a limited amount of time you could probably spend down there comfortably, or if you had the resolve to sort of get things done. it's going to be interested to see what the next weeks and months are going to be for all of these residents. we know it's going to be challenging. i don't know if they are going to have to leave for a little bit and sort of get everything back together and then come back down and do what they need to do. >> it's a tough call, david. we both know that firsthand because we know the reality firsthand. it's one thing to be house proud and then the whole problem of
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letting pride overwhelm your decisions for your own safety. we will see what the future holds down here. it's going to be long rebuilding and there's going to be a lot of resources and a need for a lot of patience. thank you for having the courage to brave out the storm so you can get information out to people as soon as possible. wfor, a cnn affiliate, appreciate, brother. alisyn, another factor they will deal with. for the first responders, the heat, the humidity, and even at night it felt like it was about 90 degrees, and the sweat was immediate. you saw everybody we met, nobody had a shirt on last night because it's very difficult to be down here in the best of times in this weather at this time of year. now no power, no ac, no fans, no relief. >> understood. chris, i am so glad that david just gave us an update on the key deer because i already
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viewers e-mailing me asking to ask if you saw the deer and if they survived. >> they are all over the place. >> chris, we will be back with you in a minute. let's talk about flooding. people in jacksonville are set to return home after the raging floodwaters ripped through their city, and city leaders lifted the evacuation order just moment was go. we have haley live in jacksonville. what does it looks like? >> reporter: alisyn, so many yesterday were stunned. at its worse, the water ran as far as you can see here inland. now there's mud remaining, debris. downtown is drying out. such an incredible skwrubgs aposition just a day away. the waters rolling down here were white capping as the wind
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was ripping through, and a wind tunnel formed through the high-rises downtown. yesterday we were so stunned to see onlookers checking out the scene here today, and today these men calmly sitting here at the river's edge. i would not have dared come this close to the edge, but you can see some of the damage here, that floating dock thrusts up against the seawall there. jacksonville sheriff's department saying they rescued more than 350 people. when we visited some of the residential areas today, water, not even in peoples' yards, and all we could find was up to my ankles in riverside and san marco. very welcome news for the people of jacksonville. >> what a difference a day makes. that's incredible to look at what was a raging river downtown and now where you are standing. thank you for that reporting.
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in downtown charleston, south carolina, irma's heavy rain caused a storm surge there and there was widespread flooding throughout that city. we find nick valencia there in charleston. what is it looks like like today, nick? >> reporter: this is the scene behind me. these streets are accustomed to flooding but not necessarily like this. there was heavy storm surge, high tide just after midnight. and you lived through this last night and you lived here for 15 years and been through flooding. how is this different? >> it came in really fast last night. within 20 minutes -- >> take us down here. >> in 20 minutes it was up this high yesterday, and we were just praying that it didn't go all the way into the house and it didn't. >> reporter: some of these houses, you just recovered from hurricane matthew and the water and wind damage, and how is your home this morning? >> we're okay. the back is still all muddy. everything is muddy. we still have electricity, which is good.
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but we're just going to start cleaning up and deal with it just like matthew. >> the fact that you are dealing with it just like matthew with irma, that speaks to the impact of it, right? >> yeah, i didn't expect it to be this bad here. i am thankful we were not flooded and everybody is okay. >> reporter: block after block after block, there's so much. there's a lake that pushed a lot of the water to the community. about 24 hours is what local officials are anticipating, and we should update you as well, 100 people spent the night in shelters last night because they had nowhere else together. the city, and the sun just now shining and getting out of the worst of it. >> that's good news, and that should help, but it's going to take long time. nick, thank you for that reporting. there are other stories and there's still politics happening, believe it or not.
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steve bannon has made a comeback on "60 minutes," and he said that firing james comey was the worst mistake the white house has made in modern politics. we will speak to former defense secretary and cia director, leon pennetta, about politics and storm response next. ♪ can i get some help. watch his head. ♪
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somebody said to me that you described the firing of james comey, you are a student of history as the biggest mistake in political history? >> that would probably be too bombastic for me, but maybe modern political history. >> less than a month after leaving his post steve bannon criticizing president trump there. the white house dismissing bannon's talk as him being prone to hyperballic words. and joining us now, former white house chief of staff to clinton, leon pennetta. we will get to the response to irma, but let's start with the politics of the day.
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do you agree with steve bannon that firing fbi director james comey was a colossally bad idea? >> to that extent, bob mueller will determine if that was as big of a mistake as mr. bannon says it was. there was no question that mr. mueller will look at that firing and determine whether in any way it constituted obstruction of justice. that's going to be the issue. we will find out just how big a mistake it was depending on what mr. mueller is able to determine. >> you are a veteran of different white houses. what do you think of the strange bedfellows we are seeing where bannon is now criticizing president trump's decision and
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president trump is now seemin y be friending chuck schumer and nancy pelosi. >> president trump is very unpredictable and not tied to any kind of philosophy or direction. he goes across the board and reacts to the moment. he tweets his deepest feelings. a lot of that is being reflected now. to some extent, i'm a little surprised he didn't reach out to the democrats earlier in his administration. if he had worked with the democrats on funding infrastructure, if he had worked with them on tax reform or worked with them on budget issues, if he had worked with them on health care reform something might have gotten done. it's taken him a while. i think he does recognize the fact that if you really want to
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get some things done in the congress you are going to have to develop some kind of bipartisanship. i commend him for doing it this last time on the debt ceiling and on hurricane relief. >> how do you think the trump administration has been responding to the back-to-back natural disasters? >> my sense is that lessons have been learned here, lessons have been learned from katrina and sandy. i have to say that fema, homeland security, they have actually done well in getting ahead of these terrible hurricanes as they approach both houston and florida. they were able to develop their disaster declarations by the president. they were able to put assets in place. most importantly, they did everything necessary to back up both state and local officials. you know, this is still to be
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determined. we are in a long recovery here in both places. my experience on disasters, as you go through several stages, the first stage is shock from what happened. the second stage is frustration in trying to recognize the damage that you have to deal with. the third stage is anger. so the real test of whether they have learned how to deal with disasters will probably come with that third stage and a lot of anger by people who are trying to recover from this terrible event. >> i am just curious. what is the role of a president during a natural disaster like hurricane irma or any hurricane? is it really just sort of comforter in chief for the people hurt or is it a general where he is marshaling resources and giving directions? >> the president of the united states, as the leader of the country, really is responsible for how the country responds to
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these kinds of disasters. in one way, even though he has people who are assigned responsibility for these disasters, and if he has good people that's really important to any administration, but in the end the president has to reflect both the concern and the compassion necessary to indicate to the country as a whole and particularly to the victims of these tragedies that the country is with them and will support them and be there for any kind of necessary aid they need. so the president has to be as president of the united states the leader that says to those people, we in washington are going to do everything necessary to help you. >> you have heard that from president trump yet? >> i think what i have seen from president trump is an understanding of what people are going through, and the fact that the federal government is going to be there. i think he has very good people at fema.
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i think homeland security has done a great job. i think the department of defense has done a great job. they are there. that will be the test that whether or not they have been successful, the test is going to be whether or not they are going to be there for an effective recovery. this is going to be a long recovery, and that will determine in the end just how good this administration has been, or bad, in dealing with the disaster. >> understood. thank you. miami is cleaning up, but power, of course, is a very real problem this morning so we are there live with the latest numbers for everybody, next. check it out! self-appendectomy! oh, that's really attached. that's why i rent from national. where i get the control to choose any car in the aisle i want, not some car they choose for me. which makes me one smooth operator.
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this is ground zero for where hurricane irma made impact here in the keys just a few miles away from here, 120-mile-per-hour sustained winds. we were talking about how long can you make it and last? this is a very raw existence.
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no power or fuel or promise of it getting better anytime soon. this is remote, but even in miami, life is going to be hard for sometime to come. john berman is there as he has been from the beginning. the duration of the soaking you were getting, and time is also the factor. how long can they go without power? how long until they get relief? how long until frustration gives way? >> reporter: i think the answer to that, chris , is too long. i am standing in the street of a coconut grove neighborhood. you can see all the trees down behind me. what is interesting about this street, the trees went down and you think sometimes it's the power lines that get knocked down. the power lines were underground and the trees when they toppled over, it pulled them up. we have seen utility crews
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poking around this morning, which is a wonderful sign in this neighborhood right now. they will try and fix a broken water main behind me right now, and that could be the first order of business. the power company says they got 1 million customers back online, and still 54% of the customers in florida are still without power, and when you translate that into human beings, it's well over 10 million people in the state of florida still without power. they estimate it will take 1 million man hours, 1 million man hours to get the power back up across the state and they have people working around the clock, day and night, day and night for as long as it takes, chris. this city was pitch black last night as we drove through it. this morning they are up and people moving about and they just need to be patient.
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chris. >> what j.b. is dealing with is bad, and what they are dealing with here is bad, and it's not just about the power, it's about external power and internal power, and the heat and exhaustion, these first responders have been going since we met them days ago. it's hard for us and imagine what it's like for these people working around the clock. then you have worse. we will take a break now and when we come back we will show you something even worse. the reality, we have people stuck on st. martin island. have you seen what happened there in the caribbean? how are they making it and how long can they make it? we will check in with them next. . get your domain today, and get... ...a free trial of gocentral from godaddy
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they always refer to me as master sergeant. they really appreciate the military family, and it really shows.
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hey, how's it going? um... who are you? i'm val. the orange money retirement squirrel from voya. i represent the money you save for the future. see? we're putting away acorns to show the importance of being organized. that's smart. who's he? he's the green money you can spend now. what's up? oh you know, gonna pay some bills, maybe buy a new tennis racket. tennis racket for a squirrel? he's got a killer backhand. when it's time to get organized for retirement, it's time to get voya. here in the florida keys perspective is everything right now. you can replace everything you see that has been destroyed behind us, but not the family, those people, their pets. that's their concern, at least
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they have what matters most. and we know at least three dozen people lost their lives from this storm. imagine living through that and dealing with the aftermath now. we have people that made it out. they are back home in boston. thank god for that. they were celebrating their fourth anniversary in st. martin and they had to make it through the storm and deal with all the fear and anxiety of weathering it and getting out. how are you doing? >> we're doing okay. doing better. >> congratulations on four years of marriage. you tested for the better or worse, and you tested that and what was it like getting there and getting home? >> it was incredible. you can't really prepare anything for something that strong, but -- we could never ask for everybody stronger than
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the crew that helped us get through it. >> tell us about what it took, brian, what it took to deal with it, what it took to get out of there. tell us about it. >> it was amazing. we had really good leadership in the management team, his name was alex cantor. as we got into the thick of it, you couldn't beat the wind and you couldn't beat the installation blowing out of the walls and the roof coming off and glass breaking and we held on tight with a pillow and held on to each other. >> yeah, we were praying the whole time, god to calm the winds and rain. >> and take care of the people on the island. that was our concern, too. >> what do you think it's going to be like there for people on
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that island? >> oh, my gosh. that was the most sad thing for us. when we left the hotel to go to the airport and seen the whole devastation, everything was destroyed. it's very, very sad. we are very concerned about those people because they are running out of water and food. it was very, very sad to see, the shelters there, little kids saying their house was destroyed. it broke our hearts and it was very sad. >> it certainly makes you count your blessings. it's gives you a little bit of a duty. you need to tell all the people back in boston, as the weeks and months go by and they hear about calls to help, they may forget but you have to tell them they can't forget the people in st.
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martin like you will never forget. >> yes. >> our storm is over, but for people in texas and florida and st. martin, they have a long way to get home. we are lucky to get home and we need to make sure nobody forgets and everybody can chip in all the way through, and it's important nobody changes the channel and forgets about what happens down there. >> what was the hardest thing for you emotionally and seeing all the loss and the pain down there? >> it was a little kid i saw in the shelter. she was sharing the same room with us, and we were in a room with maybe 25 people, and she was probably 16. i asked her, where were you at the time of the storm? she said i was in the bathtub of the hotel where my mom works. she said what about your house? she said, no, my house is gone. i don't have a house.
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i don't have nothing. it was the most touching thing for me. it was very, very sad. sorry. >> you never know what life is going to bring your way. you guys learned something about each other and you learned something about the loss of those people there, and you just carry it forward and duty best you can to help them from where you are and thank god you are in a better place right now than those people back in st. martin. thank you for talking to us about what it's like and thank you for reminding everybody that they have to stay connected to the people who are in a much worse situation than they could probably imagine. thank you for talking to me this morning. i am happy you are home. >> we are too. thank you. we're just starting to learn the truth of what hurricane irma did to the hardest hit areas. that's where we are here, ground zero for the storm on the
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american exposure, and there's so much to update you, and we will take a quick break, and cnn "newsroom" will pick up with all the latest. please stay with cnn. ♪
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when heartburn hits fight back fast with tums chewy bites. fast relief in every bite. crunchy outside. chewy inside. tum tum tum tum tums chewy bites. top of the hour. 9:00 a.m. eastern. good morning, everybody. i am poppy harlow in new york. >> i am john berman in miami. as bad as it looks around me, even with all of these trees down everywhere i look, it could be worse. how do we know that? because it's worse, much worse in the florida keys. fema just told us initial estimates are 25% of homes there were destroyed. 25%. 65% were damaged. no power. no communications. little to no drinking water. search and rescue teams are now getting in. the


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